THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1916 PAGE S. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAC W. B. BANNING THE MAN FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Kor many reasons The News is jlt-a-iti to endorse the candidacy of Ur.Ii-r.i 15. Barring for the position i f W -.:. ;.a:.t governor on the demo- r.ic tick-t. There are many reasons v.r.y we I ke to give him our support, 1. : t hi.f of these is because we know .t is a that can be trusted in any . .-.';v.!i i:i which he may be placed, lie has- al.vays i faithful. He is ; -, (.it.H- county product, born in Wyo-rr.irj- prccir.. t September 18, lS'i, and e :htn has cither lived here or in C s c-ui.ty. He has been engaged in . .w::.! 1-.: ir.e-s.s ar.d for ?onie years v;.: iharce of the machinery de 7 :-rtrrA-.t at the Nebraska state fair, ; it wa-. 'here he met the most :"..rr..t i s. il ; has seived as coramis-.-i-:-. r t C;.ss county, and was in the .-tatc st! ate in V.'O'J ar.d 1111. It was tr.erv he proved th . material of which 1 a i:.;iie. as he showed that he wa- r t !.! brainy but honest. He uns iro father of the commission f. :m of crc. e: : mvr.t law, giving all :'.: i f v.-i . e than 2.-"00 benefit of the siir . Ib r-:ivle a most excellent pre :.;: - r when called to the chair, v '.a':; rr.ia .s that he will make an i-I-'.e governor. If the pie of the state were one tt ;.t: as well acquainted with Mr. I'.-r r::-z a- thc.-o living in Oloe and ".. s t. s are, his election would be a'.n:. st i Nebraska City .-.v. SCHOOL CHILDREN AGAIN CELEBRATE Ti -j giiis and t oys of the high h. ! a; Central building last even : i ated the fact of the school by holdir.g a large pa- Is i ! y up M i.i winch several .. :" to jcu.i;' people took part . I pave v t ta-ir enthusiasm by ..v.- .- it--A yells of the school in hen- t . :'!.. j- a! ee.a?".on to them. On ;- - r. r-; .! git-unds a mammoth 1 v.;:- .-tait..l and the flickering : 'he flames rose h'gh in the : 'r a. i v...:e vi iIe from ail parts of : e t.y a- the joyful students gave y ; th. ir f.x-Ibig-: of pleasure at : v t ati- !i e.; the school ques- T'.e stu-i.-r.ts of the schools, were ;h n o t enthusiastic boosters ' f ;i . -'.i'-n for the r.c-w school . 1 fe': th it i :; red letter occas i : f' . them as w.'.i as for the classes -it v.'.l me after them and have :r-. u-e e" the aew building1. KISS DELIA TARTSCH WILL TEACH IN OMAHA Horn "uts.;ay Tan. Ia the :ispatths from Omaha this rv: ir it was stated that Miss Delia T;.M.sch. or.e of the teachers in the t a. lie .-thools in this city, has been '.ected as a member of the teaching : ;ce f the rr.eti opnlis for the ensu- i. z teim. Miss Tartsch is one of the m-t tlLeunt teachers in the city seh.ooi sy-te-m and her splendid work 1 .'re has received 'i well deserved rec (.-r.ion in ner reir.g called to the -h .l woi k of the larger city. Miss Se!ma Manj iardt, sister of County S jpcrintend'-nt Miss Eda Marquardt, wh' has been teaching for the past year at Beatrice, has also been elected to the Omaha schools as a teacher. I!t;th of these ladies are qualified in every way for their chosen profession i nd rar.k very high where they have taught and while it would be with g--cat regret that the schools part with Miss Tartseh every one will be pleased to learn of the well deserved compli ment paid to her ability. A Mighty Good Man. L. G. Todd, from the vicinity of Uiaon, who is a candidate for the e-n.ocratic nomination for float rep iv:r.Tutivc for Of.oe and Cass coun ties, was in the city yesterday for a jhoit time looking after hii interests. Mr. To.!d has been given a clear field by the other candidates in Cass county ;:nd is the only candidate in this coun ty remaining; in the race ar.d s-hould without a doubt be nominated and if be is will be light in line for election. Mr. TotiJ comes from one of the pio neer families of Nebraska as his father, Hun. L. G. Texld, Mas foi years or.e of the leading- figures in thf politics of th.2 state, and the son ha? always taken a keen interest in ah pal.iic questions, which insures his be ii.i on the job if elected to the legislature. JOHN L. KENNEDY WILL TALK HERE SATURDAY NIGHT On Saturday evening tho republi cans of this city and vicinity will en joy a smoker and meeting- at which Hon. John L. Kennedy of Omaha, one of the candidates for the nomination for United States senator, will be present to address the members of the party. All republicans of this section of the county are invited to come in and attend the meeting- and hear the address of the distinguished guest of the evening-. A number of the local and state candidates will also be pres ent to take part in the meeting. It is probable that it will bo held in the Modern Woodman hall if possible, but the definite place will be given out later and a good meeting is assured." LADIES GIVE FINE ENTERTAINMENT AT THE T. J. SOKOL HALL From Wednesday." Uanv. Last evening the T. J. Sokol hall was the scene of a very pleasant gath ering when the active Bohemian mem bers of this organization gathered to enjoy a pleasant evening and a most sumptuous repast that would have tempted the appetite of an epicurean was placed on tho banquet board for the benefit of the large crowd of gen tlemen attending. The banquet was served in the lodge room of the hall and the young ladies of the Sokolky turning clcass had arranged the room in a manner which was most pleasing to the eye, without saying anything of the loads of good things to cat whk-h the ladies served, ar.d they saw to it that there was nothing omitted that might add to the delight of the fes tive occasion, and from the soup to the dessert the feast was most enjoy able, and there was plenty for the jolly party of hungry men, who made the feast mighty scarce in a short time. A number of informal addresses in Bohemian were made by some of the prominent members who have jc-n so active in tho work of the or ganization. A musical program was given during the course of the ban quet by the orchestra composed of Roy Holly, Francis Whelan, Stuart Janda and Anton Bajeck and after the fea?t had been disposed of everyone proceeded to have a very jolly time. The young ladies of the Sokolky gave a number cf very high class vocal numbers, while the gentlemen passed the time in visiting and playing vari ous games of cards. DEUEL CO. LAND. The best in vestment in the state. Write for prices and terms. Ritchey Land Co., Chappell, York, Alvo, Neb. Good music and a gcod time is as sured to all who attend the dance at the German Home on next Saturday tvening. llemember the elate and ar range to be present. New Arrivals in Our Dry Goods Department Sun Bonnets Our Sun Bonnets are different than the ordinary bonnet, they have a pat ent stiffening in the crown. Ladies', 23 and 50c each; Children's, 23c each; Dolls', 10c. KIMOXA CREPES. We have a good stock of Crepes, the finest thing for a nice Kimona. Our price is the same as before the recent advance. We have not advanced cur prices on Percales. We are still selling the 3G inch Percale, at, per yard 10c Bed Sheets at the price of sheeting per yard in D-4 sheets, price, each, 38c. Egyptian Tissues, the new patterns, a good lot to select from, at, per yard, 23c. Curtain Draperies, Scrims and Nets see them in our window. KEITH NEVILLE, AT HIS HOME TOWN, GETS ANOVATION A Mammoth Parade of Military and Civic Organizations, Swelled By Citizens. BORN AND REARED (il STATE North Platte, Neb., April 4. One of the banners in the monstrous wel come to Keith Neville by all North Platte that caused yells of delight read: -:-m A. I- Nebraska born, Nebraska bred, Keith Neville for Nebraska's head. Zuckweiler & Lutz Neighbors and friends, and friends' neighbors and neighbors' friends of Keith Neville united here Monday night in giving that governorship can didate a monstrous welcome home. It was a nonpartisan, nonfactional, nondivisional welcome by North Platte people to one of its sons. It was enthusiastic to the utmost, and citizens joined in from the oldest to the youngest, from the largest to the smallest, men, women, boys and girls and all. This was the only night within two weeks past that Mr. Neville has been home and he left early this morning to be gone on a state primary tour which will last until primary day, April IS. -It was therefore the one night upon which North Platte people could show their affection and respect for him and although the time for ar rangements was comparatively short, most every one of the 6.0OO people of this city either took a part in the pa rade or went to the Neville home where the welcome took place. The approach of the local settle ment of the license policy of the city for the coming year was forgotten in this warm tribute of a loyal affection to Mr. Neville. Those who do not agree with him on state issues closely related to this local contest attested his splendid cit izenship and popularity among them. Those who agree with him by their manifest expressions of friendship emphasized all those equalities which they deem most important, most nec essary in the selection of the execu tive of a great state. The event proper was held at the Neville home, seven blocks from the business section of town. Mrs. Neville was at her husband's side throughout and the three little girls, understanding little about it aM, but knowing it was some kind of an honor for their "daddy," were there, too. Autos, Marchers, Bands in Parade. A long parade of automobiles ar.d marchers and bands covered the downtown streets before the start was made for the Neville home. On the line under the direction of Marshal of the Day Leonard Robin son were the local Spanish-American War Veteran's camp, the North Platte Military band, the two companies of high school cadets, the high school football team, last year the state champions under Mr. Neville's coach ing; the national champion Yeoman drill team of this city, the North Platte volunteer firemen and then sixty-two auto loads of democrats, re publicans, socialists, prohibitionists, progressives and independents and a number of veterans of the civil war were in this part of the crowd, too, some of whom had pioneered through this great west with Colonel Keith, the local man's grandfather, or with Judge Neville, his father. Two hundred marchers of the rank and file of all parties carried torches, while along the line of march at in tervals fireworks were set off to add to the illumination and to impress on the crowd the spirit of the celebration. Dozens of banners bearing different legends were carried in the parade. Significant Banner. The one that brought most applause had upon it, "Nebraska Born, Nebras ka Bred, Keith Neville for Nebraska's Head." At Neville's home, where the yard and porches were covered with Mr. Neville's neighbors and friends and where the crowds surged out into the street in two directions, speeches were made by leading citizens whose con tact with Mr. Neville has been inti mate during most of the years of his life. The appearance of the Neville fam ily on the porch at their home was greeted with prolonged cheers when the great parade drew up. Every reference to Mr. Neville's predominant characteristics was the signal for continued cheering, and be fore anyone in the great crowd left for j home most of the men and women and children swept up to the porch to greet him personally and to pledge him support and wish him well. J. G. Beeler, a well known attorney and an active friend of the prohibition cause, was the first speaker on the "welcome" program. Prohibitionist's Welcome. He welcomed Keith Neville home on behalf of Norh Platte. He spoke with apparent feeling of the connection of his parent stock with the settlement of the great west and the shaping of Nebraska history in th days when this section of the country was known for its wilds and its perils. He praised Mr. Neville as a citizen, as a business man, as the head of a home, as an influence among boys and young men. He expressed the faith which North Platte and Lincoln coun ty and western Nebraska people have in Mr. Neville, and said that the same abilities he displayed here at home all his life would be displayed by Mr. Ne ville if he were elevated to the gover norship of his state. County Attorney George Gibbs pointed out the friendship of Mr. Neville for the young men cf this city and country and declared that his can didacy for the state executiveship would bring recognition to the west ern part of the state and would give a good account of itself if it termi nated in an election to the place that is sought. Principal N. N. Redenbaugh of the high school, a church worker and stu dent of boys' work, spoke on Mr. Nev ille's influence among the North Platte high school boys. Clean, honest sportsmanship has been Keith Neville's motto, said the schoolman. He has instilled in the boys here the desire to win, but the desire to win manfully, so that op ponents would respect plays and our players. Principal Redenbaugh also declared that the need of an even balance be tween work and play and study had been emphasized upon the boys by Mr. Neville. Praise From Republican Editor. I. L. Bare, editor of the Tribune, a lifelong republican, praised Mr. Nev ille from the standpoint of his citizen ship and business ability and desire to go out of his way to do things for others. "For thirty-five years western Ne braska has contributed to Nebraska history, to Nebraska wealth and pros perity and to Nebraska upbuilding and now we have a representative o the west as a candidate for governor, said Mr. Bare. "Let us elect him to the place; here i? the opportunity we long have sought. We have in Mr. Neville a clean man, a frank, courageous, busi nesslike man, the type of the sturdy splendid pioneer. We know if he is chosen by Nebraska people as thei governor he will give to them the same service his father and he, him self, have given us in the upbuilding of the west." Democrats and republicans were here from other towns of Lincoln county, too, and all of them for the purpose of attesting their friendship for a man of such worth as Mr Neville. Keith Neville was the last speaker. and it was many minutes before he could respond to the welcome given him. Hats were thrown into the air torches were dashed to the ground children sang, parents applauded wild ly. All North Platte, in short, cheered the favorite son whom they are back ing for the governorship. Mr. Neville's speech was in a meas ure his compaign speech and it was more than that, and his neighbors and friends here accepted it in full meas ure. They accept everything Keith Neville says and does. JOHN S. M'CARTY, CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS, HERE From Tuesday? Dally. Judge John S. McCarty of Lincoln, who is a candidate for the democratic nomination for congress in the First district, was in the city today looking after his interests and seeing that his candidacy was placed before the voters for their judgment. Mr. Mc Carthy was one of the speakers here at the Cass county democratic ban quet in February and made a most favorable impression with the voters at the time. He is contesting for the nomination with ex-Congressman John A. Maguire and D. W. Livingston of Nebraska City. While in the city Mr. McCarthy visited for a few minutes at the Journal office to chat with the editor. S3 New every -tIOw tfm, ; " T CZ. ii The "Dress-Up" Instinct is strong in every red blooded American. We are the beet cJrcstcd nation in the world. The refining influence of superior raiment is one of the great factors in improving our standards of living. If we existed on some lonely island it wouldn't matter much what clothes we wore, but here in the midst of civilization it makes a deal of difference. Lots of men in this town are acting on this new "Dress Up" idea and standards are going to be pretty high. To be posted right you'll want to see what we have for you in our Styleplus $17 line and our Quclity Clothes $29 to $30. Come in any time and look them over. Satisfy yourself thoroughly of their ex tra value before you buy. C. E. Vescott's Sons Raincoat Special $4.95 "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Boys' Suits, 2 pair pants, $2.95 up i 1 PLATTSMOUTH GIRL WED IN OMAHA YESTERDAY CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Yesterday in Omaha occurred the wedding of Mr. George Privett and Miss Martha McCrary of this city, and the event came as quite a surprise to the many friends of the contracting parties as they had kept the date of the happy event a secret and stole a march on their friends by having the nuptial knot tied in the metropolis. Both of the young people are well known to a large circle of friends here where the bride has been reared to womanhood and where her friends are legion. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCrary and a young lady who will be greatly missed from her home and friends here, but in her new home" she will ' take the -best wishes of all those who have the pleas ure of knowing her. The groom is a very industrious young man and is located on a fine farm near Blue Hill, Nebraska, wher3 the young people ex pect to make their future home, go ing direct from Omaha to Blue Hill to commence life in their own home which the groom has prepared for the coming of his bride. Lucille Bryan Improving. rmm Wednesday' DaitT The many friends of Miss Lucille Bryan will be greatly pleased to learn that she is feeling slightly improved from her very severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism from which she has been suffering for the past two weeks. Miss Bryan has suffered a great deal from this painful malady and her condition has caused her fam ily and friends a great deal of worry and they will be greatly pleased to learn that she is so much better. Read the want ads in the Journal. County Commissioner Doings. At the meeting of the board cf county commissioners yesterday a number of the county officials filed their reports for the first quarter of the year 1916. Register of Deeds Snyder reported $871.55 collected for the first three months; Clerk of the District Court Robertson, $625.70; County Judge Beeson, $718.55, and County Clerk Libershal, $250. Coun ty Judge Beeson also recommended to the board that a number of claims of mothers with dependent children be allowed and the same was approved by the board. 0. W. HVI.16SGT0N, CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS, IN TOWN YESTERDAY IMPORTANT NOTICE. The undersigned, having added new machinery equipment, begs to advise machine users of the community that we now have one of the best equipped machine shops in the state. We shall continue to manufacture the "Honest John" gasoline engine with added im provements, making it the most eno nomical engine on the market. We will also be in the market soon with our "Iron Horse," the new Universal Tractor at a moderate price. Farm ers and others will also find our Ma chine Shop of service to them. We employ only competent workmen and can overhaul and rebuild any kind of machinery equal to new. We are also owners of the Omaha Machine Works, Fourteenth and Jackson streets, Omaha. Both plants are in communi cation and tender their combined ef forts to the satisfaction of our pa trons. WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY CO. Machinists and Manufacturers. Plattsmouth, Neb. L. C. Sharp. Constipation causes headache, indi gestion, drowsiness. For a mild, open ing medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. Yesterday afternoon D. W. Living ston cf Nebraska City, onj of the can didates for the democratic nomination for congress in this district, came ii to visit for a few hours, looking over the situation in regard to his candi dacy. Mr. Livingston is one of the leading attcrnej-s of the Otoe county bar and a gentleman who is well qual ified in every way for the office he i seeking at the hands of the voters. Mr. Livingston has been very promi nent in Otoe county politics fur a great many years and is held in the very highest esteem by all tho.;e with whom he has been associated. While in the city Mr. Livingston called at the Journal office for a hort visit with the editor and members of the force. Purchases New Ford. From Wednesdays Pally. Yesterday afternoon J. H. Albeit, one of the leading farmers residing near Louisville, was in the city secur ing himself a new Ford car of W. W. Wasley, the local agent, and will now be able to ride over the hills ami val leys of old Cass county in his own ma chine and enjoy the delights of aut mobiling. While here Mr. Albert called at the Journal office and re newed his subscription to the Old Re liable for another year. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 50c a box at all stores. sn "Dress-Up" Now for Spring ? The Spring "Dress-Up" season is here, and the question uppermost in the average man s mind is, "where can I get the best clothes for the money?" If you are making this same mental calcula tion, we make a bid for your business offer ing you the SOCIETY BRAND, KUPPEN HEIMER and CL6THCRAFT Clothes. You hear a lot about wool and dye these days, about the scarcity of materials, and the consequent increase in clothing prices. This condition, though true, is no cause for alarm. Our new Spring suits at every price are guaranteed to be pure wool and fast color. Furthermore, the prices asked here this sea son are not a penny higher than the prices of last year for the same qualities. Suit Prices $10 to $30 Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts Car hart Overalls Hansen Gloves