The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1916, Image 1

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Neb Stale Historical Soc
Funeral cf This Grand, flood Man
Attended by a Larre Concourse
f Sympathetic Friends.
Frcm Friday's v.
"W-terday afternoon the funeral of
Frederick Engelkemeier, one of the
t !d iv.-iii -nts of the county and one
t f tlit' leading citizens, was held at the
Sr. Paul's Evangelical church and the
t Lurch was iileM to its utmost cap
acity by the old friends and neighbors
who gatheied io pay their last trib
ute of love and esteem to the errand.
goo i man gene to his last long: rest.
Short services were held at the home
ci Elm street by Rev. J. II. Steger,
pastor of St. Paul's church, after
which the funeral cortage wended its
way to the church, where the friends
had assembled to render their just
tribute to the memory of the de
ceased. The .-ervices at the church were
C' at 1 o'clock promptly as
the i-akci was placed before the altar
where so often the departed had wor
shipped, and the choir sang the hymn,
' Christus der ist mein Leben," and
was fo'.kAved by Rev. R. Kunzendorf,
I aster of the Eight Mile Grove Luth
eia:i church, of which Mr. Engelke
mcier had been a member for so many
years, the minister reading a part of
psalm ;0, as well as offering the
piayer and giving a short biography
of Mr. Engelkemeier. which had been
I vi ra: ed by Rev. Steg.r. At the close
of this portion of the service the choir
gave another beautiful and touching
hymn, which had been one of those
beloved by the deceased during his
Rev. J. II. Steger, pastor of the
church, gave a short address on the
vords of psalm G2, verse 2, which
ve:se had been given him by the
faithful and loving wife of the de
i: as-i in keeping with the beautiful
Geiman custom, skr.d the words,
"Meine F-elle ist stilie zir Gott der
mir hilft," which were certainly ap
propriate to the life of the one whose
voice was stilled in death.
The congregation sang one of the
beautiful and inspiring hymns of the
German poet, Klopf stock, at the close
of the addre--?, and was followed by
Rev. Kunzendorf, who spoke fiom a
text selected from Phil. 1-12, "For Me
to Live Is Chi ist arid to Die Is Gain."
lie also bade the family arid friends
in taking their la-t long farewell to
remember thai the deceased had gone
to a gloiious ret at the close of his
long and suffering md trouble and
had l ichly earned his final reward by
a long and fatihful Christian life.
Rev. J. H. Sieger thanked Rev.
Kunzendorf for his kind assistance at
the services and for the administering
rf the Lord's Supper to Mr. Engelke
meier while Rev. Sieger was confined
to his home by illness, and for his
deep feeling of frier.! -hip for the de
parted, whom he had first met while
vi-iting in Oklahoma several years
The choir closed the services with
several of th2 old lowd hymns in Ger
man, as the. friends filed past bidding
a last long farewell to their departed
friend and associate.
At the close the pall-bearers, Theo
dore Starkjohn, Locr..-t!d Born. Jacob
Tritsch, M. L. Friedrich, Herman Tie
kotttr and John Albert, gently bore
the body to the last restinc nlace in
Oak Hill cemetery, where the bodv!
was committed to the silent dust by
Rev. Kunzendorf, while the snow and
winter scene marked ibe last of earth
for this good man who has passed be
yound to rest until the Master's call
shall bring him face to face with
those he loved on earth.
Old-Fashioned Spelling School.
There will be an "Old-Fashioned
Spelling School" and Box Social held
at the Eight Mile Grove school, Dis
trict No. 23, on Saturday evening,
February 12th. Everyone is cordially
invited. Spelling will begin at 8
o'clock. The ladies are requested to
bring boxes and the gentlemen the
coin. Mae Barker, Teacher.
Sales bills done quickly at the
From Friday's Dallv
One of the weat1. r wiseacres cf
this city, who claims to have a little
inside dope on the winter weather,
has just ligured out that during the
winter we are to be visited by thirty
three snowstorms and the one that we
received last evening and this morn
ing is the fifteenth, so that if this pre
diction can be relied upon we are due
for eighteen more of the deluges of
the beautiful snow. If we are to have
so much snow and cold it is just as
well, however, to have it all at once
and be over with, rather than stretch
along over the spring months when
it should be warm weather, and if the
weather prophet has anything to do
with the weather it is to be hoped he
will see that this is attended to.
From Friday'? Dally.
While in Lincoln Tuesday Sheriff
Quinton and Chief of Police William
arclay received soma additional in
formation in regard to Lewis Cox, the
young man who is onnned in the
county jail for thirty days for stealing
handbag from the store of William
Schmidtmann. It would seem from
the information secured by the of
ficials that Cox is a rather familiar
figure in police circles in several cities
and his light-finger activities have
gotten him in bad in t number of dif
ferent places and his picture, as the
heriff states, has been printed and
istributed out in a detective weekly
that is published to put the police of
ficials in touch with the criminals.
This young man, it was stated in Lin
coln, had been confined in jail there
for some time previous to being nab
bed here and his general record as
given there indicated that he had been
in a number of mix-ups in other cities
of the country. A ma:i who is claimed
as a pal of Cox is i.i jail at Lincoln
pending a charge of white slavery and
will probably get a stiff jolt on this
charge when brought to trial. It was
stated here by Cox at the time he was
arraigned that he had never been ar
rested before, but in the light of the
statement made to the chief and the
sheiiff in the capital city he certainly
must have been snagged several times
From Friday's Dally.
Edward Sprieck, from Stanton, Ne
braska, arrived in Plattsmouth this
morning, coming down from South
Omaha, where he had two cars of cat
tle on the market yesterday. After
visiting here for the day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin, he
went to Louisville this aftei-noon,
where he will make a brief visit at
the home of his brother, Otto, and
family, and the many friends around
the old Cass county home. Mr.
Sprieck says that feeding cattle this
year is the one and only way of get
ting the full price out of their corn
crop, which was soft and of a poor
grade this last season. Feeding cat
tle gives them an opportunity of re
alizing full price for the corn. He has
more cattle that will be placed on the
market later. The Journal acknow
ledges a pleasant call from him and
Mr. McNurlin, and we learn from
them that our mighty good old friend,
G. Sprieck, his father, who is also a
resident of Stanton, Is enjoying good
health this winter. The Sprieck fam
ily is among the thrifty and prosper
ous class of farmers, and they are all
doing well in their north Nebraska
B. F. Wiles and son, Harley, were
passengers for Omaha this morning,
where they were called to look after
some business matters for a few hours
in that city.
Purchase of This Tract Looks Good to
Our People and May Mean More
Thran We Surmise.
Saturday evening here was closed
a transaction that will be most plea
ir.g to the citizens of Plattsmoutli, and
that was the sale bv Clyde E. Fuller
to the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad company of his eight-acre
tract of land just south of the Bur
lington shops, and which lays between
the present shop yards and the tract
of land owned by the company and
known as the stock yards, and the
transaction will give close to fifteen
acres more of land for the use of the
31r. t uller, who a short time ago
purchased the lar.d with a view of
putting up a number of cottages,
when learning of the desire of the
railroad to purchase the land, in a
very public spirit offered it to them
at a most reasonable figure, which
permitted the Burlington to purchase
the land which is needed, owing to the
crowded condition of the track
facilities in the present shops, and in
fact along the entire line from Oma
ha to this city.
This purchase certainly shows to
the mind of everyone that the com
pany is showing a confidence in the
future of the city and the securing of
the additional land can mean only a
great future for the Burlington shops
here and their interests, which have
such a great bearing on the general
prosperity of the town
In the last few years the shops here
have been greatly improved under the
able management of William Baird,
and the work and efficiency of the
shops has been increased to a great
extent so that now it is one of the
best shops on the lines west in the
point cf the amount of work turned
out and the excellent manner in which
it has been looked after. The em
ployes of the shops have responded to
the desire of Mr. Baird to make the
shops one of the best that could pos-
sibly be secured, and as a result the
Plattsmouth shops have a much high-
er standing than ever before with the
officials of the Burlington, and to this
the untiring efforts of Mr. Baird may
be given a great deal of the credit.
Just what the railrond company ex
pects to do with the newly acquired
land has not been fully determined,
or not made public, but it will be
utilized by the company, and with the
usual Burlintgon method will be used
to the very best advantage of the com
pany, as well as the city of Platts
mouth and its people and the Burling
ton has no more local community
along its line than this city.
Another offiical of the railroad com
pany who is alive to everything that
can help the shops here in any way or
advance the interests of this city and
the company, is Byron Clark, the so
licitor of the Burlington, and the head
of their legal department, and he has
had a great deal to do in assisting in
maintaining and promoting the good
feeling between the railorad and the
city, and our people owe Mr. Clark a
great deal for the assistance he has
been in keeping the interests of the
city to the front in ths railroad circles.
Taken in connection with the
activity of the Burlington in regard
to the land on the river bottoms east
of this city, the purchase of the Ful
ler land certainly looks" good to every
one and something that will add to
the bettermen of the city and the
shops may be looked for in the next
few months. If the railroad secures
the land on the bottoms east of the
depot they will have one of the finest
tracts of land for trackage that could
possibly be desired and will make good
use of it to the betterment of the
community, which to a great extent
draws its suDDort from the Burling-
ton. This case will soon be decided
and'df the railroad proves successful
they can at once get busy on their
plans for the development of the
tracts of land that they are now claim-
ing title to.
All of these activities of the Bur-
lington in this locality offers a wel-1
come sign that the town is not to be
pushed off of the railroad map, and j
with the coming year there should be
something doing in the way of
provements that would, open up
eyes of the residents here.
From Saturday's Dally
The interior of the book and station
ary store ot r-an tanneld is being
subject to a thorough renovating an
re-decorating that will make it one of
the most attractive and up-to-date
store buildings in the city. Mr. Stan
field proposes to make his store one
that will be a credit to the city in
every way and will spare no means to
make it such, and the stock will be
enlarged and kept in such condition
that it will be possible to supply the
wants of anyone in this line of goods.
This being the only store of its kind
in the city should not want for patron
age, but snouia maK'j a success, and
the new owner proposes that it will.
r. in
From Saturday's Dally.
The following is a brief biographical
sketch of the late Benjamin F. Mar-
ler, one of the oldest residents of the
county, who has recently passed
Benjamin F. Marler was born in
Whitley County, Tennessee, October
25, 1S20, died January 25, 191C, at the
age of fG years and tniee months. He
came to Nebraska in 185G and was
married to Mrs. Elizabeth Reece in
1858, and to this uiion eight children
were born. The widow and five chil
dren survive the husband and father,
Frank Marler, Nehawka; Eli Marler,
Beaver City; Mrs. Sophia Sampson,
Borland, Oregon; Mrs. Alice Cameron.
Beaver City, and Mrs. Maggie Mason
of this city, three other children hav
ing preceded the father in death. He
lived the greater part of his life in
Cass county, settling at Mynard four
teen years ago, where he resided until
death claimed him a few days ago.
The funeral services were held on
Thursday afternoon, January 28th, at
the Methodist church at Mvnard, and
were conducted by iiev. w atcnei oi
Palmyra, and the interment made in
the Horning cemetery. The pall
bearers were five grandson and one
nephew of the deceased: Franklin and
Earl Marler, Arthur Sampson, Fred
Meisinger, Ed Eeins and Erne Hutchi
f rom Friday s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheel, from two
miles north of Murdock, were in the
city Thursday to attend the funeral
of Mr. Fred Engelkemeier. Mr.
Scheel and the Engelkemeier's came
from the same location in Germany,
and he came to this country with
August and Charle3 Engelkemeier,
and of course they have been the best
of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Scheel be
ing readers of the Journal, paid this
office a pleasant call, which was great
ly enjoyed by us, and in conversation
with them we learn that they are at
present enjoying a visit from Ferdin
and Wendt, who is just returning to
his home in Belmont Colo., after a
few days' business trip dowTi in Texas,
where he has some land interests.
Their son, John Scheel, jr., just the
past week returned home frcm a
visit to Akron, colo., and he was ac
companied by Otto and Paul Buch-
holtz, who are also visiting at the
I -
Scheel home.
For Rent.
The Cobb place, 56 acres, north and
east of the M. P. station: 25 acres in
alfalfa, 20 acres farm land and bal-
anc 3 pasture. Inquire of Payne Invest
ment Co., 17th and Farnam Sts.,
Omaha, Neb. 2-3-2twkly
The Purchaser a Young Man by the
Name of II. E. Weld and an
Experienced Druggist.
The Gering drug store in this city,
which since 1887 has been one of the
leading business houses of its kind
in the city, opened today with II. E.
Weld, formerly of Richland, Iowa, in
charge as the new owner of the busi
ness, as he has just closed the deal
for the purchase of the store from
Henry R. Gering, of Omaha.
ine new owner, Mr. weld, is a
young man with years of experience in
this line of work, having practically
been brought up in this business, as
his father was for years one of the
most prominent druggists in Iowa,
and a man held in the highest esteem
in the pharmacy circles of the state.
Mr. Weld himself is a graduate of
the State School of Pharmacy at Iowa
City, Iowa, and has for the past ten
years been connected with the Weld
Drug Co. at Richland, Iowa, which
they have just disposed of in order to
purchase the business in this city, and
he has made a special study of pre
scription work, in which he has secur
ed a high rank among the druggists
of his home state. Mr. Weld will at
once remove to this city with his fam-
ly and his father will also come here
to make his home and we extend a
cordial welcome to this fine family,
who are coming to make their home
with us in the future, and bespeak
for them a cordial welcome from the
residents of this city.
For years past this drug store has
been quite successful and Mr. Weld
will see that the splendid reputation
made in the past by Mr. Gering is
thoroughly maintained and that the
patrons of the store are cordially
treated and supplied with the best
hat the market can afford in this line.
or the present at least Mr. Chris
Roupe and Mr. Ludwig Miller will
continue in the store to assist Mr.
Weld in getting the business started
and to become acainted with the
residents of this city. Mr. Weld hasj
been here for the past two days and
in company with Mr. Gering has met
a large number of our people and they
have all been very favorably impress
ed by his appearance and genial man
ner and there is no doubt that he will
be successful in securing his share of
the trade.
This morning about 10:30 Mrs.
Mary E. White died at her home in
the south part of the city very sud-
denly, as the result of a severe attack
of heart trouble, and although medical
aid was summoned at once by mem
bers of the family, Mrs. White passed
I .. 1 J
away long beiore assistance couiu
reach her. Although she has been a
sufferer from :his malady for a num
ber of years, Mrs. White's condition
was not considered as particularly
dangerous and she was around as
usual this morning, and it was with
out warning that she was stricken
and died in a very few seconds. Mrs.
White leaves a large family of eight
children to mourn her death, two of
whom are at Sioux City. Mrs. White
was a member of the Woodman Circle
and a lady very highly esteemed by a
arge circleo f friends in this city, who
earned with the greatest of regret of
her suaaen aeain. anu io ine iamiiy
the death came as a most unexpected
and crushing blow.
Receives School Apportionment..
County Treasurer W. K. Fox today
received from States Superintendent
O. Thomas the sum of $0,814.30 as
Cass county's part of the state ap
portionment of the school money, and
which will be divided among the dif
ferent schools of the county.
This morning Miss Eda Marquardt,
present county superintendent of
schools, filed with the county clerk
her intention to be a candidate for re
election and will seel: the republican !
nomination at the forthcoming April
primal ies. Miss Marquardt has been
a most efficient and accommodating
rifTirMil? Inrintr In t- firct t&rm in ftfFift
and there will probably be no serious
! nnnncitlnn f ).o ronlC.f mn oc cka ic
entitled to a second term through her
excellent administration of the office,
and with all parties he has been fair
and maintained the schools at the
same high standard as that establish
ed by her predecessor, Miss Foster.
The office of superintendent really has
no part in partisan politics and, like
the courts, should be made a non
partisan office, where efficiency is the
only test to be demanded.
This morning George Hobson was
brought before Justice Archer to an
swer to a complaint charging him with
violation of the Nebraska game law
by shooting two qualis, which are pro
tected by law from the hunters. The
young man entered a plea of guilty to
the charge of shooting two quail, and
not being able to pay the fine and
costs was sentenced io jail for twenty-
days to satisfy the demand of the
costs and fine for his offense. The
law is very strict on the protecting of
the quail and the unfortunate young
man will be given ample opportunity
to meditate on the matter.
irrom Saturdays t)an
A change will take place in the
clothing store of Philip Thierolf on
Monday, when Matthew Jirousek will
enter the store to act as salesman to
take the place made vacant by the
resignation of Carl Smith from the
employment of Mr. Thierolf. Mr.
Jirousek is a very popular young man,
has had considerable experience in this
line of work, having been connected
with the Kraft company while in this (
city, and with his naturally pleasing
and genial manner will doubtless make
a splendid addition to the Thierolf
store. Of late years Mr. Jirousek has
been connected with the Burlington
store department as a clerk. Carl
Smith leaves the establishment of Mr.
Thierolf to take up a position with his
former employers, the M. E. Smith
company, of Omaha, where he will act
as assistant manager in one of the
main departments of the wholesale
house. Mr. Smith is a young man
wno nas a peculiar adaptability to this
line of work and his success with the
Omaha firm is proof of his ability. In
making the change, while losing a
good man, Mr. Thierolf is fortunate in
securing such an able salesman as Mr.
Jirousek, who will be in position to
fully handle his part of the business
of this enterprising store.
Horeshoeing Here.
rfVnm TTrMav'a T"llv.
R. C. Bailey, who went up into the
northern part of Minnesota last :
spring, has returned to Plattsmouth (
for the winter months, and is now (
working the blacksmith shop of John
Iverson in this city. He came to Uma- ;
ha in November, where he has been t
i worKint? ai ma up w
week. R. C. says his crops were fair
last season, but not what he expected,
and in finding employment at his trade
he will be in much better condition to
face the farming financial problems
when he returns to his Minnesota
home in the spring.
. Miss Florence Richardson, who is
engaged in school work in Omaha,
came in Saturday evening to visit over
Sunday with her parents at Mvnard.
The cozy home of Mr-. W. E. Ro-en
crans on Vine street was the scene f
a very pleasant surp'i-e on Satuiday
evening and the occasion will be one
long very pleasantly lememhcied by
all of the jolly party present. Kucii
year it is the custom f ?.Iis. Rs u-
trans, .mis. josepn uioege an.i mile
1 '2111 (jUinmaiin, WnOSf birinUUV HU-
niversaries fall on the same day, to
celebrate these events together, and
Saturday Mrs. Rosenjrans invited her
fellow celebrators to gather at her
home and spend the evefnng in visit
ing. Shortly after 8 o'clock a knock
at the door cf the Rosencrans home
was followed by an invasion of a large
number of the friends of the "victim,"
and they were most completely sur
prised by the jolly crowd, who taking
possession of the home, proceeded to
have one of the times of their lives
in music and a general good time,
while a real old-fashicned dance was
enjoyed by a number of the party.
which proved one of the delightful
features of the evening and the call
ing for the different dances proved
that there are still those who are
masters of this gentle art.
As the evening progressed the mem
bers of the party were treated to
most dainty and tempting refresh
ments, which were prepared and
served by Misses Nora and Mary
Rosencrans. In honor of the occasion
Mrs. Rosencrans received a large
number of the most beautiful and
pleasing gifts, which will long b
cherished as precious remembrances
of the occasion, and among these gifts
was a bouquet of forty-eight rose
presented by Mr. Rosencrans to his
wife in keeping with his custom of
each year of so remembering the
passing of the years. The event is
one that was enjoyed by an tnoso
present and Mrs. Rosencrans felt
greatly the spirit of friendship
prompting the friends in their kindly
remembrance of the occasion.
A contract of vital interest to every
photoplay enthusiast for miles around
has been made between Mr. J. C.
Petersen, jr., of the Gem and Grand
theaters and "The Big Four," other
wise known as Vitagraph-Lubin-Selig-Essanay,
The names of these manufacturers
have become household words through
out the country and their trade
marks are taken by iheater-goers as
the mark of perfection. In keeping
with the policy of their producers to
attain pre-eminence :n one line before
branching out, they have until very
recently confined their efforts to films
from one to four reels in length. Their
well deserved reputation for quality
is a positive assurance to the public
that their decision to release larger
features will result in a new stand:' r I
for plays of this nature. Many of
1 the most noted stars in stagedom and
pictureland have been secured to ap
pear in great dramatic successes and
dramatizations of popular novels.
A fair idea of the dramatic range
of the V.-L.-S.-E. features may be
gained from the following list of
plays: "The Juggernaut," "Grau
stark," "The Island of Regeneration,"
"'Sins of the Mothers," "The White
Sister," "The Rosary," "Crooky,"
"Blindness of Virtue," "A Texas
Steer," "Chalice of Courage," "The
House of a Thousand Candles," "Til
lie's Tomato Surprise," "Mortmain,"
"The Man Trail," "Tn the Palace of
the King," "The Great Divide,'
Writing on the Wall,' "The Ne'er Do
Well," " VV hat Happened to r ather.
"The Alster Case, lhe island oi
ouiui "jt
Nation's Peril," "Green
"The Battle
"A Man's Making," and
Cry of Peace." .
We feel that our readers will join
with us in congratulating Mr. Peter
son on his foresight in making such
exceptional connections.
Mrs. Annie Britt was among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
she will visit for a few hours, looking
after some matters of business.