THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAE. PAGE 5. Practical Economy Baking powders made from alum or phosphate may be bought for a r trifle less than Royal Baking Powder, which is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Alum powders are not only cheap, but they differ greatly in leavening power. If a cheap baking powder is used for a fine cake and the cake turns out a failure there is a waste of costly materials worth more than a whole can of the cneap bak ing powder. Royal Baking Powder produces - the finest food, and its use therefore, results in an actual saving. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York ALVO NEWS ITEMS Lee Trouty went to Lincoln Satur day. C. C. Bucknell went to Lincoln on Monday. Dale Boyles went to Omaha Tues day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards autoed to Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemcr were in Lincoln Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weichel were in Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. G. P. Foreman went to Lin coln Monday evening:. Mrs. Ed Casey and Mrs. H. Moore were in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollenbeck were having1 dental work done in t'mr.ha Monday. Mrs. Grace Thurrescn and little daughter, Maxine, went to Lincoln Tuesday on No. 1C. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kirkratrick and Miss Florence McKinney were shop ping in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. John Elliott was called to Champaign; HI., Monday, on account of her father's sickness. Mrs. Louis Dalbrow, who has been visiting relatives here the last two weeks, returned to her home in Lin coln Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bennett ?pent Saturday and Sunday in Elmwood, visiting the latter's rarents, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Bragg:. Miss Eva Sutton entertained at din ner Sunday Miss Elie Stout, Mrs. Irene Stout, Messrs. Louis Amick of "Weeping Water and Archie Miller. Mothers' day was observed here Sunday. A special program was given in the evening at the Methodist Epircopal church in connection ..with the Epworth league anniversary pro gram. Wednesday morning Miss Carr and her pupils and the Misses Lowry and GirTin went out to Foreman's grove, east of town, and had a "weenie" roast. Breakfast in the open was surely appetizing and enjeyed by all. The special school meeting held Kara -f , 1111. ,41H'I ' I 1,1 1 i:ltt llilii "J?. Ilk 4V T t T&mk . , ;.: ' "... ' ' '' ' : "- .'-J,;'.' .--.-V -re'--" Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine? AT present average prices for kerosene and gasoline, Titan kerosene engines save their owners about i.ic. per horse power per hour over gasoline engines. Figure it this way. On an 8-horse engine the sav ing is 8.8c. an hour, 88c. in a io-hour day, $88 in ioo days of work. Say that is all your-engine does in a year. It would cost 3 0U OSS more than you need to pay, to run an 6-horse gasoline engine one year. That is more than a third of the price of the engine. Can 3011 afford to throw awa- $S3 a j'ear? Can you afford even to think of buying a gasoline engine, when you can get a Titan that uses kerosene? See the Titan dealer and, talk this ever. He' has some interesting figures to show j-ou. International Harvester Company cf America ' (Incorporated) . Tjajj I;pro?.f n engine are eoid by . Mill F. GGRDER, PIsilsniouth, Hebraska Tuesday evening in district Xo. 100 and the surrounding districts, for the purpose of voting on consolidation, resulted favorably in all the districts except Hedge Corner and Tipton, which postponed their meetings until Saturday night. Was It a Joke? Last Friday afternoon relatives of Frank Greer of Acme, Alberta, Can ada, were delighted when they saw a good-looking young chap riding along home in the wragon with his cousin, John Foreman. Noel Fore man end Alvin Cashner gave him the hearty hand-clasp in town, and when the boys reached the Foreman home Uncle George was at the barn and, upon being informed of the possible identity of the well-dressed stranger, was glad indeed to see him. And Frank ( ? )- talked freely of his broth ers and sisters in Canada and said the general condition of crops was excel lent. In the meantime Lee Frouty rushed over in his auto to see his cousin Frank, and Fred Prouty's folks called on the phone to talk to him. By' that time John, who was bursting with laughter on the other side of the team he was frying to unhitch, un concernedly let the joke get the bet ter of him, and the tell-tale look on Do's face gave it away. Disgusted, Uncle George wended his way to the bcue. where he called to his wife, "Cornelia, there is no joke about it, no jcke at all, but she was in Lin coln. They say John is laughing yet about his new-found friend, whom he allowed to ride into town with him, and then decided to joke his folks. John Lynch and wife were visiting their uncle, Jim Foreman, Wednesday. Mrs. Jim Foreman 2d accompanied them and will visit several days. DEUEL CO. LAND. The best in vest ment in the state. Write for prices and terms. Ritchey Land Co., Chappell, York, Alvo, Neb. . FROM PERIT NORMAL. Miss Iva Dunn spent the week-end with friends in Lincoln. Miss Dunn is the head of the department of ex pression. Dean E. L. Rouse was in Waterbury last week, where he gave the address at the high school commencement. On Friday the Philomatheans gave a splendid Shakespearean program. This meeting was held in the chapel and the Everetts were guests. Professor Howie attended a meet ing of the Nebraska A.cademy of Science in Lincoln on Friday. Pro fessor Howie was made vice president of this association. President Hayes, Dean Rouse, Pro fessors Delzell and Gregg attended a meeting of the Schoolmasters' club in Lincoln Friday evening. Professor Delzell was elected president of this club for the ensuing year. Miss Eva Pickwell has been elected to a position as teacher of English and history in the high school at Ewing, Neb., for the next school year. Miss Pickwell is a member of the class of 1916. Her home is at Murdock, Neb. Miss Louise Mears, formerly a member of the Normal faculty but now connected with the Milwaukee state Normal school, will teach geog raphy again this summer in the Ohio state Normal college, which has the largest summer school for teachers in the United States. In observance of Mothers' day the Y. W. C. A. planned a program of especial interest to mothers and gave a special invitation to all mothers to meet with them at their Sunday aft ernoon meeting. In many instances the girls called for the ladies and accompanied them to the meeting. The large drainage tunnel put un der the athletic field last summer has been well tested recently and has proved its efficacy. In spite of the hard rains on Thursday night the field was in a fair"condition for use on Friday afternoon, at which time the Normal team defeated the Cotner uni versity team with a score of 3 to 0. One of the unique features of this year's commencement will be the "Pageant of the Ages," which will be given by the seniors on class day, Monday, May 29, at 10 a. m. This will be followed by the planting of the ivy. The annual May pole dance will be given at 7 p. m., and at 8:30 the class will present its play, "The Man On the Box," by Harold MacGrath. The faculty members especially in terested in the training of rural teach ers met in Lincoln on Friday after noon at a conference for the purpose of formulating a course of study to meet the requirements of the new law on the training of rural teachers in the state Normal schools. This con ference was attended by members of the state board of education and by representatives of the rural depart ments of all the Normal schools. "Word was recently received that Tillie Kolnen, the great contralto, who was to have appeared in the May festival on May 30, was suddenly called to Europe by the serious illness of her mother. Dr. Home has en gaged in her stead Cyrene Van Gor don, prima donna contarlto of the Chicago-Philadelphia Grand Opera company, auss v an uoraon, wno is said to possess a magnificent voice and to be one of the most beautiful women on the operatic stage, will take part in every program of the day. ENJOYING LIFE. Life is altogether too short to be worried away. You want to enjoy it when at work, when at the table, when at rest. But you cannot get the best out of life if your digestive apparatus is not working smoothly and your stomach reminds you continually that something is wrong, that it cannot supply your body .with the heeded amount of energy and strength; will not allow you to sit down to the table with a good appetite; will spoil your rest by making you feel uncomfort able. But there is no need of you suffering this way, when a dependable remedy is offered to you. Take Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine for some time regularly accord ing to directions and you will soon feel again like a new being. Your daily duties will no more be a burden to you but a pleasure; you will en joy your meals and you will feel com fortable when resting. At drug stores. Price $1.00. Jos. Triner, Manufac turer, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Pains m small of the back, in joints, in muscles, etc., will soon disappear when you apply Triner's Liniment. At drug stores, 25c and 50c; by mail, 35c and 60c. - Pasture For Cattle. Good pasture for cattle and horses, plenty of grass and water. Reason able terms. Call A. C. Bartlett, tele phone No. 3113. TnnigYjri AKO ALL Uill I 1 WEEK AT THE EATRE! AHman Bros'. Comedy Players WITH Band and Orchestra Entire change of play tonite "By the Order of the Court!'" New Vaudeville 10c 5,000 Seats 10c ONLY GEORGE E. DOVEY STCK In the account of the sale of the G. E. Dovey stock in the First Na tional bank to H. A. Schneider, ap pearing in last evening's Journal, the heading gave the impression that the entire stock of the Dovey family had been sold, but this only includes that owned by George E. Dovey and not that of II. N. Dovey, the cashier of the bank, who still retains his interest there. FOR SALE A MODERN COTTAGE, CLOSE IN. Situated on one of the four best cor ners in tho city, four blocks north of Hotel Riley.' Tho prettiest half mile in Plattsmouth. One block from grade school, two blocks from Catholic church and schools. Level lot in good sod, park ing space well seeded, young trees thriving, curb and gutter in and paid for, concrete porches, walks and steps. Good cistern and pump, citjr water and sewer, water heater, gas and stove, electric lighting and fine fixtures. Good cellar, new screens, storm doors. Nev.iy papered and painted inside and out. Six rooms, a largo store room, two closots and fully equipped Tath room. A growing valus property. A REAL SNAP if sold at once. Fa vorable" terms. II. H. COTTON, Owner, With F. R. Gobelman. P. O. Box 91. Phone v 241-J. 5-l-tfd&w RETURNS FROM GRAND LODGE This afternoon Frank Neumann and August Bakow returned home from Columbus, Neb., where they have been as delegates to the grand lodge of the Sons of Herman, which has just closed its session there. The boys were able to secure the next grand lodge meet ing for Plattsmouth in 1918, and Mr. Neumann was selected as the grand outer guard by the grand lodge. The two delegates put in some good licks at the meeting and their efforts were crowned with success. ALLMANN SHOW PLEASING. The Allmann show last evening drew the largest house so far during the stay of the company here and one of the best plays yet shown was given by the excellent stock company. The title of the play was "The Net," and every one of the company did splendid work in their respective roles. The vaudeville was, as usual, one of the most entertaining features of the evening, and the clever members of the company in their songs and dances pleased everyone. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touc' of vour clothing. Doan's Ointment is fine for skin itching. All druggists sell it, 50c a box. L. M. Ingwersen bores wells. Ne hawka, Neb. Phone 61. ' A want ad will bring what you want. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper win be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and act3 thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c TEWT TH TROOPS RES CUE RAIDERS' CAPTIVE Glenn Springs Merchant Found By United States Troops 125 Miles In Mexico. Marathon, Tex., May 18. United States soldiers have rescued J. Deemer, American storekeeper cap tured by Mexican raiders on Glenn Springs, and Boquillas, Tex., accord ing to a man named Terry, who ar rived yesterday morning. He said the soldiers entered a vil lage 125 miles in Mexico and the bandits rushed out, leaving Deemer and a captive negro named Monroe Payne. Payne and Deemer are being brought back to the United States, Terry said. Relief at Washington. Washington, D. C, May 18. Genu ine relief over the Mexican situation was evident in administration circles yesterday.' The principal cause was the assurance conveyed to President Wilson and his cabinet through Secre tary Baker that the Carranza govern ment now is convinced the United States has no intention of intervening in Mexican politics and that conse quently resentment against the puni tive expedition is rapidly decreasing. General Scott, chief of staff of the army, brought this word to Secretary Baker from his conference at El Paso with General Obregon, war minister for the Carranza government. Report Confirmed. San Antonio, Tex., May 18. The rescue by the American soldiers of J. Deerher and the negro cook, Monroe Payne, carried off as prisoners by the bandits that raided Glenn Springs and Boquillas, was reported to General Funston today. Colonel Frederick W. Sibley, com mander cf the expedition sent to Mexico at Boquillas to capture the Glenn Springs raiders, is about forty miles south of the border, according to information sent to headquarters yesterday by officers of the signal corps working along the line of com munication. Major General Funston has not received a direct report from Colonel Sibley since "the latter took up the bandit chase in Mexico. Three companies of coast artillery were sent from here to Del Rio yes terday for distribution along the main line of the Southern Pacific to guard bridges and garrison towns. The four remaining companies will take up similar duty as soon as rolling stock has been provided for their trans portation. BRYAN NOT GOING TO Sit IN THE CONVENTION Corrects "Deliberate and Malicious Misrepresentations of Corpora tion Papers." Lincoln, Neb., May 18. William J. Bryan is not going to the democratic national convention as an alternate from Nebraska nor as a delegate from any other state, according to an an nouncement made yesterday. Neither is Charles W. Bryan, de feated candidate for the democratic gubernatorial nomination in Nebras ka, planning to run independently or as the candidate of another party. Mr. Bryan's statement, which was made, he explained, "to correct the deliberate and malicious misrepre sentations of corporation-controlled papers," says: "William J. Bryan has never had any thought of going to the demo cratic national convention as an alter nate from Nebraska or as a delegate from any other state, and Charles W. HSryi an has had no thought of running for governor without the democratic nomination. C. W. Bryan received the people's independent nomination for the place by a vote of 203 to 133 for Neville. For any pain, burn, scald or bruise, Tipply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. Two sizes, 25c and 50c, at all drug stores. RECOVERING AT HOSPITAL. From "Wednesdays Dally. Mrs. Frank Marler, who is at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha recover ing from the effects of an operation, is reported as showing marked signs of improvement, and her condition has been very encouraging to her friends and relatives and leads to the hope that in a short time she may be able to return home to this city, restored to health and to her family. Big Auction Sale of ewins" Machines! 20 LEADING MAKES, SUCH AS Singer, White, Wheeler & Wilson and Kow Home Also one 6-hole Kitchen Range 2nd Gent' Bicycle. 1 AT 2 O'CLOCK SHARP at my residence, one block south of Wurl's store just east of James Sage's residence. Now is the time to secure most your Singer Sewing Machine Co., H. Ell. STEESOra, Agent WIYJ. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer ' GERMAN PAPERS REPLY TO ORE Foreign Secretary's Remarks on the War Brings Sharp Answers. ' Berlin, May 18. (By Wireless to Sayville.) "German newspapers dis cuss at length the statements attrib uted to the British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, in the recent inter view in which he took up the origin and object of the war," rays the Over seas News agency. ''The newspapers agree that Sir Edward merely repeat ed statements which already had been refuted by Chancellor von Bethmann Holiweg, who in his speech of August 19, 1915, discussed Premier Asquith's utterances on the same topics. The premier then stated that Germany had made impossible an undez-standing with Great Britain in the negotiations before the war by asking Great Brit ain to pledge her absolute neutrality in the event Germany became engaged in war. "The chancellor pointed out, how ever, that Germany had asked assur ances of Great Britain's neutrality in case war should be forced upon Ger many, which is quite a different thing inasmuch as it excluded the possibility v i v 1 TN. J 3 i a Sewing Machine at al- ! own price! that Great Britain would be forced to remain neutral if Germany should en tertain intentions of agres.-:ive action. "The newspapers refute the declara tion of the British foreign secretary that England had no inicnticn of act ing aggressively toward Germany by quoting stcret reports cf Belgian dip lomas which show t?.e manner in which British diplomacy hid aimed for years to isolate Gc-rmrny and ex pose her to i?:e attack cf a coalition. "Sir Edward Grey's remarks in re gard to the restoration cf B2lgiur.i ::re answered by pointing out that Chancellor von Bethmann-IIclhvcg in h:"s latest speech indicated that Ger many favors a really rcutral r.nJ really independent Bc-lium, a r-U'.te which is willing to cclIaLciata with Germany as with ether covr.tries. "Sir Edward disregard'? v. sll estab lished factors, the newspapers say, and therefore his utterances are hard ly likely to promote the cause of peace, although he do?s not use the high-sounding phrase that Germany ought to be crushed, which previously has usually been given as Great Brit ain's object in the war." Can't look well, cat well, or feel well with impure blood. Iveep thu blood pure with Burdock Blood Bit ters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean, and good health is pretty sure to follow. $1.00 a bottle. Subscribe for the Journal. 3 vs All College Stars OFPERU- The College Stars have made a great showing this season and boasts of some of the fastest material in the base ball line in this sec tion of the state. A rare treat'for the fans, so be on hand early. 3:00 Sharp Admission 25c TV mMmmya Sox