The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1915, Image 1

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    PlSlttSniOlltlNcbtato Historical Soo
ibrate Every Saturday: Afternoon During the Summer Months
NO. 18.
Mr. Boeck Is Well Pleased With the
Golden State and Think It a
Most Wonderful Country.
From Tuesday's Oallv.
The Journal has just received a
most pleasant and entertaining- letter
from our old friends, Uncle Henry
Boeck, who, with his wife, are at pres
ent enjoying themselves in the com
pany of many old friends and the
mild and invigorating climate of the
coast country. Mr. and Mrs. Boeck
are residing- at Los Angeles and have
been fortunate enough to secure an
apartment in the same building as
that in which Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wes
cott reside.
Mr. Boeck in his letter states that
California is a wonderful country and
filled with accommodating people and
particularly the former Nebraskans
who make their home there. A few
days ago they visited at Long Beach,
and the first person they met was
Arthur Helps, who at or.ce escorted
them to the garage, which he, in com
pany with Walter Thomas, is operat
ing, and Mr. Thomas invited both Mr.
and Mrs. Boeck to jump in a fine
Studebaker auto and soon had them
cut seeing the scenes of interest and
their old friends. They visited at the
home of Senator and Mrs. S. L.
Thomas for a short time and were
then taken to the Walter Thomas
home, where some time was spent
pleasantly, and the ride brought them
to a point where they could gaze over
the valley where 40,000 people make
their homes, with beautiful homes and
fine grass lavms. Mr. Boeck while at
Long Beach visited with an old
school friend whom he had not seen
since 1852 in his old home. The auto
trip was one thoroughly enjoyed by
these grand old people, and Mr.
Thomas placed himself at their service
whenever they desired to go any
where. While there Mr. and Mrs.
Boeck met Captain L. D. Bennett and
daughter, Mrs. Carrie Wilson, of Lin
coln, Neb.
Last Tuesday they visited at Santa
Monica, where Will Stadelman took
our old friends in hand and assisted
in seeing that they saw all that was
to be found, in his fine auto. Here
they visited with Frank Johnson and
family. Nelson Murray and family,
and then were taken to the home of
Mrs. Sue Morrissey and sister, Mrs.
Agnes Chapman, where the three sis
ters are residing in a cozy apartment
house and enjoying life in a splendid
trnanner. ', ' :
The country has impressed itself
very much on Mr. and Mrs. Boeck, but
they state it takes all kinds of money
to get along there and that they pay
$25 for a two-room apartment per
month, and while fruit and vegetables
are very cheap, butter and farm pro
duce are 50 per cent higher. Mrs.
Boeck is feeling much better and they
will sepnd the winter there, if not the
remaining days of their lives in that
From Wednesday' Dan t.
This morning Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wescott arrived in Plattsmouth from
their home at Ixs Angeles, California,
and Mrs. Wescott will spend some
time here visiting at the homes of her
tons, C. C. and E. II. Wescott, while
Mr. Wescott and his son, C. C. Wes
cott, expect to leave this week on a
trip to Canada, where they h:ve ex
tensive land interests near Clagary,
Alberta, and will also enjoy the de
lights of a short stay in the Canadian
Rockies. They go from here to Seat
tie, and from that city will proceed
by steamer to Vancouver, British
Columbia, and thence over the Can
adian Pacific to other point3 of in
lerest in that section of the continent.
En route home they will visit at Win-
nepeg, Manatoba, and St. Paul and
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Subscribe for the Journal.
i- i
From Tuesday's Daily.
S. H. Atwood's automobile, stolen
from in front of his house, 740 South
Seventeenth street, Saturday evening,
was found near the corner of Seven
teenth and L streets Sunday afternoon
r.fter an all-night search. The ma
chine was standing at the side of the
street, with the headlights still burn
ing. It was not damaged and appar
ently had been used by joy riders. A
small quantity of gasoline remained
in the tank. State Journal.
From Tuesday's Pally.
The fifth annual tournament of the
Inter-County Tennis association will
be held in this city August 23-27, and
one of the most successful tourna
ments that has ever been held is look
ed forward to. The tournament will
be played on the courts of the Platts-
mouth Tennis club. A large number
of players from the different towns
throughout the surrounding counties
of Sarpy and Otoe are expected to be
present to take part in the tourna
ment, as well as players from
throughout the county, while fifteen
players of this city have signified
their intention of taking part in the
event. Any tennis player in Cass,
Otoe or Sarpy counties, is eligible to
enter. The entry fees are $1 for the
singles and $1 for a team in the
doubles. The entering players will be
furnished all the priviliges of the club
and all visiting players will be given
rooms at the homes of the local play
ers. It is thought that this will be
the largest tournament held here for
quite a length of time.
From Tuesday' Dallv.
The last legislature at its session
tassed a law dispensing with the ad
ministration of estate under certain
conditions and circumstances that
covered a period of years elapsing
from the death of the person pos
sessing the estate. The law has not
as vet been used in the probate of
estates in this county, and so far the
rst case to be filed in the state has
been in Lincoln, where the estates of
i husband and wife have been placed
n the court for settlement.
The law provides that where more
than two years have elapsed since the
death of a person owning real estate
in the state and no application has
been made for the administration of
the estate, application may be made
in the county court of the county
here he resided, or in case he wa3
non-resident of the state, in the
county court of a county in which
any part of the real estate of which
he was the owner is located, for a
determination of the time of death, of
the heirs of deceased, the descent of
the real property belonging to de
ceased. Notice of the filing of the petition
is to be given by publication and up
on hearing, if it shall appear to the
court that more than two years have
elapsed since death, that he died in
testate, seized of an estate and that
no application ha3 been made in the
state for administration, the court
shall determine who are the heirs,
their degree of kinship and the right
of descent of the real property. Entry
shall be made acordingly. Such de
cree, unless appealed from as provided
by law, shall be binding and con
clusive against all parties.
, Receives Small Fine.
From WedneadaVa Daily.
Last evening Officer William Wilson
gathered in William Kaufmann, who
was found on the street in a rather
unstable condition, and as it was
rainy, and muddy, he was taken to the
city headquarters for the night, and
this morning was fined $2 and costs
for being drunk by Judge Archer.
From Tuesdays ?ai:v.
Last evening Mrs. Edward Roman
entertained in a most charming man
ner at her home on West Pearl street
in honor of Mrs. Zelma Tuey-Jennings
of Hartford, Connecticut, who is here
for a visit with relatives, and as tha
guests of the evening and former as
sociates of Mrs. Jennings in the Bur
lington store house office were invited
to enjoy a few hours with their
friend. The evening was one that was
filled with delight to the jolly party
of young ladies and games and music,
as well as a general good time, were
the features of the evening. A very
tempting four-course luncheon was
served at an appropriate hour by the
hostess, which added very much to the
pleasure of the gathering, and at a
late hour all departed homeward well
pleased with having enjoyed the op
portunity of renewing the old friend
ships. Those who were given the op
portunity of enjoying the hospitality
of the Roman home were: Misses
Leona Brady, Nettie Moore, Hazel
Cowles and Madeline Minor, and the
guest of honor, Mrs. Jennings.
From Tuesday's Delly.
Yesterday County Attorney Cole
and Sheriff C. D. Quinton were called
out to Eagle to inquire into the case
of a lady residing there who was
thought to be insane, and the pleasant
weather decided the gentlemen to
make the trip in the car of the county
attorney. The journey over the great
er part of the way was most pleasant
and the roads found to be in excellent
shape through the northern part of
the county where they have been drag
ged and cared for in fine shape. When
near Murdock there were many
threatening clouds and when within
three miles of Alvo the officials ran
into what seemed a minature cloud
burst and they both were thoroughly
soaked with the rain and in the low
places on the road the water was up
to the running board of the auto
mobile. After a trying ordeal they
reached Alvo in safety, and after
drying out started out on the journey
to Eagle, and a half mile south of
Alvo struck a good dry road, as it
had not rained there at all and the
road into Eagle was in fine shape for
travel. Returning the party came
over the "O street" road to Union and
thence home and struck a few very
muddy and slick places that gave
them some little trouble, but they suc
ceeded in reaching home safe and
From Tuesday's Dally-
A very pleasant evening was spent
on August 1G at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. Stoie, in honor of Miss
Emma Engelkemeier of Nehawka and
Mrs. Carl Conkling of North Dakota.
In spite of the rainy weather there
was a very good attendance. The
evening was spent in music and play
ing games, in which a "bread and but
ter" contest was the chief attraction,
and created a great deal of excite
ment. Many other games were played
during the evening, and at the usual
hour delicious refreshments were serv
ed by the hostesses, Misses Orpha and
Bentle Stone, in a very pleasing man
ner. At a very late hour the guests
adjourned for the enjoyable evening.
Those present were: Mrs. Carl Conk
ling Misses Emma Engelkemeier, Ina
Crook, Bentle Stone, Alice Lister,
Mable McBride, Leta Jacks, -Faye
Crook, Orpha Stone, Ruth Jacks,
Messrs. Glenn Hackenberry, Albert
Miller, Ward Patton, Emmett Stone,
Will Shea, Eugene Parker, Corpal
Stone. Miss Bentle Stone accom
panied her friend, Miss Emma Engel
kemeier, home to spend a few days. -
From Tuesday'c Dany. .
This morning while Daniel Morri
son, one of the lads' at the Eastern
Star Orphanage, was out playing in
the roadway near the Home he was
unfortunate enough to step on a piece
of glass and cut his foot in a very
severe manner, which necessitated the
services of a surgeon to close up, and
six stitches were required to close the
wound. The boy was enjoying him
self wading in the mud when the ac
cident happened, and the first he was
aware of the presence of the glass
was when he stepped on it and it cut
his foot.
From Tuesday'a Dally.
The ladies of St. Mary's Guild of
the Episcopal church have arranged
to present to the amusement-loving
public of this city one of the finest
motion pictures that has ever been af
forded them, and this is "The Heart
of Maryland," with Mrs. Leslie Car
ter, the original star of this thrilling
drama of the war-time, in the role of
"Maryland Calvert." This picture
has never before been shown in the
west and was acted by Mrs. Carter
and her original company that pro
duced it on the stage, where it was
one of the greatest successes of the
last decade. This picture will be
shown on August 26th, with a mat
inee at the Gem, and the evening show
at the Air Dome, if Jfhe weather per
mits. Owing to the fact that the pic
ture is such a high-priced production,
the prices will be 25 cents for adults
and 15 cents for children, but the ex
cellence of the picture makes it a bar
gain at these prices. The members of
the Guild will have tickets on sale and
the opportunity to aid a good cause,
as well as see one of the greatest film
production in the country today can
not be missed by those who appreciate
a high-class attraction.
From Tuesday'a Dally.
A. Baxter Smith, who is in charge
of the carpenter work on the new
residence of W. J. Streight on Oak
street, met with a very painful ac
cident while he was endeavoring to
get his tools put away during the
shower yesterday morning. Mr. Smith
was piling the tools in a tool box when
his right hand came in contact with
the sharp teeth of a hand-saw that
inflicted quite a painful wound on the
little finger of the hand and came near
severing the leaders in the finger.
The injured member was dressed and
Mr. Smith will nurse a very sore
finger for some time at least as the
result of the accident.
For Sale.
Surry, cost $200.00; good as new.
Riley Block.
Saturday August 21st
Band Concert 3 0'CIock
The Commercial Club offers as a compliment to the town
people and visiting farmers for this Saturday afternoon FREE
ENTRANCE to the popular "Gem" picture show any time be
tween the hours of 2 and 5:30.
The Mystery Surrounding the Disap-
- pearance of C. S. Wortman
No Nearer Solution.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The whereabouts of C. S. Wortman,
the aged father of former County
Superintendent C. S. Wortman, who
disappeared from the home of his
daughter in Ashland one week ago,
seems to be still shrouded in the
deepest mystery, and although every
possible effort has been made to dis
cover some trace of Mr. Wortman
nothing has been seen of him since his
daughter and son-in-law saw him for
the last time on Sunday night, August
8th, and since then not even the blood
hounds brought to Ashland from
Beatrice could discover any trace of
the man.
Reports from the locality where Mr.
Wortman disappeared state that the
entire countryside has been aroused
over the matter and even yet the
friends and neighbors are searching
the neighborhood in the hope of find
ing some clue that might give the
anxious family and friends some
inkling as to what has been the fate
of Mr. Wortman. It seems that the
family found a sheet torn to pieces
and tied together into a rope, which
had possibly been used by the father
in making his escape, and this had
been fastened to the window in the
room where Mr. Wortman had been
itaying when he decided to leave or
was spirited away.
One thing that seems strange is
that the screen to the window in Mr.
Wortman's room , was found ten or
twelve feet on the other side of the
house, and also the fact that the cane
which he used to aid him in getting
around was found near the porch of
the Richards home, as though it may
iave been thrown from the window
of Mr. Wortman. How it was pos
sible for him to have made his way
is another matter that baffles his rela
tives, as he was without the use of
one eye for several years and the
other one was affected, so that it was
with difficulty that he could see to get
around, and he was also compelled to
walk with a pronounced limp due to
the fact that several years ago he
sustained a broken hip and since that
time has experienced much trouble in
walking. His age and failing health
of the last few years had made him
very feeble and how he could get
away without anyone in the neighbor
hood seeing him is surprising.
A great many residing in Ashland
and South Bend at first were im
pressed that the disappearance might
be connected with a kidnapping plot
to secure ransom from the relatives
for the return of Mr. Wortman, but
if this was the case the perpetrators
certainly made a clean getaway and
have not as yet given any sign to the
On account of rain, the Fraternal
picnic at Weeping Water has been
postponed to Wednesday, August 25.
"Regular 75c values In Initial Sta
tionery at the Journal office for 50c
From Wednesday's Dally.
The news has been received here of
the arrival at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Mote, at Plainview, on Sat
urday, of a fine new son and heir and
the little man is reported as getting
along fine, as well as the mother, and
is a fine little man in every way. Mrs
Mote was formerly Miss Louise
PJbinger, and the new boy has brought
much pleasure to the happy grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ebinger,
and the friends of the family in this
city will extend to Mr. and Mrs. Mote
their heartiest good wishes for the
future welfare of the little son.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The W. E. Rosencrans home on Vine
street was the scene of no little ex
citement late yesterday afternoon,
when it was feared for a few minutes
that the house was on fire, and
through this a rather amusing story
was revealed. It seems that Blythe,
the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosen
crans, had been out in the heavy rain
storm, and as 4 consequence his
trousers were decidedly damp and a
plan was flashed on the young man
to dry them at once, and accordingly,
after making a hurried change he re
tired to the laundry room in the base
ment, and after starting a fire in the
laundry stove, he placed the trousers
over the stovepipe to dry, and not
thinking of the possible effect of the
heat on the pants went back to town.
In a short time the members of the
family noticed an odor of smoke, and
this soon became so strong that they
were alarmed and Bruce Rosencrans
forced his way through the smoke to
the laundry room and discovered
through the dense smoke the trousers
merrily blazing up. He put out the
fire and the house was ridden of the
smoke, but the trousers were only a
bunch of charred cloth and not enough
eft of them to cover a postage stamp.
The owner of the wrecked garments
did not recollect for some time the
fact that he had his pants drying, and
when he searched for them they were
only a cherished memory.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Henry Hirz, jr., who has been en
gaged in farming for the past few
years, has decided to move to this
city and become a permanent resident
and accordingly has closed a deal
whereby he becomes the owner of the
residence property of C. S. Johnson
on South Seventh street, and will soon
occupy the same. Mr. Johnson has
not as yet decided where he will re
side, but if a suitable site can be found
le will erect himself a fine new mod
ern home. This will give us a new
residence to add to the constantly
growing number that are being built,
and the advent of Mr. Hirz to the city
gives us a worthy citizen who will be
heartily welcomed.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The information has been convey
ed to this city that on Sunday last
there arrived at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold LaChappell, in Denver, a
fine new son and heir and that all con
cerned are doing nicely and the new
son is one of the finest in the land
Mrs. LaChappell was formerly Miss
Nellie Brinkman of this city, and the
many friends here will be pleased to
learn of the added happiness that has
been given her. Those who have saw
Grandpa Frank Brinkman in the past
two days have perhaps wondered at
his pleased expression, but with the
news of the new arrival can well ap
preciate his joy.
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelroan.
District Road Overseers Who Kill
Prairie Dogs and Gophers Are
Entitled to Bounty.
The following opinion from the
state legal department appearing in
the Lincoln Star will be of much in
terest as it sheds light on another of
the many varied laws that the last
legislature brought into being and
one which is just being tried out by
Dundy county:
Road overseers in Nebraska, who go
out into the highways and byways to
kill prairie dogs and gophers that
destroy the farmers' crops, are labor
ers worthy of their hire, in the opin
ion of the state legal department.
Neither should they be compelled to
wait for their pay, says Deputy At
torney Barrett, until the owners of
land on which the animals are slain
pay the special tax provided by law
for the expense of their destruction.
The last legislature passed a bill
providing that where land owners.
after being notified to kill off prairie
dogs and gophers, fail to do so the
road overseer may go upon their
premises, destroy the rodents and
charge for the work at the rate of
$3 per day, with necessary expenses
for poison or other material or equip
ment added.
In accordance with that act, the
Dundy county board last spring in
structed road overseers to start a
campaign against the burrowing crea
tures. The overseers have been busy
doing so, and it is reported they
have got rid of a good many. Now
they want their pay, having sent in
claims for the time put in and for
such materials as were bought to aid
them in killing off the animals.
County Attorney C. A. Ratcliffe
wrote in to the attorney general's of
fice for an opinion as to whether the
claims of road overseers for this work
could be paid out of the county's cur
rent funds, or if they must wait until
the special taxes are levied and col
lected from the land owners.
The legal department's reply to
this query is that the county should
pay the claims as they are presented.
It is held that nothing in the law in
dicates the purpose of the legislature
to make the overseer wait for the
taxes to come in, and that it would be
an injustice to require them to do so.
Superintendent W. G. Brooks of
the city schools, since his return from
New York, has been very busy with
his plans for the coming school term,
which will open on Monday, Septem
ber 13th, in the different schools of the
city, and which will allow the boys
and girls an opportunity of the first
week in September to attend the state
fair at Lincoln and then get into the
harness of the school work. One of
the pleasing features of the opening
of the school year is the fact that al
most all the teachers are the same as
last year and they can enter on their
duties with a thorough knowledge of
the work in their departments and
grades, as well as the pupils who are
under their instruction. The opening
of school is an event that is always a
source of pleasure to the young peo
ple of the community, and with it will
again commence the many fond and
iappy school associations that add
such a pleasant feature to the school
work and assist the scholars in their
advancement until the time they step
forth from the school graduated.
Watson Long, accompanied by Ben
Land, drove in this morning from
their country homes and were pas
sengers on the early Burlington train
for Omaha to visit for a few hours
securing auto supplies.
Mrs. Albert Satchell was among
those going to Omaha this morning,
where she will visit for the day, look
ing after some matters of business.