The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1913.
Ispi xffp-Sr fioyeliged by
'CB Charles NLurie
?W J -WW'S"! ' vwnB
Copyright. 1915, by American frm Association.
A Vision of the Past.
FTEi: tlie conrt haJ settled
down ajruin to its jrriin duty,
following the wild outburst
of Strickland, tbe juJse or-
lc nd tLe district attorney to proceed.
He called tor Mrs. Trask after the
death ot' Mr. Tnisfc. had been formally
proved. Every head iu the courtroom
lient forward eagerly and enrku?!y to
;;ct a view of the handsome widow of
the slaiu man.
"Mrs. Trask. will you kindly take the
witness chair';'' directed tlray.
"liaise your riUt hand, lease." or
dered tie clerk. Tk you solemnly
swear t! at the testimony you are about
to rive will be tho truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth, so
help you OodV
"I do." was the answer in deliberate
"What's your name?"
Joan Trask."
"Mrs. Trask. are you the widow of
;erald Trask V now continued the
'Yes. sir."
"How Ion? were you married to Mr.
'Almost Cfteen years."
n all sides were made "whispered
comments as to the thoroughly cool
and self collected bearing of this, the
chief witness atainst the now famous
prisoner. "They will never shake her
testimony on cross examination," it
w.-c- trenerallv a .creed. '
The sunie idea was entertained
tiny. ri1 he proceeded confidently
most ini:itant in manner, with
. AI
MS l'je!ions which were to settle the fate
of Koliert Strickland.
J:o you rememler the nisrht of June
1M. V.'Tj. Mrs. Trask?"
Without hesitation, but with droop
iwz eyes, she answered:
Indeed I do."
"Where were you on that evening?"
I lad been dining out witii friends
:m the city."
"What time did yon arrive ltoine';'
"About half past 0. Mr. Oray.'
The prosecutor paused momentarily.
s thot'L to emphasize the effect of
Iiis next (i;eiy. He crazed with sizr.ifi--in
e in his oNpression alonz lotli rows
f men
in the jury tox ana tuen went i
Now. Mrs. Trask, I want you to tie
s' ribe to the court and jury everything
that occurred after you arrived home
o!i that niitlit."
Th woman now seemed for the first
ti je to realize just how jrravely serious
was tlie part she was to play in this
n al HIV melodrama. A flxd of heart
breakioir memories surged tbroush her
brain. ti:ir"eI at her very heartstrings,
sh'-ok her with emotion.
That iiiirht that night of Jimp C4
that fatal night: She turned appeal
ing to the judge, but received no pity.
She must answer the question and do
as she had sworn to do "teil the whole
Sl.-e dried her nervously moist hands
wiili her handkerchief. She tried to
sH:ik. but words would not come forth
from the li;s that moved. The woman
of steel nerve who had exeiU.-i admira
tion :in.l comment at the cponing of
the trial now seemed verging ou trans
formation to a physical wreck with
palsid tongue.
"1 will repeat the question." 1-egan
t lie prosecutor, hopiug to relieve the
M ain of the deep silence prevailing
lliroi:glioi;c the woman's ordeal.
I'.ut no. liy a tremendous effort she
pulled herself together, looked straight
ii i' i be attorney's eyes and started,
timiigh in broken tjiies at the begin
ning, to tell what she knew of and
had seen in the moments of the con
summation of the crime that had
s-::oekcd a continent.
"You need not rei-eat that that
question." she quickly said. "11 will
unswer it fully. On the night in ques
tion I entered the library of my home,
and a. id the telephone bell was wa.;
Again she paused. Her cheeks, hei"
hands and her forehead twitched
nervously as sometimes they do La au
oii..,iie attack. She groped as though
J.iiiilly for n bottle of smelling salts
hi' h she carried in a gold mesh bag.
The once strong thread cf mental re
sre and physical power had won
o thin to stand the s.traui. It snap
ped. The woman fell back in the witness
chair in a swoon as she gas;ted feebly.
"Water, water." and the court attend
ants juinied to her aid.
1 After all, there was no just cause to
.wonder at Ihc unexpected collapse of
- ;r-,m
Joan TrasK on the witness stana. i-vw
leople there are who could have en
dured what she had endured without
emerging from the test if they came
out of it at atl without either health
or mind vitally impaired- Years of
suspense and of sacrificing for anoth
er things most dear to a true woman's
heart had but illy prepared her to face
the merciless prosecutor of a notorious
murder trial, even though the silent
victim whose blood demanded ven
geance had been the man she had loved
as husband.
What was it alout that telephone
call on the night of the slaying of ier
ald Trask which, when on the stand
tlie first daj of the trial, caused her to
faint at its mention?
What was there alout that talk over
the wire that broke down her reserve,
self contained demeanor and determin
ed poise when questioned about jt by
tlie prosecutor, when even poignant re
minders of her husband's death had
failed to materially move her?
What was the mystery?
Undoubtedly the prosecutor knew
through her statements lclore the trial
began and by her testimony at the
coroner's inquest and in the grand
The public, aroused to a still higher
pitch of excitement over the a-c.
awaited impatiently the resumption of
Mrs. Ttask's testimony. The trial,
postponed for a day owing to her spec
tacular breakdown on the witne.-s
stand, w as continued at 1U".: a. m.. h
day later, with Joan Trask again ap
pearing in the role of central figure.
Her eyes were clear; her voice was
steady. She had conquered the weak
ness that had overpowered her. She
had resolved to go through to the end
with the part she had been called ou
by the authorities to till.
And then the public began to learn
as much of the inner details of the
iragedy as the district attorney's onVe
itself knew. The woman bared l.r
heart to a gaping, thoughtless nr.i'.ti
tude that fed its morbid mind on her
sorrow w ith the greed of a hydra
beaded vampire. A heyday for the
cynics and the scandal mongers was
the case of the people versus Kohert
Strickland, and they were not to l-
robbed of any c no ice mersei oi iuo.
prey. No, indeed:
Now let us consider just what ma"
ner of a story it was that Joan Trask
told in tuosw soul trying hours during
which she occupied the witness chair
iu Justice Iiinsmore's tribunal.
She had heard the telephone bed ii)
her husband's library ring as she en
tered the house ou her return from a
dinner given by a friend in honor el"
the wife of one of the members of a
foreign embassy who hail been visiting
in the city. Knowing her husband to
be out for the evening, she entered the
library and answered the call.
The instrument was atlixed to en
ornate mahogany desk of modern dc
sigu standing at the left of the room,
a short space in front of au alcove and
a few feet distant from n in
which Trask kept valuable papers,
some family heirlooms and from tini"
to time bundles of stocks and bonds
and sums of money. He frequently
used large amounts of .cash iu his
transactions at home, she testified.
A woman's voice answered when
Mrs. Trask asked what was wanted, a
voice that Mrs. Trask was certain that
she had heard Itefore. At any rate, she
had a faint suspicion as to who was
the owner of the voice nothing defi
nite. -Is this IS- Iliver?'' came the query.
yes." replied the financier s widow,
who stated, to the court that she had
trembled visibly at the sound of the
A further request to be allowed to
talk to Mr. Trask was met by the re
spouse that he was not in.
"When will he le home?"
"I don't know."
'Who are you?"' asked the commu
nicant. "I'm his wife," was Mrs. Trask's an
swer. There waa a pause.
-Oh. very well. Goodby," came next,
and the strange woman rang off.
Mrs. Trask turned away from the
telephone, deeplj distressed. a!imst
distraught. As she did so ber hus
band's secretary. Stanley Glover, came
into the library rather hurriedly.
'I thought I heard the telephone
ring."' he explained.
His manner impressed Mrs. Trask as
being marked by extreme anxiety and
specially no when she informed hiu
that she had answered the call.
Replying to his urgent questioning.
Mrs. Trask told him tbat It ttes "A
woman, as usual." v. ho had sought to
corumunicate w ith her husband.
The secretary seated himself at bis
employer's desk and appeared to de
sire to avoid the woman's gaze.
Suspecting tLat (i lover knew some
thing about the person. Mrs. Trask
pressed him with questions, but to all
he stated that he knew absolutely
Mrs. Trask became somewhat con
temptuous in her attitude.
"No. I suppose my husband doesn't
take his secretary into his' confidence
to that extent, although he doesn't
make any great attempt to keep things
secret. He hasn't even a sense of
Glover protested.
"Y'ou must excuse me. You kuow
ray position, Mrs. Trask."
"Y"es, of course. 1 don't iuinarily
discuss these things, but eve my en
durance has iis limits. I've put up
with things for fifteen years now. Oh.
what a fool 1 am to stand for it!"
"My dear Mrs. Trask" protested the
"Yes. forgive me. It was wrong of
ino to talk alKHit it to yon. Sometimes
1 lose patience. Well, we won't say
anyt Ling more about it. Is Mr. Trask
coming home tonight?"
"Yes; he telephoned this morning.
He's coming on the !:"1 from Long
Ihanch. It's half past 0 now. He
should have been here by this time."
"I can't i;i:agine what he's doing
down there these two days."
"Golfing and fishing, I supiose."
"He might have waited until next
week." Mrs. Trask said. "We'll be
there all summer. Uy the way. I'd
like you to go over my tradesmen's ac
counts for me before we leave the
"l li do it at once. Where are the
booksr" was Glover's reply.
"In the safe." Mrs. Trask informed
It was just as Mrs. had in
formed Hover that she would get the
combination (,f the safe from her hus
band and give it to him that, the sound
of familiar footsteps was heard iu the
vestibule, a key was heard to scrape
and turn in the lc-k of the cumber
some front door and in strode Gerald
The financier's eyes sparkled iMiiuiat
cdly. His step and bearing were buoy
ant. He seemed the emlodiment of
health and energy and life and breath
ed forth the atmosphere of tlie enjoy
ment of them all as he walked forward
to greet his wife.
Yet it was the night of June 21. 101."
The hour was that between U and
Gerald Trask might have borne him
self differently had he known what the
wheel of events was whirling toward
him at that Lour, at that very tnoi,nnt.
Hut he did not know he did not
"Hello. Joan: Hello, Glover!" was
the greeting of the financier as he step
ped forward. '
On the part of the private secretary
was seen tbe curious mixture of obse-
1 -
-Jr . "- .
' ..'ft. V J
Stanley Glover, Secretary ti Gerald
quiousness which marks the employee
who is at once the servant and the
confidant of his employer. There was
evident perturbation in his manner, as
rh.-it of one who was oppressed per
haps by a secret of his own. Hut there
was plainly apparent, in addition, the
great desire to please.
Glover stood in parlous case. With
out willing it he had been forced to
witness the outbreak of a wife against
her husjmiid. and that husband the
man on whom his own prosperity de
pended. Not knowing what might be
future developments in the relations
between Mr. and Mrs. Trask he must
perforce maintain a discreet distance
between the two.
"Good evening, Mr. Trask.'" was his
greeting to the man w ho entered. Hut
the wife who had voiced but a few mo
ments before her dissatisfaction with
her husband's conduct did not reply to
his 'Ilelio."
Her silence was noticeable. Turning
to her. Trask. with a mixture of cyn
icism and contempt, asked:
' "vY!I. what's, wrong" with you
again?" t
The disdainful "again. " implying that
the man had in mind their long course
of disagreement, stung the woman to
the quirk. It looked a? though there
wouid le a stormy scene, and Glover
took hold of the edge of the desk with
' Z
both hands as if to bra e himael
against the gathering storm.
With an effort Mrs. Trask controlled
herself, ami she turned away with a
brief "Nothing."
"Oh. i3 that all?" replied Trask.
and then Stanley Glover, again the
suave, cool, collturted private secretary,
his tension relaxed, stepped into the
"Allow me." he said, stepping to tbe
side of Trask and taking his hat and
overcoat. He deposited them on a
"Anything new. Glover?" asked
"No. sir," replied Glover.
Throughout the scene the telephone
call from "the other woman" had been
t ' t . "J
The Telephone Call For "the Other
surging to and fro in the mind of Mrs.
Trask. Now she turned again to her
husband, :ad, looking directly at hux.
she said:
"A woman called you up."
"Oh. that's it: Who was it?"
I'erhaps with the memory of similar
scenes in mind the- wife answered:
T suppose you know well enough."
"If 1 knew I wouldn't ask you. Whs
was it?"
"I don't know. You don't suppose
she'd tell me her name, do you?"
"Did she say she d call again?"
Again came the "I don't know" of
the wife.
(To be Continued)
i roi vrv coi itx.
County of Cans. as.
In th MiUtfr of tl.e Kstate of lien F".
Horning. Ieceased.
To All Persons Interested:
Vow arc hereby notified that there
lias hfen filed In this court an instru
ment, purporting" to be the last will and
testament of the said Ben F. HorninK.
I leceasfd, together with the petition of
live liorninsj, praying therein for the
allowance and probate of said proposed
will as the last wiLl and testament of
said leceased.
That a hearing will be had upon said
petition and will before this Court in
the County Court rooms at IMattsmout h.
in said County, on the lst day of le
teniher, Jfllo, at nine o'clock a." m.
That any and all objertions thereto
if any, must be filed with this Court
on or before the said day and hour of
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court of said County this 2eth
lav of November. lWir,,
(Seal) ALLEN .T. BEErON.
Countv Judifri.
For Sale.
18 horse-power Buffalo Pitts double
cylinder engine. Good as new. Will
sell it at a bargain; half cash, balance
terms to suit. Inquire at this office.
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, single
harness and buggy. Good as new.
Call 207-Wr. ll-22-2td-2tw
1 l iT'l OJjftV
A carload of live poultry to be de
livered at car near C, B. & Q. freight
depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on Tuesday,
November 30th, one day only. We
will pay cash as follows:
Hens ..(
Old Cox . .
Remember the date
. ; ....lie
We will be on
hand rain or shine and take all poultry
offered for sale.
7. E IIEEtlEY.
- . Til
4- UNION. v
Ledger. r
I i i
5 l""2"4,,l,f"
W. B. Banning, Rae Frar.s and L.
R. Upton motored over to Lincoln
Tuesday to attend a banquet griven
by the Shriners of that city.
lc is the opinion of some here that
if the fellow who was robbed here
last week had been eaptured he mipht
have been proven to be an ex-convict.
Chas. Graves celebrated his fifty-
fourth birthday last Tuesday. Don't
tell him that he looks that old unless
you hap -en to be on the other side
of the street.
Fred Hiatt, Walt Henderson and
Frank Brandon, of Sidney, la., were
callers here Tuesday. Messers Hiatt
and Henderson called on the editor
while heie.
A. A. Johnson and wife of Weep
ing Water and Asa Johnson and wife
of Avoca, spent Sunday with rela
tives in Union, D. Lynn and wife.
They came via auto route.
H. R. Wills and wife of Seattle,
Wash, are here visiting; Mrs. Wills'
daughter, Mrs G. W. Cheney. They
will be here a few days longer after
which they wil return to their west
ern home-
Uncle Reuben Fosler, better known
as Judge Foster, was down to see the
editor last Saturday. Mr. Foster is
getting along nicely now, and we hope
it will not be long before he complete
ly recovers.
Chas. Niday sold his dray and
transfer business to Clyde B. Lynde
of Falls Citv. This deal was pulled
off without a whisper and Mr. Xiday
had no intention of selling until ap
proached by Mr. L3nde.
J). B. Porter sold his livery and
feed stable to C. F. Harris last week.
The deal was made sudden and Mr.
Harris sold the stable just as sudden
as he bought it to J. B. Roddy. Mr.
Porter will remain a resident of this
place and will farm the coming year
Atorney D. O. Dwyer of Tlatts
mouth, was a pleasant caller on the
editor last Saturday. While here Mr.
Dwyer related some of his earlier ex
periences as a school teacher in Union.
He met some of his old pupils and
friends here and he didn't forget to
let tbe old pupils know that he still
retained that muscle that he develop
ed in maintaining discipline in his
school days. Mr. Dwyer believes that
the Missouri Pacific officials who had
the power to raise the passenger
rates will never go to heaven.
Mrs. Alice Chase of Ft. Morgan,
Colo., arrived Saturday for a visit
at the home of her cousin, J. M.
Ranney, south of town.
Mrs. Wm. Parks of Three Forks,
Montana visited several days the
last of last week with her brother,
J. W. Sperry and other relatives
Miss Ada Sandifur of Greencas
tle, Indiana, arrived Friday and will
spend the winter with her sister, Mrs.
O. W. Rummell and family.
Mrs. A. J. Patterson who has been
quite sick for the last two weeks has
improved to the extent that she is
able to be up and around.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mills left Tues
day for Manderson, Wyoming where
they will visit indefinitely at tbe
home of their daughter, Mrs. Ewart.
Fred Walker was down from Lin
coln Monday packing up his mother's
household goods and putting the house
in shape to rent. It will be occupied
,by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Witt.
', William Doty returned Sunday
evening from Mt. Vernon, Ohio, where
he had been with a brother for several
months. Ke reports a good visit and
says he felt fine all the time he was
Henry Kehne one of our worthy
farmers was in town MondajT for the
first time for about five weeks on
account of sickness. Mr. Kehne said
lie was very sick for three weeks with
pneumonia and that it was only the
!.ood care that Miss Saide Rich gave
hira that brought him through. He
wa feeling quite good when in town
! County Commissioner C. E. Heeb
ner was in town Monday and he was
heard to say that he had finished
threshing a short time ago. His wheat
made thirty-seven bushels to the acre
and tested fifty-nine pounds. Eight
acres of his corn made seventy-five
bushels to the acre, the rest of his
corn is making about fifty-five bush
els to the acre. He also stated that
Henry Knabe had corn that was mak
ing seventy-five bushels to the acre.
These are the best yields we have
heard of.
We will buy Poultry on Tuesday,
November 30th. We will pay highest
market price. Zuckweiler & Lutz.
.!tS.. .
Silas E. Greenslate of Omaha, is
here visiting his sister, Mrs. C. D.
Clapp, vr.d shaking hands with old
Kimwood friends.
J. D. Fentiman and son, Ray,
.-hipped three cars of cattle to the
Omaha market Monday and nnothtr
cs.r to the same market Tuesday.
Krnest Fnsenbetk of Seneca, Kas.,
and Mrs. Lizzie Norton, of Wayland,
Iowa, visited with their mother.
Grandma Faseiiheck the first of ihe
J. I'. (;i.L left for Kansas City,
Mn.. Sunday morning where he will
join Mrs. Cobb who is visiting at that
place. They will visit over Thanks
giving there and then return home.
Mrs. Dr. Evans, of Sioux Falls, S.
D., arrived Friday and visited over
Sunday with her brother, P. J. Mar
shall and family. She went from
here to Panama, Neb., for a visit
with her brother there and will visit
at other points before returning home.
Wm. Carroll, who has been visiting
here for some time with his brother,
II. H. Carroll, departed Tuesday
morning for Ft. Collins, Colo., near
which place he will visit two other
brothers before returning to his home
in North Dakota. H. II. accompained
his brother as far i;s Lincoln.
J. A. Fisher, of Greenwood, an eld
resident of that locality, and member
of the G. A. R., drove ever from his
home Tuesday morning and took the
train for Union v.-here ke went to
visit an old frierd and comrade. Geo.
LaRue, who is critically ill. The two
men fought in the same company
during the Civil war.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Minfcrd ur.'l
daughter, Miss Valentine, departed
Wednesday morning for Marryville,
Mo., where they will visit at the home
of Mrs. Minford's sister, Mrs. Walter
Mutts. Their daughter, Miss Willu
Minford. who is attendirg Drake uni
versity at Des Moines, la., will join
in the visit at Marryville.
The City National Bark of Weep
ing Water hr.s been changed to a
itste Bank with the approval of tlie
State Banking Board and will be
known as the Nebraska State Bank.
C. E. Butler, formerly cashier of the
Klrr.wcod State Bank of this place
will hi the new cashier. His father
E. F. Butler will also be a stockhold
er in this bank.
Friends of Grandma Reichart will
regret to learn that she is quite poor
ly and has been confined to her bed
lor the past two weeks.
Henry Bluma's new farm residence
south of town is almost ready for
occupancy. It is a six room cottage
24x23, two stories.
Mrs. Rose Bronkow has applied for
a widow's pension of 20 per month
for the support of her two children
aged 2 and 4 years.
Harry Thompsen. who is employed
s f5-1e-Tvar. for the wholesale dry
goods firm of Pyrne & Hammer, was
down froir. Omaha over Sunday visit
ing with his mother.
Dr. Polk has closed his suburban
lioviie ai d gone to Lincoln where he
and Mrs. x'elk may be with their sons
who are atter.dng the university and
v nf .'-pc-nd the winter at the state
Mrs. Tl.eo. Heim returned home
last week Iron i visit at El Reno,
Oklahoma. She was accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Seiver, who
ri!! visit with relatives and friends.
Thomas Schmaicier, the fiftecn-yerr-oid
son of Joseph Schmarder,
had his right arm broken above the
wrist Tuesdr.y r.iel't while cranking
an autcmobi'e. Il was a complete
Write for the best and biggest special tuition offer ever made by
a reputable business-training institution an offer that you may never
pet again an offer that you positively cannot afford to miss. It may
help you take at once a long-desired step that will put you on the road
to financial success. For
Ycu Csn't Attain Your Full Success Unless You
- Do Obtain a Business Education
Send at once for your copy of my fr-9 114-pa book, which tells you h'w
to get tlie best paid positions most quickly how to step right over the hesd
Tor Infants and ChHuren
En Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean
Signature of
fracture and was set by Dr Worth
man. Mr. ar;d Mrs. James Dixon were
ceiled to Omaha last week by the
serious illness of their son, Willie
Dixon, who has had a bad case of
sriiii'-t fever. Mrs. Dixon remained
to nurse the young man and will
Le required to remain in quarentine
for about ri.: weeks.
Mi. ::ii Mrs. William Ander.-or.
iciii ; ( ! !. me ) i(m Omaha Mond..v.
wlu-'c try were called last Saturday
on account of the illness of their
dcuuuhter, Mrs. Earl Baum, who is
in the South Omaha hospital. Mrs.
Baum underwent a serious operation
Saturday for the removal of a tumor.
She is getting along as well as could
be expected and her friends hope
that she will soon be restored to
health and strength.
Distress in the Stomach.
There are many people who have a
distress in the stomach after meals.
It is due to indigestion and easily
remedied by taking one of Chamber
lain's Tablets after meals. Mrs.
Henry Padghan, Victor, N. Y., writes:
"For some time I was troubled with
headache and distress in rr.y stomach
after eating, al.-o with constipation.
About six months ago I began taking
Chamberlain'.1; Tablets. They regulat
ed the action of my bowels and the
headache and other annoyances ceased
in a shoit time." Obtainable everywhere.
V" Lawyer.
-I East cf RUey Hotel.
V- Coates' Block,
- Second Floor. J
'"'v.' "i.lZl !. .."I"I
VtlTiri: TO C HIUM I'Oltx.
In tbr County (ourt of tlie t'ounly of
In Ke Instate of Jaines V. Darwick,
Notice is hereby iriven that hearings
upon all Claims aKainl said estate will
he had at the ollice of the Countv
Juilize. Court House, i'lattsninuth, Cass
County. Nebraska, on the Hth duy of
I H'cein ) r, A. I). lMKi. and oil the K,lli
day of June. A I . ISIS, at 10 o'e'ork a.
ni. on em h oi' said days. All claims not
fiitil l fore said hour on sniJ )n.-t day
oi l:cai int. will be lorver barred,
'j'ateii tlii.s ilh Jay of Noveaibcr, 1'JlO.
Uy the Court.
Countv Ju'iije.
W. A. 1:01;KI:Tj?ON, Attorney.
.mitice oi ( ii tti;l ioi:t; (.k
Notice is hereby j; ivrn that by virt'jo
of a (battel mortt u;e dated on the i: 7 1 i
day ot June, l'ji.i, and duly tiled in the
o'fice of t le Couiiiy Clerk of Cass
County, NVbivsUa on tbe !Mh day of
July. r.'l:;. a n! a ctaltel mortgage date'l
on the ill dav oi January, liu-l. and
o;iiy liled ill the of lice of the Couuty
Cl'-rk o! C;:s t'ounly. Nebraska, on the
Mh day o i January. H'14, arid executed
by John H. Ilunj.: to The .Minneapolis
Threshing .Machine Company lan In
coi iorateil company of ' est Min
neapolis, lli pkiri', i O.. Minnesota I. to
secure tii payment of the sums of Kif
teen Hundred Twenty-Six Ijollars and
interest, and Seventeen Hundred Hue
liolli,rs and interest, respect i ve I v, and
i upon which there 1 now due the yum
of Nine Hundred Tweut y-t-i x. and
!iO-l! l'ollars; default having: been
made in tut payment of the. said t-ums
and no suit or other proceeding lit law
having been instituted to recover said
debt, or an part thereof, therefore tbe
u r.ders t ed will sell the property here
in described. viz: One Minneapolis
separator with 2-inch tyilinder,
inch rear. No. l:;;77. One Minteapolis.
Hand Cutler and Self Feeder No. ti.".;:v.
One tJearless Wind Stacker No.
One Main Jirive Helt l-'O feet bnu. S
inches wide, 4-ply canvas. One irh
cr No. 1:::T,. One ll-barrcl Wood Water
Tank. One 1'ort Huron li-H. I Com
poand Steam Traction KiiKine No. 3&fi4.
One Locomotive Cab. One fiimp and
Hose outfit, and one Uai tii liftiiia Ja k.
at publfe auction on the Notthwe.-t
quatter 'f Section Two Toun.-hip
Tin UOi, Kanne Nine (!, llast of the
Sixtli 1. M., adja eat to tlie town t.f
-Mvo, Cass County. Nebraska, at l't
o' lock in the forenoon of the 4th dav
of Oecember. A. T. lir.
Pv J. C. Cooper, State A cent.
Dated November 11th, 11D.
U-ll-4w ks
of older workers and take your place In th
front rank.
It will show you how you can, quickly ami
easily ffrasp hold of the fundamental tools of
business tenoKT;ipny, stenotynv. touch-typewriting
and bookkeeping; or telegraphy or civil
service work.
Tstly. it -w ill lei I you bow you ran jc"t tbls
education, no matter how financially impossible
It may seem to you now. ,
Drop a postal totlay you'll hear from n by
return mall.
H. B. BOYLEG, President
1631 Harnoy SL Omaha, Nebraska