The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JULY 24, 1916.
A Large Crowd Present to Witness
the Came, and Many From the
Io"a Town.
The Malvern, Iowa bae ball team
journeyed over yesterday afternoon
tr do battle -.ith the redoubtable Red
'' of this city and as a result of
their visit returned homeward defeat
ed, by the score of 8 to and were
rt a'iy lucky to .-'.euro these lonely
tallies. The gr.rr.e wa decidedly rag
;d wiih a greal many cviors on boll.
: id s. For the Soy, Dykj of Omaha
was on the mound anil succeeded in
: ti ikbijv out eleven of the Iowa base
ai."t.-, and was in ?rod form with
the exception of th- fourth inning
"Alien thro- straight hits were made
off of his delivery giving one of the
visitor.-.' scores. Harry Craig was the
batting star of the .fame with a home
iun poke over the left field fence
and Rockwell was able to secure a
three hr.girer off of one of the slants
-f Mr. McCerd.
The first inning was without re
sult in the way of scoring and the
start looked like a real hall frame but
the Son found the weak spot of the
Iowa aggregation in the second and
tallied twice. Ilerold opened the in-j-ing
with a grounder to third and
was out at the initial station. Rock
well opened the excitement by smash
ing the pi!l to the center field fence
for a three bagger and was followed
by Beesley with a safety to the cen
ter garden that brought Rocky home
with the first run of the game. Huff
struck out. Dyke hit to third where
the bail was muffed and Reesley scor
ed while Dyke was safe at first, but
did not go any farther as Ciaig
struck out.
In the third th? Iowa lads gathered
in run. G. Rarkus. opening the inninc
was safe at first on an trror by
Reesley at short and the two succeed
ing bat: rs fanned the air but on the
hit of Mc ord ever short. Rurkus
scored the opening run for Malvern.
The fourth again was a lucky ses
sion for the Iowa team as they forced
over the second tally rn a combina
tion of hits. Jonc, hit -rife to center
field and was followed by L. Rarkus
with a drive to the left garden which
brought in the lond de-sired run by
Jones, but this was i s far as the
scoi in ," went as II. Earkus was
caught out trying to -t':al secono and
G. Rnrl.u: and Sieve:: or; Loth far. ne J
T'io fifth inning va the big one
for the Sox as they added three more
to their growing list of scores due to
a number of ei rors perpetrated by
the demoralised Iowa aggregation.
Crt the first man up hit to left
fiebi for two bags but was put out
while trying to pilfer third base.
Real was able to get on by McCord
dropping his fly and later scored on
the hit of Ilerold to left field. I'ar
riott wa- safe on a drive to third
base and both Purriott and Ilerold
scored when Rockwell drove a hot
one down to short stop. Reesley clos
ed the inning by striking out.
The sixth was alo a little spot of
sun.-bine for the locals when two
Let Us Assist You in Planning Your
New Residence!
You are no doubt in the same position that a great many others of this city
aud community are in. You want a new home, and if you had a little assistance
in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your
new home you might build now.
We have just received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate
of lumber bills for each and every structure in this great volume, all of which
will be of great aid to you in planning a new home, all free to you by calling at
our lumber office. This volume also contains the plans of combination barns
and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to
show prospective building of these Sort of structures.
This is Our Line and We Will Be Glad to Help You!
Our Lumber and Building Line is Complete &
Lumber and Building
more of the crimson hosed warriors
rattled over the plate. Huff, as the
first man up, was retired on a
grounder to second base and followed
by Dyke who was out on a grounder
te- first. Craig then proceeded to open
things up with a fine drive over the
left field fence for a homer. Beal fol
lowed with a hot one to third that
was thrown away by the fielder. Par
riott hit to third and was safe on a
wild heave to first and on which Beal
rame home. Smith closed the inning
with a grounder to shortstop.
In the seventh the locals again
lallied. Ilerold was retired on a fly
catch in left field and was followed
by Rocky who picked out a nice one
and pasted it for a safe hit to right
field and scored when Reesley hit to
right garden for a safety, but Bee
slcy was tagged out at home in trying
to stretch the three bagger into a
home run. Huff was the last out on a
grounder to McCord.
The visitors tallied their last run
in the eighth and after a futile effort
in the ninth inning retired and de
parted homeward defeated by a very
decisive stwo. '
The following is the summary of
AB. II. PO. A. E.
Real. cf. 5 2 1 0 0
Parriott, 3b 4 1 1 2 1
Smith, rf 4 0 0 0 0
Herold, c 4 1 12 1 0
Rockwell, If 4 2 3 0 0
Reesley, ss 4 ?, 0 3 1
Huff, 2b 4 0 1 3 0
Dyke, p 4 0 0 0 0
Craig, lb 4 2 0 1
Total 37 11 27 0 3
AR. II. PO. A. E.
McCord, p 5 2 1 3 0
Masters, 2b 4 1 9 0 2
Pickens, c-2b. ..4 0 5 2 0
Jones, cf 4 1 1 0 0
L. Rarkus, 3b. . . 4 2 1 1 1
H. Rarkus, ss. . . 4 2 1 3 1
G. Raikus. lb. ..4 1 7 1 1
Stevenson, If. . . 4 0 1 0 0
R. Rarkus, rf. . . 4 0 0 0 0
Total 37 27 10 5
Albert Sattk-r, the eldest son of
Mayor and Mrs. John P. Sattler of
this city, has become one of the mem
bers of the American army now as
sembled on the Mexican border. Al
bert enlisted in the Oklahoma Na
tional Guard on June 22, and is at
piesent stationed near Brownville,
Tex., to look after the work of patrol
ing the border. The news of the en
listment of the young man was quite
a surprise to the family and friends
in this city as the first intimation of
his intenton to become one of the
soldier boys was when a card was
received from the border where he
has been for the past few weeks. The
young man is showing the true spirit
of Americanism and proposes to as
sist in the defense of the Old Flag.
Dr. E. W. Cook, James Robertson,
Clarence L. Beal and W. A. Robert
son departed this morning on a trip
out in the country for the day and
will then go on to Lincoln to attend
the republican state convention to
morrow. io)nryi
Another Serious Automobile Accident
in Which Both Cars Were
Badly Injured.
Another very serious automobile
accident occurred yesterday morning
on the main road just south of the
home of Charles E. Cook and result
ed in considerable damage to the big
Studebaker car belonging to Thede
Amick and a Buick Six-roadster from
South Auburn, Neb. Mr. Amick had
started out with a party consisting
of Anton and John Toman, Henry
Brinkman, Anton Hasson, Frank
Ashenbrenner and James Newasek,
and they were intending to drive to
the farm home of John Warga, some
four miles south of the city on the
Reck Bluffs road. As the car of Mr
.Amick was traveling south on the
main road near the Cook place, they
were caught by the car from Auburn
owned by a man named Tom Court
ney and the whole rear of the Amick
car suffered a great deal of damage
will total close to $300 to repair. The
differential, brake rod and the rear
spring on the right hand side of the
car were broken and will take a great
deal of time and money to place in
good shape. The car from Auburn
was in very bad shape as a result of
the encounter and the whole right
side of the machine was battered up.
The front fender was bent back al
most double, both of the front springs
were broken, the lamp on the right
hand side of the car bent and an ex
tia tire which was fastened on the
right hand side of the machine had
had a large hole torn in it and this
will total quite a neat sum of money
before it can be replaced. The car
from Auburn which was of the road
ster type had two men and two ladies
in it and was coming at a good rate
of speed eastward when it struck the
car of Mr. Amick and the only won
der is that some of the party were
not killed or badly injured as a re
sult of the mixup. The car was com
ing at such a rate of speed that it
tipped the heavy car of Mr. Amick's
cn one side and after being almost
demolished continued on quite a dis
tance across the road ana into a
i fence. A number of those witnessing
the accident state that had the Au
burn car not struck the machine of
Mr. Amick they woud certainly have
been thrown into the fence as the car
was going at a rate that made turn
ing the corner almost impossible and
the occupants seemingly not aware
that they would have to turn into tha
r.cith or south at this point. Both
machines were brought in and placed
in the Amick garage to undergo re
pairs. The loss to both automobiles
will easily reach $500 and possibly
'A a
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Saturday evening was quite a busy
occasion for the police force and &
number of the late celebrators were
also gatheied in yesterday to rest up
from their over-indulgence in stimu
lants as well their warlike actions.
William Sutton was the first to be
gathered in Saturday when he be
came involved in trouble by making
some very strong remarks to two
ladies and this coming to the ears of
the husband of one of the ladies, he
proceeded to work on William and
then Chief of Police Barclay descend
ed on the scene and gathered Mr. Sut
ton in and placed him in jail where he
rested for a short time until a cash
bond of $5 was put up for his appear
ance, he was released to go on his
way, and this morning forfeited the
bond in the court of Judge M. Archer.
Frank Fraser and John Miller, both
of whom had acquired a great deal
more of the product of John Barley
corn than they could handle were
taken in yesterday by the police. Of
ficer Jones securing Fraser while
Chief of Police Barclay brought Mil
ler in to answer for their misdeeds.
The two men are working out in the
country as farm hands and on the
promise to get out to their work and
not ' cause any further disturbance
they were allowed to leave town, and
agreed to return next Saturday even
ing and settle their account with the
A warrant was also issued for the
arrest of Joseph Tague on a charge
of injuring the shade trees along
Chicago avenue by hitching his horses
to them and causing a great deal of
damage to the trees, and he will be
brought in to answer to this charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osborne, Willis
Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Os
borne autoed down to Peru Sunday
in their car to spend the day with
Wm. Osborne and family.
Wm. Buster stopped over Tuesday
evening on his return from a visit of
several weeks at his old home near St.
Joe, Mo. He was on his way home at
Chas. Rivett who has been doing
the work at the Elmwood State Bank
building was. forced to give up his
work Friday on account of an at
tack of rheumatism and return to his
home in Lincoln.
Mrs. R. C. King and son, Ross, re
turned on Monday for a few days visit
! ere. They will pack their goods and
ship them to Chadron, Neb., where
they will make their future home.
Mr. Alex. Mitchell, 89 years old and
one of the widely known octogenar
ians, had the misfortune lately to be
bitten by a cat. While very painfu
the wound is healing without anv of
the dangerous symptoms to be feared
in such a case.
Mrs. Ralph Uhley is visiting at the
home of Mr. Uhley's parents Mr. and
Mrs. L. F. Uhley, at this place and at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
J. P. Rouse, and a sister. Mrs. O. D
Quelhorst. Mr. Uhley is filling the
station agent's place at Weeping
Water for several months while he
is taking a vacation.
The little daughter, Catherine, o
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jeary was bitten
by a coyote-dog- last week where she
had been visiting with her mother
at the H. Dettman home at Imperial
Nebraska. The bite was quite severe
and painful and while it will take
some time for the wound to heal it is
not expected that it will prove serious
in any way.
J. P. Cobb received a card from J
D. Fentiman, who left Thursday
morning- of last week in their large
Overland turing car for Waterloo,
Iowa. The card states that they ar
rived all right Saturday morning at
11 o'clock and that they had encount
ered some muddy roads. Between the
lines could be read that Dan expected
to have a big time.
The sad news of the death of Mrs,
B. A. Root at Cozad comes as a shock
to the relatives and friends residing
in this vicinity. The doctor and his
family were on an auto trip to Colo
rado for a months outing. At Cozad
Mrs.' Root was taken ill with appendi
citis and was operated on with no
avail. The funeral services were held
at York where the family have lived
for several years. Dr. Root was a
former assistant postmaster at this
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
The Robert Mantell of Fildom
On Wedneday and Thursday at the
Airdome will be shown "The Aveng
ing Conscience," a feature in six reels
which will be presented by an all star
cast including Henry B. Walthal
Blanche Sweet. Soottiwoode Atken
and this mysterious and masterfu
picture drama has been acclaimed one
of the greatest of that master genius
D. W. Griffith. The play is taken
from Edgar Allen Poe's "The Telltale
Heart" and "Annabel Lee" and is a
stirring play. The story of the play is
as follows:
"The Avenging Conscience" is
drama of the mind, completely visua
lized throughout and with a thorough
ly connected story. Though it deals
with the penence inflicted upon a mur
derer by his own conscience, this pen
ance is so personified that the result
is a very graphic narrative. This is
brought about by the use of some ex
traordinary photographic effects
which show the dead man returning to
haunt the living murderer, who
imagines, among other things, that he
can hear the heart of the dead man
still beating. "The Avenging Con
science" was suggested by Edgar Al
len Poe's famous story "The Telltale
Heart" (which contains the idea o
the murderer listening to the heart
beats of the man he killed- and by
Poe's famous poem of "Annabel Lee.
The plot follows: A baby boy has
been left to the care of his uncle, after
his mother's death. This uncle raises
the boy with the greatest care, hoping
that he will develop into a literary
jrenius. The uncle's ambitions for the
young man seems about to be realised
when the youth becomes infatuated
with a young woman, who reciprocates
his love to such an extent that they
are completely wrapped up in each
other. When the girl, "Annabel,
comes to take the young man to ;
garden party, the uncle insults her by
saying that she is pursuing his nephew
"like a common woman of the town.'
As a result of the uncle's interference.
the young people finally decide to sep'
Now come black and revengefu
thoughts to the mind of the young
man. Only that day he has been read
ing "The Telltale Heart" and some of
Poe's poems. He thinks of the happi
ness that he and his sweetheart might
have if only his uncle were out of the
way. With all the skill of Poe's char
acter in "The Telltale Heart," he
forms his plan to slay his uncle.
It is then that the saving grace of
conscience demonstrates its power.
How the avenging conscience in this
case operates and how its influence
in a mysterious manner, is used to
prevent a terrible tragedy, can better
be told by pictures itself. It seems as
if Conscience were God's way o
shielding mortals from fatal sin.
The subtle working of the inner
conscience, beyond the power of men
tal control, finds expression in the
weird visions that torture the cul
prit's brain. Avenging thoughts, such
as Poe might have conceived, are
made real to the quaking youth. Re
lentless fate seems to drive him to
despair until
But the end is the mot unexpected
part of all and shows that suffering
may teach virtue, that even the dark
est cloud may have its lining of silver
though the existence of that silver
lining has been entirely unsuspected.
Two J. I. Case complete rigs, en
gine and steel seperators. One Peer
less engine and Nickles & Shepherd
seperator. Trade or sale. Good terms.
One ten horse portable gas engine.
One John Deere, six hole, corn shel
ler complete. Frank E. Vallery, Mur
ray, Neb.
$20 per acre if taken at once. Write
Bert Ostrom, Max, Neb.
T T T T t T T T .Tt.
Carpenters are at work this week
building the new front porch at the
I. N. Hunter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller are re
joicing over the arrival Sunday July
16th, of a nine pound Daby girl.
Rollie Rector received a badly
sprained ankle while working at the
Anderson quarry Monday.
. Miss Gertrude Cole and Mrs. Her
man Behrne left the first of the week
for a visit at Crystal Lake, Minn.
Mrs. E. J. DeWolf returned Tues
day morning from Avoca where she
was nursing at the Lester Hoback
T. F. Jameson has completed the
foundation for a two room addition
to his residence that he will build
probably this fall.
Frank Holland, who has been work
ing for some time for his uncle Fred
Bailey, left Monday for a visit with
his parents at Buffalo, Montana.
The foundation has been laid and
work will soon commence on the build
ing of the new ice house for Peter
Miller and son-in-law, Martin Johnson.
H. R. Mitchell, Thomas Crozier and
daughters, Mrs. John Prichard and
Miss Alice Crozier, motored to Lin
coin Friday where Miss Alice had an
X-ray photograph taken of a tooth
that was causing trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Cromwell were
rather concerned over the news reports
a few days ago of the serious floods in
North Carolina, as their son Richard,
was in that exact vicinity having gone
out there from Kaleigh, where he is
doing work in plant pathology. No
word has been heard from him as Bill Mark and Bill Brown went fish
yet, but they take it for granted that Jnp gunday morninJ and we were pone
he is all right, and expect to get word
M11!11!11!1 11 1"!1 11 M"M"M"I
Miss Marie Stroemer, of Alvo, vis-
ited the latter part of last week at the
Ed Carr home.
Threshing was resumed in this vi
cinity Thursday after a few days de
lay on account of the wet weather.
, , , . .f XT , , r,..
car load of hogs to the Nebraska City
A f-I VoTi QniinrrhQTTi chirtnAii o
market this, Friday morning. He ac
companied the car.
The condition of Chas. Price, who
suffered a stroke of paralysis last week
is very serious and chances for his
recovery are grave.
A good, soaking rain fell here Sun
day night and Monday afternoon which
delayed threshing a coup'e of days but
was good for the corn.
John Gustin and familv autccd over
from Murdock Sunday and spent the
day at the Ed Carr home Mrs Gus
tin and Mrs. Carr were schoolmates
When Dr. C. H. Longacre came
down to his office Wednesday morning
he was all smiles and upon inquiring
why in such a pleasant mood we
, till 1 11
learned that a seven-pound son had
, . , ., . .
arrived at his home that morning,
Wednesday, July 19th.
The unexpected turn in Mrs. Lan
ning's illness, her return to the hos
pital, followed by her death, has caus
ed deep sorrow to the community.
She was a noble woman and it can
be truthfully said none knew her but
to love her, none named her but to
A barn on the farm of the Maurer
hrothers north of Eatrle was struck
by lightning Monday morning about
4 o'clock and a valuable horse killed.
George Maurer was sleeping in the
hay loft at the time, about six feet
from where the lightning struck and
did not even feel anv effects of the
shock although splinters were thrown
all about him.
J. I
4. 1
M..T..T..I. .T-M..T..T. .T..T..?..?..?. .I-T..M.
Born. Friday. July 14th. to Mr.
and Mrs. John Koop. a eirl.
Edward Kelly, of Greenwood, visit -
ed here Tuesday with his uncle, Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinkamp
drove to Blair the first of the week
or a short visit with relatives.
E. F. Steinhaus and family return-
ed Tuesday evening for a week's auto
trip to Creston, Madison and Wisner,
Neb., where they visited with rela-
tives. I
At the primaries held last Saturday
evening the democrats nominated John
Group for precinct assessor and James
M. Hoover was nominated by the re-
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
E. A. Stander, who has been ill for
some time, is improving a little atjty
present and is reported as resting
Superintendent W. J. O'Brien, of
the state fisheries, was in town Wed
nesday. He says he has never known
the Platte river to be lower at this
season of the year than at present.
Mrs. S. J. Givens, who is seriously
ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
H. N. Taylor, is gradually failing and
no hopes are entertained for her re
covery. Her son, James Givens and
wife, of Millard came down Tuesday
to spend the day with his mother and
other relatives.
The contract for the erection of the
new Methodist Episcopal church in
Louisville was awarded to G. G. Sin
clair, a Lincoln contractor, Wednes
day. Mr. Sinclair has just completed
the erection of a fine church building
at Beartice and the people of that city
are enthusiastic in their praise for
his work. He will be here Monday
morning to begin the work.
'a"V"a A A A A A A
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mclntyre of
Lincoln, spent a few days with rela
tives here this week.
Miss Elma Hall went to Nebraska
City Wednesday morning to tnko
teachers examination.
Postmaster Sikes who is taking a
much needed vacation on the Pacific
coast is enjoying himself.
Everett Hunt and Miss Mary Ne-
votny attended the funeral of Charles
Hiatt in Plattsmouth this afternoon.
Rev Randall and familv left Tues-
day nipht for Neligh, Nebraska, for a
two weeks visit with Mrs. Randall's
J relatives.
just about one hour and came back
with about 15 pounds of cat and carp.
Misses Tuchenhagen and Everett
came up from Lincoln Fridau evening
where they have been attending uni
versity. They returned to their
5" I studies Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Miller enter
tained with a fine country dinner Sun
dav. Those fortunate enoutrh to be in
atndanpt, were. Mvron Lvnde and
family. Roy Upton and family and
Chas. Mclntyre and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Eaton left for
River Sioux, Iowa, Monday, to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Eaton's father,
Wiley Meade. Mr. Meade is also the
. . v. . .
lather or jvirs. iora .Mday. lie is
well known here as he was formerly a
resident of Union, and acquaintances
are grieved to hear of his death.
"II"a,,I !
- '. News
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Crom,
Friday, July 14, a baby boy.
Mrs. Frank Stout returned to her
home in Linooln after a week's visit
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Vilas
Sheldon and family.
Qt0; ;
A'Attllt ObWVJIUlllK, L-l It VUV1U11 ill
,v . ,,r . ,p ,
Weeping Water Tuesday were sur-
see so many smallpox
quarantine signs up. Funny isn't it?
Miss Edna Stoll returned home from
Plattsmouth Sunday afternoon after
a few days visit with friends. She
was escorted to Nehawka bv a car
load of the young people she had been
Misses Mollie and Anna Greenburg,
of Omaha, returned home last Satur-
ailer a "
I J n j. ii t f
Wunderlich home. They were taking
au:an.aKe 01 w,l?ir vacation arm spent
,n the country.
air. and jMrs. Lhas. btone were
down from Elmwood visiting at the
D. C. West home Sunday. Mr. Stone
is cashier of the Elmwood State Bank
land we can safely say Charlie is do
ing extra well in his new location.
Everyone has had their wheat and
practically all their oats harvested.
jimany are tnresning wnne some are
jstacking. The weather has been ideal
for harvesting but a good ram at this
time would be a great benefit. Corn
is still in good condition and promises
a bumper crop.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sheldon and
daughter Isadore and Misses Anna
Peterson and Roenna Pollard left early
Monday morning for Vermont and
other eastern states. The trip is being
made in the former's car. They will
visit numerous places of interest along
the way and expect to return about
September 1st.
Herbert Opp who had been in the
Sweedish Emanuel Hospital in Oma-
ha for two weeks recovering from an
operation for acute aDnendieitis rp-
turned home last Thursday afternoon.
- 1 1
Herbert is looking well considering
what he underwent and he will be
back at his old stand at the meat mar-
Iket before a great lencth of time.
1 -j o-
An inch of rain fell in Chase Coun-
last Wednesday night.