rxr.v.. 4. rLATTSMotnrn semi-weeklt journae. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 191.?. be plattsmoutb journal Published Sum l-V eekly Entered t the 1'osiGfHce at I'Uttsaaouth. R. A. BATES, Publisher fiubtorlptlon Prloei S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe V THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Blessed be he who gives to the poor, a'.beit only a penny; doubly blessed be he who adds J J kind words to the gift. v Jewish. 'I' . 9 :; Useful friends are only kind some people care for. :o : Why is it that the shorter the skirt the brighter the colored stockings? '.n: Kvcry tax-levying body can figure uit where it can reduce taxes next 5 ear. : : Strive for logevity; by living until ou're I'O you may yet see the shirt waist for men. :o: An acceptance of the Pan-American peace p'ans Is expected of Villa and others of northern TJexico. -:o:- There are usually compensations; if.i!e people hate a grouch, they are not likely to impose upon him. -:o: The grass is so high in a Flatts r? ou th man's yard that he can't find tho lawn mower where he left it last fall. -:o:- Kcep up your "watchful wailing" little longer. Something is going to happen in Mexico in a few days. Sure thing! :o: The season is now upon us when the roan with the receding chin is the envy cf all others about the dinner table. Roasting ears fit him exactly. ;o ; Manufacturers are known the world ver by the labels on their goods, and the wide-awake merchants are known by their ads in the local papers. :o: One of the best ways to make money is to stick quietly at work at your trade and refrain from buying something that you don't really need. :o: Perhaps there wouldn't be all this growling about the baggage trans portation rules, if the railroads didn't sometimes make a mistake and allow a trunk to go through on the same train with the passenger. :o : Street Commissioner Lutz has is sued the last call for cutting weeds along your property. He will not wait any longer for you to do it, as the time allowed by law has expired. Tetter get busy and do it, or he will get busy and do it for you and charge it up to your taxes. :o: Oh, but old England would like to gft a grip on the United States. She i-n't one-half as friendly as Germany in today. She is deceitful, treacherous and would do anything to get thi country in trouole. while Germany's friendship is of a quality that can be: depended upon at all times, if the United States is willing to play fair with Germany. We say the United States should show no partiality be tween the warring nations. :o: Some politicians are very cheeky. They are sending out long articles asking for their publication, an nouncing themselves as candidate for state offices, attaching their platform thrreto. They are very careful n-it to atich any "Kale seed" to their an nouncements to pay for their publica tion, and cf course find a way to our waste baskets. To insure publication it is always necessary to enclose ? few dollars as an assurance of your gcod intentions. t Plattsmouth, Nebr. NebrsisJtv as second-class mail matter. "HOW FIKM A FOUNDATION.' Nearly 3,000,000,UU'J bushels of corn worth well of if 2.0G 0,000,000. About 20(5,000,000 bushels of wheat, worth considerably over another $1,000,000 Over 1,400.000,000 bushels of oats, worth over $030,000,000. Then barley, rye and buckwheat, "minor grains, but worth together close upon $200,- 000,000 mere. Food grain crops, without counting rice, totaling in value over $4,000,000,000 en the basis of average prices this year, and may be totaling $4,500,000,000. Add other crops, all ample for our needs, and for a lot of other people's needs, among which the humble hay must be men tioned because there are 75,000,000 tons cf it in sight, worth over $S00, 000,000; also that universal favorite, the potato, with pretty near 500,000, 000 bushels of both kinds, worth about $270,000,000. These are the foundations that America's fertile soil, the industry of American farmers and the blessings of Divine Providence have built for our prosperity in a year when all the great nations of Europe are at war. With the foundations thus laid broad r.nd deep he is indeed mole-blind that doubts the certainty of our prosperity and its diffusion among all our people, if we but cast aside our fears and hesitations and advance boldly to grasp it. It is an old and true saying that when the tillers of a nation's lands are prosperous no other social group can long linger in adversity save by willfully ejecting its op portunities. How our prosperity will be diffused we see the moment, we think what our farmers are going to do with the billions they are certain to receive for the products of their lands. They will pay their debts, of course, those of thorn that are still in debt after a year already passed of bumper crops, war demands and war prices. But after paying debts, ad ding to equipment and reserving working capital forward they will still have several hundred million dollars. And they are not going to hoard it if given a reasonable invitation to spend it. ;o ; We cannot see any reason for any one who considers himself an Ameri can citizen for finding fault with the present administration. One thing certain, Woodrow Wilson is president, and as such has done ncbly in looking after the welfare of the country. There are some, of course, who are disposed to criticise the president, but it is just as natural to have knockers against the national administration as it is to have people here at home who continually knock against everything that is proposed for the benefit of the town. They can't hurt President Wil son no more than they hurt progres sive people here at home. So let them knock and knock to their heart's con tent, if they can find any glory in it for themselves. -:o: There will not be many cattle shows at the county fairs this fall, owing to the hoof and mouth disease, but horse races and fakirs will pro vide the usual course in agricultural education. :o: The average farmer feels it is of no use to keep strict accounts as the courts will figure out how much he owes after he is dead, with the as sistance of a lawyers. :o: It is claimed the modern dances are making a lot of work for chiropodists, but probably not so much because of the exercise itself as the fact that one's partner frequently has large and hea'y feet. :o: "Safety first' keeping still. consists largely in A NEBRASKA SHOWING. A striking showing of the pros perity of the average Nebraska farm- er is made in a chart and statement issued by W. D. Fisher of Alliance, secretary of the Nebraska Associa tion of Commercial club," and repub lished in the Journal of the Omaha Commercial club. It shows that there are only ten states, known as the "corn belt states," that have farm property in excess of $1,000 per capita for the people who live on farms, and that Nebraska leads all of these states ex cept Iowa in the per capita value of ; all farm property, and is 5G.G per cent ahead of the average of these ten states. Even Iowa is but slightly ahead of Nebraska, the average farmer there owning $2,424 worth of farm property of all kinds, as against $2,330 worth for the average Nebraska farmer. The ether states are: Ohio, Indiana, Il linois, Miehagan, Wisconsin, Min nesota, Missouri and Kansas. Nebraska is second in the value of the corn crop per capita, with $97.23 worth of corn for each person, which is 45.5 per cent more than the aver age for these ten states. She is sec ond also in the wheat crop, with $:7.07 worth for each person, which beats the average by 94.7 per cent. Kansas has $33.87 worth of wheat per capita, but Nebraska beats her 25 per cent on the number cf bushels per acre, so honors are about even between the two as to wheat. On the per capita basis, which is the basis that affords the true test of prosperity, Nebraska ranks fifth in cats, fourth in rye, fourth in potatoes, second in horses, in which she is 38.7 per cent ahead of the average; fourth in dairy cattle, leading the average by 3.7 per cent; first in beef cattle, with 129 per cent above the average; and second in swine, leading the aver age by 75 percent. "Nebraska has the smallest farm population of any of these ten states," says the statement. "Her farm popu lation is but 57 per cent of the aver age population of the corn belt states. A state which can make the record enumerated above has good soil and progressive people. Stand up for Ne braska!" World-Herald. Every day seems like a crisis to a nervous person. Every county, with four exceptions, went wet in the recent Ohio local option election. Who's salcony now? -T- Teddy F.oosevelt's nephew talks as if the family might take steps to have a political guardian appointed for the old gentleman. :o: Kansas babies are to be tested and graded and a public record kept. With woman suffrage prevailing, the grad ing official will give all babies 100 per cent. :o: The Mexican raiders who talk about seizing part of Texas are either try ing to force intervention or they have imbedded too freely of benzeine. :o: Leo Frank has "got it in the neck," as a mob has taken him from the Georgia penitentiary and hanged him. lie has paid the J-jbt. if there be one charged up against him. :n: "My country, may she always be right, but my country, right or wrong," cry many Mexican patriots, and they seem to have it that way. :o: In a legal case in St. Louis there have been so many continuances that a sheet of foolscap has had to be past ed to the leaf in the docket to hold them; and this is one of the reasons why it becomes necessary to beseech ' tne people to nave respect lor the law.' :o:- News from the summer capital He's just plain Uncle Jimmy Pank states that President Wilson person- hurst, who went to bed in the old ally writes his extensive correspon- farm house one night and woke up the dence with Secretary Lansing on his next morning in the hall of fame. Any own typewriting machine; there does ! philanthropic farmers around here not seem to be a lazy bone in the , president's body. It is quite unusual to see a man of high position operat ing his own typewriter. , Umbrellas may. yet strike for an eight-hour day, Mexico needs the alphabet more j than it does the alphabetical league Bogus cheerfulness is about the only thing bogus that people seek to justify. :c : Evidently the new sleeping porches will wait till next summer to be broken in. If a newspaper is kind to some pec - pie they are sure td ask it to print their poetry. People who live in glass houses had better go to raising bouquets as the florists do. :o: A receiver has been asked for the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain railroads. We can't understand this, just at the time the. Missouri Pacific is preparing to do a lot of improving. :o: One outcome seems inevitable: If Kitchener can't move the British army forward, he can't be expected to hold his position as war lord for another year. In perative. war "results" are im- :o: If mothers, our good old mothers, had the power to end the war it would toon be ended. And again, they would soon end the struggle for female suf frage, by sitting right down on the proposition. :o: Hastings is doing pretty well as to state candidates for next year. They already have two republican candi dates for governor and the season for gubernatorial nominations has not yet arrived, either. :o: It is claimed that a cannery should be attached to every farm, and as the farmer's wife will do the work after she has cooked, swept, washed, cleaned house, and milked the cows, it is considered clear" profit. :o: As further evidence that Russia has not yet got her fill of the war with Germany attention is directed to the latest Russian order for war supplies placed in the United States amountiri: to $240,000,000. Contracts were let for 13,000,000 shells and the average ccst is $18. :o: Mr. Bryan thinks editors should re veal what financial interest they have in pending legislation. Since the fed eral reserve act failed to make it any easier to get credit at the grocer's, a lot of them undoubtedly have not had much interest in pending legislation, or politicians, either. :o: 510.C00 FOR A GIRL. Of course you have heard of Uncle Jimmy Pankhurst everybody is hear ing of him just now. He is the Il linois farmer who wants a demure lit tle housekeeper and is willing to pay her $3.00 per week and board her the rest of his days and then leave her $10,000 when he dies. Uncle Jimmy cannot accept all of the applicants, because they are coming in by the thousands, and he is getting so much mail he needs a dozen clerks to handle it. He's getting a lot of free ad vertising in all of the gerat daily papers and is crowding President Wil son, the kaiser and old Carranza off of the front page. He's just having a bully good time smoking the old corn cob pipe under a big shade tree while has fame grows by leaps and bounds and doesn't know when or where to stop. . Uncle Jimmy has a dear old lady for a wife and is not looking for an affinity. He just wants a demure jittle tning to look after them in their (ecline of ye aml pay havoc with their money after tney are gone. He's . not a politician and does not want to ' be constable or United States senator. lookinor for a $10,000 housekeeper and imperishable fame? Speak up, gents, speak up! The front page yawns for you. SPECIMENS OF FREAK BILLS . The Literary Digest a short time ago published a list of freak bill introduced by members of the law making bodies of various states, in each instance the author of the bill having serious hope for its passage When one remembers the cost of keep ing the legislative mill grinding he is led to wonder how a community ever permits a man to break into a legislature who will take the time of the state in the discussion of such I measures as some of the following, which are listed by the Digest i To prohibit the catching of frogs. Minnesota. Compelling church-goers to leave their firearms outside. Texas. To furnish lumber jacks with in dividual bathtubs. Minnesota. Establishing a uniform thickness of sleigh runners. North Dakota. Limiting each resident of the state to one gallon ot "corn Iicker a month. South Carolina. To prohibit the use of face powder rough, hair dye or bleach, the piercing of the ears and wearing of earrings. Kansas. Prohbiting a man from becoming a "ball-dodger," i. e., allowing per sons to throw base balls at one's head for hire. New York. To compel chickens to go to roost before 7 p. m. To provide that bulls driven along the road at night shall wear lights. Prohibiting hip-pockets in men's trousers. Colorado. Prohibiting treating. Prohibiting the giving cf tips to barbers, waiters, porters, hat snatchers, etc. Taxir.'; bachelors of 30 years of age $50 per annum. Licensing cats $1 per head. Illinois. Providing that all weeds and plants which cause hay fever shall be re moved from the roadsides. Bachelors to pay an annual tax of $5 per head. Prohibiting the wearing of whiskers by doctors and dentists. Mas sachusetts. :o: As vaudeville actois the Hall Broth ers as state officials seem to be proficient. :o: "The lynching of Frank is the worst blot on Georgia's name," says Sec retary Daniels. ;it; Neutrality in this country is genu ine. No paper republishes "Me und Gott," even by request. The motorcycle would be more pop ular, perhaps, if someone would invent one with a soft alto voice. Have your flj'-swatter handy, for these pests are coming thick and plenty, and it behooves everyone to nip them in the bud. If these rains don't let up pretty soon, the people will begin to believe the European war is the cause of all this wet weather for sure. :o: Some people say the precipitation is this year only normal. If that be the case we wonder how we ever stood the normal rainfalls in the past. :o r Abolition of the death penalty makes but a wheezy appeal every time the reader scans an account of a man who murders a young woman because she "rejected his attentions." ! ;0 ; In the old days a fellow made him-' self attractive by saving up money and acquiring a bank account, but now he gets ahead of fashion by borrow ing money and buying an automobile. ; :o:- i One of the scoffers who has already . returned from' the "shore," says if you want the real sea smell, take ; your rocking chair down into a musty cellar; but maybe he was too near the j fisheries. Opie Read picks Prof. Taft as tni next president of this country, ml vou are also entitled to a guess. How- j ever, beyond a doubt, Mr. Taft coj! 1 j come nearer being elected next y,a.- j than he was in 1912, which he might i without beinc so all-fired close. But t' he has said himself tha. ne wnula not iin be a candidate, and he never 1 ' ' I was much like Col. Roosevelt. I . .r-. . - . . - - - Nit Cedents 15 Tltui Drachm in ' a i rriflor.-3 PERCENT Meltable rrepanKonfcrAs tia ' SioLurxfcsaud Bawds a Promoles D:ycbliou.C!icerfii; JlCSSfUldI&5t.CoatlilBJJJ Ojii:ui.MurpliiiiC uorLLaai Not Narcotic. 0- - Ti-itiDkm dteut JtxMina JVanTtiMt, - . jHtarliriirft S h'tnit .Ufd - wijiM Ail nr ApcrKalicmcdyiur;; V-j i SourStomacii.Bii'O". lossorM- racSimflc Signature o 1 " "I 1 V, s 1 -r - - . .:rtKrr .' Exct Copy cf Wrapper, V.ilAT AiJK HEUE MR'. The Pir.tbuig Gazette pertinently propounds the above query and then proceeds as follows: "Probably no sane student will pretend that we are placed in this word by mere chance. And if we are not here by chance wa are here by design. And if we are Jiere by cl?sign we are here for a pur pose. And if we are here for a pur pose, the rational presumption is that that purpose is for good and not for evil. There is wide diversity of opinion as to the right or wrong of certain things, but there is no substantial dis agreement as to what is elementally good and what is fundamentally bad We learn what they are as we attain the ae of discretion and the ability to discriminate. The civilization of today our very environment teaches us as our years advance. So while we may not be able to determine in r,li icspects whut we are here for there are precious few of us so men tally deficient or morally blind but that we know we are not here to work evil. We may be certain that the con trary is the case. If, then, it is evi dent that we are here for a whole some purpose, what form shall our in terpretation of that purpose take? What shall our response be?" This purpose must not be narrowly construed. That would be simply to adopt the program eat, drink and be merry as the rule of life. It would be assuming that man lires to him telf alone, whereas any of us who have lived long enough to learn knows this to be impossible. We are here for something higher, broader and better than that. We have duties that are imperative. We have responsibilities 1 mssm iskaska liisfar Academy (INCORPORATED) YOUR BOY must be educated and developed. If he is not doing well in school, is discouraged, wants to do more and better work, the NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY is a school close at home where you can send him and be sure he gets what you want him to have. This SCHOOL understands BOYS and deals with them individually. Prepares for college and business. For informa tion, talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or write for catalog. Address COL. B. D. HAYWARD, President LINCOLN. NEBRASKA i n Exceptional Quality Prompt Shipment I SPECIAL DELIVERED PRICES IT) BUMSERLArca 8ROt. CCKSPAr. nTTTT?r.fr?T, v..: :::rr-i.:: , ... zmr IjSJBgN FISTULA Pay After YOU Are Cured 1 1 WS A mild s.,tem o treatment, that cures Piles. Fistula and "other Rctal Diseases in a short time, without Ether or other general anasthetic used. cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal diseases, vmh testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. " DR. TARRY Bee Building; Omaha. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature Of n Uso For Oyer Thirty Years THE CENTAUft COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. involving others, evasion of which means the injury of ourselves or somebody else. We have obligations to society, to the community, the state and the nation. We have an influence on some other life or lives. Is our walk and conversation what it ought to be? If not, we are not living up to what we are here for. We are here also to do our share toward human progress, toward growth and advance ment along every legitimate line, in some fashion, to live so that when the end comes it shall not be to the relief of our household and acquaintances, but to their genuine regret. :o : When, do you suppose, summer will begin? Useful friends arc the only kind some people care for. :o : It is believed the Russians will st-p running by the time th y reach Asia. :o: Many true sportsmen would like to see an open season on practical jokers. :n : President Bush has been appointed receiver of his own railroad the Mis souri Pacific. :o: The only accidental injury a Tlatts mouth man ever sustained was when he fell in love. :o : An optomist is the farmer whose corn may be drowned out, but takes to raising bullfrogs instead. Palm Beach is no doubt shaded en tirely by poinsettias and the trees on which grow Talm Beach suits. TILE' . . OMAHA, HEB - - a surgical operation. No Chloroform A cure guaranteed in every case ac 0 .