Plattsmouth Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon During the Summer Months Nob Stale Historical Soc b VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915. NO. 8. iplatteftiiout 1 4 X'r f Y THE CITY DADS HOLD INTEREST ING MEETING While Meeting Was Not So Lengthy There Was Considerable Business Transacted. From Tuesday's Dally. The session of the city legislative body last evening was -ry short, compared with that of previaus weeks and the dads, in the two hours they were in session, were able to trans act a great deal of business, as well as hear a large number of petition and communications that were pre sented for their consideration. The C, B. & Q. railway, through William Eaird, the superintendent of the shops, presented a petition to the council to have an additional hydrant placed on Third street for fire protec tion. This was referred to the fire and water committee to investigate and report at the next meeting. L. O. Minor, superintendent of the water company, informed the council that pursuant to the orders of that body the extension of the main on West Oak street was made and the hydrant there placed in commission, as ordered by the city. The fire and water committee will investigate the hydrant as to its acceptance and re port at the next meeting. The Plattsmouth Loan & Building association presented a request to have some grading done along the south side of their property on Mar ble street between Sixth and Seventh. A motion was made by Bajeck that the request be granted and the work ordered done as soon as possible. This brought on considerable discussion,; which at times was rather heated. Councilman Buttery moved to amend the motion of Bajeck to make it read to refer the matter to the streets, al leys and bridges committee. Coun cilman Johnson stated that the walk was on the south side of the lots on Marble street and did not think that a great deal of money would be necessary to do the work, and as they were putting up two new houses there he was in favor of having the work carried out. This led to a rather sharp reply from Buttery who remarked that work in some parts of the city was done quickly while in others it was allowed to drift, and that some repairs in the Fourth ward had been carried out even before ordered, while in his ward there was work ordered done a long time ago that had not even been started. Councilman Ba jeck stated that he thought that when the job would amount to over $50 it should be looked into carefully, but did not think that this was neces sary to refer a small job to the com mittee and delay it. Mayor Richey stated for the benefit of the members of the council that it might require .considerable dirt to make the fill there for the walk as prayed for, but he did not know just what it would cost. The amendment of Buttery to refer to the streets, alleys and bridges committee was deefated, as Mauzy, Buttery, Weaver and Shea were the only ones' voting for it, and the original proposition to have the work done prevailed by a unanimous vote. The communication of J. W. Peters and James Jelik, asking grade for a permanent walk on the north side of Peail street, adjoining their property, was referred to the streets, alleys and bridges committee. Chief of Police Barclay reported that during June five arrests had been made; four had paid fines and one se cured for payment. This was placed in the hands of the police committee, as was also the report of Police Judge M. Archer, who reported five arrests, four paying fines and one giving se curity for the amount with a receipt of the city treasurer for the sum of $25. City Clerk John Nemetr. reported that during the month of June the sum of $G1.90 had been received by him from various sources and turned over to the city strong box. City Treasurer Soennichsen report ed that there was a balance on hand in the city treasury of $20,489.76, and gave a statement as to tha different funds of the city. Chairman Bestor of the streets, al leys and bridges committte, gave a short report on the sewer situation on the north side, in which he iitated that they could not do much at present with the sewer in the alley north of Main street, as in two of the build ings between Fourth and Fifth streets the sewers in the cellars of the build ings were lower than that of the city sewer and it would be necessary to lower the sewer at its junction with the south side sewer before this could be remedied. The plans and specifica tions for the paving of the alleyway on the north side was presented and adopted by the council. Councilman Bestor, speaking on the situation of the Seventeenth street bridge, stated for the benefit of the councilmen that the property owners there did not want to sell or lease the land needed for the making of a road there, but would prefer to wait until such time as the city could put in a bridge in that locality. The lighting committee, through Chairman Lushinsky, reported that the committee, after negotiating with the light company as to rates, could not report, as to rates as not having a set number of lights to figure on, but as the merchants seem to think favorable of the electrolier proposi tion, they would like further time to look up the question, and in the meantime would recommend that the street lights be kept turned on. This brought on some discussion as to the pros and cons of such action. Coun cilman Buttery did not think the city could do this without violating the resolution of the council as to the payment of more than $100 for street lights. Councilman Bestor stated that the lights did not run over $100 per month under any consideration and was not in violation of the resolu tion of the council. Councilman Lushinsky, for the benfit of the other members of the council, stated that the cost of the street lights in use for the past few weeks at 7c per killowatt had been $9C. Councilman Buttery again stated I that the members did not take into consideration the fact that the time lights were kept burning had been cut down and the lights off Main street had been shut off at midnight j and some were burned only ' till 4 o'clock, instead of C, as formerly. Councilman Lushinsky, stated that the lights were operated the same as formerly, with the forty-watt lamps going off at 12 o'clock and the sixty watt lamps turned out at 4 o'clock during the summer months. This was cerified by Manager R. C. Woods of the Nebraska Lighting company, who stated that the only change in the lights was that owing to the early daybreak some of the lights were turned out at 4 instead of G o'clock in the morning. Mr. Lushinsky, for the benefit of the councilmen, gave an approximate estimate of the cost of the street lighting as the committee had figured it out, and the different lights as figured by the committee were: 71 40-candIe power lamps at $12.80 each, amounting to $908.80. 20 CO-candle power lamps at $18.00 each, amounting to $4C8.00. 42 electroliers of three CO-candle power lamps, two of which should burn until 11 o'clock and one all night, at $30 each, amounting to $1,- 512.00. Making a grand total of $2, 888.80. This, however, was merely a rough estimate based on figures of the cost of the current and operating ex penses of the light company and was not a completed report. Councilman Buttery requested that the city clerk be instructed jto secure a list of all automobile owners from the county treasurer whose license numbers had expired and look into the matter of who were entitled to operate these vehicles on the streets. Mayor Richy stated that he had not been able to secure a man for the position of motorcycle cop in the city, as two men who had been in view wanted a guarantee that they would receive sufficient salary to pay them for purchasing machines, and he had not been able to give this assurance. The ordinance to provide for a standard size and prescribing the ma terial of which foundations for the monuments in Oak Hill cemetery was to be made was placed on its third reading and passed by a unanimous vote. Chairman Harris of the cemetery committee stated that two years ago it was agreed by the council to close the ends of two streets in Oak Hill cemetery, and he would like to have the city attorney draw up an ordin ance to this effect, as one man was buried in the street, and he desired to have the change made legally. Thi3 was carried by a unanimous vote. The question of the location of a telephone pole near the Propst gar age on Vine street occasioned quite a little discussion, as Councilman Mauzy, in addressing the council, stated that the pole was in a bad place, and as Mr. Propst had put in permanent walks clear to the curb he would like to have the pole moved, and asked that the streets, alleys and bridges committee take up the mat ter with the company. After discuss ing the matter it was decided to leave the placing of the pole in the hands of the committee. Councilman Lushinsky called the attention of the council to the fact that there was an ordinance in force in regard to running vehicles out on Main street and leaving them stand there for a considerable length of time, and he desired to have the chief of police notify persons violat ing the ordinance to comply with it or suffer the penalty of the same. This was ordered by a unanimous vote. Councilman Bestor called the at tention of the council to the bridge on Maiden Lane between Main and Pearl streets, and the matter will be taken up at once to have it fixed in proper shape. Councilman Shea of the Fifth ward secured orders for the cutting of weeds and willows along streets lead ing to the shops in his ward, as well as crossing on Clara street. Councilman Harris desired to have the council take some steps to open up the street south of the Columbian school, where the road there has never been legally platted as a street, as the residents there desird to put in permanent walks if they were as surred that the street established was not to be changed. City Attorney Tidd stated to the council that in opening up the street they would be'hampefed by the fact that the state "supreme court had af firmed the county court of this coun ty in granting a permanent injunc tion against the condemning or tak ing of lot 77, for the use as a street, and unless other means of securing it was found they could do nothing. The finance committee of the city council recommended the following claims for payment and warrants ordered drawn for the same: Wil liam Barclay, salary, $75; Alvin Jones, salary, $65; M. Archer, salary, $30; William Wilson, salary, $20; Plattsmouth Water Co., hydrant rental, third quarter, $S70; F. G. Fricke & Co., supplies, cemetery, $1; C. Boetel, burying one dog, 50 cents; Plattsmouth Water Co., water for drinking fountains, $2.50; M. E. Manspeaker, street sprinkling, $32; Warga & Schuldice, supplier, labor, $3.50; Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co., rents, $3; Weyrich & nadraba, supplies to police, $2.43; Nebraska Lighting Co., light city hall, $2.52; Joe Koubek, street work, $36.40; Lambert Lister, same, $19:35; Charles McBride, same, $19.35; William Hiner, same, $19.15; Harrison Shel don, same, $15; Jno. Zitka, same, $15; Q. K. Parmele, same, $27.20; Ed Snodgrass, same, $20.20; Mike Lutz, same, $36; Peters & Richards, side walk, lots 5 and C, block 50, $44; Bruce & Standeven, surveying, $63.20; E. J. Richey, material to street com missioner, $12.25; John Bauer, ma terial street commissioner, $2.25; John Bauer, sewer pipe, etc., $274.13. "GOD'S WITNESS" WAS A VERY FINE PICTURE From Wednesday 8 Dally. , : There was a small but very ap preciative audience present last even ing at the Air Dome to witness the presentation of the Mutual master piece, "Gods Witness," in moving pic tures, and the beauty of the picture was fully appreciated by the persons fortunate enough to be present. The next of these series will be tomorrow evening, when Ibsen's "Ghosts" will be presented by the Mutual people, with an all-star cast, including Henry Walthill and Mary Alden. Mrs. M. S. Kerr and son, Merritt, of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Ray Breese and little daughter, Margaret, of Red Oak, Iowa, who have been vis iting at South Bend, Nebraska, came in this morning and are visiting at the home of Mrs. S. E. Kerr and family. RUNAWAY BOY RETURNS . TO HOME OF PARENTS From Tuesday's Dallr. Some time ago a notice appeared in this paper of the disappearance of Harry Warner of near Elmwood, a 1 4-year-old son of J. F. Warner, but the young man appears to have been satisfied with his experience and a few days ago returned home to Elm wood. There was no trace found of his whereabout until the automobile races at Omaha, when several of the boys from Elmwood met the young man in the metropolis, and a few days later he returned home to dwell under the parental roof again. COUPLE OF EVIL-DOERS GALLED BEFORE PO LICE JUDGE ARCHER Prom Tuesday's Dan. The usual peaceful atmosphere of Judge M. Archer's court was disturb ed this morning by several who were seeking justice and others whom jus tice was seeking. Levi Patton was the first to appear before the judge, as a result of his dallying with the flowing bowl to ex cess yesterday afternoon, and despite the warning of Chief Barclay to seek some spot off of Main street and rest up from the effects of his well-lit con dition, he persisted in the attack- on John Barleycorn and the officers of the law gathered him in. He was handed a little package labeled $2 and costs, and this was paid and the man sent on his way rejoicing. Another affair to come before the court was the complaint of Mrs. Frank KushinskyJ residing on Winter steen Hill, who alleged that her hus band had applied to her the most vile and revolting of names and she de sired a warrant for his arrest, which was made out and Mr. Kushinsky brought in, and who protested that at the time he had sworn at his wife she was engaged in slapping him and otherwise making life anything but a pleasant dream to him. The judge, after hearing the contradictory state ments of the two parties, set the case for next Tuesday morning, whAi, af ter a week's reflection they may be able to derive some benefit from their experience in the court. BOB PROPST HAS RECEIVED A NEW I. H. C. OIL TRACTOR From Tuesday's Daliy. This morning R. L. Propst received a new I. H. C. oil tractor, as well as a new separator, which will be oper ated this season by Charles Shopp in this section of the county in taking care of the threshing for the farmers, and the machines will be capable of taking care of a great deal of busi ness during the coming season. Letter files at the Journal office. Entertainment Committee of the Commercial Club has arranged with the Brundage Carnival Company now playing in Plattsmouth, to give a Mil and exhibition by MARSHALL'S "Happy Days in Dixie Land" Co. ON MAIN STREET AT 2 O'CLOCK SATURDAY AFTERNOON ""Owin to their show in the no free attractions offered BIG HARVEST HOME SALE NOW OPEN AT VVESCOTT'S SONS The opening of the big harvest sale at the C. E. Wescott's Sons store this morning attracted a large number through the clever and original meth ods of advertising this great annual offering of bargain in the clothing and gents' furnishing lines. One of the novel advertising methods adopted is the placing of price tickets on differ ent articles in the show windows, as well as in the store, which bears the numbers of different automobiles own ed in Cass county, and the person who can identify his number on any of the cards will receive the article on which the ticket appears. The first to dis cover his number and receive a prize today was Leland Briggs, who located his number on a ping card adorning a fine dress shirt, and. calling at the store received the shirt. Frank Gobelman was the second and found his car number was on a ticket ad vertising ties and was awarded one as his prize. This will stimulate in terest among the automobile owners of the county to come in and see if they are among the lucky ones. "Sport" Wescott is also doing his part during the harvest sale by wear ing on hi3 glossy coat a painted ad vertisement of the sale, which has attracted the attention of many on the street. The crowd of shoppers were on hand early this morning to take advantage of the bargains offered, and the store was well filled during the morning, as well as this afternoon. TO HEAR APPLICATION OF ISADORE SITZMAN FOR PARDON TODAY This afternoon in Lincoln will be held a hearing before the advisory board of pardons of the application of Isadore Sitzman for a pardon from his life sentence in the penitentiary for his part in the murder of Mike Gano, near Cedar Creek, in 1910. Sitzman and his brother-in-law, Louis Keiser, were tried and convicted in this county for the crime of murder, which from the evidence occurred when in an attempt to rob Gano they had struck him over the head with a club while he was returning to his home at a railroad camp from Cedar Creek. The two men awaited him at a lonely place on the road and in the ensuing efforts to secure the money Gano was killed. The two men were sentenced to life imprisonment on December 5, 1910. County Attorney A. G. Cole wlil represent Cass county at the hearing, remonstrating against the granting of the pardon. The relatives of the petitioner have cir culated a petition in this county which was signed by quite a large number for his release. For Sale. 1914 Bull Tractor, in good condi tion, $250.00. O. A. Davis, Murray, Nebraska. 7-12-4tw 0 city on that day there will be by the Commercial Club. FUNERAL OF FRED M. HESSE TOMORROW AFTERNOON From Tuesday's Dellr. The funeral of the late Fred M. Hesse will be held tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock from his late home on Chicago avenue, and all members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of which order Mr. Hesse was a member, are requested to be present at the services. By order of Germania Lodge No. 81, A. O. U. W. BURLINGTON HOUSE COOK DEPARTS WITH LANDLORD'S MONEY From Tuesday's Daily. Today Julius Merwick, who has been running the old boarding house on Third street, is mourning the de parture of the gentleman who has been acting as the chef at the board ing house, as well as $115 in Uncle Sam's bright new sheckles, which the chef took with him in his depart ure. As far as can be learned of the affair, Julius yesterday afternoon gave the cook a check to cash and asked him to pay the grocery account at the store of A. G. Bach, which they owed for provisions for the boarding house, but instead the chef, together with George Meill, made a quick get away and sought other and. greener pastures in which to operate, taking the coin with them. An automobile was hired and the two men departed for Omaha before Julius was aware of the movement, and it was not un til inquiries at the grocery store that he discovered that he had been double-crossed by his friends, and was apparently shy the hard-earned coin. Sheriff Quinton was informed, of the matter and at once got busy in an attempt to locate . the missing men, and this morning departed for Oma ha to look into whether they could be unearthed or not. FLOODS IN THE RE PUBLICAN VALLEY WORST IN YEARS From Tuesday TJany. Mr. Robrt D. Taylor of Franklin, Neb., who is here visiting at the home of District Clerk James Robert son and family, relates many in teresting facts in regard to the floods and high water which visited his sec tion of the state during the last month. It seems that the greatest damage done there was not through the overflow of the Republican river, but the smaller creeks feeding it, which were swollen by the terrific rains, which produced ten inches of rain throughout that section and the great volume of water sweeping through the lowlands made things look very black for the farmers whose farms were on the bottom lands. In a great many places the rich black soil of the farms are covered by from four to ten inches of sand washed up from the creeks, and for miles the lands will be almost worthless for farming. At Franklin the flood swept onto the Burlington line of railway, tearing out bridges, and near the depot in Franklin washed out the track for quite a distance and both sidetracks and the main line track were swept away and the heavy eighty-pound stel rails were crumpled up by the enormous force of the water. The depot was filled with several feet of water and it was necessary to remove a part of the equipment. The land of Mr. Taylor and Mr. Robertson was not damaged as much as a great deal of the other lands in that section, but it was ne cessary to replant a great deal of the corn. NOTICE. Owing to the disolution of our part nership, to become effective on August 1st, all accounts on our books become due and payable at once. FALTER & THIEROLF. A. F. Nickels of near Murray was among those going to Omaha this aft ernoon where he will visit for a few hours there looking after som mat ters of business. DEATH OF OLD TIME RESIDENT OF THIS CITY Z. T. Brown, Who Has Been Ailing for Several Years, Died at the Im manuel Hospital Last Evening. From Wednesday's Daily. Last evening another of the old time residents of Plattsmouth was summoned to his final reward, when Z. T. Brown passed away at the Im manuel hospital in Omaha, following an operation performed in the hope of affording him relief from an illness of several years' duration. Mr. Brown, while employed in the Burlington paint shop in this city, acquired lead poisoning1, from which he never fully recovered, and his system gradually broke down under the effects of this, so that for the past six years he has been in very poor health, gradually declining, despite all efforts to give him relief, and it was at last decided to perform an operation in the hopes of prolonging his life, but without avail. Mr. Z. T. Brown was C5 years of age and was born in Pennsylvania, where he made his home for a num ber of years, and came to Plattsmouth forty years ago, where he has resided almost continuously since that time. He was married here thirty-eight years ago to Miss Leora Scovall, and here in this city the family has been reared to manhood and woman hood. After his arrival in this city Mr. Brown entered the employ of the Bur lington railroad in their paint shop in this city and was employed there up to the time that his illness made it necessary for him to give up his vocation, and since that time he has been unable to perform any active work to any great extent. The widow and seven children, Mrs. Louis Trimpe, Omaha; Ernest Brown of the United States navy; Clarence Brown, Topeka, Kansas; Maldon Brown, Mable, Vera and Abbie Brown, of this city, are left to mourn tha death of this good man, and in their hour of grief will receive the sym pathy of the entire community. Mr. Brown, during the years of his residence here, made many warm friends, who learned with the deepest regret of his passing, and though the end was clear, the blow of his death is none the less keen to the family and friends. The body arrived this afternoon at 1:12 from Omaha and was taken to the late home, where it will remain until the funeral, which will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence in this city and the services will be conducted by Rev. F. M. Druliner, pastor of the church. ON TRAIL OF THE COOK WHO DECAMP ED WITH THE MONEY From Wednesdays Dallr. Sheriff Quinton returned yesterday afternoon from Omaha, bringing with him George Meill, who had accom panied the missing cook of the Bur lington House to Omaha, who had made away wjlh the money belonging to Julius Warwick. The cook, on ar riving in Omaha, did not tarry for any length of time, but at once departed for his former home at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, but before going left word that he would send Merwick's money back to him. Meill did not have anything to do with the taking of the money save that of having gone to Omaha with the cook, and no charge was preferred against him. It seems that the cook, George Frankes, is an old acquaintance of Merwick, and he brought him out here to do the work at the boarding house, but west ern life seems to have little attraction for George and he took flight back to the Smoky City, taking with him the coin of his friends. Mr. Merwick stated that he wculd wait a few days to see if the money was returned, and if not then the man would be brought back to this city to answer for his crime. The Journal doea Job work. )