The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1915, Image 1

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    Platbmouth Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon During the Summer Months
. .Neb State Historical Soc
NO. 14.
Many Farmers Are Registering Their
Farm Names, Which Proves
Advantageous to AH.
From Tuesday's Daily.
There has always been a jreat won
derment why more of the rural resi
dents had not availed themselves of
the law that allows them to have a
registered name given to their farm
that will allow an individ jality not
otherwise to be secured. There are
in Cass county but very few farms
which have received names, but those
that have enjoy a distinction all their
own, and the residents quickly learn
to call them by their name of "Spring
dale," or "Pleasant View," or "The
Oaks," as the owner may see fit to
designate his place, and in cases
where the practice of giving the farm
a distinct name has been followed out
some very appropriate naaies hav;
been added that will long linger in the
memory of the residents of the com
munity in which the farms have been
located. The fee for registering the
name of your home or farm is small
and the pleasure ssecured f ram it much
Close students of farm problems
suggest that a name is of great im
portance when it comes to a jvertisin
and selling the products of a rural
establishment. It submitted the sug
gestion that the raine adopted for his
place by the agHculturist might be
stenciled on his mail and tliat it can
be otherwise displayed so that strang
ers may becomea cquainted with it,
that it be printed on his stationery
ni upon the crates and packages and
farm utensils.
There are a few farms in Nebraska
that bear distinctive names, and from
them they have acquired a fame that
would weigh in the scales when the
per acre value is fixed. Any man
would rather own a farm that has
acquired some publicity Tinder a dis
tinctive name than an unknown tract
of equal acreage and development.
And the man with'a farm which is
known afar by its name is more apt
to bend his energies toward making
that name mean something of profit
and advantage to him than if he has
simply "the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter." Year by year, as
the farm becomes more midely known
by its name, he seeks more and more
to make the name mean something to
everyone who happens to htar it. If
it has a name the stranger who hears
of it remembers it, and it sssumes a
value that it would not have if it
were annoymous.
Distinctive names for faim homes
would fix the location of every owner
in his community, would aid in the
expedition of the mails, would inspire
an additional pride in the owner and
his family and would add greatly from
year to year to the market prices of
its products.
From Tuesday' Dally.
The Parmele theater is now having
a new roof put on to prepare the play
house for the opening of the season,
which will occur shortly. For the
past year a great dt-al of difliccilty has
been experienced at the theater due to
the leaky condition of the roof, which
has allowed the rain and melting snow
to damage the interior to a great ex
tent, and it is to overcome this that
a new roof will be placed on the build
ing. The Parmele is one of the hand
somest buildings in the city sind every
one will be pleased to know that this
improvement is being made with a
view of preserving the buildirg from
the elements, and it is to be hoied that
' the new roofing, which is of a pre
pared nature, will successf jlly resist
the rain and wetness.' The Parmele
was redocorated throughout last sum
mer, and presented a very pretty ap
pearance during the last season, and
had it not been for the fact that this
spring the roof sprang a leak, the in
terior would look as good a 3 new, but
with a new roof it is hoped to check
further damage.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Sampson Russell, who some time
ago was sent over to Mills county,
Iowa, to be cared for in one of the in
stitutions of that state, was in the city
today, as the Mills county authorities
refused to order hinr placed in any of
the hospitals or instittuions for treat
ment, as they did not consider him a
fit subject, although the board of in
sanity here has thought best that he
be cared for in some hospital, as he
was claimed to be of unsound men
tality by relatives, who were unable
to care for him properly.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Last evening the Blondell Stock
company opened a three nights' en
gagement in this city, featuring a
number of musical comedy acts that
were enjoved very much, and the
musical selections were of the late
hits on the stage and given in a very
pleasing manner by the three mem
bers of the company, whose act oc
cupied a half hour. "The Adventures
of Adolph" was the title of the offer
ing which the Clondell company offer
ed for their opening number and was
greeted bv a large audience. The ex
tremely low price of 5 and 10 cents,
which was charged last evening for
the vaudeville and pictures, was such
as to allow the amusement-loving
public of the city an opportunity of
witnessing this very pleasing vaude
ville act- Owing to the vet and chilly
weather it was necessary to give the
production in the Grand theater in
stead of the Air Dome, as was at first
intended. For the prices charged the
show was one of the best seen here
this summer and the company will
give an entire change of program each
evening during their stay in this city.
F-fm Tuesday s ini':v.
Last evening Miss Agnes uajecK
entertained a number of her young
friends in a very pleasant manner at
er home on West Main street in
honor of her guests, Misses Hazel
Neilson and Lucille Hime, of Omaha.
The evening was sjent very pleasant
ly in games, at which much amuse
ment was derived, and also in several
erv charming musical numbers, in
cluding an artistic rendition of "Chop
Sticks" by Arthur White and Robert
Walling, which was very much ap
preciated by the jolly party present,
and the occasion will be long very
nleasantlv remembered. At a suitable
hour dainty and delicious refresh
ments were served which added very
much to the pleasures of the happy
occasion. Those in attendance were:
Misses Blanche Sayles, Delia Frans,
Marv Wetenkamp, Agnes and Eliza
beth Bajeck, Mina Kaffenberger,
Adelia Sayles, Lucille Bryan, Mattie
Gapen, Hazel Neilson, Lucille Hime;
Messrs. Arthur White, Arthur W eten
kamp, Robert Walling, Thomas Wall
ing, jr., Howard Wiles, Philip Camp
bell and Clifford Cecil.
From Tuesday's Dan
John Snead, one of the engineers on
the Sioux City run of the Burlington,
was here today on his regular trip, af
ter being laid up several days with a
bad eye, as a result of getting a cinder
in the optic while returning on his
trip to Sioux City. The eye pained
John greatly and as soon as he finish
ed his run he consulted a specialist,
who found it necessary to cut out the
cinder, which had become imbeded in
the eye. This caused John to miss two
trips with his engine, but he is back
on the job, although his eye still feels
a little weak from the effects of the
From Tuesday's Dally.
A postal card has been received
here from Thomas Wiles, who left
here on an auto tour with his brother,
Loren Wiles, a few days ago, and
from the facts as stated by Mr. Wiles,
the party is having some yet time.
The card was sent from Minden yes
terday at 1 p. m. and states that they
met with five inches of rain there
Sunday night and that the roads west
of Friend were something awful all
the way to Minden and with little
prospect of improvement. They ran
into an inch of rain between Sutton
and Hastings, which made the roads
very difficult to get through, and at
times the water was up to the run
ning board of the automobile, which
will be somewhat of a submarine be
fore the trip is over if the wet weath
er continues. Mr. Wiles reports that
the wheat through that country is suf
fering very much from the wet weath
er, as the wheat is standing in fields
in water and very little is in stacks,
most of it being in shocks in the
field and water-soaked with little pros
pect of being threshed out very soon.
One of the chief regrets of Mr. Wiles
is that he forgot to take his gum
boots, as he finds need of them con
stantly in the water and mud along
the highway. He states that out in
that section of Nebraska it is the wet
test country he has ever been in and
this is borne out by reports from
that section of the state.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Two wandering hoboes were gather
ed in last evening by the police and
lodged in the city jail to rest up from
an over accumulation of intoxicants
which they had acquired, as well as
to break them of "mooching" off of
the paers-by on Main street, which
they had been plying for some time
when spotted by the guardians of the
law. The first of the men was cap
tured by Officer William Grebe at the
comer of Fifth and Main streets, and
when this man was being hauled over
to the x-ity jail No. 2 decided to go
while the going was good and retreat
ed out Washington avenue, but was
evidently followed by his jinx, as he
ran right into Acting Chief Alvin
Jones, who assisted his unsteady foot
steps to the jail, where he joined his
companion and spent the night on the
luxurious couches at the jail. This
morning the two men were notified
that the cool weather was fine for
traveling and that the city would be
better off without them and they
readily agreed to leave inside of
fifteen minutes and soon only a spot
in the distance marked the two travel
ers hastening in the direction of the
metropolis of the state, where they
will light.
-3:00 P. M
Followed by Two FREE Exhibitions of
Acrobatic Work by
Two Specialists in Their Line
From Wednesday's Dally.
John Meisinger, jr., was in the city
yesterday for a short time, coming in
with his little child, who was not
feeling the best, and th little one was
taken to the office of Dr. E. I). Cum
mins, where an examination disclosed
that the child was suffering from an
abcess in the side whkh was lanced
and the little one made oinfortable
as possible, and it is tiv"",?t that the
child will get along nictiy.
From Wednesday s Dalfy.
One of the big events in the base
ball season is being hoked forward
to on next Sunday, when the Glen
wood base ball team returns to this
city for another display of their
ability at the national sport, and when
they will try to wipe out the record
of their former visit two weeks ago,
when they were defeated 1 to 0 in one
of the closest and hardest fought
games of the season. The Glenwood
boys were suffering from an off day
on their last visit here and errors cn
the part of their players we re
sponsible for the tally made by the
Sox, while the locals were all to the
good and at no time wt-re off of the
job. With both of the pitchers going
their best there will be a treat afford
ed the faps that they will thoroughly
enjoy to the limit.
To accommodate the Glenwood fans
a special train will be ruv from Glen
wood to this city andS-rrn, Jeavir.g
shortly after the close of the game,
and this will allow a great many more
of the Iowa people to accompany their
team here. An added feature will be
furnished by the fact that the Yankee
Robinson circus will be located near
the ball grounds and the setting up of
this big show will be an attraction
to the visitors at the game.
From "Wednesday's Tal!y.
The new safe that was ordered sev
eral weeks ago by the city for use in
the office of the city clerk arrived this
morning and is one of the most com
plete safes in every way that has been
brought into this city. It was made
on a special order for the use of the
clerk and in addition to ample space
for the books of the clerk, also has
a large number of pigeon holes where
the more valuable and important
documents belonging to the city can
be kept safe from loss by fire. A
strong box where money and other
articles of importance can be kept un
der lock and key is also placed in the
safe. The safe was made by the Cary
Safe company and is on the latest
type, and will be found one of the best
investment that has been made by
the city.
August 7th
Ladies' public rest room open
daily in Riley Block on 6th St.
If you have anything to offer
at public sale notify Wm. A.
Robertson -phones 386-2S9.
Prof. Frank Jean of Peru Normal and
Miss Mable Hancock Are
Unitfd in Marriage.
From Wednesday's Dallv.
A very pretty and sample home
wedding oeeured this morning at 11
o'clock at the beautiful country home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jean, southwest
of this city, when their son, Prof.
Frank C. Jean was united in marriage
to Miss Mable Hancock of Clarion,
Iowa. The rooms of the Jean home
were decorated in a color scheme of
yellow and white, with the season's
flowers and ferns forming a most
charming appearance in the decora
tions and a fitting setting for the
happy event.
The guests were only the im
mediate relatives of the two young
people and the occasion was simple
yet impressive, as the bridal couple
took their station before the minister,
W. O. Jones of Omaha, and repeated
the marriage vows that were to make
their lives as one hereafter. The
bride and groom were without attend
ants and the scene when the solemn
and impressive words of the minister
in joining the lives of these two
worthy young people were pronounced
was one of deep reverence and the oc
casion seemed a benediction on the
young hearts just entering into life
together. The bride was attired in
a traveling costume of sand colored
cloth and carried a large bouquet of
bride roses, while the groom was at
tired in the convential black.
Following the wedding-, reimony
the happy couple "were showered with 1
the best wishes of their relatives and
a very dainty and delicious two-
course luncheon served prior to the
departure of the bride and groDm for
Plattsmouth, from where they depart
ed this afternoon at 1:58 for Lake
Clitheral, Minnesota, where they will
enjoy a honeymoon of some three
weeks, and then return to Peru, where
they will be at home after September
20th to their friends in the cozy home
that has been prepared for their com
inc. The bride is one of the charming
and popular instructors at the Peru
State Normal school and for the past
three years has had charge of the do
mestic science department of the
school, and is held in the highest
esteem by all who have the pleasure
of her acquaintance.
The groom is a Cass county young
man who has made a mark for him
self in the educational field, and has
for a number of years past been in
charge of one of the important de
partments of the work in the state
normal school, and is a young man of
the highest character and standing
and commands the respect and esteem
of his large circle of acquair tances
throughout the state.
At the session of the district court
yesterday afternoon the case of Lillie
Henderson vs. George Henderson, a
suit for divorce, was called for trial,
and the evidence of plaintiff and wit
nesses was given. The charge pre
ferred was desertion and non-support.
The parties were married here three
years ago, while the defendant was
stationed with the Fourth infantry at
Fort Crook, and later he left with the
armv for the Mexican frontier with a
promise to return as soon as his time
was out, but instead re-enlisted and
informed his wife he was not -oming
back home. The court granted the
decree of divorce and the custody of
the minor child to the mother, as the
defendant has failed to provide for
them in any way.
In the matter of the estate of
Henry Stull, deceased, the court af
firmed the decree of the county court,
with the exception of raising the al
lowance of C. Lawrence Stull to $250.
Wesley Tulene and wife were
among those going to Omaha this
morning to visit for the day there
with friends, going to that city on the
early Burlington train. '
From Wednesday's Dally.
Michael Hild, the South Sixth street
furniture man, is the possessor of a
fine new delivery wagon which has
just been received here through G. P.
Eastwood, the hardware and imple
ment dealer. The wagon is made
especially for Mr. Hild by the Kratzer
Carriage company of Des Moines,
Iowa, and is one of the finest wagons
of its kind received in this city, and
will be used in handling the large
business of the Hild store.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Another hardware store is soon to
make its appearance in this city, when
the firm of Bestor & Swatek will
open up in the Tuey building on South
Sixth street, where they are to make
their location. This building will be
vacated by R. W. Knorr on Saturday,
and the new firm will at once com
mence the work of arranging for the
placing of their new stock of goods
and if nothing interferes will be ready
to serve the people of Plattsmouth
and vicinity after the first of Septem
ber with a new and complete line of
hardware and articles carried in this
sort of an establishment.
The senior member of the firm will
be Frank M. Bestor, who has had
years of experience in this line of
business, as he has been employed in
both the John Bauer and G. P. East
wood stores, and with his large ac
quittance among the residents of the
city and county and his knowledge of
the business should prove successful
in his new venture. Mr. Will Swatek
comes to this city from South Omaha
and is a young business man of ability
who will prove a valuable member of
the firm, and he and his family will
receive a warm welcome here and the
young men composing the firm will
doubtless be able to command their
share of the trade of the community.
From Wednesday Dally.
The regular monthly social meeting
of the Woman's Relief Corps was held
yesterday afternoon at the cozy home
of Mrs. Betty Mostin on Vine street,
and a large number of the ladies of
the corps were present to assist in
the pleasures of the afternoon. The
afternoon was spent in sewing and
social conversation fcr several hours,
and the time passed most pleasantly
by the thirty-five ladies who were
present. At a suitable hour a dainty
and delicious luncheon was served by
the hostess,' assisted by Mrs. Asbury
Jacks, which added very much to the
pleasure of the occasion and was en
joyed to the utmost by the guests.
The ladies of the Relief Corps are en
gaged in a very laudable work in
raising funds to have American flags
placed in the Sunday schools, as well
as the public schools of the city, and
have succeeded in securing a number
of these already and will continue the
good work until their purpose is ac
complished to instill into the youth
of the city a spirit of respect for the
flag of their country and the lessons
it teaches in patriotism.
District Court Meets.
From Tuesday's Daily
Judge James T. Begley, our popular
district judge, was here today holding
a short session of court and taking up
a number of matters that demanded
his attention, as well as making a
number of orders in cases which had
already been passed upon by the court.
Young People's Picnic
The Young People's League Society
will give a picnic at the farm home of
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Meisinger on Sun
day, August 8th. Everybody cordial
ly invited to attend. Come and bring
your friends.
Sensation Act Carried and Featured
by Yankee Robinson Circus
Here Next Monday.
Beyond any question the greatest
animal feat ever accomplished was
when Vincent Deguerra, the animal
king, broke the lion "prince' to loop
the loop. It must be remembered that
Deguerra and his famous fighting
lions, which are the feature of the
HofTenback trained animal group.
were brought to this country this year
on account of the European war,
bookings for all German acts having
been canceled in that countiy.
The Yankee Robinson Shows were
particularly fortunate in securing this
world-wide famous feature and when
you witness the circus performance
you will always remember the most
sensational act you have ever even
imagined. The famous loop-the-loop
takes place at the conclusion of the
fighting lion act. Remember the date
Monday, August 9.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Missouri Pacific is the first
l ail road in the west to install a
branch of the dining car service in the
day coaches and chair cars. The Penn
sylvania railroad started the custom
in the east. On all Missouri Pacific
trains that carry a diner a uniformed
waiter goes through the coaches with
a silver service daintly arranged with
sandwiches, pie and coffee. The
luncheon is offered at nominal prices.
It is an indication on the part of the
management of the railroads to look
after the greater number of persons
who ride on their trains. Their cus
tom for years has been to cater to the
comparatively few who ride in the
Pullmans. Those passengers have a
porter to each car and lots of atten
tion, while the crowds in the coaches
are left to shift for themselves. Ne
braska City News.
From Tuesdays DaMy.
Judge W. H. Newell came in this
afternoon from his stone quarries at
Amazonia, Missouri, and reports that
that section yesterday received a
heavy rain and that farming condi
tions are in very bad shape, due to the
extreme wet weather. For miles along
the fertile valley of the Nishna in
Iowa there are hundreds of acres of
fertile farming lands under water as
the result of the breaking of the levees
along that turbulent little stream, and
the loss will be heavy in that section,
the judge states. In only a few places
has the wheat been stacked, and where
it stands in shocks in the field it has
suffered very much from the rain and
high water.
Reports from Glenwood state that
300 tickets have been pledged for the
special train that will be run from
that point to this city Sunday to ac
commodate those who may desire to
attend the base ball game. The Glen
wood fans appear to be the real stuff
when it comes to supporting their ball
team, and will do their utmost to se
cure victory for them.
No Preaching Service.
There will be no preaching service
at either Mynard or Eight Mile Grove
next Sunday, August 8th, on account
of the pastor and his wife attending
the Epworth assembly at Lincoln.
G. A. Randall, Pastor.