The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 18, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1916.
Copyright, 1914. by Harper &
Abner In a Difficulty.
S soon as Abner arrived in town
on the morning of his conver
sation with Mary while at his
vIirlr breakfast he went to the
ofiice. Howard was there already and
at work on an editorial. The young
man's face was haggard. There were
dark rings around his eyes, and his
hands shook nervously.'
"I see you boat me," Abner said in
an effort at lightness. "Yon seem to
believe that the early mornin' is the
best time fer brain work."
"Any occupation is bettrr than none
right now." Howard said wistfully,
"but there are times when brain work
is next to impossible. Have yon seen
Tole P.aker this morning?"
Aimer nodded, and Howard went on
"Then you know that I'm under sur
veillance ?"
j Abner nodded again. "That don't
"Let 'im alone," Fulton muttered.
make any difference," he answered.
"It's onlj- a form that has to be got
through with in in sech matters. A
tiling like this has to be saddled on
fiouiebod an" the authorities are
afeatd t.y won't earn their wages ef
they don't make some sort o' pretense
o bein' on the job. At the proier time
we'll show 'em a thing or two. The
idea of accusin' a man o' yore stand
in' "
"Stop! Let's get down to facts."
Howard shot a straight stare across
his table into the old face bending to
ward him. "You know I read law for
awhile, Uncle Ab. "Well, I read enough
and associated enough with lawyers
and judges in my newspaper work in
writing up various criminal cases to
know that I am in a mighty tight hole.
I am bound hand and foot by circum
stantial evidence. I'm afraid that no
lawjer in the world could free me. I
can see a conviction of my guilt writ
ten in every face I meet on the street.
1 see it in the way they all blink and
shrink from me as I pass along." How
ard rut his pencil down and raised
both his hands to his head and sat still
for a moment; then, as Abner was
about to speak, he went on bluntly:
'"I am Innocent, and yet my conscience
Is not clear not wholly clear. If it
were I think I could face It better. I
did not kill Craig, but I would have
done it if I had had the chance two
hours after my fight with him. Now he
is dead I feel different. I wonder how
I could have been so enraged by any
thing such a drunken, irresponsible
creature could have said or done. But
my conduct and furious threats will be
held against me. This is my punish
ment. It Is tough, but I will have to
put up with it."
Abner was so wrought up by this
Hunt utterance that he was speechless,
nis kindly mouth was drawn down at
the corners, and his lips twitched. lie
hung his hat np on its nail against the
wall that he might have an excuse for
turning his face away. lie was longer
about it than was necessary and went
on slowly to the water pail on an in
verted box near by and drank from the
rusty tin dipper, although he was not
thirsty. lie felt Howard's gaze follow
ing him and was hardly prepared for
what he said when they faced each
other agaiL. . .
'I don't feel so badly about having
to go to Jail. Howard said, plunging
into the subject Impulsively. "I don't
care if they refuse me bail and they
will, of course. I don't care so much
for the fact that all this town and sur
rounding country consider me guilty.
It Isn't that that I'm thinking about
that I thought about as I lay awake
last night. I'm thinking about1 you,
fcir. You put yourself out to buy this
paper simply to help me. You gave
me good advice all along, but I paid
no attention to it- Cow, what has
I come of It? Why, with me in the 1
1 county lockup your Investment will go
to ruin; with me on the gallows or in
prison for life, people will sneer at
your Judgment in. backing a wild,
i hamra scarum fool that you ought to
have turned down long ago and would
i 1 uu uiiuu t. urru iuc j-uiu ill lilt?
Almost with a rush Abner stepped
forward. He put his hands on How
ard's shoulders. lie looked into the
young man's face while his own filled
with emotion. "Don't, don't!" he all
but sobbed. MYou ore too young to
comprehend the most beautiful of all
God's vast spiritual laws. I must talk
plain. I've never had a son, noward.
Ever since I was a young man some'n'
in me has been screamin out fer fa
therhood, tellin me that to be a father
was the holiest highest height a man
kin reach "bn arth. Some'n else be
longs to the law o' fatherhood, an' that
is sufferin' through love o the child.
I've had experiences of many sorts in
my life, but right now. my boy, lovin'
you as I do an' gloryin' in yore beauti
ful young manhood an chance to con
quer difficulties an as I see you bowed
an broken under this thing I have a
realization of my Immortality a sort o'
grip on it that I never had lefore.
This trouble o yore'n seems to lift me
right out o' my body and dissolve me
into the very spirit o' God. It seems to
me that all will end right somehow ef
I fight hard enough an trust enough.
"At present NI'm more like God in
nature than I ever was, an, bein so, I
know, as God knows, you see, that
wrong cannot last forever. I know an
other thing, an that Is that all Godless
folks sooner or later have to acknowl
edge a great, all pervadin' spiritual
law and bow under it in abject humil
ity. I've watched hundreds of rebel
lions folks stagger on in defiance with 1
light jokes about Deity and the like, but
in every case I've seed 'em stricken by
grief, loss of fortune, disgrace or
some'n or other that opened the'r eyes.
Yore blovf has fell early, but it ain't
any the less God sent. You'll weather
tills storm. It may be a heavy one.
heavier than we know of, but you'll
sail out of It into calm sea and tinder
clear sky. I'm sure of that, an' yet the
pain of it can't be avoided. Every step
toward heaven is fraught with fresh
birth pangs. The one person, you know,
that seemed meant fer me as a life
companion was taken on the very eve
of our union. Up to that minute, my
boy. I never knowed what life as a
whole meant. Up to then it was bound
about with material things. Money,
houses, bosses an' wagons, land an
crops, the ability to make a slick trade,
to git the best o' my neighbor, was all
thar was to it, but after her death
after I looked in vain into her dead
face fer what had been thar like sun
light shimmerin' on a delicate flower.
drawin out the fragrance an scatterin'
itto the air after that, I say, the
whole world was changed fer me. I'd
been a doubter an' scoffer like some o
yore friends are now. but I couldn't
doubt any longer. Her sweet sperit
was som'er's it was too wonderful to
be extinct an I wanted to link mine
to it fer all time.
"In my search fer light I went to
shoulin' religious meetin's. Up to that
time I "owed all sech excitcmeut was
silly, but In my awful sorrow even that
was actually a step nigher to God. Ef
them folks had been bowin' down to ;
sticks an' stones with sech hearts in
'em as they had, with that dazzlin'
hope before 'em, the God I was learnin'
to know couldn't turn from 'em. The
truth is that he was in every atom of
tht'r flesh an' bones. The truth is that
God, let 'im be person, essence or jest
principle, can never be like what any
book or human bein' has described.
When a body comes to me with a fresh
religion and explains It and at the same
time admits that it is only one o' ten
thousand other beliefs, I know it ain't
fer me, as much as I'd like to git the
truth; but, on the other hand, I know it
is the thing fer the man that holds to
it, fer as a rule any belief p'intin' up
ward is letter than none. I sometimes
think that the reason thar is sech a jan
gle of various creeds on the face of the
earth is that God gives 'em to us the
same as we give playin blocks to
babies. We intend that the babies shall
know more'n that about life some day,
but the blocks are good enough to start
'em on."
Leaving Howard to himself and say
ing nothing of his intention. Abner
went up to the little street near the
courthouse which was called "Lawyers
row" because five or six of the little
one story brick building's there were
used as offices for lawyers. One of
these had a tin sign, from which the
words "Hamilton Quinby, Attorney at
Law," had been almost washed off by
repeated rains. The door was open, and
Abner went in.
A tall man of fine build, ashock of
bushy hair, a sweeping iron gray mus
tache and a tuft of beard on his chin,
stood smoking in the center of the
room. On the-top of a desk with a roll
ing cover rested an open leather bound
tome, which the lawyer had been con
sulting. "Good morning, AbneT," he nodded,
closing the book. "Pole Baker said you
wanted to Bee me about Howard's case,
an I stayed over. ' I have got some
minor matters to attend to at Spring
town, but they kin wait till later."
"I'm glad you did. Abner eyed the
open door restlessly. "Hain't you got
another room back thar?" glancing to
ward the rear. "Thar ain't no use
havin' every soul in town know I'm
takin to you, an' they all look in as
they pass. By gum! That woman
almost twisted 'er fool neck off just
then. Folks Is the very dickens to
take a mite an' make a mountain of it
when excitement o any sort is in the
"Yes, I've got a consulting room back
there," Qumby returned, and he led
the way through a doorway to the
smallerroom in the rear.
"Yes, you may think it is a funny
thing fer me to come talkin' about
Howard before he is even accused."
Aurer began, as they seated them
selves in the plain chairs, "but you'll
admit that the situation is bad as it
stands. Me an' Howard has got to
keep that paper agoin', an the way
folks is a-talkin is calculated to dam
age our circulati'n. -We want to be let
alone, you see, judge" Quinby had
once been a justice of the peace
"an' I 'lowed I'd feel better ef I had
a chat with you. It can't do no harm
Quinby's face was expressionless. He
rolled his cigar between his lips.
"I read till a late hour last night."
he said in a matter of fact tone, as he
closed his right eye to cut out the coil
of smoke which rose close to the lids.
"I wasn't sure myself on all points o'
the law and wanted to be certain o'
my ground."
"You don't mean that you you've
been makin out his case already?" Ab
ner said in surprise.
"Well, yes, I believe in knowin as
nearly what I'm about as possible. I've
been through several cases very much
on a par with this, and I ought by this
time to know something by experience.
As I understand it, you ain't a rich
man, an Howard has nothing. Even
if his old daddy mortgaged all he's got
he couldn't raise much money, and it
would be plumb folly to attempt to
make a long, expensive fight and be
forced to give in at the end.
"In every case like this I've advised
my client to plead .guilty and throw
himself on the mercy of the court.
Howard was no doubt provoked to
a great extent, and the courts are gen
erally disposed to impose a light pen
alty where a due show of contrition
and humility is made at the outset."
"But, judge, the boy is innocent," Ab
ner said, firmly.
Quinby leveled his stare on the old
man's face. It was the calm look he
had given many a witness that was be
ing sharply cross questioned.
"What makes you think so?' he in
quired in the tone of a man of experi
ence, humorins one of iiojnyatalL r
"Because he says so."" Abner re
turned. "Oh, he says so, does he? I see, I see.
They always do at the outset. They do
even to me right at first. You see, Ab
ner, when a feller finds himself in the
fix Howard is in he has no time to
think; in fact, he has no mind to think
with. That's why he needs level head
ed legal advice. The first thing I tell
them is to keep their mouths shut and
to answer no questions to send every
body to me, and when they come to me
I tell them to mind their own business.
Oh. yes, it is nothing but natural for
Howard to take that stand. As a gen
eral thing a feller that commits a deed
like that is scared to death.
"He sees his own end looming up in
front, you see, and. being guilty, his
imagination paints it a million times
worse than it is."
Abner had flushed slightly. lie rais
ed his hand and almost shook his
finger in the lawyer's face. "I'll tell
you one thing." he said sharply, "an
It's this, noward 'u'cf be a fool, and
so would I, to go fer help to a lawyer
that sets in adverse judgment on his
case before he's even charged with
the crime. You'll have to chaw a dif
ferent sort o tobacco than you use
now ef you want to handle this mat
ter. You've got to drop the scales o'
unbelief in the boy from yore blinded
eyes an.' use 'em to help ferret out the
feller that done the deed."
"I wasn't deciding in advance at
all," Quinby defended himself, with
rising ire. "I was only using com
mon sense methods. May I ask if you
have thought of the evidence already
brought out at the inquest?"
"Yes. I have," Abner answered blunt
ly. "I have, but that made no odds,
knowin what I knoAv."
The lawyer's heavy brows met in a
belligerent frown. "Do you know of
SIfer ly?
"I've got a hard fight before me," said
Abner, "and I ain't looking fer your
sort to help.''
any way that he can establish an alibi
prove where hg, spent the night on
which Craig was shot?"
"No, I don't, if the boy's word won't
go," Abner answered. "It goes with
"Well, . you ought to know that it
won't go in court," Quinby retorted
quite angrily. "If you don't I do. You
seem to think a lawyer ought to fight
a case "on any lines suggested by an
excited client I don't. I lost cases
in that way when, as a beardless boy.
I first hung out my sningie. I've maae
a reputation for lowering fines and
penalties, and I don't want to go back
ward. I could make myself the laugh-
ing stock of the bar f the whole state
if I went against my judgment."
"I see yore p'int," Abner sneered.
"Circumstances by accident git tangled
about a innocent man, an he is advised
by a high an' mighty legal expert to
plead guilty so as to git as light pun
ishment as possible. A feller as miser
able as Howard is has to add to his
sufferin by stearin' a lie an' disgrac
in his folks to save his neck. I don't
know how Howard is, bat I wouldn't
take advice like that to save mine."
"I'm afraid yon are unreasonable,
Quinby retorted loftily. "I haven't
said yet that I thought positively that
Howard was guilty."
"No, but you said some'n' jest as
bad," Abner flared back. "You inti
mated that you was goin' to put the
boy on some sort o' rack to make 'im
own up. Now, ef I owe you anything
for yore advice sech as it is you may
send me yore bill, but I'd cut off my
right arm ruther'n trust Howard's life
in yore hands."..
"I didn't ask for the case, under
stand that." Quinby was now flushed
with fury. "And, moreover, when-It
has been thrashed out in court on any
other line you'll regret that you didn't
listen to me. You dbtf t owe me a cent.
You are a farmer, Abner, not a lawyer,
and you have let your emotions run
away with you. Now that I'm out of
the case 111 speak more plainly. That
boy shot Craig, and he shot him delib
erately and in revenge. He said he
would do it, armed himself and was
seen at Craig's gate half an hour be
fore the killing. He started to escape
through the woods. He spent the re
mainder of the night tramping about
no doubt half crazy. I'm glad I'm out
of the case."
. ;Som I. judge." Abner rose and put
on his slouch hat- 'Tve got a terrible
hard fight before me, an' I ain't lookin'
fer yore sort to help."
fTo Be Continued.)
TELLS WHAT SHE THINKS. Hawn, Cedar Grove, Mo.,
writes: "We think Foley's Cathartic
Tablets are the best liver pill we ever
got hold of, as they do not nauseate
or gripe, but act freely on the liver."
Recommended for constipation, bloat
ing:, sour stomach, gr.s on stomach,
bad breath, clogged or irregular bowel
action. Sold everywhere.
Joanna Baxter, Plaintiff,
Clara E. Young, also known as Clara
Kllen Youns, et. al. Defendants
To the defendants Clara E Young,
also known us Clara Ellen Youns: John
Do Yountr, first real name unknown,
husband or widower of CUtra E. YounK,
also known as Clara Ellen Youns;
Clara E. Young: loe. real name other
than Clara E. Young; unknown: John
loe. first and reeal name unknown,
husband or widower of Clara "E. Younp
I)oe;the unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the estate
of Clara K. Young, also known as Clara
Ellen Your.g, otherwise described as
Clara E. Y'ouncr Doe, real name other
than Clara E. Young- unknown, deceas
ed; the unknown heirs, devisees, leg
atees, personal representatives and all
other -persons interested in the estate
of John Ioe Young, first real name tin
known, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interested
in the estate of John loe, first real
name unknown, deceased; Samuel H.
Jones, also known as S. II. Jones, Mrs.
Samuel H. Jones, first real name un
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Samuel H. Jones, also known
as S. H. Jones, deceased; the -unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. Samuel
H. Jones, first real name unknown, de
ceased; Packard &. Miller, a partner
ship composed of Spencer Packard and
Jason G. Miller: Spencer Packard, El
ecta Packard: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tions and all other persons interested
in the estate of Spencer Packard, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Electa Packard, deceased; Jason
G. Miller, Mary P. Miller, the utiknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Jason !. Mil
ler, deceased; the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mary I. Miller, de
ceased; John T.. Clark: Amelia H. Clark;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of John
Ti. Clark, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Amelia li. Clark, deceas
ed; the unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the estate
of.Susanah Drake, deceased; Louis E.
Cole, also Lewis F. Cole: Clara E. tole;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
Persons interested in the estate of
Louis k Cole, also known as Lewis V.
Cole, deceased: the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other iersons interested
in the estate of Clara E. Cole, deceased;
William L. Gray, Mary E. Moore. Isa
bel le Moore and the unknown owners
and the unknown claimants of frac
tional lots sis () and seven (7), in the
northeast quarter (N. E. 1-4) -of the
northwest quarter (NAY. 1-4),. of section
twenty-four (24), 'township eleven (11).
north range thirteen (13), east of the
tith P. M., in the County of Cass, Ne
braska. You are hereby notified that on April
19th. A.. !.. 1916. plaintiff filed her suit
in the District Court of the County of
Cass, Nebraska, to quiet plaintiff's titre
to the above described lands, to-wit:
fractional lots six (6), and seven (7).
in the northeast quarter CS. E. 1-4) of
the northwest Quarter CN. W. 1-4) of
section twenty-f our (21), township ele
ven (11), north range thirteen (13), east
of the Gtli P. M., in the Coonty of Cass,
Nebraska, because of her adverse pos
session by herself and her RTantoTs
for more than ten years prior to the
commencement of said suit and to en
join each and .all of you " from having
or claiming , any right, title, lein or
interest, either legal or equitable, in
or to said lands or any part thereof;
to require you to set forth your right,
title, claim, lein or interest therein, if
any. either legal or equitable, and to
have the same -adjudged Inferior to the
title of plaintiff and for geueral equit
able relief. This notice is made pur
suant to the order of the Court.
You are required to answer aid pe
tition on or before Monday, May 22,
A. IX, 1916. or your default will te
duly entered therein.
W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney.
1y i
ikfiioBERT wwwckh) CO!
The Idol of the Screen
Robert Warwick ,
"The Flash
or AN
A story of the modern society
vulture that thrills and gripes.
Another Shubert Feature!
Gem Theatre Tuesday
Matinee and Evening
A Great Sensational Picture and a
Most Powerful One.
One of the most pleasing motion
pictures that has been secured for
presentation in this city is "The Flash
of An Emerald," which will be shown
at the Gem theater on Tuesday, mati
nee and night. This play is a power
ful one and features Robert Warwick,
one of the leading stars in the film
woild, in the role of Lucius Waldeck,
a social vulture. The price at the
matinee will be 5 and 10 cents, and
at night 10 and 15 cents. -
Lucius Waldeck Robert Warwick
Victoria Allison. .. .Dorothy Fairchild
Soma Marcer, her chum. .Jean Stuart
Mrs. Watscn Julia Stuart
Madeline, the granddaughter.
Georgia May Fursman
Marie, Mrs. Weston's maid
Clarissa Selwynne
Phillipa Fcrd June Elvidge
Morton Conway Paul Gordon
Lucius Waldeck is a social vulture,
preying on his friends, and diverting
suspicion by .his gentlemanly gra-
In a New York hotel lobby he is
attracted by the porter carrying in a
sickly child. While thus engrossed,
he sees a magnificent emerald pinned
in the dress of the child's grand
mother. He determines to possess the
Mrs. Weston has gone to St. Ann
de Beaupre, near Quebec, Canada, in
order to appeal to St. Ann's for the
recovery of her granddaughter, at the
time of the visit of the pilgrims, and
Waldeck follows.
During the procession of the pil
grims Waldeck locates Mrs. Weston,
who is still wearing- her emerald.
That night he crawls up over the roof
of the stable and gains admittance to
Mrs. Weston's rooms.
He chloroforms Mrs. Weston, and
repeats the same cperation with the
child and the maid. Then he secures
the emerald.
Months later Victoria and Sonia are
in New York. The former has been
a comrade only of Morton Conway, a
rich young man, who, although be
knows and appreciates the friendship
existing between her and Victoria, is
in love with Phillipa Ford, a mercen
ary, materialistic young lady.
Phillipa has become interested in a
man who represents himself to be the
secret agent of the Russian revolu
tionists. The man is Waldeck.
At a ball Victoria sees Waldeck and
recognizes him in a vague sort of a
way. fane tries to warn pniiupa, wno
chooses to consider the warning as
jealousy, Phillipa believing that Vic-
toiia is trying to cause trouble in her
r.ffair with Waldeck in order to cause j
trouble between Phillipa and Norton,
so that Norton will leave Phillipa and
return to Victoria!
Waldeck, feeling secure. in his -environment,
gives the emerald to" Phil
lipa. Victoria sees the emerald and
recognizes the true character of Wal
deck. Phillipa insists that it i3 a
jewel given her by her mother. I
Waldeck learns that 1 the emerald
aud we will loid both Feeder and Regulator in your wagon. The feeder
lets each hog get just the amount he needs. The feeder saves time and
money, and Regulator prevents runts. Used and endorsed for years by
raisers of thoroughbred hogs. By keeping the stomach sweet it helps
digestion so the hog can digest more feed, which means bigger gains
and shorter fattening time. Most coughs are started by a bad stomach.
Prevent this by using the Regulator and your Hog loss will be Uss and
your Hog profits more. It surely keeps the stomach and bowels in gocd
shape. Come in today and see about it.
VEYRIGH & li&DRBA, Exclusive Agents
Headquarters for the complete Standard Line.
has been his undoing, so deftly re
moves it from Phillipa'3 bodice when
embracing her. Then he starts to
make an exit from this country.
Phillipa receives a note from Wal
deck, asking her to deliver a box
which he had intrusted to her and
which he said contained the collec
tions for the Russian revolutionists,
to a stateroom in an outgoing steam
er. Phillipa still believes in the inno
cence of Waldeck.
Victoria notifies the police of her
opinion that -Waldeck is the man
wanted for murder of the child in Can
ada. Detectives discover the note
which he sent to Phillipa regarding
the box, so the police go to the steam
er and await the appointed hour when
Phillipa is to deliver the box to the
mysterious woman.
At the right moment they pounce
on both Phillipa and the other wo
man, who is Marie, the former maid
of Mrs. Weston's, and who has been
Waldeck's accomplice in all the work.
The box is discovered to contain the
jewels and valuables stolen by Wal
deck. Waldeck, realizing that there is no
hope of escape, commits suicide.'
Morton Conway realizes that he has
been wasting his affections on Phil
lipa, whose true character has been
disclosed. And he realizes that all the
suspicion, caused by Phillipa's tongue
and directed at Victoria, are unjust.
He appreciates her goodness and all
promises well with them.
The ladies of St. Mary's guild will
operate an auto line to and from the
cemetery cn Decoration day, Tuesday,
May SO. A charge of 25 cents for the
round trip will be made. Parties de
siring to make the trip will be called
for at their homes or may secure cars
r.t the corner of Sixth and Vine
streets. The ladies are raising funds
for their church work and the amount
secured by the auto line will be de
voted to this purpose.
"I told a neighbor whose child had
croup about Foley's Hcficy and Tar,"
writes Mrs. Ilehkamp, 2404 Herman
St., Covington, Ky. "When sh gave
it a coupl? doses the was so pleased
'with the change she didn't know what
to say." This reliable remedy helps
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough. Sold everywhere.
Pratt's Lice Killer will keep your
chickens free from mites. Charles E.
The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round
Trip using our Commutation Books
Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c
Extra Passengers, each, 5c
$10.00 Book,... $5.00
$5.00 Book, $2.50
Commutation Books Good any time
and Transferable.
Mo & Wagon Bridge
There is One of
These Sslf
Feeder in Store
for You
all you have to do is to drive
up and leave your order with
us for 200 pounfls of
State of Ncbrcka
J ss.
Cass County j
In County Court.
In the matter of tha estate of Fred
erick Engelkemicr, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the cred
itors of .said deceased that hearings
will be had upon claims filed against
raid estate, before me, County Judge
of diss County, Nebraska, at the
County Court room in Plattsmouth, in
said county, on the 10th day of June,
1D1G, and on the 11th day of Decem
ber, 191G, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day
for examination, adjustment anJ al
lowance. All claims must be filod in said
court on or before raid hour of
Witness my hand r.nd coal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of May, 191G.
(Seal) ' County Judge.
John M. Lej'de,
Attorney for Administratrix.
(STICK TO ( ItrillTOIlS.
tatp of Nflraska, Cass county, ss. In
County Court. In the mailer of the
estate of Ijoretta A tilt, (Iccciisivl:
Notice is hereby piven to the cred
itors of snil deceased that" heartm.
will le had iijhui claims filed against
said estate, before me, county judfvc
of Cass county, Nebraska, at the
county court room in l'lat tsmoutli, in
said county, on the ifith day of June,
1916, and on the lfitli day of December.
1916. at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day. foi
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must be filed in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
county court, at l'lat tsmouth. Nebras
ka, tills 15th day of May, lSlfi.
allkx J. i:i:kso
(Seal County JuiIro.'
Attorno for Administrator.
Owing to the fact that Tuesday,
May 30, is Decoration d?y, the city
schools will be closed on that day to
permit of the young people taking
part in the program of the day. The
official closing of the schools, however,
will not be until June 2, with the
exception of the seniors, who will be
through with their active school work
DONT MISS THIS. Cut out the
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
Chicago, 111., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
bronchial coughs, colds and croup.
Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar
tic Tablets. Sold everywhere.