MQNDAT, JUNE 26. 1916. PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEELY JOURNAL. Let Us Assist You in Planning Your New Residence! ' You are no doubt in the same position that a great many others .of this city and community are in. You want a new home, and if you had a little assistance in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your new home you might build now. e iiave just received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate of lumber bills for each and every structure in this great volume, all of which will be of great aid to you in planning a new home, all free to you by calling at our lumber ottice. This volume also contains the plans of combination barns and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to show prospective building of these sort of structures. This is Our Line and We Will Be Glad to Help You! 8 8 Our Lumber and Building Line " Lumber and Building GUATEMALA SAID TO FAVOR I), S. The Revolutionary Leader, Dr. Toledo Lopez. Might Aid America v Against Mexico. Mexico City, June 25. Reports that the republic of Guatemala, ad joining Mexico on the south, was pre paring to declare war on Mexico if General Cairanza began hostilities with the United States, caused a flurry of excitement here. The re ports were denied by the official rep resentative of the Guatemalan gov ernment. Pr. Toledo Lopez, revolutionary leader in Guatemala, announced that he would invade Mexico on the south with a well equipped army, attacking the rich state of Yucatan, simultane ously with an attack by American troops on the north. He declared that the whole Guatemalan army, number ing about 85.000, would join him in a march on Mexico City. The Guatemalan representatives assured the foreign office that Lopez has but a small following and is in no position to commit the Guatemalan government to any course of action. In spite of contrary reports, Presi dent Estrada Cabrera is not antag onistic to the government of Mexico, he said, and will demonstrate this fact in the event of war between Mexico and the United States. Conferences between General Car ranza and members of his cabinet regarding the American note con tinued today, but nothing was made public as" to when the Mexican reply may be expected. Hope is expressed everywhere for a peaceful settlement, but there is no intimation of what General Carranza's reply will be. It is expected that several great patriotic demonstrations will be held in the streets of the capital and be fore the national palace tomorrow. NEWSPAPER BOYS ON A HIKE, AND ON FOOT Lyman Bryson and Keen Abbott of Omaha, two of the newspaper fra ternity of the metropolis, were in the city last evening for a short time, en route to Nebraska City, and the gentlemen are making the trip on foot, and while here stopped at the Perkins House over night. Mr. Ab bott is the dramatic editor of the Omaha World-Herald. Mr. Bryson was for a number of years on the Omaha Bee and News, and is now living at Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr Abbott writes for the Outlook, Harp ers' and other publications. Bryson occasionally appears in Life, Mc- Clure's and a number of leading magazines. Both Have books coming out this winter Abbott's a novel of the west, and Bryson a book of poem They will visit Ned C. Abbott and family at Nebraska City. Mr. Ab bott is a brother of the superintend ent. Joe Harasky, who is employed in the Union Pacific shops at Omaha, visited in this city over Sunday, re turning to the metropolis this after noon. JL nit zzs u u i 1 u p Material. GERMAN CHANCELLOR DISCREDITS REPORTS Von Rethmann-IIollweg Says Tales of Intrigue In Mexico Are Un worthy of Attention. Berlin, June 25. Reports received here from America that the German legation in Mexico City was actively inspiring General Carranza, head of the constitutionalist government of Mexico, in hostility to the United States was brought today to the at tention of the imperial chancellor, Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollwejr. The chancellor asked to be excused from commenting on the report, feel ing that such rumors were unworthy of his attention. A close friend of the chancellor, however, had this to say : "Certain circles in the United States are never tired of ascribing responsi bility for everything, no matter how far-fetched, to Germany. If a house burns down or a favorite loses a race, or crop prospects seem poor, these protagonists are sure to arise with a cry of 'Trose wicked Germans.' "It is obviously impossible for the highest official in a big empire to dig- nifv every ridiculous detail of such a campaign with a personal denial. Anyone, however, knows, as I do, that such reports are ridiculous and un founded." BUKOWiNA IS NOW IN HANDS OF RUSSIANS Petrograd Announces Whole of the Austrian Crown Land Is In the Hands of Czar's Armies. Petrograd, June 25. Occupation of the entire Austrian crown land of Bu kowni was announced today by the war office. Possession of the prov ince was completed by the capture of the town of Kimpolung, in the south ern part of Bukowina at the foot of the Carpathians. More than 2,000 prisoners were captured. British Guns Active. Berlin, June 25. The British have developed pronounced artillery activ ity along the part of the France-Bel gian front they hold from La Bassee to the Somme, the war office an nounced today. The British fire con tinued uninterruptedly all night. ATTENTION, FARMERS - Harvest will soon be here. We have just received two mixed cars of bind ers and twine. Will throw in cover and binder whip with each binder. We can also furnish a lirited number of Champion and Piano binders at prices as low as $120. These binders are new, good paint and in original packages. We will set them up and warrant them to do the work. The Deering standard and pure manila twine is fresh, new stock, and contains from 5 to 10 per cent oil. JOHN F. GORDER, 6-24-tfd&w Plattsmouth. Read the want ads In the Journal. 1 is Complete & Is Plattsmouth, Nebraska CARRANZA AD MITS HOSTILITY WILSON SENDS FIRM NOTE The De Facto Chief of Mexico Tells United States Carrizal Fight Was Direct IJesuIt of His Orders. DEMAND MADE FOR PRISONERS Washington, June 25. A demand for the immediate release of the American troopers taken prisoners at Carrizal, coupled with a stern notifi cation that the United States expects an early statement of the purpose of the Carranza government, will be tele graphed to Mexico City today by Sec- reary Lansing. The note discloses that the State department received yesterday a com munication from the de facto govern ment stating that the Carrizal Nfight was the direct result of orders to at tack American soldiers moving other wise than toward the border, person ally issued by General Carranza to General Trevino and by the latter communicated to General Pershing. In reply, Secretary Lansing re quired that the de facto government transmit a definite statement "as to the course of action it has determined upon" through the usual diplomatic channels, "and not through subordi nate military officials." Avowal cf Hostility. The Mexican communication is construed, Secretary Lansing states, "as a formal avowal of deliberately hostile action against the forces of the United States now in Mexico and of the7 purpose to attack without provocation whenever they move from their present position," despite the friendly mission on which they are engaged and which is reaffirmed in the American rejoinder. General Carranza is required to place himself on record formally, and the plain intimation lies behind the restrained language of Mr. Lansing's cimmunication that force will be met with force. Apparently, however, the Washington government is deter mined that the de facto government shall not evade responsibility before the world, if war is forced upon the United States. DOING MORE PAINTING M. S. Briggs came in Saturday from the vicinity of Murray, where he has been doing some painting on the farm of Mr. P. A. Hild and put ting the residence and barns in first class shape, and this has added a ereat deal to the appearance of the buildings. Mr. Briggs has had a large number of contracts of this kind during the past few months. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signatureof UNCLE SAM'S INCOME. Treasury department officials esti mate that the government's receipts during the current fiscal year ending June CO will be from $90,000,000 to $100,000,000 more than estimated when congress convened. Revised estimates showed the In creases approximately as follows: In come tax, from $S3,000,000 to $120, 000,000, an Increase of $35,000,000 over the original estimate; ordinary inter nal revenue receipts from $1272,000,000 to $303,000,000, an increase of $33,000, 000; customs receipts, from $190,000, 000 to $215,000,000, an increase of $25, 000,000. With these three principal sources of revenue showing an Indi cated increase of $93,000,000 over the original estimates, officials believe minor sources will help bring the total Increase close to $100,000,000. Customs receipts show that the gov ernment already has collected duties aggregating $1S5,44G,442, only $1,000 less than the sum collected this time last year and within $5,500,000 of the sum originally estimated for the en tire year. Customs receipts have been steadily rising since last December and now have passed $20,000,000 a month. Con tinuance of present conditions for an other year, officials believe, would re sult In the customs receipts nearly reaching the level attained before the war. DR. PRATT'S ADDRESS. Dr. Edward Ewlng Pratt, chief of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, in a recent lecture discussed the problems that the American lum ber industry faces. Here are some cf his statements: "Great instability has prevailed in the lumber industry an instability that has made losses and not profits the order of the day. 4You are seeking a purely legal rem edy for a problem which is purely eco nomic "The lumber Industry must find more efficient marketing methods and larger markets foiits products. "Foreign trade is one of the things vitally necessary if the lumber indus try Is to be put on its feet. "Probably most lumber manufactur ers have never exported a stick of lum ber. "Our lumber has sold in Europe, but it has sold itself. "Foreign trade Is conducted through exactly the same fundamental business principles as domestic trade, "The yellow pine industry should take up the matter of. measurements in the South American trade. "Why not have in every Important center of South America an agencj- of this association which would keep its eyes open for opportunities? "Why not have a score of offices to demonstrate to South America how. to use wood to the best advantage?" NEW COMMERCIAL ATTACHE FOR LONDON. rierce C. Williams of New York has been appointed American commercial attache at London to succeed Albertus II. Baldwin, who has held the post since the commercial attache service was inaugurated, nearly two years ago, by the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, department of commerce. At the time of his appointment by Secretary Itedfleld, Mr. Williams was connected with W. It. Grace '& Co. of New York, having charge of their for eign trade In ores. He had previously been employed with the Crucible Steel Company of America, for which con cern he traveled extensively in South America and Europe. Further experi ence in foreign trade promotion was acquired as an official of the Pitts burgh chamber of commerce. Mr. Williams is only thirty years of age and is the youngest member of the commercial attache staff. He leaves at once for his new poet. EXPORT OF CALIFORNIA TOBAC- CO. A firm In San Francisco reports to Commercial Agent. E. G. Babbitt, In charge of the district office of the bu reau of foreign and domestic com merce in that city, that it has made a shipment, equivalent to a carload, of "Turkish" tobacco grown In Califor nia to Australia. It Is stated that If this shipment is satisfactory to the consignees it will probably lead to fur ther Australian purchases of this prod uct in California. It Is understood that this is the first export of tobacco grown in California. USE MORE PETROLEUM. , The United States geological survey reports that there was a marked in crease In the use of petroleum as a lo comotive fuel by the railroads of the United States in 1915. The quantity of oil fuel so consumed last year was 36.C48.4GG barrels, an Increase of 5.555, 200 barrels, or IS per cent over the similar consumption In 1914. UNCLE SAM FIVE THESJHHEXICO When Stars and Stripes Entered Southern Neighbor Before. SCOTT'S TAKING OF CAPITAL Texas' Fight For Independence Which Led to Massacre at the Alamo No Nation Has Provoked Us More Than Has Bandit Ridden Republic Near War When Austria Ruled Mexico. Once again as the United States cele brated Flag day Old Glory waved on foreign soil. Down in Mexico the stars and stripes are flying over camps of American troops. For the fifth time In history the American nation is engaged in a dis pute with her obstreperous southern neighbor. No other nation on the face of the globe has harassed our feelings as provokingly and as persistently as Mexico. And the end Is not yet. Tracing the. beginning of the trouble takes us back to the early days of Tex as. In 1820 Texas was a Mexican province. The territory was originally included In the Louisiana purchase, but had been ceded to Spain in 1810 in the treaty which gave Florida to the United States. Among the emigrants who flocked to Texas in response to land inducements was a band of Connecticut Yankees under the leadership of Moses Austin, who rode Into San Antonio in the fall of 1S20 and coolly requested a grant of land for a colony of Americans. His request was "granted. Slowly the colony grew. By 1S35 15,000 Americans had drifted into it across the border. By virtue of their industry they accumulated power and incidentally aroused the jealousy of Mexican officials. This jealousy cen tered In Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. One of his first acts was to send an army into Texas to overawe the set tlers. The Alamo Massacre. The Alamo is a name that has be come a watchword of lovers of liberty the world over. Here in the strong hold of San Antonio ISO Texans took their stand against 4,000 Mexicans and fought till they died, and died to a man. "Ilemember the Alamo!" became the slogan of the Texans. Under the lead ership of Sam Houston they met the Mexicans a few days later on the im mortal field of San Jacinto and gave them the worst thrashing that any army ever received on a battlefield. Tho next time Americans carried a flag into this region was in 1S4G, when the Mexican war began. This was over the Texas boundary. Our flag was flown in the Mexican breeze for two years, and during the entire time our troops won every pitched battle in which they engaged. General Win field Scott marched into the enemy's country and wrested stronghold after stronghold from the hands of greatly superior forces. Scott then went to Vera Cruz, capturing that city and working his way to the very capital itself, where he raised the American flag to the breeze. Meanwhile, General Taylor was sweeping Into Mexico. Matamoros was taken, Monterey followed; then came Buena Vista with its overwhelm ing victory. Soon after the beginning of our civil war France sent troops into Mexico to overthrow the government and es tablish an empire. Archduke Maxi milian, brother of Franz Joseph, the; present emperor of Austria, was to' reign at its head. President Juarez, the full blooded Indian patriot, was ordered treated as a bandit. Maximilian Deserted. Our government refused to recognize tho empire so long as it was supported by France. In July, 18G5, it empha-1 sized its disapproval by massing troops ' on the border In Texas. Napoleon III. withdrew his troops from Vera Cruz, leaving Maximilian to his fate. From that date until 1914 compara tive recent history all went well be tween the United States and Mexico. After Diaz came Madero. Madero's power was soon weakened. Victorlano Huerta came upon the scene. His ca reer as president of Mexico was mark ed by the murder of his predecessor, Madero. Now comes the memorable Incident of April 9, 1914, an insu?t to this na tion's flag. The United States government upon being informed of the" Tamplco inci dent demanded an apology of nuerta in the shape of a salute to the flag that had been so unjustly Insulted. But the salute was not forthcoming. Then away went the battleships to Vera Cruz. ' Following the occupation of Vera Cruz active preparations for mobiliza tion were begun. General Frederick Funston was sent with a portion of the army for a march to the City of Mexico. But the stream of events were turned in their course. ' A propo-v sition came from the A. B. CL powers of South America, composed principal ly of the countries of Argentina, Bra zil and Chile, to allow them to mediate and settle the difficulty. This was agreed upon. The troops were with drawn from Mexican territory and the battleships from Mexican waters. This brings history well nigh up to the re cent raids on Texas towns. WE SELL Gooc Oil and Greases! THE BESTIS THE CHEAPEST! "J-!-"X"X II",I,I,Z X,,X,,I",I,I .",M,,X,,I EAGLE 2 Beacon .f T.....T. .T..TwT Miss Abbie Judkins atteded the Chappel-Ankeny wedding a" Omaha Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Genard and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ger hard motored to Omaha and spent the day with relatives Frank Sharp, who has bt-n work ing for Elza Root the ast few months, left Saturday moning for his home at Indianapolis, In i. Mrs. N. M. Winnings and children returned home Wednesday ni;ht from South Dakota, where they have been for the past few weeks. Mrs. J. H. Latrom went to York, Neb., Friday of last week, Lr a few days' visit at the home of he: nephew, Homer King, and family. She re turned home Monday. Mrs. George Williams and baby went to Elmwood Saturday afternoon for a week's visit at the horr.e of her sister, Mrs. U. DelesDerrier, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Price. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price and M s. C. P. Snyder autoed over to Greerwood last Sunday evening for a few r.mrs' visit with relatives. Mrs. Guy Adams and chillren went to Denton Saturday for a few days' visit with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Davis, returning home Tuesday afternoon. P. F. Venner has purchased two lots from H. K. Frantz, just north of his residence on Main street, and will erect a new five-room modern bunga low in the very near future. A meeting was held in the fire house last Friday evening to set the dates and make plans for our Ninth annual picnic. A ballot was taken to decide whether we should hold one or two days, eleven votes being cast for two days and nine for one day. Wednesday and Thursday, August 9 and 10, were decided on a.s the dates. M"M"X"I-I"I"M"X- Middy Suits for Misses! Middies and Skirts to match; blue and white stripe kiddie cloth middy made with belt. . Good wearing and good looking suits for vacation days. Sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14. Price $2.50 Suit Middies and Skirt to match of white galatea trimmed with navy blue collar and cuff; well made, good qual ity. Sizes 10, 12 and 14. PrjCe $2.50 Suit Middy Suit of white poplin, trimmed with rose and copen collars and cuffs to match; skirt trimmed. Sizes 14, 16 and is. Price $3.00 Suit Sheer Waists for Summer! A large assortment of popular new voile and organdie waists, prettily trimmed with lace edges and fine tucks; some with colored collars and cuffs. Prices range from $1.25 to $2.75 Sizes 34 to 46 E. G. Dovey & Son VALUE! QUALITY! ITALIAN BEE FARM Beekeepers' supplies always kept in stock. Honey boxes a specialty. Honey the same old prices, 2 to 35c. See my new honey sign. It is a honey seller. Garden sass a little scarce now. Everything fresh. Chicago Avenue, Phone 258. WOODMAN CIRCLE NOTICE Regular meeting of the Woodman Circle will be held Tuesday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. During the months of August and September there will be but one meeting per month, which will be the fourth Tues day of each month. SPECIAL OFFERS We Offer Specials From Our Dry Goods Department: Children's Rompers, ages 2 to 0, per garment, 50c. Infants' Hosiery, in light blue, pink and tan, 25c values, at, per pair, 15c. Girls' and Boys' Hosiery, with a 4-month guarantee, 4 pairs for $1.00. Ladies' Fiber Silk Hosiery, in black, white and tan, 3 pairs for $1.00. We sell a good grade of stocking feet at, per pair, 10c. Handkerchiefs A full line and some good values, at each, 2V&C, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. Doll Bonnets at, each, 10c. Red Seal Gingham at, per yard, 10c. Air Float Talcum Powder at, per can, 10c. We carry a full stock of C. M. C. Crochet Cotton. We are showing a full stock of Lorraine Egyptian Tissue at, per yard, 25c. We offer a lot of odd . pairs of Misses' Shoes at, per pair, 90c. ZUGKVVE1LER & LUTZ SERVICE!