The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 15, 1915, Image 1

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Net Utah Historical Ssoc
NO. 44.
Only Six Weeks Till Christmas, and
Our Merchants Should Begin
to Hustle for Trade.
The days and weeks slipping: by are
fast bringing us to that period of the
year when the world takes on the holi
day festivities, and from Thanksgiving
day on until the dawning of the new
year there will be many occasions of
a festive nature, and chief of these
will be Christmas, which is now only
six weeks away, and from now on the
celebration of this event will be
brought more and more to mind, as
well as the plans and desires to pur
chase gifts and remembrances for
loved one and friends, and this brings
to mind the advisability of doing the
Christmas shopping early, and also
doing it at home with the home mer
chants. The stores are preparing now their
plans for the holiday season, when
they will offer to the public the many
dainty and useful articles that are
appropriate as gifts, and these will be
advertised so that the public can be
made aware of what is in store in the
different stores, and from these lists
the Christmas shopper can easily
make up their mind what is desired
and will be appropriate for the differ
ent members of the family.
The suggestions put forth in the
newspaper advertisements gives one
the idea of the manner of goods car
ried in the establishments of the mer
chants that can be purchased for gifts.
The earlier the shopping is looked af
ter the greater the opportunity of se
curing something better is offered, as
the stocks before being looked over
will offer a greater variety to select
from, and so by doing the shopping
as early as possible there is much time
saved and the worry and fretting that
the putting off of the job occasions
may be avoided.
The clerks in the various stores will
also hail the early shopper with pleas
ure, as they take a great burden from
their minds when in the rush of the
last week or ten days they have a
store full of customers constantly to
look after and are required to labor
long into the night looking after the
wishes of their customers.
It is still quite a space of time until
the holiday rush commences, but the
wise man or woman will watch the ad
vertising and be among the first to
pet their selections made for the holi
day season.
Quite a number of civil matters
have been filed in the country court
today which will be threshed out be
fore Judge Beeson.
Betts & Venner of Eagle have filed
a suit against Joseph G. Sack, asking
for a judgment for the sum of $200
on a note issued November 28, 1911,
together with interest to date. Thi
note was renewed on January 15, 1915
by a note signed by I. A. and J. G.
Stock, due September, 1915. and this
is also sued by the plaintiffs to re
cover judgment for $200. C. A. Rawls
of this city appears a3 attorney for
the plaintiffs. ,
Andrew F. Sturm of Nehawka has
brought suit against Thomas F. Jame
son, asking for a judgment in the sum
of $210, together with interest, on e
note made February 20, 1913.
A petition was filed in the county
court asking that a guarian be ap
pointed for Henry W. Gilbert, incom
petent, of Elmwood. Mr. Gilbert is
an old soldier and 81 years of age and
receives from the government a pen
sion of $270 a year, which the petition
ers, Marvin E. Gilbert and Mrs. Etta
Skeen, two of his children, allege he
spends recklessly. The petition asks
for the appointment of C. S. Aldrich
as guardian.
M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Geringr & Co.'s Wednesday and Satur
day evenings. Examination free.
Prom Friday's Dally.
A. C. Carey, residing on a farm
southwest of this city, was in today
and brought with him several fine ripe
strawberries which he gathered this
morning at his home, and with the real
winter-like weather prevailing it is
quite an unusual occurrence to be able
to gather such fine specimens of this
lucious fruit at this time of year. Mr,
Carey also had with him a fine large
squash of his own raising which tipped
the scales at 35 pounds, and a four
pound turnip, and these fine speci
ments of Nebraska vegetables are as
fine as any we have had the pleasure
of seeing so far this season.
From Friday' Dally.
Last evening a very pleasant 7
o'clock birthday dinner was enjoyed at
the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Dovey on the occasion of
the nineteenth birthday anniversary
of their son, Charles Dovey. The
event had been arranged by Mrs.
Dovey and daughters, Mrs. G. H.
Falter and Mrs. J. W. Falter, and was
an entire surprise to the young man,
in whose honor the dinner was given,
and the occasion was one of the rarest
pleasure. The table was arranged
very charmingly in a color scheme of
pink and white with a handsome
centerpiece of ferns, and here the
delectable repast was served by Miss
Edith Dovey and Mrs. George H.
Faker, sisters of the young man. In
remembrance of the happy event
Charles received a number of very
handsome gifts. Those who were pres
ent to enjoy the pleasures of the even
ing were: Arthur White, R. F. Pat
terson. Harris Cook, George H. Falter,
John W. Falter, Byron Arries and
George E. Dovey.
From Saturday's Daily.
The farmers in the vicinity of Weep
ing Water are certainly preparing to
do a great deal of work in the build-
ng line, as the following from the
Weeping Water Republican of this
week shows. There is a fine and pros
perous community surrounding that
city and the farmers show the right
spirit in boosting the building idea:
There is lots of building going on
among the farmers these days. J. M.
Raney, south of town, is completing a
large cron crip with granery above,
cattle shed on one side and tool and
work shed on the other side. . The
building will be equipped with gaso
line engine and all the modern ele
vators for handling grain.
N. C. Klepser. six miles southwest
of town, is finishing the cellar and
foundation this week for his new
L. A. Hay, two miles south of town,
is hauling material this week for a
new modern hog house which will be
20 by 24 feet, built of cement blocks
with the new patent sunshine win
dows. Peter Olesen. two miles west of
town, is hauling material for a new
double corn crib with graneries above.
The building will be 28 by 36 feet, and
equipped with the most modern drag
feed and cup elevator. The cribbing
used on the building will be surfaced
with white pine, beveled edges.
H. P. Christensen, west of town, who
lost his large bam and contents last
week by fire, is hauling material to
replace the building, which was 38 by
58 feet. The same foundation will be
repaired and used.
Jack Philpot, northeast of town, is
building a large barn 50 by 70 feet. It
takes two cars of lumber for the build
J. M. Teegarden is building a new
corn crib on the farm where Henry-
Ash lives, northwest of town.
Paints and
Oils. Gering & Co.
'Phone 36.
The Proposition Is to Organize a
Circuit Including the Local League
Teams of Omaha.
From Frldav's Dally.
The base ball fans of this city next
season may have the opportunity of
seeing some first class exhibitions of
the national pastime if the plans pro
posed are carried out by the team here
and the Geater Omaha league of
amateur base ball players. The Oma
ha organization would seem to be quite
strong for the formation of a circuit
of the towns adjacent to Omaha in
which there are good paying ball
teams and where the Omaha teams
could play on Sundays during the sea
f.on with the local teams. The teams
which have been looked upon with
favor so far are Plattsmouth, Blair
nd Atlantic and Glenwood, Iowa, and
these are all first-class cities where
the game has "been a most successful
With the Greater Omaha teams as
an attraction the patronage should be
much stronger in this city, and if the
team is anyways as good as it was in
the season just closed they will give
any of the teams a run for their
money, and with the added feature of
a league organization the boys would
play a mighty stiff game for the whole
season. The proposition looks good
to the Omaha teams, as they are al
ways sure of good crowds, and the
money received from the games for
either the winner or loser is not to
be passed up by any team. If the ar
rangements are made with the league
it is probable that the money basis will
be divided on an equal share of the
gate receipts, which would prove
much more satisfactory all season
through for the teams.
In the middle of the season the en
trance of Plattsmouth into the Great
er Omaha organization was discussed,
but at that time it could not be ar-
anged satisfactorily, but with the
winter season ahead to plan and
formulate ideas along the lines of that
proposed there is no good reason why
it cannot be made a great success in
every way and tne tans certainly
ought to be pleased with it. as it gives
assurance of some mighty fast ball be
ing played.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last Saturday a business change
was made in Union whereby Charles
H. Dysart sold his grocery and dry
goods business to R. D. Stine. The
store was invoiced and turned over to
Mr. Stine on Monday morning.
Mr. Dysart has been a citizer- of
Union practically all his life and we
feel that we are losing one of our
most worthy business men. Before
entering in the business world for him
self, Mr. Dysart clerked for Frans &
Nickols, who conducted a general mcr-
chadise store here. He has been in
business for himself in Union for the
past five years, and was one of the
unfortunates in the fire here last
spring, where he lost practically all
of his stock of goods.
Mr. Stine is no new man in Union,
cs he has been in and around Union all
his life. On the first of last January
he opened up a poultry business here
and has made good with it and will
conduct it in the future the same as he
has in the past. Mr. Stine will adhere
strictly to business principles in his
new store and the public may rest as
sured of a square deal from every
angle. Mr. Stine's daughter will as
sist him in the store.
We wish to bid Mr. Dysart pros
perity and health in whatever he un
dertakes and we feel sure that he will
have both.
To Mr. Stine we bid a hearty wel
come and wish him all the success in
the world in his new venture. Union
A want ad in the Journal will bring
I results.
Our neighboring city, Nebraska
City case grew out of the fact of the
auto drivers who navigate their cars
while under the influence of liquor,
and on Wednesday one was handed a
package of $25 and costs by County
Judge Bishoff for this offense, which
is against the state law covering auto
mobile drivers. There is no objection
offered to the men drinking if they
so desire, but when they are running
an automobile they are liable to
seriously injure someone else who is
an innocent party to the affair or a
passenger in their car. The Nebraska
City cas grew out of the fact of the
driver of one machine running into
another car and damaging it in bad
shape. The drivers of autos should
see that their machines are carefully
stowed away before accumulating
more wet goods than they can handle
From a message received from
Notre Dame, Indiana, the news was
conveyed of the serious injury in that
place on Thursday, November 4th, of
George Halmes, of Weeping Water,
who is attending school there at the
Notre Dame university. The young
man was engaged in football practice
and in the scrimmage he -was unfor
tunate enough to have his left leg
broken just above the ankle, which
will lay him up for some time. George
is one of the second year men at the
university and has bee.T very much in
terested in the work of the football
squad and his accident is most unfor
tunate, as it will prevent his having
any part in the work on the gridiron
this year. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholas Halmes of Weeping
Water and is well known to a great
many of the residents of this city.
A Big Program Wednesday Night,
November 17, and Don't
Forget the Date.
From Saturday's Dany.
The grouch who feels that the world
is all of a deep indigo blue and who
has not been able to exericse his pense
of humor for years ought to prepare to
be present at the Parmele theater on
Wednesday evening next, when the
big Empress vaudeville attractions
will visit our city, as the bill for th
coming week is one of laughter from
start to finish and there is not a dull
moment in it, but almost one continu
ous laugh and interspersed with new
and popular song hits.
DeVol & Dayton, two of the clever
est eccentric dancers on the stago to
day, are carded among the headliners
on the bill, and their cleverness caii
not be spoken of too highly by those
who have had the privikge of seeing
them. Bert Wiggins & Co. have i
mirth-provoking sketch, "A Trip to
Joy Street," which is pronounced as
being simply great in every way, and
a feature that cannot but produce the
happiest feeling with everyone. Paul
Bowers, better known as "The Human
Freight," is another of the assassins
of sorrow, contributing to the ge;i.-rai
joyousness of the bill Wednesday, and
the geat feature of the thow will be
that of Creighton, Belmont & Creigh
ton, the greatest trio on the vaude ill
stage on any circuit, and their work
in presenting "The Mastedon Min
strels" is such as to win for them new
laurels in the Tealms of comedy. -
ThTe high standard of the Empress
brand of vaudeville has proves t !;-
ight to the theater goers of tha city,
and those who are not in Uie habit of
attending these shows on each Wed
nesday evening should get busy with
out further loss of time, as they are
passing up one of the best amuse
ment features ever shown here.
He Finds No Pleasure in a Town That
Is Prosperous and the People
Are Energetic.
From Saturday's Dallv.
The biggest thing in any city or
town is unseen. It is the spirit of
the people, or rather of the spirit that
animates and moves the people of a
community. It matters not whether
it be good or bad, it is the most power
ful thing to be found, if indeed one
can really be found in any city, town
and community.
There should be in every town the
feeling of unity, of unitedness in
bringing out the best ideas and
thought for the interest of the com
munity and a general feeling that the
small petty, fault-finding that some
times creeps into the life of a town
should be relegated to the back
ground and a resolve that all should
strive for the common good and for
the interest of the community in gen
eral. Where there is a lack of com
munity interest there is also a town
that is merely existing and not pro
gressing as it should, the citizens are
neglectful of -their property and every
thing has the appearance of just a
temporary makeshift, ready to fall at
any time.
The city where the community in
terest is kept alive is easily discerna-
ble by its well kept streets, its live
ousiness men and up-to-date places of
business, and the stranger coming in-
o a place of this kind is not greeted
by the sob squad with their tale of
woe that would make a cemeWy a
cheerful spot in comparison with-their
picture of the conditions of affairs.
Fortunately for Plattsmouth, the
day of the chronic kicker has passed
by and in the last few years a great
er feeling of unity than ever before
attempt to divert the procession from
pie in general and it is very seldom
that a wail is heard from some dis
gruntled party in a dog-in-the-manger
attempt to divert thep rocession from
its onward march to a bigger and
better community.
This morning Otto Westling, who
1 V 1 1 .
gave nis nome as ienaww, was
among the callers at the temple of
ustice presided over by Judge Archer
to answer to a charge of being drunk
as preferred against him by the police.
It seems that Otto secured several
varied assortments of liquor on Satur
day evening, a part of which he had
taken internally, while he decided to
be provided in case of emergency and
carried several bottles of the output of
John Barleycorn with him to try and
quiet the raging thirst with which he
was possessed, and to this may be laid
his downfall. Otto retired to a room
he had secured and partook very free
ly of the red-eye and was soon sleep
ing, but failed to get up yesterday
morning, taking the bottled goods to
bed with him, and instead of arising
in the morning he proceeded by tak
ing copious draughts of the liquor to
polish up his jag of the night previous
and succeeded far better than he
imagined, and it was necessary for
the police to visit the room he oc
cupied and remove him to the rest
room of the city, where he was allow
ed to rest all day yesterday.
Death of Lyman James.
From Saturday's Dany.
Yesterday morning at his nome in
Greenwood, Lyman James, one of the
prominent pioneer citizens of that sec
tion of the county, passed away, after
an illness of some duration. Mr.
.Tames had been one of the leading men
in that part of Cass county and was
at one time a member of the board of
county commissioners, and his death
has caused a feeling of the most pro
found regret among his many old
friends and associates. '
Wall Paper. Gering & Co. Phone. 36.
Another application has been filed
in the county court for a mother's
pension or relief under the new law
of the state. The applicant is Mrs
Rose Brounko, residing at Louisville,
and who is the mother of two small
children aged 4 and 2 years. She asks
that the sum of 820 per month be
riven her I : heir v..e. The law al
lows the r.-a lting of a sum to the
mothers of minor children who are
unable to care for them and at the
same time earn a livlihood and allows
the children to be given the proper
care that they might not otherwise
The Long Beach (Cal.) Press gives
the details of a recent endurance run
made there by W. L. Thomas, a
former resident of this city and one
of the leading automobile men in the
coast country:
Traversing thirty-seven cities and
owns of Southern California and
covering a distance ot more tnan
01 miles, the Studebaker six 191(
model, pulled into. Long Beach at
5:45 p. m. yesterday afternoon, com
pleting the first day's endurance test
in the national efficiency run. Mem
bers of the party were: G. E. Thom
as, driver; H. G. Halliday and L. W.
Saunders, inspectors, and a repre
senative of the Long Beach Press.
The local Studebaker exhibition
runs this week, four in number, are
part of the national movement, ma
chines being sent out each day by
every Studebaker agency in the land.
The Long Beach experiments are
conducted under the direction of W.
L. Thomas, Studebaker agent for this
territory and proprietor of the Long
Beach Auto company.
The machine started from Long
Beach at 6 o'clock yesterday morn
ing and the entire running time for
the 301 miles was 10 hours and 30
minutes. Gasoline used amounted to
twenty gallons; oil, one quart, and
water one cuart. Not an accident of
any kind marred the pleasure of the
trip and th machine ran perfectly
every mile cf the way. The car
used was a new one sent out from
the Studebaker headquarter express
ly for this purpo?o.
Under the rules governing the en
durance test the machines must cover
one thousand miles in not to exceed
48 hours altogether. Today they
went to Santa Barbara, tomorrow
San Diego will be the destination and
the objective of the fourth and final
trip has not yet been decided upon.
They are required to make four trips
not any of which are to exceed
twelve hours.
Yesterday's itineary included the
lowing cities and towns:
Hynes, Clearwater, Downey, Pico.
Fairmont. Elmonte, Puente, Walnut,
Pomona, Ontario, Riverside, Alex
andre, Valverde, Perris, Ethanac,
Hemet, Elsinore, Riverside, Colton,
San Bernardino, Etawanda, Clear
mont, Glendora. Cucamonga, Azust,
Durante, Monrovia, Pasadena, Eagle
Rock, Glendale, Tropico, Los An
geles through Broadway, Englewood,
Redondo, Wilmington, Long Beach.
Funeral of Ben Horning.
The funeral of the late Ben Hom
ing was held yesterday afternoon
from the home, a few miles south of
this city, and was attended by a large
concourse of the sorrowing friends,
who called to pay their last tribute
cf love and respect to the deceased.
The services were held by Rev. J. M.
Eades of the U. B. church. The in
terment was made in the Horning
cemetery, a few miles from the horn"
where Mr. Horning had been born and
reared. The pall-bearers were select
ed from the old friends and neighbors.
W. H. Brookhart and wife of Nel
son, Neb., arrived Saturday to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Brookhart's broth
er, the late Ben Horning. Mr. Brook
hart returned home this morning on
I the early Burlington train.
One Is Now Laid Up With Dangerous
Wound, While the Other Is in Jail
for Inflicting the Same.
Saturday evening shortly after 0
o'clock the greatest excitement was
occasioned by a rumor that one of the
residents of the southern part of the
city had been done to death by shoot
ing, and Sheriff Quinton, Chief Bar
clay and Officer Alvin Jones were at
once taken to the section of the city
where the trouble was reported to
have occurred to investigate and learn
the circumstances of the case.
After reaching the neighborhood
where the trouble was reported from.
it was found that it was not near as
serious as had first been reported, al
though William Kinnamon w:as found
to be suffering from several severe
wounds inflicted on his person by Low
Kinnamon, his brother, in a fit of
anger, but they were not bullet
wounds, but were inflicted by the
means of an ax handle wielded in the
hands of Low Kinnamon, and which
had given his brother the down and
It seems as far as can be learne 1
that the trouble resulted from a con
troversy over the son of William
Kinnamon, who had been requested by
his grandmother to look after some
small chores around the house, and
who had refused, as well as cursed
the aged grandmother, and this had
caused a good deal of feeling on the
part of Low Kinnamon, the other so l
of the lady, and he had taken the boy
to task, and this brought on a quarrel
between the two brothers, the result
of which was a battle between the
two. and William suffered a severe de
feat, as he was punished by several
well directed blows from an nx handle
in the hands of Low Kinnamon, one of
which caused a scalp wound on th2
head, as well as an injury to his back,
and also to one of his arms, but none
of these were serious in the least and
when the police and sheriff arrived he
was able to detail to them the cir
cumstances of the affair. Low wa
placed under arrest and brought down
to the city and lodged in jail to await
the outcome of the affair.
Both men had been drinking rather
heavily and were in a quarrelsome dis
position when the outbreak at their
home occurred. The men make their
home with their mother, who is well
advanced in years, being in the neigh
borhood of 74 years of age, and th:?
affair came as quite a shock to her.
The fight caused the most intense
excitement for some time, as the man
who was injured was reported to be
dying, but was in fact very much
"Folk-Song of Nebraska and the
Central West" is the title of a book of
902pages just issued by the Nebraska
Academy of Science, edited by Addi
son E. Sheldon. The book is the re
sult of ten years' special research of
Miss Louise Pound of the state uni
versity. It contains a short sketch
and one or two stanzas of each of the
songs remembered and sung by the
people of Nebraska, so far as gather
ed. Many of these are old songs which
came across the ocean with our great-great-grandmothers
and we have often
heard, but never seen in print. Th
chapter or pioneer and western songs
gives the text of each in full. Among
these are many Nebraska favorites',
including the famous Cat Creek Glee
club son of farmers' alliance days,
"Well Meet You By and By," and the
"Kinkaiders' Song." The book is il
lustrated with half-tones of Moses P.
Kinkaid and typical scenes on the Ne
braska frontier. This book is the first
step toward a complete volume con
taining the words and music of all
Nebraska folk song. All persons in
terested in this subject are asked to
write Miss Pound, sending copies of
songs not in print which they have
heard sung in this Btate.