The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 08, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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f the
rutjsT .i: iiiiTV mvK
Of t VtlHT t
Artk-ie 1. Tht- name ly which tMs
Odrpora'.ion sliall le known is. First s
cur.fy ct iVdar Creek. Neb.
-Article l. Tlit Inc of
l-UMiifPy of t K is ccrpui a t ion shii.l i.e Jit
Ceuar Creek, county of Cass, tate of
Artie!- :t. TVi ol.iei t for which this
cirtt-jtkn is l !tii 0 is to t arry on a
coiairj. rem ! liiir.k:iiir t.usirie.-!-- under the
iaws of '.!. !aie or' .N-i:u -ka.
Aiik,e -4. 1 izcl oajiital
stw !; f this corporation ' ! all le Ten
Tl iiusiiinl Imliais. of v. iiiin at I'
Ten Ti.o'.isaml I Millars s:,a!l i.livr 1 -- n
pa il iii tt liie t iuif of inc co:ii mni
l.iei I ol iio-ss. wlich St. all lie
i-so.-,! scares of tin; par value
of One H::nditl tl'"1' ru'iurs cai-ii.
No transfer of the stock !' t i is c-or-p'Matit.'i
if oinii'iivc until eati-r-
t-vl on the Ihm'Ks of the corporatioii.
-iti!- . VI. e nnkOu Ci lies, of this
corpor ation si. all at io time toe
i'Pioi!!i; iif its paol iri eiipitl and sur
1 li;.- except tor liepo.-'it.-.
Artif- b. This eoiporation -liall l.i
rin on tl.e L'Vth e.iy of S,-p-temliei,
i 1 r. or as soon t iii ea 1 1 er uf
a -.; I ;.i ir : Zf 1 Oy tin- State Ilankiritr
ilo.iitl of the Stat.- of N-lruska. ami
s!....:i teriniriute on tile L'lli da y of S-p-tcniiif
r I'HU.
.i :.! 7. Ti,e afl'aii's of this vr
J.o::.t:on sl.nii l- i.iiO.t tit coi.'iol
i-ad ni.i na etner. t of a Poaul of threc
li"i.. consist nr.! of net less tlan three
Ic r Illn'i' II ;tl) live Miltlr: oitl'.'-s, h se
tf 1111 i f l.tllee .-hall i.e for a period of
uii- i a i . or i. nt H lis s t.. eessors are
'-, i ami q na 1 1 toil, tiot les than a
in. i a. iity of u lioin siiall rcsiili-iits
ot ! r eoi.nty in whitii tin- hank is
pe-ati-'! or e..i r t j. .. i ::i n inl la t r-l y alhi
cem then to. It shall I ti e lllltv of
ti e I on. I of diie.-tois to el, i t from
t! eir ::i:in.. a pt e.-ii!ti t ale! set i
ai.ii seii-'-t a vic - pi -s i, i. ti t ami
a-i ami I - v niai also seleit at)
;ts;st. nt ca.-f it r t.n1 s.uh otiier '! ks
ami assistant- as the luis ;iess of ;h-
- r :oi i-: . . .a in- reijiiire Tl.t' terms of
of.'. e ,-f t:.e i.fl'i ! s ot this corjio I a t i o n
siial! 1'- "i.e year, or until their sm -c-.-s.-rs
ar- el-ited itt il t!alifieil Tne
1. 0.11,1 of .invi ii'i s ma v a'lopt u h Py
laws for tlie reiruia t ion ami manair,
imiit of ti.e affairs am! luisin-ss of tiie
iii:-!'.iiii1:iiii as it may ,P tn proper.
Article x. T: - nn'ilur annual meet
iiiir of ti... sio. k-' old. -is of this citrpor
;i!i..n shall he ht 1.! on the second Tues
day of January eai h year, at which
ir...f.:i-r the hoard of directors al"ve
!" s: till I.e s -le, te.l. A majority
of il' shares of stock of tl.e corpor
ation at any tfrniar or special meet
in;. ;.a'l constitute a oiioium for the
t : a iimii t ion of l.asim ss.
Art !;.. !. Ila-h stockholder shall at
: t: v r'iiLi:;,r or special jneetinir he
t tin, vote, eiti.i'r in person or
I i mow. for fin li share ot the stot k
it ii U- 1'. These Attic es of Incor
poration may he amended at anv reir-lli.-r
of meet itiir eaiie.l f.,r that
plirpo-e f. a tv.o-thilds ote of a!, ti.e
st,., k.
f li rrrt.
Ml' Win. S "I ! N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;. Ties
.Ml:. W in II. l.ollNi:.-:. V" c e-I'res.
Ail:. .1. y. K !::: MAN. fa.-hi.-r.
Ititiiril tif I irre1tirm.
A!f: Wm Sv'HNilli !li:.
M l:. Win. 1 1. I. illNHs
;-.ii:. .1 f fi:kman
.7. F. F i : KM AN, -ashi-.t .
ii-: 4 w
Minn: iif ffinmx; in
m."!"!i.i;ii .
1'IN I.
lu the I'tiiiufy I nun of ( ihn l'tiinf.
In the Matter of tee l.state of Ar. hihald
l:;is-r, I trceaed.
To Ah; 1'ersons Interested in S.ii-l
.Not..- Is i'iven that on the
L'ath dav of Xnvcnil-r, lfla. at in
i.'i loi k a. m.. at the Futility t'ourt loom
in I '.a ; tsmoiit ii, I'ass Fmin'ty, Nel.raska.
the ! ,1 low , t;; m..t!ef will he heard and
-us d-M-ed : The a ; I d i , a t i a n of "alvin
.1. t.t is, tne Kxe, ntor of said Kstate. for
t.a aiioance of 1 is administration ac
eornt. ti e final settlement of said estate
and hi- iist ri Pinion of the residue
ther-of to the persons entitled thereto
iiiruniiiiu' to the terms of the last will
and testament of s,n. decas-d.
-Mi o i, i-et ions to said petition or re
port, if an., must Pe tiled on or Pefore
sji id ho'.i rs of hen t in
l: tie ( ourt
AI.I.KN" .1 I :i:ki N.
I'miMV Jlld-e.
Attotney for ilNecutor.
lu the I niiiili I i.url tf Hit- oiinly tif
I aM. Nrlirnxkn.
In lie K.-t:ite of .lames V. It.arwitk.
I eased.
.Votiee i-i leiehv -ri-.-n that !;-aritit's
upon all i laims au-a list said estate will
he lad at li- of th- County
.led ire. I'niirt lio'i.-e. 1 '1 a 1 1 smo u t h. ("ass
""oiiiitv, Nehiaska. o;i tit- lltii ilnv of
1 m i e.iih-r. A I . !!1"., and on th- l.Mli
dav of .lime. A I Hlh at 1 i (.clock :i.
m on of said da.s. All claims not
pied Pelote said hmr on said last day
of ! ai Iter, will p.. fin-ever Parred.
Ihited this ."th day of Noveni Per. l'.'l".
l:v t ne tun t.
AI.I.KN .1. FKKSi N.
Futility .In dire.
W. A. I:oi:KI:TSi N. Attorney.
1 1-v- Iwks
In the District Court of Cass County,
Eima Reynold.-. Hai'itifT,
Joseph ReynolJs, Defendant.
To Joseph Reynolds, Defendant:
Ycu are hereiiy notified that on the
17th day of July, l'Jlo, Erma Rey
nolds tiled her petition in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the
object and purpose of which is to
obtain a divorce from you on the
prounds of desertion and failure to
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, the 21th
day of November, 11)1 T.
Date,! this 20th day of October,
10-21-4vk?. riaiiitifT.
For Kent.
Boardinp: house, furnished; full of
boarders; p-ood location; Rent reason
able. Also 5-room cottape, strictly
modern, nearly new. Call Thone No.
ol'S-W. C. H. Fuller. 11-5-tfd
IMattsmouth Tennis Club, Notice!
All members of the Plattsmouth
Tennis club are requested to meet at
J. P. Falter's orTice, in the Coate-;
block, tonight at 7:30 sharp, as there
are some important business matter
to be transacted.
See William Famum, who starred in
"The Spoilers," playing the leading
role in "The Tlunderer" at the Gem
tomorrow night.
FOR SALE, at the Journal Office
Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain Fens.
Flans ate btMng rapidly worked out
for the opening: of the basket ball sea
f on in this city and the teams which
have been organized in the Ilijr'i
school have did considerable outdour
practice ::t the courts at the? whocl
yard, but have rot as yet started in on
the indoor practice, as it is haul to
find the proper p'.ace to work out ii:
and play. Coatc-s' hall and the roller
skatir.g link are among the place.--umler
consideration as the best loca
tions for holding the games, but the
diflicuity seems to be in petting
chance to practice lit either p'.ae. but
tiie boys are hopeful of soon getting
the season ready for the big opening
atid Ftartinsr after the championship o;
this section of the stale. There is
lots of good material in the ilign
school and a number of the members
of the sqaad are veterans of the put
V.vo Fef.son:--. v. ho will be found valua
ble in the organization of a stiff team,
that will creditably represent I'latt--mouth
Hiirh school.
From Saturday's lair.
There has been a great deal of dis
cussion among a great many in the
last few days as to the time tif tl.e
t as.-age and approval of the daylight
saloon law. or rather the 8 o'clock law.
as it is better known, and for the bene
fit of those tlesiring to have informs
tion in the matter we have looked up
the facts and find that the mrasur.
passed the legislature in the ciosiii'
hours of the session of i:0S-M, on
April 3. l'to:', and this was ai-o one
ot" the last acts passed by the legis
latuie. winch adjourned on the same
date. The law wr-s signed by Gover
nor Shaiieiiberger on April 0th, an.i
in compliance with the constitution
became effective ninety days after the
adjournment of the legislature, whio'i
was July 1, I'M:.
From Saturday's Pally.
Johnnie YVi jhmar.n. who has been
employed in the Mumm bakery fo-'
some time, yesterday received sor.t"
lather painful injuries -when his right
hand became entangled in a knead ma
chine, anil as a result he received thiv-.r
badly injured fingeis o::'the right ban 1
which were caught and drawn into th
machine and badiy crushed and one
lequired two stitches to close. It is,
however, fortunate tnat the hand was
not injured more seriously, and it i
thought that in a few days he will h
able to Use the hand, but will be com
pelled to take a short vacation.
From Saturday's Iallv.
Mrs. Sain I'aiker, an aged lady, who
has been in very poor health for the
past few j'.ars, was taken to Omaha
this afternoon, wl.ere she will be
placed in a hospital for treatment,
and wk-r-e she can rece;. e the prone
.ait that her fe5'-; condition ;ie
mands. Tdr. and Mrs. Parker have been
residing t their h'mj j-'?t south (.'f
this city, but both are in such fee bit
health that it was found necessary o
remove her to the hospital. The two
ittle grandchildren that have been
living with them will be taken to the
Children's Home to be cared for.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning Adam Kurtz, who has
been ill for a few days at Plainview,
Neb., was able to return home to this
city and is feeling considerably im-
proved. although still far from well,
and his experience with the grippe has
not been a very pleasant one by any
means. That Mr. Kurtz is so much
improved will be most pleasant news
to his friends and they are trusting
that he may continue to be on th?
mend. Mrs. Kurtz and Adam Kurt?,
jr., accompanied Mr. Kurtz home.
For Sale.
IS horse-power Buffalo Pitts double
cylinder engine. Good as new. Will
sell it at a bargain; half cash, balance
terms to suit. Inquire at this office.
Has His Hand Hurt.
Rex Young came in yesterday from
his farm home near Myrard to have
his right hand dressed, as the result
of an accident he sustained at hi 5
home, where the thumb of his right
hand came in contact with a power
wood saw and a small wound was in
flicted, which required the services of
a surgeon to close up. The injury is
not serious in the least, but quit.;
From Saturday's Tal!y
To the t r.iateur photographer and
the lover of tl.i- artistic a visit to the
drug store of Woyrich lladraba
wiil prove a revelation in the work
if photo!raph;-. as Mr. K. J. Weyrich
:ias just completed an enlargement
from an ordinary post cud size pic
ture of tiie llurlincton bridj-e. that is
a wonder, and is 4"x7( inches in di
mensi'ins, and one of the largest sized
photographic enlargements ever shown
in this city. The picture, aside from
its U'.rusa! size is one of great clear
ness and beauty and every detail ol
the picture stands out clearly and
distinctly, and it shows not only a
splendid view of the bridge, but being
taken from the bluff west of the
bridge affords a fine view of the Iowa
bottoms clear to the hills, with the
farms and trees standing out dis
tinctly, as well as the little whiti
eh it ret
mile east of the ferry
ing. From the small sh.e of the ori
ginal negative it does not seem pos
sible to secure the great results that
Mr. Weyrich ha.: produced, and the
picture is one that he certainly car,
take a, just pride in. This firm a
making a specialty of enlargements
and will take any or picture
and reproduce an enlargement from
r.xT to thr.t of 4o.7o, : nd it is rufe
to say that the work will be as high,
cl. as any in the country.
From Saturday's Da II v.
This morning in county court a
young lad not yet lti years of age wa.
brought i:i from Elmwood to aaswe:
to the charge of having taken a j istoi
fn-rr. a roidence in that p!a e. which
levolver was the property of another
and the young lad tearfully ac
knowledged the fact that he had enter
ed the house, and walking through in
idle curiosity had seen the revolver
and had taken it. The boy was a very
bright and attractive appearing lad
and was apparently very regretful of
the affair, as he sobbed and cried a
he was told the posihilities that mighg
be in store for him, as the penalty of
his crime, and the prospects of being
separated from his parents was some
thing he greatly dreaded. The judge,
after considering the matter, decided
that as long as the lad behaved him
self and refrained from any furthei
acts t f this kind he would be allowed
to remain at home, but only on parole
from the court. The lad. after a strong
kcture by the court, promised that in
the future he would keep out of trou
ble of all kinds and see that he was
not brought before the court again.
This was a very wise decision of the
curt, as tiie boy was not apparently
bad, but bad not fully realized what
his actions would Itad him into if they
we - e kept up.
Transcript of Judgment.
From Saturriav's Daily.
A transcript of judgment from Cue
United States district court at Lincoln
for JfS.KO.'i.O.", in favor of the plain
tiff, in the suit of William II. Hobrecht
vs. Joe llilger, which was appealed to
the federal court from Otoe county.
The defendant in the case has prop
erty interests in this county and the
judgment was accordingly sent here to
be recorded.
Asks for Administrator.
From Saturday's frally.
This morning a petition was filed
in the county court asking that an ad
ministrator be appointed for the estato
of the late Mrs. Mary L. Pool of
Weeping Water, and nominating the
petitioner, Clarence E. Pool of Wa
bash, a son of the deceased, as the ad
ministrator. Mrs. Tool died at Weep
ing Water on October 21.
LOST Auto number f,0iJi9 and rear
lamp, between the L. E. SpragU3j
residence near Nehawka and Flatts- j
mouth. Finder notify above at my
expense. L. E. Sprague, Nehawka,
Vnl, 11 C 11,..
Plattsmouih. Neb., Nov. 2, 1915.
Beard met pursuant to adjournment.
Present. Julius A. Pitz. C. E. Ileeb
rier and Ibjrry Snoke, County Commis
sioners, and Frank Liber. -aal. County
Minute? of previous so .; ions read
and approved, when the following
business was transacted in regulu'
form :
A communication was received from
'he Board of Education of School Dis
trict No. petit - 'ib:"- the Count -Superintendent,
County Clerk and
Coui-ty Commisioi'.ers for a re
adjustment of the district boundaries
as provided for in Cha;o. r 71, Section
;o A of the School c ' Nebraska,
an.i! seme was laid eve-", pending an
in vestiga ii.n.
The following claims veve audited
and allowed by the Board:
M. E. Man -peaker. livery to
County ? ".50
F. G. Fricke & Co.. md-e. to
poor farm '22. 1 5
Wm. Hassler, labor at court
house 2.20
W. A. Tulene, digging grave,
Mrs. Hopkins 5.0U
Frank J. Liber.' hal, salary and, October 20. 39
Warga & Schuldice, electrict
light globes to court house 1.80
Louisville Courier, printing to
County 12.00
F. II. Osspr.kop. postal cards 5S.O0
A. W. White, md-e. to Mrs.
McPherson 5. 'JO
J. M. Jirousek. to A.
Pvatek 10.00
Crozier Bros., ir. '.se. Miss Mc
Ginn is r..oo
Waterman Lumb:-:- & Oa!
Co.. sand a".,i coal to court
house 1 4.5)5
II. M. Soennich--. n. report
births and deaths 0.50
A. 11. Stander, report births
and deaths 3.2o
W. K. Hand, report births and
deaths . 2.75
Mrs. I. p. Jones, report births
and deaths 2 50
B. I. Clements, report births
and derth- 4.75
Wm. II. Lyma::, report births
and deaths 0.20
L. II. Upton, report births
nad deaths 1.25
G. I). Ma?', mau. report births
and deaths ".7.!
L. Muir, report births and
deaths 1.75
E. Sttircneggcr. report births
and deaths .50
H. r. Kropp. rop-Tt births
and ('"'U'ts HO
Bates Mfg. Co.. repairs to
numbering machine 2.1."
P. C. Morgan, postal supplies !I5.")
Midland Bibbon and Carbon
Co., supplies 3.00
August Ba?h. rr.dso. L. Penson 8.00
Wm. Richards, care of Wm.
Everett, October. 1015 8.00
Martha A. Haddon. care of
dependent children, October 30.00
J. II. Thrasher, bailiffs certi
ficate lo.OO
Mrs. Edna Penson. care of de
pendent children. October. . 30.00
Hans Sitvers. salary and
laundry 7S . Oo"
Nebraska Lighting Co.. gas
and electricity to County.. 10.37
Ed Egenberger. Administrat
or, coal to Collins, $3.50;
Pinker, 7.00; penson, S'12. . 22.50
Mrs. Stella Persinger. care of
dependent children, Novem
ber 25.00
C. D. tjuim.on. jailer fees. Octo
ber, 1:'15 IS. 00
C. P. Qiiinton, salary for
October 115.83
C. D. Quinton, boarding Coun
ty prisoners 10.00
C. I). Quinton, transportation
and expense taking Moore
and Miller to state peniten
tiary 10.80
Henry Snoke, salary and mile
age 74.70
Julius A. Pitz. salary and mile
age Hi) 23
C. E. Ileebner, salary and
mileage 53.50
F. II Nichols, mdse. Mrs.
Frank Matzke 20.42
B. C. Marquardt & Co., mdse.
to Mrs Cottingham 10.00
Nelson Jean & Co., coal to
court house . . . . 115.02
James W. Probst, State vs.
Ball and Howe 3.75
rred Tatterson, surveying and
office work 03.00
F. W. Nolting, helping sur
veyor 3.50
C. F. Vallery, helping sur- .
veyor .50
Plattsmouth Ice fc Cold Stor
age Co.. ice book to County 2.00
James Allaway, State vs. Ball j
and Howe S.GGj
Plattsmouth Journal, printing
and supplies 193.CS
Josejih Flora, guarding Ball
and Howe 2.00
Plattsmouth Water Co., water
to court house and jail 6. 87
J. E. Mason, carpenter work
W. M. Welch Mfg. Co.. sup
plier to County Superintend
ent . . . ,
E. J. Richey, material to Coun
ty farm
Lincoln Telephone & Tele
graph Co., rents and tolls..
J. II. Turr.s. salary and help at
farm ....
The Universal Publishing Co..
rvamination questions to
County Supeirntendent ....
II. M. Soennichsen, mdse to
poor farm
II. M. Soennichsen, mdse to
Collins ..",. 0. Chambers
SI 0.00, Chambers $5.00,
Meisel $3.00, R: niter $5.00..
C. W. Baylor & Co.. coal to
Collins sc.. farm $23.04, jail
L. B. Egenberger, mdse. to
poor farm
Halt : St,-r.. mdse. to Lambert
Allen J. Beeson, State vs.
Vein Long
C. I. Quinton, State vs.
Vei n Long
Allen J." Beeson, State vs.
Byers and Mc-sher
C. P. Quinton. State vs.
Byers and Mosher
Allen J. Beeson, State vs.
Walter Speck '
28 (o
5 . 75
0. 40
1. :o
C. I. Quinton.
Walter Speck .
Allen J. Beeson.
Robert Hunter .
C. P. Quinton,
State v:
State vs.
State vs.
Robert Hunter
M. E. Manspeaker, State vs.
Robert Hunter
Carl Kur.smar.n. juror, State
vs. Robert Hunter
Mike Mauzy. juror. State s.
Robert Hunter
C. H. Smith, juror. State vs.
Robert Hunter
J. II. Thrasher, juror. State
vs. Robert Hunter
Geo. Kaffenberger, juror, State
vs. Robert Hunter
Fred Ramge. juror. State vs.
Robert Hunter
Hermia Rotter, witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
Mrs. Fred Egenberger, wit
ness. State vs. Robert
Wm. Haffke. witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
Carrie Kissling, witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
Emmet Rice, witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
B. J. Fnolds. witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
W. V.". Wilson, witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
John Miller, witness, State
vs. Robert Hunter
Alvin Jones, witness, State
vs. Robert Hunter
James Hunter, witness, State
vs. Robert Hunter
Mrs. James Hunter, witness.
State vs. Robert Hunter...
Wm. Baird. witness, State
vs. Robert Hunter
Frank J. Libershr.l. witness,
State vs. Robert Hunter...
W. K. Fox, witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
Ed Weaver, witness, State
vs. Robert Hunter
Philip Thierolf. witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter
E. H. Wescott. witness. State
vs. Robert Hunter . . .'
Grace Hunter, witness, State
vs. Robert Hunter
II. M. Soennichsen, witness,
State vs. Robert Hunter...
E. A. Wurl, mdse. McGee S10,
Hcbson f, Monroe $5
Streight & Streight, burial
Nancy Hopkins
G. P. Eastwood, sash coid to
court house
Plattsmouth Steam Laundry,
laundry to jail
A. G. Bach & Co., mdse. Mrs.
Zuckweiler & Lutz, mdse. to
poor farm
Walter Byers, road work.
Road Pistrict No. 27
C. F. Vallery, road work.
Road Pistrict No. 1
Bryan Snyder, road work.
Road Pistrict No. 1
Charles Shopp, road work,
- Road Pistrict No. 1
Fred Clark, road work, Road
Pistrict No. 11
Walter J. Clouse, road work,
Road Pistrict No. 4
August Krecklow. road work,
Road Pistrict No. 8
J. C. Lomeyer, road work,
Road Pistrict No. 5
Lee Arnett Co., grader repairs,
Road Pistrict No. 2
Gr.llaher Bros., hardware, etc.,
Road Pistrict No. 15
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank
Co., culverts to Road Pis
trict No. 10
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank
GO. 50
Co., culverts to Road Pis
trict No. 10 45.20
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank
Co.. culverts to Road Pis
trict No. 2 24.1")
A. A. Wallinger, road work,
Road Pistrict No. 15 186.05
E. J. Richey, lumber, Road
District No. 1 24.70
G. W. Harshman, jr., road
work. Road Pistrict No. 13 53.50
C. E. Hurlbut, road work,
Road District No. 5 ...... . 4 . 00
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank
Co.. culverts to Road Dis
trict No. 10 19. OR
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank
Co.. culverts to Road Dis
trict No. 7 9.51
W. B. Banning, lumber, Road
District No. 11 13.40
A. B. Kraeger. road work.
Road District No. 10 30.70
Plattsmouth City Treasurer,
proportion road fund, Dis
trict No. 17 500.00
R. B. Leffler, road work,
Road District No. 9 48.80
J. Adams, material for Road
District No. 10 32.0 )
G. E. Young, road work, Road
District No. 8 12 50
Will Peters, road work, Road
District No. 13 2.40
E. T. Tool, lumber for Road
District No. 7 9.30
W. T. Tool, material to Road
District No. 4 01.51
John Iverson,, repairs to grad
er, District No. 10 7.00
F. W. dting. road work,
Road District No. 1 18.09
R. S. McCleery. road work,
Road District No. 9 14.00
Road District No. 13 71.00
R. S. McCleery, road work,
District No. 12 150.04
R. B. Stone, road work, Road
J. F. Wehrbein, road work.
Road District No. 1 0.00
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge fund:
James W. Burnie, bridge work,
Plattsmouth City $750.00
E. T. Tool, bridge lumber 9.22
R. S. McCleery, re-inforcing
rods -. 84.80
August Krecklow, bridge work 15.05
Waterman Lumber & Coal Co.,
bridge lumber 44.05
C. F. Vallerv. bridge work 12.20
W. B. Banning, bridge ma
terial 12.75
Fred Clark, bridge work 2 40
Brandon Eros. Lumber Co.,
bridge material 5.88
R. S. McCleery. bridge work. . 0.00
J. M. Hoover, bridge work 12.00
Waterman Lumber & Coal Co.,
bridge lumber 2.05
The following claims were allowed
on the Dragging fund:
R. B. Stone dragging District
No. 12 $ 43.40
Aug. Krecklow, dragging Dis
trict No. 8 12.00
Tom Smith, dragging District
No. 10 33.00
Joseph H. Seacat, dragging
District No. 14 24.7
Will Peters, dragging District
No. 13 3.00
Walter Sans, dragging District
No. 27 7.50
A. A. Wallinger, 'dragging
District No. 15 24. C5
A. H. Wetenkamp, dragging
District No. 1 9-51
C. F. Vallery, dragging Pis
trict No. 1 2. GO
Fred Nolting, dragging Dis
trict No. 1 3.18
Earl V. Cole, dragging Dis
trict No. 1 3.00
John Wehrbein, dragging Dis
trict No. 1 4.12
John II. Busche, dragging Pis
trict No. 2 18.50
Harold Todd, dragging Pis
trict No. 12 15.75
The following claims were allowed
on the Commissioners' Road fund:
G. E. Young, work Pistrict 14,
Commissioners' Pistrict 3 $ 37.50
John H. Busche, work Pistrict
2, Commissioners' Pistrict 1 293.50
Board adjourned to meet Wednes
day, November 3, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
with all members present, when the
following business was transacted in
regular form:
An application was received from
the First Security Bank of Cedar
Creek requesting to be appointed a
depository for county funds, and said
request was granted and appointment
made by the Board.
The following claims were audited
and allowed:
General fund:
H. A. Funke, coal to Mrs.
Matzke $ 6.55
John Lynn, quarantining
smallpox cases 10.00
P. Sexton, mdse. for smallpox
patients .90
Burke & Bedson, mdse, for
smallpox patients 18.83
Clements & Co., fumigating
smallpox families 6. 00
O. E. Liston, attendance small
pox patients 10.50
Adolph Morgensen, mdse. Mrs.
Fowler 11.98
P. C. Morgan, postal supplies 31.53
C. F. Vallery, inspecting con
crete work 21 .25
Alice Tuey, clerk hire County
Attorney and Superintend
ent ::5 oo
Eda Marquardt, salary and ex
pense 135.15
L. B. Egenberger, mdse. Mrs.
Jack Penson 10.85
Claims allowed on the Bridge fund
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge work Center pre
cinct $300.00
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge work Tipton precinct 425.70
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge work Liberty pre-
Monarch Engineering Co.,
cinct 748.20
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge work East Rock
Bluffs 800.00
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge work Weeping Wa
ter precinct 3'!4.02
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge work West Rock
Bluffs 42.81
Monarch Engineering Co.,
bridge material for emerg
ency work 4't. 3"
Yates Lumber &. Coal Co..
bridge material 17.80
II. A. Funke Lumber Co.,
bridge material 44.70
II. A. Funke Lumber Co.,
bridge material 12.40
Claims al'owed on the Road fund:
T. F. Stroud & Co., grader re
pairs Road Pistrict No. 8. . .? 8.00
T. F. Stroud & Co., grader re
pairs Road Pistrict No. 12. . 8.00
II. A. Funke, lumber Road
Pistrict No. 3 12. 80
M. II. Pollard, road work.
Road Pistrict No. 13 3.50
Van Court Stone Co., dyna
mite, etc., to Road Pistrict
No. 13 27 50
Bills allowed on Commissioners'
Road fund:
Jacob Umland, road work,
Road Pistrict No. 10, Com
missioners' Pistrict No. 3..$ 82.25
Monarch Engineering Co.,
concrete culvert, Tipton pre
cinct, Commissioners' Pis
trict No. 3 507.37
Monarch Engineering Co.,
concrete culvert Liberty
precinct. Commissioners'
Pistrict No. 2 321.05
There being no further business
coming before the Board, same ad
journed to meet Tuesday. December",
County Clerk.
From Saturday's Dally.
This week three teachers from the
public schools of Schuyler paid a visit
to the schools here to inspect the
workings of the different departments
and particularly that of the penman
ship department and they were well
pleased with the showing made by
all grades of the public schools in this
line of work and in this particular
line of instruction the Plattsmouth
schools can rank up with any in the
state, even though the course has
only had the advantags of an instruc
tor in the past three years, but Miss
Marie Kaufmann has secured some
splendid results in this line that is a
credit to her ability, as well as to th'
aptness of the pupils in taking up this
work. The Schuyler schools are con
templating installing of a penman
ship department and the teachers were
here to look over how it is taken up
by the students, and were very much
impressed with what they saw here
in the results of the teaching of pen
mansh ip.
A carload of live poultry to be de
livered at car at C, B. & Q. freight
depot, Plattsmouth, Neb., on Tuesday,
November IGth, (one day only), for
which we will pay in cash:
Hens lOVs?
Springs 10 Vic
Pucks 10 Vic
Geese 10 He
Old Roosters 6c
We will be on hand rain or shine and
take care of all poultry offered to us
on above date.