i PAGE PLATTSM0UT1I SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, NOVEMBER PREPAREDNESS FOR OUR COUN TRY'S DEFENSE Seniator G. M. Hitchcock Addresses the Students of State University at Lincoln. On Thursday evening at Auditorium in Lincoln, Senator G. M. Hitchcock addressed the students of the state university on the now all-absorbing subject of national preparedness, and in brief the remarks of the senator were as follows: "To those who say war is improb " able, I say we ara not providing against the probable only. We pre pare for war simply because it is pos sible. Before the present war broke out in Europe, such a horror seemed not only improbable, but impossible. Yet it came and its coming has arous ed the American people to the fact that war is possible even to nations that do not want it and try to avoid it." The senator gave some statistics comparing our facilities for war with that of other nations. He also gave it as his opinion that the government should manufacture its own war muni tions, claiming that it could be done cheaper by the government factories. In part Senator Hitchock said: "We call this new issue one of pre paredness. I do not recall who bap tised it. but whoever it was did a good job, because he chose a name broad enough to includes much mov.' ihrn mmtrivy and naval equipment. "Today, therefore. I shall hurriedly review not only the preparedness in volved in having an efficient army and r.avy, but the preparedness which comes to a nation which has so organ ized society as to give to each man and woman a strong and patriotic in tercut in the national welfare, so that in the face of danger all classes join in supporting and sustaining the gov ernment. Not a New Doctrine. ' Be it said at the outset that the American people have always believed :n preparedness. They won their lib erties with arms in their hands after a lone and desperate struggle. They .maintained their independence in a war with England in 1812, caused chiefly by an attempt to deny to the United States, the freedom of the seas. Since that time there has been an army and a navy which have grown as the country has grown. "Trie question that now arises is whether the great war now shaking the worid should increase the degree or improve the efficiency of our pre paredness. "To those who say war is improb able. I say we are not preparing again.-t the probable only. We pre pare for war simply because it is possible. Before the present war broke out in Europe such a horror seemed not only improbable, but im possible. Yet it came and its coming has aroused the American people to the fact that war is possible even to nations that do not want it and try to avoid it. It is not whether we will have preparedness, but it is whether our preparedness is effective in view of the enormous development of re cent years.. "Compared to all other countries, with population as the basis, our mil itary organization in peace times is about one-fifth as great as the peace fully disposed countries and only one- fifteenth as much as the great mili tary nations. Besides population and area, we must consider another factor, namely, our far-flung possessions. In the Philippines, the Hawaiian islands, the Panama canal zone, Alaska and the Mexican border, we should have manv times the "number of men sta tioned that we now have. "The claim that preparedness will tempt a nation to go to war may apply to countries under a monarchial form of government, where secret diplom acy and one or two men decide the great question. In the United States, however, we have no such danger, be cause we have no secret treaties and war can only be declared by congress, composed of representatives of the people and dependent on popular ap proval. Paying Too Much Now. "Under our present system of pur chasing arms, ammunition and armor plate from great concerns operated for profit, we pay extortionate prices and build up great interests whose voice and whose influence are for war, so that they can make money. . They organize campaigns, carry on a pro paganda and lo'bby in congress for ex cessive appropriations. They favor militarism and seek to create a "great Kru'ppism in the United States. This I regard as one of the dangers of the future. I would avoid it by nationaliz ing the manufacture of arms, ammuni jjon and armor. We can make these supplies at less than we pay for them. We have already cut in two the cost of powder by erecting government factories where we now manufacture nearly half what we use in the army and navy, dovernment powder fac tories have established the cost of making powder and forced the manu facturers to reduce their bids in pro portion. Government manufacture of war munitions not only means to take away from Washington a powerful and selfish interest that may try to embroil us in war, but it means to make enormous savings in the cost of preparedness. "In the present terrible war England is an example of the lack of prepared ness socially, while a large part of Germany's strength is due to social conditions. If we would prepare our country for any great struggle we must so direct legislation and develop ment as to make people of all classes contented. We must elevate the stand ard of living. We must improve con ditions of labor. We must provide against unemployment. Opposes Militarism. "And now in conclusion let me re capitulate by saying that I do not fa vor militarism nor navalism. but I be lieve in a moderate increase in our standing army and the continued growth of our navy. I believe in the establishment of a reserve consisting of men in civil life trained, however, sufficiently t6 be called at war time into the service. I believe this body should be a training school for your.g men. I believe that the manufacture of arms, armor and ammunition should be in government factories so that preparedness for war should be a public responsibility and not a private profit." Senator Hitchcock was introduced by Chancellor Avery. The meeting was under the auspices of the univer sity. The cadets attended in a body. filling the lower floor. Commandant Parker and Senator Hitchcock were greeted with cheers by the students. ANOTHER GOOD MEETING LAST NIGHT AT THE CHURCH From SaturdaVs Daily. The meeting at the Methodist church last evening was one of the best of the series and almost in num bers exceeded the monster meeting of Thursday night, and it was necessary to open the tpworth League room in order to seat the audience, and it was with the greatest of interest that the members of the congregation followed the remarks of Rev. F. M. Druliner As a result of the efforts of the min ister there were a number to come forward and join their lives witn Christ, and which goes to swell the list of those who have taken a stand e.uring these meetings. Tomorrow will be the close of the series of re vival services and a very large crowd will doubtless be present at all of the services. CHICKEN THIEVES ARE BE COMING MORE NUMEROUS From Friday's iJaily. The south part of the city seems to have been made the scene for the operations of chicken thieves in the past few nights and a .lumber of the henroosts in that semen are shy a nirmber of their featlie:cd occupants greatly to the disgi st ol the owners of the fowls. Just who the party or parties may be has not as yet occn discovered, but it is certain that if the poultry raisers in that locality can locate the guilty ones they will be made to suffer for their shortcomings in a way that they will not soon foi- get and it will probably prc.vw a mcst costly experience for them. KATOLIGKY sokol dramatic CLUB RENDERS FINE PLAY La.t Saturday evening the Katolicky Sokol Dramatic club presented a very pleasing comedy at their hall on West Locust street before a very large audi ence of well pleased auditors. The title of the comedy was "How the Shoemaker Fooled the Devil," and the members of the company certainly ac quitted themselves in splendid shape in presenting the laughable farce. The play was given in the oBhemian lan guage and was one of the most suc cessful that has been given so far by this excellent organization and reflect ed "great credit upon the entire com pany. After th.2 play a pleasant social dance was enjoyed for several hours to the excelelnt music of the Plattsmouth orchestra under the direction of Tom Svoboda, and which was enjoyed to the utmost by the young people present. Sales bills done quickly at the Journal. WOOD AND WARD IN "TWO TRAMPS'' . Wood and Ward, two comedians, whose exceptional ability and versil ity have made them widely popular, will appear at the Parmele theater next Tuesday night, November 23, in the jolly musical comedy, "Two Merrv Tramps," in vhi:h they have im mortalized those quaint and humorous knights of the road known as 'Artie and Clarence. They will be supported by a company of bright and clever comedians and will have an additional aid of a group of petite and pleasing girls in the many songs and dances incidental to the action of the comedy The specialty features will be thor oughly un-to-date and the musical numbers will include many of thi latest songs made popular in the famous "Reviews" and "Follies" of New York. Special scsnery has been movided and the chorus costuming is new and attractive throughout. "Two-Merry Tramps" is designed to provide a first-class entertainment of fun, mirth and frivolity. It has no serious purpose, but serves a useful end in driving dull care away for a few hours in these days of general stress and anxiety. It will act as a healing salve for the wounds of trouble and care and will brighten uo the dullest and lighten up the gloomiest. IMMATURE ENGINE THAT RONS LIKE THE LARGER ONES In the window of J. W. Ciabill, the jeweler, is shown one of the most novel little engines that it has been the pleasure of anyone to view, ar.d the tiny little engine is running at full -peed and is complete in every detail as a ninature slide valve engine. Th tiny pic(c of mechanism was made by Mr. Crabill at Icasure time and is to small that it is almost overlooked in the .show window, but it is there when it comes to running. The bed of the engine is seven-sixteenths of an inch in size, the cylinders one-eighth of an inch, the flywheel is three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. The machine is a work of art and shows great skill in the making, as the different part 4 are so small as to be almost invisible to the eye, but all are as perfect a. can be found in a large machine. I is well worth seeing and those who have not saw the engine should drop around to the Crabill store and view it as it is operating in the show win dow. FORMER PLATTS MOUTH BOY IN AUTO MOBILE ACCIDENT From Saturday's Daily. The following account is given in one of the Red Lodge, Montana, pa pers of recent date, giving the details of an automobile accident in which P. II. Madsen of this city had a very narrow escape from serious injury: I'. H. Madsen and J. A. Dixon met with an automobile accident early last Monday morning while on their way to Laurel in the Madsen car They left Red Lodge shortly after midnight, with Mr. Madsen at the wheel, and ui reaching a point about half way between Joliet and Rockvale, where the road makes a sharp turn across a new culvert, the driver missed the bridge entirely and the machine pTunged into an irrigation ditch and turned upside down. The occupants managed to crawl out from under the machine and were not seriously in jured, but the car was almost a total wreck. The two men were picked up by a passing automobile and brought back to Red Lodge at break of day. Daily News Subscribers. Send your subscriptions and re newals for the Omaha Daily News to Bernese Ault, Cedar Creek, Neb., and" help a Cass county girl win the Hud son auto. $2.50 for the Daily, $3.0'J with Sunday. You get the premiums just the same and help a friend as well. Personal checks accepted. ll-18-3wks-v CASTOR 5 A For Infants and Children !ri Use For Over 30 Years Always beard the Signature of 0 ii PAST CHIEFS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. FRED RAMGE The ladies of the Past Chiefs of the Degree of Honor were entertained in a very pleasing manner at the homo of Mrs. Fred Ramge on Friday after noon, and the occasion arranged by the hostesses, Mesdames Ramge and Luella Leesley, was one that was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were fortunate enough to be present. The business session of the organization being deposed of the ladies proceeded to spend several hours very pleasantly in social conversation and their fancy work. A very dainty and tempting 5 o'clock dinner was served by the hos tesses, which came as a most delight ful climax of the pleasant afternoon. The dining room was decorated in the D. of H. colors, royal blue, and the centerpiece of the table formed by a huge bouquet of red carnations which made a very handsome appearance. Miss Edith Ramge assisted in serving and gave a number of very enjoyable musical selections during the after noon. LONGER MAN AGER OF THE OV ERLAND THEATI Glen .Mdrich Takes (her the Vaude vi'ile Circle and Will Ghe His V huie Time to the Same. When the Fmpress vaudeville was first organized it was with G!on Aid l ich as marager of the Overland an 1 the Overland Theater association was part of that organization, in fact, it was the fountair.head. Glen Aldrich found that he had to take up so much of his time looking after the busines; on the vaudeville circuit that he was away the most of the time and coul.i not cive all of his attention to the Overland theater management, I" red West was selected to manage the bouse and look after things, whic he is doing to the satisfaction of the public and those connected with th association, as Mr. AHrieh is doing with the vaudeville circuit. Mr. Aldrich found that it was bet !cr to have a free hand with the vau doviile attractions so he took over th- Empress vaudeville organization an.! will entirely divorce it, next week from the Overland Theater company and will marnrre it alone. He has taken on several more towns, among them Ottumwa. Iowa. His troupes tha start in on the circuit will have two week engagements, starting at Ottum wa, Iowa, and winding up at Falls City. Heretofore the circuit has been a short one. Mr. Aldrich contemplate? extending the circuit, so as to make it three week-. He was in Chicago the fore part of the week and secure some extra attractions and also or dered a supply of new printed matte: for the new circuit, which he wil use to adorn the billboards within the next, ten days or two weeks. Mr Aldrich is one of the best posted the atical men in the country and ha given Nebraska City lovers of good attractions some of the best there was in the country. He had the peo pie educated in this city and vicinity to know that when an attraction i billed for the Overland theater on Thursday evening that none bette could be secured in this part of the country. He pomises to maintain the standard that he has established and will bring to the Overland the- same high-class vaudeville each week that we have been given and all have long since learned to place great faith in his promises and to know he makes good. Nebraska City News. Card of Thanks. We desire to take this method of expressing our most sincere thanks to our many neighbors and friends for iheir kindly assistance; also for .the beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of our beloved brother. Olive. Horning and Brothers and Sisters. Read the want ads in the Journal t Deafness Cannot Be Cured by loral application., an thry cannot rpitch th diseased xntii of the ear. There 1 only one wuy to life deafne8, and Hint la by constitution. 1 remedies. Deufnesa la caused liy an iiuianied condition of the tnucou lining of the Eustachian Tube. When tills tube is inflamed yon have rumbling wound or iui perfect bearing, and when It is entirely closed Ih-afnesa ia the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and till j tube restored to Its normal condition, bear ing will be destroyed forever: iiine caaes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an lnU.imed condition of the mucous aurfaeea. Y will give One Hundred Dollars for any oae of leaf!icss (caused by catarrh) that cannot be curtd by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circu lars, free. F. J. CTTEXEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. v Take Halla Family Put for coaatipauca. NO II NEW HATS C. SUPPOSED BURGLARS ARRESTED NORTH OF BURLINGTON STATION Early this morning two very hard looking characters were rounded up by Officer William Wilson and Officer Alvin Jones about a miles north of the Burlington station along the tracks, and they were brought in and lodged in jail to await further examination, as it is thought perhaps they are wanted in Omaha or some of the near by towns. The third man who was with the party made his escape by running north along the tracks and into the timber, where it was im possible to find him. The three men were first noticed by Frank Brink man of the night yard force of the Purlington, who reported the matter to the police and the officers hastened to the scene where the men were re tailing themselves around a camp fire, and at the appearance of the police the two men were captured, but the third of the trio escaped in the darkness of the early morning. On searching ihe men one, giving his name as Philip Kelner, was found to be-a small-sized walking arsenel, as he had a large- sized revolver on his person, as well as a cartridge belt well filled, a flashlight, as well as a number of keys of all sizes and kinds, which looks as though the man might have been a "stickup" man in some of the cities. The second man gave the name of Carl Ross and was unarmed. They w ill be kept here until word can be sent to Omaha to learn if the men are wanted there. Af ter the arrest of the two men Sheriff Quinton was notified, and with the police started out on a search for the third member of the party, but a thorough search from the Platte river bridge to the depot failed to reveal any sign of him. GO RIGHT AT IT Friends and Neighbors in Plattsmouth Will Show You a Way. Get at the root of the trouble. Rubbing an aching back may re lieve it. But won't cure it if the kidneys are weak. You must reach the loot of it the kidneys. . Doan's Kidney 1111s go right at it; Reach the cause; attack the pain. Are recommended by many Platts mouth people. B. Brooks, Main St., Plattsmouth, ays: "I had a severe attack of kid ney Complaint, brought on by a bad cold. At times the pain extended from my back and hips into my shoulders. I cbuldn't get about and was laid up for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a 'time and I had dizzy spells, during which my sight blurred. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Gering & Co.'s Drug Store, restored my health." 1 Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kiclney remedy feet Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Brooks had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering St Co.'s Wednesday arid Satur day evenings. Examination free. - WW TuJ.. No nation on Earth has the rea son to be so profoundly thankful at this time as America. We want to join with you in properly observing this National Thanksgiving Day. Dress up! Brighten the 'corner and be thankful. Everything for the Well Dressed Man Except Shoes E. Wescott's 'EVERYBODY'S STORE. Fred Baumgart came in from his farm home west of this city Saturday to do his week-end shopping, attend to some business matters and visit with county seat friends. While here Mr. Baumgart took time to call at this office and have his subscription to the Daily Journal extended for an other year. Beware of Cheap Substitutes.' In these days of keen competition it is important that the public should see that they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and not take substit utes sold for the sake of extra profit. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has stood the test and been approved for more than forty years. Obtainable everywhere. 7 J UL4f N ' COPYRIGHT 1915 THB HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIME Ihaill isgivmg Thanksgiving has ever been home-coining time a day when all of us turn toward the family hearth, pledging Jigain, in the bounties of nature, those ties we hold most dear. Truly, this Iras been a strenuous year a year of strerneudous activity, of events crowding one upon the other with startling rapidity, and as we pause amidst the tumult, one great thought must come home to all of us Peace and the bountiful blessiDgs of peace are ours let us be thankful. This great store of service is moving steadily ahead upon the highway of progress. Old friends remain steadfastly with uy, hew friends, in greater numbers, are coming to know our greater val ues, and the satisfaction which conies only frcm faultless mer chandise, satisfaction which makes ior true thanksgiving on their iart and bur satisfaction made possible by such good merchan dise as KlJPPENHEIMfcR and SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES. NEW SHIRTS NEW HOSIERY Sons Box Social at New Hope School. The pupils and teacher of the New Hope school, two and one-half miles west and one mile south of Murray, will hold a Box Social at the school house on Friday, November 2th. Everybody invited. All ladies are re quested to bring boxes and gents their coin. Josephine Rys. ll-lG-tfd&w Dance at T. J. Sokols. The T. J. Sokol society will give a social dance on Saturday evening at their hall on West Pearl street. The public is cordially invited and a royal time assurred. Music by the Holly orchestra. f V K T