K THURSDAY, A PHIL 13, 1916 PLATTSMOUTIJ SEM I-WEEK LY JOURNAL. PACH 5. r ) rr X c edar Creek BeDartment a. News that will be of Interest in and near Cedar Creek SEE OUR New 9 V7 M R IJ Sri M H H r; W El NOW ON DISPLAY 9- me i S. J. REAMES Tonsorial arlor - DEALER IN Cigars, Candies and Books M "an.iv: 1 Caps at S. J. Reames. j C. E. Metzger was up from Mynard r. A. Gowr was in PiatUmuuth on ! Monday. .lay. er.t Friday in Piatts- rr. m; P.inndhack was in Plattsrnouth i'lattsmoutn .Ifhn Thierolf was S: unlay. L'..y.I Schneider drove to Louisville Thursday. J; hri Toi ! rT i-itvd the county feat Saiu. day. iier.ry Eaughman went to Omaha (!: bu-incss. ile:.ry Thierolf .-per.; Saturday in Plat: -mouth. .1. h:i Thierolf spent Thursday in P'at:-n-...u:h. I':-. P::;T was in Louisville Thurs d ; , g. T i s. hp.Hv Fit'-mer went to the i ; : y F;y your oysters at S. J. Reames. Always fiv.-h. Mi,s Fdi:h Da. her visited in Platts !. it:: M r..!:;y. !':. ". s Pace spent Fi iday in I ::.tt -m-uth. Sara Ochsc-ibire went to Platts r"."'.:ih Satuiday. ..: Kc-il a; d wife visited at Philip : i, :;" Sunday. C. P. Mcdsinger was in Piatt. -mouth or I'Usiro. s Fridav. e went to Platts- ri-.ay. : lo Thierolf sp at Friday in Id ; a-.l wife spent Fri th. ar.d wife were shop- Sim (Kh rrouth Thurs-iay. Mrs. Hairy Meisir.ger is on the sick ;-t this wed.. Herry Sander day hi Platismo P. H. Robert. ring in Louisville. Mrs. John Thierolf was shopping in Plattsrnouth Monday. P. IL Robert and wife took dinner in Plattsrnouth Sun. lay. Lloyd Schneider went to Platts r.v.uth Sunday evcniriir. IJillie Henzie was cailir.ir on the m. ichants Tuesday ; : 1 tried hi hand at fi: hir.g-. v Tiie dar.ee Saturday i: -ht was well ;.'tc;.d;d and a general good time was enjoyed. Ihnry Irhelder an. i Miss Myrtle S-ars of Morcricld. Xc;., came in on Wednesday on Xo. CI to visit friends for a few days. Henry Heebner went to Omaha on Saturday. Charles Dasher spent Saturday in Plaits mouth. Philip Thierolf spent Saturday in Plattsrnouth. For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and Xuts, see S. J. Leames. J. K. C. Gregory went to Omaha on business, Saturday. Walter Schneider and wife drove to Omaha Thursday. Farm Loans, Insurance and Keal Estate. See J. I- Foreman. Julius Pitts was in Cedar Creek on r Ion da. y cam pa ign: r. g. Philip Ilenning visited the dentist in Plattsrnouth Saturday. J'din Henning, sr., was at the coun ty seat on busine-s Monday. When you want some good reading don't forget Kearnes, Library. George Thierolf was among the crurdy seat visitors Saturday. The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. Will'am Schneider Wednesday. Ptte Coro ai-.d lady attended the sho'.v in Louisville Saturday niht. For the Delta Electric Lanterns see S. J. Reames. The best out. Mivs Dora Cover and Miss Myrtle .Tears vi-ited in Plattsrnouth. Mi. s 1 lor or SeyLeit came up from Abo to attend ihe daice Saturday nifht. John Jo!ici and -7. F. Wolff went to L!r coin Tuesday to attend the big shoot. Homy Thierolf and wife, with Mrs. G. I j Ice Cream and Oysters H IN SEASON I f The PI ace for a Lunch f or a Cool Drink (Li Kev. bwartz and wue came in on Wednesday to see to some church busi ness before going to Hickman. Walter Schneider and wife and Pete Core and Miss Clara Dasher drove to Plattsrnouth Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gus Keil came up from Cul lorn to spend a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. Philip Sioher. Mr. Cooley came down from Lincoln Saturday night to visit his sister, Mrs. Francis Saylcs, for a few days. John Thierolf bought of Wm. Schei der the house and lot just cast of the drug store on the corner Thursday. Leora Givens departed for home on Friday evening after spending a couple of months with her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Wolff. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY DOXT MISS THIS. Cut out this "slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in leiurn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar tic Tablets. For sale everywhere. Little Daughter Returns Home. "THE WHOLE TRUTH" Says Kirs. Eads, in Yriticg Her Praise For Cardiri. Circleville, Ohio. "All I have said about Cardui, the woman's tonic, is the whole truth," says Mrs. Fannie Eads, of R. F. D. No. 6, this town. 'T suffered with womanly weakness, and rainsin my back and limb3 for two long years. I wa3 so bad off, I could hardly walk at all. My husband advised me to try Caxdui, the woman's tonic, and I con cluded to follow his advice. After tak ing Cardui according: to directions, I now feel like a new woman, and can do all of my work. Before taking Cardui, I was a walk ing skeleton; now I weigh lot) pounds. I recommend Cardui to every suf- fering woman, for I know what it did for me. Mv dresser is never without a bottle of Cardui on it." There is no reason why Cardui won't help you, just as it has Mrs. Eads, as well as hundreds of thou- fo,nds of other women in the past 50 Vears. So if you suLcr from any of the many ailments so common to women," or need a good strengthening tonic for that tired, nervcus, worn-out feeling, get v. bottle of Card-u-i, today. At all druggists.- NCB3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested and to the public, that the undersigned, C. S. Trumble, has filed his petition and application in the office of the clerk of the village of Eagle, County of Cass and State of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident freeholders of said village, setting forth that the applicant is a man of lespectable character and standing, and a resident of the State of Nebras ka, and praying that a license may be issued to the said C. S. Trimble for the sale of male, spiritous and vinous liquors fox the period of one year from the date of the hearing of said application, in a building situated on lots five and six .5 and 6 in block nineteen (19), in the said village of Eagle, Nebraska. C. S. TRUMBLE, Applicant. April 10, 1916. Social Workers Club Notice. The Social Workers' club will meet with Mrs. James Mrassk on Wednes day afternoon, April lit. The ladies are requested to come prepared to sew. tfd Henry Engelkemder, wife and little child were among the passengers this morning for the metropolis, driving in from thf ir home near Murray to catch the early Burlington train. J. L. Smith of Nehawka came up yesterday afternoon from his home near Nehawka to attend the Bryan meeting and this afternoon was a vis itor in Omaha. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to the public, that the undersigned, Ben M. Mohr, has filed his petition and application with the village clerk of the village of Avoca, County of Cass and State of Nebras ka, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident freehold ers of the said village, setting forth that the applicant is a man of respect able character and standing and a res ident of the State of Nebraska, and praying that a license may be issued to the said Ben M. Mohr for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the municipal year ending May 2, 1917, at his place of business, situ ated on the west two-thirds of lot five (5), in block thirteen (13), in said vil lage of Avoca, Nebraska. April 10, 1916. BEN M. MOHR, Applicant. J. H. Bailey of Grinnell, Iowa, who was attending the funeral of the late Mrs. T. L. Schafer at Glenwood yes terday, departed this afternoon on No. 23 for Omaha from where he will re turn home. James Rebal departed this after noon for Omaha to arrange for the fu neral of his nephew in that city. GOO D AUTO ROADS TO OMAHA The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round Trip using our Commutation F3ooks Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c Extra Passengers, each, 5c $10.00 Book, $5.00 $5.00 Book, $2.50 Commutation Books Good any lime and Transferable. Auto PLATTSMOUTH 0. SMfttynn B: PROTECT SCHOOL CHILDREN Measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough are prevalent among school children in many cities. A common cold never should be neglected as it weakens the system scthat it is not in condition to throw off more serious diseases. Foley's Honey and Tar is pleasant to take, acts quickly, contains no opiates. For sale everywhere. NOTICE. If any of Mrs. J. H. Adams' neigh bors has her wire stretchers, please deliver them to her at once. Rex Young. 4-12-3tdltwkly For Sale. Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs. $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100. Baby chicks, 15c each. A. O. Ramge, Platts. 'Phone 3513. eal Estate Insurance Farm Lo ans Buiek-Dealer Office and Salesroom (iE Sua En il Tel. No. 1. Plattsrnouth "V. ...... 3C 23 C .W-I.Wi fc fri.r'l-. T 13 Cuuti From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ur- win. reccing near .Murray, was brought heme from the hospital where she was operated on Monday. The op eration was entirely succcssiul ana !.he voting lauv will rest and recuper- te at her home. The mother cf the gill as well as a trained nurse accom panied her home and they were met here bv Waltc - Sans with his auto and taften to the Uvwin home. It is to be hoped that the little daughter will con tinue to show improvement until she is completely restored to health. Meisir.ger, drove to Louisville Mi.-s Morris' rister from Ashland came on Thursday to visit her for a few days. If you have anything for sale adver tise in the Journal. Frank Markey is doing some car penter work for John Meisinger this week. Wir.dcl Heil and wife came in from their farm and took Xo. 34 for Omaha Tuesday no-n;ng. Helen Schneider, Gertrude Meisin ger and Lela Duff came in Saturday to spend Sunday at home. T.rn F ner of Plattsrnouth came out Tuesday morning on Xo. f'3 to do some carpenter work for Charles Johnson, south of town. First Se 1 Gimty oariK CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE aro anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and handling his live stock for market Deposits In Tkis Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly 81, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! Z. W. Shrader came up yesterday afternoon from his home in Mt. Tleas- ant precinct and attended tne ijryan meeting and this morning departed for Omaha to spend the day there with is daughter. $1020 F. O. B. Factory Touring Cars and Roadctcrs $950 to $1485 f. o. k. Factory v-Sca1; v- - .,r-,! :.r - -C, : - ,.3. wfitm. I &6?$$)o ))m . :-mifit P WMMMY $ KJ Are T3- ihere in a Golio 11 of sasonne : KOPRIN will make the season of 101G, after April 10, as follows: un Monday and Tuesday on the Henry Urish farm, -iV2 miles east of Weep ing Water; on Wednesday, Saturday nd Sunday on the John Urish farm; on Thursday and Friday on the John Lohnes, sr., farm, 1 mile west of the German Lutheran church. KOPRIN is a black imported Per- cheron stallion, weighing 1,900 pounds. He is licensed and inspected and pro nounced sound. We hereby certify that the Per cheron stallion Koprin (036-16), im ported September, 1912, by E. J. Hei- -el, Fremont, Iowa, is recorded by the Percheron Society of America, and that his recorded number is 91043. Terms: To insure colt to stand and suck, $15.00. If marcs change owner ship, service fee becomes due at once Care will be taken to avoid accidents, W HH AT depends upon the type of Motor in your Car. HEN you buy a BUICK six-cylinder valve-in-head motor car vou not only get the last word in comfort, style, power and speed, but an automobile guaranteed to give you the highest gasoline milage. TT IS AN admitted fact that the valve-in-head motor does give -L 15 per cent more power than any other type of gasoline motor, which means 15 per cent more mileage per gallon of gasoline. THOUSANDS of users of BUICK valve-in-head six-cylinder cars give evidence daily that they are getting 20 miles or more per gallon of gasoline consumed while touring with full passen ger load and many users report over 25 miles per gallon. REMEMBER cost of operating is a part of the cost of your Car. WITH the price of gasoline going up, the proven economy of the BUICK valve-in-head should make it your preference. Li o Tel. E:o. I i Office and Salesroom t m PfM i .one nUv&B?0?ks OFFICERS: W. H. LOHNCS, Vipe-Presidcnt WM. SCHNEIDER, F. FOREMAN. Cashier but will not be responsible should any -r-- xww. ( Plattsrnouth, Neb. President occur.