THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1915. PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. GOVERNOR'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION Calling Upn the People of Nebraska to Observe Thursday, November 23, as Day to Return Thanks. From Tuesday's Daily. In a government of free and inde pendent people, prosperous by reason of their devotion to their daily toil, Messed beyond measure by the out pouring of the gifts of God, it is most appropriate that a day of general thanksgiving be observed. In setting apart a day for this purpise, I deem it expedient to mention some very im portant facts for which the people of this state have reason to be grateful. This is an annual custom, and I feel that no day of the year should be more conscientiously and sincerely observed. Everyone should give thanks to the Great Creator of all things for the Messing of health, prosperity an.l peace with all nations of the earth. We have reached a period in the his tory of our nation with the education and intelligence of our people, that we are fully qualified to pass in an im f assionate way upon all questions per taining to the good of our country. The people are no longer carried away by sensational leaders, but think calmly and sanely before they act. While Europe is being depopulated of ! er yourg men in the most destructive war in the history of the world, our people have shown a conservative at titude in helping the men who serve them in a public way out of foreign complications and to adjust our dif ferences without resort to force. The people of Nebraska have many tea sons to congratulate themselves on the bountiful crop of 1P1T. The in clustria! conditions of the state are splendid, and the state ha no financial obligations unpaid; we have nearly ten millions of good securities in our state treasury, drawing 5 per cent interest, ' rir.sring an annual income of some .v'.no.OOO into our public schools and educating our children and qualifying then: for citizenship: guaranteeing to the state the administration of our public affairs in an intelligent way a it will be governed by an intel ligent people. As chairman of the banking board. I can report a splendid condition of nearly eight hundred state banks, with a dt posit of more than a hundred mil- 1'ou dollars; and but a very few fail t:rc-s, and these of a small amount vithin the past fifteen years, a record v hk-h is not equaled by any state in the- union. The condition of the barks a barojneter to the real industrial conditions of the country. Also as chairman of the board of c-ducational lands and funds, I can re port an increased value of the many acres of school lands, and many new substantial school buildings in most all the counties of the state. Wi'.h the state institutions in splen did financial condition and in control of superintendents who are ever mindful of the great responsibility to the unfortunate people under their charge, the united efforts of all to laise the moral standard and to bette conditions. I feel that of all the years, none have been more prosperous or more deserving of united thanks of all the people than 1915. Therefore,. I ask the people of our great and beloved state to stop on the day designated, and realizing their good fortune in being citizens of such a noble country and such a splendid state, to remove hate and jealousy from their hearts am! give thanks to the Creator for these blessings. In accordance with the proclamation of the president of the United States, a custom long established and by the power vested in me, I set apart the 25th day of November as Thanksgiv ing day. John II. Morehead, Governor of Nebraska. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IN BOISE, IDAHO From Tuesday's Datl. The iloise (Idaho) Statesman of Sunday, October 31st, gives the de tails of an event that was filled with interest to the residents of Platts mouth and Cass county, and especially those who were living here in year. gone by, as it gives the details of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. llolloway, who are now making their home in Boise and are meeting with great success in their new home. The llolloway family were for years among the most prominent in the city. The article in the Statesman was ac companied by a large and handsome ut of the two estimable people. Mr. end Mrs. llolloway were married at Ottumwa, Iowa, October 26, 1863. CAN'T SHOOT DUCKS ON THE MISSOURI RIVER xrom Tuesday's Dallr. The season when the festive hunter grabs his trusty shotgun and hastens out to answe the call of the wild an.1 make a target of the birds of the duck specie is now upon us, and large num bers of the hunters are going out each day with varying success. The more experienced hunters have been able to secure a good many very fine ducks, but the greater number of the hunters have only the experience to boast of- The Platte has been well fillet! with the game birds this year and here the greater part of the hunting is done, although occasionally a more fearless hunter will venture out on the Missouri river in violation of the fed eral law and attempt to snag a few of the feathered beauties, but these are exceptions. WILL BE SOMETHING DOING AS SOON AS MACHINERY ARRIVES From Wednesday's Dally. There will be something doing in the proposition of attempting to lo cate an oil well in this county as soon as possible, if Mr. C. H. Duker, who has been here looking over the land, tan secure the well machinery which has been in use at Tarkio. Missouri, for the past two months. The ma chinery will be moved as soon as th-? state geologist of Missouri can vis;t Tarkio and inspect the well. To locate the well in this county Assistant State Geologist Schramm of Lincoln will be on hand and visit the different farms with a view of determining the o-.c where the soil formation and general condition seem most favorable for the location of the well. Mr. Baker, the promoter, expects to make all efforts to see that the possibilities as to there being a paying oil well in this county is thoroughly investigated and every effort made to give it a thorough working out. The proposition ha awakened a great deal of interest and the citizens will watch the result with the greatest interest. OMAHA YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED HERE TODAY From Wedrfpilays nsllv. This morning two young people ar rived from Omaha, being brought here by automobile, and at one? sought the court house, where they secured a marriage license entitling them to be united in the bonds of wed lock. They gave their names as Aug ust Roget, aged 21, and Miss Gertrude Barry, aged 18. Following the is suance of the license the young peo ple inquired as to the whereabouts of a justice of the peace and sought tho office of Judge M. Archer, where th-i krot was tied, and the voting people returned to Omaha, where they wi'l make their home. They exp'Vt to be married later in that city at a churc'i wedding in accordance with the wishes of the bride. JESSE LONG SUFFERS A RELAPSE AT HOSPITAL From Wednesdays TJaPv. A message was received today by Mr. and Mrs. Watson Long announc ing that their son. Jesse, who is at tit. Joseph's hospital in Omaha, wa ; developing what seemed to be a case of pneumonia, and Mr, Lonfr departed, this afternoon to be at the bedside of his son. The young man had been operated on for an affection of the spine and seemed to be doing nicely, as he was able to be around on crutches, and it had been expected to bring him heme next Saturday, but from the message from the hospital it is feared that pneumonia is setting in on him, which, in his weakened con dition, may prove quite serious. "A FOOL THERE WAS" AT THE GEM LAST EVENING From Wednesday Dally. The management of the Gem thea ter certainly had their share of grief yesterday afternoon and last evening in the presentation of the photo pic ture play, "A Fool There Was," as at the matinee the picture machine broke and made it necessary to trans fer the matinee performance to the Grand, and the film not being inspect ed before leaving Omaha was in bad shape and caused a number of break? in the presentation, but the pictures were a3 fine as any that have been shown in this city. HON. E. M. POL LARD CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR Mr. Pollard Defines His Position on Many Matters of Interest to the People. From 'Wednesday's Dallv. Nehawka, Neb., Nov. 10, iM". Mr. S. C. Bassett. Gibbon, Neb. My Dear Mr. Bassett: In keepin with my promise to you in my recent letter. I will discuss briefly the pre? er.t situation of the farmers in Ne braska and my plan for improving their condition. As you know, I graduated from the State University some twenty years ago and have since lived on and oc cupied a farm here at Nehawka. Pur ing these years I have been a student of agricultural conditions. I have been in close touch with the state ex periment station at Lincoln. During my service in congress. I served on the rgricultural committee of the house which appropriated all monies used bv the U. S. department of agriculture. I am familiar with not only what our state experiment station, but the U. S. department of agriculture is doing for the advancement of agriculture, ten sequently 1 fully appreciate the im portance of agriculture and the po? sibilities of its development. It is an established fact that agri culture in Kuropo, where land has been under cultivation for centuries, is much more productive than in the U S. In central Kuropc one acre of land produces so much or more than two acres in Nebraska. This is true, not withstanding we have very little land that has been under cultivation for more than fiTty years. Much of ou. land is scarcely removed from its vir gin state, yet it produces on an aver age hardly half as much as in centra! Europe. Their soil naturally no more fertile than ours. Its increascl trod ucti veness is due to intense cultivation and the annliealion of scientific methods. Taking into ac count the value of our farms when based upon the price they bring whe! offered for sale, our land does not net the farmer a fair return on his invest iiCnt. The farmer should come to realise these fr.?ts. lie encounters various obstacles that to him seem in surmountable. To illustrate: The promise of a phenominal yield of tvlncit ftrvr At--t rnvP'l l- :1 visitil- tion of the black rust or the He-ssien fly. The pro-pect of a bumper e;o of com is often blighted by the lac'; of rainfall in July. Accordi: to th report of the state board of agri lulture. last year the farmers of Ne braska lost from disease 41.000 horse::, l.'.Ot) mules, mi!?-h cows. 1J, 000 other cattle. 12.000 h?cp and 700,- 00O hoes. Losses in live stock alone last year reached the sum of eleven and one-half million do,Tars The three instances cited i er resent the most striking losses that recur to the farmer almost every year. What shad we do about it ? How can these great losses be stopped? Can nothing be done to prevent this gi eat waste? It is quite appa crt that the farmer individually has a problem here that he is unable to solve. In the business world, corporations maintain, us a permanent part of their plant, a laboratory equipped with th. most modern appliances and under the direction of a corps of the best ex perts and scientists that money can secure. These experts and scientist? are engaged in testing new devices, working out improved method:? to pre vent waste and to improve the general efficiency of the plant. The purpose is to make every dollar of expenditure produce the greatest possible returns. Collectively, the farmers of Ne braska have an investment in their farm of almost a billion and a ha!; of -ollars. There is no corporation in the United Slates with anywhere near this amount of capital invested. Not withstanding this billion and a half investment inagrieulture, the farmers individually arc without a laboratory anil ure unable to employ scientists or experts to seek ways and means to prevent this great annual lss.1. .-. The difficulty arises from the fact: that the gross income from the average -farm in Nebraska is insufficient to employ the services of even one scientist or expert to work out these problems. The farmer has neither the time, th,?' facilities, nor the scientific training to enable him to solve these problems himself. We have at Lincoln at the state ex periment station, an extensive la boratory, already in existence, under the direction of trained experts and skilled scientists who are engaged in a limited way in a study of the prob lems of the farmer. The state ex periment station should be given ample funds to secure more trained eicentists and experts to prosecute this work. I believe that a way can be found to overcome the ravages of the Hessian fly and the black rust in our wheat; that cultural methods can be ivorkedput that will re&uce.j&e.shrink ing.of the corn crop through lack of moisture and that a la'rgepVrcentage of the losses due to disease in our live stock can be prevented. Individually, the farmer is unable to do this. Col lectively, working through the state experiment station, I believe a remedy can be found. The laboratory at the slate experiment station is the farm er's laboratory. It should bear th same relation to the farmer as the corporation's laboratory bears to the corporation. The farmer oucht to re alize that, a well equipped laboratory is as important to him as to the cor porrtion. He ought to understand that this laboratory is maintained through taxation for the soel purpose of study ing farm problems. Do should demand that these laboratory experts and scientists enter upon an enthusiastic r.tudy of questions that cause him such a great loss. Nebraska as a state is in the fore front of all the piogressive states in 'he urion. The progressive laws o:-.r neighboring states ure seeking to en act are already written into law i.'i Nebraska, and for the most part by the republican party. The state gov crrmeirt should now direct its atten tion towards building up our one great industry agriculture. We shoul 1 enter upon a constructive program in dustrially. Kural credit ! 'ti.slat ion should be en acted. A law should be passe authorizing the formation of farmers' co-operative associations whereby tlu farm rs can pledge thtir land, their grain, or their live stock ns security for borrowing money, Large industrial concerns under ie-s secuiity are able to borrow large sums of money run ning into the hundreds of thousand, ot dollars for 4 to 5 per cent interest, while the laimer pays from 7 to ! per cent interest for his money. This i.; due to the fact that the amount ht borrows i; from to ?5,000.o. while the industrial concern borrows anywhere fiom .30,000.o0 to $300. OPO.OO Through co-operation th farmer might to be rlie to make loan? of large amounts. When they do th;--, thev can secure rr.onev at the smv.e i ate as industrial concerns. The merchant, the banker and'thi? professional man are all depende::! upon agriculture. They prosper only as the farmer prospers. Agriculture is the foundation of all our industrial life. IJusine.-s men in the cities are in '.crested equally with the farmer i l the dcveiopnur.t of agtku!'U:? to the highest degree of efficiency possible. Notwithstanding the fact that th. people pay in tarts ?4 .00 per mik for the maintenance of th.- public high ways, the reads of Nebraska are a dis grace to her citizens. Under proper treatment o"r roads are easily con verted into model highway?. The con tinuous use of the split loy el rag at the proper time will give Nebraska th. bct and the cheapest roads of any state in the Union. A law should be enacted creating highway engineers t -supervise the construction and th maintenance of the highways. A severe penalty should be provide 1 :;gaiust t;on-f ulfillment of duty. F.xcepting rural credit and good roads legislation referred to, my pro gram calls for no new legislation. We ::1 ready have the state experiment sta tion and the farmers' laboratory is a part of it. We only need to appropriate sufficient funds to equip this labora tory with proyer facilities and man it with experts and scientists of the highest order. We should then de mand that they enter upon a carefr.l study of these problems. When : solution is reached, it should be given o th farmer by the state. A great deal is being written upon ihe question of keeping our boye an I girls on the fam. This can best hi accomplished by adding to the equip-; incut and to thr? corps of experts at the state experiment station, in order that these farm losses may not only be prevented, but that, the productive ness of Nrbraska farms may be in creased. It is important that these pi-oblems rhould be solved, but it is more important that the solution when established should be car ried to the farmer in order that he may profit by it. When we increase the income of the farmer, we auto matically increase the income of every'j family in the state. .When the farm ers' income is increased, he begins to add more of the comfort of life to his home. The rose garden and the well kept lawns will naturally follow. Fur- ace heat and electric lights will be found in his home. When to these things are added the convenience and the comforts of the automobile, th question of keeping the boys and girls on the farm will be solved.' ' " ; The slate should display a greater interest in our public schools. Modern rules and regulations governing sani tation in our public schools should b worked out and enforced. We should see that the boys and girls of today who pre to become the men and wom en of tomorrow .receive their educa-j tion in a proper environment. Thj BE l '"If m-yuiuimj. n in i ss state superintendent of public instruc tion should be required by law to sub mit to the various school boards of the state plans for beautifying th-? school grounds and furnishing the -.cheol rooms with ample ventilation und light. We should not only be con cerned in the mental development of our boys and gitls, but we should also provide for their health and cultivate the esthetic taste through beautifying the school premises. All these things tend to cultivate a taste for the high er and nobler things in life. Should it be my good fortune to he nominated and elected Governor of Nebraska, it shall be my purpose to lead in a movement looking towards the betterment of farm life in Ne braska anel the inauguration of a con structive policy for the industrial de velopment of the state. Very truly vours. ERNEST M. POLLARD. "FRECKLES" RENDERED BY A GOOD COMPANY Wnm viefiav' txti The performance of "Freckles" las. evening at the Parmele theater was very pleasing to the small audience and the company presenting the at traction was excellent in their re spective roles and won the audience by the pleasing manner in which they presented this charming woodland pastor comedy drama. The company carried excellent settings for the show and gave a number of very tuneful meloelies throughout the performance that added greatly to the charm of the play. One of the leading figures in the drama was that of Grace Mac Gregor, who took the part of "Mrs Duncan, and tarle Koome as "Freckles." while Peggy Appell as the "Angel" was verv winsome ane charming in her part in the perform mice. Taken as a whole the play was first-class and much better than othe companies that have appeareel here in the same attraction. INCREASED PASSENGER RATES ON THE M. P. from Tus1hv Dai I v. New intrastate passenger tariffs on the Missouri Pacific railroad in Nebraska, effective Wednesday, have been received at the Omaha offices Installation of the new rates on intra state business will hi no wise affect Ihe present interstate or "through traffic, not- wtfl it apply to Platts mouth, Nebraska City and Falls City to Omaha, travel. These three cities are competitive points, so far as tho Missouri Paesific is concerned, and no change will be made in the prevailing rate. Railroad officials declare that in lo case will the increase exceed 1 cent ulc, or tho total 3 cents per mile Meetings Continue This Week. Prom Tuesday's Dally. The meetings at the Methodist church will be continued all this. week with meetings on Tuesday, Wednes day, Thursday and Friday evenings. Saturday there will be ho service and a monster meeting will be arranged for Sunday night. The week will bring the pastor into touch With a great many mere who have not as yet made thsir decision on their position in re gard to the religious life. F OR SALE Duroc-Jersey boars. In quire of A. W. Smith, one mile west of Plattsmouth. 11-18-tfw Real Overcoats BZZ3SSESCHSSS I f Jl , I To be tsure you can buy overcoats, but such over coats as we are showing tliie season at $lf. if 17 and $20 are rarely found. Donnybrook PJaids, Norman dy Checks and Hudder Clolsh in either loose or close fitting coats, single or double breasted. Kvery one guaranteed. Beautiful silk lined coats $Lf to $40. Your eeiipe of style and economy both gratified. See ouf 5th Street Mackinaw window. New Imperial Stripes and Military Flannels just received by express C. E. Wescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S IPlSeS FSTULA Pay After You Are Cured A mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistuli and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. OR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha. THE CASE OF DR. E. W. COOK VS. LAWRENCE STULL A transcript in the case of Dr. E. W. Cook vs. C Lawrence Stull ha-; been filed in the district court, in which the defendant is appealing from the judgment given in the justice court, and in the answer the special items are set forth by the plaintiff. The suit is to recover the sum of ?15'2, together with interest at 7 per cent for medical services from August 1, 1J02, to July 31, 1911. The services rendered were to the defendant and Alva Stull. The case will be heard at the coming term of the district court. Charles Schwab, one of the leading larmers from southeast of Murray, was in the city today for a few- hours looking after some trading with the merchants. Is there anything more enjoyable than a good wearing suit? Aud the thought of combining good hard wear, style and proper fit, is also a pleasing one isn't it CLOT HC RAFT will find satisfactory in every service particular there fore, the kind you will enjoy. $10.00 to Philip -emwi Manhattan Skirts Stetson Hats STORE." Getting Along Nicely. William Kinnamon, who was injure I somewhat in the fight last Saturday night with his brother, is getting along nicely and showing signs of soon being able to be around, although he is still stiff and sore from the ef fects of the battle and his wounds have given him e-onsiderable annoy ance, but it is thought that they will not do him any permanent injury. Notice, Relief Corps! All members of McConihie Post N:. r0. Woman's Relief Corps, are notilied that the inspector will hold an inspec tion of the Corps rn Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock sharp.. All members urged to be present. Q. K. Parmele and son, Mural, were among those going to Omaha this afternoon to spend a few hours. n-irn n Trnrn-f'Siii' tin mm Clothes Enjoyment! CLOTHES are the kind you The price $20.00 Car hart Overalls Hansen Gloves