I st t if ir ifsr : r j - t -. Y I I m u n n The High Cost of Living u IIS REDUCED. JUST LOOK THESE OVER 'Diplomat" Sliced Peaches, in heavy syrup, per can . 20c "Pasadena" Peaches, 30c value, per can 20c "Golden Spike" Egg Plums, per can 5c "Golden Spike" Apricots, per can 15c "Golden Spike" Peaches, extra standard per can 20c Hugo Pineapples, 25c value, 5 cans for . . . ; . . ' $ 1 .00 "Goddess" Red Raspberries, extra standard, per can . 1 5c "Goddess" Black Raspberries, extra standard, per can 15c "Monticello" Eastern Pears, per can 25c "Golden Spike" White Cherries, per can ...... w . ........ . . 25c "Golden Glow" Preserves, all flavors, 20 ounce jar 25c Did you get one of those Aluminum Double Boilers? It costs you only 50c with trade marks from Quaker Oats Packages. Order that Quaker Oats now. 3 POUNDS PRUNES FOR 25c We have an unusually good assortment of children's -gingham dresses, sizes ranging from 2 to 14, prices from 65c to $1.25 H. M. SOENNICHSEN, Phone 53 and 54 We Like to Serve Patrons of Knights and Danlap Signet Stars 3Q c DC DC 3C NEW Barber Shop Hotel Perkins Block Everything New and Sanitary Very Best of Service H.H.KUHNEY, Prop. For Sale. One f.ve-passeneer Ford car; one 10-horse power motor boat, and one 3 hore jower stationery gasoline en friz,e. J. E. Mason. r4 f . 'J FINE FARM FOR SALE. 1G0 acres, being the S. E. quarter of Section located one mile west and one mile north of Murray, known as the T. V. Davis farm. Fine farm and well imporved. Location the beft. Price for a short time at 25, C0.00. Write or call on John Colbert, Weeping Water. W. R. BRYAN, Candidate for COUNTY TREASURER on Democratic Ticket Your Support is Solicited. W. R. Bryan, county assessor, is going to make a pretty fight for the democratic nomination for county treasurer. He is quite well known throughout the county, and by the time the polls close on the 18th day of April, his opponent will know that he has been in the race. RUMANIANS AND BULGARIANS REPORTED III ENGAGEMENT London, March 13. An engage ment is reported to have taken place on the Danube between Rumanians and Bulgarians near the town of Rahovo, says the Daily Mail's Odessa correspondent. A Bulgarian frontier guard is said to have fired upon a Rumanian ship which was loading an other vessel in Rumanian waters. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Houses and lots on easy terms. Will take in exchange other property for first payments. Vac ant lots for sale. Several places for exchange for grazing land. Windham Loan and Investment Co. 3-4-3td-3tw Cleanliness, Prompt Service, AND Fair Dealings Excellent Quality is the basis of our claim on your consideration "-WAGNER'S DO V V Everything Good to Eat. THINK RUMANIA DECIDED TO TAKE UP ALLIED CAUSE .11 X3 We have moved inso our new location in the old Fanger Department Store Building, on Main Street, and have on hand a splendid line of Stoves, andall kinds of Hardware. Come in and visit the new store and thoroughly inspect our stock. lisSiir "rr Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. London, March 12. An agreement has been reached between Rumania and Russia which is believed to indi cate the definite decision of Rumania to adhere to the cause of the entente allies, according to a Bucharet dis patch to the Exchange Telegram Co. The agreement permits Rumania to purchase war materials in Russia and to transport through Russia war ma terials elsewhere. It is reported that Russia has agreed further to give Ru mania part of Bessarabia. Girl Baby Arrives. Yesterday afternoon the stork paid a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sitzmann, in the south part of the city and left with them a bouncing little eight-pound daughter. Both the mother and little one are do ing nicely and Joe is very proud over the new addition to his family. For Sale. An extra good team of registered Percheron mares, both with foal. Also a stallion, 3 years old. Call or address, Chas. Countryman, Murray, Neb. For Sale. Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins county land. Very good terms. Bert Root, Murray, Neb. Allie Meisinger' and brother, G. L. Meisinger, of Cedar Creek, motored to this city this morning to attend to some business matters and visit with realtives and friends. While here Allie Meisinger called at this office and renewed the subscription of the paper going to J. 11. Meisinger. George L. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busines sat the court house. Read the want ads in the Journal. Oc DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DO $1020 F. O. B.lFactory Touring Cars and Roadsters $950 to $1485 f. o. b. Factory 0 ft Itf5Ss w" ""' m q V:? t? -r h SdPV JZ& 2 The New BUICK is Here! We are now in a position to show you the New Buick Model D-6-45, which has been the one real sensation in the automobile world since January first. COME IN AND SEE IT See for yourself how really wonderful this model is, with its six cylinder Buick valve-in-head motor; . its Buick cantilever springs; its cellular radiator; its silk mohair one-man top; its genuine leather upholstering; its new style elec tric headlamps, and many other superiorities as compared with other cars. With its crown fenders and 34x4 inch wheels and tires, this model is truly the superior of any car in its class, and the equal of any car in any class in appearance and performance. PLACE YOUR ORDER WOW Thousands were disappointed last fall by not being able to get a Buick, and the demand for early spring delivery is even now greater than experienced last fall. Make sure of your Buick before it is too late. We are now in posi tion to make deliveries. , . . ? 0 tci. ii.. i T. H. POLLOCK, Dealer IS Office and Salesroom Neb. M BRANDEIS GER1 TO GET APPROVAL Senate Committee May Iteport, How ever, That He Has Been "Indiscrete." Washington, March 12. Unless the new charges hinted at by constituents of Senator Weeks developed unsus pected disclosures, the criticism of Louis D. Brandeis by the senate in vestigation committee will be "indis cretion" in certain case?. Committee members, after several days' deliberation and after one gen-' tral review lasting over two hours,! i have determined this much, it has been learned. A recommendation tlmt he be confirmed, is a certainty. Either Clark of Wyoming, or Works of California the two who have been alternating at the hearings will sub mit a minority report favoring his rejection. MUMivrs mm HOW WRAPPED IN SANITARY PACKAGES! Made clean, kept clean, and delivered to you in the "Keep Clean" packages, just as they leave our bakery. We know that Pleasal Bread is as ood as the verv best. .No bakery can say more. r Ask Your OroGer for "Pleasal" THE NEW BRAND OF BREAD, "PLEASALL," AT M Elsewhere in this issue of the Even ing Journal will be found the ad vertisement of Fred II. Mumm, the baker, in relation to his new brand of bread, "Pleasall," which is being put on the market for the use of the lov ers of good, wholesome bread. This new bread comes in paper wrapped packages and is absolutely sanitary in every way, with all the safeguards to make the bread the best and most perfectly sanitary packages which has been offered to the people of Platts mouth, and Mr. Mumm feels that it is filling a long-felt want. Mrs. Setz Improving. Mrs. Eugene Setz, who has been suffering from the grippe for the past week, has improved somewhat and is now slightly better, which will be good news to her many friends. Her moth er, Mrs. Vallandingham, of Eagle, who has been here visiting Mrs. Setz, was taken with a very severe cold and ocmpelled to return to her home in the western part of the county. WORK WANTED. 3323C A ttention Coild ren Those who wish to become Knights of the Dunlap Sig net Stars, thereby earning a Pony Outfit, will please register their intention with the following patrons, and receive instruction, together with cards for soliciting their friends to aid them. Weyrich & Hadraba John W. Crabill C. E. Wescott's Sons Fetzer Shoe Co. H. M. Soennichsen Until July 1st merit units will be given with for all money paid on account, as well as cash purchases. Note: Tickets will be given out only when asked for, as they are valuable and patrons want them to go only to those who are actually working for someone towards the Pony Outfit, or to the as pirants to Knighthood themselves. WANTED Work. Any kind. By! hour or day. Experienced in prun ing fruit trees. 'Phone your wants to CG. 3-9-lwkd ftav; Arrivals! Ribbons Just a fine line in Plain Taffeta, Watered Taffetas, Fancy Taffetas, Messalines and a full stock of Plains. We offer a special assort ment at, per yard, 19c. Another lot, much wider, just the thing for hair bows, at, per yard, 29c. New arrivals in Curtain Draperies A full stock of Marqusets, in white, ivory and ecru. Colonial Draperies and Over Drapes. Scrims, Swisses, Curtain Nets. A full stock of Lace. Curtain in white, ivory and ecru. New arrivals in this season's Wash Goods, a full stock to select from. Voiles, Organdies, Batistes, Floral Printed Silks, Silk Striped Chiffons, Crepe Oechenes, Georgette Crepes, Silk Poplins, Pussy Willow Taffetas, Tub Silks, Silk Muslins. Embrodieries A full stock of Flouncing Edges Allovers. These are of the latest creations. ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ. ii Kiddie Cloth! An excellent 32-inch fabric in a wide range of good look ing patterns, colors guaranteed non-fade. The mosl suit able and serviceable cloth we have for boy's wash suits, children's dresses and ladie's house dresses Yard 18c For Trimming Kiddie Cloth, Suits and Dresses 28-inch white peplin, yard 25c 28-inch white pique, " 25c 28-inch white romper galatea, yard 15c h VEY & SON Value!. Quality! Service! 1 r