I. - . PAGE PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY. JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MAY 4. 1916. ) VIRISH SECRETARY Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in this vicinity, and will mall same to this otttce. it will ap Ijear under this headhitr. Vi e waiitallnewsiifetiis Editoh ninnn a 10 oni 1 2:--'c- tt"-. DinncLL jo omu w MW RESIGNE 6. - ' ..J.,-4 .' .jij.i'',..lvuT,,u,i, . ,'l-TilVl.?"glS'!fT"'g-?'n n to 1 1 m illTAT youth ami energy nro, great a-?ots nor will deny. 1 hoy help a lot in me uauie in lilV. Frequently, however, men who os scsj both youth nnl enerjry suddenly dis rovor that" they need a little capital. .-V bu?ino? opportunitv finds them without anv oa si i. Voun.:: man. don't le caught this way. The success-, ful luine men of the country freely declare that the v owe their success mainly to the fact that tl.oy opened a hank account early in life. Then when the fiance for an investment came along they were ready for it. Vouth and energy make a tine combination. Hut vouth. energy and capital are invincible. vouxcr max. kp: invincible, stakt a BAXK ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY. tt:;st!rg Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAN! EC John Hcbschicdt was a Plattsmouth visitor Friday. Lee Nickles was a business visitor in Union Thursday. F. E. Yallery was a Plattsmouth visitor Monday evening'. Miss Pearl Dugray spent the week end with Miss Etta Nickels. Mis. Charles Reade has been quite sick for the pact few weeks. A. D. Crunk and wife were calling on Union merchants Tuesday. E?rl Lancaster is now the owner of an automobile, having1 bought the Btn Noll car this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill and dauhtr Clara were Plattsmouth vis itors last Friday evening. Ed Oliver of Reck Springs, Wyo ming, was a guest of Will Oliver and wife a few days last week. May, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader, has been quite sick for the part few days. Dr. Cook of Plattsmouth was in Murray Wednesday, being called here in consultation with Dr. Brendel. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes, Mrs. W.'S. Smith, Miss Thorpe and Ralph Holmes drove to Omaha last Satur day. Andy Campbell is driving a fine new Dodge car this week, having pur chase one from the John Gorder apency in Plattsmouth. . The Dodge is a dandy car, and will no doubt give .Mr. Campbell the very best of service. Mrs. Will Oliver very pleasantly en tertained the K. N. K. at a quilting Thursday, which was well attended, and a great deal of work accomplish ed. Mrs. Oliver, assisted by Miss Clara Munn, served an elaborate and delicious dinner at the noon hour. The next quilting will be with Mrs. John Hindrichs. The Maraske brothers were shell ing corn for Lee Nickles Tuesday. Miss Bertha Nickles was visiting Miss Ida Good in Murray Monday. Frank Dugay and Henrietta Cream er were Union visitors last Sunday. William Nickles was transacting business at the court hou:;e Monday. Mrs. Walter Sans is reported seri ously ill at her home east of Murray. Robert Good and wife were trans acting business in Plattsmouth Satur day. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lynge on last Sunday, a fine eight pound baby girl. Jack Shaw was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth on Wednesday. A. F. Nickles, who has been receiv ing treatment at Little Rock, Arkan sas, for several months, arrived home Monday. John Hobcchiedt, jr., and wife and Mrs. John Hobschiedt, sr., were look ing after business and doing some shopping at. Nebraska City Wednes day. Charles Contryman and little son drove to Plattsmouth Saturday after noon to attend to some' important mat ters of business and visit friends for a short iime. Mr. and Mrs. Em Carroll and fam ily, from near Weeping Water, were in Murray last Saturday and Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. Carroll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car roll. Mrs. Joseph Hathaway motored to Plattsmouth Thursday afternoon to meet her husband, who was coming in from Council Bluffs. Mr. Hatha way had gone to Council Bluffs on Wednesday to see about getting an artificial limb. H mise Qeamieg? Just think how much more attractive your rooms would be with new curtains at the windows. We have for your selection a beautiful line of Scrims, Marquesettes and Swiss Goods. Think it over. You need them. EmU . Twit MURRAY, NEBRASKA tiie uieinoers oi tne council," the police . Miss Gertrude Long was an Omaha visitor last Saturday. E. S. Tutt was visiting friends in Plattsmouth last Saturday. Harry Johnson of Plattsmouth. has finisdied plastering the Murray barber chop. Philip Hild. from west of Mynard, was a Murray visitor Wednesday af ternoon. Earl Lancaster is now sporting- an auto, having purchased the Ben Noll car last week. Mrs. Mary Dull was visiting with relatives and friends in Omaha a few days the past week. Albert Young and George. Gibson are building a sheep barn and feeder for Wait Sans this week. Inez March came home Tuesday af ter a number of weeks' visit with rel atives and friends in Missouri. O. V. Virgin of Dunbar was visit ing with home folks this week, com ing up to get his seed corn. The pie auction given last Saturday evening was indeed a success. The la dies netted something like. $10. Dr. G. H. and Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter, Miss Mar gie, were Plattsmouth visitors Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Creamer of Omaha were in Murray last Sunday visiting with Mr. Creamer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Creamer. Mr. and Mrs. John Faught, Elmer Seibold and Mrs. Belle Seibold, who have been visiting here for the past few days, departed for their homes last Saturday. Word has been received here an nouncing the death of Osborne Iatta of Omaha. Mr. Latta resided here a number of years ago, and was well known to most of our citizens at that time. L. H. Puis has been wiring the new iesiden.ee of W. H. Puis for electricity this week. There is no plant in Mur ray rt the present time, but the new home builder wants to be prepared, when the current is turned on this way. , . Mrs. J. W. Holmes went to Omaha Monday, where she will remain for a few days. Her nephew, George All wine, was compelled to go to the hos pital for an operation this week, and Mrs. Hclmes will asf irt in the care at the home. L. H. Puis sold another electric light plant this week, to his father, William Puis, sr. It is of the Alamo type and is being1 installed this week. It will be one of the latest models and will be large enough to -take care of the entire premises of Mr. Tubs. James Burnie; the Plattsmouth con crete and stucco man, was in Murray Wednesday making" preparations for the stucco work on the new residence of W. H. Puis, which will be ready for the application of the finishing mate rial in the very near future. The Passion Play will be given in moving pictures at the Christian church in Murray, on Saturday eve ning, May 6. Two thousand feet of films, illustrated songs and picture slides will make up the evening's en tertainment. The lecture will be by Rev. Robb. Dr. G. II. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Philpot and John Gilmore are pre paring this week for a ten days' trip in the western part of the state. The trip will be made in the auto. Dr. Vandiver of Omaha is now in Murray to look after Gr. Gilmore's practice while he is gone. W. II. Puis, W. G. Boedeker, Louie Puis and L. D. Hiatt were county seat visitors Wednesday of this week, go ing to meet with the county commis sioners in regard to the road condi tions in this locality, some of which are needing1 considerable work to put them in the proper condition. Mrs. Walter Sans, residing over east of Murray, has been very sick for the past few days, differing from a serious attack of blood poisoning. She was poisoned several days ago, the se riousness of which did not develop un til the past day or two, since . which time she has been in a very serious condition, although Wednesday noon she was reported as being some bet ter. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meade on Monday of this week, an eight pound baby girl. The little lady is a mighty fine one, so Walter says, and he knows.' If you want to find out who has the finest baby in this lo cality, just ask most r.ny old dad you find along the way, and we will wager that Walter is no exception to the rule, believing that he ha about-the finest in the land. Wo can see where he is rights T. IS. POLLOCK Real Estate urance Ins Farm Loans Buick-Dealer Office and Salesroom RBLEY BLOCK Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth Commercial Club Meets. The Murray Commercial club held its regular monthly meeting on Tues day evening- of this week. There was quite a lauge attendance, and all mem bers seem to be taking a great deal ef interest in the work of the club for all things that will be better for Mur tay anil the community. They have accomplished a great deal this spring, and this means the success of the club as it interests the old members and makes new ones. The success of the commercial club means a greater ami better Murray, and a greater and more prosperous Murray means a great deal to ur. all. There were quite a number of matters that came before the meeting Tuesday evening, but the one requiring t!ie greatest amount of attention at the present time is the roads leading to Murray, and also that of making needed repairs on the Mur :ay streets. They will immediately take up the grading on the street around the school building, and as ioon as possible all streets will re ceive their share of the work, as well as all roads leading; into Murray. George Nickles was an Omaha vis itor Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. Berger departed Thurs day of this week for Lincoln, where .'he will make a few days' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Steiner, assisting her daughter in pre paring to move west. Mrs. E. M. Steiner, who has been in the hospital at Omaha for the past four weeks, returned to her home in Lincoln last .Sunday. She was gain ing in strength quite rapidly at the time she went home, and the many Murray friends hope that she may continue to imDrove. . . . . . . . . Don't forget the Social ' Dance at Murray, Nebraska, at the Puis & Gansemer Hall Sat urday evening, May 0. Music by Holly orchestra. Best of or- der and a good time for every- J body. -I- Saturday afternoon an auction sale of the household effects of Mrs. Frank Morgan will be held on Main street. A splendid chance to secure some rare bargains. The auction sale of the household goods of Mrs. Frank Morgan Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock will be a chance worth taking advantage of to secure some mighty good bargains. SUITS N Gleaned and Pressee! WORK GUARANTEED and Prices Reasonable GIVE ME A TRIAL Disposition to Be Made of Ktbels Ily Government Still Unknown. IRELAND IS NORMAL AGAIN London, May 4. Rumors that Au gustine Birrell, chief secretary for Ireland, has tendered his resignation to Premier A::juith because, of the Dublin rebellion, were in general cir culation here following Birrell's re turn from Dublin. The Daily Chronicle's parliament ary correspondent reported a rumor in the house of commons lobbies that not enly Birrell but General Friend, commander of the forces in Ireland, and several other officials have re signed. Birrell is certain to be under heavy fire when the motion for his resignation is called for debate in the house of commons. The course the government will pur rue toward the rebel prisoners who have been brought to England is not known. Jt wan pointed out, however, that in the Boer revolt early in the war and the recent mutinies rear La hore, India, only the leaders were ex ecuted. Resistance by isolated bands of reb els engaged the attention of govern ment forces in Ireland yesterday, but as rapidly as troops reached villages where the rebels . had concentrated they surrendered. Scarcely any snip in occurred in Dublin. 179 Buildings Destroyed. Dublin, May 4. A total of 179 buildings were destroyed or damaged during the seven days' rebellion, the chief of the Dublin fire department states. He estimates the fire loss in the Sackville district alone at over $S,000,000. Horses For Sale. I etill have a few horses for sale, also seme farm machinery. If you need them see me. Frank Yallery, Murray. DON'T BREAK YOUR BACK with that old lawn mower. Take it down to the Western Machine and Foundry and see what that new Automatic Grinder will do to it." There is a RIGHT way, even to put the push in lawn mowers. . l-28S-lwkd Sales bill3 aone quickly at the Journal. i Celebrated Percheron Stallion Teddy R. is a fine Tercheron Stal lion, black with white hind feet and right frcr.t foot white. He was foaled March .30, 1912, and weighs 1,750 lbs. His sire was Morton, G7203; by Epa teur, 51836 (G3340); by Bolivar. 40111 (464C2); by Amilcar (10979); by Sul tan (4713); by Bayard (9495); by Es traba, 1S7 (73G); by son of Jean Le Blanc (379). The Celebrated Young Jack, HA : .--...-,,ia-'..'.s-i i. JOHN VESTLIK, THE BARBER HURRY, i NEBRASKA SANDORS! Sandors is an excellent young Jack, coming four years old, weighing 1,050 lbs., plenty extra heavy bone, black with mealy points. Sandors (5298) was foaled June 2, 1911. His sire was San Salvador, 2d, by Salvador, im ported from Spain. Sandors was bred and owned by Frank Busch, of Villa Ridge, Mo. lie has been inspected this spring by the State Inspector and is sound in every way. TEDDY R. and SANDORS will make the season of 1915 at our home, six miles west of Murray and six miles east of Manley, every day in the week Have- been inspected for 191G and found perfectly sound. Both are sure foal getters. Terms for Both Teddy R. and Sandors! $15.00 to insure colt to stand up and suck. Parties disposing ot mares or removing from the locality, service fee becomes due ana must De paiu lmmeai ately. All care will be taken to pre vent accidents, but owners will not be held responsible should any occur. SC11AFER BROTHERS Here's Why G. & B. PEARL Wire Cloth Stops Screen Expense Painting repairing replacing screen those are the expenses which make inefficient wire clotli a source of annoyance and money loss. When you screpn with genuine G. & 1. PEARL you do away with painting-, repairing, replacements simply because PEARL is rust-proof as metal can le made, consequently makes a screen that's practically wear-proof. G. 6c 13. PEARL represents true screen econ omy. It outwears all imitations so far that no other similar appearinfwire can be placed in the same class. From points of appearance sanitation durability and economy G.& . PliARL is the one choice oi the man who wants permanent protection. For Permanently Screening Doors, Windows and Porches ire Cloth t- Extra iU Weight r and 'eavy The longer G. 6c B. PEARL is up the nearer the color of the atmosphere it becomes. It is easy on the eyes easy on the pocketbook and the one screen whose smooth meshes prevent the lodging of dust and dirt and grime. We sell genuine PEARL Wire Cloth with two Copper Wires in the Selvage and the Round Tag- bearing the Gilbert & Bennett name on each roll. Murray Hardware and Implement Go. MURRAY, NEBRASKA vm-m AMD LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF Men's Light Elk Shoes FOR FARM WORK! Also a complete line of Sandals for Misses, Boys and Children A Complete Line of Work Qloves AT RIGHT PRICES! Highest Price Paid for Farm Products! Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. Journal Want Ads Fay The Auto Doctor Shop! -EE33- Old Parts Rftade New New Parts Made Too THE PULSV GARAGE CAN FIX IT and Fix It Right! One of the Best Equipped Welding Outfits ON THE MARKET! Firestone Tires! Vacuum Oils! Auto Livery! The Best Equipped Garage In Cass County L. H. PULS, Projj., Murray, Nebraska V