The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THUPSDAT. JULY 29. t915.
Will JWD
Novelized by
Marvin Dana, author
of "Within the Law.w
from the cue
- cessful play by
Daniel D. Carter
r w
it "'''H;--
- --h;-..;.
r if? Try" U-J
-n - -ulii- in? t- -in in., in. miff
Copyright, 7913. by tk
"Family Affairs."
JL S Creestiu. tlie thief, went out
of the door opemil for him
by Parker. Walter sought An
A. ' JL drew and addressed him
"That guy's my visitor.' I'm hep.
"He asked for you yes," Andrew
conceded. "He will call nain, later,
to verify certain information I have
given bim."
"Keins some more of tbat stuff that's
i!ODe of my business, eh':"
"Your powers of discernment show a
dci'lel improvement. Walter," the
Master Mind said dryly.
Come into the library a minute."
the thief susested. "I've pot son)
thiup; for you. you know." Then, when
they were nlone together in the room.
"Walter took a sheaf of banknotes from
Ids pocket, and pave them to Andrew.
"There's fonr hundred more 1 got
from sister Lucene. Say, she's sure
eay. Same old story. Told her I had
to have it was in trouble. And you
Fe they're marked, like the other.
Wnluwriuht is getting wist?, that's a
ctii'-h. Iid yon notice, he only began
l".:irkiii5 the money two wevks ago?
jiy. Andrew.' what's the lay, anyhow?
l'ut me next."
"ft '.ien't concern you, Walter," wan
th sharp nnswer.
"f)h. the devilT the thief exclaimed,
in exasperation. "You make me sick.
Well, anyhow, makes forty-six
hundred I've got frrm her. and given
to you in the last month."
. "You shall le reimbursed, sir, to-i
morrow." Andrew promised, gravely, j
"Oh. there's no haste." Walter re- I
Joined carelessly. .
"Ueally. yon are fwprovlnr greatly."
tbo butler said cpminendiES'y. Envi
ronment Iins workf.J wonders In you.
It's rather a pity that you cannot re
main here to comp'ete your sadly neg
lwtod education in the niceties of
brewing. You go tomorrow."
"Tomorrow r Walter repeated tha
v.-ord with an Inflection of incredulona
"Yes. You and the BTounts have
been the guests of the Walnwrlgbts
novr for a month. There Is snch a
tblnc as ."ibu.sing hospitality."
"Put but where am I going?"
"Wherever you please." Andrew
turned cnrtly toward Parker as the
servant entered the room.
"Mrs. Walnwright wishes ta Bee Mr.
Wnltr 1nfmo!ti THtw1rr;
"I say. I'arker.; Just tell my sister I'd
like to sf-e her for n nrinutf- 5rst, will
you?": Then as the servant withdrew
he faced Andrew etgerly. "Iok here."
Le UiTel desperately. "I don't want to
quit just yet. I've come across for
you Now 1 want you to enne across
for me. Won't you? I waut to marry
The Master Mind conten plated his
puppet with a supercilious stare.
'You grow ambitious, Walter. Mr.
Waiuwright's sister a chiidl"
"The kid's dippy over me." the
young man c-ottend-jd warmly. "Any-
how. she s sixteen. Of cou:"se 1 know
Wiiiiiwright woulJ be sore on the
game. I'.ut I believe the kid would
slip out t; the parson with me at the
drop of the hat if only Luttne would
pass the word. Now, I want you to
spo-ik ou my side to l.uctne. He a
god pal. won't you. Andy?" lie clan
pod Andrew fainiliirly cn the shoul
der. The Master Mind startel back as
or.e would retreat from some noxious
"If you please!" he said. His tone
vi as dangerous.
Walter uiid atjectly. "I'm sorry,
j forget." Le stammered.
Witbaut auother l ok toward bim the
SI aster Mind went out of ths room.
Lti'eue entcreL
"You wished to speak to ae?" she In
quired iudi3'ereutly.'
"1 want to sjKMk-. to ton about
"it in absolutely timeless. Walter,"
Lucene derlartni prt'inj't'y. with weari
licss iu lit-r voice. "The Idea Is absurd,
lift- ii I.; only a chil l."
"She" old enough
eIjk'k di anyhow."'
L,uve:;i h oU hiv h
"Th u s .i-i.,! p.- sht
to kuow what
Walter argued,
ad en phaticully
said, resolutely.
"r:ie ia't." t'i.' v.el.oai-d lie coining
of Mr. and Mrs. Diinmt, iichjput an
'H :
H. K. Fly company.
end to this intolerable tete-a-tete.
Mrs. Blount spoke to Lucene with a
half serious playfulness:
"He's such a naughty boy! Has be
been worrying you. dearie?" Suddenly
her greedy eyes fell on a bracelet that
the young wife was wearing for the
first time. "Oh. what a lovely brace
let!" she exclaimed, and now her tones
were wheedliugly soft ami sweet. She
placed a hand on the ornament caress
ingly, but the slender, skilled fingers
were busy.
Lucene. however, was In no mood to
be atient under the impositions of this
woman. She drew her arm away
"No, you shan't have it," she de
clared spiritedly.
"Why. dearie!" Mrs. Blount cooed
placatingly, the-heavy lids drooping
low over her big. slumbrous eyes. "1
only wanted to"
Lucene was ruthlessly frank.
"No. I tell you. You've taken almost
everything I have already."
Tho husband fairly glared at his wife.
"You told me she t?uve 'em to you!"
he growled bitterly.
"And you did. didn't, you. dearie?"
the wife persisted, alarmed.
Iiut any hope of help from the girl
as an ally was dissipated on the in
stant. '""I did not!" Lucene exclaimed with
a vehemence rare In her.
The oold voice of Andrew Bounded
dominant through the room:
"Mrs. Blountr
All turned to face the speaker where
he stood just within the doorway, but
the woman he addressed turned much
more slowly than did the others.
Blount, nevertheless, made bold to
speak up manfully in behalf of his
erring spouse.
"Oh, that'll be all riht," he declared,
with an effort toward assurance.
"She'll give them back, of course."
Andrew, however, made no answer.
Tor that matter, he was no longer giv
ing attention to the woman or her hus
band. He was. instead, listening to
the dialogue between Walter and Lu
cene, for the young man had seized
this opportunity -to continue his plead
ing with the girl.
"Say, If you'll do this for me." be
was urging, "I'll never bother you
again. Come on now! Won't you?"
"No." was the steadfast answer. "1
will not. luring ihe last month you
Lave made my life miserable by forcing
me to get money for you from my hus
band to save you from disgrace, and
incidentally myself. But you may
threaten me as much as you like you
sbtfu't have Helen. No. no!"
"Why not, I'd like to know?" Walter
demanded blusteringly.
The reply was explicit:
"Because you're not ht."
The contemptuous words caused the
thief's fury to pass all bounds.
"Oh. I ain't eh?" he stormed. -Well.
I'd have you know I'm just as tit for
Helen as you are for Wainwrigbt. See?
And, if you don't help me, why, my
fine lady. 1 11 just"
Andrew's voice broke off the half
spoken threat.
"That will do. Walter," he command
ed. "Lucene is right."
The young man protested.
"But I only want to marry Helen."
"It is impossible." Andrew retorted.
Walter flared ugain.
"So. that's the game. Is It?" he sneer
ed. "well I don't go tomorrow !" the
thief cried, wrathfully.
Andrew tamed blandly toward
"When you go out will you be so
jood as to send Parker here as your
son will wi3h to give some orders
about his packing. By the way." be
added carelessly, "you and Mrs. Blount
also will be leaving tomorrow. Have
you. by any chance an objectiou to
"Objection? Nor Blount said vie
oreusly. "Lord, we'll be tickled to
dath to go home."
Blount led her from the room. But
before "the pair bad qolte reached the
floor the Master Mind called again to
the westerner:
"Oh. Blouut! And tell Parker also
to seud Sir. Marshall here."
Luceue sank down wearily in a chair.
But MYnlter approached Andrew ug
greesively. f "No'w.'look here!" he exclaimed true- !
uleutly "l don't scare worth a cent, j
und I'm advising you that you'd better j
go light too. I knew t thing cr two."
! He grinned evilly.
Andrew regarded his rebellious tool
with undisguised disgust.
"Very well, Walter. When Sir. Mar
shall comes we are going to allow you
to confide in him at your pleasure."
"Aw, let him come!" Walter declaim
ed valiantly. "What do I care for him?
Where does he get off, anyhow?"
Then Andrew replied in a whisper,
"Mr. Marshall is a detective in the
Pinkertou service."
Walter was unable to eoLtrcd a start,
aud a cigarette fell from ficgers that
trembled. Andrew stocpcl aud picked
it up. and as he returned it to the
young man he added in his most sub
servient manner:
'Tardon me, sir. Was it my awk
wardness, or are you perhaps a little
nervous, sir?" Again, he changed his
tone aud spoke now as the Slaster
Slind, tundng toward the watching
girl. "I tniuk that it is possible Walter
will, after all. decide to depart before
morning." He faced his victim and
lashed the thief with scornful eyes.
"I said, 'Walter.' 1 should have said.
Diamond Wil "
The thief's hand caught at his tor
mentor's arm in agonized appeal.
"Xo. no, Andiewf he cried huskily.
"I'll do anything you say."
"It may be too late."
Walter's face was white with terror
"Don't give me up, Andrew," he lag
ged. "Oh. for (Jod's sake don't give
me up! Lucene!" he called in despair.
Her heart was moved.
"Let him go, Andrew," she interced
ed.. "I don't want any trouble, for my
own sake."
The Master Mind made no direct an
swer to her plea. Instead, Le turned
and spoke to Pcrker, who appeared in
the doorway, following the message
he had received from Blount.
"I think it was Mr. Walter who
wanted you. Parker." Andrew said iu
an expressionless voice.
Walter assent:.d with feverish haste.
"Yes, I'arker. I'm going away in
the morning early. I want you to help
me pack."
- Lucene, left alone with Andrew,
gazed at him with miserable eyes.
"Oh, those dreadful people!" she
cried distractedly. "I can't under
stand how you" She cheeked her
outburst with an effort out of respect
for the man she esteemed so highly.
Andrew walked to her and stood
looking down commiseratiugly at the
delicate face, in which just now the
blue eyes shone a little more Uiuily
than was their wont. He regretted
profoundly that the necessities of his
vengeance must thus involve in suffer
big the girl whom he had come to
cherish very fondly more fondly than
any other living thing. Sometimes
even there stirred iu the man's heart a
suspicion that perhaps be was growing
to lavish on her a love like that he had
borne his brother. But always he
crushed back th? thought as something
wickedly disloyal to that brother who
was dead dead at the hands of an en
emy who must pay the penalty, though
it were to wring this girl's heart,
thouzh it were to destroy her every
hope of happiness.
"I'm sorry you have lern annoyed,
more sorry thj'n I can say. But don't
waste a though" on Walter. He's not
worth it."
"It is all horrible." the girl exclaim
ed. "Sometimes I give up hope. It
is all so false."
Andrew viewed - this emotion with
alarm. At whatever cost this instru-
S? T to. .-J
"I'm sorry," hs stammered.
ment of vengeance must be controlled
now. when the hour of victory was
"It's true." h? confessed, with evi
dent contrition In voice and manner,
"that I've leen greatly Imposed on by
these persons. You see. my dear. 1
couldn't be too particular about the
6ort of folks 1 engaged to play a spu
rious part like theirs. Tomorrow they
6hall all le gone, and you'll be left to
j ourself in ieace."
"In pence!" Lucene repeated wistful
ly, and her face was very sorrowful
"I wonder. Oh." she went on in a
burst of feeling. "I know. Andrew,
that it was wrong not to tell Cortland
everything nt the beginning- This se
crecy lietween 1dm and me is a poison
that must eat out the'beart of our hap
The Master Mind hesitated for a lit
tle, from sheer pity fv;r the -uric-ken
creature he f hhzi. M"h-tn now hi
8ust hurt again: He had need to ,-re:
cajl ali bis . love. for the dead, brother" to
strengthen his'wlll in order to' strike
h next blow on ;the -"already -bruised"
heart .of -this wriuan. toward -wln-.nt all
tdie tenderness cf his nature tre!;nied;
i i.oju . -rtaiembcr ; .Cnegaai".. tor
asked siguse.cjiirjy; ' ' '
A shudder tu ;3k the girL . '
' "Oeegunr she iiaiued.
h f 111
V J k -.4
Crystal White)
For tne best Preserves,
Jams and Jellies.
One part Karo "(Cuata If'AaO
and three parts sugar makes
a heavier, richer syrup with
out the cloying sweetness of
all sugar for preserves, and
prevents crystallization in jams
2tnd jellies.
Our Preserving Booklet tent free on
Tzpucit tela you koto.
r.O.Bt 161, New York
Dept. FX.
"Yes," Andrew went o-i: "Jim Cree
gan of Chicago. I see ihat you do
member hiia. Well, he '. as discovered
that you are Mrs. Waiuwright. und
ue Is coming 1 ere tonigLt."
A cry broke from l;,e pallid lips.
"Here? What for?"
"Bobbery." The single word ranu7
ladcn with horror to the girl's ears, the
proclamation of her own degradation.
"No, no!" she protested in despair
"It can't be true! It must not! I won't
believe it!"
Andrew maintained an nftifudo of
sympathetic regret as be stood, a little
bowed, before her. Under the piteous
pleading in her eyes he fcit his resolu
tion slipping from him. He would fain
have taken her in his arms, to comfort
tenderly as might a father. But he
Lraced himself to resist, though he suf
fered grievously at liaving to continue
her torture on this rack of his own de
vising. "I have never misled you, Lucene,"
he lied, firmly.
(To Be Continued.)"
Local Kews
L. D. Hiatt of Hurray was here
last evening for a few hours visiting
with his friends.
C. H. Yaliery was in the city yes
terday for a few hours looking after
some trading and visiting with his
William D. Wheeler drove in yes
terday to spend a few hours attend
ing to some trading and visiting with
his friends.
Den Homing Mas among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
was called to look after some matters
of business for a few hours.
Mrs. William Cudig returned home
yesterday afternoon from Creston.
Iowa, where she has been for a few
days visiting with friends in that city.
Mrs. 1.. S. Ramsey and sister, Mrs.
William Foxwell, departed this morn
ing for Omaha, where they will spend
the day with their brother, A. W.
Crites at the hospital.
AY. F. Gillespie of Slynard was in
the city yesterday afternoon for a
short time en route home from Oma
ha, where he had been looking after
some matters of business.
A. S. Will returned heme yesterday
afternoon from a business trip to
Oklahoma, and while in that state
visited at Hennessay, where his son,
Tom Will, is located on a farm.
Mrs. G. G. Hoffman and daughter,
Miss Ilattie, were among the pas
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where they will visit for the day,
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Elmer Elliott and wife of Fairbury
and mother, Mrs. A. A. Elliott, of
Auburn, who are here visiting at the
F. W. Elliott home, departed this
morning for Omaha, and were accom
panied to that city by F. W. Elliott
J. R. Vallery came in this morn
ing from his farm home and departs
od on the early Burlington train for
Omaha to visit his daughter, Miss
May Yaliery, at the Immanuel hos
pital, and will then visit in Saunders
county for a few days looking after
some stock in that county.
the mint makes-it and - tinder the
terms of the 'CONTINENTAL
cure it at 6 per cent for any legal
purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy; tell us your wants and
we will co-operate with you. -
513 Denham Building, Denver, Colo.
yirfl j)J Jlffff
v r tttt inn
.t --- -t. -'--- ?..--
i i i 1 I i i I 1 I I iHl'
Miss Flora Wise left for Kansas
City last week on a visit.
Mrs. Carl Seelcy is visiting her
friends and relations in Plat"smouth.
Mr. Robertson of Glen wood, former
ly one of the editors of the Opinion,
made the Herald a hasty call on his
way to Lincoln.
Miss Anna Dakin who has been in
Utah for the past year, returned on
Thursday last, accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. Liddlc, of Utah, who will
probably spend the winter in Platts
mouth. Gen. E. E. Cunningham and wife
came down to Plattsmouth on Tues
day last and were warmly greeted by
their many friends here. The general
looks hale and hearty after his
sojourn in the Black Hills.
J. W. Moore, brother of our J. B.
Moore, of Rock Bluffs, is visiting his
friends and relatives here during
fair week. Mr. M. lives in Des Moines,
Iowa, and says he must get home in
time to hear Blaine speak at Burling
ton on October 2d.
The Second street bridge is finish
ed at last, and is a very handsome
structure, and a very great aceom
moda to all the people who have busi
ness at the railroad freight depot and
at the residents on the street. Young
Mr. Wise was the contractor and has
made a good, substantial job of it.
Lawyer Smith has found his pocket
book, but not his money. The book
and money are supposed to have Leen
found by a man named Johnson, near
Rock Bluffs. His people, together with
his father-in-law, Eaton, been
spending too much lately buying
horses, calico and so on. The sheriff
and Smith went down there yesterday
and the full results will be known
Sirs. H. E. Palmer and son return
ed to riattsmouth last Saturday from
an extended trip in Colorado, where
they enjoyed a sight of cooling snows
while we poor mortals sweltf red with
the heat. They, in company with Mrs.
Hayes, were detained some ten or
twelve hours by the collision of two
trains on the U. P. R. R.
Miss Anna Gyger bid adieu to our
city on Monday last and is ere this
well on her way toward California,
where she has long ben contemplating
a visit. She will be sadly missed, as
was testified to by the goodly num
ber of friends gathered at the depot
for a last farewell, and a last heart
felt shake of the hand. The coun
tenance of each expressed grief
similar to that shown by her parents
were quite overcome at the thought
of losing her, and were only reconcil
ed, probably, with the thoug-hts that
her happiness and enjoyment would
be complete when she has at last
reached her destination. Those left
behind can only wish her a pleasant
journey, a hap?y visit, and a safe re
turn, as soon as she has tired of the
far, far west.
Treasurer Patterson has bought a
handsome team of carriage horses to
drive in that new buggy.
A reward is hereby offered to any
man that will get the better of John
Shannon on a knife trade.
Dr. Schildknecht is bound to stop
the ravages of that creek, and is do
ing some effectual work on it this
Pr. Clutter, our new dentist, seems
to have plenty of work and we be
lieve is a real addition to our society
and business.
At last Phil Young has procured
the people's favorite, "John Dillon,"
in "My Awful Dad." Phil has him
booked for December 17th.
We went down to hear Chaplain
Wright on the temperance ct.use Fri
day evening and were very much dis
appointed to be put off with a magic
lantern show. We had particularly
desired to hear his views on this mat
We were invited into and shown
through the surveyor general's new
office in the Fitzgerald block by the
gentlemanly chief clerk, A. Ischlegel.
The rooms, three in number, are very
convenient, light and pleasant, though
not as retired as the old place. We
presume the boys will miss their fine
croquet ground next spring after
some of their hard day's work is com
On Tuesday Ed Kosenbauia had a
Statement of the Condition
Of Plattsmouth. Neb., on the 3D day of
June, 1M15.
First morttfare loans j!5.1rtT7 OB
Ix)aiiHon stock or pa4 tnk -.ecuritv (Ht
Keal estate sold on contract 3.tf7 iu
Cah 72
iK-limiuent tiitrs,. fin, etc.. I.I-tUo T'i
Tuxes, paid and advanced UiW M
Other assets, rent account and re
pairs 341 44
SJt-3.a31 11
Running stock and dividends ..
...lf:iL'4 M
Ke.sprve fund
Undivided profits.
Other liabilities bills payable
I0.0WO W
4. to
Total .
Kkcbipts and Expexthttbbs for the Yeah
Ending June 30. 19U.
Cash on hand last reiort " C7
Iues (runntne Btock) 4t.Ni i
MorUratre payments o.4il (0
Slock loan payments flu
Ral estate contracts 2.7W "
Intnit W
Fines - "' ss
Membership und transfer fes I4tf 50
.f 80.078 68
MortiraT loans $ 43.521 Ou
htork loans 4.1:3 W
Withdrawals running stock and di-
vidi-nds 27.1W7 34
Salaries, 1.31 1 50
otlier expfiises I'M 44
Cash on hand 2.5C 7-
Insurance and Tax's paid aud ad
vanced 43-' f
Kent and Repair w
f H.(I76 5
I. C. G. Frlcke. secretary of the ahov
named association, do solemnly swear that the
forefoinjr statement of tlie condition of said as
sociation, is true arid correct U the best of my
knowledtre and belief.
Approved: Secretary.
C. A. MARSH ALU .'Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this "1st
day of July 1915. A. LTII)l.
seal! Notary Public
Wy commission expites Oct. i, IVlb
trial before Judge Gass for violation
of the law in selling liquor on Sun
day, and was allowed a jury trial.
The jury failing to agree, were dis
charged and yesterday a new jury
were summoned and the case was
again tried. The jury brought in a
verdict of guilty and the defendant
notice of an appeal.
Our friend, Gramberg, of Gram
berg & Schnasse, has left us for the
great auriferous regions of the dark
colored bluffs on the upper waters of
the American continent, where he pro
poses to prospect for the hidden treas
urers that bounteous nature has con
cealed fathoms deep in the bosom of
her dressing gown, to tempt the plia
ble fingers of human man to extract
and wax fat thereon. There are a lot
of other fellows going or gone to the
Flack Hiils from here soon now. All
got the fever.
At the last council meeting they
very wisely, we think, appointed a
city marshal. In view of the long
winter nights, the fact of numerous
petty thieves, and the prevalence of
tramps it had become absolutely
necessary that some constituted
authority be appointed to enforce the
laws and ordinances of the city; un
der the late city practice it was no
use to pass an ordinance or resolution
there being no officer of the law to
enforce its provisions if violated. Be
sides hard cases hearing of our
situation began to flock in here.
With the present financial situation in
this famous greenback town, the
council think they have no money to
pay a marshal except $10 per month
and it is expected that business men
and other citizens protected will con
tribute to defray these expenses.
Whether justly or not that is the
situation and we hope our citizens will
be liberal in their action, as the needs
of the city demand a good man and
no good man can serve for $10 per
month in city orders. P. B. Murphy
was appointed such marshal and is
now acting.
County Assessor W. R. Bryan de
parted yesterday afternoon for his
farm at Ashland, where he will look
after and assist in the work of har
vesting the wheat crop if the weather
will permit.
ciik CORSET 3 rZTta
Add beauty, grace
and ease of move
ment to the figure
f 1.00 up. Get the
correct model for
tout figure.
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
ll! the District Court of the County of
Cans, Nebraska.
In Re-Guardianship of Norman E.
Dickson, Minor.
To All Persons Interested:
You arc hereby uuiilied that under
und by virtue ot a license issued on
July 6, 1915, by Honorable James T.
Uegley, Judge of the District Court, of
tho County of Cuss, Nebraska, the un
dersigned guardian will, at the hour
of Hi o'clock a. m., on the 3d day of
August, A. D. 1915, S'-ll at public kh.I
at the south front door of the Court
House. Plattsmouth, Cuss County, Ne
braska, to the highest bidder lor cash,
the undivided one-eighteenth interest
of Norman K. Dickson, minor, in the
follow inK real estate tn-wit:
Lots seven (7). emlit K j and nine
(9), In block thirty-six :-. Die south
half of lot twelve (l-, in block forty
two (42); lots four (4) and (-1. block,
fifty-live (Di): lot one (It, two ;,
three (3). four 4 and five (u). In
block fifty-seven (57); lot nine it) and
part of lot ten (10). in block fifty
seven (57 ; lots three (3, four 4),
five (." and six (ti, in block fifty
eielit (5S); north half of lots eleven
(11) and twelve (11'), in block one
hundred ofrty-nine (119t. mid lot ten
(lu. eleven (11) and twelve (1). hi
block Hfty-six (56). all in the City of
Plattsmouth; also all of lots three (5)
and four (4), in block thirty-seven
(37). and an undivided one-half in
terest in lots five (! and six (St. in
block thirty-eijiht 3Xi. in Younn Ac
Hays Addition to the City of Platts
mouth; and also lots fifteen (15), six
teen (IK) and seventeen (17), in
Loup's First Addition to the Villae-;
of Atynard, all in Cass County, Ne
braska. Said sale will remain ooen for one
Dated this 6th day of July, A. D.
Guardian of Norman K. Dickson.
V. A. KOBEIITSON. Attorney.
I.i:(. tl, ltOTICLC
In the ntsfrlct Court of tuna Coaaty,
Alice Wells, Plaintiff.
Mable A. HleerinR, et at. Defendants.
To Mabel A. Hlpulin-, Miibel Agnes
HiKKiiiK. Margaret Maum, and the.
I'nknown Heirs and Devisees ot Kate
Lynch. Deceased:
You will take notice that on July
Stli. 1915. the plaiutiB herein, Alice;
Wells, filed her petition In the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
upainst you and others for the miose
of foreclosing a Tax Hale Cert ih-ate Is
sued by the County Treasurer of Cass
Countv, Nebraska, to one A. L. Tldd, on
rale of lots h. 9, 10. 11 and 12, in Mock
173. l'lattsmout h. Nebraska, at public,
tux sale on November 6th, 1311, for de
linquent tax. costs and charpes Huiiixt
said lots for the year 1910. winch
Cert ideate has been assigned to
Plaintiff claims a lien , ana inst said
lots by virtue of suid Tax ale Certifi
cate in the sum of tlli.l-t, with interest
at 15 per cent per annum from Novem
ber Pth, 1911, and the further sum of
$. 45 for subsequent taxes paid for the
years 1911, 191::. 19l: arid 1914. with
interest thereon at 15 per cent per an
num from June 10th, 1915. and attor
ney's fees of 10 per cent of amount
found due plaintiff, and prays that
same le decreed a first lien on said
premises and that said defendants bo
loreclosed of ail riplit. tltlu and In
terest in and to said piemi.-es and said
premises be ordered sold and out of the
proceeds of such sale, that plaintiff b
paid the amount decreed to le due her.
on said lien with costs of suit.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 3d day of
August. 1915. or the a 1 Icpn t ton con
tained in said petition will be taken as
true and decree rendered as prayed
for therein.
ALICF WELLS. Plaintiff.
Her Attorney.
Bids will be received at the office of
the County Clerk in )'!a t ttmouth, "Ne
braska, up till noon on Saturday, Aug
ust 7, 1915, for building; all wood atid
steel bridfres, concrete arch and box
culverts and other concrete work, aucli
as wings aud abutments, for the year
Also for the construction of one.
4-ftx4-ft. concrete box culvert on Hock
Bluffs road about two and one-half
miles south of Plattsmouth.
Plans and specilicat Ions now on file
In the office of the County Clerk at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Separate bids may be filed for bridEe
work and for concrete arch and box
culvert work.
All bids to be opened on Tuesday,
Aupust l'Jh, 1915. at 10 o'clock a. ni.
The Board of County Commissioners
reserve the right to reject any or all
A certified check of $500 00 must ac
company each bid.
(Seal) County Clerk.
In the County Court of the County of
tmnm, Nebraska.
In Pe-Kstate of Kmest lluubner,
I icceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that on July
6, 1S15, Minna Huebner filed a petition
in this Court alleging the death testate
of Kmest Huebner. a resident and
inhubltant of this County, on June 10.
1915. and requesting that an Instru
ment presented as the last will and
testament of said deceased, by which
be has devised and bequeathed sill of
Ills property to his widow, le admit ted
to probate and K. C. Wemtel be ap
pointed as administrator C. T. A. lu
the place of C.eorge Heiter. Jr., nomin
ated as executor thereof.
A hearing will be had on said peti
tion at the office of the County Judge,
Court House, Plattsmouth. Cutis Coun
ty, Nebraska, on the "ml day of Aug
ust, A. D. 1915, at nine o'clock a. in.,
before which hour all objections there
to. If any, must be filed.
By the Court.
County Judff'
, "W. A. ROBERTSON. Attornev.
For Sale.
1914 Bull Tractor, in good condi
tion, $250.00. 0. A. Davis, Murray,
Nebraska. 7-12-4tw
-Uhifo Diamond"
-Plaiismoutli Cycle Co,
Every pencil will dehorn 50 calves
from 10 days to 10 months old for
$1.00. Call and get one. A forfeit of
$5.00 for any calf it fails to dehorn.