PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, PRIL 17,16. , . , Will rtlMMlll'W,; .UIWMIlWil 'Mill m - .-if rrm . . rr , r rirr iarsm Inn i nio nrnn 3T) l$hk xvyi I 0 COPYRSGHT 1915 The Corset for Every Figure. Oar Prices from $1.00 to $3.00 IVL NMC HSEN, n The Daylight Store, Phone 54 and 53 LOST OR STOLEN One old bay; us install a Ran-e or Wa-PnP Will mare, no blemishes on her, but thin, ter Heater for you now. It will prove Finder please notify this office. most satisfactory. Se the Nebraska 4-17-2td Lighting: Co. now. " T?r IS NOW COMING TO THE FRONT RAPIDLY j. !. Oase Fewer Briber Planter No Clutch on the Drill Shaft Y The J. I. CASE POWER DRIVEN CORN PLANTER that has been making such a splendid record at demonstrations riven in dif ferent parts of the country. Ever. farmer who has seen this imple ment in action spe.d.s of its performance in the highest terms of praise. This implement has become a great faverite with farmers for the following reasons: 1. It drops accurately. 2. It drills or checks equally well. .'. It has a quid: ar.d easy means of changing the number of grains in checking or the distance in drilling . 4. It is strong and durable. In a recent series of tests, made with ungraded corn, (we shall te pleased to send you a circular illustrating ar.d describing these tests in detail) this planter dropped I'O to f0 per cent accurate sure ly a remarkable record. In these tests the drop was varied form 2 to and n to 4 kernels in a hill. NO CLUTCH ON DRILL SHAFT. There is no dutch on the drill shaft. The dropping mechanism is run by the slow-moving, main axle and is entirely idle between the hills. In other words this mechanism is in operation only when a hill is being dropped, which means about half the time, in planting " kernels to a hill, using 3'-" wire. The round hole plates, which are smoothly polished, insure ac curacy of the drop, as is being conclusively proved in daily demon stration. The extra large plates revolve slowly.which insure the holes of being fdled before i caching the dropping point. Special plates can be furnished to plant peas, beans or almost any kind of seeds. The plates rue made? widi small, med'tni, rpecial and large hvles of the round id.ape and medium holes of the ei.'or.g' shr-ipe, To change the plates it is not necessity to icraove Ihe grain, from the hopper simply tie the hopper back and the change can be easily and quickly made. IMPROVED CUT-OFF. An improved cut-off, which is set at an angle of 4j degrees, tends to dislodge one kernel if two are im perfectly imbedded in the cell. The light spring prevents cracking the corn and allows an otFsize kernel to pass through to the dropping point. The cut-off is supplemented by an auxiliary guide finger, which lies fat on the plates and cp.tches the kernels that have passed the cut-off ar.d are not imbedded in the cell, and guides them back to the hopper. The J. I. Dass, Jr., Vakils Drop Lister! THE J. I. CASE, JR., VARIABLE DROP LISTER, with var iable drop from 10 to 21 inches: same drill and drop as the J. I. Case Planter above described. One of the very best on the market. The spring rains and the warming 1 weather conditions which have wooed back the green of the grass and the leafing trees, has also brought forth the old time dandelion which has been the pest and curse of the owner of many a well kept lawn. There are a number of spots in this city where the dandelions have practically taken over the entire lawns and only a small amount of the original grass has sur vived the invasion of the yellow blos soms which certainly have made the glass look sick. The best time to try and check the pest is at the com mencement of the season when they first appear as if one of them goes to seed it means thousands of others will spring up to make life a burden for the householder who has been labor ing to make his lawn an object of beauty and a joy to himself and his neighbors. War should be declared on the dandelion at once before this pest spreads to any greater extent that it has. The Dodge Brothers 8u?G2fio&i!es! $785.00 f. o. b. Detroit The DODGE BROTHERS AUTOMOBILE is fully equipped, equal to the highest price car in the reassonable priced class. Full grain Leather upholstering, and we believe it to be the most car for the moev on the market. In order to appreciate the value of the DODGE BROTHERS CAR it must be ?vqt. See one at oar sales rooms or call us for a demonstration. We will be pleased to show you this wonderful car. KNOCKED DOWN BY BOLL, BREAKS ARM AGAINST POST PlatUmoulh, : "3 9 Nebraska Saturday afternoon Fred Koranda, who is employed by Edward Donat as a driver, met with a rather painful ac cident as the result of an infuriated gentleman cow knocking him down and against a feed trough and break ing his left forearm just above the wrist. Mr. Koranda was trying to drive out some of the cattle in the feed lot at the Belehovy farm at the time and as the angry bull swept toward him he was throw-n to one side and into the feed trough with the result that in an instant the arm was frac tured. It was really fortunate that Mr. Koranda was not more severely injured by the cattle in the melee as 'he was in a very close quarters for a few minutes. After being able to get out of the feed lot safely Mr. Koran da hastened back to the city and had the injured member dressed and while it is healing will enjoy a rest from his duties at the Peerless. . ' cV f " - t 'l " . " . V - - A Vs, - j..v i v--.7 VILLH 0 UCHU BODY REPORTED TO BE FOUND To the Voters of Cass county, I wish to say that in the primary election to morrow I am a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court. I am asking for the suffrage of the people, fully believing that I am qualified for the position for which I am asking. Should I be nominated and elected, I shall endeavor to render the best serv ice to the public possible. To those who may support me, I am thanking for the same. I am very truly, M. S. Briggs. FINE MILLINERY OFFERING FOR THE LADIES This afternoon Mrs. Emma. Pease and Miss Murphy, the trimmer at the Pease millinery store, returned from Omaha where they have been for the past few days engaged in looking af ter the purchase of additional lines for the big Easter millinery offering that is to be afforded the ladies of Tlatts mouth. The line secured by these la dies embraces some of the latest mod els of the celebrated Gage Brothers hats trimmed with all the beautiful and attractive styles of the spring sea son and which will be an opportunity seldom offered to the ladies of this city. All the latest designs in hats as well as trimmings have been secured for the trade here by Mrs. Pease and a trip to the store between now and Sunday will reveal the beautiful de signs an dmodels in the hat line. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. In the Matter of the Application ol Henry II. Weideman for Liquor Li cense: This is to certify that Henry II. Weideman, of the Village of Green wood, Cass county, Nebraska, filed a petition in the office of the village clerk on April 8, 191G, as required by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka and the ordinances of the Villas'! of Greenwood, to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the coming .'Mu nicipal year, in the building sicuated on lot No. 277, fronting on Second street, in said village. C. E. CALFEE, Village C-evk. April 8, 191G. A Strong Candidate. From Friday' Dallr. The democrats have every reason to feel proud of the fact that they have a candidate for sheriff who is amply able to fill the office and one upon whom they can rely. This is none other than J. G. Wunderlich. Mr. Wunderlich has lived in the county a good many years, made the campaign at the last election and is well known to all. You know that he will make good, that he is the man for the office of sheriff, and the democrats owe it to themselves to make him their choice of candidates before the fall election. Support Wunderlich for sheriff. Elm wood Leader-Echo. RESIDENCE FOR SALE My residence and three lpts on North Fifth street for sale at a bar gain, if taken at once. Eight rooms and bath room. Hot water furnace, gas and electric light, hot and cold water and two large rooms in cellar with cement floors. A modern house in every respect. Frame shingle roof garage or laun dry house on premises. This house has been recently remod eled and painted and is in good condi tion. This is a comfortable home for some one and only two blocks from the post office. Inquire of Allen J; Beeson at court house or at residence. ALLEN J. BEESON. 3-21-2wksd&w VOTE FOR 2- JULIUS PITZ F O R COUNTY COMMISSIONER DEMOCRATIC TICKET I t Spring. Spring is looked upon by many as the most delightful season of the year but this cannot be said of the rheu matic. The cold and damp weather brings on rheumatic pains which are anything but pleasant. They can be relieved, however, by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. Obtainable every- Madera and Cusihuiriarhic Wire News That the Life of the Notorious . Outlaw Is Ended. HEWS VERIFIED BY OPERATORS El Paso, Tex., April 17. Mexican Commander Garcia announced Sunday that messages had been received from military headquarters at Juarez from telegraph operators at Madera and Cusihuiriachic, stating that the body of raneisco Villa was being brought into Cusihuiriachic and that it will be later taken to Chihuahua City. Garcia said he had wired the mil itary commander at Madera for con firmation. Neither telegraph operator stated in the messages where body of Villa was found. Garcia announced he had received a message from San Antonio that a special train was being made up at that point to take the body of Villa to Chihuahua City. Garcia says the body is being brought to San Antonio by Carlos Carranza, nephew of General Carranza. El Paso, Tex., April 17. Francisco Villa is dead and his body, disinterred some days after his burial, is in pos session of the Carranza troops, ac cording to a series of telegraphic mes sages received in Juarez Sunday by the Mexican officials. For more than a week reports that Villa had died from wounds have been current both here and in Juarez. The accounts of Sunday were the most cir cumstantial and apparently reliable yet received. They were accepted by American officials, including General Bell, with reserve, but the Mexican officials expressed confidence in their reliability. The messages, in the or der in which they were received, were as follows: "The dispatcher of the Mexican Northwestern railroad at Juarez re ported to General Gabriel Gavira, the Carranza commander at Juarez, that he had heard a conversation over the telegraph wires to the effect that Vil la's body was in the hands of the Car ranza trooDs. "General Gavira notified Consul An dres Garcia here, who rushed mes sages to the telegraph operators at Madera and Cusihuiriachic asking for confirmation. "The Madera and Cusihuiriachic op erators answered, confirming the re port and stating that the body was be ing taken to Chihuahua City. New Books For Circulation. The Y. L. R. R. A. has just received their shipment of new books for the ensuing year, which are now ready for circulation. They have donated the following list of books to the library and these books are now on the shelves for general circulatio'n: One Clear Call, Martha By the Day, The Raft, Making Over Martha, Loneli ness, Westways, The Laughing Cav- lier, Kent Knowies' Quahaug, Jof- fery, Lovable Meddler, The Turmoil, Hepsey Burke, Strange Woman, The House of Dawn, Valley of Fear, Stir rup Latch, Far Country, The House of Toys, The Voice in the Fog, The Duke of Oblivion, The Lone Wolf, The Lone Star Ranger, The Seven Dar lings, The Sword of Youth, The Lights Are Bright, Ranch At the Wolverine, Man of Iron, L'Aiglon, Under Cover, The Story of Chanticler, How It Hap pened, The Honorable Percival, Satur day's Child, A Changed Man and Other Stories, Partners, Within the Law, Tante, The Letter of the Con tract, Arrows of the Almighty, The T. El. POLLOCK Real Estate Insurance Farm Loans Buick-Dealer v Office and Salesroom RILEY BLOC EC Tel. No. 1. PlatUmouth Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers displayed at our store will please you. Before you buy anything in this line come in and look our stock over. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Dry Goods, Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds L 111 1 il 1! 1 iud 1 Ei Rise of Jennie Cushing, Brunei's Tow er, Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley, The Place Beyond the Winds, The Auction Block, Perch Of the Devil, Big Tremaine, Inside the Cup, Patrol of the Sundance Trail. Pratt's Baby Chick Food is fine for the new chicks. Place your order with C. E. Hartford. Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain Pens for sale at the Journal office. SPECIAL LOT OF Seamless Ardsley Ax minster Rugs! 9x12 Size $21.95 We just received these rugs from one of America's larg est distributors. A few weeks ago we heard about them and lost no time in making a purchase at remarkable sav ing in price. Oriental Allover and new Medallion pat terns most of them in the popular tan grounds with at tractive blue, rose and green figure colorings. Small Rugs 27x52, to match, $1.95 each The present increased prices of rugs make this offer doubly attractive. Linoleum Large assortment of good light patterns in 1 2 foot heavy quality printed linoleum. Suare yard 75c Other Qualities 50c and 65c. Wyandotte and Comanche Window Shades! To most people a window shade is a window shade. Few stop to consider the vast superiority of a good shade over the ordinary kind. It is worth considering. We appre ciate the opportunity of showing the different grades. ' Value! DOV EY. & Quality! Service! SSS32 SE2 .tfg2f. i where. ZS2Z