THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. I-I-I-M' IN PLATTSMOUTH Tm.iT..T..T. .Ti TTTTT TT Ft i 1 I FORTY YEARS AGO. Mrs. William L. Wells and family are in town on a visit and will stay about a week. Rush is "backing" it. Lightning struck a pair of horses near Muller's ranch, belonging to Mr. Dimmot. and killed a fine Norman stallion and blooded mare. Mr. Montgomery's little shop, next to Dovey's store, seems to flourish and thrive like a green bay shop. He keeps nice vegetables. Mr. Ferree brought the Herald i ome of the finest and earliest peaches of the season. Mr. F. has them for sale and they are beauties. Sheriff Hyers had plenty of work Friday. The cases piled up on him, but he wiggled through and fixed his men in spite of the hot weather. Elam Parmele has got a new team of trotters for the Herald's especial driving. They are beauties and came from Missouri with other mules. The eclipse on Monday was witness ed from High School Hill by the great hody of Plattsmouth scientists. Prof. MacDonagh was there and Prof.Drum mond, to say nothing of lesser lights such as Dr. Editor Lawyer. The first contact was at 13 minutes past 3, locfil time, and the greatest obscura tion at 5 minutes past4. The follow ing is one of the briefest descriptions of the track of the eclipse and we re publish: "This cone of shadow which caused the total part of the eclipse strikes horizontally upon the earth's surface at a point in Siberia at sun rise on July 20, local date. It travels northeasterly to about the 180th de gree of longtitude." Poor Dan Rice! It will be remem bered that some days ago Dan Rice was here with his circus boat, the "Damsel," en route up the river to all prominent Missouri river points be tween Omaha and Bismark. He was intending to cross from Bismark into the Black Hills, where he hoped to strike a bigger bonanza than even the Wheeler Brothers did on their placer claim in Deadwood Gulch. The circus showed . in "Tekamah, - Burt county, Tuesday, and the boat started that night for Decatur, the circus company lemaining in Tekamah over night Just as Dan was leaving overland with his show team for Decatur yesterday morning a messenger came into Te kamah with the news that the Damsel sunk Tuesday night between the two towns. Nearly all the property on the boat was taken off before she went under. The Damsel was owned by Mr. Rice, and was valued at about $20,000. We are mighty sorry for Dan. If we had as much money as Vanderbilt, we knight give him a steamboat just for fun, and to keep the old fellow's spirits up. ENTERTAINS KOER OF SCHOOLMATES MiD FRIENDS following persons were appointed in each ward to collect funds: First ward, Messrs. Pepperberjf and Living ston; Second ward, Messrs. F. E. White and Wooley; Third ward, Mes srs. Sam Chapman and P. P. Gass; Fourth ward, Dr. Wintersteen and F. I prom Wednesday D"y Carruth. On motion A. W. McLaugh-1 The pretty home of Mr. and Mrs line was appointed treasurer. A cen-1 J- M. Roberts was the scene of merri- tral committee of three was also ap-1 ment and frolic yesterday afternoon pointed, to whom the ward committees I when their - daughter, Miss Helen, are to report. This committee is, J. I entertained a number of her school- j Herewith Are Some Important Sug W. Johnson, chairman; Hon. S. M. I mates and friends at a most delightfui Chapman and Dr. John Black. A I afternoon party. Whenever invite J to special committee for the railroad em-1 the Roberts home the guests always ployees was then appointed as f ol-1 anticipate a very pleasant time, and lows: Messrs. Bechtel, Hawksworth, I their anticipations were fully realized Greisel and Chas. Dawson. The money I in the entertainment of yesterday af I collected bv them to be forwarded as I crnoon. The voune ladies b vouch t they may desire. The secretary was their fancy work and a nortion of the the taxpayers and business men and asked to notify the absentees of their time was devoted to that of plying the members of the city government apopintment on committees, and the tusry needle, after which various other have realized more than ever the need sense of the meeting being taken it rmusements were indulged in, which of paving the avenues of the city or was deemed appropriate to suggest afforded much pleasure. A dainty proviuing a more siauie roaaway tnai that the churches and clergy of the luncheon was served at a convenient can withstand the effects of the heavy rams ana ao away wnn tne muaay conditions that follow a heavy rain storm, and for this the subject of a concrete pavement has been strongly advocated by many and seems the cheapest and most practicable method of dealing with a very undesirable condition. Other cities that have tried it are well pleased with the results secured and our neighboring town of Nebraska City is now engaged in pav ing First avenue there for its entire length with the concrete, and it has TKE MATTER OF CONCRETE PAV ING AND ROADS gestions as to How to Be Success ful in Such Undertaking. From Wednesday's Dally. During the past year in this city town take united action with the com-1 hour, covers being laid for twelve. mittees in procuring funds for the suffering. The chairman suggested that great care be taken that the amounts collected are all properly marked down and credited. The ward committees and all others to report to the central committee at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. $78 was collect ed on the spot. MRS. A. A, SHAFER OF OKLAHOMA VISITING WITH FRIENDS HERE Indirect Nutrition. From Wednesday's Dally. U. P. Meisinger and daughters, Miss Mr. MacDonagh of the Watchman has been quite sick. Peter Bates caught it slightly last week sunstroke. Want to be careful, Peter. Grandpa Schlegel has been quite un der the weather lately, and quit driv ing for several days. Sam Thomas has made quite a suc cess of his creamery this year, with very imperfect appliances. Next year he hopes. to have things in better order and to increase the business greatly. We understand from the people of that section that Mr. Hogeboom of Sarpy county has bought the mill site on II. Pettifs farm and will move his mill and erect a good first-class grist mill on the creek there. This is good news for the farmers. See the new time table of the B. & M. R. R. The western train leaves here now at 10:30, instead of 9:30, and there are three freight trains running now, daily. The passenger train from Omaha leaves at 9:50 a. m., instead of 9, as heretofore. H ' Born To Mr and Mrs. James O'Grady, at the home of her parents, a daughter, Saturday, September 7, 1378, and Capt. Donvan, the happy grandfather, is planning an inlaid cradle of somniferous woods that will render baby O'Grady's infant days a continuous beautitude. Yellow Fever Relief Fund. At last Plattsmouth has moved. A meeting was held Tuesday evening at the court house, of which Mayor Johnson was chairman and J. A. MacMurphy, sec retary. . Dr. Livingston suggested committees in each ward and at the R. R. shops. Dr. John Black favored the committees and on motion the Without appetite or without regular digestion there is no nutrition. A emedy which excites appetite, stimu lates digestion and regulates evacua tion, is an indirect nutrition. Take, for example, Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, a preparation which fulfills all those conditions. It is made of red wine which in itself is nutritive. It will stimulate the di gestive organs to work and will give them enough strength to perform their work, without any great exer tion. In constipation and in diseases rJJSi e LITTLE SDH OF OLIVER HUD- same, ai ;ice uici anu uiuivugu 1 ief, as also in many troubles of the stomach and the intestines, in weak ness and nervousness. Price $1.00. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Manufactur er. 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., I From Wednesday s Dally. Chicago I This morning Robert, the young son Gertrude and Mrs. -Henry Thierolf, proven a big success. Une of the and son. Irvin. and Mrs. G. P. Mei- clearest statements of tne practability singer's sister, Mrs. A. A. Schafer, of of concrete as a paving for roads is PnrnssPtt. nk-ln whn is ho, visitino- shown in a recent bulletin of the at the Meisinger home, motored to United States government, which pre this city this' morning from Cedar pared by experts, is convincing to the Creek and spent the day attending to skeptical. This bulletin gives the esti- some business matters and visiting mated amount of concrete pavement relatives and friends. While here Mr. " the United States in 1914 as -19,-G. P. Meisinger called at this office 200,000 square yards; in 1909 it was and renewed the subscription of the only 364,000 square yards. paper going to A. A. sssett. Schafer at Poc- SON BITTEN BY A BOG of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hudson, had ... . . I pssnrv Muscular rheumatism and neurale-ia the misfortune to be bitten by a dog, The principal advantages of con crete pavements which have led to this increase in popularity are said to be: 1. Durability under ordinary traf- nc conditions. 2. A smooth, even surface offer- 3 ing little resistance. 3. Absence of dust and ease with which it may be cleaned. 4. Comparatively small cost of maintenance until renewals are nec- demand Triner's Liniment, It usually which had been staying at the home allays pains quickly. Price 25 and 50 of Jonn Lutz m the south part of the cents, postpaid 35 and 60 cents. ciy, an whle the injuries of the boy were not serious, ne was badly irignt- ened, and after the affair hurried to town, where he notified Chief Barclay B B " te S r I. : la' . ii ' fi I. Rooms for Rent. 5. Availability as a base for an other type of surface if desirable. 6. Attractive appearance. In commenting upon these advan tages, the bulletin states that the durability of concrete roads has not " I . .. . ... . , ... , I vet hppn nrovprl hv actual nrartice. I " With or Without board, two blocks . , 7 because there are no very old nave- 13 I tlQ CJSmOnSirSICr Wlti CaDIZIX? CVCry CSXSSi 2.12 QHSlVCr Zli CliCZ- 1 i- r y-f t-iy vrtA wsiisk y t-i o y y nsvAO 1 w 1 t . .1 w a farther HamaP to anvone. ThP Ho J ments as in existence, but from 0 I at 1:4-: r .1 ...u:u l 1 1 1 J i 1 1 I me cuuuiiiuu ui uiuse vwwen iwvc undergone several from the High school. H. S. Ramsey- Call tn Mrs. 8-9-7twkly J FOR SALE. One section, 640 acres, wheat land in Franklin County, Washington. This land is rolling, but not rough. Located 100 miles southwest of broke the skin on his breast sufficient ly to draw blood, and was beaten off before he could do any other harm to the boy, and the injuries were looked after by a physician and it is not thought that they will result in any thiriop corinnc TKio Arrr it ic turr ' r- i it. -r tr-t-i-j I " ' ' 1" " ' spowine, tyt mues norm 01 auiiulub, hag nQt bem vicious heretofore on two raiiroaas. sou voianic asn, feet to 6 feet in depth. It was broken in 1906, and a crop of wheat grown in 1907 netted the owner $3,900.00 after all expenses were deducted. It was plowed in 1912, and has lain fallow since. There is 215 acres in wheat this year, of which owner is to re- STRANGER SWIPES RAZOR FROM YORK'S BARBER SHOP years service, it seems probable that they will te found to wear well. For a successful concrete road. hardness, toughness and uniformity are the most essential qualities. These can be secured to a great extent by care in the selection of the constituent materials and the proportions in which they are mixed. Sample speci fications are included in the bulletin. No. 249, "Portland Cement Concrete Pavements for Country Roads." These specifications are believed to typify the best engineering practice as it has been developed up to this time. They cover such points as ma- Y V"-y nH jf S 'MiiWriifiiir-iriM- 1 - V fcnlr im unitu Muff V&KMir V i.htW -Mitfl -"' trfi r i m& V-gja.-t mn 1 P II vLE F F v Jnxm u n j the w oriel s First i amng Maciime y n fj n musical mmummx hm&vm n It3 it m r a it . r et :s i; & J km W mlmm,iZ. rn.Jk.ti. m I'V V? iL L. m. 9 I , IS C tmVaKJSiiXilZMmdtiC TU M f 4- . . , 7 1 I i'l i w i - - - -! z. m m m .t l it t - m r m i m i : e ' i s 1..; c a S' r.W h u Ssf ITS --ZSZVii n ? h h h r- K5 feTfejKU- tn solo, cuet, auartctie ?nd concert Lin- i 2 1 X oi tiiu vvwait4v.i k s l ll uiilblti Will fc- r,k t wil J Is w I? I El in nearly ever knevvn !2nuc:gc. hear the vc:ccs of th3 r;Qt ncled singers in soic, duct, quartette snd concert -sins-ing. Also, the reproduction cf bnrsdc, cr- " ? f chestras, pisnos, vicsin: any instrument yea rr.ay desire. r. f t3 N Is 4 u M n I f i 1 f I V st the rful instrument will !br j'iven Hotel Thursday, Fndsy ?2o Ssfurcusy, igsS 2yt:i, 2TS's tions. A special invitation is extended tc yen and ycur friends to attend. This opportunity may not be effcrded you again. Re member you pay nothing it is FRE ceive one-fourth free in warehouse at From Tuesdav-a raiiv. Kahlotus. The land is fence with a I This morning while J. L. York was terials, grading, sub-grade, and con- post and wire fence. There is a first j absent for a few minutes from his struction mortgage of $5,000.00 due m Novem- barber shop on lower Main street jhe cement, it is said, should al- ber, 1916, at 7 per cent per annum. some hard-hearted miscreant without ways conform to some standard speci Will sell for $22.50 per acre on lib- j a fear of the consequences entered fixations for Portland cement, such eral terms, purchaser to assume! the shop, and selecting a razor lyinglr.s those issued by the United States mortgage. I on Uie shelving near tne mirror pro- bureau of standards or the American For further information write ceeded to get away with it. As soon society for testing materials. The owner. w. VJ. aAairsuiN, uwner. i as me loss was aiscovereu oy lur I sand should not contain more than o Care S. A. A. York he notified Officer Jones, who at per cent 0f foreign material, and sand Spokane, Washington, j once started in pursuit of the man wjtn more coarse than fine grains is 6-17-2mos-wlcly and discovered him at the store of to De preferred. The coarse aggre- . K. Cjobelman, where he was at- ate may consist of either crushed Itching piles provoke profanity, j tempting to dispose of the weapon tor stoneo r gravel. In either case it is but profanity won't remove them. B smaii price, ana air. iones escuncu very desirable that the coarse aggre- Doan's Ointment is recommended for to the dungeons of the city jail &ate be wen graded in size between itching, bleeding or protruding piles, to await his just needings in the court proper limits. 50c at any drug store. of Judge Archer, and Mr. Jones re- jie proportion of cement to the stored the razor to the lawful owner sand an(j coarse aggregate combined without delay. A Power Crcrni S:;2rctcr AT A HAII csiz ratE Tmnendoosly increased de- and low er selling cost enable the nxamxlaciui'era to make this big i redaction in price of the separator you .ought to use, . . a m m tne wnwonu AOTCriTC- SEPARATE It kitm .wniieiyoq i?" .l 3 " i Smsnd 7LK 1 mm mm JdTwiSribrmtioa. r Run. ttl mt ZtZi Z cent. pr but MmbU. unj. SSt iim. odirtT built o rjld. lnptuntam. Call awl N It toasy Secures Marriage License. From Wednesday's DalZr. Yesterday County Judge Beeson is sued the necessary permit to wed to Mr. Elroy H. Holm, aged 23, of Lin coln, and Miss Mable F. Hanger, aged 23, of Avoca. These young people will be married at the home of the bride, near Avoca, this week. The bride is a daughter of -Peter A. Hanger, residing near the town of Avoca. Some Fine Apples. From "Wednesday's Dally. Our old friend, Ben Beckman, yes terday brought in to the Journal office a fine collecUomof;llhe-Jmouth-.apr plaVv'whJcK' he 'has 'in pcof usibnat'his. farm mortheast of Murray, -and-judgf; ing from the samples the apples' are hard to beat, either for size or quality. John W. Falter AGENT PlAtUmouti,""" For '1 earache, toothache, pains bums, scalds, sore throat, try Dr. Thbmas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem- NebrsukAjedy for emergencies. ; J should not be less than about 1 to 5, and the proportion of sand to coarse aggregate not less than 1 to 3, nor greater than 2 to 3. A useful formula when gravel is used as coarse aggre gate is 1 part of cement to 1 parts of sand to 3 parts of gravel. When crushed stone is used, 1 parts of sand may be substituted in place of Vz parts. In addition to discussing the en gineering details of construction, the bulletin already mentioned calls at tention to the fact that ordinarily from one-third to one-half of the total cost of constructing a concrete pave ment is for labor after the materials are delivered. This emphasizes the importance of efficient organization and proper equipment. Failure to take these; factors into consideration f re qtfeitly 'results, it is 'said,' in adding from 10 to 20 per cent to the cost of a concrete pavement. The most economical method is to have the work of mixing and placing the concrete as nearly continuous as practicable. The work should be planned with a primary view of keep ing the mixer going full time. The EPS IH - mm Plattsmouth, Nebraska r p . h H -' i aJi i !.. - Loc-a. Representative n r Li uEZmi w li 0 mmmT 4V " ll 9 - drainage structures, the grading, and the sub-grade should, therefore, be completed well in advance of the mixer and prevision made for obtain ing ail of the necessary materials without delay. A common error is the failure to make adequate provision for delivering water on the work, and the amount which a given stream is capable of suppljing is frequently overestimated. For Sale. Mi". Ch ' la Call or write, J. L. Shrader, Nehawka ."(: ii.".-v ::vr.;ii : V Li: 't..n a vi I U.o i- :r,e of x. :. P. I a'i. Charles Rhode and wife of F.i. J:;s ij)h, Missouri, who have been Lor-' vi?iiijifr at the home cf .Mr. I:hoc!' mother, Mrs. Helen Kiu;It for a fv days, departed last evenii:g for the; home. L. V.. L.r., wno h: s i..-en mah Lis home li"rt' i r s'-")e limp, d " pa. .td venirg r:: N ,. '2 for Chi-cr.c-o Jrr.ctio:., Ohio, wL.-ie he v. Y. rt fvnia his vi,'!; as a l.:tir.:.n rr. th : i;r.ltimo:e A: Ohio ralli:- 2mV Vts S La a KziS W''5 f t X MYNARD, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 21st I am offering at public saie 44 head of pure bred Duroc Jerseys. the cficring are 18 boars, 19 open gilts, 4 sows with litters and one open tried sow. Five of these animals are sons and daughters of the famous "Old Ki:: the Col." arid ani mals of real merit: one yearling boar that will weigh ar&nnd 500 pounds '(out of ECHO'S CRIM SON WONDER, GRAND CHAMPION at the Nebraska State Fair 1014.) This boar 1 will make a special offer on. Will agree to take him hack at the price he sells for at sale, in one year's time, providing he is in as good condition as he is now. Will have 4 boars of the JUMBO CRITIC strain that are all large and good; one of them will beat 200 pounds, and is a real outstanding animal of this strain. Balance of animais are mostly by the above boar "Echo's Model Wonder." One sow with litter by her side, a grand-daughter of "COL. GANO," an animal I paid $95.00 for at Oscar Larson's sale last winter, will go in the ring and some one will get a bargain. JfcirRemember the Date Tuesday, September 21. Sale to be held in large building half block from the depot. W. T. 'RiCHARQSOH, GSerk iHPTipi'-cDelCOi-t. G- KRASSKEL, Assisted by AUCTIONS 0L Ri w mm- one- r? 'a 1 -A W K lit f- f, m rt P.- Ff O. I. PURDY, Floldnan for Nebraska Farmer M. S. CRUSE, for th South Omaha Stockman end Drover's Journal -CATALOGUE ON RECUEST- -MAIL BIDS TO EITHER FIELDVEN- v V