The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 09, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    TITURSDAY, MARCH 0, 1916.
Mctl till VAIL in and near Cedar Creek
-i- News that will be of Interest
I4 arm implements
Wagons and Harness!
3 fid
With a large crop of corn to market many fanners
are in need oi a new wagon, extra box or harness,
which we have in stock and invite your inspection
before von buy. We pride ourselves in handling the j 'M .'a'd,;' ;.v a
"Kirdsell" wcons and "Biruseir' extra boxes, built 'p :',;,-;.-.
from genuine yellow poplar and hand painted with
lead and oil, which insures your waivon against crack
ing and peeling when exposed to the tdeinenf. idle
Kirdsell" has many distinctive features not found in
any other wagon and the boxes are the only "yellow
poplar" sold in this territory. We carry a full line
of Farm Machinery in our new iMx'w; building and
are prepared to i;!l your rri!iiir!neiits for the Spring
work. Call and give us a chance to demonstrate this
fact to you. We'll appreciate the favor. Our Har
ness. Colhns. Tads am! Kxtra Parts to put your ;id
harness in shape, "Eureka"' Harness Oils. Curry
Combs and Brushes are all ready lor your inspection.
The Firs: Security Bank
j Charier No. 12SS
I in the State of Nebraska a: the ci
j l,ui:i-..'.- Febraurv L'lth, ll'i'J
P.KlMilT Or THE C ONDITION j Omaha in his car Monday. He found
i if j the roads in pretty bad condition in
some places.
First Security Bank pays 4 per cent
on time certificates for s-ix months and
cne year.
On account of the amount of sick
ness there was no preach
ir.jr at the church last ..Sunday, but will
be on Sunday, March I'.K
j 't f rr:; i -.!..
i (. i ci. ( i r;iM
I 1VI !!., V.: . .,...1 u
I V f I ..t-K
i C i ,, t a ai- ( '
; ( ..r.- .
I .. .i.i im:.
; n vtT. a.t 1. :,Hu n ::
f ur.aiia' ;a.a liv
-. i;.w am. ii ;-r-
' ; ( '.'4 L
1 i '. "
Farewell at G. L. Meisinger s.
Tr,.- h.i-;ni ah," hrimo nf "Mr jind
! in-. virs. leor?re L. .uc:.- mirer was the
. j scene of a merry gatne) mg on Satur
! day evening, March 4. when a large
i r. umber of neighs ;. r .-- and friends came
J and gave them a fa: ewell party. The
, evening was pa.-sed in conversation,
t .. :. : -
music and O'tnci
At the midnight
ur a (.eiicious luncr.eon was serve.
v iL-ii evervane ., loved verv much.'
ted at a late hour,
of reeret at the de-
!- i (lei.
YK!1 c.r
1 ' w. n . . i i'. i ; !. .
n :-'V i-' i'.::. r.-'.i
'; '--.u.: ,,:.;
A ; F i ' N i, A
' :i- r : '
lure of thi-" esiima'de farnll from
Those jiTesent
I Irver, L:'-.''-ence, Cllen and Carl Xei
j .--'nger. Ji-hr.ny Cauer, Walter Sols-
1 erg. Ed Gobr-lman, George Schroder.
Carnival Cr.p.- at S. J. KcamvC.
Hcr.rv Thlerc-lf visited i-
"-i iay.
l:ll i .! vV;t' vVt... - tt
I.'it.yd Schneider drove to oIr,.i-
V."diic.n; Keii and v ;:
:.-dav in Cuihan.
I!uy your oyste: s
Always fresh.
Wdliam JKislnirt:
i:. I'iait-mouih.
buries IK-ni drg
Omaha Thursday.
Ferdeii Hearings,
day in riatt-'ni-r.r.h.
Henry Aibcr ts vs
. 1 .- T .
a. .a i .
-;.-!. :. c i s
! F.i .Veh-
P:;.: ismar.lh.
-1 ! 1
1 '
..i v.,-
u r..i ar( i.a
I ad'
: ; ' nr..
::) Cl:-.ri- Ingram. George Ilennings,
!'"! j Martin. Flm-;r nr. 1 Henry Formes.
' ovcr.z lianghman. Hans rrUi.Ke. Frn-4-
j e.-t Tritsch, Tes. e Terryberry, Elmer
I . ...i , r. ci,. r ... li. , w
' - . ... . '
' i.-:u: once i rc c -.., v. r ;ova ir-crneiier.
i Wi'Il Graham. Frrdinund Krechoo.
Paul Johnson was born February 9,
1S35, at Xysted, Denmark, where he
grew to manhood. He fought in the
war between Denmark and Germany
in 1SG4. He was married March 1,
1SG7, to Miss Mary Simonson. They
came to America and settled on a
homestead two miles west of Alvo,
where they resided until about eight
years ago, when they moved to Alvo,
their present home. Nine children
were born to them, four having died
in infancy. Mr. Johnson and wife
went to Guymon, Oklahoma, last fall
to spend the winter with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Minnie Peterson and family,
at whose home he died suddenly
March 1, 1916, of old age and heart
failure. The remains were brought
j home for burial, accompanied by Mrs.
Johnson and daughter, Mrs. Petersen,
ami brother, arriving Friday. The
funeral was held Sunday at 1 o'clock
at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev.
M. A. Keith, and burial was made in
Belmont cemetery beside an infant
son buried there in 1873. The pall
bearers were: S. C. Eoyles, Ed Casey,
Harry Appleman, G. P. Foreman,
Walter Hardnock and Jesse Hard
nock. The deceased was a robust man
and led an active life and was con
sidered well-to-do. He is survived by
a wife and five children, Mrs. Min
nie Peterson, a daughter, Guymon,
Okkihoma; Carl Johnson, Simon John-
Ttobert F. Johnson and August
II. I'M. !..
r.f : iiT'i
S. J.
l .-.:ay 'o ;k ;.u
For the De'tn 111
S. . lie a m. s. Tl. s
V.'K-r. you
'". : I ret Ib-:.:v.;
' (. n:.v
-i'ie Fa:rerus .- ee ' urdav.
e s c a t .
rre e.(.d read In.
. Idor.-ry.
Da. her w-. :.. t C:n..:.a
S . -s.ts ..!.a ' iiv a Lvuise L hees, Carrie Lohnc-.-:, '
'Myrtle lit P.o e, LouifO ami
! Ann;: W.. c-. ner, V.rla Sthneiae-r, Har
5 I -k;t M '!-;., Jmnie Eeachell. Lelis
'Heff, !)..-::; C. uer. X - a Iiaughmar.,
- ! Mab.l Mewaeer, Dora Meioinger, Mr.
- ' :':.! M rs. G. L. Meisinger, Mr. and
' Mrs. Ed Vege:vr.
tv.enty grandchildren, to mourn his
.'!'.: iay to vi-dt over St. n 'lay.
Adam riced:.';er a:..l ..
; .. t - - . -i "; :
i .: -Hi
O.-n. re-. e e.
1 1-
I'latt-Taouih , -I
turday m i
south pexd.
1 fci
-!1 I
! r. t . a: ; -1
Fruit ana ' v.-.t.: to Or -'l
, nart in t:.e ve;f i
Farm L'an. In-trance and Ilea!' Mai : i .
E.-tatt . Sec J. I.i or. man. ' v a.
G. L. Meisir..u-r and :..n.l'.y moved the elevator meeting
if ; !;.:: r..w h. me Tu.-.-vd.v. f: lt :i.;s.
Mituruay in
. Me.;.a.V in
Philip Thierolf a:..i Wiiliar.: Co:e
- "" --
; ! d i ;. -::.c.:a
d-r Cr. ek Friday -.,:v .
uv.d cal.irg o:
. . . - i.
ne.-- ::..: i.a r.o . n. i -
A:..'.: ev San.".-rs i
Ti.v-:ay evert:-: g to
d.. vs.
vn We'-
Tied Core came d-.-wn ;
vide M .r.lay.
Joh.i Hu-tho a.. a wife '
a e. : a .
r ai-a'.y
j Mr.-. Eula Lackey of Minatare,
- ICe! .. aft.r r several weeks
wivh her rarer-ts. Mr-, and Mrs. Fred
:..t :'att-.:-t.:-v in ! Vea ; r. st..:..d fur her home last
j iUUi;. .
:.t Satuedav in i A crowd of yorg folks from town
! attended the .-: social given at the
j- :-;oay tiiirnt.
rom i.. otas- ; awus.-e scnooi i
: uli.a
! Mr. L. Ma--".e was in town several
I'lii: i dr." . vi.-iting frleis ;:rui the schools.
v i. ? c:
. it for
Harry Davis sn.i.t Vednc:-d: y '.'
Ct dar Creek readii.e: cectrie ligh
m- ; vrs.
Id : S.lcvcrf v.rr.t f I 'i..t -r-.-'Uth
Sattaday to Lriig his'
t ! r. he me.
Mr-. Tram
.-.. V
C. A. Gate.
, .am
r t;
1 i a
. . .i. x .:
-..r. ! ee a
am M ; '
e . t o i .Ui
a a: Yv'edr.or.
datzer of Creep. -t..-, g:
Mr.-. Walter Scl
"We a.esclay me:
A . - .
r ; -
gt - a.ia van: wcr.t t
a day. i C:
II d an 1 vife vi du J :: :
a Lje.g and son. Gey,
. I '.at i -mouth rmiay to
-T.'.nd Saa iay with her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Tan: a. 11.
J Mrs. Flia Towle came ever from
i V.kdoa-h Wednesday to vi.-it hoi- pur
1 en-..-. Mr. aau Mrs. Jchn Timm.
! Mrs. J. II. Mellugh and Mrs. Jes
' Jtiel earn" .-'..avu from Murdock Friday
.-to ?-,,(:;! tiie uav with Mrs. John
VTd;ains came down from Lin-
a:.a vifu ver. t to
;-, r.t t'ne dav with
and Mrs. KanelT.
Mrs. Henry II cm and datieliter. t
: i e .
IT .
a. vent to Omaha Fr Id'
J i i rv i j
IT. -
no ie
j ital, but i - getting
eked far and a
- : 1 i
Mr. Th.-.rr
j. i .-'.ate for the maal: ba
dav ? lent. Match 11th. Thl
la-; rr-.
la re-- c: ".'. a
oral ' : rime is t -ected.
i .-i ine w .t iarcn j ttn. .a-ar. at h
S. J. Peam--. Vi
Walter H
"'.'ili ar)-!ei . ta-.-aa- raa h
into th hoia,. v:v...:e by Aaee t
Keil, iti.d wid n
;.' .:it" i:.i-. -uii.... . Jji-.-
:T- '
; a K
a - t;
I r-
h :dar.,-..ata
: ( t , "
g ld,f a. a.ih
0, I-o -e- o la
a i
y. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell
was shopping in j went to F.atl.-moutii Thurso. ay.
I Lent McGlr: is" family came in from
sawi J wood for ! Iov. a ket ve-tk to make their home
nger ' The fur. oral of Captain O. Ileilly
j was held Thursday. PurLd was at
a.-.-I Idavd Schneider : s'lh --Tetery.
,:.ra : a e v: a a
Paul Johitson and children
have the sympathy of their many
friends in their bereavement.
The People's Store
.20 3.11 Cl Sl25 Rut
1.65 and $1.75 k
ring in Your Farm Prodisce!
Poultry, Butter and Eggs Bought!
We Deliver Perkins Hotel Building
Tel. 11 G
Wliat io do when
Backache ccmes on
tlie wolf hunt Mo:
p v. t i . i.:.c w i.ii.jl .'i.:u.:;.. j
p i Philip Tide: olf ;-.n 1 Ge.- rge Thleroif j $1G0 Reward, $100
C. 7
ztA Books
fr ; we"-e in xeatt :mo:atn lone.ay.
household i,..- Sd
i ne r;:o'a - a .-t--, c svcrPTS er
-v.- vi iua: I. Li wa w w .. t ,
r- . . , I ' " lie o - .:
' -' e i . -
:e C. E. Melzer alma
. " -'d
Aide M
oiip r ::i:-T f !:;:s ji.;rr v u! !' T Ioa"I ta
l(arn thi.t s Ii.t.- i jit l.-i.t oa.- tlr.-.-nl.-d H'as t- has t..- n :iMc t i rurt ill nil ltg
taoirrti. II. ill's e'r.t:irrli Cure
am.e in Mon l..;.
i.'-r old f rier. :
iaere of Cedar ('
.: l wdi
. v m-i .
. The vli-.M ' '
U a heart- M 0? Ci CdI Dfink f"
v . r.".v-o r.a r - nr.:; - r'i
i tli" .'.!.'.' i ;ir. now kuown t. tli- mcd-
j i . l l r u i ' ' . ii.:.. v :ti:. .. ii i.-ihL u i.:ii!..iijriiui
' .i ; . ..... i..., ..............
i '.i-....-f. i "i u 1 1 ;i (:. -i i . i Li"ii.:i 1 1
. . ,. Hall's ('lita.-Mi t U" is taken S:-t.-r:.;il!.r. ix'taie
easmger was atteraaag to fi:r.-t-t:.- h:.iu tii.. Ha.d nnn-i- purfa-si of
, 4, : t!:c -!i.i:., tli'Tcl.y ilesiroyiTiu t.'i" louiniutlim
aes.-, rnat.ers at il.e c-utirt, ,.r ti- ii .-a.., m;.'. ravine tim iati-r.t strnpti
, ,. : I y i iii:Ji:i:r ::p tn.- (;-ti:uri.,n hi.'I ::sitinB n:i-
. i !! : a- v. i i.rojirn'T'irs Have
; ... i.:u -h J. iai in Its nrative j wers that thoy
i .T-t !!;i:iur.. I I-.r,;:rs f..r liny -sc tlict It
j Xails t i i:-'.. S'-i"! f-T lit v tfstliiiiuials.
j ..:i.-. .-s r. j. ( iirxny & co., ToJej.j, o.
S..l;l l r I)r,'L---!.-ts. 75o.
C. A. Catrr sj-tnt Satard
iroatn a i.aiag .;:ue ont .
(a oj.
: Cv-g..i;d
i:ui e tlewji Irom j Te iiat: ramiir X'ili? fur cousUaUos.
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
' 'e art anxious to assist Hit? iariM'T in iVfCiiiier and
hamiliiig: his lic .-to.-; for ir.:irl:et
( :
(:. :
lt3K I?
f 5 C- fi
p;'iij rfC th c ?2:
DeDosits In This Bank
are rot ected l)y tbe l)eor itors' Guaranty Fund of tlie
State of .Nebraska, which iias readied nearly 1,
UCK.UOO.UO It is back of us and protects you!
The Store o? Quality Goods
Pit Ltie ixirtnz Lrnoss
dl the Tnte!
Cashier )5
Cedar Creek
1. i'tiosiBsen
Joe Lird is on the sick list this
Alfred Stroemcr went to Lincoln
Mis. Lida Howe returned from Lin
ccin Tuesday.
F. udy Keuhn moved out to Chappell,
-sell., last week.
Charles Bucknell was in Lincoln on
I. ti s ir.ess Wednesday.
Ciay Foreman went to Lincoln to
visit his father Monday.
Jess Hardnock was transacting busi
ra : in Lincoln Monday.
Fred Dickman and daughter were
trading in Lincoln Tuesday.
Sam Hardnock was a passenger to
Lincoln Wednesday morning.
airs. G. P. Foreman went to Lincoln
Wed lesday to visit relatives.
Ed Casey went to Omaha Wednes
day morning to visit his mother.
Dak-t lloyles was in Lincoln Tues
day and Wednesday on business.
Mis. II. F. Johnson was having
dental work done in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick
were capital city visitors Wednesday.
Miss Pearl Keefer of University
Place was in town Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Martin Eergquist moved to Strom--i-crg.
Xeb., last week, where he will
farm this year.
Mrs. Ed Richey of Meridan, Kan
sas, was visiting from Wednesday till
Saturday at the Thomas Stout home.
Fred Weaver and son, Benn, return
ed to their home at South Bend Sat
urday, after visiting J. A. Shaffer and
G. P. Foreman went to Lincoln
Monday to visit his brother, James,
who seems to be improving quite well
at this writing.
Mrs. Hannah Keefer and children.
Lois and Don, were visiting Mrs
Keefer s sister, Mrs. S. C. Eoyles and
family, the past week.
Peter Mick left early Wednesday
morning with two cars of household
goods, machinery and stock for his
new home at Chappell, Xeb.
Mr. and Mrs. Kissinger of Glenville,
Xeb., who have been visiting the lat
ter's brother, Herman Bornemeier and
wife, the past few days, returned to
their home Wednesday.
Mrs. James Foreman went to Lin
coln Thursday to be present when her
husband was operated upon Friday
Dr. Muir and George P. Foreman also
were present during the operation.
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey went
to Lincoln Saturday evening to attend
a meeting of the Knights of Colum
bus, a class of fifty being initiated
They went from there to Omaha to
visit, the former's mother.
Miss Blanch Moore went to Lincoln
Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Chapman until Sunday morning, when
she was accompanied home by Mr.
and Mrs. Chapman, who spent the
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
! Herbert Moore.
The old fiddlers' contest held here
Friday evening was a success. The
first prize was won by Dave Sheeslcy
of Alvo; second, Mr. Balfour, Nc
hawka, and the third by William Cop
pie of Wabash. The entire musical
program was enjoyed by a well-filled
vor any pain, burn, scald or bruise,
apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the
household remedy. Two sizes, 25c and
50c, at all drug s.jres.
"I found iinmeOiate relict in the tir.e
Toley Kiiney Iritis, have recoui
n: ended taeia, r-iicl do nit Jebow ol r,
clcp-io instance v.Len U-cy is.tleC to
C. V. T-,nnr!ri:rn, n tr-tv'-ratr j.rit"rr..i:i.
write.-; from Sun Arare'r. Teva.: "T 'r: v
iia; over rou'-h roi'.Us and m ;:!! laral.
( ! we ther f-a: v.- a.r acute r ih:s in t i,"
1 -ck aai I M-ffcr.-d j:riti'v. 1 f'aa.d
r. -of in lUc la a- cl I-oa y Kidn.'v fi',l,
;a:d Ik fore the ilry.t battle v. a.-; i,sa,
t!:e pain in ;ny h:a h'ld tarir. iy oi:-ar-Ieari
d ;Hi! 1 )u, r- had no rTurft-iei' of
those -vl-;cii fr.-'p; ntly
to .almost r.cur: Icic i::.crt:oas."
Wl. en brickc.che ODiat-v oa, and it
seems a? if you c.-ia'T .etar.d th pi in
aad I ressui e in your cl:. yon wit! fa d
quick nr.ti pratet'u! r livf oci ies -w ith
the est- of Folt-y Kid?:-y Phis. Th- y
Flop the cTUse of tho b:v la. -ase the
stiff aclan- jointr aial nrjsr !e. ai'd
clerir tlie ioison (.'Jt of your systtm
by helping your kidneys and bladder to
r.ormal healthy yction-
Sold Everywhere.
Harness Oiled.
I?:bbo:. J. i .. ra v d
Taheta, Watvix-d Tale
V.'itVt .t,.t r?g-
of J'laiii.s. W
meat at. per y:.
Anoth-.- .
ti' iag for inn r ! -v.- . ar
Xew ariiVai.- a
A full tavl. . ha ,
ivory and t . a.
Coaanal Dj -.Serims.
.Sv'i--e . ( a: ra
A fall .r-..a. ( : I...
white, ivory and e. a.
X je a raad :n ; ia
Good-, a ftdi .-f- t
Voiles, Orgar-ji'. 1
Printed SnK-, Sdi.
Ca.; j foch i a: (W
Si;k aa-. i'u- '.
1UU .
a . ; '.
i in .
. 'n v. . :
. ar. i". r ;
, Saa Mr.
i .
of the latest c-e-.-i. a. .
Zl"C"K'. L.'LL i: .V. i.l ;
Youan Peotdf Are --
C. E. Letts of Finley, Ohio, arrived
here Tuesday for a two weeKS visit J E'rm vv- ir es tv- r ;.
with his brother, E. P. Letts.
W. H. Eetts of Albion. Xeb., vi.-it-j
ed from Sunday until Tuesday after
noon at the home of his brother, E.
P. Eetts.
Irven Wetenkamp of Chicago, II
inois, arrived here Friday of last
week for a visit with his brother. H.
W. Wetenkamp, and other relatives.
Mrs. W. H. Betts, who has been
visiting the past month at the home
of her son, E. P. Eetts, returned to
her home at Avoca Tuesday after
Fred Spahnle and -Pete" Oberle
went "coon" hunting Monday morn
ing west of town and after tracking
Mr. Coon for some distance it turned
out to be nothing more than a tomcat.
A five-pound girl arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrick-
son, who reside northeast of town.
Tuesday, February 29th. The mother
and little one are reported to be get
ting along nicely.
"Shorty" Armstrong, who has been
assisting at the Beacon office for the
past two months, departed Sunday
morning for Stockville, Xeb., having
received a telegram Saturday stating
that a position vas awaiting him
there on the Faber, the official paper
of Frontier county.
On Wednesday morning of this
week Max Sphanle purchased the east
side pool hall of J. C. Hartsock and
took over the management of the
same at once. Mr. Spahnle will en
deavor to conduct the business in the
very best manner possible and invites
the public to call in and get acquaint
ed. At present Mr. Hartsock is un
decided what he will engage in.
G. J. Pcitter came down town at an
unusual early hour Tuesday morning,
his face aglow with "that smile that
won't come off." He was inquiring
for the census taker, stating that the
population of our little city had been
increased and he desired to have it
show immediately upon the census re
port. George says it is a most premis
ing seven-pound boy and that its
name is George Morton.
i e.-.terdi y ar ta : .
hou.-e v. era : . ' t:. ra.a
i . rev." Sander -f naar- ". :
Miss Myra Ta - , f Sj
bra.-ka, who we: e .a '
bonds of v.-cddia. ay
Bee-ota Tlie 1 ri ad ,: r.
ed by Henry San .-: . :
groom, and f dia-s .ae t
the party d- ;...: .-. : fur
home at Cedar C: . d. v ;
tion was tendered a ;!,.
l'ile who were t ... a..!.a
v-i. r
C I T Ii O L A X
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish
bowrels. Stops a sick headache almost
at once. Gives a most thorough and
satisfactory flushing no pain, nc
nausea. Keeps your system cleansed,
sweet and wholesome. Ask for
Citrolax. Sold everywhere.
low bhoesi
We arc ready for Spring
with a splendid line the
Best that's Made.
The above cut i-hows a S.v-v
pres.-Iy made for farm u .
The leathers are ta:i r :d t ha.-'; -...',
especially tanre.i. inaatae i f. '. .
leather heels, Godytar . '.t . v. t ;
soles, which g'd e you ; j..-rf .-r ie
smooth inner !'.:, niaf'.ai i..
and thank.
Box or plain i.-v. L.u i.-. r :..
be-lloues tongue, all ;e-. .-. Pei.
v .-..
If you are int. re -it d ie. PI ,
you'll be interes'vd ia oars, t:
Shoes cannot be maie Lt ttt-r.
Ftzer Shoe Cg.
'Parcel Pest Paid