The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JVLY 19, J'US.
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All the way from Omaha we learn
that Mr. Joyner, our Rock Bluffs mail
driver, was attacked by a l oad agent,
vulgarly called a robber.
E. Cary, ore of the employes in
the machine shop, died last week. His
funeral took place on Sunday last.
Waterman has bought out the
Weekbach lumber yard and the lum
ber is being placed in Wattrman's old
yard. Selah!
Dr. Livingston, Capt. O'Rourke,
Wm. Neville, Sam Long, Jro. A. Mac
Murphy and some other whose names
we did not learn, went up to Fremont
on Tuesday to attend the Sportsmen's
D. Soliday, a cousin of John Way-
man's, from Indiana, will be here soon
accompanied by a Mr. liases, and the
firm may put in a large stock of
'lolhing and furnishing goods, a job
bing stock. We hope the gentleman
will be pleased with our town and its
business prospects and stay with us
Local News
It is astonishing to see how many
small but nice looking houses are be
ing tucked into the hills back of the
machine shops. You have to go on
an investigating tour occasionally to
find out how much there is of Platts-
Greenwood, Neb. Editor Herald
Last Wednesday - aftemoor. Maurice
Titzgerald rode into town apparently
suffering from a fractured skull, and
told some of the folks that he had
had a difficulty with one Daniel Mc
Neal and that he had shot him (Mc
Neal). Thereupon some of the boj-s
started for the place along Salt Creek
where Fitzgerald said the fracas had
taken place, but before they reached
the spot, John Montgomery had7ound
the wounded mnn. It appears the
man McNeal, was hunting on some
land which Fitzgerald had claimed to
have charge of, and he (Fitzgerald)
ordered McNeal off, but McNeal not
complying as soon as Fitzgerald wish
ed, he went to him and the quarrel
commenced, in which McNeal received
two balls from the revolver of Fitz
gerald, one in the back of the head
which fortunately glanced, and did not
enter the skull, ar-d me in the breast,
which we fear will end his earthly ex
istence. After John Montgomery had
taken the unfortunate man home he
came over to town and ordered the
constable to arrest Fitzgerald, which
was done. Sheriff Hyers was tele
graphed for and arrived here Thurs
day morning at 2 o'clock, and took
Fitzgerald into his charge. On
Thursday the preliminary examination
was held before Justice Mathias, who
after a careful investigation, commit
ted the prisoner for trial at thejiext
term of the district court. Yours
truly. Argus.
" WW
C. B. Ballentine to Edith
Duckworth, lot 9, block 5,
Nehawka. Consideration. .?1,325. 00
Emil Parkening to Edward
Walsh, lot 10, block 23,
Eagle. Consideration 1.00
G. B. Colvin to J. F. Warga,
part lots 1 and 2, block 29,
Young & Hayes' addition
to city. Consideration 1,525.00
F. R. Staneiforth to Freda
E. Field, lot 8, block 7,
Thompson's addition to
city. Consideration 25.00
A. W. Crites, et al., to Carrie .
O. Cloidt, lots 7 and 8,
block 23, city. Considera
tion 1,000.00
A. M. F. Nass to G. E. Mari
mer, lot 18, block 12, Mur
dock. Cnnside'-ation 850.00
Advance Notice of Public Sale.
I will sell at Public Sale, Tuesday,
September 21, about 40 head of pure
bred Duroc-Jersey hogs, -including
open gilts, boars and several sows
with litters by their sides. Also my
head boar, Echo's Model Wonder
(sired by Echo Brimson Wonder,
Grand Champion Nebraska State Fair
Will have Rhode Island Red cock
lels for sale after September 1st, price
?1. 00 a head. W. B. PORTER.
Mrs. Fred Morgan departed this
morning for Star, Neb., where she
will visit her sister, Mrs. Henry Thier
olf, and will accompany Mr. and Mrs.
Thierolf on a trip to the B'.ack Hills.
Adam Schafer, one of the sub
stantial farmers of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, was in the city today for a few
hours and was feeling very much
pleased to be out again, us he has
just been released from his quaran
tine for smallpox anJ is feeling fine.
From Friday's Daily
Mrs. J. E. Wiles was among those
going to Omaha today to look after
business matters for a short time in
that city.
P. A. Hild and family of ML Pleas
ant precinct are here today looking
after somet rading and visiting with
their friends.
Mrs. S. A. Wiles was a visitor in
Omaha today for a few hours, where
she was called to look after some
business matters.
Mrs. G. W. Cave returned this aft
ernoon from a trip out in the state
where she had been visiting with
relatives and friends.
John R. Pierson and little son, of
Springfield, Neb., cams in last even
ing on No. 2 for a short visit in this
city with relatives and friends.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton departed this
morning for Louisville and Manley for
a few hours' stay, looking after some
matters of importance for the county
Isaac King, wife and daughter, of
Superior, Neb., who are here visiting
with relatives for a short time, de
parted this afternoon for Omaha for
a short visit. '
Mrs. C. W. Pitman and children de
parted this morning for Omaha, where
they will visit for a few hours with
friends and in looking after some mat
ters of business.
Ben Horning was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
will spend the day taking treatment
for his illness from one of the spe
cialists in that city.
Clement Chapman of Lincoln, who
has been here visiting with friends for
a few days, departed this morning on
No. 6 for Fort Madison, Iowa, in com
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sepel,
where they will visit for a short
Mrs. B. S. Ramsey and sister, Mrs.
William Foxwell, departed this morn
ing on the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they go to visit their
brother, Hon. A. W. Crites, of Chad
ron. Neb., who is there taking medical
C. S. Wortman, jr., of Clarence,
Oklahoma, and brother, J. E. Wort
man, came down this morning from
South Bend to visit for a few hours
at the court house, looking after some
matters of business. They report that
their father, C. S. Wortman, sr., who
has been in very feeble health for
some time, is still in the same con
God's Uve For the Church
Different From His Love
For the World.
From Saturday's Daily.
Albert Wheeler and wife from south
of the city were here last evening in
attendance at the carnival.
Adam Kaffenberger of near Cedar
Creek was among those going to Oma
ha this morning to visit for the day.
William Obernatte of near Wabash
was in the city yesterday for a few
hours looking after some matters of
Charles Creamer was among the
visitors in Omaha today for a few
hours, returning home this afternoon
on No. 24.
L. A. Meisinger, wife and family
were in the city yesterday for a few
hours looking after some trading and
visiting with friends.
Mrs. W. T. Adams and daughter re
turned this afternoon from St. Paul,
Neb., where they have been visiting
for a short time wtih relatives.
Otto Satholl and wife of Plainview,
Neb., who have been here visiting at
the Kunsmann home for a short time,
departed this morning for their home.
B. F. Willes came in this morning
from his farm home, south of this
city, and will visit for the day and
look after some matters of business.
W. G. Meisinger, wife and family
drove in this morning from their farm
home to look after some trading and
to visit with friends and to attend the
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and wife and
children motored up this morning, ac
companied by J. W. Holmes, and spent
a few hours here looking after some
matters of business.
John Wunderlich of Nehawka came
in last evening from his home and
will visit here for a short time at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A.
Rosencrans and family.
Mrs. W. A. Skinner of Lincoln, who
has been here visiting her sister, Mrs.
A. F. Fitt and family, for a few days,
departed this morning for her home.
Mrs. Fitt accompanied her as far as
August Swanson departed this
morning for South Omaha, where he
will spend a few days taking treat
ment at the sanitarium for rheu
matism, from which he has been a
great sufferer.
Louie Rheinackle was in the city for
a few hours yesterday afternoon visit
ing with friends and looking after
some matters of business, having
driven in from his farm home south
of this city.
Adam's Disobedience Alienated His
Posterity From God Jesus' Obedi
ence Secured Opportunity of Return
to Divine Favor 'Justification -and
Sanctification New Creation Tested
as to Loyalty and Obedience The
Messiah of Many Members Riches
of Love Divine, All Love Excelling.
Toronto, Out., July
IS. Pastor Rus
sell spoke here to
day on the text,
"The Father Him
self loveth you."
(John 1 C : 2 7.)
Among other
things he said:
This is one of
the most wonder
ful texts in the
Bible. "Whoa we
think how great
God is and bow
little man is, when we consider that
sin has bhnted out in very large meas
ure whatever there was of God's Im
age iu humanity, we are constrained
to wonder what this text can mean.
We are not surprised that the Father
loves the angels, who are perfect, with
out blemish in any sense of the word.
Hut how could lie love mankind? We
read, "God no loved the world that He
gave His Only Begotten Son. that
whosoever believeth in Him might u"t
Ierish, bnt have everlasting life."
(Jolru 3:1G.) This text tells of some
kind of great love that God had for
the whole world of mankind.
God's Love For the World.
God had a sympathetic love for hu
manity, not an afTftionate love; for
there was nothing in fallen man wor
thy of Divine love. He felt just as we
would feel for some poor injured dog
or cat we would bind up its paw and
give it soniethinss to eat. So Gh1"s
sympathy for the world takes not ire
of the fact that mankind have gotten
into a great deal of trouble throujrh
the curse which came upon, Father
Adam through disoliedienee to his
Creator's command. Divine mercy and
sympathy have gone ont toward our
race to 6iuh an extent that God lias
provided a preat Plan of Salvation for
mankind. He lias provided the death
of our Lord Jesus Christ to le our Redemption-price
not to recover us from
eternal torture, but from death. Un
less we were rescued from that per
ishing condition of death, we would
have no future life whatever.
His first preat step on behalf of man
kind turned our dying condition into a
sleeping condition. Instead of perish
ing as do the brute leasts, men merely
fall asleep, to wait for the morninir of
the New Disjiensntion. when our Ixrd
will call forth those sleepers from the
tomb. (John 5:28, L0.) They will be
railed forth to an opjortunlty for res
titution to human ierfoeion in a
world-wile Paradise a restitution for
which God has made provision based
in Km the death of our Lord Jesus '
Christ a restitution lifting mankind
out of sin. misery and death back to
all that was lost iu Eden. St. Peter
tells us that this Restitution is men
tioned by all the Holy Prophets. (Acts
3:10-23.) In their writings are repeat
ed references to the time when nil the
willing and obedient shall be brought
back into fellowship with God, and all
the wicked shall be destroyed in the
Second Death.
God's Love For the Church.
Over and aliove Divine love for man
kind in general conies the love men
tioned in our text. God so loved the
world that He provided for their re
demption from sin and death. But to
the Church our Lord Jesus says. "The
Father Himself loveth you." No one
belongs to this class except the saints
those in covenant relationship with
mm through Christ. (Psalm 50"..) It
does not include those who merely
have turned from sin to say, "I will
not lead a wicked life any longer." To
these the Father is pnyins? no atten
tion. They are still of the world, still
condemned, still children of wrath,
even as others; for they have not ta
ken the only step which will transfer
them Irom leing children of wrath to
being children of God.
We are not to think of the Ileavenlj
Father as exercising no discretion in
bestowing His love. If He loves any
one, lie loves that person for some
reason. So in the character of those
to whom our Ixrd Jesus referred there
mnst have leen something which con
stituted them worthy of the Father's
love. The commendable tiling in their
character was that they had given
themselves to God to do nis will.
They had come back into God's fam
ily as sons. John 1:12, 13.
Adam Forfeited God's Love.
Adam had tooii a son of God; but he
Binned and forfeited the Father's love.
When lie came tinder the sentence of
death. "Dying, thou shalt dte. be was
cut oft from fellowship with God. lie
and all his posterity leeame sinners
under the death sentence, unworthy of
Divine notice or care. While God has
permitted certain blessings to come to
mankind the sunshine, the rain and
other material favors yet He has kept
Himself aloof from our race, and has
treated mankind as aliens and stran
gers. Their claim upon Elm wa3 for
feited when disobedience came in.
Since all mankind were born in that
condition which would not be pleasing
to God, and since the Church are still
In very much the same condition, why
does the Father love those v.ho Lave
given themselves to Him in consecra
tion? It is because frum the Bible
viewpoint a very great change took
place when they came into the family
of God. There is only one way back
Into harmony and fellowship with the
Father. Jesus is the way; for. as the
Bible jKivts out, in harmony with the
Father's Plan our Lord t'ave Himself
sac'i'iticially, with all the rights which
He had as a man; and in due time the
merit of His sacrifice is to be applica
ble to Adam and all his race. Christ's
death is the satisfaction-like lor the
sin of the whole world. An J although
it has not yet been appropriated for
the whole world, God is inviting a cer
tain class to come out of the woria iu
advance of the remainder of our lace.
Of these our Ixrd said. "Tluy are not
of the world, even as I am not of the
world." John 17:10.
Justification the First Step.
Those. disciples whom Jesus was ad
dressing had come out of the world.
They had left everything that they
Utiht be His pupils and do just the
rij-ht thing in the right way. Thus to
be children of God was their chief aim
and ambition. The tirst t-top in this
direction is justifioation-tlie l-iug
made ri'ht. lust. Just i:il iui and
righteousness mean the thin
they are different ways of expressing
the mims thought. We must le made
rkrht with God before lie will deal
with us at all.
God Las permitted six great Thousand-Year
Days for the world to have
experience with sin and death. Dur
ing all this time He has let mankind
see what they could do to he!p them
selves out of sin and death conditions.
We have made a sorry failure of it
The wisest people in the world have
Ikm-u unable to deliver themselves from
the bondage of sin and death tjat is
uin the whole world. God's Xhw: for
delivering mankind is the preat Sab
bath of the Lord our God, when Jesus
and His Church will be associated iu
the blessing of all the families of the
During luan's Work Week the race
has had a severe lesson of what sin is
nnd what it will do. As we l'ok over
Into Europe, w see what evil passions
can accomplish. Yet t lie savagery
there is only ltegiiiiiing; it will be far
worse. With all our preaching nnd
teaching, with all our surgery and nied
Icine, we have not bettered our race
very much. When we perceive that
sin has accomplished this evil work.
we dread sin; we realize that it is the
most terrible thing that can lefall any
one. When the whole world come t
realize the true situation, men will
know that the entrance of .sin is the
worst thing that cau happen.
The Beginning of the New Creation.
According to the Divine Program for
human salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ
was to do a sacrificial work for the
race; next the Church was to le gath
ered out from amongst mankind, and
then the Millennial Age was to begin.
When our Lord Jesus gave His life
freely and unreservedly to the Father
in consecration at Jordan, God started
a New Creation, by begetting the Son
with the Holy Spirit to the Divine na
ture. As He was coming up out of the
water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him
anointing Him to all the glorious work
which He is to accomplish as the great
King and the great Priest for the world
of mankind.
When the Father planned this New
Creation in connection with human
salvation. He arranged that the New
Creatures f-hould be those who would
give up all their own rights as men,
layins everything at His feet, and
desiring to know and to do the Divine
will. As our Lord was the beginning
of the creation of God (Revelation
3:14, the Father wished Ilini to have
the highest place in this New Creation.
The angels never had such a test of
loyalty as came to Jesus; they never
laid down life on one plane and passed
to a lower plane, as He did. Although
they have been loyal in everything
which God has asked of them. He did
not put this test upon them.
When at the beginning of His minis
try our Lord, then thirty years of age.
gave Himself unreservedly to the Fa
ther, saying, "Lo, 1 come (in the vol
ume of the Book it is written of Me),
to do Thy will, O God," the Father
manifested His special love for the Son
by anointing Ilini w ith the Holy Spirit,
making Him a member of the Divine
family on the highest plane of being.
Then for three and a half years the Fa
ther tested Him, proved II im and found
Him worthy to receive the honor, the
glory, the iowor, the might. (Revela
tion 5:12.1 How we rejoice in our
Savior's victory! How we love and
admire Him. for the same reason that
the Father does! There is something
of character there.
The Body of the Anointed.
The Apostle tells us that there was
one feature of God's I 'lan for human
salvation which was not made known
in the past; that is, the fact that there
was to be a Body of Christ not mere
ly one individual, but a company. This
figure of tqeocn we use when we sneak
of the body of Congress, of which the
chairman is the bead. So we sjeak of
the Body of Christ, of which Christ
Jesus Is the Head. God gave Him to
be Head over the Church, w hich is Ilis
Body. (Kphesians 1:10 L3.) Nobody
knew beforehand that The Messiah is
to be composed of many members, and
that the members were to be selected
from amongst mankind. The Jews sim
ply exjKeted Messiah to come. They
read of the glory, and thought fn!y of
the glory and of one jterson. not realiz
ing that they themselves would have
an opportunity to' le of this Messiah
class just what the Jews are still ex
pecting. Through St. Paul the Lord tells us
that iu this Body of Christ there would
be both Jews and Gentiles; and that
the twain were to become one New
Man, one complete Christ Jesus the
Head, and the Church the Body.
Ephesians 2:11-10; 4:11-10.) The first
members of this Body came from the
Jens, to whom the call was first to be
madtt, because they were the natural
seed of Abraham. God had told Abra
ham that He would give the'irst
chance to the Jews. It is wonderful
u contemplate how many were ready
for this call. Probably twenty-five
thousand Jews resiKiided quickly to
the Gospel Message, thus showing a
wonderful condition of consecration to
God and His ways.
Then the door was thrown open to the
Gentiles. There were not many of
these ready for the call; and so it has
taken eighteen Ifundred years to gath
er from amongst the Gentiles enough
to complete the exact predestined num
ber. If the Gentiles had been as thor
oughly consecrated as were the Jews,
the required numler might have leen
found during the tirst century. But
the Gentiles had not had the previous
instructions of the Law to assist them,
and therefore it has taken a much
longer time to take out the proportion
ate number. Thus we were called out
of the world to l followers of Jesus
imited to make the same kind of con
secration to God which He made, and
to rceive and to manifest the same
Holy Spirit the Spirit of anointing.
Mrrit Imputed to the Church.
During this Gospel Age the Father is
calling only those who have the spirit
of His Son. whose disiositio was one
of faith and obedience. These cannot
have the same degree of oltedience be
cause their flesh is imperfect; but they
can have the same degree as far as the
mind, the will, is concerned. We can
will to be whatever we like: and God
is looking at the wilL He knows far
better than we do that we cannot do
the things that we would. The Aios
tle said, "Yea, I judge not mine own
self. He that judgeth me is the
Lord." (1 Corinthians 4:3, 4.) St. Paul
did not know how much allowance to
make for even himself; and we do not
know how much allowance to make for
ourselves, our ntighlors, our friends,
our brothers. Therefore the Lord in
structs us not to judge one another;
for whatever kind of judgment we
mete to others will be the standard of
our own judgment.
The ability to criticise others mani
fests knowledge of just what consti
tutes the wrong act or word, and ren
ders the one aspiring to le judge the
more responsible. We are to render
all the help we can to others, and leave
the matter of disciplining to the Lord.
He alone knows what experiences His
people should have. Therefore His peo
ple should avoid all judging, condemn
ing and fault-finding. Let God do the
judging and any, punishing which He
may see necessary.
In the Millennial Age mankind will
simply put away s!n and try to live as
nearly right as possible. Then God
will bring them up to perfection. But
now it is different. To those who come
trusting that Jesus has made satisfac
tion for their sins, a certain measure
of nis merit is Imputed as soon as
their consecration has been accepted
by the Lord. To illustrate: Suppose
the one who offers himself to God in
full consecration represent twenty per
cent, of a perfect human leing. Since
he is willing to jrive his JitMe all to
God, our Lord Jesus imputes to him
eighty ir cent. Thus the iKrson has
the one hundred per cent, representing
the perfection of human nature "com
plete in Him." Then our Lord, the
preat High Priest, takes Ilis own
eighty per cent, and the person's twen
ty per cent, and presents it all to the
Father. Just when we take the same
step that Jesus took, then the Father
begins to love us with a sreclal love.
"Keep Yourselves In the Love of God."
The Father's love, which began when
He begat us with His Holy Spirit, con
tinues with us as long as we are loyal
to Him and In proportion to the de
gree of our loyalty. Should we at any
lime prove disloyal, like Judas IscarioL
the Holy Spirit would le taken from
us. There is forgiveness for errors
made through weakness of the flesh;
hut disloyalty to the Lord will-not be
forgiven. A sin against the Holy Spir
it w ill never have forgiveness.
We should all be very careful not to
have the Judas spirit not to barter off
the Lord or the Truth or the brethren
for thirty pieces of silver of any kind.
Some t?tray the Lord by saying, "For
business reasons I must do thus and
so." Others betray the Lord by de
claring, "I know that I am not preach
ing just as I should that I am slander
ing God's character and His Word, as
well as misrepresenting myself; but I
must make a living." Why should
such iersons be .acknowledged before
the Father and the holy angels? Cut
only t he Lord could determine whether
such were worthy of the Second Death.
They could not be of the Body of
Christ, however.
What a wonderful honor is this to
w hich God has called us! Those who
have been legotten again by Ilis Holy
Spirit have been anointed from the day
of their begetting to be kings and
priests unto God and to reign with
Christ a thousand years. There are
tribulations identified with all their ex
periences; nevertheless, while they
have tribulations, they also have the
peace of God. w hich passes human un
derstanding. As the Bible declares,
all things are theirs; for they are
Christ's, and Christ is God's. He has
promised grace sufficient for every
trial; and even the adversities or life
shall work together for good to them.
Iecause they love God and are the
called according to nis purpose.
"Love Divine, all Iove excelling
Joy of Heaven to Earth come down."
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mStJll. Jt',!'. AmX&mZ.
i t i it i i
Mrs. J. I. Miller and children, from
Chicago, are visiting with her sister,
Mrs. M. L. Baird.
Mrs. Jessie Mapes and children of
Edger, Neb., are visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. M. L. Baird.
Miss Ella Stirtz of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, arrived Friday on a week's visit
at the home of F. W. Lorenz and
Joe Smith of Cozad, Neb., returned
to his home Friday morning, after a
visit at the home of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. William Smith, and children.
Dr. J. M. Neely returned last Mon
day from his trip to the Panama-Pacific
exposition and the National Medi
cal association meeting at San Fran
cisco. M. L. Gollaher went to Colorado
Springs, Colo., last Friday to visit
with his wife, who is there for the
benefit of her health. She is not im
proving as well as it was expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Oxley and
son, Aulden, of Democrat, Iowa, de
parted Thursday morning for their
home, after a visit at the home of Mr.
Oxley's aunt, Mrs. James Turk. They
were accompanied by Miss Oma Eells
of Lincoln, who came down from the
capital city Wednesday afternoon. I
They made the trip iln their touring
M. M. Copenhaver and daughter,
Mrs. Myrtle Giddings, and children, of
St. Joseph, Mo., arrived Tuesday even
ing for an extended visit with A. J.
Box and family. Mr. Box and Mr.
Copenhaver are warm friends of many
years standing, this attachment last
ing from the days when they were
neighbors and old school mates in the
state of Virginia.
Lieutenant Frank M. Harradan and
wife, of Marshalltown, Iowa, arrived
Sunday and spent a few days with
Captain C. S. Aldrich and family. Mr.
Harradan served during the Spanish
American war as lieutenant in Cap
tain Aldrich's company, and they are
old-time friends. Mrs. Aldrich and
Mrs. Harradan, also, were girlhood
chums and schoolmates.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
Paints and Oils. Gering & Co.
the mint makes it and under the
terms of the CONTINENTAL
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Terms easy; tell us your wants and
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513 Denham Building, Dearer, Colo.