The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 24, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1916.
New Corsets!
I 'I 1
A Lace Front Model for $1.50
Lace tront corsets are not expensive. 1 here is
no necessity for paying exorbant prices for them.
To be sure there are higher priced numbers that
are worth all you pa3 but for the woman of
moderate means who wishes a lace front model,
we have them as low as the above price in War
ner's Rust-Proof.
T I I I . I f t
Style 2KA2 will fit many medium or average fig- ntirfCJS
ures. 1 his is a new model or the season de
signed to shape in fashionable lines, with medium bust and
back slightly higher, and medium length skirt inset with rubber
gores at the back.
This is only one of the many Warner styles,
each one of which is guaranteed
Have you ever worn a
Lace Front Corset?
If so you will appreciate "the new Warner
Models. For many types of figures a lace
front designs are admirable, but until today
we never found a style that exactly "filled
the bill." Lace front corsets were bulky and
stiff, and in many ways uncomfortable.
Now just consider the new Warner features
and compare them with others. Style shown
here No. 2 1 75. You will appreciate this
style. PRICE $3.00.
Local News
r ! fT? ! - -
John Hartsock wont to Greprory, S.
I., Thursday of lat week for a ten
ch.ys visit with relatives.
A. II. Yanlandinirham shipped a
car load of hojrs to the Nebraska City
market the latter part of the week.
Ed Myers and family returned
home Wednesday from a month's visit
with relatives in Oklahoma and Kan
sas. John Hardy has been confined to
the house the past few days with a
seipe of the frrinpe and rheumatism.
Mrs. John Kettlehut and Mrs. G.
Ilockenback left Tuesday to attend the
5-hultz-Rockenback wedding at Middle
Creek, Neb.
Mrs. Mike Spahr'e is spending the
winter at the home if her daughter,
Mrs. Rudolph Schu'.tz and family, near
William Christoj.herson returned
home Saturday morning from Daw
son county, where he l as been for the
past two weeks looking after his land
interests there.
C. S. Trumble had a gang of men
busy the first of the week filling two
ice houses. The weather was ideal
for that work, the ice measuring eight
inches in thickness.
Several from around here attended
the funeral of the three young ladies
who met death in such t tragic man
ner at Alvo last Sunday. The whole
community are in sympathy with the
bereaved relatives in both families.
John Peterson was called to Defi
ance, la., Saturday of last week, on
account of the death of his mother
Mrs. Louis Peterson, which was caused
from a fall last week which resulted
in a broken hip. Funeral services
were held at Defiance Monday. John
returned home Wednesday night.
FARM LOANS, at 3 per cent and 5i
per cent. No delays. T. II. Pollock.
I-aitlral Amu ymur UracxUi fur a
M.rbM-tvr Uiaraond llrmd
""III. in lird and (.old tft-ii.icYX
I -. sraieJ with fllue Kilrfxm. f
1 aL mm mi Tin. .F mm
KranM. Ask f"'lll- IffcH-TFR
years k oown as Uest. Safert. Always Kei.:l
New Boots for Street Wear
An important item in any woman's street costume
is her footwear. It demands style that is correct. It
calls no less for comfort in walking. To be both com
fortable and stylish is the important consideration with
the discriminating woman in selecting her footwear.
1 o meet tnese requirements we
know of no boots superior to the
Drew Shoe, made at Portsmouth,
Fashionable designs, grace in
every line, comfortable fitting lasts
and a general tone of exclusive
nes characterize these splendid
We are showing latest models.
$4.00 - $5.00
Fetzer Shoe Co.,
From Friday's Dally.
W. G. Meisinger was among those
ir the city today, driving in to look
after some trading for a few hours.
C. L. Wiles was among those going
to Omaha this afternoon to attend
the tractor ;hov there for a few
Mrs. Fred W. Leh.ihoff came down
from Omaha this afternoon on No. 24
for a short visit here with relatives
and friends.
Con Gillespie departed this morning
for OXeil and Osmond, Nebraska,
where he will visit for a few days with
friends and enjoy a vacation from his
W. F. Gillespie, the Mynard grain
man, was in the city yesterday for a
few hours visiting with friends and
looking after some matters of busi
ness. J. R. Vallery, one of the prominent
farmers of the prccLict, was in the
city for a short time today attending
to some business matters and calling
on friends.
Adam Meisinger dicve in this morn
ing from his home In the vicinity of
Cedar Creek to spend a few hours
looking afier some trading with the
Mrs. F. R. Guthmann departed this
afternoon fo; Murdcck, Nebraska,
where she will visit over Sunday at
the home of her son, H. A. Guthmann
and family.
Mark White and wife came up this
morning from their larm home near
Murray and spent a few hours here
looking after some trading with the
E. J. Meisinger and wife were
among those going to Omaha this;
morning where they will visit for a
few hours, after looking after some
matters of importance.
Mrs. D. O. Hewitt of Greenleaf,
Kansas, came in last evening on No.
? for a short visit in this city with her
mother, Mrs. B. Hemple, and her sis
ter, Miss Teresa Hemple.
Dave Amick deputed this after
noon for Tekamah, Nebraska, where
he was called by a message announc
ing the illness of hi; uncle, Thomas
Amick, who is sinking very fast in the
last stages of cancer.
A. L. Todd came in this morning
from his farm home west of this city,
and was a passenger on the early
Burlington train for Omaha to spend
a few hours looking after some busi
ries matters.
Local Kews
Robert Sherwoo'l of Nebraska City
was here over Sunday visiting with
relatives and frie::ds, returning last
evening to his heme.
I'. II. Meisinger, v.-as anions
the visitors in the county st-at Hut 11 1
(iay, where he was called to look af u r
the week-end shipping.
D. L. Amick returned this afternoon
from Tekamah, Neb., where he has
been for the past few u;-ys vi.-iting lit
the bed.dJe of a sick i.ncle.
Thomas F. Jameson, the Weeping
Water contractor and builder, was in
the city today or a few hours looking
after some matters of l.u-inss.
W. T. Smith was among those go
ix:g to Omaha this morning, where he
was called to spend a few hours look
ing aftei some matters of business.
George Stand?r drive in today from
his home west of this city and spent
r. few hours lo"ki:i:r v f ler some mat
ters cf business wilh h2 merchants.
C. S. Stone was umorig those
Defeat of Montenegrins and Failure
of Hopes for Italy Policy in i
Adriatic the Cause.
From Saturdays Dal1.
Dr. L. B. Bacon of Pacific Junction
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some professional mat
ters. Philip II. Meisinger was among
those visiting in this city today for a
few hours, looking after the week-end
II. C. Creamer of near Murray was
here today attending to some matters
of business with the merchants and
visiting with friends.
E. M. Smith of near Union was here
today for a few hours looking after
some matters of business and visiting
his friends in the county seat.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water came in last evening to attend
to some matters of importance at the
court house today for r. few hours.
Grover Will came in this morning
from his farm home in Mt. Pleasant
precinct and spent a few hours here
looking after some trading with the
Mrs. Grace Miller of Los Angeles
California, who is here visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Patterson
was a passenger this afternoon for
Omaha to visit for a few hours.
August Engelkemeier and Charles
Engelkemeier were in the city today
from the vicinity of Weeping Water,
being called here by the serious con
dition of Fred Engelkemeier, a brother
of the two gentlemen.
Adam Meisinger came in this mom
ing from his home near Mynard and
departed on the early Burlington train
for Omaha, where he was called to
visit for a few houri, securing some
supplies for his farm machinery.
Adam Stoehr was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
will spend the day visiting and looking
after business matters. Mr. Stoehr
drove in this morning from his farm
home and reports the roads very
ing to Omaha thi morning, where he
was called for a few hours to look af
ter some matters of bu.-iness in that
F. J. Ilennings and wife drove in
Saturday from their home in EiL'ht
Mile Grove to visit ir. This city and
attend to their trading f-,r the week
end. W. A. Becker and wife drove in yes
terday from their farm home and
spent the day with Miss Gladys Kaf
ftnberger at the Immanuel hospital in
A. B. Fornoff of near Cullom was
in the city Saturday afternoon for a
few h"ins Ivfoking alter some trading
with the merchants and visiting with
his friends.
L. G. Todd, jr., came in this after
noon from his home near Murray and
departed on the afternoon Burlington
train for Omaha where he will visii
for a fw hours.
Glen Perry, one of the prominent
farmers of Eifht Mile Grove was in
the city Saturday for a short time
looking after the week-end shopping
and spending a time with his friends.
C. J. Gaebcl. one of the prominent
residents of r.ear Louisville, was in! a message from Sarajevo, capital of
the citv todav for a few hour.: looking! Austrian Bosnia tonight. The main
after some m:'tt?rs of bu. ine .s. and
Geneva, Jan 2".. The anti-war
movement has j-aint-d great impetus
in Jialy in the last few days as the
result of the crushing of Montenegro
and the appaient defeat of Italian
aspirations in the Adriatic, according
to advices received here today.
Travel, is from Italy report social
ists in Florence, Milan, Naples and
ether cities against continuance of the
war. Supporters cf ex-Premier
Giolitti h; ve joined in the movement.
Several radical socialists have hinted
at revolution unless the Italian king
moves for peace before the arrival of
Italian officials attribute these dis
turbances to the work of German
a cents and hae warned several so
cialist leaders against a repetition of
their fiery utterances. It is now be
lieved in Aomo ihat Princo von
Buelow, former ambassador to Rome
spent several weeks in Switzerland
r.ot in the interests of a general peace
moement as was reported, but to
foment -trouble in Italy.
O.licials are equally bitter in de
nouncing the conduct of Giolitto. The
former premier went into retirement
when Italy declared war. The gov
ernment supporters now declare he
has emerged to lead the anti-war fac
tions, honing thereby to overthrow
the Salandia ministry and form a
new cabinet.
Only Small Bands Fight.
Berlin. Jan. 2-'k (Via Amsterdam.)
Only isolated bands of Montenegrins
in remote mountain districts are now
'..prosing the Aust'rians, according to
while here was a cal:-1;
it the Journal
Joe Boil, one of th- leading young
farme'-s of near old Kenosha, was in
the city today looking after som3 trad
ing, and while here wan r. caller at the
Journal office to ivrtw- for another
vea- to the Old F.cllrblc.
Montenegrin army is concentrated
near Cettinje. awaiting the outcome
I of peace negotiations between the
! Montenegrin government and General
Koevess, Austrian commander. Not
a shot has been exchanged by the
Austrian troops and the regular Mon
tenegrin forces since the armistice was
arranged last week, the Setajevo mes
sage said.
An experienced farm man, married.
wants a position on a farm, with
house for residence. Can give refer
ence. Call at this omce.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Morgan Waybright arrived last
evening from Los Angeles., California,!
called here by the itrious illness of
his daughter, Mrs. A. J. Beeson, and
rpent Sunday in Omaha at the Im
manuel hospital, coming down to this
Peace Negotiations Unknown.
Vienna, Jan. 2'). (Via Berlin.)
Foreign reports that peace negotia
tions between Austria and Montenegro
Lave been broken off are untrue, an
city for the night, and returning this I orlicial statement from the government
morning to Omaha.
Women of Sedentary Habits.
Women who get but little exercise
are likely to be troubled with constipa
tion and indigestion and will find
Chamberlain's Tablets highly benifi
cial. Not so good as a three
or four mile walk every day, but very
much better than to allow the bowels
to remain in a constipated condition.
They are easy and pleasant to take
and most agreeable in effect. Obtain
able everywhere-
See the kinds of fancy stationery,
the latest up-to-date, and sure to
please, at the Journal office.
"Nehawka's Bssi"
Not only our opinion but
the verdict of a host of sat
isfied customers.
If you are not using
Nehavka Flour
take a sack home with you
today and try it.
Every sack guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction.
For sale by every mer
chant in Nehawka, all the
leading dealers in Platts
mouth and Hiatt & Tutt, of
Nehawka Milling
Nehawka, - - Nebraska
pre. s bureau asserted tonight.
"The negotiations were not inter
rupted because they have not yet be
gun," the statement said. 'Peace ne
gotiations will only be possible after
the arrival of the Austrian delegate
Otto, former minister to Cettinje, who
was still on the road when the in
correct news about a deadlock was
"The negotiations concerning the
place where the Montenegrins will lay
down their arms will be closed with
in a few hours. At the same time
an agreement will be reached about
the points where the Montenegrins
will be provided with food and ar
rangements made for their housing."
King Leaves Montenegro.
Paris. Jan. 2'i. Worn out by long
campaigning, the aged King Nicholas
!of Montenegro has left his army and
has arrived at the Italian port of
Erindisi, according to an official
statement given out here tonight. The
.king is enroute to Yyons to join the
Montenegrin queen, who arrived there
I today and to establish the provisional
capital of Montenegro.
j Former Premier Voudoditch will
.command the .Montenegrin army, act
ing jointly with Prince Ninsky, the
official communication stated. In all
'probability they will retire into Al
bania and from a junction with the
j The official statement confirmed
the belief here that King Nicholas,
! after arranging an armstice with the
! Austrians, found himself overruled by
his own advisors and by his military
chiefs. It was believed they literally
forced his withdrawal from the coun
try and compelled him to issue from
. Scutari a ploclamation announcing
the resumption of hostilities by the
Montenegrins. No other explanation
is offered here for the departure of
the aged ruler from his native coun
try. ! London, Jan. 22. Only artillery ac
tivity and mine combats on the west
ern front were reported by the Ger
man and French war office this aft
ernoon. !
"Southeast of Ypres, the Germans j
Dutch Ware!
Dutchware is becoming more popular every day.
It is also becoming more scarce every day, due to the
fact that it is imported. We now have a complete
stock and would advise those desiring to complete
their sets of these dishes, to do so as soon as possible
before our stock is exhausted.
Dutchware, per piece : 15c
We still have some hand decorated cups
and saucers 10c
Large assortment of all kinds of dishes.
to show goods.
No trouble
Watch for the Date of Our 9c Sale
Popular Variety Store
destroyed sixty yards of the enemy's
position by mining operations," Ber
lin reported.
"German positions between the
Moselle and the Vosges and several
towns behind the front were shelled
by the enemy without result."
Taris reported French artillery
bombarded the German lines effec
tively at several points, notably in the
Champagne and Vosges.
Tonight's Paris communique also
reported only artillery engagements
along the Aisne, in the Campagne
region and in the Vosges.
. . .
J. F. Hoover shipped a car of hogs
to the Nebraska City market Wednes
day morning.
Mrs. William Langhorst paid a visit
Monday and Tuesday to the home of
her uncle, Harmond Beck, and family,
of near Murray.
P. M. Trapp is confined to his home
on account of sickness. We are glad
to hear that he is reported better at
the present writing.
John Zoller of Crcfton, Neb., re
turned to his home Tuesday morning
after a few days' visit with his friends,
the Metcalff children.
Ross King, who upon his return
from the hospital at Lincoln was taken
sick w ith chickenpox, is so far improv- j
ed that he is able to be about again.
Mrs. Chester DelesDernier and chil
dren returned Tuesday to their home
at Palmer, Neb., after a visit here
since before Christina? at the home of
Mr. ar.d Mrs. William DelesDernier.
"Grandpa" DelesDernier accompanied
them as far as Lincoln.
William Rhoden of Ofralla, Kas., vis
ited here last week with his son, Roy
Rhoden and family. He shook hands
with many of his old friends who
were glad to ree him. Mr. Rhoden is
farming down in Kansas, and he says
he had excellent crops the past year.
Myrl Hall returned on Wednesday
morning from a two weeks' visit with
his brothers, Elmer and Lyman at
Trenton, Neb., and at points in
Kansas and Colorado. He reports
that his brothers are doing well in
that country and that they are feed
ing a big bunch of cattle this winter.
L. A. Tyson went to Lincoln Tues
day to attend the Nebraska Territorial
Pioneers' convention. Mr. Tyson is
one of the few territorial pioneers in
this locality who belongs to the state
organization and he makes it a point
to be in attendance tt their annual
gatherings whenever possible.
Constipation and Indigestion.
"I have used Chamberlain's Tablets
and must say they are the best I have
ever used for constipation and indi
gestion. My wife also used them for
indigestion and they did her good,"
writes Eugene S. Knight, Wilmington,
N. C. Obtainable everywhere.
Saves Money
Time and Trouble
Made in Chiceg
Since 1843
It will pay yon
to investigate
before buying
Come In and
Inspect the
Cheapest in the Long Run
The cheapest priced wagon w the one vhich will ave you the moit
money and there is far more than the first cost to be taken into consideration
with most wagons. Butwith "The Old Reliable Peter Schuttler"it'sdlfferent.
With it, the first cost is practically the only cost. It's built rigtit and stays
right. It saves repair bills; it avoids break-downs; it reduces the after
purchase expense and it wears longer than any other wagon built.
And with all its cost-reducing, time and trouble-saving features, the first
cost of the "Peter Schuttler Wagon" is only slightly more than the first coat
of the inferior makes. And every cent of the extra cost goes into extra
quality. There's no more profit on a "Peter Schuttler Wagon" than on the
so-called other standard makes. The difference in price is due entirely to the
difference in material and the difference in the way this material is put to
gether. It is this difference which makes the "Peter Schuttler" by fax
Also Newton and Weber Wagons
Steel Wheel Truck Wagons, $23.50 to $33.00
Wagon Boxes, $13.50 up. An exceptionally big value
at $18.00
Complete Line of Blankets and Robes
Home Made Harness and Harness Goods
We Are Now Oiling Harness For $1.00 Per Set
Agency for the Dodgo Automobiles
One of the Best For The Money
Mm IF,