1. 1 f If i T THURSDAY, APRIL 1916 PACE S. PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. 3 IWITHIN THE LAW SUIT FILED IN DISTRICT VOTE FOR P. E. RUFF- NER FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR TUESDAY ... - - COURT TO RECOVER ON IN TORPEDO USE ft A PROVISORY NOTE 13. ttut i rnw - ' f ' Garden Hose n fl" s rar raw iif i Red River Early Ohio Potatoes, per bushel, $1.00 4 pounds Home Dried Apples . . .25 5 " Broken Rice 25 G " Cracked Hominy 25 1 3-pound can Advo Tomatoes 15 3 cans Early June Peas 25 5 44 Huco Pineapple 1.00 12 pounds of Prunes 1.00 12 " Peaches 1.00 2 44 44 Dried Apricots .25 3 44 44 Monarch Coffee 1.00 16 gallon keg Kraut 2.25 1 gallon Kraut 20 "rank Admission of Many Ship Sink ings, IJut Only After Due Warn ing Doubts Sussex Was a Victim. ( REPLY TO THE AMERICAN NOTE London, April 13. The picture of fji he steamer Sussex in the English pa per from which productions mentioned ij in the uerman note were maue, ana 3 Mi which may have an important bearing: on the not?, shows that the Sussex had smokestack, a sin trie mast for- Hlward, flush deck and low-lving bridge, j . vjand in appearance was a typical eross- i j channel Loat. i! Fresh Parsnips Leaf Lettuce Head Lettuce Radishes Fancy Box Apple: Tomatoes Turnips Fresh Strawberries Oranges Bananas Grape Fruit Cucumbers Carrots New Cabbage H' signed by Gottlieb Sj! German minister ( has been forwarded rjj i Ambassador Geran! m b if i Fhcncs 53 and 54 The Daylight Store G. j, MUMS, OTOE W 1 I A 1 mm i I I It. K. D. CUMMINS -X- NOI NCLS LOCATION IN LINCOLN 2 L-.'iil To my friends who whh to know ! my location I make the following a:i- our.?emc-nt: Reilin, April 13. German's reply j f to the inquiries of the American gov- icrnmer.t regarding tne steamers Sus- 1 1 so:, Manchester Engineer, English iimar. Rerwindvalo and Eagle Point, ' i"Pfil hv do 1 1 if -li vnn .Tarrow. the of foreign affairs, 1 to Washington by rj: Amt:assaoor iterrmi. ine note denies ithat the Sussex was attacked by a German submarine. The investigation M lovermg the Susrex case says the note y J was extended to all actions undertaken tijjen March 21 the day of the Sussex pj J incident in the channel between Folk- ' i tone and Dieppe. One steamer was the commander of the German rir.e reaching the definite con clusion that it was a war vessel. A sketch of this vessel, together with photographic reproductions of a pie tine of the Sussex printed in the Lon don Daily Graphic were enclosed with the note, the difference in the two craft being indicated. Sank After Trying to Escape. The steamers Englishman and Eagle A suit has been filed in the district court entitled J. M. Palmer vs. Fred C. Stoll and Ernest M. Pollard and in which the plaintiff seeks to have judg ment given against the defendant. Stoll, for the value of a promissory note for $1,530 which was made and executed by the defendant Stoll on October 10, 1915, and which was sign ed as security by Ernest M. Pollard. The petition of the plaintiff further alleges that the defendant Stoll has bsconded from the county and cannot be located and asks that the judgment for the $1,550, with interest, be given, as it is alleged by the plaintiff that Stoll is attempting to dispose of his property in this county. THE FUNERAL OF MRS. SCHAFER AT GLENWOOD, IOWA This morning the funeral of Mrs . L. Schafer, a former resident of. One of the candidates for offk-e at the primary who has been making a vigorous campaign is P. E. Ruffiier of this city who is a candidate for the nomination for county assessor on the democratic ticket. Mr. Ruffner has resided in Cass county for many years and in fact is one of the few of the sturdy pioneer citizens who have made thin county their home and as sisted in its development and growth by their personal work. He has served as assessor in this ciiy for years and has been familiar with the work of the office which he is seeking and there are but few men in the county who have a better knowledge of the value of land and pieperty than our friend, and there is no question that if he is se lected for the office in will give the people one of the best administrations. that thev have ha 1 in the assessor's office. His abilitv as a bookkeeper is unchallenged by anyone and those who doubt his ability need only to inquire :is to his work in the clerical Tne, as be has frequently assisted in work in the county offices. There are few men j who have shown the devotion to the ; ; tone i Hj sunk, t -M i rubma: mis city, was nem at i.ienwoou wnere democratic party that Mr. Ruffner has the body was brought from Graceville. VV( lv,r.Vr ;-u these years, covering Minnesota, where Mrs. Schafer has j OVeP h:;f a century of service in the been making her home with her son, of tho npmf,;,...(.,, xuU ;, office at li. . isauey, and lamuy since last ; fi f t- , , n -ked for February. Mrs. A. F. Seybeit, Mrs. Elsie Iledley, a daughter of the de- the hands of the voters of the county, and if he is selected evervone c:;n rest ceased, Mrs. Dora Chase of L'lair, a ' csure(1 it . will j)0 the risht m:m in th(. sister, and Edward L. Finch, a brother, j riht r.1C0 in th(? assessor's office and departed this morning for Glenwood to ( hat evtM.y (.itizc,1t rA or poor W;H attend the funeral services. j (reated fairly. Mrs. Senator has been making her; home here for the past eight years and io i Wl-.-t i r : i.i - in- 1'vor.ie r.; :nv t'l-rk :f C : i e (iriro.'i'nl :.-ui i !.:: esc Dnn'.-ar and J. Mull:-', can- j r.orr.'.-.ation i from Ca ;s ;i: Olce P.esH phciie. t".c: D. 11 Co. L"'5' South street. Residence r-hone, I- 15H1. is .-.'.rr.vn l rn vi: o "A- v ie r'I'tn" publi.-h-td in f Iurbr.r: i I t" r.iat repieFer.i- c a:.J O'.oe cfunties, m ! W. V. r-i imarit-. Mr. C. J. M-"!I.- f tins ";.ee is one who can .u!y .-:;.r.d on l.i past lecord. He is a Nt-L:a.-'ia p:c:uct, it rorressive cr.vi pro-rtrous larmer. and in tnese i Office. 217 Richards Block, lllh and j p0;.,t were sunk bv German subma rines after they had attempted to es cape., and time was allowed for the withdrawal of those aboard. The steamer Rerwindvale was possibly i-unk by a German submarine, while e.c Unite details with respect to the Manchester Engineer are lacking and therefore there has been no sufficient basis for investigation of this partic ular case. The statement is made that the Secord Hr.r.l Fc:d Cars, have savoral 4 cco? d hand tf Ford cars fur sale cheap and in fni. ly good I ;est:;:at-?. vVasley, Agent. Tt-lcphone 58. R?-idenee Tel. 5002. t ve d two terms as asscs- s.-r ar I iwenty-titrht years as a mem l".r of ihe school board; served two '-cur.- r. the board of county commis !' ers :r. I is a the preev.t time the h r.ort-d c:-al:-min '-f the Otoe county dim'-ciatir ter.tral cemmittee. Mr. Mi!!: is well known all over Cass and ;..- ccjr.tivs ar i is liked bv b"th re- P lifar- and dfir.oc:ats. and if the Thanking Ills Friends. I hereby wl h to extend my thanks to Mr. Kirr.o and Mr. Pr.iling for their generosity in withdrawing from the race for float representative. In tid ing so they have certainly shown their good fellow, hip and lovr.lty to the derrci ratic party and Cass county, that it mi-.dit have a candidate in the field for feat representative. L. G. Todd, Union, Nebraska. he r spires should fall h'.::i, I: wcul.l be in good hands. Mr. a:- tun ;r.s alv.ay- e l in Otoe coun h.. i f-t n intercstel in home :ir. I with him it would bi dutv Fred G. Fgenberger Get in Game F the G. Egenberger has gotten into utomobile game by the purchase i For Sa!i. ere r..'i furniture wagon for be ecn at the Parmele liv M. Ilild. of a fine new latest model Willis Knight automobile through the local rg-nt. John Bauer. The new machine is a beauty and one that should afford the owner a great deal of pleasure in the days to come in traveling over the Nebraska hills and enjoying the pleas ures of automobiling. commanders assured themselves be fore sinking the ships that their de struction was justified and that the crews were safelv in boats. A Swiss passenger on the Sussex asserted to the Associated Press that he is convinced that a mine was re sponsible and that he so stated after the disaster. Investigating officers, he said, "bullyragged" him into chang ing his statement, which he now re-i pudiates. was well known to a large number of our people as a lady of splendid char acter and a true and valued friend. Mrs. Schafer was fifty-seven years of aee at the time of her death and for the past year or two had not been in the best of health. Her health grad ually failed until her son, R. C. Bailey,' came and took her back to his home at Graceville last February and since that ' time she has resided where she wa t given the loving cara of relatives. She leaves three children to mourn her death, Mrs. Elsie Iledley of this city, R. C. Bailey and Oliver Bailey. The body was laid to rest in the Glen wood cemetery in the family lot and the services were attended by a large number of the old friends of the fam ily in that locality. TIRED FEELING. INFORMATION FOR WOMEN Housework is trying on health- and strength. Women are as inclined to kidney and bladder trouble as men. Aching back, stiff", sore joints and muscles, blurred vision, puffiness un der eyes, should be given prompt at tention. Foley Kidney Pills restore healthy action to irritated kidneys and bladder. For sale everywhere. Read the want arts in the Journal ca rCn (?a a S Ui 2 w . m. li rz i w. H7 WW ? vs on iiaiisoo's OF OMAHA This is the opening game of the season and nromises to be a good one. Come out and see the Sox start out the season for success. 3:00 Sharp 1 '.dmission 25 c ' ' Quality Makes The Virginia Glove Popular Why experiment with gloves of unknown repu tation when for the same money you can buy a &love of known merit- the Virginia. Only the finest skins of the best French kid are used in the making of this brand. We present a wide rang,e of popular otylish. colors. MAKING BARBER SHOP SJILL MORE ATTRACTIVE AT RILEY At times it seems to us that the night's lest did us very little good, that we are as tired in the morning as we were when we retired. This tired feeling follows us all day and handi caps us in our daily occupation. It'is evident that there is sometjiing wrong with our system and a goinl, reliable toric is needed that will remove the ::: us: and enable us to return to o :r I daily duties refreshed and rested up. Whenever the first signs of this tired feeling appear do not hesitate to take Tinner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. This reliable remedy will rid your system of bases that might be poisoning you gradually and sapping your energy; will aid your I'lgesuve organs to do their work properly and enable your body to obtain lie great est possible amount of energy out cf the food you eat. At drugstores. Price $1.00. Jos. Triner, Manufac turer, 1S.0.3-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. and awn Mowers displayed at our store will please you. Before you buy anything in this line come in and look our stock over. liifir 7-J Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. The Hotel Riley barber shop is be ing given a thorough overhauling by the owners, Messrs. Shallenberger and Atkinson, and put in first class shape in every way, as well as being most, attractive in appearance. The wood- Any time you need a liniment, you want a good one that will prove effec tive in all sorts of muscular pains, swellings, etc. Triner's Liniment is re- COc. liable ami dependable. See that you work of the room has been painted and I always have it ready for time of need, enameled in white, which irives a most Plice 2"c anJ 50c? postpaid, ..5c and pleasing appearance to the room, and the new wall paper in a shade of pale green, has added a great deal to the general aspect of the shop. With the new fixtures just recently installed, this makes a very attractive shop and one that the owners can feel a just pride in. The improvements St. Mary's Guild Holds Meeting. The ladies of St. Mary's guild met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. W. Clement for their regular made j business session. The plans of the so- since the new owners have assumed charge make it one of the best in the city. ALL DEMOCRATS INVITED TO THE WILSON BANQUET Price $1.50 E, G. DOVEY&SON Lincoln, Neb., April 12. The Wood row Wilson club banquet to Senator G. M. Hitchcock and Keith Neville Friday night will rot be an invitation affair. Democrats generally will be accommodated with tickets as long as they last and all are invited. It is stated on behalf of the Lindell hotel management that COO plates can be set for the affair. Announcement was made by the ar rangements committee that Governor Morchead will apear on the toast list. He will make an address on the ac complishments of the party in this state, including the many measures of forward legislation enacted, and the chief points which the party's execu tive officers have endeavored to im press upon the people. . At the conclusion of the banquet the doors in the dining room will be thrown open and people will be ad mitted to hear the addresses. ciety were discussed by the ladies and .the afternoon spent in the plying of the busy needle in the making of many dainty articles which will be used in the work of this energetic so ciety. The ladies of the guild during the Lenten season do not hold any so cial sessions and the work is purely for the advancement of the church. IMPORTANT NOTICE. HIS AGE IS AGAINST, HIM "I am 52 years old and have been troubled with kidneys and bladder for a good many years," writes Arthur Jones, Allen, Kans. "My age is against me to ever get . cured, but Foley Kidney Pills do me more good than anything I ever tried." Rheum atism, aching back, shooting pain3, d liver Early Ohio X r mm 3 fSfifiSS m4 HH iM 111 i Per Bushel Fancy Dried Peaches 7c a ponud; 4 cans corn 25c; 3 large cans Tomatoes 25c; Corn Flakes 5cjpack ages. Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs for $7.45, at '-?' ss fa M c4( fctt Utn I j3 iZGEriEERGER, L-t..v-..l 3 fi t Mi 1 H LL 3 f:. v iLl LI reKF-H Wood, Baa!ed Hay and Feed! RAWLS BUILDING 1st Door East of Court House. Tel. No. 278 The undersigned, having added new machinery equipment, begs to advise machine users of the community that we now have one of the best equipped machine shops in the state. We shall continue to manufacture the "Honest John" gasoline engine with added im provements, making it the most eno nomical engine on the market. We will also be in the market soon with our "Iron Horse," the new Universal Tractor at a moderate price. Farm ers and others will also find our Ma chine Shop of service to them. We (imrlmr nnlv onmnpfpnt workmen and "'-'1 . can overhaul and rebuild any kind of H machinery equal to new. We are also owners of the Omaha Machine Works, Fourteenth and Jackson streets, Omaha. Roth plants are in communi cation and tender their combined ef forts to the satisfaction of our pa trons. " WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY CO. Machinists and Manufacturers, riattsmouth, Neb. L. C. Sharp. ohn A. Maguire f - f and Knows the Needs Redeemed Every For earache, toothache, pains, i i xl. - 4- T burns, scauis, sore uiru.it., rj stiff joints, irregular action, all have Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem- fj Congressional Elxperience, of the First District. Always Stood By the People and Pledge. Has Been Tried and Can Be Trusted. Ardent Supporter of Administration. Endorses Presi dent Wilson's Policies. Free From Factions, He Will Bring Strength and Vic lor3r in the Campaign. THE LOGICAL CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS Democratis Nomination. Primaries April 1 8 j been relieved. For sale everywhere. J edy ior emergencies. j i.. -