MONDAY, JUJLY 10, 191G. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe plattsmoutb journal P17I4SPEI SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. KsUrt at PotpfiBce at Plattsmoutb, Jieb., as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SCBJCXIFTIO PRICKl PER VEAR IN ADVANCE THOUGHT FOR TODAY God Alimghty first planted a J garden. Bacon. i :o: Small - patches will raise immense crops of wild oats. :o: It never gets too hot or too cold to wilt the society birds. -rot- Corn in growing so fast that it fairly whistles "Yankee Doodle." :o: Samson was the first man to bring down the house, and it killed him. -:o: Terhaps you also know somc majo who makes you mad just to look at him to: "Strangler" Lewis ciui't wrestle, anyway. He's proficient as a foot racer. Is ambition' Tjpally a balloon? asks a reader. It Visfcut it never carries a t. -tot "" The time appears to have' arrived when the machine gun" takes the place of the typewriter. Vi. :o: : Work on the new school building will soon begin, and pushed right through to completion. tot The rolling stone may not gather any mos, but it reaches the bottom of the hill in due time. tot All things some to those who get tired of waiting and roll up their sieves and go after them. tot Just how much longer are the mus ical comedy producers going to stand for the short skirt styles? tot Speaking in a general way, candi dates for office are the most agree able people you can meet just now. tot Most men are inclined to be more jealous than a rooster. Why, of course, all he's arc alike in that mat ter. tot There isn't very much going on, which may explain why some men regard a lodge initiation as entertain ment. tot This is the season of the year when the pedigreed jackass and the un pedigrced candidate have there pic tures out for business. We have been informed that the Trice of limberger cheese has doubl ed because the Germans are now us ing it instead to drive the enemy out of the trenches. tot- It looks now as if there would be no war with Mexico for a few months at least. President Wilson does not want war, if we can possibly get long without it. tot There is a period in every young woman's sweet life when she scratch es out the size of her shoe, yet every body but the poor girl lo.ves a woman with a good understanding. tot Being optimistic, we believe that one political party is no worse than another political party. There are exceptions, however, in men in either party some want to do their best for the common people, while others do notlcare a continel for anybody but themselves and the "graft there is in it." President Wilson is a great big exception grand, noble presi dent, who wants to do his best for his people, and with severe criticisms stating him in the face he goes right on in doing his duty, and in each andyour calendar pad.; carve it on your j every instance he has always been desk; emblazon it over the door be l-ight. MAKING VOTES FOR WILSON Is the republican party a great party standing for great principles? Despite its raising up of false pro phets and sometimes defication of the golden calf, we have though so. Cer tainly it-was 'a great party. Certain ly its rank and file represent much of the strength of the country. Cer tainly it professes great idols and makes great promises. Of its lapses from grace it has here tofore never been possible to say that the republican party was petty or that it was unpatriotic. But sertainly newspapers and prominent men who presume to speak for the republican party in America's present extrem ities indulge in language both petty and unpatriotic. President Woodrow Wilson is deliberately engaging in war witn Mexico as a political scheme. Never hasone man sacrificed so much to keep his country from war as Woodrow Wilson. And dare the men who have daily character ized the policy that has kept the peace as "spineless" now complain of a position assumed with apparent reluctance and in an extremity in which any other course would have deprived the country of prestige and subjected it to insolent attack by an anarchistic' horde J .Truly', at a terri ble sacrifice Woodrow. Wijson might have yielded to the temptations not every ruler could have resisted, to become an immortal war president. With every utterance of this charge the accusers are making votes for Woodrow Wilson. The great Ameri can people are fair; they are quick to resent inconsistency and injustice. We confess to "republican lean ings, we conless that in our judg ment the republican party never adopted a better .platform or nomin ated a better man, albeit we prefer the democratic solution for the mer chant marine problem. But as we read these scurrilous sentiments as cribing criminal motives to the presi dent, our republican affiliations bring us a sense of complicity in treason. Mr. Hughes cannot be elected in a campaign of malignity and scur rility. He cannot be elected by methods that show no consideration for the worthy man with whom he and his followers are in honest po litical disagreement. People just plain people who talk little and vote regularly realize that the mistakes of the president were made in a posi tion fraught with such delicacy and difficulty as has seldom confronted a national executive. They will hesitate to entrust the government, during the continuance of that situation, to men whose campaign methods suggest lack of that sense of proportion and justice indispensable to navigating the intricacies of the blind and troub led channel we are pursuing. La Cross Tribune, Republican. tot Straw hats are very common now. :o: "Home Coming.' time. Boom it all the tot- It does not seem fair for our stand ing army to have to stand everything tot When a man gets a taste of office holding, evidently it is hard to pry him loose. -tot- The business world is made up of two classes of men; those who are on time and those who have the best reasons for being late. The man who meets his engagements at 9:01 miss es the chance that is there at 9:00. The man who misses his train gives u,c ItiKe UIuer w ine otner leuow. The man who leaves the office at 5:59 misses the great opportunity that comes at G:00. The opportunity al- ways goes to the man who is on time. Paste it in your hat; write it on on time. IT IS TIME TO QUIT? With the flock of peace rumors showing considerable increase, one may at least consider what the end of the war now would mean. Which doesn't mean that the end of the war is in sight now; we shall be frankly surprise if it ends before Christmas, and not surprised at all if they are still fighting a year from now. But there is no doubt that Ger many, with her lines extended to about the limit, would like to endit now, and there is also a chance that the allies might also see fit to end it now, believing the German lines impregnable, and the task of starving Germany too long and hazadous to undertake. That is not probable, for France, which is hardest hit, does n't want to quit, and Great Britain, of all the great powers engaged, is still practically untouched by war so far as its territory is concerned. And should it end now, whose would be the gain? It is something like figur ing out who in San Francisco profit ed by the earthquake and fire which devasted that city ten years ago. Ger many admittedly has the best of the war in Europe. She has taken prac tically all of Belgium, a considerable section of France, a small fraction of Russia, and with her allies has overrun Serbia. But, in the mean time, she has lost greater area, being all her colonies, and a coiner of Al sace. Also, her foreign commerce has been swept from the sea as complete ly as if .Germany and German ships had ceased to be. She might be will ing to give back some of the territory she has won in Europe to regain what she has lost elsewhere. At least her recent proposals aremucrf more con servative than those voiced earlier in the war, when she talked glibly of going on to Paris, Petrograd and even London. She might insist on retain- ng Poland, and a sort of protectorate over Belgium, and taking Serbia for Austria, but in effect a settlement now would leave the powers about where they began. It would be, in the arger scheme of things, a drawn war. Which wouldn't be so bad for us; in the delicate balance of power in Europe, there is protection for our shores. But, without some disarma ment agreement, it would be rough on Europe, and be only a truce for further preparation for another war. tot CULTIVATING WEEDS. " The destruction of weeds is the main work of the farms, but some of the scientists at the western experi ment stations have found out that the encouraging of weed growth may, under some circumstances, prove to be a very profitable way of farming. Out in the sand hill district some of the land cannot be cultivated at all on account of the sandy soil and the way the wind blows it about after the original sod is broken. On that kind of land nothing will grow but a cer tain kind of weeds. If they are left to flourish and the fire is kept out, they will send their roots downward a long way and hold the shifting soil. Then alike, sweet clover or red clover may be sown on top of the ground amidst the weeds and a good stand can be obtained. ' A recent bulletin, No. 15G, of The Nebraska Experiment station, devot ed wholly 'to the sand hill district of the state, will be interesting reading for any Nebraska farmer. It may be that in the future that whole region will become productive with the ex ception of the actual sand dunes, and even they may be made useful to some extent in producing bull pine and other trees. Potatoes and alfalfa are the leading crops in the sand hills, but many other things are grown at a profit. World Herald. tot The modern day statesman is a politician who can distinguish a band wagon from a hearse. tot Evidently there was a sad minority of fat men at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Othe- wise the Fourth of July would have heen the Fourth of January. -tot- "Boys are the Best Soldiers," says a headline, doubtless calulated to 'punch up the girls, who, unless they show a little spirit, are in danger of j losing their standing as the world's best fighting men. 'A successful fool never realizes it. Like others of the criminal class, Cupid shuns the light. tot ' Unlike the new shoes, a mifh never gets tight by being soaked in water. tot Too many men appear to keep their j l.M.Ma,l.A ,1C; in fh. PrPvHo - ipedia. -to: Harman wants to stay in awful bad. He will do anything to stay in, too. 9 to: An exchange shouts "dollar beef is in sight," and here's hoping that ed itor is the biggest liar on earth. tot- People may be divided into two classes those who like music and those who are fond of rag time. -tot- The average life of a parrot is said to be one hundred years, so we do n't sec any use of waiting any long er. :o: We are informed that rubber was introduced into the United States in 1810. This, however, does not in clude that of the neck variety. :o: Railroad officials expect guards men enroute to the border to "sleep sitting up." That is more than is ex pected of regular partons of the Pull man. :o: Keep on booming "Home Coming" week. Of course, it is some weeks off yet, but nothing like booming it every day in the week, and every min ute in the day. :o: When Carranza saw that Presi dent Wilson meant business he began to "draw in his horns;" especially when he saw so many troops ensasscd on the American bonier, he knew what it meant. :o: Among the Fourth's victims was a 10-year-old New Jersey boy, who lost his life when a homemade cannon ex ploded The perils of making one's own artillery se'em to run about par allel with those of picking one's own mushrooms. :o: For years we honestly believed a ucker" was born every 'minute. Since the Strcher-Lewis wrestling match, and the number present to witness the fake, we must admit the theory is wrong. The estimate is en tirely too low. :o: Correspondence from the Texas border: "If a hill in Texas seems a mile away, it probably is three." We've heard it before from persons who had invested in Texas real estate, only it was this way: "If the farm the agent in a motor car shows you seems five miles from town, it probably is fifty." :o: . This sounds queer: There has been turned back into the treasury at Washington $03(5,971 saved during the fiscal year in the purchase of sites and on construction of public buildings through the policy of limit- ng expense to requirements oi a community rather than using all of any sum appropriated. Are congress men losing out? :o: It may be wrong to fish on Sunday, but an old fisherman tells us that ish bite just the same on Sunday as on any other day, and they taste just as nice, if not a little better, than those caught on any other day. It has been discovered that automo bile fuel can uemade from sawdust. Jut won't this discovery interfere with the production of our delicious breakfast food? :o:- : There is no one that wants war with Mexico, when it is possible to have peace, except those fellows who have interests in Mexico, and the fel- ows who want Hughes elected, so they can get a job at the pie counter. Now who are the most patriotic and deserving President Wilson, who does not care to slaughter our young men for the benefit of greed or those fellows who want war with the single thoucrht that war with Mexico will help elect Hughes? But President Wilson will do what he thinks best, regardless of what his enemies would have. CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION The Democrats of Cass County are hereby called to meet in conven tion in the City of Weeping Water on Tuesday, July 18th, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of selecting 20 f delegates to the State Convention to f be held in the City of Hastings on ' m i t t - a -- . . t i fil - csaay. July at OCIOCK nOOi. and for the purpose of selecting a County Central committee and for the 'transaction of such other business as may properly come before the con vention. The Primaries for" selecting dele gates to County convention will be held in the usual places of holding Primaries in the respective wards and precincts on Saturday, July 15, at 8 o'clock p. m., the representation in such convention will be br.sed on the vote cast for Lieutcnent Governor Pearson in 1914, and is as follows: Tipton 12 Greenwood 8 Salt Creek 10 Elm wood 8 Stove Creek 10 South Bend 7 Weeping Water Precinct .... 5 Center , 10 Louisville 9 Avoca 9 Mt. Pleasant 8 Eight Mile Grove 13 Nehawka 8 Liberty 11 First Rock Bluff 10 Second Rock Bluff 0' Plattsmouth Precinct 15 Weeping Water City Firt Ward 4 Second Ward o Third Ward 2 Plattsmouth City First Ward 9 Second Ward 1G Third Ward 17 Fourth Ward 8 Fifth Ward b Total 224 In addition to selecting delegates to the county convention the precinct and ward primaries will nominate one justice of the peace, one assessor, r.nd one road overseer and certify same to county clerk. It is further recommended that no proxies be allowed and that the dele gates present from each of the re spective wards and precincts be au thorized to cast the full vote for the delegation. Dated this 10th day of. July, 191(3. L. F. LANGHORST, Chairman County Committee. WERE GUIDED BY JUDGMENT That Capt. Morey was left wounded and alone in the desert while the troopers who had been with him went on, first thought seems something like a desertion and very far from heroic. Sentimentalists will say, or at least they will feel, that there was something wrong about the transac tion that the men should have shar ed the fate of Ahe helpless officer, whatever it might be, 'and die with him if they could not carry him to safety. The situation, however, was one that demanded sense, not sen timentality. Doubtless it was consid ered in all its bearings before the separation took place, and the conclu sion reached was that in the interests of the captain, as well as the troop ers with him, they should go on. They had more than a chance of reaching the American line, if not required to carry a wounded man, and the one. hope for him then visible was that they should do this and send back a stronger and well-equipped force to his rescue. So the men were ordered away, and they obeyed, first taking such measurers, presumably, as they could to make tolerable his lonely waiting for relief. The course fol lowed has the justification that its results, in one way or another, was the saving of all the lives concerned. That is vastly better than would have been a display of useless self-sacrifice and devotion. Capt. Morey and his troopers are all practical men all as capable. of the heroic as men could be but they are not of the sort that indugle in "magnificent gestures" in mere appreciation of such value. :o: "Home Coming" is the slogan. :o: It will continue "W.lson and Wis dom." :o: .re you doing your duty in swat ting the flies. -:o:- Besides the golf widows, the coun try boasts of the movie widow. :c: . Don't swat the knockers. He may not be adapted to any other vocation. Children Cry Tho Kind Yon Have Always in use. for over SO years, ana fY'S ' sonal 'ZcLcZ Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Cluldrcn Experience against Experiment- hat is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Fevcrishness. For more 'than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and marrliwa. it regulates tho Stomach and Howels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of h Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always EJought THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK C I TV CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION The Republicans of. Cass County- are hereby called to meet in conven tion in the City of Weeping Water on Tuesday, July 18th, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of selecting 20 delegates to the State Convention to be held in the City of Lincoln on Tuesday, July 2o, at 12 o'clock noon, and for the purpose of selecting a County Central committee and for the tianscation of such other business as may properly come before the con vention. The Primaries will be held in the usual places of holding Primaries in the respective wards and pecincts on Saturday, July 15, at 8 o'clock p. m., the representation in such convention will be based on the vote cast for presidential electors in 1012, and are as follows: Tipton 20 Greenwood 10 Salt Creek 9 Elmwcod 7 Stove Creek 20 South Bend 4 Weeping Water Precinct .... 8 Center G Louisville 10 Avoca 12 Mt. Pleasant 8 Eight Mile Grove 10 "Nehawka 17 Liberty 16 First Rock Bluff 7 Second Rock Bluff 3 Plattsmouth Precinct 9 Weeping Water City Fist Ward . 5 Second Ward 7 Third Ward 2 Plattsmouth City First Ward 8 Second Ward 14 Third Ward 13 Fourth Ward 8 Fifth Ward G Total 239 It is further recommended that no proxies be allowed and that the dele gates present from each of the re- 11 TISTHE THING TO DO! Do not let the Slimmer slip by without joining the vacation throng witi. Europe out of the question, with industrial, financial and agriculturafprosper ity throughout the land, you will find large numbers of pleasure-seeking Amer icans wherever you go. TO THE EAST: A complete scheme of lott excursion fares r. huu : effect to all resort regions of the East-New England, Atlantic Coast, etc diverse routes that embrace the historical and most beautiful sections. ' ' TO THE BLACK HILLS: Here is a Summer vacation rP,inn L : . . creasing its patronage each year. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK: standard sleepers direct to Cody, the scenic and automobile gateway No to of the park is complete that does not include this 90-mile automobile ionrnov to COLORADO: Low daily rates t :a ...1 fr u vunatinn Rotoo - - OraUO is lucai " . tiful Estes Park, Colorado s i ii i . r ite UttiT , for Fletcher's fiii u Bought, and ivhicli Las been has borno tho signature of lias oeen maue tuiucr ins per- supervision since its infanc y, no one to deceive you in this. 1PANV, I 'n, Tin lii m spective wards and precincts be au thorized to cast the full vote for the delegation. An effort will be made to have good speakers of state wide reputation and every delegate is so licited to be present. Dated this 7th day of July, 191G. E. WVCOOK, Chairman County Committe. O. E. LISTON, Secretary. ' FUNERAL OF MRS. T. S ED LOCK Prom Friday's Dally. The funeral of Mrs. Tom Sedlock was held this morning at 10 o'clock at the Holy Rosary church in the- west part of the city, the requiem mass being celebrated by Father John Vleck, rector of -the church. There Were a large number of the old friends and neighbors of this es timable lady present, to attend the services and pay their last' tributes of respect to . the departed. Following the services at the church the body was conveyed to the Catholic ceme tery where the body was laid to its last long rest. A FINE NEW AUTOMOBILE From Friday's Dalir. Among those who are numbered jmong the automobile owners of the county is A. E. Todd residing north west of the city who has just pur chased a fine new Dodge car through John F. Gxrder, the local agent. The new car is a beauty and one that will afford Mr. Todd and family a great deal of pleasure in riding over the country. This is another addition to the rapidly growing list of auto ovn ers in Cass county and Mr. Todd is well pleased with his new machine J. W. Holmes of Murray came un this morning to visit for a short time with relatives and friends in this city. Ralph Atwood and Frank Becker of the Cedar Creek quarries were here today for a few hours attending the hearing of the insane case of Red- mand Burke. SOB Commencing July 1st w, hu ,,. . to Ilnnvpi- , . u v-uiuraun nr niro n.t . o a c 111 Pss"r Agent, vjmaru, Neb. Col. ; typical resort, is reached overnight. We hare low tours everywhere Toil v . . ve low us help you. yU bave in md. V