The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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pace c.
A Miscellaneous Shower.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tills vicinity, and will mail
same to luisoflire. It will ap
pear under tills heading. We
want all news items -Edjtom
Hasi orcma!3
T&afBsraks Florae w
Piles Up s Stor ox
Coiwfori and Prosperity
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Platts. 2412. V. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
E. R. Queen was calling1 on the
I'lnttf-mouth merchants Monday.
Will Oliver and wife were trans
ac:ir.g buine.-s in Platt.-mouth Sat
urday. L. D. Hiatt was looking after some
lu-ir.e.-s matter.-- in Plattsmouth Wed
John Hendricks '-w;d family were
locking after business in Plattsmouth
Saturday afternoon.
F. L. Rhoden and J. A. Wilson
i-rirped a car of ho;s to Nebraska
City Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. D. C. Rhoden drove to Platts
miuth yesterday afternoon to do some
shopping- and visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Park drove to
r attsmouth Saturday to attend to
j-cme business matters and visit with
county seat friends.
Mrs. J. A. Wilson is reported
improving- at this writing.
Mrs. F. L. Rhoden was calling on
friends in Palttsmouth Monday.
Miss Etta Nickels was looking after
Spirella business in Murray Wednes
day. E. E. Eaton of Union spent a few
days in Murray last week, visiting- at
the Good home.
John Farris and family came up
from Syracuse for a lew days' visit
with Lee Farris and family.
Lee Nickels, Arthur Crunk, Harry
and Ray Creamer and Will Wehrbein
bobsleded out to the Gansemere sale
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Becker of Osborn,
Neb., arrived Monday for a few days'
visit with F. L. Rhoden and wife. Mrs
Becker was foremrly Miss Maggie
and PAID
for this space to let you know what we
have in the way of bargains.
Keep Your Eye on this Corner Next Week
Emit St Toft
John Campbell was a Plattsmouth
visitor Wednesday.
the children ot iiee llostetller are
on the .sick list this week.
Robert Nickels shipped hogs to the
South Omaha market last week.
Mrs. Grace Rhoden was in Platts
mouth and Murray visiting- friends
Ogla M in ford was home from Lin
coln for an over Sunday visit with her
Harry Todd was looking- after some
business matters in Omaha Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. Edith Taney has returned
home from Neola. Iowa, where she
has been visiting- with friends.
Mis. James Gruber passed through
Murray Wednesday morning en route
to Weeping- Water for a brief visit.
FOR SALE Good twin Indian
Motorcycle. For sal? or trade.
D. C. Rhoden.
William Rice and John Stones were
looking after some business matters
in Plattsmouth Monday of this week.
Mrs. John Yardley entertained at
dinner Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Becker and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rhoden.
J. E. Lewis of Kansas City, nephew
of Mrs. Sarah Young, spent a few
days visiting- relatives here the past
Dr. Gilmore was called to see Uncle
George Shrader last Friday morning.
Mr. Shrader has been suffering with
the grippe.
Mrs. John Campbell, who has been
visiting- with friends in Portland, Ore.,
for the past few weeks, is reported as
being quite sick.
Miss Cellah Beard came down from
Cedar Creek arid has been visiting for
a few days at the heme of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rhoden.
W. L. Phil pot was in Murray Wed
nesday evening, and took the train
for Omaha to buy seme cattle. He
was accompanied bv Dr. G. H. Gil-
Minford & Creamer shipped two
cars of stock to the South Omaha
market Monday evening. Mr. Cream
er went to that city and attended the
sale Tuesday morning.
An effort is being made to secure
an evangelistic team from Omaha for
a week-end series of meetings in Mur
ray. Announcement will be made at
the churches next Sabbath
Mrs. O. A. Davis entertained Friday
of last week at a kensington for a
number of her lady friends. There
were about twenty present and the
usual good time was had.
Arthur loung arrived in Murray
this week for a visit with his mother
The many friend.? here are always
pleased to see Arthur at home, as he
brings a good time with him and
shares it with others.
I he district meeting of the Worn
an's Federation will be held at Syra
cuse April 2; and 2G. We are entitled
to two delegates and as many visit
ors as wish to attend. Plan on Amil
' and 2G for a vacation from home
duties and attend.
.Mrs. Addie Stokes and son, Guy,
have rented the Cal. Taylor farm, east
of Union, and will move at once. Mrs
Stokes will be greatly missed here,
where she has a great many friends.
Especially will the busy needle in the
dressmaking line be missed by the
many ladies of the community.
Frank Marler drove to Plattsmouth
Monday afternoon to attend to some
business matters, and was a pleasant
caller at the Journal office. He was
Charles Good was an Omaha visitor
Bill March was a Plattsmouth visit
or Tuesday.
Mrs. Addie Stokes was an Omaha
ami Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker were
Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday evening.
Frank Rhoden shipped hogs to the
Nebraska City market last Saturday.
Dr. B. F. Berndel was looking after
pome business matters in Plattsmouth
Mrs. Ivan White has been sick for
the past few days suffering- with an
inflamed eye.
J. I). Shrader looked after the
hungry people at the Alf. Gansemer
sale Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Obe Ashlock are the
proud parents of a fine baby boy, arriving-
at their home last Sunday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wehbein were
visiting a few days last week at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Green, at Falls
City, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Becker of
Osmond, Neb., are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhoden
this week.
William Oliver of Plattsmouth came
down to the farm Wednesday and
spent a few days with his sons, east
of Murray.
Jim Hill, the unfortunate man who
shot two of his toes off a few weeks
ago, is getting along nicely, and will
soon be himself once more.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good, who
have been visiting for the past few
days with Plattsmouth friends, return
ed home Tuesday evening.
Miss Thorpe, principal of the Mur
ray schools, was called to Syracuse
Monday of this week, owing- to the
death of her grandmother.
The sister of Mrs. Minnier, who has
been visiting here for the past few
weeks, departed Tuesday for her home
in the western part of the state.
Haive Manners, democratic candi
date for sheriff, was in Murray Tues
day looking after the interests of his
campaign and visiting with old
Hall & Smith of Union shipped sev
eral cars of cattle from this point to
the South Omaha market Tuesday
morning, the most of which were
bought at the A. S. and G. H. Will
public sale.
Thomas Lindsay of Wausa, Neb.,
and Will Carroll of South Omaha, ar
rived in Murray-Tuesday evening for
a brief visit with friends and rela
tives in this locality. Tom has been
located at Wausa for the past few
years, where he has been farming;
and has been doing quite well.
Fred Lutz has been suffering with
an infected hand for the past few
Mrs. T. W. Vallery and daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Tilson, assisted by Mrs.
Calton Snaveley, gave a miscellaneous
show in honor of Miss Maude Ruster
holtz, at the beautiful farm home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vallery last Sat
urday afternoon. The rooms were
beautifully decorated in pink and
white and bells. Some excellent music
was rendered by Miss Vera Vhoman
and Miss Marjorie Vallery, which was
appreciated by all present. Each
guest was provided with paper and
pencil and they were requested to
draw a picture of the bride-to-be's
future home, and the various artistic
illustrations afforded a great deal of
pleasure. The mock wedding was one
of the main features on the after
noon's program, Majorie Vallery tak
ing the part of the bridegroom, with
the bride-to-be, and Mrs. Gertie Beck
ner taking the part of the pastor.
Many very beautiful and useful
presents were left with the soon-coming
bride. At the ur.ual hour a de
licious two-course luncheon was served
by the hostess, assisted by Grace
Porter and Vera Vhoman and Majorie
Among- those to enjoy this happy
occasion were: Misses Vivian and
Adell Fitzpatrick, Vera Vhoman,
Grace Porter, Thelma Rhoden, Majorie
Vallery, Maude Rusterholtz, Helen
and Marie Vallery, Mesdames Fritz
Lutz, G. W. Rhoden, Nell Patterson,
Alf. Gansemer, D. C. Rhoden, Blair
Porter, Charles Tilson, Calton Snave
ley, Ray Davis, Louie Puis, John Dur
man, Glen Vallery, Allen Leonard,
Thomas Tilson, Philip Hild. T. W. Val
lery, Otto Puis, Steve Beckner, Glen
This is the Time of Year
we would like to have our customers and
friends come in and let us know your needs
for the coming season. We want to please
you and we know we can if you will help us.
We handle a full line of the famous
Marks Brothers' Harness,
John Deere Farm Machinery,
Rock Island Gas Engines,
DeLaval and International Cream
We have a few Horse Blankets and Lap
Robes that we will make a special price on
for a Short time.
Come in and get our prices!
Murray Hardware and Implement
Murray, Company. Nebraska
Settlement Made.
Joe Hathaway held an accident in
surance policy in the American Ac
cident company, and this week the
adjuster arirved in Murray to com
plete a settlement with Mr. Hathaway
for the injuries he rec&ived by one of
his horses about th;e months ago.
We have been informed that the mat
ter was settled for the sum of $250.
This seems like a very small amount
for the payment of the expense and
suffering caused by Mr. Hathaway's
injuries, but owing to the conditions of
the policy it was all that he could collect.
Library Notes.
The coffee served last Thursday was
quite well attended, despite the cold
day. There were seventeen present,
seven of whom were men. The men
folks did not bring- their sewing, but
they were there for the eats. The
next one will be given by Mrs. Min
ford and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker, on
Saturday afternoon. Saturday has
been set aside for the library and will
be called "Library Day." On this day
there will always be "something do
ing" at the library.
A number of new books have been
added to the association, and it is to
be hoped that everyone will be a li
brary member soon.
You can find books for all ages, both
fiction and non-fiction, and to read
them in a very profitable way to
snprifl In ilftornnnn i rwl avaninn' Pan1
An,r W . ' fo. taU
f, ' , . Ul Plvrcm nis "neer aloud to the children. It will mean
v.un a neage thorn a few weeks ago, a reat ,,pal to thpm Jn tup- ft
On February 5th, at Louisville, will
be held the regular Reading Circle
and Study Center meeting. Follow
ing is the program:
10:00-10:05 Roll Call.
10:05-10:20 "What Facts in Amer
ican History Should an Eighth Grade
Pupil be Expected to Remember if He
Is Not Going on to' High School?"
Supt. A. F. Becker, Louisville.
10:20-10:35 "Common School Of
fense and How to Meet Them," Supt.
Floy Canady, Murdock.
10:35-12:00 Conducted Excursion
to the Pottery and Quarries, Prof,
Bengston, University cf Nebraska.
1:15-2:00 "Boys' and Girls' Clubs,
.ir. iucjiinan. university scnool o
2:00-2:15 "Practical Rural Ath
letics," Mr. Carl Cunningham, Dis
trict No. 70.
2:15-2:30 "Some Devices I Hav
Used in the Teaching cf Geography,
Miss Pearl Dolen, South Bend.
2:30-3:30 "Penmanship," Mis
Kaufmann, Plattsmouth.
All who are interested are cordial
ly invited to be present.
Eda Marquardt
. County Superintendent.
the effects of which he thought had
worn away at the time the blood
poisoning set in. He has experienced
quite a serious time, but is now im
Our good friend "Scotty," propriet
or of the Gavetv Cafe, in Mm-mv
- - j ,
ays that everyone is entitled to their
own opinion in ree-ard to tho r-rpnt
European war, but he well knows that
he suffered more the past week with
an ulcerated tooth, that Dr. Gilmore
yanked" out.than he has over the en
tire war. We believe he did. too.
Fred Kaffenberger of Eight Mile
They will be more able to comprehend i
when they start to school.
Entertaines in Honor of Daughter.
S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching, 75c per setting at the house,
by express $1.00 per setting, by the
100 $4.00 at the house. The very best
A few hundred "Progressive" and
"Superba Everbearing Strawberry
plants for sale at $1.00 per 100.
Have 2 or 3 registered Duroc-Jer
sey bred sows for sale, bred for
March litters, bred to a son of "King
the Col." W. B. Porter,
Mynard, Neb. Thone Platts.4021.
Mrs. William Brown, sr.. entertain
ed a number of friends at her home
in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Wil
liam Brown, jr., who has been visiting
here from Canada. The social affair
was in the nature of a kensington,
and those fortunate enough to be
present were given a royal good time.
The ladies present were: Mesdames
For Sale.
Light Brahma Roosters, will weigh
from 6 to 10 pounds. Eggs for sale
in season. G. S. Ray, Murray, Neb.
The ladies of the St. John's Catholic
church yesterday afternoon were en
tertained most charmingly at the
beautiful L. B. Egenberger home by
Mrs. Egenberger and Mrs. William
Weber at an afternoon coffee and the
occasion was one of great pleasure to
all the ladies fortunate enough to be
present. The meeting was most suc
cessful in every way and the attend
ance numbered some eighty-five
ladies, who enjoyed to the utmost the
delightful hospitality afforded them.
The afternoon was spent in sewing.
as almost all of the ladies had come
prepared with their fancy work, and
the plying of the busy needle served
to pass the time very pleasantly and
the' delightful musical numbers con
tributed by Mrs. Eugene Setz, both
vocal and instrumental, served to fur
ther heighten the pleasures of the oc
casion. At a suitable hour dainty and
delicious refreshments were served
by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. L.
B. Egenberger, jr., and Miss Helen
Egenberger, which came as the climax
of a most thoroughly enjoyable after
noon. It was late in the afternoon
when the members of the party wend
ed their, way homeward, feeling that
the occasion had been one of the great
est of pleasure.
For Sale.
100 acres of land, 4 miles east of
Murray; two sets of improvements;
all good farm land, except six acres
of timber. Lots of fruit on both the
places: 20 acres is in fall wheat; all
well fenced. Want to move to west
ern Nebraska in the spring reason for
selling. Price and terms right. See
Frank Vallery, Murray, Neb. Tel 46,
Murray exchange.
For Sale.
50 Single Combed Rhode Island Red
Cockerels. $2.00 each. 'Phone No.
513, Plattsmouth Exchange.
A. O. Ramge.
W. G. Boedeker, T. J. Brendel, O. A.
accompanied by his brother, Eli Mar- haS een seriously for Davis, Vance Pitman, W. S Smith
ler, of Beaver City, Neb., who was
called here by the illness and death
of his father, and who has been visit
ing relatives and friends in this vi
cinity for the past few days, departing
for his home Monday afternoon.
W. S. Copenhaver and son, Arthur,
were looking after some business mat
ters in the county seat last Saturday.
T- l i .
i. .upciinaver nas resiaeu near
Union since his return to Cass county
from Minnesota, and is still on the
lookout for a farm to rent for the
coming season. He expects to remain
Loughridge, and the guest of honor,
Mrs. Will Brown.
the past few weeks, suffering from an I George Gilmore, Misses , Pauline and
abcess of the throat, is getting along Fay Oldham, Margie Walker and Mae
nicely at this time, and improving
slowly. Dr. Gilmore was called out
to see him, and after opening the
abcess, the patient began to show
signs of improvement, even though he
was in a very serious condition.
For Sale.
For Sale.
A number of thoroughbred Barred
Plymouth Rock Cockrels. Howard
Graves, 'Phone 1605, Murray ex
For Sale.
Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins
county land. Very good terms.
Bert Root, Murray, Neb.
An extra good team of registered
Fercheron mares, both with foal.
Also a stallion, 3 years old. Call or
nrlHrocc ftioc H 11 c
r . . , . --' vnuii. vuunu juitiu, hi u i ray.
... vvwwijf, luviuiiig ne can una I Kfh
a suitable location in the near future.
t: 7 Z tauers at e Seme Old-Time Smokes.
H mT m 1
iurs. ad. vvnson, mother of Albert The citizens of Murrav hav snr
Wilson, from Oklahoma, arrived here been eniovine- an old-tim RmoW th for the Ladies Home Journal, $1.50; i
last Thursday and will assist in tak- past few days, owing to the discovery The Country Gentleman, $1.00; the
nig care 01 mrs. wnson, who has been of some old-time cigars in the store Saturday Evening rost, $i.ou. bee me
bo seriously 111 tor the past few weeks, of B. A. Root. The cie-ars were over for full particulars about any maga-
suffenng with pneumonia. Miss Etta eie-htPPn vP!)r. nM zine in special club offers. Francis
100 Subscriptions
l ZD
the Best on the Market and
Every Sack Guaranteed!
Nickels, who has been taking care of
Mrs. Wilson, returned to her home
this week. The many friends of the
sick lady will be pleased to learn that
she is improving at this time, with
the best chances of being returned to
her former health.
chased by Mr. Root during the Span-
iuh-American war, and the brand was j
named after navy officers, Dewey,
Schley and Sampson, the pictures of
all three gentlemen appearing on the
box, and the stamp showed that they
were eighteen years old.
Cook, Agent, Murray, Neb.
For Sale.
Puis & Gansemer,
Several male Duroc-Jersey pigs,
about eight months old, at $15.00
each. C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb.
keep them together 7
rIUMU';i UH1 lIuiACtvivt tivv yiv