s "ONDAT, MAY S, 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE S. i M M 1! 51 ?! 3 Ther e 55 S5 olid Satisfaction in Us ng If ifl ft frn rpsa ! J! 1 1 The soft, smooth grain work easily. It's "responsive" to your tools and doesn't dull them. You save time and effort in working with WHITE PINE and can be sure of workmanlike results a job you're proud to call your own. Then too, WHITE PINE means real economy even at a higher first cost because it does not warp, shrink, swell, sag, twist, or rot. It stays put for years even in closest joints and takes paint perfectly. Of all structural woods it's the most dependable for exposed surfaces. Due to market conditions we' have not carried WHITE PINE some time. Now we have plenty or it. it all the items are not in stock, ve can soon get them for you. See us on lumber and save money, time and regrets. Prepardness when applied to Lumber, Building Material and Builder's Hardware, you'll find us. Behind the Guns ready for business. Let us furnish YOU some of our "ammunition" that will not fij fail you in your Spring Drive. a CEDAR CREEK Lumber to.. PAUL H. RG3ERTS, Manager neea ; 1 j L 1 a H t ' I II l ' V, IIIIIIInIIIIIrIi i participated in the proper observance I of the golden wedding ef her grand- ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. i i William Deles Dernier is now the possessor of a new Ford touring cur. Ralph Uldey and family returned ?.Ionday to their hem? at Verdon, Ne luaska. after an extended visit with Mr. Uhley's parents. 11. B. Lambert of Memphis, Nebras ka, was here Friday on a visit to his many old Elmwood friends and to at tend the Odd Fellows' anniversary cel ebration that evening. Attorney Howard Saxton of Pen der, Nebraska, was in town over Sun day to visit with his parent?, Mr. and Mrs. D. Saxton. II j had been in Omaha on business matters. parents A. C. Ferguson purchased the two lots of William Mueller on Thursday. They are lots 8 and l in block 5, Fer guson addition to Elmwood, and are located just west of the property that Mr. Ferguson now owns. Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Clapp returned home Sunday morning from their win ter's sojourn in California. They are much refreshed in body and spirit as a result of their experience. While gone they visited obi friends and ac quaintances here and there and hail th? time of their lives. The business men of Elmwood have rub. c; ibed to a fund for the purchase i of a street sprinkler. The money is in j right and the sprinkler will be pur ;cras'd. A further contribution will i bo necessary, but the business men R. Deles Dernier is preparing fur- ere willing to supply the wherewithal ther to beautify his palatial country! to keep the sprinkler busy when nec- nome by the removal 01 the old win dows and the placing of modern new ones in their stead, and by other al terations. Mrs. William Mender.hall returned Wednesday morning from a ten days' visit at Detroit, Minnesota, where she essary. This is a good move and one that will be appreciated and bring good results. Let the good work go en. L. Linder came down Saturday from Lincoln where he had been at the bed side of his wife, who underwent an op eration for the removal of gall stones, and also for appendicitis. Mr. Lin ger says that forty-two stones were removed, and this, together with the operation for appendicitis, made Mrs. Linder pretty weak, but very bright prospects of recovery was the word given out by the doctors in charge, and he left her doing nicely. WEEPING WATER. Republican. The Smith Gara D. L. AMICK, Proprietor Storage and General Repair Work! Hupmobile Service Station Batteries Tested Free! Goodrich j TIRES j United States and Carspring! The Carspring Guaranteed for 6,000 Miles. We Charge Storage Batteries! Vulcanizing of All Kinds Casings and Inner Tubes FREE AIR AND WATER! R. W. Ilitchman, who was injured last week by being thrown from his buggy, is improving nicely. Grandma Giberson will celebrate the ninety-third anniversary of her birth May 8. She asks her friends to call from 2:30 to 5:30. Mrs. Lee Staner of St. Cathryn, On tario, Canada, arrived Friday for a visit with her husband's parents and other relatives. Tom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fisher, who was bitten by a rat a number of weeks ago, is still consid ered in a critical condition. On Wed nesday his fever was 10G. Mrs. John Domingo left Sunday for. Rochester, Minnesota, to be with j her sister, Mrs. Chris Johnson of Humboldt, Iowa, who was to undergo r.n operation at the Minnesota hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Orton returned Friday evening from California where they had spent the winter with their son Chauncey and visiting among for mer Weeping Water people. They re port a' fine time. Mrs. Ed Kirkpatrick of Nehawka was in town Friday and ' let the contract to G. H. Dennis for the erec tion of a new modern $3,500 bunga low home which will be 28 by 40 feet. Ten rooms with all the modern elec trical improvements. Frank Cox, who lives five and one half miles east, was in town Wednes day morning for Carpenter Joe Has lam and son Roy, who went out to commence the work' of building the new modern home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, which will be 30 by CO, two full stories. . Herman Kleitsch was up from the farm near Palmyra Friday and took two loads of his household goods to the farm. He will finish the moving soon. Mrs. Kleitsch is visiting at the Henry Wulf home at Avoea while the moving is being done. ( Mrs. W. A. Davis ami her mother, Mrs. Boyd, went to Union Friday to meet Mrs. Earl Davis, who was on her way from Fullerton, California to Minnesota to visit her parents. They accompanied her to Omaha for a vis it. They spent the night with Mrs. Frank Smith, returning home Satur day night. Whooping Cough. ' One of the most successful prepara tions in use for this disease is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. S. W. Me Clinton, Blandon Springs, Alabama, writes: ''Our baby had whooping cough as bad as any baby could have it. I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it soon got him well." Ob ta in abl e e ver ywh ere. LOUISVILLE. Courier. Mrs. F. W. Schliefert visited her sister, Mrs. Jones, and family, in Omaha two days of this week. Wililam Stohlmon is here from Cal ifornia making an extended visit with relatives in Cass county, where he for merly lived. Mrs. Hanley is here from Kansas visiting her sister, Mrs. G. E. Steele, and family at' their home on the Schliefert farm in the country. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Inhelder are re ceiving the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a daughter on Saturday, April 29. William Snodgrass is here from Oklahoma visiting her sister, Mrs. Sarah Givens, who is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. N. Taylor. He will also visit other rela tives in Louisville. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. James Dixon, who nas been in a seri ous condition following 'an operation, is now improving and her recovery is assured. She is still at the Methodist hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Bayton Carey of Council Bluffs, who was formerly Miss Stella Carter of Louisville, returned home Monday after a few days' visit with her brother, Victor Carter, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Carey expect to move to Montana where he will en gage in farming. Mrs. E. F. Pettis and son Edward and daughter. Miss Dorothy, and Di ll. J. Lehnoff, drove down Friday to see Amos Keiser, who is suffering a prolonged attack of bronchitis. His many friends hope the warm weather will bring a change for the better in his condition. Mrs. F. II. Ossenkop was called to Lincoln Monday evening on account of the illness of her sister. Miss Rose Rathbun, who underwent an opera tion Monday for peritonitis. A tele phone message Tuesday to Postmaster Ossenkop informed him that the pa tient's condition was favorable ant that she was getting along nicely. NEIIAWKA. News. Miss Lillian Sutherland was a pas senger to Pawnee City Friday to vis it a few days with friends. Miss , Myrtle Rough returned to her studies at Crete Monday after visit ing over Sunday with parents here. Mrs. II. L. Thomas and little daugh ter returned home from Omaha Thurs day after spending several days with relatives. , M. J. Schafer was in Omaha over Sunday visiting with his wife, who is in the hospital there. Mrs. Schafer is inmproving, is the latest report. John Ledin was taken to the Swed ish Immanuel hospital in Omaha on Monday where he will receive treat ment for blood poisoning in the leg. Dr. Wilcox of Oskaloosa, Iowa, who performed a successful operation on J. M. Palmer last "Wednesday for ap pendicitis, returned home Thursday. Grant Palmer of Detroit, Michigan, came in the first of the week to visit his brother, J. M. Palmer, who had been in a very critical condition with appendicitis. Announcements reached a number of Nehawka people Tuesday inform ing them of the arrival of a daughter Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because its flavor is so different and so delightfully good; it can't bite your tongue ; it can't parch your throat; you can smoke it as long and as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap piness! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read : ' PROCESS PATENTED JULY 30tm, 1907" That means to you a lot of tobacco en joyment. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality ! Copyright ttll hf K. .1. kryriolda Tuloccu Co. the national joy smoke y'OU'LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no matter low much of a'stranger you are in tho neck of the woods you drop into. For, Prince iji Albert is rifint tnere ai inr nri -""--CU pass that sella tobacco ! The toppy red fcatf sella for a nickel and the tidy red tin for a dime; then there's the hand- A mnt4 hnlf-nntind tin is all we or its enthusi- . MSi that keeps the to bacco in such bang-up trim in goodness and in pipe satisfaction USE ME!? astic friends ever claimed for it ! U-t he time I timet I I so to your It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is cool and fragrant and appealing smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time 1 Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C TnB&CCO 15 PREPARED rUK omvrvctva uiwLiMnt ! PROCESS DISCOVERED IN V MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO ' " PRODUCE THE MOST DE- 1 LI GHTTUL AND. WHOLE SOME TCBACC0 FORCI6- i LHifiPpDocrss PATENTED ns 1 ti OR ' it 4 tATM IAA1 ; ,Wik6TOnSauN.CU$A. ! DOES NOT BITE THE T0SCUE This U the reverse side of the Prince Albert tidy red tin. Reed this " Patented Process" messee to-you end realize what it weans in making Prince Albert se ejMch to your liking. to Mr. and Mrs. Beadon Hall of Du val, Washington, on Saturday, April the twenty-seventh. The east half of the building known as the Nehawka House has been turn ed into a boarding and rooming house for a number of thoso working at the quarry. It was opened for business Monday. A mimlipr of our farmers have been m.ilcirnr numerous imnrovements on llos to the South Omaha market on their farms this spring in the way 0fThuisday morning, 4 EAGLE. Beacon. Born: To Mrs. Bertha Vance on Tuesday, May 2, a son. J. S. Dysart shipped a carload of $100 Reward, $100 The readers of thla paper will b pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being- greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. new buildings.' G. Hansen is build ing a cattle barn 40x43 feet with a basement and cement floor. F. C. Schomaker has recently completed a new barn. D. Switzer has placed a barn and double corn crib on his farm. John Knabe is another who has his name on the list with a hog house and double corn crib. H-2 -I-M-I' -fr-H-H- I UNION. Ledger. - - - esJ!eSelet?A W. II. Mark is the possessor of a new Ford. Look out for' Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Frans returned home from their honeymoon Tuesday and will occupy the J. Taylor prop erty. E. II. McConaha has moved to Ne braska City where he has accepted a position as telegraph operator for the Missouri Pacific. The school building was fumigated this week. It did no harm and pos sibly may have done some good. For an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. U. S. Town is limping around with one little toe severely battered, the re sult of letting a stump fall on it while pulling stumps at his farm east of town. John Clarence, who has a claim near Moorecraft, Wyoming, arrived home for a five months' visit with home folks yesterday. Mr. Clarence has one more year to put in on the claim before he proves up on it. Mrs. Charles Dysart was hostess to the Helpers' club yesterday after noon. The time passed pleasantly with work and social conversation Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. M. L. Hosington of Milton, Wash ington, arrived for a six weeks' visi with his aunt, Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. Hosington left here about fifteen years ago and says that the town has made a wonderful improvement dur ing his absence. Rev. W. J. Hindley pastor of the Central church, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Canada, was a caller at the Ledger office the fore part of the week. Mr. Hindley, a good many years ago, was a scnooi teacner nero ana Doaraea at the old McNamee hotel, an old frame structure, remembered by some fo our old timers. He used to stick type on the Ledger when Mr. Todd, now ed itor of the Dunbar Review, was at the Ledger's head. , Dorothy Watchtcr is quarantined on account of diphtheria. At last reports she was getting along nicely. John Hartsock is sporting around in a Krit touring car which he purchased from Frank Lanning the first of the week. Miss Lela Earll is suffering from a felon on her left hand and a boil on her right arm, giving her a very dig nified apearancc. W. C. Myers arrived here from Oklahoma last week to spend the sum mer with his brothers, Ed, Floyd and Charlie Myers. Miss Ellis from University Place was calling on the school board in the Lambert district the first of the week and made such a favorable impression she secured-the school for next year. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Trimble just re cently purchased Mrs. T. R. Crab tree's residence and is making some needed improvements They will move into it within the next few days. Mr. Reman Fox, once a resident of this place, afterward city treasurer of Lincoln, and now connected with a bank at Grand Junction, Colorado, was calling on old friends and neighbors Tuesday. He was on his return from a business trip to Washington, D. C. HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? if You Have, the Statement of This Plattsmouth Resident Will In terest You. Come to The Journal for fine sta tionery. V Docs' your back ache, night and day; Hinder work, destroy your rest? Does it stab ' you through and through When you stoop or lift or bend? Then your kidneys may be weak. Often backache is the clue. Just to give you further proof, The kidney action may be wrong. If attention is not paid More distress will coon appear. Headaches, dizzy spells and nerves, Uric acid and its ills Make the burden worse and worse. Liniments and plasters can't Reach the inwrrd cause at all; Help the kidneys use the pills Plattsmouth folks have tried and proved. What they say you can believe. Read this Plattsmouth man's ac count. See him, ask him, if you doubt. Edward Martin, machinist, 1400 Vine St., Plattsmouth, says: "When ever my kidneys get out of fix or be come irregular in action, a box of Doan's Kidney Pills relieves the trou ble. Occasionally my back starts ach ing, but it requires only a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills to relieve me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Martin had. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. I I Just received a new equipment for I 1 Concrete Work of ALL KINDS! And we are prepared to give you the very best in this line for your money. Let Us Figure on Your Next Job of Work! Moving, Storage and All Kinds of Heavy Hauling J. H. McMAKEN, All Kinds of Concrete Material for Sale