PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-TVEESIY JOURNAL. rittW-- ?nj3AJ!k COPYRIGHT 1915 5 AH Styles Ranging in price from $1.00 to $3.00 in stock all the time. The Corset icr durability and comfort. TOM SHERWOOD HAS SUED THE FRANKLIN COMPANY FOR $50,000 In Judge English's court in Omaha has been filed a suit by Thomas Sher wood against -the Franklin Construc tion company and the Belt Line rail road, in which the. plaintiff asks judg ment in the sum of $50,000 for in juries received by falling from a scaf fold at the Nicholas street viaduct, where he was engaged in painting, on July 7, 1914. Mr. Sherwood was for several years a resident of this city and had been living in Omaha only a short time when the accident occur red. He was confined in .the hospital there for several months as a result of the accident and is still affected as a result of the fail. The outcome of the case will be watched with interest by the friends of the plaintiff in this city. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS AT FAHGER'S STORE Remember th::t the Fanger Depart ment Store Retiring From I'usines.5 Sale is now going on, and every day you are losing money by not purchas ing your winter goods at this stor2. Here you wiil find Millinery, Dry Goods, Gents and Ladies' Furnish ings, Hoys and Men's Clothing, Shoes and Rubber Goods that are going at a'inost your own price. The time is limited when you can buy these goods nt this pi ic e. "THE THIEF" AN IN TERESTING PLAY AT THE GEM TUESDAY t M w m mm U Mm U V U n PHONES 53 and 54 hzz El M L.2 I zzP i Sgg L Hk THE DAYLIGHT STORE Katolicky Sokoi DRAMATIC CLUB- will give a play at their, hall on WYst Locust St.. Saturday Evening, Nov. 20 -ENTITLED- Jck Svec Ceria Napali (HOW THE SHOEMAKER FOOLED THECEVIl) Social Dance After the Play Music by the Plattsmouth Orchestra Admission 25c Children 10c DEATH DF K!SS JQSEPHIKE DBAKE AT MAS9HIC HOME LADIES OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ENTERTAINED AT GUTHMANN HOME Oid-Faahioned Dance. I'.intry Sale. The funeral of Miss Josephine Drake I was held this afternoon at - o'clock J fiom the Masonic Home, where thj I lady has been making her home for the pu-U few month.-, and the body : 'aid to re.-t in beautiful Oak Hill cc-me- ' tew. Miss Drake was a native of Ken- i i tucky, where -he was born in Jeffer ' fon county some sovtnty-nine years i ago, and she entered the Home some ' thinr like a year ago, as she! was in i.rcr health and had since made hr , horn.? in the beautiful establishment j ih:.t the Masonic order has erected : h.'rs to care for their aged and en i feel. led members and their families, , a.".d here, with the bet rnd gentlest ; f care, the lady parsed her hours. The duulh was due to the complica-'lirr-; following the advanced age of ; il t patient. I Mi-;s Drake was injured a short time j ago when sh fell while doing some 1 wo! k in h-.T rc;om at the Home, and i bad since bv-H in very serious condi tion, gradually growing worse until 'eath cam? to he?- relief. She came 1 to the Home from Nebraska City, whe:e .-die had previously resided. The home of Mrs. F. R. Guthman-i j on North Fourth street ws the rcene i of a very pleasant gathering on Tuji- iay afternoon, when the ladies of St. John's church entertained at an af ternoon coffee. The hostesses were M'-s. Guthmann and Mrs. Thomas Walling and they were assisted in entertaining by Mrs. E. J. Richcy and Misses Minnie Guthmann and Mar garet Hallahan. The ladies spent the time very pleasantly and the refresh ments seived during the afternoon were most dainty and delicious. The attendance was quite large, there be ing over IOC present to take part in the pleasant gathering, and the event i will be most pleasantly remembered by those fortunate enough to be present. On next Tuesday at the Gem thea ter, matinee and night, will be shown the great drama of Henri Bernstine. "The Thief," which in its production on the stage aroused the greatest in terest and scored one of the greatest sensations of years. This is the masterpiece of M. Bernstine, and is a play whose intenseness grips the audience from start to finish. The story is one of the weakness of wom an and the faithfulness and adoration of a young man for a woman older than he. The heroine, a young wom an of weak character, but with an infinite capacity for love, has center ed her affections upon a man of so cial position. Without beauty or wealth she has no means of attract ing his attention, and in order 10 make herself desirable in his eyes, she steals large sums of money from her friends with which she buys beauti ful clothes. The losses are discovered and the theft laid at the door of a young man, who knowing the truth, remains silent to shield her. That very love which had first led he astray has ennobled her and strength ened her character, and in an intense climax she confesses her guilt, anl with her lover starts life anew along the right way. Dorothy Donnelly, cieator of the role of "Madame X' appears in the role of the thief. NOW IS TIME TO GET YOUR WINTERWEAR AT YOUR OWN PRICE Everyone reads the want ads. There will be another old-fashioned The Helpers i f the? Christian chucn dance given by the Redmen at their v --"ill boh', a Pantry Sale at tho Popular hall on lower Main street on Saturday Variety Store Saturday, Xovembe;- evening, November 20th. A good time -"th. is in store for all who attend. Old- fashioned music will be provided fo- Come to The Journal for fine sta- ihe occasion. tionery. Wren baby surfers with eczema or ; orne itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. f0e a box at all stores. Everyone reans the want ads. I ,1 BIG CLOSING OUT SALE OFiSSS Furniture, Carpets Rugs! i We are XOV closing out our entire line of Furniture, Carpets and Kugs in the massive stock of M. Hild, at a discount of tr jier cent. Everything in this great stock will go at these prices. This is one of the finest lines of house furnishing goods ever before offered to the public at such prices, liemember this is a bona fide saving to you of 25 per cent, on any article in the house. Good clean stock to select from. THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS! If you need Furniture or Household Furnishings of any kind, or will lie in need in the near future, this is certainly the time to buy. IJeinember this sale is for CASH ONLY I 1 0 ) Watch Your Children Often children do not lt parents know they arc constipated. They fear some thing distasteful. They will like lcexall Orderlies a mild laxative that tastes like Bugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. 4. A. ....... . . .-,..-.-.--., 57 FT n mi Relish es A tasty asfortment of Fur- g j nishing Goods that will whet f your appetite to be well and ? appropriately dressed. f Y A clear concoction of fair deal- ? ing, good value for every nickel X spent with us. j Soups Ent rees A LAMM Suitor Overcoat that permits of a dressing of style and elegance, garnished with the flavor, whose quality will linger when the price will haue become a thiDg of the past. Vegetables All that's seasonable in Men's Wear is on display at our store. Desserts As a tempting after-Mtwe de sire! to announce that , we will be open on Thursday morning. This Thankfully provides the opportunity for you to secure a stylish outfit for Thanksgiving. m The Furniture Fsfian j Plattsmouth, Nebraska j V HOLLY -GL.NTS OUTFITTER This cold snap of the past few days oucrht to remind you of the many bar trains that you can now find at the Fan pre r Department Store Retirin From l'usiness Sale. It no doubt re minds you of the fact that you are in need of the goods, and here we want to tell you again that you can save more money by buying at this store now than ever before, for we must sell the entire line within the next few days, or we will be compelled to move all that remains. We prefer to lose money now in preference to moving the goods at a greater loss, and this is your opportunity to gain and save many dollars in your winter pur chases, and at the same time supply your entire family with their winter wearing apparel. Bear in mind that this stock will be at your disposal only a short time longer. We have been selling this line very rapidly, but it takes time to dispose of such an enormous stock of goods. The Cora Husking Season is On! We carry a complete line of Pegs, Hooks, Gloves, Mittens, r Telephone 151 uaflob South Sixth St. :-m-w-w-'--:m-:":m Rings for I Everybody! Under All Circumstances. In every sickness it is essential to uphold the vital strength of the pati ent under all circumstances. If the strength is steadily decreasing there is very little hope for recovery, but, if we can stop this deprease and start some increase, we should never lose hope. One of the most dependable remedies, for the strengthening of the digestive organs, is Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which, in the first place, will clean out the in testines from waste matter and keep them clean, and, in the second place, will strengthen their muscles to per form their duty regularly. This rem edy will aid in cleaning the blood, strengthening the nerves, improving the digestion. At drug stores. Price $1.00. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois. To rub the body with Triner's Lini ment means to banish pains, swellings, strains, means to strengthen the mus cles after a violent exercise. Price 25c and 50c, postpaid 35 and 60c. Lost. An Automobile Jack and two wrenches about 10 inches long; the wtenches are broad and flat, one used for removing rims. Lost between the farm of Mrs. Peter Perry and my home Monday morning. Liberal re ward for their return. Glen Perry, Plattsmouth. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa tbpy cannot peach the dlseawd lotion of the ear. There U only vae way to c-fre deafness, and that Is by constitution al remedies. leafnes is caused by an lnnamed condition of the mucous lining- of the Kustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you naTe a rumblinn sound or Imperfect bearing, and when It is entirely closed Deafness la the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out or ief are caused br Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucona We will ie One riundred Dollars for any case of neofe (canned by catarrh! that nnnrt be cured by Hall s- Catarrh ure. -Send w circu lars, freet p CF1ENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take HU' FisnU rills for conitlptUon, Great Christmas Stock! Kings are the gifts which women like, perhaps best of all. J We are displaying the finest .j. assortment of ring's that was ever shown in Platts- mouth. If jour mind is made ,. up cn any particular style of X ring which we do not hap- pen to have in stock we can 4 easily make it up for you. I B. A. ricElwain, i Jeweler, Plattsmouth L " HEAR THE GRAFANOLA f 5 X :-xh:,,--:w:-:"-'::-:: T. H. POLLOCK Real Estate Insurance Farm Loans Buick-Dealer Office and Salesroom RILEY BLOCK Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth CSS 5 Table Linens for Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is one of the special days when the house keeper displays with just pride her finest Table Linen. This list of a few of our choice numbers will sutfrTest how complete our stocks and how varied: (ALL LINEN) 72-inch Linen Tulip pattern, yard, $1.00; 18xl8-inch Nap kins to match, dozen $3.00. 72-inch Linen, yard $1.23; 18xl8-inch Napkins to match, dozen $325. 61x80 Hemstitched Cloth; 18x18 Napkins jjg QQ 64x64 Hemstitched Cover; 18x18 Napkins (jjtj QQ 64x84 Hemstitched Cover; 18x18 Napkins (jjy QQ 81x81 Scalloped Cover; 15x15 Scalloped Napkins Q g Q to match. Luncheon Set tp7ivr Table Cloths! 68-inch Cloth, new pattern, yard 50c 72-inch Linens, yard 75c, 90c. $1.00, $1,25, $1 35, $1 50, $1 75 68x68 Scalloped Cover $485 36x36 Hemstitched Cover 2 50 42x42 " " 300 Napkins "'' - 15x15 Scalloped, dozen $5.00 15x15 Hemstitch, dozen 4.00 154xl52 Tea Napkins, dozen 1-50 19x19 Damask, K dozen 1-00 18x18 German Linen, hemmed ready for use, dozen . . . 2.00 Value! Quality! Service!