mi PAGE. 4. PLATTS2I0UTn SEStl-WEEXLT JOURNAL. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1913. 'Cbz plattsmouth journal pi iii.isiii:i si:mi-vi:kki.v at plattsmovth, xeiikaska. Knteredat I'ostoffice at Fiattsniouth. Xeb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SI MM 1MPTIOX PIIJCK: SM-.0 ......... a.?..'??. ! l-Z- i 4 THOUGHT FOR TODAY. When a man has not a good rtion for doing a thing, he has one reason for letting: it alone. l- Sir Walter Scott. 'I' . : r- It don't take much of a mechanic to invent a poor excuse. :o: In distributing the milk of human kindness the givers too often keep the cream. :o : Perhaps the world is only tight and will get sober some time in the near future. -:o: If you don't like him and he doesn't like you, remember there are two sides of the street. :o : It is believed the English army will be ready to move within several years after the War is over. -:o: It will take a greater war than the one now in progress to exhaust the supply of American mules. :o:-: In Texas they are feeding peaches to the pigs. They ought to have a peach of a pig crop down there this year. - :o ' An exchange tells of a dance at which no girls were present, which is our revised notion of zero in entertain ment. :o: This year has been a little worse than which was something of a terror as years go. And lPlu will be one clay longer. :o: K!i-on pi edicts that the United Stales has seven fat years coming, and it is generally admitted that Edi son is a great inventor. :o : A Philadelphia editor went fifteen days without eating. This is a long time, even for a Philadelphia lawyer, much less than an editor. Speaking of submarines, as the in ternational notes we see from time to time, Jonah seems to have been llie pioneer in that line of business. -:o:- Some choose to refer to death as the "Great Adventure," probably be cause a person may get into one place that is uncomfortable and hard to get out of. There is a possibility that the state house feud will break out afresh after the state fair if the bondsmen do not insist on Treasurer Hall closing up his fly-trap and not try to run the bu.-iness of other stae officials. The tc hooks of journalism ccom to think that ability to write learned editorials on the war is as important in meeting public demand as to be aide to turn on snappy society and fa: hion notes. That may be so far as the metropolitan dailies are concerned, but the local dailies in the smaller cities are here for the purpose of giv ing their readers the local happenings an-l spicy editorials. :o : Teddy Roosevelt got such a splen did welcome in C nada we suppose he was strongly tempted to stay over there and find fault with Mr. Wilson and the administration. Since Ger tn tnv has listened to Uncle Sam in his demands for a cessation of the prac tice of blow big up merchant ships carrying Anitiican passengers, and accepted all our ( dc mands, Theodore Koosevelt will henceforth have nothing to harp about to discredit tV administration. 1'Kll VKAK l .tUVAM'E GREAT BRITAIN'S GUARDIAN. The London Press seems far from satisfied with the diplomatic victory that President Wilson has wrested from Germany. Apparently the Lon don newspapers believe that it was the duty of the United States to sup press the German submarine campaign against British shipping in all of its aspects and to do for Great Britain what the British navy cannot or will not do. That interpretation of neutral obligations may appeal to Englishmen in their present temper, but it will make little appeal to Americans. The United States government has done what it set out to do. It has main tained international law not merely for its own benefit but for the benefit of civilization. If Great Britain is not satisfied, Great Britain is free to carry the victory to its ultimate con clusion. That is what the British navy is supposed to be for. This London journalistic notion that American diplomacy should have rescued British shipping from all danger of German attack is charac teristic of the contemporary British mind. Whenever an Englishman's head is punched by a belligerent for eigner in any corner of the earth, the British press rises in solemn dignity and dramatically exclaims, "What does the United States intend to do about this infamy?" If the United States must act as a guardian for Great Britain's battles we shall insist first that the British government be turned over to President Wilson for competent administration. New York World. :o: It begins to appear that the United States is about as spy-ridden as the European countries were. The num ber of instances of munition plants being blown up, or fired or interfer ed w ith in some way or another, or of United States and other ships being threatened with destruction, by bombs or fires, indicates that the United Statss is being made the spy-resort for representatives of European powers. We had always imagined that the American business was so con ducted as to have little of interest to the European governments, except what they could find out by reading the public press. The spies are thick, evidently, and some of them deserve hash treatment. :o: From present indications the public schools of this city will exceed in at tendance all former terms, and when the teachers and pupils get down to business, we may look for a great suc cess throughout the entire term. :o: High School Hill is once more thronged with happy girls and boys morning, noon and evening, going to and returning from school. "I wish I were a boy again." Don't you, old man? If General Wood keeps on in his work of developing an army, he may become nearly as much of an honor to the Wood family as Joe Wood, the bate ball pitcher. :o : Skin-tight trousers are to be fashionable for men thi3 year, and at least it will be possible to persuade the wooden models in the store windows to wear them. :o:- Thcre are so many hypocrites that you can be perfectly consistent in smiling into the face of a man you would like to smash. :o: Most people are auto-something, rather than pro-something else. :o: And still it rains, when we don't need it. SHOOTING THE SONGSTERS. Three recent immigrants were last week fined by Justice C. W. Britt for having murdered meadowlarks. Dan Geilus, deputy game warden, caught the culprits boarding a Union Pacific train with their bloody booty in hand The arrest was made at Valley and the fine was administered at Omaha May Dan Geilus continue his good work. It is a matter of common knowledge amone those who love birds that whenever a railroad work-train is sided the songsters promptly depart. The song birds are not fools. They have long since discovered that the men who inhabit the bunk cars carry a veritable arsenal in those cars, and anything that boasts a feather is shot down in cold blood and hurled into the evening stew. Oh, "Billy" Sunday, if you would save souls in this community, think of the soul of the songbird, whose only mission upon this earth is to help and better humanity, both financially and otherwise. Scientific investigation has more than proven that the songsters stora aches are always filled with worms and insects which prey upon the plant life so necessary to human welfare. And the clear-voiced joy brought by these birds to the hearts and souls of truly civilized humans is a source of spiritual uplift easily compared to that of the most ardent Pentecostal meeting. The Almighty Jehovah did not bring into being the glorious Cardinal, the American Redstart, the Rose Breasted Grosbeak the myriad other beauties of woodland to fill the vulgar platter of voracious humanity. In the boiling caldron it was never intended that a tiny piece of flesh, once some splendid warbler of the treetops, should be sacrificed and forever lost in its undis puted usefulness. John Burroughs, perhaps the most ovable and thorough admirer of bird ife, in his great work, "Wake Robin," admits that the eye and ear cannot thoroughly identify many of the birds he loves, and that he finds it neces sary to slay in order to complete his knowledge of the various feathered clans. There is ample reason to ex cuse such a man as Burroughs for his somewhat bloodthirsty research, but for one who will shoot a warbler merely to enjoy one tiny mouthful of consecrated bird-flesh, there can be no pardon. Even the schoolboy of today, who formerly beat about the copses with his trusty sling-shot, and who bragged of his collection of birds eggs, ha forgotten that seeming pastime for the much more interesting enjoyment of actually knowing the birds. The study of bird life is a part of school nstruction nowadays. "I saw a Nut hatch" has succeeded "I shot a Nut hatch." Let the law for there is a law that covers the situation take the fondest care of our songsters, both summer and winter. Let the real love of God's own orchestra supplant the gory idea of shooting everything that boasts a brilliant feather, and in this work let the courts and their officers see to it that the ignorant be not permitted to visit their ignorance upon the great big outdoors the nature that has made American the greatest home country in the world! World-Herald. :o; Are the Germans quietly torpedoing the English dollar mark? :o : Discontent is not so much caused by poverty as my monotony. ;o: When you walk in triumph some body's neck has been hurt. :o: Wild oats is a peculiar plant. It is never injured by too much water. :o: Elihu Root favors a short ballot. Well, he isn't the only one in that boat. :o : Holland and Switzerland must envy Bulgaria, which is making money out of its neutrality. :o: With the passing of the light ordin ance and signature of Mayor Richey attached thereto, we will soon have plenty of lights. And our people will all be satisfied, or should be. If you are keen for vacations this may interest you, Christmas falls on Saturday this year. :o : The law may assume you are in nocent until you are proven guilty, but the public isn't anything like that. :o: Perhaps the czar thinks that he will make a good general because he has failed at everything' else. Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth, just as soon as it is decided that the others have no use for it. :o:- A man who boasts of forty miles an hour in an automobile should have his license revoked, unless it was a case of life and death. :o: Only about six months till the next primary election. April will soon roll around, and it will soon be time for candidates to be making their wants known. Remember, the "early bird" story. :o: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some kick greatness aside after they have acquired it and we fear, a certain once universal ly popular statesman has done it to a fare-you-well. :o: Club members in some states are ex tremely docile. They seem to think that official authority has the right to interfere with their convivial privileges. So long as they surrender their constitutional liberties, more surrenders will be demanded of them. :o: Mayor Richey hesitated for some time before he signed the light ordin ance, and became fully convinced that the proposition was as fair as any they could get if they waited months long er. Now the private consumer will get a cheaper rate, the city better ights and more of them. The office of county assessor should be abolished at the very next session of the legislature. We note that there will be a general movement in the western part of the state to petition the legislature to abolish the office. We formerly got along just as well without this extra-salaried officeholder as with him. The county clerk can do his work, the same as he used to. :o: THE COMMON USE OF GOLD. The big balance of trade in favor of this country is no doubt going to bring a vast amount of gold across the water. The shipment of $50,000, 000 received in New York the other day is only the beginning of it. Will this inflow lead to more common use of the yellow metal in daily life? In Europe gold coins have always been popular in retail use. Coins like the English sovereign or the French 20- franc piece are the common change for paying the butcher and the grocer. There is a merry and musical clink about a little roll of gold coins that makes one feel rich. It is much more cheering than an equivalent amount in more or less soiled greenbacks. Also there is a cleanness about gold that is pleasing to fastidious taste. The paper bill is a trap for grease, and brings its trail of dirt from every pocket. Many banks exercise a great deal of care nowadays to give only clean money. Yet a crisp roll of bills, pleas ing as it is to the eye and other senses, sometimes sticks together, so that people may possibly hand out two bills in place of one. The par ticular objection to gold has always been that it takes care- to handle it Some persons have no doubt paid it out for bright copper cents. In gold using countries, people are used to handling gold coins and they keep them in separate purses. Our people are too hurried and hasty for addi tional precautions. In older days the American people used to handle hard money pretty freely. But the prefer ence for paper currency has become an ingrained national trait, and will no doubt continue. Piles of yellow metal are said to have a quieting effect on depositors in times of panic. But other than that the public's connection with it is mostly theortticaL WHY GERMANY YIELDED. You may think that Germany yield ed to Wilson because Germany was afraid. While Germany has a supply of enemies on hand, there is no use thinking she would fear to face more if the occasion seemed to demand it But the fact is, despite the number of ships sunk, the submarine campaign is an utter failure, so far as blockad ing Britain is concerned. At no time has it reduced British shipping 3 per cent. Troops and munitions and food stuffs continue to reach the allies along the sea line in even increasing proportions, as more and still more ships are put into service. Therefore the Von Tirpitz policy isn't the effect ive weapon claimed when the Lusi tania was destroyed. Hence it might as well be abandoned, if to continue it would only add an enemy to the al ready vast array which faces Ger many. And in yielding to the presi dent's demands, the kaiser helps his case in this country, which may in cidentally prove a real help. The hope of real benefit lies in our next note to Great Britain, concerning the order in council, and the possibility that strong language may have as great influence with the English as with the Ger mans; that Britain may back down to the extent of permitting shipments of foodstuffs to German civilians. Great Britain has already yielded something, in permitting certain early purchases of German goods to come to this country, and she may yield more, for our friendship is more important to Britain than it could ever be to Ger many. And the sum total ot these concessions should prove a greater gain to Germany than anything her submarines could accomplish in viola tion of international law. Nor will the submarines, so highly developed by the German navy, be entirely lost to Germany. For the most part, it has been conforming to the rules of war and humanity pretty steadily, ever since the Lusitania was lost. Germany learned by that and some other ef forts that frightfulness can hardly win wars, and is a two-edged sword that may cut both ways, and it is of considerably less consequence than powerful and perfect organization, such as Germany has, in the matter of winning wars. But this country shouldn't get cocky and fancy that it has bluffed Germany; there is nothing in recent history to indicate that Ger many knows much of the meaning of the word fear. :ot One of the greatest and most prev alent mistakes of modern merchandis ing is the idea that these retailers of any small town or city can successful ly fight each other, or that the best interests of the merchant, the custom ers or community at large are served by cut-throat competition instead of intelligent co-operation. If you must fight, let it be with your next town, not your next neighbor. Omaha Trade Exhibit. :o: The democratic officials want to re organize themselves in the next few months if they expect to be candidates for re-nomination, which they do, no doubt. It is to be hoped that some of them will not shove themselves upon the party again, especially those who have had the official itch for the past ten years. It means defeat as sure as they come out again. The party does not owe them any more than it does thousands of other democrats in Ne braska. :o: There will be an opponent of Treas urer Hall for the democratic nomina tion next April. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. Mr. Hall has made himself entirely too officious in other matters than his own business to suit the people, and especially the democrats. . ;o; Navigation was safer in Noah's day than it is now. Whales were then the only submarines. :o : Governor Morehead will soon find out by suit who's who at the state house. :o: The bank robbers are getting some helpful ideas from the war. Net Contents 15 Tlnid Practaj ml- t r-nnm.- 3 TEH CE-VE AVegctabk ftepantfaafaAs similiauiuieroodandEetfla tw mi - c n ;6cit inaClicerful" XXUlilocwj j-b 7 ... i rwt rniifauisncnD'z , OpiumorphinciiormciaJ. J iiui' Wrm -u,mtrramitfhr-nr lV'ornis.revenshncssaiia . m - lac Simife Signature0 S; t U J ' UE CESTACU COMPASS NXW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Wheat is going up gradually these days. -rot- Overcoats coming in style these mornings. : :- No, no, every man who doesn't agree with you isn't a hypocrite. :o. Unless you are a lawyer, you prob ably can't build up much of a business on advice. :o: It may be well to criticise less. If you don't like your neighbor, hold i your tongue. :o: Alfalfa tea is now said to be a sure cure for the blues. Brink in another cup, please. : o : ripe manufacturers are clearly en titled to a share of the profits of the match trust. Gotta match? It is said that overcoats the coming winter will be knee length. What about all that talk we heard about protecting the poor calves ? . :o: Fear is expressed on account of the war purchases there will not De enough horses left in the United States to do farm work. The man maybe, who expresses the fear, has a lot of horses for sale. :o: Now the leading banks join Mr Edison in forecasting an era of un precedented prosperity, and you might as well begin hustling in an ef fort to get your share, which is fre quently a difficult performance. :o: It did not require David Lloyd George's announcement that the allies were whipped thus far in the war for the world to know that is what has happened; but it is interesting to note that the English freely acknowledge the fact. :o: Monday of this week Alfred Maybecl of Douglas, Illinois, 65 years of age, was in financial trouble. He decided to die, and went to a lonely spot, seat ed himself on some dynamite and ighted the fuse. His kin are still gathering up his fragments. :o: Even those who oppose President Wilson's policies in the international affairs, are handing him bouquets every day for the manner in which he is bringing about success. Still there are some who continue to argue gainst success. It is like the light question in I'lattsmoutn, no matter how successfully the question may be settled, there are those who will con tinue to argue aaginst it from a pure- ly selfish standpoint. M ".yagrra ytywiii For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tl Signature n use For Over Thirty Years THC CIMTU COMPANY. ttCW VOR CITY. , The tenor of the next German note on the Arabic may decide the status of the United States and the Berlin gov ernment. Yes, we have an ice plant. But are they giving satisfaction to the con sumers? Not by a long shot. The reason therefore seems to be with the management. But we haven't long to wait for winter and another ice plant. :o: The feud at the state house suspend ed hostilities last week while the state fair was going on. We are listening for a renewal of the engagement, with more vigor than ever. The governor has the power to do a great deal in quieting "Know-It-AU" Hall. :o: TroLably one reason why the Pana ma exposition has been a financial suc cess is that the wise men of Califor nia did not stand around on the street corner all the time critizing the man agement. Some fellows in Plattsmouth even, see a point that might if they try open eyes. :o: Just now some people are claiming that the school teacher is paid too much. But we claim they are not paid half enough. The average wages in the county is forty dollars per month. After paying board and incidental ex penses they haven't enough left to pay admittance to a picture show. : o : If America can loan money to Eng land they should certainly be able to do the same for Germany. Over 000,000 German-Americans and how many American-English? The Ger mans have used their best efforts to build up the country, and what has the English done? With a jealous eye they have simply looked forward to the downfall of American institu tions. Which country deserves th sympathies of the American people? It is easily answered by all fair-mind- ed Americans. :o; The business interests of a town should be united. What we mean by the business interests are those who are directly interested in building up the welfare of the whole town, and not the interests of th private in dividual. The private individual, who figures in his own interests is what hurts many towns, and if there evfr comes a drawback to the present pros perity of Plattsmouth it will be on account of too much self-interest on the part of those who are selfish in their own behalf and don't care for those who reside as their neighbors. These are facts and everybody knows it. Tel