THURSDAY, ..UGUST 26, 1915. FLATTSHOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE 3. .fir Cedar Creek John Gauer was in Plattsmouth Fri day. Henry Thierolf was in Plattsmouth Friday. Lute Likewise was in Plattsmouth Thursday. Mrs. Albert Schafer sjent Thursday in Omaha. Clarence Busche spent Thursday in riattsmouth. Elmer Meisinger went to Platts mouth Tuesday. Harry Meisinger went to Platts mouth Thursday. Mrs. P. H. Roberts was shopping in Omaha Thursday. Mrs. William Keil and son, John, went to Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Xessin and son, Clarence, were in Plattsmouth Monday. Don't forget the picnic in Cedar 'rt-ek on September 11th. The fishing party from Plattsmouth teported a fine catch Sunday. Mvrna Wolff and Leoma Givens went to Louisville Monday evening. J. W. Wolff and A. O. Ault spent Monday in Plattsmouth on business. Mrs. John Wolff and Mrs: Lyle boarded the train for Omaha Friday. Schafer & Tritsch shipped three loads of slock to Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. Uaughman and daughter went to Omaha to visit Mr. Eaughman last Friday. Henry Baughman came home from the hospital Saturday to stay over Sunday. James Johnson has caught the bui! ding fever and is putting up a new coal shod. their way home to visit with her aunt and cousin, Mrs. M. Metzger and daurhlor. Mrs. W. II. Dasher and children left Friday for Anthony, Iowa, to visit her mother. Bert Clifford and Harry Davis were in Cedar Creek Monday reading the light meters. Irven Meisinger came home Thurs day, the mud being dry enough for the car to run. INDEPENDENT . - . Plattsmouth, Nebraska During the past few weeks there seems to have been a great demand for another coal company in Plattsmouth, and at the request of a large number of people I have consented to ? T T handle coal in the future. My sheds will soon be under con struction, and I have both hard and soft coal on the road, and will be prepared to take care and make prompt deliveries on all orders for the winter upon arrival of these shipments. Our business will be conducted on a cash basis, but reason able discounts will be allowed on such basis of doing business. We will be pleased to receive your order as early as pos sible, and we can take care of it upon arrival of first shipment. PHONE Base -SUNDAY- 3:00 P. M. LOUBVILLI vs Come out to attend this game, as it gives promise of being: one of the best that will be staged on the local grounds, and the Red Sox will find the Louisville team a hot proposition. Mrs. Warren is having her house painted this week. Joe Braudback is doing the work. Cedar Creek is not the only wet place in the state. Other people com plain as much as we do. Will Meisinger and wife, from Sarpy county, are visiting at the G. P. Meisinger home this week. When drivin an auto do not holler "Who!" when you want it to stop, as it has not learned that language yet. Use your brakes. Mrs. Walter Hessenflow of Murray, who has been visiting at William Schneider's for the last week, return ed home Tuesday. Mrs. F. J. Vallelly and son, Robert, of Catteraugus, N. Y., who have been visiting in California and taking in the exposition, stopped here on The rain stopped the boys from go ing to Nehawka to play ball Sunday, although they started and then turned around before they had gone far, as it began to rain. John Hennings, jr., got his arm broken in a threashing machine Mon day. The full particulars could not be learned, but they have taken him to a hospital at Omaha. Mrs. Henry Dasher and daughter Edith, went to Plattsmouth Friday to keep house for her daughter, Mrs. John Likewise, while she and her hus band are visiting at Plainview, Neb. Walter Schneider and J. W. Wolff started for Omaha Friday with Walt er's car to get it repaired, but had to leave it at Louisville and come out from Omaha with another car to get it. Rev. Henry Seybert of Omaha came in Saturday night to fill Rev. Swartz's place. He preached two fine sermons Sunday, which were very impressive. The text for the evening sermon was, -Be Faithful." We are in receipt of a card from Henry Frey of O'Neil, who is spend ing part of his vacation in Duluth, Minn. He states he is having the time cf his life and expects to see old Cedar Creek the first of September. Hilliard Giassman, who has been spending a few weeks on a ranch in the western part of the state with friends, returned home last evening after a most delightful trip. t t f f T T f f T T y f T T f NO. IK V M Sox ALVO NEWS ITEMS C. R. Jordan was in Lincoln on business Monday. Charles Rosenow and sons were shopping in the capital city Wednes day. Charles Godbey and family left last week for a visit at White Lake, S. D., with Mrs. Godbey's sister, Mrs. Mart Campbell and family. Morgan Curyea was in Lincoln Monday. Miss Sibyl Eckles of Lincoln is spending the week with Miss Blanche Moore. Dr. L. Muir and family left Wed nesday for a week's visit with rela tives at Milford, Neb. George Towle of Lincoln spent Sun day with John Murtey. Miss Marjory Carr of Eagle visited Miss Marie Stroemer Tuesday. Miss Stella Sheesley and Mrs. C. M. Jordan were shopping in Lincoln Wednesday. Elmer Barrett is clerking in the store of E. W. Evans. Mrs. Nellie Beck of South Dakota came in Wednesday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas, and other relatives. William Sutton returned from Chappell, Neb., Wednesday, where he had been on business. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snavely and Henry Rulofsz, the latter's father, have returned from their trip to Min nesota. Mr. Snavely purchased c residence property at Shell Lake, Min nesota, and they will move there in the near future. Last Saturday several friends sur prised Mrs. Raj' Clark with a miscel laneous shower, bringing many beauti ful presents. Ice cream and cake were served. All report a very pleasant time. Those present were: Mesdames Morgan Curyea, Henry Miller, Fred Prouty, Arthur Bird, Dan Skinner, R. F. Johnson, Sam Hardnock, John Sut ton, Charles Sutton, Walter Rathbun, Peter Mick, Eli Coon, and the Misses Kate Sutton and Maple Skinner. Mrs. L. Lauritsen and children, Clara and Floyd, came Wednesday from Ruskin, Neb. Mr. Lauritsen is moving into the R. A. Stone residence. Farley Young of Lincoln came in Wednesday to visit at the Harry Ap pleman home. Mrs. Mart Nickels and daughter were in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shock of Blue Springs, Neb., and Miss Snavely and Mr. Snavely of Republic, Ohio, came in Wednesday to visit their cousin. Rev. J. L. Snavely and family. The Misses Etta and Leah Miller, Esther and Anna Rasp and Ralph Wagner attended the Brethern Sunday school convention at Holmesville, Neb., which convened this week. Miss Fannie Eberly treated Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and sons, Archie and Lyle, Harvey Rasp and family and Fred Kear and family to a water melon feast Tuesday evening at the home of the latter. Daddy Miller went out of town Sun day morning in his Overland in high spirits, with his family and Mrs. Fred Kear and children, to take dinner with his daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Wood and family, and lo! Sunday evening he re turned driving a span of mules to a spring wagon. Wonder why ? C. H. Snavely, accompanied by Fred Kear, autoed down to Otoe county Sunday, just getting home ahead of the rain. Charles Pringle and family will visit in Lincoln a few days and then take a trip to Indiana. From there they will go to Seattle, Wash., where they will make their future home. The Misses Mary, May and Alma Ingwerson accompanied their cousins, Miss Hope and Master Harry Ingwer son, to their home at Nehawka last Saturday, visiting there until Thurs day. George Foreman shipped cattle to Omaha Monday. Mr. Foreman and son, Charles, accompanied the ship ment. Dr. Paul Thureson of Chicago, 111., came in last week to visit his wife and daughter, he having a week's vacation. He went to University Place Saturday to visit his parents. Mrs. Frank Thureson and son, Ful ler, of University Place, visited Tues day at the George Foreman home. Albert Foreman and brother, Noel, were Lincoln visitors Sunday. Miss Cecil Phillips of University Place is visiting her sister, Mrs. Isola Kennedy. George Foreman, jr., of Valparaiso Fpent a few days last week visiting his wife and daughter and the home folks here. Rev. Herbert Shoaf and family and Mrs. Shoafs sister, Mrs. Porter, and son, from Wisner, Neb., spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman. They were en route by auto to Horton, Kansas, to visit with relatives. Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 25 and FIRE RISK POLICY CHANGEORDERED form Agreed to by Insurance Men Must Be Altered. ELECTRICAL CLAUSE CUT OUT Btate Board Decides That Hereafter Policy Shall Cover Property In a General Way and Not Itemize Ar ticles Insured Robert Malone Dead. Lincoln. Aug. 26. The Beeson form of fire insurance policy, formerly re quired by the sta'e board of insurance while Lfc G. Brian was commissioner, has (een declared off by the present board and hereaf:er the policy of firo insurance may cover jiroperty in a general way and not itemize the ar ticles insured. The board has also cut out the clause providing the insured shou!d keep his electrical equipment in con dition, according to the rules of the national organization. Dawscn Crops Look Good. Representative StebLins of Dawson county was a caller at the state house, having been visiting his daughter, whe is in a local hospital here. The Dam son county legislator says that crop? are looking fine in his locality and while hail has don considerable dam age, the corn that has b-en left stare, ing is showing up well and if the frost keeps off it will make a big crop. Appeals From Big Judgment. The Omaha and Council Bluff Street Railway company has appealed from a judgment secured in the Doug las county court by Edgar P. Wright for $3.fki0, secured for injuries al levied to have been received while a conductor in the employ of the com pany. Robert Malone Dead. Ttobert Malone, a pioneer Nebraska railroad contractor, and well known la business and political circles, did here after a long illness of Bright'? disease. Treasurer Buys Bonds. The state treasurer bought $43.O0f In bonds of the school district at Wood River for a new nigh school building RELIGIOUS CENSUS IN OMAHA More Than One Thousand Workers Take Count of Various Beliefs. Omaha, Aug. 25. More than 1,00( workers, the majority, of whom art women, took the religious census o1 Omaha. It was a part of the Bill Sunday campaign. Severals workers reported door slammed In their faces by irate mei and women, who told them '"it was none of your business which church 3 attend, if any." Others, reported har Ing met with uniform courtesy. One church worker was appalled tc fcnow how few of her neighbors were church members. "I don't ask my roomers what then religious convictions are." was the re ply of many women keeping rooming houses to queries regarding the affilia tions of those in their homes. To be locked !r. one of the flri honis which she vipited in taking th census and threatened with persons violence was the fate of Miss Avonel Stickloy, high school student, one '. the youngest workers engaged in th work. She was released by a police man. Horse With Glanders Killed. Beatrice. Neb.. Aug. L'C Ptate Vet erinarian Anderson of Lincoln and Tr J. T. Doran of this city visiteu" th farm of Albert Stoll. five miles south west of Beatrice, 'vhere they found . horse with glanders. The animal was promptly destroyed It was valued p. $140 ar.d the stae will pay Mr. Stol two-thirds of its value. The veteri narians will thoroughly examine other horses at Mr. Stoll's farm which havi been exposed to the disease. Killed by Fail From Train. Chadron. Neb.. Aug. 26. The fn reral of John Dowling, who died a Rapid City. S. D.. from injuries re reived by being crushed when fallin; from a train, was held at St. Patrick'! church. He was married just si: weeks ago to Miss Nora Lockler. Bot! were of Dawes county. A host of re'a tives are left, but the aged father an mother, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dowlin? whose other son was killed two yean ago, are completely broken down. Former Nebraskan Slam. Greeley, Neb., Aug. 2C. Jack C. Fes ter. formerly of his place, was sho and killed during a quarrel witl James Hill, a deputy sheriff, at Cot ton plant. Ark. Hajk Escapes From Officers. Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 2f. J. Hajefc wanted at Ode'.l for passing a worfh less check for $3 last October, escapet from the officers at Dwight. Neb. Aviator Is Killed. London, Aug. 2C. Suhlieutenan John Mcl.arty of the royal naval flyini corps was killed while flying a sea plane over Southampton water on th English coast. The machine met witl a mishap and McLarty fell out, dror ping 2,000 feet. F2tal Auto Wreck at Madison, S. C Madison, S. D., Aug. 20. .Tohj Molumby, pioneer citizen, was killei and his wife fatally hurt in an autc mobile wreck near here. f If t t New MILLim. !! t T v f f Y just arrived and on display at Fangers CALL Local News Joseph Fetzer was a business visit or in Omaha this morning for a few hours, going to that city on the early Burlington train. Mrs. Mollie Shugar and little babe, of Kenasaw, who have been here visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Godwin. Miss Daisy Perry was among those going to Omaha this morning, where she will visit for a few hours, looking after some matters of business. John Livingston came in this morn ing from his farm home and was a passenger on the early Burlington train for Omaha to spend the day. Fred Hawksworth, wife and little babe came in this afternoon for a visit here with Mr. Hawksworth's mother, Mrs. D. Hawksworth, for a few days. B. F. Crook was among those going to Omaha this morning, where he will look after some matters of business in regard to some matters on the live stock market. Mrs. C. E. Forbes was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where she will spend the day looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends in that city. Louie and George Hennings came in from their farm home, west of this city, this morning and departed for Omaha to visit their brother, John Hennings, jr., at the Presbyterian hos pital in that city. J. W. Blair and sister, Mrs. Lula Lacey, of Whiting, Iowa, are here for a visit in this city with relatives and friends and will also attend the re union of the Wiles family. Charles K. Bestor departed this af ternoon for Omaha, from where he will depart on a visit of several weeks to the Pacific coast and incidentally take in the exposition at San Fran cisco. Adam Kaffenberger came in today from his home at Cedar Creek and de parted this afternoon for South Da kota, where he will spend a short time looking after his land interests in that state. George Thomas, who for the past few weeks has been visiting at Ex celsior Springs, Missouri, and taking the benefits of the baths at this favor ite resort, returned home last evening much benefited by his trip. Mrs. W. H. Freese and daughter, Mrs. Don York, and two little sons, re turned home last evening from Scotts Bluffs, Nebraska, where they had been visiting with Charles Freese and fam ily for a short time. Guy Streight, who has been visit ing in Chicago with his father for the past two months, returned home to day to this city, where he is making his home with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Streight. Mrs. Mary Blunt of Denver, who has been here visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Taylor and family, departed this morning for Fairburv. Neb., for a short visit with her daughter there before returning to her home. Sell your property by an d in The Line of ( AND SEE J GIVEN 9-4 " Saturday Evening, AUG. 28 Good Music, a Good Time and Good Order Assured! Cents 50c ADMISSION Ladies Tree Music bv Plattsmouth Orchestra Nebraska Military Academy (INCORPORATED) YOUR BOY must be educated and developed. If he is not doing well in school, is discouraged, wants to do more and better work, the NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY is a school close at Imme where you can send him and be sure he gets what you want him to have. This SCHOOL understands BOYS and deals with them individually. Prepares for college and business. For informa tion, talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or write for catalog Address COL. B. D. HAY WARD, President LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Mrs. R. B. Hayes and little daugh ter were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will visit for a few hours, looking after some busi ness matters. AOL! AMAL G. F. VALLEBY GROVE, 4 Miles Weit of Plattsmouth on the Louisville Road, Sunday, August 29th, 1915 Large Dancing Platform Good Music! Everybody Gome and t Y FMLL THEJV3! AT THE Mrs. Gertrude Morgan and Mis May Murphy departed this morning for Omaha, where they will visit for fbe day, looking after some matter.: of business. Amusements of AH Kindt! lave a Good Time ERY 01 0 v f ni ii i iPICiC! 40 per cent reduction. Gering & Co. Journal.