PLATTSMOUTH S Of I-WEEK LT JOURNAL. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20. ln. I -I. Pre-Inventory Special! l-UjTr taking inventory wc drairc to reduce our ttor k of Outing f lannels, and will offer to you our entire ktotlc of 10c Outing Flannels at 8Jc PER YARD Tliis to.k. coniM of excellent pattern in both light and dark, Thi tale is ftubjct to stock on hand. SPECIAL ON WOOL FLANNEL. Our Regular C5c and 75c Wool Flannel for 49c These flannel are just the thing for child ren's dresses, petticoats, etc., and come in dark colors. You will find these good values. H. M. SOENNICHSEN, Call Phones 53 nnd 54 The Daylight Store HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL TEAM DEFEATED AT HAVELOCK ANOTHER NOTE TO AUSTRIA IS NOW PROBABLE l-mart! for IliatiUMll May II Motlihrtl If AukltU Modili- I la Tut lira. REPLY IS EXPECTED TODAY Washing!"'. I. :., Die. '..".. Stale lc-nl tinctit il1i lul tfxl.iy lultnll t I tluit if An it Ma' m-tolid nt H-jruil-n I In- toi -lmjf of ihf lliilliill lliiT Aiii'imu, t-k -i t-l uli tixlny or Thin h luy, il)- not i-nii)ily with th Airn-r-i dii iIciiiuikIi, uholh'-r fXhariK4 of Imlm ilolully will follow hrfoie dip lomatic Itluliolia lire broken. It l imolluiully rt-joil-. that the Hi.itr.l State will im-ilify it. drrnaud for disavowal of the Aik'omu'h inkiti if Auitriu will kiw n to modify ht-r nuliln.ll llir Willful. "Aftrr all." htti.l on. olhVial. "it' thr fiituir, not the ,t. With whit-h lh l!iut- State; in chiflly -oii-rl lird." Austria TryliiK to Shift Ittatne. UnoUi. ial information in that Austria' not will propone that the us lr mi hiti tiled or Miihinittril to a t-4-uil roiniiiiifiioii. The tat lr pnttltirlit hoi. Is that Au.striu'a admin moii that tht Atu-on:t wum tot pt'dord while mu iiilutnnl4 won Mill on l.oui.l It-avrM nothing for urbit mlioii. Ilowrvrr, if aimtlwr nolo to AuMrin. hrm to i novesMiry it probably will lx nrlit. Thi will done Ixvuu.-u Austria it hrlirved to he trin- to jdiift to the t'nit.-.l State tile responnihility for any bteuk in friendly relation ly plming thi jcovei tinuot in the I'oMtioit of refusing frieiully arbitra tion or denying further negotiation. Nett Note May He lltlmatum. If another note in ent to Austria it rotatly will infonn Austria that j-he ha dit cgai dod warnings of the t.Tect which her refusal to meet the Arm-riotn demand would have on frieiully relation. This government then could give a limit ultimatum that Aiictia would be held responsible for ririait'iffit-M lit failure to coiiduc-t her wittfure nrcordifiK to international law. If unother liner t-.hould he hijfik, un-wuiM-d, with l'i- of American liven, thi govemnient woubl then give Auxlriuri 'harge wieilinek hi puxM p"il uikI reeull Alfiba!ilor I'eiifiebl. SPEND FIFTY FIVE BILLIONS ON THE WAR Coat of War "f NntionH ( limb to SlaKKriiig lleiuhtH, I!perla I'iKur-. ARBITRATION IS ADVOCATED Washington, Her. 'Z'J. Arbitration of all (lipiite between the Ainerirun natioiia wa tho keynott; of puo tically nil the ullre.HeH nl toilay' hexnion of I ho I'an-Ainerirun Seietitiflr con gl en. Mconomic iihptM-t f the wur were ilisetiNHeil l.efote the American Keo iioinii' aiHorint ion meeting in con nection with the I'iiii-American eon gren. The money rout of the war to July .'M, thi year, exclw.ive of the riipi talieil value of human life, wa esti mate! by Kpeukei'H ut $:i7.i;'.m;,774,ooo. My January 1 the aggregate woul.l be $r.r.oon.((M).lMiO, mill hhoul.l the war continue, ut the en.l of the isecoiul year, next August, it would reach SKO.IKMI.OOO.OOO. At the (ml of the hccoikI year the probable human los wn estimated to be I'J.OtiU.OOO live. The capitalized value of these lost worker. was plac ed ut $:.:., l it t. ooo .ooo. Social Dance January 1. Kemember the next lig Hocial dance night in Murray will K Saturday, January 1, ut the VuU A: (JaiiMemer hall. The muio will lie furnished by the Holly orchestra of Pluttsnioutfi, und the usual good time is ussurcd. Tie Piatt t-.rnouth IJi;'h school basket ball team, which joJiTitytd out to Havr!ock fc.trday afUrrr.oon, met their f.r.t defeat of the jieaMn at the har;i of the team of that city by a wore of Zl to 'lH, in a hotly fought content, in which both teams displayed much -kill and faht playing. The re iu!. of thi frame balances the scores of the two team, a the Havelock u-am wa defeated h-e by the JocalK. The ty.celltr.t game, however, hhould not be the cause of any discourage ment to the boys competing the team h-re, a they have made a fine fehow in;j ko far thi eaon nd have the pro-rtn of an even brighter future in the remaining ameH cf their M-heduIe with the teair in thi section of the fctate. The difference in ti.e hall in which the game was played at Havelock kerved to handicap the hoys from thi city, a did the roller hkating rir.k the Havelock team when they appeared here, owing to the ar rangement f th ba::et and the gen ial character of the hall. Judpe Raper to Be Here. Ditrict Judge Bepley haa sent a notice to Clerk of the District Court James Robertson that Judge Raper of the Firt Judicial district will be here on Friday. January 7th, to hold a ses sion of court and to try the case of Wile vs. Keckler, hkh is set for hearing on that dat This is a case involving quite a sum of money claimed to be due the plaintiff through the loss of grain through the burning of the elevator of the plaintiff at Man ley two years ago. Hours for Roller Skating. Notir. There will be a apt-rial meeting on Tuenday evening, Jaiv.iary 1th, for the election of officers of the I'lattamouth Fire Department. All members are tc'iuested to be present. (1. II. CloMson, Seeretary. 12-28-lwk-d Read the want ads in the Journal. Monday evening. 7:30 to 9:30, club fkate; Tuesday evening, regular Kkate, 7:30 to 9:30; Wednesday evening, basket ba.l 7 to 8:30. club fckate, 8:30 to 10; Thursday evening, general skate, 7:30 to 9:30; Friday afternoon, 2 to 3, children under 10 year of age; 3 to 4:30, general skate; Saturday af ternoon, banket ball, aJl afternoon; Saturday evening, geieral Kkate, 7:30 to 9:30. 12-30-3td Servie at St. Luke's ( hnrch. Saturday, the Fcat of the Cir cumcision, there will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 9 a. m. WANTED. I want vour Coal business. C. II. Hartford. MASON'S Auto Livery, Day and night service. Tel., res, 229-W; office, 1C8-W. Over Manners' garage. 12-28-2wksd -The Omaha Dramatic Club- offers the pleasing success-, "The Spanish Village" at the SOKDL Mil Fourteenth and Pear Streets Saturday Evening, Jan. 1st Big Social Dance After Play MUSIC BY HOLLY'S ORCHESTRA EVERYBODY CORDALLY INVITED ALVO NEWS ITEMS Take Notice: Two of Alvo's old children were married at the parsonage of the Brethem church in Lincoln Friday evening, December 24th, at 8 o'clock. They were Jesse Hardnock, 37 years old, and Etta Miller, 34. The latter's brother, Archie, of Alvo, and Miss Charlotte Armstrong of Weeping Wa ter were their witnesses. They seem just as grinny and happy as they would have twenty years ago. They did not Kay so, but the writer thinks they will be at homa to their friends any time hereafter at their home one mile west and one-half mile south of Alvo. Here's congratulations! Service at Fight Mile i ia (Jrove. The Evungelicnl Lutheran church of Eight Mile drove precinct will hold t'hrintmn services at the church on Sunday, January 2, 19115. (Jerronn xervice at 10:30 u. m. Rev. F. Wiez mann, the field missionary of the Ger man Evangelical Lulhernn Hynod of NchruhUu, will preach. All ure in vited. 12-21MUI&W Sco the kinds of fancy sUtionvry, the latent up-to-date, and sure to please, at the Journal office. $26,000,000 uaUi 2 BIG CLOSING OUT SALE OF Furniture, Earpois end Eltags! T KrVt? 1 ! r r- . . c- mr j ii(.i.siuK mu our enure une oi rurniture, rpcts nnd Kugs in the mas sive stock of M. I lild, at n discount of 25 per cent. Everything in this great stock will go at these prices. This is one of the finest lines of 1 louse Furnishinss ooods ever otlerett to the public at such prices. Kemember this is a bonafide saving to you of 25 er cent on any article in the house. Good clean stock to select from. THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS! If you need Furniture or Household Furnishings of any kind, or will be in need in the near future, this is certainly the time to buy. Remember this sale is for CASH ONLY! M. HOLE) The Furniture Man 3 Plattsmouth, Nebraska That U tho umount of the RE SERVE FUND in the WOODMAN OF THE WORLD. This represents a portion of their ability to pay the losses of this company. Their rates are u trifle higher thun those of some companies, but there is an absolute usxurunce thut the Imses will be puid upon proof of death. No one cares to pay money into nn in:, urn nee company which when the crucial test comes is not able to meet their losses. No f internal insurunce society is in no good a financial condition, with ability to meet all Uieir obligations, or baaed upon such sound principles as this order. Essentially n NEBRAS KA institution, having its heudquur ters in Omaha, where they own the best building in the atate, a visual evidence of some of their ability to pay losses. MrmeberRhip in the WOODMAN OF THE WORLD means protection to your family, and a means of saving for your later years. INVESTIGATE. 4.TIIE COS M O PO UT A N CLUB'S MASQUERADE, .j. The Cosmopolitan club will give a masquerade ball at 1 I- Coatea hall New Year'a Eve. Friday, December 3 1st, Cash 4 prises will bo offered for the ' l best and most comical Cuslumea I and four Mi; prli-Mi in all will be h (riven. Admission: (lentu, MVj ladies, 2rc; toctatra, Jlf'O, 1 ! Everyone invited to eoiuo ami have a irood time. R. W. Stewart went to Lincoln Mon day. Mrs. Dale Boyles was a Lincoln visitor Monday. Elmer and Willie Ingwerson went to Lincoln Wednesday. Wm. Casey was a passenger on No. 14 Wednesday for Omaha. Mrs. Be.le Bennett was a passeng er for Lincoln Wednesday. Ivan Armstrong went to Rokeby Wednesday evening to visit relatives. Henry Mi'.lvir, John Woods and Fred Kear drove to Lincoln Monday morn- Grandma Bird gave a Christmas dinner to her children and their fami lies. William Sutton and Fred Kear drove to Elmwood Tuesday on busi ness. Miss Mable Skinne and Mr. Bush were married in Lincoln December 22, 1915. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tunblin are visit ing relatives and friends at Clinton. I a., this week. J. A. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shaffer and Judd Weaver spent Sun day at South Bend. P. II. Weidman the new merchant, and family have moved into the Pasp property in east Alvo. Fred Weaver and sons, Judd and Glenn, ate Christmas turkey with J. A. Shaffer and family. J. P. Rouse had an attack of ton hilitis last week, but is getting aloii nicely at this writing. Rev. Keith is hold:ng a series of special revival meetings. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Will Barber and baby, of Kansas City, are viyiting Mrs. Bar ber's sister, Mrs. William Casey, and Mr. Casey this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams and chil dren spent Christmas with Mrs. Will iams parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Suders, at Clatonia, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Bird were in Lincoln Friday. They were accom panied home by Miss Laura Jewel who visited them until Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatritk and Mrs. Charles Stout and son spent Christmas in Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs Goodale. Mrs. Stout remained until Monday. The Alvo boys have been getting their shaie of rabbits since the last two snows. They shipped three bar rels to Lincoln, an I have had nn abundance for home consumption. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, sr., left Tuesday evening for a visit with Mr. Foreman's nunt at Motion, Ind., his old home, and on their return they will visit at Chatswcrth, 111., und ut Faintor aul Newton, Iowa. Harry Vickers and Miss Daniels of Omaha spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobmeier nt Eagle. Othr guests were Mr. and Mrs. Estoncopc of Prairie Home and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vickers und Grandma Vickers. The Misses Leah Miller, Esther and Anna Rusp and Mesirs. Archie and Lyle Miller and Ralph Wagner went sleigh riding Monday evening, driving over to Elmwood to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frod Munners. The same crowd visit ed Sam Hordnock'a Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mis. Orvilb Quelhorst left Friday evening for McPherson, Kan sas to attend the wedding of Mr. Quel horst'a youngest sifter, Miss Fre donia. who wa mnrried Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Quelhorst expect to return home New Year's. Mrs. Oipllu Bobbitt of Morehead, Kansus, who had planned to spend Christmas here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse, was taken sick with the grip ws- uhle to come. A letter received here Wed nesday state that tshe is still quite sick. P. J. I .inch received word Friday morninir trom Nuckles county that hi winter, Mrs. Vet Rouse, was dan peroualy ill with pneumonia. He and hi ulster, Mr. J. P. Rouse, left Fri day evening for Nelson. Mrs. Rouse returned home Monday, leaving her sister much improved, and Mr. Linch l et tu ned home Tuesday. Mi. Peterson end children of Utica, Neb., came down to spend Christina with hr brothers, the iBe Fair to Youftelftf Don't worry along1 with an uncomfortable, rattle-flap set of irons. "Why should you? A good mechanic insists upon having good tools.'. A good housewife should do the same. ASBESTOSfSAD IRONS dfiB- .A. are good tools. They are pcrfcctlyadaptcd foe the work which tliev are designed to do. Here Are Some of Their Special FealureSj A COLO HANDLE AH0T -3 moN tez3 I 3 fca c k J-" , d c c. -r f e 1 iteB rmz m) ra Telephone 151 Hold Heat a Long" Time Are Comfortable to Use TIirror-Like Faces Rounded Edges Handsome Finish GUARANTEED FOR SALE BY.CLI Bestor & Svatek South Sixth Street Johnson brothers. August and Carl Johnson will accompany Mrs. Peter son to Gjyman, Okla., to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, who are spending the winter there with relatives. Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain Pens for sale at the Journal office. Masquerade on January 15. The T. J. Sokol society announces that they will hold their annual mas querade on Saturday, January 15th, at their hall on West Pearl street. Re member the date. See the kinds of fancy stationery, nn Mi V2LMm GIVEN BY c mob tHiub AT COATES HALL Plattsmouth, Nebraska aV ADMISSION Gents 50c Spectators 25c Ladies 25c Children 10c 1 CZZlBiG CASH PRISESICZZI All Wool Cloakings 2EZ2 7MI"" wmwwi in a good collection of patterns, beautiful color mix tures browns and grays, brightened up with touches of green and gold r.he,.wid.e: $1.50 to $2:50 Worsted and All Wool Dress Plaids much in vogue and very practical for school dresses. Worsted plaid 32 inches wide, 25 C rd,Dre.M. PUi.ds: 50c, 65c, 75c Wool Challies and Wool Batiste in dainty figure and stripe patterns excellent fab rics for ladies' waists 'CA yard C Store closed at noon Saturday New Years Day E. G. Dovey & Son i 1! 0 if in ' 1 1