The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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New Walk to the School House.
' "' ' ; i
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or itt-m of interest in
this vicinit y. and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all newsltems Editor
are saving.
Do lih
ana y
jiecessary capital
tolceen vacc lOith
em in business 0F INSURANCE
Come in and inquire about our
rates of interest and discount.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Nicholas Klaurens was a state fair
visitor Thursday.
Robert Shrai'.er of Murray was visit
ing friends in Plattsmouth Wednes
day. Otto Mutz loaded a car of apples
at this station this week that were
shipped to Bassett, Nebraska.
Misses Margaret, Vera and Francis
Morse were guest of Mrs. F. L. Rho
den Wednesday and Thursday.
George E. Nickels motored up to
the county seat Tuesday morning. He
was accompanied by his father, Wil
liam Nickels, and sister, Miss Etta.
Frank Gobelman, the boss painter
of Plattsmouth, was in Murray on
Monday of this week and lettered a
fine new sign for the Louie Puis gar
age. The Ladies' Missionary Society will
meet with Mrs. W. G. Eoedeker on
Friday afternoon, September 24th.
All members are requested to be pre
sent. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Eoedeker and
son Charles, and Miss Beulah Sans
were Omaha visitors Tuesday of this
week, making the trip over the auto
The Ladies Missionary Society will
meet every Thursday for sewing, on
and after the next regular meeting,
that will be held with Mrs. Boedeker,
on the 24th.
Blair Porter of Union, departed last
Sunday morning for Minnesota, the
homes of John Porter, John Faris,
Steve Copenhaver and other old Cass
county people, where he will make a
few days visit. These old Cass coun
ty people are doing pretty well in the
new northern home, but we understand
they have been having about the same
amount of moisture that we have this
summer and all crops are very backward.
F. L. Rhoden was transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth Monday.
C. W. Tigner was looking after
busines in Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Mrs. Nick Klauren.-i was visiting her
mother at Nebraska City Thursday.
George Nickels and S. O. Pitman
were looking after business in Omaha
Charles Creamer was looking after
business in Plattsmouth Wednesday
Charles Wolfe and wife were among
those attending the state fair at Lin
coln Thursday.
Mrs. Mira McDonald entertained the
Ladies' Aid society of Murray Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mira McDonald entertained
Miss Eta Nickels and Miss Ida Good
at dinner Thursday.
Charles Tigner and family spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Tigner, west of Murray.
F. L. Rhoden and wife, accompanied
by Mr. Lee Nickels and sister, Miss
Etta, motored to Lincoln Saturday,
where they attended the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows and Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Boedeker went to Om
aha last Sunday to attend the Billy
Sunday meetings. The trip was made
in Mr. Barrows' car.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boedeker and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Terryberry
were Omaha visitors Wednesday of
this week. The trip was made in the
auto of Mr. Terryberry.
Frank Schlichtemeier has been haul
ing the lumber this week for the erec
tion of a large new corn crib on his
farm south of Murray. Mr. Schlichte
meier is one of the prosperous farmers
of this locality, and believes in having
the surroundings of his farm home as
convenient as is possibe to make them.
That's what we claim for the cotton bats we
handle. There is nothing better than our 1-pound
Eagle bat at 25c. They're as fine as silk.
Full size wool bats $1.75
Full size comfort bats 75
Single bats 10-15 and 20c and. 25
Everything in comfort material, and you will
soon want to put your feet under warm comforts
so get ready NOW.
Hiatt . Tutt,
Allie Leonard was an Omaha visitor
Tuesday evening.
Herman Smith went to Omaha Tues
day for some auto repairs.
Jim Earhardt was a Plattsmouth
visitor. Monday of this week.
The people around Murray are put
ting in their supply of coal this week.
A. 1. Baker went to Omaha Tues
day evening to attend the Billy Sun
day services.
Mrs. J. A. Walker has been on the
sick list for the past few days, but is
reported as improving at this time.
J. W. Pitman, of Union, was in our
little city on Monday of this week,
buying some peaches at the Oldham
Prof. Hull and sister departed last
Monday morning for Peru, where they
will attend college for the coming
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogue,
on September 14th, a fine baby boy.
.Mother and little one are getting
along nicely.
Chas. Carroll, who has been visit
ing with his son Ern, near Plainview,
for the past week, returned home
Monday evening.
Harold, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Dodson, has been quite sick
for the past few days suffering with
intestinal trouble.
Louie Puis, W. H. Puis, Wm. Puis,
L. D. Hiatt and John Urish, were
Plattsmouth visitors on Monday of
this week, driving up in the auto of L.
II. Puis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Root, of Louis
ville, are in Murray this week visiting
at the home of Mr. Root's uncle, B. A.
Root. Mr. Root is a brother of Bert
Root, of Murray.
Frank Reed and family are moving
this week to the Glen Perry farm, and
will make their home here in the fu
ture. They have been living on the
Bennett Chriswisser farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrows and Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Boedecker motored to
Omaha Sunday afternoon to hear Billy
Sunday. They were more than pleas
ed and are planning to go again.
We understand that our excellent
friend Chas. Herren, has been trying
for the past two weeks to get his
threshing done, but the continued wet
season has kept him from getting at
the work.
Dr. and Mrs. Brendel, accompanied
by Grandma Parr, returned home from
their Indiana trip last Saturday, and
report a very pleasant visit with the
many friends and relatives at the old
Indiana home.
There was a god crowd in attend
ance at the social dance given by the
Murray Dancing Club last Saturday
evening at the Puis & Gansemer hall.
The usual good time was had by all.
The club will give another one at this
hall on Saturday evening, September
It was proposed by Rev. Robb of
the Christian church that both
churches unite and go in a body to
hear Billy Sunday one week from next
Sunday, September 26th. Plans are
being made for reserved seats for
Murray. Help make the crowd one
Chas. Creamer was attacked by
another stroke of apoplexy last Fri
day while riding along the highway in
his wagon. He fell from the wagon
to the ground and remained in an un
conscious along the roadside for some
time. He is getting along very well at
this time, and will recover from the
present shock within a few days.
The Murray Schools opened up for
the winter work on Monday morning
of this week. The attendance for the
first day was fully up to the average
of former terms, and everything points
to an excellent school year for this
district. The teachers of the various
departments were all on deck, and
ready for the work in all its branches
for the best interests of the school.
The pulpit of Rev. Robb was filled
Sunday evening by his friend, Mr.
Bradley, of Bedford, Iowa. He spoke
well and earnestly to young and old
and pointed out what stood for or
against manhood and womanhood.
The Misses Thorpe and Tremain are
very pleasantly located at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. WTilliam Smith; Miss
Livingston at Mrs. Young's, and Miss
Sands with her sister, Mrs. Boedecker.
J. B. Roddy, residing down near Un
ion, has sold his 160 acre farm to Ed.
Young, the deal being made this
week. Mr. Young recently sold his
120 acre farm in that locality to a
man by the name of Whittaker, from
near Berlin. We understand that Mr.
Young has also bought a farm in
Scotts Bluff county, but will remain
with his Cass county home, and rent
his new possession in the western part
of the state. '
Grandma Iliatt has been quite sick
for the past few days.
Mrs. A. J. Stokes was shopping in
Omaha last Thursday.
Albert Young is building a barn
for Col. Jenkins this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were Om
aha visitors last Thursday.
Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham at
tended the State Fair last Thursday.
School commenced Monday, Septem
ber 13, and work is getting well under
Anderson Davis, who has been on
the sick list for the past two weeks,
is improving.
D. C. Rhoden, Doc. Long ad C.
Barge r were in attendance at the Fair
last Thursday.
Miss Clara Young is spending a few
.lays with relatives and friends in
Iowa this week.
FOR SALE Six extra good Du
roc male hogs. S. P. and F. M. Old
ham, Murray, Neb.
Philip Keil, who has been very ill
for the past two weeks, is getting
along nicely at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perry, Mrs.
Vance Pitman, Mrs. O. A. Davis were
ittending the State Fair last Thurs
day. Dave Pitman, who had his hand in
jured at the elevator, is getting along
nicely this week with the injuries re
ceived. FOR SALE Some cottonwood lum
ber suitable for framing work. In
quire of E. E. Leach on the Lee Alli
son farm.
Mrs. Oldham and daughters enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young and
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young ar.d Mrs.
Ona Lawton at dinner last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman gave a
picnic down on the banks of the Wa
bash Wednesday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Kampstra of LaFayette,
G. R. Kampstra, of LaFayette, Ind.,
came in Monday for a visit of a few
lays with Mrs. Kampstra's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Minniear. Mrs. Kamp
stra has been here for the past three
weeks, and both will return to the In
diana home on the 23d.
Church Celebrates Anniversary.
The German Evangelical church, of
Eight Mile Grove precinct, celebrated
their twenty-fifth anniversary of their
organization on last Sunday. The at
tendance on this occasion was large
and a most enjoyable day was spent
by the members of the church and all
the former ministers since the date of
the organization. Rev. Fred Spriegel,
che first minister, was present and de
livered one of the sermons. Mr. Sprie
gal organized this church and was its
pastor for more than twenty years.
Rev. Heubner, who followed Mr. Sprie
gal, was alio present and took part in
the anniversary services, also Rev.
Robert Kunser.dorf, the present pas
tor, was also present and took part in
the services that were very pleasing
to him, owing to this being one of the
strongest organizations in this section
of the county. Sevices were held all
day, and the pastors were assisted in
work by Rev. Nicholson, of Berlin.
Farewell Surprise.
The friends and neighbors of Mr.
and Mrs. Nick Klaurens planned a
farewell surprise for them while thoy
were visiting the state fair Thursday,
which was a success in every way
Mr. and Mrs. Klaurens will move t
Nehawka in a few days, where they
will place their son and daughter in
High school. It is with deepest regret
the vicinity see Mr. and Mrs. Klaurens
depart and all will realize the loss of
good neighbors in this community. At
a late hour dainty refreshments were
served, after which ail departed, wish
ing Mr. and Mrs. Klaurens success
and happiness in their new home at
The new sidewalk leading from the
school house has been completed, and
with no cost to the district. This ex
cellent movement for new sidewalk
was started last fall by Mrs. G. M.
MinforJ, and assisted by the ladies of
the community an excellent and very
profitable dinner was given at that
time, the net receipts of which
amounted to $43.55. The material for
the new side walk cost $49.5K, so this
dinner given by the ladies paid for
the material with the exception of a
few dollars. The work was done by
donation of the men folks of the dis
trict, and for this effort started and
carried out by those interested in the
schools we now have in the neighbor
hood of 1000 square feet of good con
crete walk leading up to the school
house without one penny of cost to the
district. Such movements as this are
certainly commendable, and should re
ceive the nraise of the entire com
A Chicken Comes to the Dance.
There was a stranee face that de
sired to attend the social dance given
by the .Murray Dancing Club last Sat
urday evening at the Puis & Ganse
mer hall, but owing to the large at
tendance the stranger was not ad
mitted, even though he did accampany
ore of the most popular and well liked
citizens of our community. Should he
desire to attend one cf the commun
ity base ball games there would have
been no objection to his admittance
for he was a genuine full blooded fowl
and belonged to Nick Friedrich. Mr.
and Mrs. Friedrich did not get start
ed to the dance until rather late, and
one of their fine chickens had taken
his perch on their auto for the night.
Being on the rear of the car they did
not notice the chicken until they ar
lived in Murray. Being quite at home
;.nd familiar with the auto he remain
ed with it until the dance was over
and returned home with Mr. and Mrs.
Friedrich, having enjoyed the trip a
great deal. Some chicken-! are allow
ed at some dances, but not all chick
ens are allowed at all dances, and this
one was refused admittances.
Library Notes.
The library will be open Saturday.
The library association will give a
dinner and supper at the library
rooms Saturday, September 25th.
Bring in all over due books.
L. K. Kniss.
Social Dance.
The Murray Dancing Club will give
another one of those social dances at
the Puis & Gansemer hall, on Satur
day evening, September 25th. There
will be good music and a genuine good
time in store for all, so do not fail to
be present.
(Continued on Page Seven.)
-Heating Stoves-
We want to tell you that we carry the
Round Oak Heaters,
Monarch Base Burners
We are also prepared to figure with you on
Vacuum Furnaces
Murray Implement and Hardware
Murray, Company. Nebraska
s H (g&nssinsr
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Pols & Gansemer,
Mrs. Levi IZusterhoItz has purchas
ed a new Maxwell auto, J. D. Shrader
t'e local agent for this locality, de
livering the cur from the Philpot gar-
acre in Wet-ping Water, Tuesday
Mrs. Joe Rurton, who has been vis
iting for the past two weeks with
relatives and friends up near Wood
River, returned home Monday of this
Are Yon Ready for that Light Plant?
The Alamo
Bloc trio
rmrm Light Plmnt
The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring than for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
You should have one installed before the long winter nights arrive
and enjoy the comforts of a beautifully illuminated home
this winter, at a very small cost.
We are now prepared to install one of the high-grade Alamo Plants one
that is guaranteed in every particular. One that will light your home and all out
buildings perfectly. They are the best light plant on the market, and are sold
under guarantee at reasonable prices.
We have one on demonstration in our Murray garage, and will be pleased to
show you at any time. Come in and let us talk to you.
We are also ready to take care of your crippled automobiles by expert auto
men. We will look after your supply wants of all kinds. Oils and gas on sale.