The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    VAUt. 2.
'1 he litirlingtort bus made n plight
rhtfifre In the arrangement of the run
fiinif of their trains over the Kiou
City lines that vill fi"t be entirely
nrcpM(r(i o n large number of the
'train ctcws operating over this line of
the rant. Th company ha decided
that hereafter lb engineer and fire
man will spend their lay-over at Va
i iTic Junc tion Instead of in this t lty,
a It will Ipscom the cost to the com
pany considerably. Heretofore thp
emrloppf find fireman have hen paid
for running their engine to thla city
and hack over to the Junction to have
their train mad? up for the run, nnd
this has amounted to quite n little
purn, f thai it was derided that the
ingines would he brought over to this
city without the fireman and engineer,
and fired up heie find taken hack over
to the Junction to he turned over to
thq train crew, paving the expenpe of
tlte trip of the fireman 'and engineer
to the company, hut the cjiange is not
one that will he greatly relished hy
0,6 men, as the lay-over In the Junc
tion is not ns pleasant as one in a
latger place would he.
rr.m r01nv's t'ailv.
With the general spirit of enter
piie and piece In the city it might
,e worth while t nte that there i
unt n single stoie om in the bul
ness section of the city that is not
(enled ami in ue for pome purpose,
and this Is a condition that has not
existed here for a great many years
pnd shown the geneinl advancement
of the husneps of the city In all lines.
With the new hardware stove fillini
the loom tn the Tuey building and a
laundry about to go into the 1'crkbi
jue comer the last vacant rooms
are taken. The house famine has heen
, n for some time, with far more of a
demand than could be supplied, hut
this is the first time that all the ston?
huildings have heen occupied, and
fimn one end of Main etiet to the
other and on Sivfh street theie I not
a loom that will not tie deviled to
pone nce. This i an indication of
the pioaperity of the city and the con
tinued advancement in all lines of
Phibp llatiison, who has been rn
trOE'ed in the work of helping to le-nvM-h
tlie ehl residence of J,
Nttiiihl on Oak fdipt, to make way
for the new house, Was injuted very
painfully Wednesday aftetoon. He
was ratty log a huge, heavy limber
from the houqe, anl in so doing be
came oe balanced end fell into the
o llar, pome tn feet letow, nnd bruis.
ed hi shoulder und laek tn a Vet y
pet Sous manner and it was necessmry
to summon a physician to look after
his injuties. ll was not possible to
discover any broken bones, hut his
bruises were very painful ami today
was the first time it was possible to
move him In his bed since the ac
cident. It is thought that he will get,
along nicely, a'-though it will be some
lime before lie is up and around
again. This accident will be very
much tegjrelted by the friends of Mr.
Harrison, and It Is. to be hoped he
will not sustain any permanent in
juries from the effects of the fall.
, From Saturday batty.
Two Cass county young people yes
terady were joined tn wedlock in
Council liluffs where, they had gcie
to surprise their -many friends by
jiYung together a man and wi!:iK
The contracting forties were Mr. Ry
Cole, one of the energetic young farm
ers of near Wiping Water, and MU
Fern Uoyd of Murray. Both of Ow
y l.g people re well known and vy
jx-ular in their horn, community a.d
their friends will be well pleased 1:o
learn that they have been united l.n
marriage and that they will be locate
on the farm of the groom in the vi
cinity of Weeping Water. -
Yesterday morning Mr. and Mr. W.
K. Mason motored to Omaha, taking
with them their little daughter,
Alice, who was operated on In that
city for" an affliction of the tonsils, as
well ni adnoids, from which she has
heen n Piifferer for some, time. The
operation proved entirely successful
and the little gill was brought home
last evening, and after u few days'
rest will he able to he out feeling very
much better over the effects of the
rreoi turds v tmtiv. (
A ptoiy of disappointed lovo ami
giief over the death of n yvtmg man
Is given from the vicinity of.Avoca,
where Miss Kmma Meimers, aged IS,
i' t templed suicide a few days ago, and
the young woman is now lying In one
of the Omaha hospitals in a very
tlitlcal condition suffering from the
effects of poison self administered
with a desire of ending her life. As
far as can be ascertained the young
lady has been brooding over the hc
ridental death several months ago of
the young man to whom she was en
gaged to be married, and her despond
ent condition finally culminated n few
lays ago in her attempt at suicide.
She was alone at the farm home when
phe took the poison and telephoned to
her parents of her rah act, and they
at once secured a physician, who was
rufhed to th Koimers' homo and
found the young woman suffering
groittly from the effects of the poison.
and although she was saved from
delh at the time, her condition was
such that it Was thought best to have
her taken to Omaha to receive treat
msnl at one of the hospitals there,
and since th&t time she has been lying
between lif and d?nth. despite the
tpleudid fight being made to save her
from the effects of her act. The grief
of the young woman over the death of
hi?r lover has boon most profound and
thU is thought by the relatives to
have caused her attempt to join him
itt death.
Frooi SsliitMsrs fsllr.
IrftFl evening the tncmherw oi
t'tattsmoutlt lodge No. ci, A. l & A
M. enjoye-1 a very line c-cssdon of the
hlge in conferring ujhmi several can
didates ike second degree of the
order. IVllowing the regular sossifl
of the order a very elaborate banquet
was served to the members and the
newly initialed candidates, which wa
very much enjoyed. The feast was
prcpai-ed toy Fred Wagner and ,crved
by the M.a sonic brothers in a manner
that o.hUd greatly to the pleasure
and delight of the occasion.
trm !,tav' tinny,
A special from the Washington sl;!T
correspondent of the Omaha bVe, un
der date of Augus-t .. ;ays:
"Matthew llcting. accompanied
his moltter, Mrs. Amelia Oering. and
his cisKr, Mr. Henry Herohi, of
riattstnouth; Mis, Nannie A. Daniel
and Herbert S. Daniel of Omaha, ar
rived in Washington yesterday, hav
ing left Omaha Thursday, July , by
"The party traveled lei.ure'y
through Illinois, Ohio and IVnnsyl
vania; 'pending a day at 5eltyburg,
en tout, Mr. Bering and his party
propose" motoring through New Eng
land, returning by the lakes to Ne
braska. " "WTiile we encountered rains mot
of the time since we left Nebraska, I
am glad to say we had no engine or
lire trouble and everybody is happy.
A siting as Special Policeman,
Andy Seyhcrt is acting as special
policeman during the circus to assist
in loolang after Ihe lfare of the
city, ait Chief Barclay bs not i-etm-ed
hoiae and the work on Officers
Jonev Grebe and Wilin 5s ch -as to
rakevimolhcr officer neccssars-, Mr
Seybeli is a good man and will
lmrt 6i maintaining order.
grom Saturday's rslf'-
That Cass county can rnise some
thing more than corn, wheat and fine
cattle was demonstrated during tho
recent harvest salo at the store of C.
K. WcM-ntt'd Sons,, when they offered
a prl.e to tho first resident of Casa
county who would bring into tho store
tho largest number of sons, nil resid
ing In ('ass county at this time. There
wero a great many presenting them
r.elvea nt the store, but Frank Wooster
of thia city aticr ceded In copping the
ptle with his seven ftpeeimetiH of fine
young America, and nil of whom re
side here in this city. While there
were several who equaled the record
of Mr. Wooster, nono were nblo to
exceed seven cons, and ast he wus the
first to register at the store he wus
given the priae, a fine Stetson hut, of
which h feels mighty proud, and each
cf the boys wna presented with u ncut
and appropriate gift by tho manage
ment of the etore. The names of tho
boys and their birthdays were us fol
lows: Anton, age lit, June it; Frank.
aged 14, December 14; James, ged
13, .September W; Charles, nged U,
July 12; Louis, uged !). Januury 1;
Matthew, aged 7, January .10; David,
aged , September 15. Thia is eer
tainly a fine family of coming young
men nnd they will add very much to
watd the making of good huAy and
frm Mnturtsv bIW.
The county court houso was quite u
busy place tcnlny when the various
bridge contracting companies in this
section of the state wero on hand to
submit their bids for the woik of the
county for tho etiauing year. The
greater part of the work in the past
year has been handled by the Monarch
Kngineerin Co., of Kalis City. There
were cpjile a number of bids tiled for
the different lines of bridge work that
will be required during the next year.
The sum which has ben paid out for
bridges and re-pairs in the last few
years has boon considerable, as the
heavy rains and storm of tho last
two seasons have played havoc with
the bridges of the county.
Departs on Outing.
trm S;MH',rtv' pa II v.
This afternoon Matt Jiiou.vek, one
of the efficient clerks in the otlUe of
SUM keeper K. C. HU1 of the Burling
ton, departed on his summer vacation
and he will go from this city lo Chi
cgo, whore he joints a party of
young men of that city in an auto
mobile trip through Wisconsin, and
that they will have a most delightful
time in tho cool of the wood and
lakes of that state goes without say
ing. The trip will occupy some two
or three weeks.-
Card of Thanks,
I desire 4o express ray appreciation
of the courtesy shown to myself and
even boys in the handsome prises
given to .us for the largest family of
boys residing in Cass county, and the
firm of C K. Wescott's Sons have
demonstrated that they are as good
as their word in nil their dealings and
can be lolied on.
Frank Wooster.
A Resident Known t All Our Read-
crs Krlatcs an Experience..
Keadors. of the Journal have been
told again and again of the merits of
that reliable, 1-iiRe-proved kidney r
cdy Doan's Kidney Pills," The ex
periences told are not those of un
known persons livinc far war. The
cases are Dlattmoiith cases, told by
Fiattsmouth x?ojvie,
Jonathan Halt, general storekeeper,
414 Main street, radttsnaoutli, says:
"I tpnsiJer DoaiTs Kidney PilU a very
gopd medicine for backache and other
kidrey troubles. They have proven
their value to xko. Others of jay fa
ily have als uievl Doaa's Kisirxy
IMl. procured at ttering & CcCs
Drug Store, They think Just as saach
cf them as 1 3o,
V Tlice &&c. At all ocAjers,
simply ask for a kidr.ey remody get
1 Vein's Kidney r.Hs the sane
Mr Halt hd, Foster-MiibKra Cx,
FOR SaUE as S raantk 5d. Ia
, Iire t V, Bakhlvx-, v Maiden
Lano. iSfcavkty
Large Attendance
and a ( lose and
ing Contest.
Tho I'lattsmoijlh Red Sox yesterday
afternoon, for the second time this
season, were able to do businesa with
the redoubtable (Ilenwood aggregation
of base ballists, nnd copped a moat
Interesting contest in the cloning In
nings of a hard-fought battle by a
rcoro of 2 to 1, and this after the
visitor seemed to have everything
their own way, but with the en
thusiasm of the large crowd to a saint
them the members of tho crimaon
hose were able to get away with the
long end of the hoart-breaking con
test, ami in thin the. sticking of Real
and llerold in the ninth frame brought
in the necessary tally that spelled vie
lory. In the eighth round Hcrold had
registered the tying run of the con
test. The boys were not at their best
in the opening innit.gH, but tightened
and carried off the fourteenth straight
win on the home grounds nnd humbled
tho I own team, who bad come to this
city determined to secure the game.
There was nothing doing in the way
of scoring' during the first four in
rdngH, but in the fifth the visitors jar
red loose and made things look de
cidedly stormy for the followers or
the Sox. Mann, the catcher of the
lowu team, led off with a hit over
shortstop that could not be handled in
time and was followed by Pitcher Hall
with one in the Hame place. Undore
was mixed with u little grounder to
lnrriottat third and was caught out
at the first station; Mann scored, but
Hall was caught out at the third sack
Linville ended the gloomy inning by
knocking a grounder to Craig which
was as good ns suicide, as the fust
first sucker caught him easily. Al
though with several good chances af
ler this the Clcnwood boys were un
able to get by with any more runs.
In the eighth inning the big show
was started as far as the local3 were
concerned, when Hcrold hit to left
garden for two bags nnd was advanc
ed by . Mason with a sacrifice to-thinl,
which I'cte sccu.'ed, while Masoif was
thrown out at the initial station
Gleko then laid against cue. of H;o,li
er Hall's slants and placed it safely
over second, bringing 'in Tote with the
needed score to tie up the game, but
Hobbie was tagged out at second when
Pitman hit to the shortstop. C
Smith, who had been substituted for
Iuie Smith in the sixth, was caught
at the second station on a steal.
With the score tied when the Sox
came to bat in the ninth the crow.!
was wild with enthusiasm and the
grandstand and bleachers rocked with
the cheers of the admirers of the Sox
nnd the cheers were well deserved, for
right here was where the Sox won the
game. Craig was the first up and was
walked by Hall, which later proved his
undoing, as Deal, who followed, ad
vancod him to third by a rap over
third, and after Tetcr Hcrold had
slammed one over the third sack Craig
came home w ith the score that spelled
defeat for Glenwood and earned a
well deserved victory for the locals.
It might not be amiss to remark
that Hcrold has been the batting kid
in the last few engagements and
gathered to himself three hits yester
day, two of which were important in
winning the game. The box score of
the contest was as follows:
AB. PH. R. O. A. E.
Deal, cf S 1 0 1 0 0
Pnrriott, 3d 4 1 0 4 3 1
Hcrold, c 5 3 1 8 0 0
XIason, If 3 0 0 0 0 0
Greko, p 4 2 0 1 3 1
Pitman, 2d" 3 10 13 1
I- Smith, rf t 0 0 - 0 0
C Smith, rf 1 0 0 0 0 0
Parker, ss 2 0 0 1 1 0
Craig. 1st 3 0 1 10 9 0
Total 31 S 2 27 10 3
AB. PH. R. O. A. E.
Mann, c 4 1 1 1 d 0
Hall, p ... 4 3 0 0 2 0
Undore, 2d 4 041 1
HiU, If... 4 10 1 0 0
Linvilfe, 34 3 0 0 2 2 0
Allen. 1st 4 0 0 6 0 0
long, rf 4 0 0 I 0
McraTTen,s v 4 0 0 0 3 0
Lewis, cf 1 0 0 0 1
" Totl $5 1 25 S 2
Oiw ost ..when winding run was
The atteidajx yesterday was t.e
large of ls seasons s there was,
tt a fair estim, 700 persosis pre-ser.t
ts& the gTwmds and 11 were well
jled niith the gam with lh x
ccptioTi of th -crabhing' iaaiged is
by gome of the local, whw b inUrfcr- j
red with the enjoyment and wa real
ly not justified, aa the umpiring of
Pitman wa fair to both sides and the
visitoi done Jittlfe disputing over the '
decision of the "ump," When the urn-'
pi re is a Kquarc in his decisions a
Mr. Pitman, and being from our own
town, it looks rather bad form for the'
local to dispute hi judgment on so'
many little matter;. Ir tho re were
rank rulings made by the umpire a
teum would be justified in kicking, but.
most of the boys recognize the fact
that the present umpire is one of more
than usual good judgment and fair
ness. Such actions hurt the game arid
does much to discourage the fans
from attending.
Saturday afternoon the office of
County Judge Hecson greatly re
tembled the famous Gretna Green,
with several couples of young people
desiring to be joined in wedlock pres
ent. The fame of the judge must have
spread beyond the broad confines of
his home state, as those seeking the
ceremony of matrimony came from
quite a distance.
The first to be united were Mr.
Puul H. Osiek of St. Joseph, Missouri,
and Miss May Andreasen of Stella,
Neb. This party came to this city ac
companied by Mrs. T. II. Iladgen and
II. II. Warwich in an automobile, and
as soon as the wedding was over de
parted for Stella.
Walter Vernon of Kansas City, Mis
souri, and Miss Louise Alden of
Olathc, Colorado, arrived in the city
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock and
nt once sought the court house, where
they secured a licenes and were united
in marriage by the judge, and return
ed to Omaha on the evening train and
will doubtless have a warm spot in
their hearts for I'lattmouth, the
scene of their great happiness.
The free "entertainment Saturday
afternoon was one of the most suc
cessful that has been given so far this
year by tho entertainment committee
and the business men and citizens and
tho large crowd in attendance felt
well repaid for their trouble in being
present. The Burlington band, under
the direction of Prof. E. H. Schulhof,
gave a splendid concert at Fourth and
Main streets, which was enjoyed by
several hundred persons, and one of
the most difficult and artistic programs
of the season was given and thorough
ly appreciated by the music-lovers in
attendance. At the close of the cou-
cert the team of Adolph and Raymond,
comic acrobatic artists, gave a pleas
ing performance and their act was re
ceived with marked favor by the en
tire audience on the streets, and in re
sponse to a request these gentlemen
have agreed to return in two weeks
for a three nights' engagement at the
Air 'Dome, when they will present
three new and novel acts. The weath
er being so fine kept a great many
farmers from attending, but late in
the afternoon a large number were
fcble to get in to witness the second
free act of Messrs. Adolph and Ray
J. H. Xorris and wife of near Hold-
redge. Neb., came in j-rstervlay for a
short visit, with their old friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Bennett Chnswisscr. Mr.
Norris resided for a groat many years
on a farm west of Murray and his old
friends in this section of the county
are well pleased to meet him.They
will spend a few weeks here.
Miss Stella Do'an of Columbus and ,
Messrs. Warner Hamilton and Kcn-
neth Norton of Omaha arrived this-
afternoon to ie guests of Miss i
Gretehen ar.d Mrie Dor.ncily for a
few days.
M. Tritsch, refracting ptkin. at
Gering & C.s Weixsesday 4 Sat.
mrday evenings, EvantinatiAa free
Dr. G, II. Gilmc-rc and MttJe
nd tiaughter rd Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ;
Walker rriccored p from M array
this morning to atwchi the circus this i
stflemooi. ,
' .. .; m.' ' v '
Far I&f&ats xui C.Jktra
In Uss For Over 3 O Years
6 pairs men's dress hose
Kiiarantff-iJ aaiiiHt IjoIbh till next February VJlti.
How's that?
All Kizfs .)XA to 11, black tail, grey and blue.
G. E. WescottV Sons
Everybody's Store
Manhattan Shirts now
at reduced prices.
For some time children going out
Chicago avenue have been in the
habit of running along and dodging
the automobiles which are going and
coming along that thoroughfare, and
last evening one little girl came near
meeting her doath as the result of this
practice. Tho girl, incompany with
a number of other children of from
6 to 10 years of age, were driving sev
eral cows down the avenue and also
playing along by seeing how close
they could come to the automobiles
tiaveling along the avenue, and as
cne car was coming in the driver was
compelled to turn out for a buggy and
just as the little girl ran across the
road in front of the machine. It was
only a miracle that the child was not
killed or bi.dly injured, as the car
only missed her by a few inches. Par
ents who have children in the habit of
making this thoroughfare a play
ground should take the matter in hand
and see that they do not attempt to
play tag with the passing autos. or
sooner or later an accident will occur
that will cause them great anguish
and grief. From the statements of
those who were near the scene the
driver of the car was not in the least
to blame for the narorw escape of the
child, as he was running at a very
low rate of .speed when the child
dashed in the way of the car.
The Clery Guaranteed It.
"A customer came into my store
the other cay and said to one of my
clerks, 'have you anything that will
cure diarrhoea?" and my clerk went
and got hirj a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and said to him, 'if this does not cure
you. I will "not charge you a cent for
it. So he taak it home and came back
in a day or two and said he was
cured," writes J. H. Berry Co., Salt
Creek. Va. Obtainable everywhere.
Wall rajrr. Gcriag & C.
Play Suits
Just lhv thins for vacation Ur, titi oaxnpinp: trip.
Boy Scouts Cow i:ky, India Chief and Military
Tarade Suits. As 3 u 1$.
Prices 5Cc, $1X3 acd $1.50
Ctr 7-ha rt
Sheriff Quinton was notified yester
day that a young man named Albert
Hall, of Glenwood, bad come over to
this city and it was desired by his par
ents that he be returned home, as they
desired that he join his military com
pany, which leaves for the summer
camp of instruction near Des Moines.
The young man is described as being
19 years old, and well built and when
last seen wore a brown coat with blue
serge trousers. His parents are very
desirous of having their son return
home and go out with the militia boys
to the camp, and for this reason re
quested the sheriff to attempt and lo
cate the young roan. So far he has
not been seen and may have returned
to Glenwood on his own account.
Last night OiSeer Ahrin dis
covered what seems to Have been an
attempt to break into taj rtore of H.
M. Soennichsen. bat the lucky appear
ance of the acting chief put the
parties to flight before they had ac
complished their purpo-e. As he ws
near the alleyway on Fourth street he
heard a noise as if a scieen doer had
?een slammed and started up the al
iej to investigate, and as he tad so
someone started to run up the alky,
and although the ofPcer fireu hi the
direction of the fleci:g x ou!d-ie roi -hers
they continued cn their way.
All outstanding aecour.ts of r
4- the rm of Falter 4 Thierolf -5
will be payable at the slore of
Fhilir. ThieraJf.
Vail rajwr. Geriag & Col
for Boys