The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1916, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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PLATTSMOUTn semi-wfeklt journal.
Clearance Sale
n tab
If you make up your muslin undergarments now
you will be prepared for warm weather. Our
slock is complete at this time, and an early selection will insure you the pret
tiest patterns. Yours is the benefit if you adopt the ''buy it now" slogan.
Onr Spring Ginghams are in and comprise a wide range of pretty pat
terns and colors. They are all Fast Dye.
We have an excellent stock of good
patterns in American and Simpson
prints, which despite the dye shortage
and rise in prices on all cottons, we
are still offering you at
i JElL
Phone 53 and 54
-- - -
Complete Line
Crepe Paper, Crepe Napkins, Cut Outs, Stickers, Seals.
X Prepare now for your Valentine Party by making your
The Paper Line is Ours,
The Journal Office
latter what your tastes in dress may be you
I find within precisely what you are look-
ring for.
re show models built
models of ultra fashions, semi ultra and some
J o
designed especially
have models for all, and models for all occasions.
The same variety and purjxxse is shown in our selec
tion of fabrics. Here you will find the finest ideas of
the season, all in the newest weaves and tones and
comprising the latest novelties in stripes, plaids and
checks, together with a full assortment of rich and
popular staples.
In the garments themselves we otFer the most distinc
tive tailoring every detail correctly executed and in
full compliance with the very highest standard of
Busch Tailoring Company
Riley Hotel Building
for Infants Wear, Corset Covers,
Combination Suits, Ete.
r 1 W im
at The Journal Office
so you will find it here!
on conservative lines
for the younger men. We
We Like to Serve
Frank Bender of Lincoln Is Normal
Mentally After Nineteen Years
With Clouded Brain.
Lincoln, Feb. 9. Frank Bender,
1311 South Eleventh street, this city,
was restored to memory here yester
day, after a lapse of nineteen years, by
an operation on the brain.
xsmeteen years ago Bender fell
against a stove and fractured his
skull. Since then he has acted
strangely and for a time disappeared
from his home, awakaning only to find
himself in a strange city. His family
had conducted a nation-wide search
for him.
Two physicians last week operated
upon Bender's sky.ll. Yesterday at the
hospital he told all about his child
hood, which up until the time of the
operation had been a blank. Bender's
eyesight had also been impaired by
the accident, but now he is able to
read with comfort.
Last September Bender disappeared
from his home in Lincoln for a few
days and was later found by the Oma
ha police wandering about that city.
This morning shortly before 7
o'clock the residents of the city were
startled by the notes of the fire whis
tle, which aroused a great many from
their slumbers to discover that the
alarm was turned in from the Colum
bian school, but fortunately the dam
age did to the building was slight and
the prompt work of those residing in
that vicinity succeeded in getting the
flames out in a short time. The fire
was caused, it is thought, by a spark
from the chimney alighting on the
roof and causing the blaze to burst
forth. It was very fortunate for the
city that the blaze was discovered
when it was before serious damage
was done to the building.
Fred Kaffenberger Returns.
Last evening Fred Kaffenberger
came nome irom Umana. where he
has been for the last week taking
treatment at one of the hospitals for
an affliction of the Hit oat which has
been giving him a great deal of
trouble of late, and he will remain at
home for a short time resting pre
paratory to having an operation per
House Committee Inclined to Comply,
But Not Along Lines of Sec
retary Garrison's Conti
nental Army.
.Washington, Feb. 9. With Presi
dent Wilson urging both democratic
and republican members of the house
military committee to hasten prepara
tion of bills to carry out the army's
part in the national preparedness
scheme, indications tonight were that
the measure might be ready for the
house within two weeks. Hearings will
ocme to a close tomorrow or next day,
and it is understood the main features
of the bills already have been whipped
into the shape in which it is expected
they will receive virtually the unani
mous approval of the committee. The
senate committee already has con
cluded its hearings on army bills and
will take up the work of drafting its
proposals for the senate early next
The bills of the two houses, it is ex
pected, will differ radically and the
final legislation will be worked out as
a compromise in conference.
Progress on Navy Legislation.
Progress was made today on navy
legislation, the measures paving the
way for construction of battleships 43
and 44 at navy yards and providing
for 300 additional mUshipmen in the
July class at Annapolis, being passed
by the senate. They passed the house
today and lack only the president's
signature to become law. Speaker
Clark, in line with' his recent speech
in the house advocating that the per
sonnel at both Annapolis and West
Point be doubled, introduced a bill to
make such an increase in the number
of cadets at the military academy.
Chairman Hay of the house military
committee and several of his demo
cratic colleagues discussed army plans
with President Wilson during the day
at the president's suggestion.
Tomorrow Representative Kahn, the
ranking republican member, with
others of the minority, will go to the
White house on the' same errand.
It was evident in later proceedings
of the committee that Representative
Hay had not been swayed from his op
position to Secretary Garrison's pro
posal for a continental army, which
the president advocated during his re
cent preparedness campaign trip to
the middle west. A witness before
the committee said ho was opposed to
the continental plan.
"So am I," Mr. Hay interjected.
"We all are."
Bill to Be Written Quickly.
Democrats and republicans of the I
committee agreed tonight in saying
that an army bill would be written
quickly, although there might be
minor details which would take con
siderable debate to settle. The feature
of the house bill, it was said, would be
federalization of the national guard
through a pay bill carrying limitations
designed to give the war department
peace time control of training and of
ficering of the national guard.
Adjutant General Foster, of the
Florida national guard, chairman of
the executive committee of the Na
tional Guard association, again was in
Washington tonight, and it was under-
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an)
rase of Catarrh tbat caunut b cured by Ua.111
Satarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY At CO.. Toledo, O.
We. the
Chener for
nnderslimed. bare
known F-
tile last IS yrari. and bellee hltn
perfectly honorable In all business transaction
and nnanciauy anie to carry out any ouugaituni
made by bis firm.
Toledo. Ohio.
TTall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly anon the blood aud mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonial sent free. I'ric 71
cents per bottle. S-M l.r all Prnirtrlsta. .
Tak ! I'tmlli til. 'or n.tln tt
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Office and Salesroom
Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth
We offer all of our Ladies' and Chil
dren's Outing Flannel Gowns at a
All of the $1.50 grade go at $1.25
All of the $1.25 grad go at 98c
All of the $1.00 grade go at 87c
All of the 50 and 60c grade go at 49c
Woolen Underwear.
Ladies separate garments, $1.00
grade 79c
Children's separate garments,
50c grade 37c
Children's Union Suits, $1.00
grade, at 85c
Ladies' Union Suits, $2.50
gfade $1.98
Ladies Union Suits, $2.00 grade 1.59
Ladies Union Suits, $1.50 grade 1 15
Cotton Underwear in Separate
Ladies' Fleeced Vests and Pants,
the 50c grade, go at 39c
Children's Fleeced Vests and
Pants, the 40c grade, go at.. 28c
Children's Fleeced Vests and
Pants, the 30c grade, go at.. 22c
Children's Fleeced Pants and
Vests, the 25c grade, go at.. 18c
Odd lot Vests and Pants, ladies'
and children's, to close 19c
We have only a few of the bargain
Bed Spreads left. Ask to see them.
A small lot of Worsted Dress
Goods, also on the Bargain
Counter. These we offer at,
per yard 29c
Comforters, only a small lot left,
the $2.00 grade, at, each $1.59
A good lot of assorted Mitten,
Misses' and Children's, to close
out, at. per pair 10c
Ladies Fleeced Line! Hose, to
close, at, per pair 19c
Ladies Wool Hose, ;o close at,
per pair 19c
In Remnants.
A nice lot of Silk?.
A nice lot of Ginghams.
A nice lot of Outings.
New Arrivals.
Our Worsted Spring Dress Goods
are in.
stood he would be furcher consulted in
order that the bill might be made ac
ceptable to the state troops.
Coupled with the pay feature of the
bill probably will be Chairman Hay's
plan to authorize the president to
draft national guardsmen into the fed
eral service Immediately in time of
war. This is designed to settle any
conflict of authority which might arise
and also to insure that the whole mem
bership of the guatd will be available
for federal uses, the number not being
dependent, as now, upon how many
Divided on Proposals.
For the regular army the bill prob
ably will provide the 40,000 additional
men asked for by Secretary Garrison,
although the committee is said to be
about equally divided on the Hay and
Garrison plans for making the in-
creases. Kepresentative Hay proposes
to fill existing regiments up to full
war strength and increase only the
number of artillery regiments; while
Secretary Garrison has asked for ad
ditional skeleton remnants of in
fantry and artillery to make up tac
tical divisions.
An element of the committee favors
continuance of the practice of govern
ment manufacture of army munitions
and on this aspect of the plans the
committee will face a struggle within
its own ranks. Some members believe
those favoring the war department's
attitude of providing work enough for
private plants to insure a big wartime
production capacity have votes enough
to secure this end in the bill.
The house naval committee con
tinued its struggle today over details
of navy personnel problems with Rear
Admiral Blue, chief of the bureau of
navigation still on the stand. Admiral
Blue presented the department's pro
posals for a redrafting of the naval re
serve law, worked out in elaborate de
tail, and the subject was under debate
all day.
Mrs. E. S. Setz Sick.
Mrs. E. S. Setz has been confined to
her home for the past week with a
severe attack of la grippe. Her moth
er, Mrs. Vanlandingham, of Eagle, is
visiting at the home of her daughter
and assisting in caring for her. Mr.
Vanlandingham will arrive in this city
tonight or tomorrow for a visit with
his daughter.
All accounts due to M. Fanger have
been left at the Bank of Cass County,
and all those knowing themselves in
debted to Mr. Fanger will confer a
favor by calling and settling the same
without delay. Mr. Fanger has re
moved from the city and will clean up
the book accounts, and this oppor
tunity is given to allow a settlement
before other steps will be taken to
secure them.
Red Hot Tank Heaters
will heat the water in your tanks quicker and easier than
any of the old style heaters.
This heater will burn any kind of fuel hard or
soft coal, wood chips or cobs. All the fire is entirely
under water.
A petition has been circulated by a
number of those interested in the
coasting on High School Hill for per
mission to allow the coasters to slide
on any night of the wee k, and as a re
sult all of the property owners along
the route of the coasters signed the
petition and there does not seem to be
any serious opposition to the use of
the High School Hill rnd Main street
in the evening for coasting, although
those who coast are expected to see
that the intersections are guarded so
as to prevent accidents from teams
crossing the streets while the sleds
are coming down the hill and to pre
vent the coasters frcm taking too
great chances in their sport, and if
this is looked after properly every
thing seems to give promise of being
lovely and satisfactory to everyone.
L. 31. L. A., Notice!
All members are urgently request
ed to be present at the regular meet
ing Thursday evening, February 10th,
as there is important business to be
Old-Fashioned Spelling School.
There will be an "Old-Fashioned
Spelling School" and Box Social held
at the Eight Mile Grove school, Dis
trict No. 25, on Saturday evening,
February 12th. Everyone is cordially
invited. Spelling will begin at 8
o'clock. The ladies are requested to
bring boxes and the gentlemen the
coin. Mae Barker, Teacher.
Important Attraction
for Thrifty Buyers!
Sixth Annual 20 per cent Dis
count Sale continues until
Tuesday, February 15th.
20 Discount on every line we carry with the follow
lowing general exceptions: Groceries, Rugs, Linoleum,
Thread, Muslin, Sheeting, Pillow Tubing, Belding's yard
wide Taffetas, Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Outing
Flannels, Patterns and Crochet Cotton.
Fancy Aprons 19c, 39c and 59c
We have on hand something like 5 dozen fancy aprons,
part of which are slightly soiled or wrinkled. These
are made of plain white French Lawns, Flaxon, China
Silk many made with lace edges and insertion, beau
tifully embroidered; some trimmed with colored satin
ribbon really excellent bargains at these clearance
25c, 30c and 35c values for 19c
55c, 60c and 65c values for 39c
75c, 85c and up to $1.25 values for.-. . . .59c
0. eOifEYMI!
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary
E. White was held yesterday after
noon from the late heme on Lincoln
avenue and was attended by a large
number of the friends and neighbors
of the deceased lady p.nd members of
the Woodman Circle, of which she was
a member. The services were in
charge of Rev. H. G. McClusky of the
First Presbyterian church, who spoke
words of comfort to the sorrowing
family and the grief-stricken friends,
, b'od;
at the close of the service the
b'ody was conveyed to Oak Hill ceme-
tery, where it was laid to rest. The
family of the deporteJ lady have the
deepest sympathy of the community
in their loss.
Principal Eggenberger to Hospital.
Principal A. O. Egg?nberger of the
Plattsmouth High school, who was in
jured a few days ago by falling on the
sidewalk near his residence, seems to
have injured himself more severely
than was at first suposed and his ac
cident has brought on what seems to
be a case of appendicitis, as the strain
is supposed to have led to this com
plication. It is not known just what
will be necessary in the case until af
ter a thorough examination of the in
jured man is made at the hospital.
Cook with Gas the best and cheap
est at all times. Nebraska Lighting
Co. will tell you about it.
View the fine line of fancy station
ery at the Journal. We can fill the
Quality! Service! 1
A want ad will bring what you want, j
formed on his throat.