The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 13, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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PAGE 5.""
THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1916.
Bulletin No. 7
Aren't the People Entitled
to Know Ail the Facts?
The House of Representatives in appropriating $11,000,000 to build a Govern
ment armor plant, voted down a proposal that books be kept so the public could
know exactly how much Governiucnt-juade armor will cost.
Advocates of a Government plant expect to get armor cheaper. by then refuse
to look facts in the face? '
Wc can and will make armor for the Government
cheaper than it can do it for itself and we want
to prove it.
If our oner to do so is to be rejected, aren't the people entitled
to know exactly vhat the Government-made product costs?
That question is now before the Senate of the United Stales.
CII VS. M. SCHWAB, Ct.airman
TLGtl.NK G. C-JIACE, rrotiJeni
Bethlehem Steel Company
Iven Hie Hog Needs Correct Fesdfn
I 'rofessor D. Mclruo.-di. V. S., in his hook on swine says, '"First vc
should follow natures steps lis closely us possible a:iu consider the pi;r
in its natural state and crive it as nearly as possible what nature in
tended for it.''
The stomach of the pig in
its natural state is small. iy
L'ivir.j: larre quant kies of food
the toma-h become.- swollen
so that it cannot unaidtd di
frest its ;Vud properly. Tiie
unuie-ted food passing into
the intestines .-ets up irrita
tion, develops microbes and
produces uiseasc.
STANDARD HOG REGULATOR assists nature in a natural man
ner and prevents this from happening.
WEYRIGH KA0R3A, ExgIusSvs Egenis
Headquarters for the complete Standard Line.
T 1 , nnvricl.
! tv members ana was aiuits cm-. engaged in all the activities of the
I school. He will 'be greatly missed by
a large. circle of friends.
On Saturday evening the Dramatic
club again presented their annual
nlav. ''The New Lady Eantock." ThU
v.-ork was done in a splendid manner
characteristic of these young people.
Ecch part was suggestive of profes
sionals rather than amateurs. The
principal parts were taken by Bertha
Franmer cf Oakland, Ilena Burgess
oi Cedar Rapids, Marie Finley of Wy
mcre. Inez McDowell of Lyons, Louis
Chard of Brock, Harry Tittman of
Dunbar and Harry Amende of Syra
cuse. On Monday evening Prof. E. A.
Whitenack lectured on "'Home Life in
Germany." Prof. Whitenack was for
p number of years at the head of the
German departement in Feru Normal,
He now holds a similar position in
the normal at River Falls, Wisconsin.
After the lecture a recepetion was
tendered Prof. Whitenack by the mem
bers cf the faculty.
Miss Lou Ella Hasmer, head of the
Z '. kindergarten department, left on Sat--l-
urday for her home in LaPorte, In
: uiar.a, where she wiil spend her va-V-j
cation. Miss Katherine Gamble will
j have; charge of tMiss Hasmer's work
On the evening of July C, we were ! during her absence.
. 4
privileged to hear Miss Augusta Len
ska, a contralto soloist of remarkable
ability, who is a grand opera singer.
All who heard Miss Lenska are en
thusiastic in their praise of this en
tertainment. She is a very delightful
singer and has a very charming manner.
The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C.
A. met together Sunday afternoon in
a memorial service forSam Dressder,
who was drowned July 2, in the Mis
rouri river. Mr. Dressier was a jun
ior in the Normal and had attended
this :-chool three years. He was very
popular with both students and facul-
Mis Laura Puis of Murray was
in the city last evening for a few
hours visiting with friends.
For earache, toothache, pains,
burns, rcalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem
edy for emergencies.
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
Let Us I
kssisi You in Planning Y our
New Residence!
You ar no doubt in the same iosition tliat a great many others of this city
and community are in. You want a new home, and if you had a little assistance
in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your
new home you might build now.
We have just received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate
of lumber bills for each and every structure in this, great volume, all of which
will be of great aid to you in planning a new. home, all free to you by calling at
our lumber otiice. This volume also contains the plans of combination barns
and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to
show prospective building of these sort of structures.
This is Our Line and We Will Be Glad to Help You!
Our - Lumber and BiiiMirig Line is Complete
EEs n
Lumber and Building Material. Flsttsmouth, Nebraska J
Plattsmouth, Neb., July C, 1910
The board met pursuant to rui
jcurnnxnt. 'lfsent: C. E.
Henry Snoke sr.d Julis A. Pitz, Coun
ty mmisiioj ers, and - runk J. Lib
crshal, county clerk. Minutes of pre
vious session read and approved,
when the following; business was
transacted in regular form: County
Clerk reported balance in County
Treasury at close of business June
30, liU6, to be $89,308.32. Pvegister of
Deeds filed report of fees earned,
second quater 1910, $52.90. County
Cierk filed report of fees earned, sec
ond quarter 1910, SliuO.OO. Clerk of
District Court filed report of fees
earned, second quartes 191G, SG42.57.
County Judge filed report of fees
earned, second quarter 1916, $491.45.
County Judge Allen J. Beeson filled
an order with the County Clerk ex
tending the mother's pension granted
Mrs. Edith Duckworth for a period
not exceeding six months unless soon
er modified or rescinded by said
court. Same was approved by the
A, petition signed by Orlando Tefft
and forty other residents of Avoca
precinct, Cass County, Nebraska, re
questing the Board of Commissioners
to appoint Fred Bartell as Justice of
the Peace, for said precinct, received
and appointment made by the board.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund of the county:
A. G. Cole, salary and ex
penses $104.5-1
Opal Fitzgerald, cierk hire co.,
attorney and supt 40.00
W. K. Fox. postage for first
half of 1910
Mrs. Belie Grassman, care of
dependent1 children, July...
Mrs. Emma C. Miller, same..
Mrs. Margaret Leland, same..
Mrs. Lillian B Baker, same..
Mrs. Stella I'ersinger, same..
Mrs Clara Matzke, same....
Mrs. Ida Schlieske, same....
Mrs. Augusta Brandt, same..
Mrs. Dora rieischman, care
of blind man, second quar
ter, 1910
C. E. Hecbner, salary and
Henry Snoke, same
Julius A. Pitz, same
Mrs. A. L. Marshall, care of
Max Barger, second quarter
Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co., rents
and tolls
A. W. Morse & Co., toilet
Frank Lanning, auto livery to
Commissioner Snoke
Eda Marquardt, salary and
Geo. Trukenboltz, coal to A.
Lorenz Bros., merchandise to
F. Svoboda
J. F. Brendel, coroner inquest,
Andrsw Sander 14.60
J. E. Meisinger, jury inquest,
Andrew Sander
K. A. Meisinger, same
Jacob Fornoff, same
Philip Fornoff, same
Baltz Meisinger, same
Peter Meisinger, same
H. L. Alexander, witeness, in
quest, Andrew Sander
II. II. Sander, same
James Robertson, salary and
expense second quarter . 198.50
Hans Sievers, salary and laun
Dr. G. II. Giirnore, insane case
Albert Kline
J. E. Douglas, same
James Robertson, same .
C. D. Quinton, same
Dr. I. D. Jones, witness in in
sane case Albert Kline....
Mrs. I. D. Jones, same
J. C. Kline, same
W. O. Gillespie, same
Dr. G. H. Gilmore, insane case"
Joseph Droege, 8.00
J. E. Douglas, same 300
James Robertson, same 5.50
C. D. Quinton, same 28.05
Dr. E. W. Cook, witness in
case Joseph Droege 2.10
William Barclay, same 2.10,
C. D. Quinton, same 2.00
Mrs. Jos. Droege, same .... 2.10
J. H. Tarns, salary and ex
pense" 104.50
Weeping Water Republican,
notice of Board of Equaliza
tion and report cards 8.05
Crozier Brothers, merchandise
Miss McGinnis 5-00
B. C. Marquardt & Co., mer
; chandise to Mrs. Cotting-
ham 10.00
Fred Patterson, office work.. 30.00
Plattsmouth Water Co., water
to city hall and jail
A. W. White, merchandise to
Mrs. McPherson
Dr. G. H. Gilmore, insane case
J. E. Douglass, same 3.00
James Robertson, same 4.90
C. D. Quinton, same 2.20
William Barclay, witness in
insane case of Frederick
Dietl 2.10
J. II. Tarns, same 2.20
A. G. Cole, same 2.00
Hans Sievers, same 2.00
Frank J. Libershal, salary and
expense 205.43
H. M. Soennichsen, merchan
dise to county 40c, Rinker,
$5; Collins, $5; Chambers,
$10; Meisel, $10; Worden,
$6.00 37.00
J. H. Thrasher, bailiff's cert.. 6.00
A. W. White merchandise to
farm 41.83
Nebraska Light Co., Gas ' and
electric light to county 17.19
Hammond & Stephen.1, sup
plies to County Supt. 2.06
Kroehler Bros., hardware, etc.
to citv hall 11.25
Eagle Beacon, printing to
Sunt 2.05
W. R. Bryan, salary and ex
pense of County Assessor
1910 652.36
Arno Bushnell, work in asses-
1 sors office, June 100.00
Elmwood Leader Echo, notice
of Board of Equalization . . .95
Peter Claus, window shades to
court house 1-50
C. E. Hartford, coal to farm.. 4.90
Mrs. Edith Duckworth, care
of dependent children, July 25.00
Mrs. Edna Denson, same, June 30.00
E. A. Wurl, merchandise to
Hobson sisters, $10; Mon
roe, S10 20.00
C. P. Lanham, damage to au
tomobile . . . 20.00
The following claims were allowed
on the Road Fund of the County:
Fred Clark, road work, Road
District 11 111.80
Walter Byers, road work,
Road District 27, 36.75
G. W. Harshman, jr., road
work, Road District 13, 225.30
Aug. Krecklow, road work,
Road District 8 65.65
J. C. . Lomeyer, road work,
Road District 5 114.50
J. E. Wright, sharpening
grader, Road District 16. . . . 5.00
Chas. Frohlich, road work,
Road District 16 22.00
J. L. Wall, road work, Road
District 16, 84.70
J. L. Wall, road work, Road
District 6 12.10
William Both well, sharpening
grader, Roard District 16.. 7.50
R. B. Leffler, road work, Road
District 9 43.05
J. Adams, tiling for Road Dis
trict 16 5.00
William H. Rush, road work,
Road District 7 S0.00
Tool, Nauman & Murtey, ma
terial for Road District 7.. 103.56
Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank
Co., culverts, Roard District
11 39.00
J. M. Hoover, road work, Road
District 3 44.S0
John H. Busche, mad work,
Road District 2 163.60
Walter J. Ciouse, road work,
Road District 4 82.10
George F. Oeklerking, road
work, Road District 15 19.20
E. T. Toll, sand for District 4, 2.57
T. F. Stroud & Co., scraper,
Road District 10 6.50
Murray Hardware and Imple
ment Co., wire to Road Dis
trict 27, 3.50
W. J. Partridge, ' road work,
Road District 13 55.00
W. J. Partridge, road work,
Road District 12 16.00
Butts & Hendrix, hardware to
Road District 5 2.00
J. A. Schwab, clearing brush
along land, District 27,
$15.00, claim refused.
C. F.'Vallery, road work, Road
District 1 8.00
F. W. Nolting, road work,
Road District 1 6.20
John A. Long, road work,
Road District 1 3.20
The following claims were allowed
on the Dragging Fund:
Fred Clark, dragging, District
11 16.49
Aug. Krecklow, dragging Dis
trict 27 11.65
Ray Chriswisser, dragging,
District 27 10.05
John H. Busche, dragging,
District 2 33.75
Walter J. Ciouse, dragging,
District 4 19.10
Tom Smith, dragging, District
10 31.47
E. H. Norris, dragging, Dis
trict 13 12.35
Georeg F. Oehlerking, drag-
trine. District 15 9.00
JP M. Hoover, dragging, Dis
trict 3 5.50
C. M. Read, dragging, District
27 4.50
William H. Rush, 'dragging,
W District 7 49.00
W. ' J. Partridge, dragging,
District 13 7.50
W. J. Partridge, dragging,
District 12 2.25
T. H. Hartsook, dragging,
District 5 22.50
Earl Cole, dragging, District
Clearance Sale Now On !
Will Continue Until This Lot is Sold at
Prices Quoted:
Zuckwefler Lutz
House dresses, 1 lot made of a good
quality cambric, light gound neat fig
ure well made, bought to retail at
$1.50 to close out at per garment 98c.
A small lot of street dresses made
of Tissue, these were priced at each
$3.00, to close out we offer them at
One lot of House Dresses made of
neat stripes of gingham, formerly
sold at $1.25 each, to close out at 98c.
Bungalow aprons, 1 lot made of a
good grade of percale to close out
at per garment 49c.
One lot of Bungalow aprons that
were priced at $1., in good materials,
we offer same at per garment, 89c.
One lot of Childrens Dresses, sizes
for age 4, 6and 8 years, to close them
out we offer them at each 59c. These
are neatly made of nice materials.
Colored Silk Petticoats, the grade
that was priced at per garment $4.00
we offer at each $2.59. The grade
that was priced at $2.50 we now offer
at each $159. The $1.25 garment in
satteen we now offer at per garment
Ladies White Petticoats, trimmed
with laoe also embroderies, that were
priced at $1.50 each to close out we
offer same at $1.10.
The - grade that Nld at S1.25 we
will close out at per garment 98c. .
The $1. grade we offer now at 69c.
Corset Covers that were priced at
each 35c will be closed out at each
Ladies muslin pants that sold up as
high as 50c per pair we offer now at
per garment 25c.
A nice lot of Embroideried Flounc-
ings, 4o-inch wide, that were priced
at per yard $2. We offer to close out
at per yard $1.45.
One lot that was priced at per yard
at $1.65 will be sold at $1.10.
One lot that was priced at per yard
85c will be sold at 05c per yard.
One lot will be sold at 49c.
The above are mostly of OrganJics,
Batists and Voil materials.
A lot of 27-inch wide Embroider
ies to match the above at a cut price.
One lot of Embroideries that were,
priced at 25c per yard, we offer now
at per yard 19c. Edges and Inser
tions to match.
One lot of Embroideries from 2 to
7 inches wide, former price 10c and
15c, now go at per yard 8c.
One lot to close at per yard 5c.
One lot of wash goods that were
priced at per yard 12 c, we offer
at per yard 9c.
One lot that were priced at 2."c
per yard, we now offer at per yard
One odd lot of white good, sliphtly
soiled, a bargain at per yard 13c.
One lot of Red Seal Gingham at
per yard 10c.
30-inch parcales Grey, Blues, Light
colors at per yard l(c.
One case of Pepperell sheets 9-1
2 yards, 9-4 2 3-4 yards.
Fruit of the Loom sheets, 9-4 2'i
yards, 9-4 2 3-4 yards for just tho
price per yard of the same grade of
sheeting these are torn and hemed.
Ask to see them.
One small lot of odd shoes fr
Misses at per pair 90c.
A. L. Todd, same
C. F. Vallery, same
F. W. Nolting, same
R. A. Troop, same
John P. Meisinger, same
C. L. Wiles, same
The following claims were allowed
on the Commissioners Road Fund:
W. J. Partridge, road work.
Center precinct, Commis
sioners District 2 45.00
Rouse & Hurlbut, road work,
Greenwood precinct, Dis
trict 3 128.00
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge Fund:
J, Adams, bridge material.... 5.15
bridges 48.28
Aug. Krecklow, bridge work, 4.50
John H. Busche, same 15.00
J. Adams, same material.... 5.15
E. T. Tool, same 20.16
Tool, Nauman and Murtey,
bridge material
Bestor & Swatek, same
C. E. Vallery, bridge work . .
John P. Meisinger, same ....
County Judge filed an order with
the County Clerk, extending the
Mothers' pension granted Mrs. Dora
Denson for a period not exceeding
six months unless sooner modified or
rescinded by said court; same was
approved by the board, whereupon a
warrane was drawn on the general
fund to Mrs. Dora Denson, care of
dependent children. July, $25.00
On motion the board adjourned to
meet Tuesday, August 1st, 1916.
F. J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk.
Come to The Journal for fine sta
Poultry Wan
Wednesday, Thursday r.nd
Friday, July 12th, 13th and 14th,
for which I will pay the follow
ing prices, delivered to me in
Hens, 15c
Roosters, 8c
Broilers,. J20c
South Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
See the kinds of fancy stationery,
the latest up-to-date, and sure to
please, at the Journal office.
with their strong traction tread give
you a sure grip on the road.
The Price Is Less
.than that of the plain tread styles of
several other standard tires. Make
your own comparisons:
Prices on FUk Grey Non-Skid Casings
3 x30 . 10.40 41x35 . 31.20
31x30.13.40 ' 4x36 . 31.5S
4 z33 22.00 5 z37. 37.30
The biggest service organization in the country
(mora than 125 Fisk Branches) is back of every
FiskTire, available at all times with Fik FTtcZ
Sarvic for dealers and tire users.
Bauer's Garage
Fisk Branches in Aore Than 125 OlUa
of Frederick Dietl
1 4.50
l i rfl i