The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 09, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Library Notes.
Murray Department
Mrs. Royal entered on her duties as
librarian Saturday.
The visitors Saturday were many
at the library, and it makes a rest
room or meeting place. Everyone is
invited to visit the library.
Bring all books in that are over
due. The yearly subscriptions can be
paid to Mrs. Royal. She will make
out your card.
The library picnic was quite well
attended and an excellent dinner was
enjoyed by all present.
L. K. Kniss.
Frieos -
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or Item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
warn all news Items Editor
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
---irrirfV -im- 1 - --J--T: Ui iifW j
An account with us is protec
tion against these four enemies
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Miss Ogla Minford left Monday for
the year school in Lincoln.
Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver of Union
was in Murray Wednesday.
Mrs.' H. J. Stokes spent a few days
this week with relatives at Union.
Six extra large, pure bred Duroc
male hogs for sale. S. P. and F. M.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Rhoden has been quite sick
for the past few days.
Albert Young is remodeling the
warehouse in the store occupied by
the implement company.
W. J. Philpot, of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, was looking after some business
matters in Murray Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen were vis
iting for a few hours in Nebraska
City on Monday of this week.
Louie Puis and Chas. Herren ship
ped a car of cattle to South Omaha
Fednesday evening of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Miss
Gertrude Long and George Nickeis
autoed to the state fair Wednesday.
Mrs. J. W. Berger is spending a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. Sten
ner, at Lincoln, and also attending the
John Connelly went to Omaha Wed
nesday evening, and from there to
Lincoln Thursday morning where he
attended the fair.
Mrs. Chas. Dill, who has been here
for the past month visiting with rela
tives and friends, departed Tuesday
for her home in Ganby, Nebraska.
The question of good bridges in lb is
locality has been becoming quite .ser
ious during the recent heavy r.iir.y
season. They are in a pretty tough
condition and the county is in a worse
condition, having no money in that
fund to replace them.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark White were in
Murray Monday on business.
Miss Clara Young was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Vallery went to
the State Fair Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Errett Thomason went
to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Kikendall were at
tending the fair at Lincon Wednes
day. J. W. Edmunds went to Lincoln on
Wednesday morning to attend the
State Fair.
Mrs. Totten and Mrs. Cline went to
Lincoln Wednesday morning to attend
the fair.
Garland Tilson and John Rice were
in attendance at the fair Wednesday
of this week.
Commissioner Fitz was looking af
ter some business matters in Murray
Wednesday of this week.
Chas. McReyr.olds was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat Wednesday evening.
Ranald Kettlehut, from near Ne
hawka, motored to Murray last Sun
day for a few hours visit.
Rennett Chriswisser, of Plattsmouth
was visiting with friends in this local
ity for a few days this week.
Mrs. J. W. Berger and daughter,
Mrs. James Brown went to Lin
coln Wednesday morning to attend the
state fair. .
Mrs. J. H. Burton departed Wed
nesday morning for Wood River, Neb
raska, where she will make a few days
visit with relatives and friends.
Miss Ruth Hamilton, who has been
down at Manhattan, Kansas, for the
past few weeks visiting with her
grandparents and other relatives, has
returned home. She reports a very
pleasant visit.
ash Po-iceX
1 1 dozen one-half gallon Mason Fruit rr
. Jars ODC
1 dozen one-quart Mason Fruit Jars rr
for DDC
Now is the time to buy as this prico will soon close
our present stock up.
Matt 8L Tutt,
Mrs. A. L. Baker was an Oman,-,
visitor Tuesday of this week.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
of hogs to South Omaha Monday.
A. L. Baker was attending the State
Fair a couple of days this week.
Louie Puis was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth last
Mr. and Mrs. Oaks are here this
week visiting at the home of Mrs.
Oaks' mother, Mrs. Rusterholtz, west
of Murray.
The foundation or the new resi
dcrce of Mr. and Mr. Louie Puis hi.:'
been completed, and is cow ready for
the carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. August Engelkemeier
sr., departed last Friday for a few
days visit with relatives and friends
down m Kansas.
C. R. Frans and son, Elmer, of
Plattsmouth, were looking after some
business matters in Murray on Wed
nesday of this week.
LaVerna, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Rhoden has been quite sick
for the past few days. She is im
proving at this time.
Mrs. Dave Lloyd, who has been vis
iting with relatives and friends up at
Randolph for the past two weeks, re
turned home Wednesday of last week.
Lovell Massie departed last Sunday
evening for Calaway, Custer county,
where he will make a visit with rela
tives and friends. The trip will be
Yiade on his motorcycle.
Chas. Carroll went up to Orchard,
Nebraska, this week to assist his son
Ern, in the farm work. Em's man
has been confined to his bed with an of pneumonia.
Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham
entertained a number of friends in
honor of Mrs. Garrett Kampstra of
Indiana. Mrs. Kampstra is better
known here as Mattie Minniear.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer and Mrs. Mira
McDonald will entertain the Ladies
Aid-Society at the home of the latter
on Wednesday, Sept. 15. All mem
bers are cordially invited to be present
J. W. Thomason, of Bethany, came
down to Murray this week to remain
for a few days in looking after mat
ters at the farm, while his son Errett
made a business trip to Lincoln and
attend the State Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mann, of Moor
head, Iowa, accompanied by Mrs. Thos.
Mann, arrived in Murray last week
for a brief visit. Mrs. Thos. Mann
will remain for some time. They were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Young, east of Murray.
There were quite a number of fann
ers in this locality that kept the m
chines humming after the whert crop
last Sunday, and it was very fortunate
th ic they did, : s the recent rains 51I
have a tendency to flow this lire o!
work up again for u few days.
Word has been received from Mr
and Mrs. Iluichmann, who are visit
ing at the home of Mr. Hutchmann's
parents in Pennsylvania, that they will
return to Murray some time next
week, at which time Rev. Hutchmann
will resume his pastorate work here.
Joe Ellington, from the northern
part of the state was in Murray last
Sunday visiting with friends at the
old home. Mr. Ellington lived in this
locality years ago, and of course has
a host of friends here that are always
pleased to see him and enjoy his visits.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Murray enter
tained the following guests at dinner
last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Spangler and daughters Pearl and
Doris; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spangler
and son George; and Miss Hazel Ir
win. They spent a most pleasant day
at the Murray home.
Joe Lloyd has been suffering for
past few days from an injury he re
ceived by being thrown against the
side of a wagon box. He was driving
along in the dark when the wagon
struck a post with such force to injury
him in the above manner. A couple
of ribs were quite badly bruised.
D. J. Pitman met with quite a pain
ful accident at the elevator on Monday
of this week, at which time he caught
his hand in the machinery, and that
member was quite badly cut. He is
getting along nicely and has been on
duty as usual, but the injury has caus
ed him considerable annoyance.
Elsewhere in this issue of the Jour
nal will be found an advertisement for
Louie Puis announcing the openinrr
of his garage and machine shop in this
place, also inviting everybody that is
interested to call and see the new Al
amo Light Plant that he has installed
m his garage for demonstration. Mr. i
Puis has employed a good machinist
to look after his auto and repair work,
and is ready to look after all crippled
cars to perfection. He will also carry
a complete line of oils and repairs.
A Pleasant Event.
There were quite a number o
friends and relatives gathered at the
home of Mrs. George Wagner, east o
Murray last Saturday evening to as
sist George Wagner, the son of Mrs
Wagner, in celebrating his birthday
anniversary. The evening was most
pleasantly spent in numerous ways of
amusement, and at the hour of de
parture the guests made up a collect
ion for the purpose of presenting their
host with a present suitable for the
occasion. Following were those pre
sent: Frank Fight, Richard Herman
Marie Otterstein, Earl and Floyd
Becker, Albert and Herman Ilennings
Elmer and Albert Schafer, Paul and
Nettie Richter, Herman and Otto
Wolfarth, Ernest Kahler, Katherine
and Eva Bintner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Groth, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrasek, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Mrasek, Mr. and Mrs
Robt. Good, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Keil
Mr. and Mrs. William Puis, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. Con
Leach, Otto Rotherly, Fred McCul
lough, Alvadore, Ferry, Alice and Jean
Nickels. Ravmond Creamer, Albert
Bartlett, Tillie Kauffman, Lee Bint
ner, John Rutherford, Clara and
Gladys Mrasek, Esther, Marie and
Elsie Puis, Violet Keil, Grace, Marie
and Sophie Wagner, Clarence, Elbert
and Owen Keil, Charles Barrows, Ear
Mrasek, Anna and Tessie Wagner.
The affair was a complete surprise
to the vounir host, planned and
successfully carried out by his mother.
One Who Was There.
Philip Keil has been numbered with
the sick for the past few days.
Anderson Davis has been quite
noorlv in health for the past few
Mrs. O. A. Davis ar.d Mrs.
Pitman were shopping in Omahs
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brendel attended
the fair Wednesday and Thursday o
this week.
Mrs. Wm. Royal and Mrs. Ona Law-
ton were shopping in Omaha las
1 hursday.
Miss Esther spent a few days visit
ing with friends southeast of Murray
last week.
Mrs. Errett Thomason will make a
days visit this week at the Thomason
home in Bethany.
Mrs. Lou Trimpey, of Omaha, was
down Tuesday, makini a brief visit
at the Berger home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young and Mrs
Ona Lawton were over in Iowa visit
iting with relatives and friends last
Miss Grace Jameson, of Weeping
Water, visited in Murray the latter
part of last week, a guest at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Brendel.
September lGth is Rally Day at
the Christian church. Plan to attem
Sunday School on that date and count
for one in the hundred that is expect
ed on that date.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel are ex
pected home from their Indiana trip
Saturday of this week. They will b
accompanied by Grandma Parr, Mrs
Bier.del's mother.
Gus Iloller.berg, Tom Hansen anil
Ed Shoemaker shipped a car of stock
to the South Omaha market last Sat
urciay. All three gentlemen went to
the city on the same day.
Margaret, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Tl. Puis, fell from her
bed Tuesday evening and cut quite an
ugiy gasn in her torehead. 1 he in
jury, while quite paiful at the time
will not result in leaving a perman
ent mark.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chase,
last week, a fine baby boy. The moth
er and little one are getting alon;;
nicely, and "granddad" McReynolds,
was feeling so jubilent over the oc
casion that he forgot to attend the
State Fair this vcar.
Bad Luck With Invention.
Fritz Lutz has been trying his in
ventive powers at his farm the past
few weeks, and among the inventions
that have been trying his patience was
a grinding apparatus that he rigged
up this week. The machine was cor
rectly designed, but Fritz arranged it
so that it exceeded the speed limit of
an emory wheel velocity, and when he
applied the tool that he desired a
keened edge on, the wheel was moving
so rapidly that it broke into many
pieces that were whirled at terrific
speed through the air, some of which
came near striking him. He then
found a "man to produce the desired
edge for him, and went on with his
farm work.
The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring than for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
Social Dance.
There will be another one of those
social dances given at the Puis &
Gansemer hall on Saturday evening,
September 11. The music will be fur
nished by the I lolly orchestra of
Plattsmouth. The usual good time
will be in store for you, so do not fail
to attend.
Special Notice.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of Baker & Nickels
are requested to call and settle same
by the 15th of September, or proceed
ings will be taken to collect same.
Baker & Nickels.
Alf. Nickels Will Stay at Springs.
R. R. Nickels returned home from
Excelsior Springs, Mo., on Wednesday
of this week, where he had been for
the past two weeks with his son Alf.
Nickels, who went down to the springs
for the purpose of taking treatment
for rheumatism. Mr. Nickels reports
Alf. in about the same condition at the
time he left the springs, but the doc
tors there are of the opinion that he ;
can be helped by remaining there for,
a time. Alf. will remain for a few I
weeks or even longer should he find
that the treatment is helping him.
will be made for the next two weeks on our
entireline of
Oil Stoves, Lawn Mowers and
Ice Cream Freezers
We would like to close this line out this sea
son and will make the prices right.
Gasoline Engines!
The Rock Island Line is the one we carry,
and we are prepared to make some attrac
tive prices on this line at this time. We can
Murray Implement and Hardware
Murray, Company. Nebraska
The Journal delivered at your door
for only 10 cents a week.
(Continued on Page Seven.)
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,
For Sale.
Good alfalfa seed, $9 per bushel.
Call or write, J. L. Shrader, Nehawka.
FOR SALE Some cottonwood lum
ber suitable for framing work. In
quire of E. E. Leach on the Lee Alli
son farm.
Are You Ready for that Light Plant?
jj,, .j , .j.,.rv , ' .-4,- " ; 3
The Journal delivered at your door '
for only 10 cents a week.
You should have one installed before the long winter nights arrive
and enjoy the comforts of a beautifully Illuminated home
this winter, at a very small cost.
We are now prepared to install one of the high-grade Alamo Plants one j
that is guaranteed in every particular. One that will light your home and all out jj
buildings perfectly. They are the best light plant on the market, and are sold
under guarantee at reasonable prices.
We have one on demonstration in our Murray garage, and will be pleased to
show, you at any time. Come in and let us talk to you.
We are also ready to take care of your crippled automobiles by expert auto
We will look after your supply wants of all kinds. Oils and gas on sale.
Hsuio I?eo