The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 01, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    - PAG 4.
MONDAY, MAY I, 1916.
'Chz plattsrhouth journal
Entered at Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
'M"i"M' i-i-i-i-i:-:-:- i-i-!-:
Philosophy is nothing but dis
i cretion. Seleon V
J- i
Fly-swatting not in it yet.
Winter may continue all summer.
:o :
Snow storms continue in the Wild
What about a Fourth of July cele
bration? :o:
A real rmart man never has more
than one wife r.t a time.
An effort is being made to have
band concerts this summer.
, Day by day the question grow:
"How soon is immediately?
A tightwad should never run for
office if he expects to be elected.
' It's an extraordinary man who can
look dignified in his shirt sleeves.
: .. :o:
Let us now mobilize the surgeons
of the nation and cut out the hyphens.
This would indeed be a bitter world
if it were not for the tactful liars in
If he leaves c. trash pile lying idly
by; when flies and skeeters breed, no
doubt he'll wonder why.
:o :
The United Stater, has no objection
to Carranza doing the work, but they
propose to stand around on the side
lines to see that it is done.
Justice Hughes bid3 fair to be
forced either to resign from the bench
or declare that he will refuse the re
publican presidential nomination.
America's murder rate, accounted
cbnormally high, really is only about
80 to one million inhabitants, in spite
of the great number of lap dogs and
little green hate.
Most men, or at least a greater
number, are willing to fight when the
nation needs them. But few jnen
know anything about fighting, and it
takes time to learn.
, Politics take away the jobs of com
petent men of experience and give
them to men without experience, who
may or may not be competent. And
that's why the public gets the worst
of it.
Henry T. Clark, who has served so
long as railroad commissioner, was
defeated for renomination at the re
cent primaries. They all "get it in
the neck" if they keep coming long
According to the Chicago Tribune
many republican papers throughout
the country have announced their in
tention of supporting the re-election
of President Wilson, no matter who
the republicans nominate.
- :o:
There is great inequality in our
economic struggle. There are men
who get as much as $800 a night for
lectures about the war, and we know
men here in Plattsmouth who do the
.same thing every day for nothing.
The shortest and quickest way for
Carranza to get American troops out
cf Mexico is to capture Villa and de
liver him up to our soldiers, instead of
talking about what his soldiers can
do. That Carranza is a failure as
president of Mexico no one doubts,
and his own people are dissatisfied
with the bunch of whiskers.
The republican papers seem very
anxious thnt some means will be de
vised by Which Mr. Bryan can secure
a seat as delegats in the democratic
national convention. They seem more
anxious, really, than Mr. Bryan's per
sonal friends. Every sensible man
knows why they want him there
not any particular friendship for Bry
an however, but simply to create fur
ther discord. Mr. Bryan can find
plenty of opportunities for a seat as a
delegate, without going to the repub
licans for any assistance.
PER vear in advance
Nothing was more apparent in the
returns from the recent primaries
than that sentiment for or against the
amendment was not the ruling force
in determining the identity of candi
dates of either party. In but one
case was it potentially worked as a
trick to secure the triumph of one
Tecognized an avowed friend of the
amendment over the other. A great
majority of the voters were evidently
of the opinion that the attitude of
candidates with relation to the
amendment was no measure of their
fitness for the positions to which they
When those who enacted the initi
ative and referendum measure made
provision therein that no political par
ty should either endorse or oppose any
measure proposed under it, they evi
dently did it for the purpose of allow
ing every such measure to be consid
ered upon its merits alone, and to free
the selection of state officers from the
prejudice and passion accompanying
the consideration of such issues as
must be submitted by the proposal of
constitutional amendments.
The wisdom of that provision "has
been emphasizod by what transpired
during the primary campaign. As a
matter of fact the attitudes of candi
dates in no way affected the prospects
of the amendment. It is for the peo
ple as a whole to determine the fate
of the amendment, and all candidates
are. if elected, sworn to carry it into
effect should it be adopted.
There is no warrant for the sugges
tion that any candidate would dare to
fail or refuse to enforce the amend
ment with all the power at his com
mand. Such a suggestion is but a
false pretense, made in behalf of a
particular candidate in an effort to
credit him with a virtue that is whol
ly artificial, put upon him for show
purposes only.
It is true that this pretense did ex
cite enough sympathy in the primary
to enable Mr. Sutton to defeat his
more popular rival, Mr. McKelvie, al
though the latter was recognized as
just as good a friend of the amend
ment and the conditions it is intended
to create as is Mr. Sutton. It also
roused much indignant protest from
friends loyal to the amendment. It
certainly could not be urged against
Mr. McKelvie that if he had been
elected governor, and the amendment
should be later adopted, he would not
enforce it with as much zeal as Mr:
Sutton is likely to entertain in its en
forcement should he be elected.
If that be true, then it must be ad
mitted that the triumph of Mr. Sut
ton over Mr. McKelvie was accom
plished by a trick, and behind the
manipulation of that trick, which
fooled a good many zealous and con
scientious friends of the amendment,
were some of the cleverest tricksters
whose services are at the command
cf republicans. It was a trick which
the frarriers of the initiative and ref
erendum had sought to outlaw in spe
cific terms. It was tried in the demo
cratic primaries and failed. And to
those who protested, the identity of
the trick manipulators is known?
That it won the republican primary
is not by any means evidence that it
will win the fall election, although
those who so successfully and lawless
ly worked it last week are already dil
igently seeking to put it into play for
the election. Lincoln Star."
: :o:--
The wife is the very first to find out
that you nr2 a tightwad.
What we sow we shall reap, unless,
of course, we are so credulous as to
plant congressional gr.rden seed.
Any effort that congress or any
body else may make to keep American
people off of armsd vessels is abso
lutely uncessary so far as we are
concerned. Those who board such
vessels despite the warnings given,
are taking their lives in their own
hands and no goverr.ment should be
held responsible under present con
ditions. :o:-
Five million dollars worth of loot
buried by the late General Thomas
Urbina, said to be a Villa lieutenant,
has been recovered by Carranzista
military forces, according to an offi
cial announcement by Consul Garcia,
at El Paso. The treasure was buried
cn the Las Niexos ranch in Durango.
It comprised twenty-three boxes of
gold coins and jewelry, twenty bars
of gold bullion, some silver bullion
and loot from Mexican churches, be
sides $800,000 in bank notes.
The victory in a fly campaign lies
in doing the swatting early.
Some men, who think they own the
town, should pay the ta?
:6: '
Eastern cartoonists still think Den
ver is on the Mexican border.
It has always seemed strange that
a man invented a talking machine.
- :o:
Splendid weather for the rheuma
tisrn, if you don't care what you say,
Germany need nbt think it will fal
in our estimation by conceding our
; :o:-
A chronic kicker should be kicked
occasionally so that he may see how
it is himself.
A politician's idea of a demagogue
is a man who is making a bigger hit
with the people than he is.
The allies seem to realize that the
only redress the United States has
lies in an embargo that would ruin
:o :
Dentists and barbers have more
practice at talking than other people,
because those in the chair can't
answer back.
When a man talks a good deal about
what good neighbors he has, it is an
indication that he is a pretty good
neighbor himself.
Parking automobiles in the center
of Main street is just the thing and
pleases everybody. This is the work
of Chief Barclay.
General Scott should carefully study
General ObregOn's looks during that
conference. It may be necessary to
dentify him sometime.
- :o:
The old bugaboo about the possi
bility of the house of representatives
electing the next president has bobbed
up early in this campaign.
" " " ' :o:- -
Although "Hugo" was 8 feet 4
inches tall and weighed 500 pounds,
it is Tom Thumb whose name will al
ways be remembered. But Goliath is
the world's pet giant.
When the Journal can't work for
the best interests of Tlattsmouth, it
will be ready to move out. That's the
way that every property owner who
mounts to anything should feel.
Some folks would pcfur hot criti
cism on President Wilson whether he
made Germany come to time on the
submarine issue or not. There is al
ways a class of critics who couldn't
live without knocking.
-:o: '
More than 30,000,000 pounds of pa
per, embracing almost every kind in
present day use and costing approxi
mately $1,200,000 a year, is used in
the government printing office in
Washington, making the United
States one of the largest buyers of
paper in the world1.
:o :
If Plattsmouth is to have a fall fes
tival, let it come in September. Hon.
R. B. Windham deserves great credit
in his efforts to bring this matter be
fore the commercial club,' as he has
been Working for some months to
have a "Home Coming" celebration.
Let's have a hummer.
Since the late state-wide primaries
there has been much discussion
throughout the state in regard to
abolishing the law. Politicians have
long been insisting that the primary
system was destroying party organi
zations and party interests. This is
probably true, but at the same time,
to return to the convention system
may not suit the masses of either of
the parties. While the politicians
seem to think better candidates could
be nominated at a convention than at
a primary. This is probably true,
also. But we are of the opinion that
it will be hard to get a legislature
whose members would take it upon
themselves to abolish the law. And
there you are.'
Financial prosperity and strength
in the United States is spreading rap
idly to new levels, according to the
interpretations placed by the comp
troller of the currency on figures
made public yesterday showing con
ditions March 7, the date of the last
bank call, in the country's national
banks. Here is what the returns
show: Total resources of national
banks, $13,380,000,000, an increase of
$2,271,000,000 or 20 per cent within a
year. Total deposits, $10,790000,000,
an increase of $2,198",000,000, or near
ly 25 per cent within avyear, and an
increase of $411,000,000 since Decem
ber 31, last. An increase of $990,
000,000 in loans and discounts within
a year. Surplus and undivided prof
its of $1,031,278,000, an increase of
$18000,000. t
The following editorial is taken
from the Columbus Telegram, of
which Edgar Howard is proprietor
printed at a time when he thought he
was defeated for lieutenant governor
on the democratic ticket:
"On the face of the primary elec
tion returns it would appear that the
democrats of Nebraska have voted in
favor of transferring the party lead
ership in this state from the hands of
the progressives to the care of some
leaders who are not as progressive as
we might wish them to be. First re
turns show clearly that Charley Bry
and all his progressive running mates
on the primary ticket have been de
feated, and it is almost safe to csti
mate that William J. Bryan has been
defeated as a candidate for delegate
at large to the national Tlemocratic
"As a believer in the democratic doc
trine of majority rule The Telegram
bows to the will of the majority, and
accepts the decree without a protest
We made the best fight we knew how
to make for the progressive primary
ticket. It is not pleasing to note the
passing of the party leadership to the
hands of men whose primary cam
paign was promoted by interests op
posed to the pure principles of democ
racy. It is nt conducive to a free
democrat's peace of mind to discover
that the great public service corpo
rations have the power to dictate the
selection of a ticket at a democratic
primary. But it is the will of the ma
jority, and if a democrat is sincere in
his claimed allegiance to a fundamen
tal democratic principle, then he must
bow to the will of the majority, and
support the nominee of the party,
save only in case the nominee shall
ater be discovered to be unfit to re
ceive the suffrage of a democrat. Not
often do such men receive democratic
nominations. There is none of that
ind on the democratic state ticket
this year.
'The democratic leader in the com
ing Nebraska campaign is Mr. Keith
Neville, who has received a very sub
stantial majority as primary candi
date for governor. He has never filled
any public office, and so nothing can
be said about his official record. Ir
private life he bears a good nam- He
s well educated. He has large prop
erty interests. He has had experience
in business matters, and is fully
equipped to give good service to the
state in capacity as governor. His
unning mate as the party nominee
for lieutenant governor is Hon Wil-
iam Banning, a man of affairs, and
with legislative experience. He is
well qualified for the honor to which
the party has called him as a candi
date. "And now that the primary battle
is over, we shall wish success to the
new party managers in Nebraska.
erhaps the editor of The Telegram
may not be able to instantly become
a first-class worker in new harness.
t may rub a little in spots. We have
become so accustomed to working in
the old progressive democratic har
ness that we may not at first be able
to pull our sharq of the load while
working in harness which wasnot
made in a progressive factory. We
will do the best we can."
L. F. Langhorst, who, as chairman
of the democratic central committee
of Cass county so successfully man
aged the organization in this county,
ias given him a ctatowide reputation
as an organizer, and in several sec
tions of Nebraska, has been highly
r.poken of for the state chairman
ship. Mr. Langhorst has demon
strated great ability as an organizer
and the Journal dees not believe that
there is a more competent person in
the state to take up the management
of the state campaign as chairman of
the committee. He is, we believe, the
proper man for the place, and know-
ng him for his efficiency, we feel jus-
ified in recommending him.
Thc house printing committee de
clares in a formal report that "mil-
ioiis and millions of franked envel
opes supplied free to members of con
gress for their own use have been
turned over to private organisations
to conduct private campaign for cer
tain purposes." Further the commit
tee says: "Such transactions have
cost the government many thousands
of dollars for printing and carrying
free in the mail tons of publications
intended to further the special inter
ests of certain individuals, or organi
zations." :o:-
Sir Roger Casement faces the pos
sibility of being beheaded, hanged or
declared insane. But perhaps he gets
some consolation out of the thought
that when he undergoes one he will
escape from the other two.
Four lean years for republican pol
iticians probably present the greatest
force in the interest of party har
mony. To a republican four years is
quite a while to be kept from the pie
counter. j
Be for Plattsmouth all the time.
Nebraska is for Cummins for pres
ident. .
It is easy to point out the town
Teddy is donning his fighting mits.
Look out.
Hughesmay came to the front yet.
No telling.
The first day of May, and overcoats
still in demand occasionally.
Hope is nourishing. To try to live
cn regrets means starvation.
The voters are showing signs of
preparation to "swat them literary
cusses again.
There are three ways of enjoying
one s sell in the soutn in cold weather
being a plutocrat, r. baseball player
or a tramp.
It is remarkable how many men can
create .the impression that they are
deep thinners by merely contracting
their brows.
Anti-martial slogans will never
convince any young mother that she
isn't raising her boy to become some
sort of a hero.
:o: -
Why have the silly notion'that the
reason the Venue de Milo has no arms
is because the sculptor didn't think
much of her elbows?
A woman with a pet monkey ought
to be humble; the right of it must re
mind her of the days when her ances
tors scampered in the tree tops.
No wonder the sober American
mind is all agog, with the constant
clatter by Justice Hughes and Am
bassador Gerard forever ringing in its
Maybe you'd better be a bit cau
tious about eating pieplant tops as
greens. A farmer near Wichita, Kan
sas, ate some that had been frosted,
and died as a result.
There are no doubts about the pres
ent state democratic officials being
nominated, but- their re-election is
very doubtful, and should be with
several of them, but we don't care to
mention any names.
Senator Kcnycn of Iowa reiterates
what almost every sensible man has
epeated to himself, when he ex
presses himself thus: "If war comes
out of this, I hope the first to enlist
will be those who insist on riding cn
armed and belligerent ships."
:o: :
There is no one in Nebraska but a
prejudiced fanatic that believes that
Sutton will come aiiywhere near mak
ing as good a governor as Keith Xev-
lle. This is the opinion of rcpub
icans and democrats alike, who are
personally acquainted with the history
of both candidates
When a lot of "intelligent" Amer-
... i i t . lit
ican citizens deliberately cast tneir
ballot for presidential preference for
an unknown livery stable employe, it
makes one feel like withdrawing all
objections to giving women the bal-
ot. The woman would certainly do
no worse than to vote for the "hired
girl" under such circumstances.
urora Sun.
Many papers are urging the neces
sity of a "municipal clean up." Why
not? If the city authorities will use
their persuasive powers on the mat
ter of cleaning up the city, it will
lave moro effect than all other pow-
ers. mere are tnose pernapa
will not clean up their premises un-
ess they have to, and these are the
ones that the city should get after.
Democratic newspapers should
avoid saying cutting things about one
another. Of course, at present there
eems to be two factions, but if the
factions will throw aside the bitter
nimositie engendered in the recent
primary election and go to work for
liarmony, this bitterness will have all
passed away, and the democrats of
Nebraska, marching in one solid pha-
anx, as of old, will go to democratic
success at the fall elections.
It is a little perplexing to read that
cpresentatives of the several hun
dred newspapers of the Associated
ress, at their meeting the other day
in Nevv York, participated in a toast
in which they . tenu2ved their "sym
pathy and loyal support to the man
who, by virtue of his great office, is
our spokesman to this world, and who
speaks for our rights and our honor
as God has given him to , see" our
rights and honor." Is it possible that
there were no Roosevelt editors in
that bunch? Loncoln tar.
utrrt? m im
ChSSdrera Cry
m mm p
The Kind Yotr Have Always
in use for over SO years,
AW Cottnterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-jrood. " arc but
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What is CASTOfelA
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Flatulency, "VVind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and
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The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
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"I have ben a sufferer from stom
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Mrs. Anna Kadin, Spencerport, N. Y.
"Chamberlain's Tablets have done
wonders for me and I value them very
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For Sale.
My carriage and furniture wagon for
.sale. Can be seen at the Tarmele liv
ery barn. M. Hild.
Come to The Journal for fine sta
tionery. '
Low-Cot Footwear!
This will be the greatest Season ever ever known for
Women's Low Cut Footwear!
There are far too many styles of Pumps, Colonials, San
dals and Slippers to describe in minute detail.
Every Woman will want one or two pairs of these new
'A Regular Shoe Millinery!
$2.50, $3, $3.50 to $4
100,000 Acres of Mondell Lands
For Homestead Entry Near Douglas, Wyo.
' Here is a splendid body of grass covered Mendell lands tliut is now attract
inf much public attention due to the Burlington's new Central Wrotninjf Main
Line passing through Douglas. These lands are within 5 to 10 miles of Doulus
and of the Burlington lload and are some of the finest yet available for cntr
so near to the line of the ralroad. Here is your orportunity to secure for your
self or for a colony of friends, Mondell 3L'0 acre live stock or dairy farms near
the fast growing aDd desirable town of Douglas, Wyo., with its 2500 population.
You wili have plenty of neighbors.
It is difficult to tell you all in detail, but this tract is one of the "best
things in the whole Mondell free lands area. My FRKE GOVEIINM ENT
for Fletcher's
Bought, and vrhicli has been
lias borne tuo signature of
Has been niado under his per-
no one to deeeiTe voti in th is.
Signature of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
First-Class Service
! Only Public Bath
Shoer Shining and
Porter Service.
$ T6I. 200 three rings
I Shellenbarger& Atkinson,
Colonials, Pumps, Sandals
a nd Slippers of beautiful
black kid, patent kid and
b ronze kid leather.
Trimmings; arid orname nts
in great Variety of designs.
LANDS folder describes Converse aud uiue other couu
ties in Wyoming, where" 320 acre homeeteads uiay be had.
Write today. . ,
S G. HOWARD, rmmlirdtlon Agent. C , B. & Q. R. R.
1004 Faruam Street, OMAHA, Nebraska.