The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 28, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1915.
Miss Hope Ccnlcy returned to her
studies at Crete Monday, after spend
ing; several days with relatives hero.
Mrs. Charley Conrad and children
returned home Wednesday after
spending several weeks with relatives
in South Omaha.
Miss Edr.a S.oli. who has been in
the St. Ju-er.-h hospital in Omaha for
the part two WLi'k-, returned home
Friday much improved.
Mi.s. Clayton Ilo.-cr.cruiis came down
from Pia.tsrr.outh Friday to spend a
i'ew days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Johr. Wimde.-'ich.
Carl Balfour aiul wife returned
hom from Omaha Wednesday, having
attended the Odd Fellow and Rebekah,
lodge slate convention, which is being
held there this week.
s left Mondr
Omaha, whore she will attend the
lodge convention which is being held
there this week. She was elected as
the delegate for the Rebcdtah lodge
from Nehawka.
Id: kclm Puliard returned from Ro
chester, Minnesota, on Wednesday of
last week feelink very much en
couraged. The doctors found no trace
cf cancer remairur.g and gave him a
morth's leave of absence from treat
ments. Titree friends of Tom Mu.-on of Lin-
coin dropped in on the train Saturday)
f r a coon hurt that evening. They j
brot'ght six hounds of the southern
variety and were rewarded with only j
four possums on their hunt. Although .
tne re'.vai d was small tney had some
time." George Sheldon, who manufacturers
the Sheldon concrete mixers in this
p.aeo. .-hipped or.e on Monday of this
v. eek to the Mahiats plantation, at
Pago Pago. American Samoa Island. ;
This small island is located in the Pa- '
cilic ocean south of the equator, be
tween New Zeiaiid and the Hawaiian .
Islands. J
Stack threshing is now o:i in full
blast, and. both el atcrs i.-i beiaj:
kept b Jiy receiving the grain.
W. li. banning of Union was in
town Monday in the interests of the
Keystone Pipe Co., of which lie is
president. i
A. II. Yar.'.a'.diricrham shipped a
ar!'ad of sfv.-k to the Kansas City
market Wednesday. He accompanied,
the car.
Ir. T. E. K. Ihhe! returned home
last Friday from Nara Visa. New
Mexico, where lie sport several days
looking after hi- land interests there.
Mr. and Mrs. George McFail and
s'-n. Maurice, of Brunswick, Neb.,
visited Monday and Tuesday at the
hoir.e of Mrs. Mi Fall"? sLUcr Mrs. A.
M. Trumble.
1 n I? IS ft H ti F2
i a c u y
will be the next item that you will need
and be ready for the cold weather that arrive here in a short time
Remember we are in a position to quote
the best prices on all kinds of
building material
Carl Blomenkamp of Hastings, Neb.,
arrived here the latter part of last
week to assist his brother, F. W".
Blomenkamp, in the drug store and
post office.
Calvin II. Taylor, attorney, of Oma
ha, formerly county attorney of Cass
county, was in town Saturday in the
interest of the Dentler estate, of
which he is administrator.
Miss Eva Fowler went to Weeping
Water Wednesday night to attend the
wedding of her sister, which occurred
Thursday. Mrs. Swisher is in charge
of the grammar room during her
Cha: ley Allen returned home the
latter part of last week from Fergus
county, Montana, where he has been
for the past three weeks looking at
land. He and his nephew, Homer
('', who accompanied him to
Montana, each filed on a half-section
cf land there and will return to
Fergus county early in the spring.
Charley reports having seen the Froh
lich and Johnson families and says
that they are getting along nicely.
Homer Clements stopped off here on
his way to Edgar and visited until
Cashier Paul Fitzgerald of the Bank
of Commerce spent Sunday at Lincoln.
E. C. Twiss and wife returned Sat
urday from a pleasant visit with rela
tives in western Nebraska.
Gien Taylor of Atv.ood, Kansas,
was in Louisville the fore part of the
week a guest of Miss Loveland at the
telephone exchange.
Frank Ross has resigned his posi
tion with the Woodworth Stone com
pany and has again accepted a posi
tion in F. II. Nichols' store.
Mrs. I'. C. Stander was called to
Lincoln last week on account of the
illness of her daughter, Miss Doiothy,
who is attending the Wesleyan.
Mrs. John Kitrell aud little son,
Clyde, arrived Tuesday from Guern-.-ie,
Wyoming, for a visit with Mrs.
Kiti ell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ossenkop are
receiving the congratulations of their
frit-nds upon the birth of a little
daughter, who arrived to gladden their
home on Monday, October 18.
Mrs. John Schiater left Monday for
Shelhock, Iowa, to bring back her
mother, Mrs. R. W. Hammet, who has
soid her old home in Iowa and will
establish a home in Louisville to be
near her daughters, Mrs. Jake Reich
art and Mrs. John Schiater.
Mrs. William Valentine and daugh
ter. Miss Mildred, arrived here from
Slater, Mo., on Wednesday for a fare
well visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Mayfuld, who will spend
the winter in Texas. Mrs. Valentine
made the trip from Omaha by auto,
accompanied by Mrs. E. O. Mayfield
and son, Ciaude, and Mrs. Carl Foster
and daughter, Rose, of Omaha.
A want ad will bring you a buyer.
four Mm
-'Ol 11
I "1-1- .M-I-I-I-l-l-l. 4-1-4
Frank SchafFer came in Friday eve
ning from Chicago, where he had been
running an engine on a branch road
Helen Rich received a bad cut in
the hand last week from a blade of
corn. It took several stitches to close
the wound.
John Swindle, jr., left Monday
morning for Sheridan, Wyo. We ex
pect when John returns he will be in
possession of a homestead somewhere
in the northwest.
Ed Sheard went to Omaha Wednes
day to consult Dr. Allison regarding
his ear trouble, which has been bother
ing him quite badly of late. He was
accompanied by his mother and Mrs.
Hazel Cappen.
Wednesday, October 20th, completed
twenty-ine years of service for En
gineer Jim Hoover of the Lincoln
branch passenger train. Mr. Hoover
is a very congenial man and he has
made many friends along the line
from Lincoln to Union.
Mrs. P. S. Barnes leaves next Mon
day for the Pacific coast, where she
will spend the winter. Her first stop
will be at Portland. Ore., with the
Misses Laura Russell and Goodale.
Later she expects to visit Vancouver,
the exposition and other coast points.
Rev. A S. Scofield was taken very
sick while at the home of S. J. James
here last Saturday. He was able to
go to his home at Milford Monday
morning. We understood he had to
go to bed when he arrived home. It
is hoped that he may recover soon.
William Ash, who was rolled under
the engine at the quarry, is improv
ing nicely now. He was able to walk
down town Wednesday. He thinks
he will be able to go to work again
in a week or so. Billy is mighty glad
to be out again, but has no desire to
repeat his experience.
Word was received here of the death
of Jake Spencer, which had occurred
pt his home near Waverly Tuesday.
Mr. Spencer was a former resident of
this vicinity and has many friends who
will be grieved to learn of his demise.
His illness had extended for a long
period, so the end was not unexpect
ed. The funeral was held at Eagle
Thursday. The deceased leaves a wife
and four sons and two daughters.
Uncle John Turner was able to b?
in town on Wednesday, the first time
since February.
Charles Rivett of Lincoln and his
daughter, Mrs. A. M. Trumble, of
Eagle, came Thursday for a visit with
relatives and friends.
Minnie Sutherland, who was so bad
ly burned, was taken to Lincoln and
will undergo an operation of grafting
skin at a hospital there.
about your home
r Ml
Miss Belle Burrell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Burrell, of this
place, was united in marriage on last
Monday to a Mr. Bunch of Grand Is
land. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Haiverson of
Evansville, Ind., arrived in the city
on Monday and are spending several
days visiting with the latter's sister,
Mrs. A. L. Gash.
E. C. Burke and family left for
York, Neb., Tuesday evening and will
visit for awhile with his parents. He
has been sick for the past week or so
and needs the vacation from his duties
at the store.
Mrs. W. L. Harris of Kansas City
Mo., arrived Monday morning in com
pany with her sister, Mrs. Frank Un
derhill, of Lincoln, for a vh;it with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miller. Mrs. Harris lias been in Lin
coin with Mr. Harris to attend the
funeral of the latter's mother.
Elmwood seems to be especially fa
vored with revival services at the
present time. Services are being con
ducted at the Christian church bv Dr.
Clark, and at the M. E. church by
Rev. Eugene Maxcey cf Shickley.
This will afford the people of Elm-
wood and vicinity every opportunity to
attend revival serv ices.
Mrs. and Mrs. A. J. Box went to
Omaha Monday with their daughter,
Lizzie, who is taking treatment for
ulcers at a hospital there. The trou
ble comes from burns sustained about
p. year ago by Miss Lizzie on her right
lower limb. Mr. Box returned Tues
day evening, Mrs. Box remaining in
Omaha with her daughter.
Ross Tindail went to Omaha Satur
day night to see his mother, who is
sick in a hospital. Mr. Tindail's fath
er is quite feeble also.
Herman Rieke went to Omaha Sat
urday to bring his daughter, Miss Hat
tie, home. She has ben confined there
in a hospital for some time.
Charles F. Morton, who has a 20
zcte orchard near here, shipped a ca:
of fine Jonathan apples to O'Neil, Ne
braska, Friday.
Uncle Reuben Foster, who was
stricken with paralysis some time aero,
shows but very little improvement.
He is now able to use his hands to
some etx3nt.
Mrs. G. A. Randall went to Omaha
Tuesday to meet her mother, Mrs. E.
W. Wright, of Neligh, Neb., wiio ac
companied her home for a visit.
Mrs. Rebecca Morland and two chil
dren, of Grant City, Mo., arrived here
Friday morning for an ext?nded visit
with Mrs. Moriand's parents, Mr. anj
Mrs. Solomon Baldwin.
L. E. Reynolds is packing his house
hold goods this week preparing to
move to Omaha, where he will in the
luture make his home. The Ledger
joins their many friends in wishing
'hem prosperity in their new location.
J. D. Bramblett returned Monday
morning from his tourist's trip to the
Pacific coast. He enjoyed the trip
fine. Got a good look at the 'Frisco
and San Diego fairs, came back by
way of Seattle, Portland and Spokane,
and says that it was worth five times
the price paid.
Ernest, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Lindsey, who was taken to a
specialist in Omaha a couple of weeks
ago, is back. His eye is much improv
ed and it may be that his eyesight can
be saved. The cause of the accident
was being hit in his left eye with a
whip while playing with some boys.
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
4-?-?-:-:- 4-4- I-l-I-I-'r
Fancy stationery in different vari
eties at the Journal office. Come and
?ee us when you want stationery.
For Sale.
18 horse-power Buffalo Pitts double
cylinder engine. Good as new. Will
sell it at a bargain; half cash, balance
terms to suit. Inquire at this office.
Cabbage for Sale.
. I have a lot of cabbage for sale, at
my place, west of Murray. $1.00 per
doztn heads. C. E. TUCKER.
The Journal delivered at your door
for only 10 cents a week.
fir im;rr!'t j ' ir ni- iies.tkn
r VV . 9 w w m V V
y4 I.udlml Ak ynr !)mcrlni f.,r V
$C fr .- -hi-ci.trr-iMammtU Ijrttli
V V W ysars know Best, Sziest. Atwavs Krliai'ia
is at home on
Mrs. Lvdia Howe went to Lincoln
J. A. Shaffer was in Omaha on busi
ness Tuesday.
Peter Klyver went to Omaha Wed
nesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Eovles motored
to Lincoln Tuesday.
Mis. II. Moore was visiting friends
in Lincoln Saturday.
Mrs. CL.ience Curyea and daughter,
Lilhan. were in Lincoln Saturday.
Orion Baldwin of University Place
viiied friends in town last week.
William M. Kear visited his brother
Fred Kear, and family, last week.
William Nev.kirk spent a few days
the first of the week with his family.
John Woods family anil Mrs.
ilattle Kear autoed to Lincoln Satur
day. Misses Stella Sheesley and Grace
Bailey were capital city visitors Sat
urday. Dale S. Boyles went to Omaha
Wednesday to attend a bankers' con
vention. Mrs. Edwards of Teru, Neb., is
visiting her ton, Charies and family,
diis week.
Mrs. J. W. Davis and her guest,
Miss Sheik, Were chopping in Lincoln
Mrs. Eli Coon and brother, George
IlardnoeK, were passengers for Lin
coln Vveunesuaw
Miss Etta Miller visited the home
folks a few hours Sunday evening via
ihe auto route.
Mrs. E. M. Stone was shopping in
Lincoln Tuesday. Her brother, Bert
ivitzei, returned home with her.
J. A. Shaffer and family and their
est. Miss Katherine Hammond, of
Lincoln, motored to Soutii Bend Sun
iav. William Sutton and r.iece, Miss button, and nephew, layior
Sutton, autoed to Valparaiso Wednes-
.ur. and jir.
Neo., came in
. Ed Waite of Ansley,
Monday to visit Mrs.
a i .
's brother. Jesse liaKer and fam-
Friends surpri-ed Mr. and Mrs. C.
Ar.der.-on at their home Tuesday
r.;:.g. where a very pleasant tim.:
tS had.
Miss Grace Sh.-ik of Crab Orchard,
e-.. snent eerai cays last ween
. spen
Mrs. J. W. Davis, returning home
Thomas Stout, G. I'. Foreman, Jess:
aiv.aevk ar 1 Albert Tolaad went to
n eunes.av to attend a K. i .
1 Uen'.
'.!! Il'
is. John Lin eh. spent
v at the G. V. Fort-man home,
.e i.-om Lircoin to their home
in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman of
Yalpurai.-o visited the former's par
ent., Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman,
last Sunday.
Lem Foreman of Omaha, and Noel
Foreman of Lincoln t-pent Sunday
with thdr parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
P. Foreman.
Mrs. Frank Brinkman of Platts
mouth spent, the latter part of last
week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Mii-
r and family.
Mrs. Lyda Rakestrow of Kansas.
formerly of this place, took dinner
with Mrs. Fred Kear Tuesday, and is
visiting other friends.
Mrs. George Foreman visited her
daughter, Mrs. E. L. Bobbitt, in Lin
coln last Saturday. Mrs. Bobbitt is
regaining her health nicely.
Elmer Barrett and family have
moved into the Mrs. M. A. Stone resi
dence, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke hav
ing moved into the Clarke home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stroemer re
turned Saturday from Barneston,
Neb., where they attended the funeral
of Mr. Stroemer's father on Friday.
Mrs. and Mrs. Tom Quinn of Weep
ing Water visited a short time with
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Grove Saturday
on their way home from Central City,
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rasp and daugh
ter, Esther, went to Omaha Friday to
visit their sons, John and Albert and
families and to hear Billy Sunday
They returned home Monday.
Mr. Hull of Euskin, Neb., spent
Sunday and Monday with his sister,
Mrs. L. Lauritsen, and on Tuesday he
and Mr. Lauritsen went to Omaha to
purchase merchandise for their stores
A group of young ladies of the Alvo
schools and vicinity have organize!
the Alvo Athletic association for the
purpose of arousing interest in ath
letics among girls and women.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles attended
the Nebraska-Notre Dame foot bal
game Saturday at Lincoln. Judge V
C. Hascall and wife returned home
with them, visiting over Sunday, re
turning to their home in Omaha Mon-
Alfred B. Stroemer and Miss
Audrey Brown were married October
20 at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown, near Wa-
bash, the Rev. Wr. A. Taylor oflieiat-
ing. Those attending from Alvo, be the bridegroom's immediate fam
ily were F. M. Prouty and family, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Bennett. Lee Prouty sang.
.line, and 1 J.ove lou. .Manv
beautiful and useful presents were
Cedar Creek
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our thanks to
Mi 1 many friends and neighbors for
their kindness shown us during the
aicitness and c.eath of our beloved
husband and father.
Mrs. H. Schneider.
Georce Fackier and Family.
Walter Schneider and Family.
Harry Medler.
A woman's hat, on the road south
of Cedar Cree k. Any lady losing a
hat can have the fame by applying at
S. J. Reames' barber shop at Cedar
John Gauer was in Louisville Mon
Philip Stoehr spent Tuesday in
Harry Baughman came in to spend
Sundav at home.
Pete Schroder and wife went to
Omaha Saturday.
Harry Meisinger and wife spent
tr.daj at Ashland.
Don't forget the Box Supper Satur-
!ay night, October 30th.
John Gauer and Happy Thierolf
were m i'lattsmoutn saturuav.
John Wolff and wife and daughter,
Merrra. went to Omaha Saturday.
G. P. Meisinger and Noah Wanne
i.aker were in Louisville Friday.
Henry Baughman. wife and ciaugh-
Nora, went to Omaha Friday.
Mrs. Philip Stoehr and Mrs. August
Keil spent Saturday in Piatsmouth.
P. H. Roberts drove to Omaha in car Mimtay to near jjiiiy unuay.
Whittier went to Ashland
. - ,
itH'Siiay evr-ni
ng to visit her motner.
Louis Kr: and wifo
vif.- n- t V";l'-2m I
Kei! and wife drove to Murrav Satur-1
da v.
Mr. Foreman went heme Saturday
!.:cr'r.t to spend Sunday with home
Wiliiam Seybert of Cullom spent
Sunday with Andrew Thomsen and
John Wc
id wife. Tobv Frey and
iuddy Likewise drove to Omaha Wed
esday. Mr. Merrimar., of the Mcrrrman &
Noves Hardware Co., was in town
Toby Frey and family left for ther-
home in Gillette, Wyoming, Tuesday
T'ln nndior v ho hrs been
visiting in Lhalco, returned nome
1 1 , -
F. B. Pickwick of York, Neb., who
15 worKing tor tne l orii. r.urserj, wan
in town Tuesday.
George Thierolf went to Weeping
Water Sunday, where he has a job
running an engine.
James Farrier and wife of Louis
ville came in Sunday to see his sister,
Mrs. Henry Dasher.
Henry Baughman, who has been
visiting in Illinois lor the past weeK,
returned home Thursday.
James Ilessenflow and Henry Heeb-
ner went to Omaha Saturday night
to listen to Billy Sunday.
Quite a number from here attended
the dance at John Gauer's Saturday
r.ight. All report a good time.
Henry Heebner went to Plattsmouth
Wednesday as a witness in the divorce
case, returning home Thursday.
B. Earr and family of La Tlatte
Sundayed with Mrs. Barr's father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dasher.
Miss Marie Kaufmann and Miss
Patterson of Plattsmouth motored out
Saturday to visit with friends in
Cedar Creek.
John Busche and S. J. Reames went
to Omaha to see the work put on Wed
nesday night by the state team of the
I. O. O. F.
Walter Schneider ar.d wife and
Harry Meisinger and wife went to
Omaha to hear Billy Sunday last
A. O. Ault and wife, with Mis:
Verla Schneider and Morrison Beach
er, attended the Sunday school con
vention in Louisville Monday night.
Lloyd Schneider and sister, Verla,
Miss Beacher, Miss Morris, Henry
Metier and Hans Franke drove to
Omaha Wednesday night to hear Billy
James Ilessenflow lost his glasses
on the rural route on October 20th.
Anybody finding a pair of glasses in
a case, please return them to Jamej
Prof. F. M. Gregg, head of the de
partment of psychology, was in Friend
Fr iday, at which time he delivered an
address before the City Teachers' In
rtitute. On Saturday he addressed the
teachers of Otoe county in a hmeeting
at Palmyra.
Miss Margaret Ellen Brown, gen
eral secretary of the State Sunday
School association, will address the
students at the regular chapel period
Thursday. Her subject will be, "A
Sunday School Vision." Mis.s Brown
was formerly one of the most progres
sive and efficient county superintend
ents in Nebraska.
Miss Alice Hawthorne, upper pri
mary critic, has been compelled to give
up her work for a few weeks on ac
count of sickness.
Miss Katherine L. Woods, pro-
prieto- of the Lincoln Fine Arts store,
made a short visit with friends in
Peru last week. Miss Woods was for
merly an asswiate profes.-or in the
department of Engli.-h in the norma!.
The success of the budget system
of handling school everts has attract
ed attention in other states. President
Hayes has received inquiries from a
number oi normal schools in the Unit
ed States concerning the method of
handling this system.
For the benefit of young men an I
young women who are not able to at
tend school a full semester short
course will be offered in agriculture,
fewincr, cooking, manual training.
commerical branches and nearly all
county certificate subjects. These
courses will begin November IS and
continue for nine weeks. No tuition is
charged. The success of these courses
in former years has prompted offering
them again.
Beginning classes will be organized
in bookkeeping, shorthand and type
writing. Why pay a large tuition to
business colleges when the state of
fers commercial instruction free of
charge ?
The Peru foot ball squad went to
Crete Friday, where they met defeat
in a closely contested game with
1 1 fri
i'oane couepe. me ieam was m-i-um-
i i .i , c .1 :
fii'llfu e a sqaau ui er. jiuMa.n.
rooters, who report that although the
decisive score was 7 to 0, the Feru
tes.m was at no time outplayed. Coach
Johnson states that although Peru has
. had heavier teams, she has never hal
1 a faster or harder-fighting team since
he has been in Peru, and he predicts
some excellent work during the rest of
the season. Teru will meet Tarkio on
the local field October 21).
I Mr. and Mrs. St. John motored to
! Peru Sunday from Nehawka to spend
the day with their daughter, Emma.
Clarence Beal of Plattsmouth visited
with friends in Peru Sunday.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
' tr liK-nl ai'pii'-ations. a thpy cannot reach th
I rii.....i luiitmn t,t the er. There U only nut
ny to .nr.-il.-aftic. nl that l ty cuiisTitution.
c-miiitioii "t the uiucoii linine of the l.ui.l.1. liUa
Tub". When thU tutw is lunauie.i yon nuie a
nanMlnc sound or lnirfect bearing-, aud tifa
It i eijttrvly clos. d lcafues In the r-uit, ani
nnlrss tie "inflammation can in- tnken out and
tills t"!e restored to 1" normal condition, bear
lr.)f w.U tc destroyed forever: nine ca.- out of
ten are a used IrCatarrh. which 1 nothing but
an ii:tl:iniej condition of the mncono murtm-f.
We w iil eie Ono Hundred Iiollara fur ai. T ra
of Iiejfne (cauwd b.r ci'trrh that cannot
rur.'d t'V Hall's Catarrh Cure. Scud (. cimi
Ura, fr. CTIENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Pold t'T Prupplsts, 75c. w
Take Hall'a I"aciUj I'llla for comtlpatlob.
A carload of live poultry to be de
livered at the C, B. & Q. depot,
Plattsmouth, Neb., on Tuesday, Nov.
2nd, one day only, for which we will
pay in cash as follows:
Hens, per lb 10c
Springs, per lb 10c
Ducks, per lb -.10c
Geese, per lb 10c
Old Eoosters, per lb 6c
Remember the date. We will be on
hand, rain or shine, and take all good
fat poultry offered for sale.