PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 191.1 J j NEHAWKA. j r News. A A Mrs. P. C. We.-t and daughter, Gladys, returned home Sunday, after viKiting several weeks in Colorado. D. A. Johr.son came down from Omaha Tuesday to look after the in terests of the Van Court Stone com pany. Miss Violet St. John came up from Union Friday to spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. St. J,.hn. Mrs. Clayton Row.crans returned to her home in Piattsmouth Tuesday after spending a few days with rela tives. Miss Isadore Sheldon returned to Lincoln Monday mcrnirsr, after spend ing Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Sheidon. Mrs. G. M. Weave!-, a cousin of Mrs. Helen Pollard, came up from St. Jos eph, Missouri, last week for a visit with relatives and friends. Last Saturday evening about twenty-five members of the Woodmen Cir cle met at the lodge hall and gave Rev. Hedges r.nd famiiy a farewell re ception. At 6 o'clock a very delicious two-course luncheon was served. Last Sunday afternoon was un doubtedly the last game of the season, when Cedar Creek airain journeyed down and tangled with the boys. The locals were out of pep and no one cared much whether they played oi not. as only one put c:i a -uit. The crowd was small r.nd the game was rather a fizzle. Cedar Creek won by several scores. Rev. Hedges, who finished his sixth year in the pulpit of the U. B. church in this place last week, left for his new home in Strung, Neb., with his car Tuesday afternoon. lie is entering a dandy little town with pk-a.-a:.t sur roundings ai.d many are those who hate to see him go, but wi..h him the very best in his new place. Mrs. Hedges and daughters followed Wednesday. Charles Renner left Thursday af ternoon for Lorton to take charge of an extra gang on the Missouri Pacific railway. During his absence Henry , Rerner has charge of the east section. The elevators are taking in some wheat this week. The quality is very poor on account of having been dam- I aged by rains while in the shock, and I it is not bringing very handsome prices. I The Eagle telephone station is now ! under new management. E. C. Oberle l having taken charge October 1st. Mr. J Oberle is well capable to handle this ; branch of the work for the company and will do hi- very best at all times to please the patrons. George Oberle killed a young eagle on the road leadirg north from town i last Saturday. It measured f2 inches from tip to tip. George says this is the first eagle that he ever killed and cannot account for it being in this part of the country. Dr. Lonsracre is j having the bird mounted and will have it on exhibition soon. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS UNION. Ledger. EAGLE. -v 5 Beacon. - Piattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 5, 1615. Board met in regular session. Pres er.t: Julius A. Pitz. C. E. Heebner land Henry Snoke, County Commission ers; Frank Liberchal. County Clerk Minutes of previous session read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular f orm : County Clerk filed report of fees, third quarter 1915, $250.00. Register of Deeds filed report of fees, third quarter 1915, $397.05. County Judge filed report of fees, third quarter 1915, $589.65. Clerk District Court, filed report of fees, third quarter 1915, $5S1.3G County Sheriff filed report of fees, third quarter 1915, $111.25. The following claims were allowed on the General fund: C. W. Baylor, coal to Collins, Krisky. Schlucka, farm and jail $ John Bauer & Son, auto hire to Commissioners, September Frank Neumann, labor at court house Mrs. Edna Denson, care of de pendent children, September 30.00 Mrs. Dora Fleischman, care of blind man, third quarter M. Herold, flags to court house Louisville Courier, printing for County - August Bach, mdse. to Mrs. L. Denson Piatt smouth Water Co., water to court house, August and 27. G2 80.40 8.75 18.00 .70 3S.50 8.00 A. II. Vanlar.dir.gham flipped a car! ;a l cf cattle and one c.r mixed cattle and hogs to Omcha Wednesday. Dr. T. E. K. Welhle went to New Mexico the latter part f last week to look after some lard interests there. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Au-ut Johnson, who reside north "f town. Wednesday, October Oth, a ni-:e-pounc! loy. Mrs. Frank g. v. In has J'C-.ti suffering from inflammatory rheu matism and. was in a hospital at Lin coin for a week, is slowly itr.p-ovirg. Pat Moran has tak. n cha-t the west section in place of O. P. T'otron rkf, who left here Tuesday evening with his famiiy to take charge of the section at Avoca. Rev. Crum of Minnesota came in Saturday to visit with old friends. He was fmmerlv pastor of the U. B. church Iitp. Richard Jones, who for some time has been employed on the Missouri Pacific at this point, resigned his position last Saturday. Bert Crawford packed his house hold goods rnd moved to Murray last Saturday. They will make their home nt that place in the future. Old "Pete.' 'the veteran brakeman of the Lincoln run, is taking a week's vacation, the occasion being the com ing marriage of his daughter. The oldest agent on this eiivision of the Missouri Pacific in point of serv ice is stationed at Crete, Neb., he hav ing been there for the past thirty-five years. Vance II. Harris, who is employed in a dairy near Fort Dodge. Iowa, came hr-me for a visit with his family the latter part of the week. He ex pects to locate there permanently in ; the -:ea- future. j Miss Hattie Rieke, who was taken j to a hospital in Omaha last week, is j doing fairly well. Mr. Rieke 2nd two! M. Archer. State vs. Howe and children wort up on the afternoon j Ball 3.85 train Wednesday to see how she was j C. D. Quinton, State vs. Howe getting along. j and Ball 3.20 Mrs. Staunton's new brick building , Hatt & Son, mdse. to Mrs. is nearly completed. It will be ready Lambert 10.00 for oecutiancv about the first of No-' Piattsmouth Steam Laundry, vember. A restaurant will be estab-j laundry to jail li. he 1 in the lower floor and the upper j R. G. Glover, State vs. Jack floe r v. ill bo used for a rooming house, t Purcell It is understood that the Keystone ' R. D. McNurlin. constable, Cerm rt company of this place, of I State vs. Jack Purcell which Mr. W. B. Banning is the head, j O. K. Cromwell, jury, State vs. is looking for another location. Union ; Jack Purcell September 11.3: F. G. Fricke & Co., drusrs and medicines, Mrs. Jesse Val- lery James Robertson, salary and fees, third quarter A. D. Depain, labor at jail.. D. C. Morgan, postal supplies Stella Persinjrer, care of de pendent children, October. . Mrs. A. L. Marshall, care of Max Btrger for third quar ter 13.00 4 . 4 ; 178.00 5.10 5 00 25.00 f-hould wake up and see if it is not ; E. E. Day, jury, State vs. pos-ible to keep this company here. : Jack Purcell We have nothing to lose and should J. M. Teerarden. jury, State ga in Sales Journal. we possibly :ould. bills done quickly at the vs. Jack Purcell . J. J. Meier, jury, state vs. Jack Purcell j W. W. Davis, jury, state vs. 6.86 3.80 4.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 pS B 1 v if fir mm 1 14 Ik 111 Poors ; h R a BT K li w--. i ' h 11 ?-3 k t K R H ri li f: R v". P Tj W H n will be the next item that you will need about your home rders to m and be ready for the cold weather that arrive here in a short time 3 i Remember we are in a position to quote the best prices on all kinds of building material TV. MY, i-wm LUrlBER&3AF3 I i irttiTt iii'i m I if". .''.' lifi-l. li s v u ffm Jack Purcell S. Mathews, jury, State vs. Jack Purcell Ben Sheffer, witness, State vs. Jack Purcell Ola Olson, witness. State vs. Jack Purcell C. D. Quinton, boarding Coun ty prisoners and commit ments, August C. D. Quinton, jailer fees, August C. D. Quinton, salary for August C. D. Quinton, salary for September C. D. Quinton, boarding coun ty prisoners, September . . C. D. Quinton, jailer fees, Sep tember Hans Sievers, salary and laun dry, extra work Nebraska Lighting Co., gas and electricty E. G. Dovey & Son, mdse. Mrs. Vallery Frank J. Libershal, salary and expense Wm. Richards, care of Wm. Everett, September A. G. Bach & Co., mdse. Mrs. Schlieska Mrs. Martha A. Haddon. care of dependent children, September Hans Jchnson, mdse. Mrs. Fowler Simon Rehmeier, board and lodging, cripple bum Crozier Eros., mdse. Miss Mc- Ginnis F. II. Nichols, mdse. Mrs. Matzke. August, 1915 A. W. White, mdse. Mrs. Mc- Pherson, September and August Dr. G. II. Gilmore, insane J. A. Cole J. E. Douglas, insane J. A. Cole James Robertson, insane J. A. Cole C. D. Quinton, insane J. A. Cole J. H. Tarns, witness, insane J. A. Cole , - Dr. J. F. Brendel, coroner in quest Walter II. Hahan A. II. Vanlandlngham. jury, corener inquest Walter II. Hahan '. H. Hudson, jury, inquest Walter H. Hahan J. E. Wricht, jury, Walter H. Hahan . J. C. Banz, jury, Walter II. Hahan . R. N. Wright, jury, Walter II. Hahan . N. D. Taylor, jury. Walter H. Hahan R. A. Malley, witness, inquest Walter II. Hahan J. II. Hoover, witness, inquest Walter II. Hahan Joseph Smith, witness, iriqust Walter II. Hahan Wm. Hobson. witness, inquest Walter H. Hahan George Huffman, witness, in quest Walter H. Hahan.... J. H. Tarns, salary and ex pense Dr. G. II. Gilmore, inebriate Carr Lee Statler J. E. Douglass, inebriate. Carr Lee Statler James Robertson, inebriate Carr Lee Statler Zack Alden, witness, inebriate Carr Lee Statler D. E. Eaton, witness, inebriate Carr Lee Statler ., W. II. Rakes, witnes, inebriate Carr Lee Statler C. D. Quinton, sheriff, in ebriate Carr Lee Statler.. Fred Patterson, office work and other work Feter Goos, empty barrel to farm . . . . Eli Eogercrief, digging grave, W. H. Hahan Lincoln Telephone & Tele graph Co., rents and tolls. . K. D. Clark, mdse. Wave, Al len. August and September A. W. White, mdse. Mrs. Har ness Sergun Eros., threshing at farm A. G. Cole, salary and expense F. II. Nichols, mdse. to Matzke Henry Snoke, salary, mileage and telephone calls C. E. Heebner, salary and mileage Julius A. Pitz, salary and mileage Piattsmouth Journal, printing and supplies Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies, claim No. 11 Weeping Water Republican, printing and supplies Hammond & Stephens, sup plies to County Superintend ent Hammond & Stephens, sup plies to County Superintend ent B. C. Marquardt, mdse. Mrs. Cottingham I. N. Cummins, hauling rub bish -. , Lorenz Brothers, mdse. to the Cocnty Farm inquest inquest inquest inquest 10.00 8.00 3.00 .50 29.98 2.30 20.30 2.00 2 . 00 2.00 2.00 .00 2.00 1.1C 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 8.00 3.00 5.00 3.80 3.80 3.80 12.00 r.s.oo 1.50 5.00 28.27 1C.00 10.00 40. 92 111.00 lf.f,5 82.14 85.70 95.80 on the Bridge fund: 35.00 Fred Clark, bridge work 37.20 W. B. Banning, bridge work. . 103 00 14.44 Walter J. Clouse, bridge work and material 3G.85 4.99 Geo. W. Voss Co., bridge ma terial 81.85 4.90 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., bridge material 13.45 3.85 John H. Busche, bridge work 16.75 W. H. Kikendall, bridge lum- 19. 7S ber 89.12 Fred Clark, bridge work 4.00 0.00 Yates Lumber & Coal Co., bridge material 10.35 32.00 Aug. Krecklow, bridge work. . 9-75 3.50 Monarch Engineering Co., 2.00 58 . G5 4 35 2.10 11.50 1.00 I Nebraska Hospital for the In sane, care and clothing, 1.U0 K. liieodorsiti, jonn iyo... ot.ii John Bauer & Son, repairs to 1.00 toilet 60 Alice Tuey. clerk hire superin- 1.00 I tendent's and attorney's of fice Dr. I. D. Jones, expense, Merle 8.50 Walters Chas. Mclntire, expense, State 24.00 vs. Eall and Howe J. R. Noyes, expense, State vs. Eall and Howe M. Archer, State vs. Moore 145.83 and Miller i C. D. Quinton, State vs. Moore 35.00 and Miller Dr. J. W. Brendel, medical 27.00 service pauper Dr. B. F. Brendel, establishing 80 00 and removing ouarantine. . James Rebal, brooms to county 14.53 Piattsmouth Ice and Cold Storage Co., ice to poor 20.00 farm Kroehler Bros., mdse. to court . 211.G7I house and farm M. Archer. State vs. Jno. Doe 8.00 I Alvin Jones, State vs. Doe M. Archer. State vs. Wm. 30.00 Ingram C. D. Quinton, State vs. Wm. Ingram 30.00 Eda Marquardt, salary and ex pense. September 143.72 12.00 L. V. Nichols Oil Co., sweep ing compound 2.50 .50 infield S. Scott, making plat book of villages Cass Co... 400.00 .00 S. H. Shumaker, renair of pump at farm 2.00 17.38 John Bauer A; Son, repairs to toilet 1.G5 Warga & Schuldice, Bazda lamps to jail 3.15 H. Waintroub, mdse. to sheriff and county 7.(10 H. M. Soenr.ichsen, mdse. to Chambers, Rinker, Worden, Collins 29.75 Mike Tritsch, electric time switch for court house .... 16.50 Ber.j. Windham, extra electric work at court house 22.11 W. K. Fox, county treasurer, advance on Windham claim 20. 00 . J. Snyder, comparing plat books and attaching certi ficates to same 45.00 E. A. Wurl, mdse. to Hobson, Monroe and McGee 20.00 A. G. Cole, re ward to detective department of Omaha . 25.00 Dr. J. F. Brendel, coroner in quest John H. Hall 15.30 B. I. Clements, coroner inquest John II. Hall 2 50 L. A. Tyson. jury, cor oner inquest John H. Hall.. 1.10 Ed II. Penterman, jury, cor oner inquest John H. Hall. . 1.10 P. Saxton, jury, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 J. M. Needy, jury, cor oner inquest John H. Hall. . 1.10 C. S. Aldrich, jury, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 A. W. Bedson. jury, cor oner inquest John H. Hall.. 1.10 B. I. Clements, witness, cor oner inquest John H. Hall.. 1.10 H. E. Parmeter. witness, cor oner inquest John II. Hail.. 1.10 A. McFall, witness, cor oner inquest John H. Hall.. 1.10 R. J. Boyd, jr., witness, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 W. A.. Bartlett. witness, cor oner inquest John H. Hall.. 1.10 Floyd Tyson, witness, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 Veryl Morgan, witness, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 John Lynn, witness, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 Dr. Van Fleet, witness, cor oner inquest John II. Hall.. 1.10 Mrs. Mary McCaig, witness, coroner inquest John II. Hall 1.10 Dr. J. F. Brendel, coroner in quest Goodman, Sherlock, Wilson 23.95 II. C. Creamer, jury, coroner inquest Goodman, Sherlock, Wilson 1.40 Benj. Windham, jury, coroner inquest Goodman, Sherlock, WTi!son 1.40 T. S. Barrows, jury, coroner inquest Goodman, Sherlock, Wilson 1.40 C. A. Rosencrans, jury, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher lock. Wilson 1.40 Lee Nickels, jury, coroner inquest Goodman, Sherlock, Wilson 1-40 W. II. Puis, jury, coroner inquest Goodman, Sherlock, Wilson 1-40 II. D. Reed, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher- lork- Wilson 1.10 W. J. Hulse, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher- lnrk- Wilson ..... 1.10 F. R. Thomas, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher lock. Wilson 1.10 Geo. Newland, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher lock. Wilson 1.10 R. L. Wyatt, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher lock. Wilson 1.10 42.90 W. W. Webster, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher lock. Wilson 1.10 O. N. Hatfield, witness, cor oner inquest Goodman, Sher lock, Wilson 1.10 The following claims were allowed due on emergency bridge work Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work Monarch Engineering Co., part payment on bridge 209.39 20G.32 .1500.00 29. 4G 109.41 22.20 Of? E7 11.52 10.00 work Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work 80.10 The following claim was allowed on the Commissioners' Road fund: Lehmer Bros., part payment grading West Rock Bluffs, Sec. 23 and 24 (By J. A. Pitz) $300.00 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund of the County: Walter Byers, road work, Road District No. 27 S18G.02 red Clark, road work. Road District No. 11 1SG.05 Tom Smith, road work, Road District No. 10 69.20 John II. Busche, road work, Road District No. 2 2S4.04 C. F. Vallerv, road work. Road District No. 1 34.00 John A. Long, road work, Road District No. 1 15.90 Joseph II. Seacat, road work, Road District No. 14 42.25 G. W. Harshman, jr., road work, Road District No. 13 23.60 John Iverson, sharpening grader blades. District No. 1 7.00 Walter J. Clouse, road work, Road District No. 4 196.85 E. Sturzenegger, hardware and axle grease, Road District L. M. Snavely, road work, Road District No. 10 46.80 Fred Betts, road work, Road District No. 13 7.00 E. T. Tool, lumber for Road District No. 4 23.76 Geo. W. Eggleston & Son. ma terial for Road District No. 16 10.31 Walter J. Clouse, road work, Road District No. 4 135.05 Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co.. culverts. Road District No. 15 92.07 Wm. II. Rush, road work. Road District No. 7 81 SO Bryan Snyder, grading. Road District No. 1 24.00 J. H. Foreman, road work, Road District No. 6 228.20 Jess Wall, grading, Road Dis trict No. 16 12.00 Eli Bogenrief, road work, Road District No. 16 1.40 Sam Westlake, road work, Road District No. 16 7.00 John Weave-, road work. Road District No. 16 14.75 W. B. Banning, lumber, Road District No. 11 29.20 Yates Lumber Co., lumber to Road District No. 8 33.33 James Laughridge, making tlrags District No. 10. and blacksmith work 23.35 W. H. Kikendall, lumber Road District No. 10 13.30 E. J. Eichey, lumber o Road District No. 1 15.50 Matt Sulser, road work, Road District No. 1 4. CO F. W. Nolting, road work, Road District No. 1 61.20 Lehmer Bros., grading (In heritance Tax fund) 20.00 The following claims were allowed on the Dragging fund: Tom Smith, dragging, District 10 $ 71.61 L. M. Snavely, dragging. Dis trict 16 2.50 E. P. Betts, dragging, Dis trict 16 35.40 W. W. Coatman, dragging, District 16 11.00 Walter J. Clouse, dragging, District 4 b. o E. P. Betts, dragging, Dis trict 16 12.75 Wm. Rush, dragging, Dis trict 7 42. Wm. T. Sack, dragging, Dis trict 16 22.00 C. M. Read, dragging, Dis trict 27 3.00 John H. Busche, dragging, District 2 36.80 C. L. Wiles, dragging. Dis trict 1 9-00 C. F. Vallery, dragging, Dis trict 1 LSI Eddie Todd, dragging, Dis trict 1 13.50 C. L. Wiles, dragging, Dis trict 1 4.50 Fred Clark, dragging, Dis trict 11 1G.72 Aug. Krecklow, draggir.g, Dis trict 8 6.00 G. W. Harshman, jr., tlrag- ging, District 13 21.80 Board adjourned to meet October 6, 1915. 12.00 8.00 82 80 Piattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 6, 1915. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, with all members present, when the following busines was transacted in regular form: In the matter of a petition from E. C. Gibberson and others; requesting the apopintment of Frank Waggooner road overseer, came on for hearing. On motion of C. E. Heebner, seconded by Henry Snoke, same was refused by the Board. County Treasurer this clay instruct ed to refund the City of Piattsmouth $25.25. being the amount of taxes as sessed against north 96 feet of lots 5 and 6, block 29, for 1914. Account, being non-assessable property. The following claims were allowed on the General fund: Remington Typewriter Co., rent of machine $ 1.50 Klopp & Bartlett, county sup plies to county claim No. 12 201.59 Dr. E. H. Worthman, medical care and drugs to Lake, Everett and Vernon 57.05 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund: Smith ii Son's Mfg. Co., scraper to Road District No. 9 $ 20.00 W. J. Partridge, road work. Road District No. 13 W. J. Partridjre, road work. Road District No. 14 A. B. Karger, road work. Road District No. 10 The following list of names were selected by the County Commission ers from which to choose the jurors for the next term of Court: Tipton B. F. Judkins, M. McFall, J. B. Elliott. Greenwood C. R. Jordan, Ed Stone. Salt Creek Forest A. Clymer, N. S. Flood, W. E. Bailing. Stove Creek C. G. Bailey, John G. Stark, Earl Elliott. Elmwood Frank C. Buell, H. A. Guthmann, Ira Bosworth. South Bend John Campbell, Oscar Zarr. Weeping Water Precinct C. C. Jackman. Detrich Koester. Center II. P. Smith, A. Stiekamp. Louisville Precinct J. B. Noyes, F. H. Nichols, Emil Talmer. Avoca J. S. Rough, Wm. A. Rose. Mt. Pleasant Bert Jameson, John, Urih. Eight Mile Grove Jacob FomofT, Andy Thompson, Will Wehrbein. Nthawka D. Steffens, F. C. Shoe maker. Liberty Joseph Lindsay, L. G. Todd, John Niday. Rock Bluffs, 1st Sam Pitman, Ed Tutt, Will Rice. Rock Bluffs, 2nd Peter Campbell, Joe Beal. riattsmouth Precinct John A. Lor.g, Frank Blatzer, Mike Vetesnick. Piattsmouth First ward, John V. Hatt, Paul Wohlfarth; Second ward. John McNurlin, A. F. Seybert, John Svoboda, jr.; Third ward, A. M. Searle. L. G. Larson, Jennings Seiv- ers; i ourtn wara, rraiiK Neumann, John Schulhof, Harry Rice; Fifth ward, Frank Sitzman, Joe Tucek. Weeping Water First ward, R. D. McNurlin, Second ward. M. E. McKay; Third ward, Henry Haslem. Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, November 2, 1915. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. Itch! I itch! Iitch Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a box. " Reliable Shoes -FOR- Men and Boys! Avard & McLean, The Reliable Shoe Store South 6th St. Piattsmouth