The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 08, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1913.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
lis h
YES; one of the best things "made in America" is the GOOD AMER
ICAN DOLLAR. We know a lot about the dollar and how it is
made. That's our business the business of SCIENTIFIC, MOD
ERN BANKING. Send your "made in America" dollars our way. We
can render good STEWARDSHIP to you under laws laid down by the
United States government. NOW is the time of year to OPEN au
ACCOUNT with us.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Dr. Brendel made a professional
trip to Wabash last Thursday.
Mrs. J. A. Walker is reported as
being on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Wm. Faulk is in Kansas City,
Mo., this week visiting with her rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes were
taking in the races in Omaha last
Mrs. A. L. Baker and daughter,
Opha, were Omaha visitors Tuesday
of this week.
S. O. Pitman was looking after
some, business matters in the county
seat Tuesday.
Mrs. Addie Stokes and Mrs. Will
Stokes were Omaha visitors Wednes
day of this wek.
Mrs. Anna White arrived last week
from California to spend the sum
mer with her mother, Mrs Young.
Mrs. Will McDaniel and Mrs. Min
nie I. Wol spent the day Wednes
day with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maker.
Mrs. M. A. Craig, of Kansas City,
left for her home last Thursday after
spending the week with her aunt Mrs.
Mrs. Earl Tanney and little babe
departed this week for Valpariaso,
Nebraska, where they will make a vis
it with relatives.
Mrs. Homer Miller, of Plainview,
Nebraska, is visiting in Murray this
week, a guest at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edmunds.
Miss Clara Young came home
from the hospital last Wednesday.
Her eyes are improved and it is hoped
that she will fully recover in a few
Mrs. Ern Carroll, who has been
here visiting with relatives and
friends for the past two weeks depart
ed last Friday for her home in Or
chard, Nebraska.
This week we offek you
a full
at only D8c. A limited supply only
at this price.
D. C. Rhoden was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday evening.
Jesse McVey was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hobscheidt were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday.
J. D. Shrader attended the wrest
ling match in Omaha last Monday
Mr. ami Mrs. M. G. Churchill were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday
Mrs. John Lloyd and daughter were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker were
looking after some business matters
in Plattsmouth Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. . Hostelter are the
proud and happy parents of a fine
baby boy which arrived at their home
on the third of July.
Mrs. 1). L. Amick has been suffer
ing with an infected hand, received
from an injury by piercing that mem
ber with a rusty nail.
Mrs. E..S. Tult was visiting with
Plattsmouth friends last Saturday,
also making a brief visit at the home
of her brother and sister, south of
Mrs. Eevi Rusterholtz and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Patterson were Plattsmouth
visitors on Thursday of this week,
driving up from their home west of
Murray. They were pleasant callers
at the Journal oflice.
Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and Mrs. Wm.
Royal acted as hostesses at the picnic
dinner given at the home of Mrs.
Kennedy. Those present to enjoy the
day were Messrs and Mesdames Lloyd
Gapcn, Warren Wiley, I). A. Young,
Mrs. Ono Lawton, Mrs. Eliza Young,
Miss Pauline Oldham, Messrs. Bert
Root and Albert Young and Mrs.
Anna White, of California.
a wonderful bargain
d Spr QUii
. Tutt
United Presbyterian Services
8:00 Friday evening Preparatory Servier "The Ueward
of Sacrifice."
2:30 Saturday afternoon Preparatory Service 4,In AVhich
Group Am I'
10:00 Sabbath morning Sabbath School. (Please bring last
week's Olive Plants and Evangelists for use at Kock
11:00 Sabbath morning Communion Service ''The Kent
7:15 Sabbath Evening ('losing Service "Our Appointed
Mrs. Chas. Carroll was a Platts
mouth visitor hist Saturday.
Elmer Hall.-trom spent the Fourth
with home folks in Plattsmouth.
A. L. Baker attended the auto races
and wrestling match in Qmaha on the
Fou rth.
Frank Slkhtemeier shipped a car
load of cattle to South Omaha Tues
day evening.
George Gibson and Frank Vallery
were Council Bluffs visitors Monday
of this week.
M inford & Creamer shipped a car
load of hogs to the South Omaha mar
ket Mordoy evening.
John Jacob, the little son of Mr. ar.d
Mrs. John Stones, has been on the sick
list for the past few doys.
Oliver Llod has been numbered
willi the sick for the past week, but
is impioving at the present time.
Mrs. Kay Campbell, who has been
numbered with the sick for the past
few days, is reported some better at
this time.
W. II. Puis was looking after some
business matters and celebrating the
Fourth for a few hours with county
-eat friends.
Mrs. T. F. Jameson, of Weeping
Water, is in Murray this week visit
ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
J. T. Brendel.
Mrs. Minnie I. Wood and son and
daughter, of Lincoln, are in Murray
this week visiting among the many
friends at the old home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. lliatt and Mr.
and Mrs. M. G. Churchill and (laugh
ter, Clara, autoed to Plattsmouth
Monday to attend the brdl game in
the afternoon.
Mrs. Will McDaniel, of Nebraska
City, accompanied by her two child
ivn, are in Murray this week visiting
with the many friends and relatives
at the old home.
Charles Troop autoed to his farm
south of Murray Wednesday morning
after the big rain. The roads were
not very good, but Charley made the
trip from Plattsmouth.
Mrs. McAllister, of Willimete, Il
linois, near Chicago, was in Murray
last Sunday and Monday visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walk
er and Dr. and Mrs. (J. II. Gilmore.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kay went
to Plattsmouth last Thursday for a
short visit with friends and to attend
to some important business matters.
They were pleasant callers at the
Journal office.
Mrs. C. M. Barrows, of Cedar Coun
ty, Nebraska, and daughter, Mrs.
Sherwood, of Lyman County, South
Dakota, are in Murray this week vis
iting at the home of their son and
brother, Ted Barrows and family.
Glen Boedeker, Walt Sans and Ted
Barrows took in the auto races in Om
aha Monday. They were about like
all the other people in attendance,
very much dissappointed with the out
come of the same in the way of en
tries. Uncle Sam Latta and family re
turned home Tuesday evening from
their extended auto trip in the west.
Even though he met with many rain
falls and muddy roads, he reports a
very pleasant trip.
Murray was pretty well represented
at the auto races in Omaha Monday,
and most of them were pretty much
disappointed over the affair, too. They
spent most of the entire day on the
speedway and failed to sec liny of the
great racers, as were scheduled nn the
Miss Selma Ettrup arrived in Mur
ray this week from her home in Cop
enhagen, Denmark, and will make this
country her future home. At the pre
sent time she is helping Mrs. Berger
at the hotel, but from all indications
we are led to believe that the young
lady has an acquaintance in this
country of many years standing, and
that this was the particular cause for
her leaving her native land.
If any of the readers of tlie
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tills vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this headlnir. We
want all news items Kditok
C. E. Schwab shipped a car of hogs
to the South Omaha market last
Mr. and Mrs. William Rice and
daughter, Ester, were Plattsmouth
visitors last Saturday.
C. E. Schwab has disposed of his
fine fat cattle, selling two cars to
Rich Smith, from near Union. They
were fine ones, too, and brought a
good price.
Frank Vallery has his entire line of
threshing outfits ready for the big
lush. He has four complete outfits
that will be placed in the field as soon
as needed.
I). L. Amick has returned from his
trip down in Arkansas, and has sold
his farm possessions in that locality.
Dave says there is no place in t lie
world as good as Cass county.
The Murray Hardware company
have been doing a land office business
for the past few days in the binder
business. They have sold out almost
their entire stock, and they had a
good line, too.
Mr. and Mrs. Trinipey came down
from Omaha last Sunday evening and
remained until Tuesday morning vis
iting at the home or Mr. and Mrs.
Berger and Mr. and James Brown
south of Murray. They returned
home Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hill are re
joicing this week over the arrival of
twin babies at their home on the sec
ond of July. One boy and one gill,
weighing six and twelve pounds. The
mother and little ones are doing
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and son Walker
drove to Plattsmouth Wednesday in
time to catch the afternoon Burling
ton train for Omaha. Walker went
on to the Black Hills, where he will
make a visit with his uncle, John E.
Gilmore. for several weeks.
The conditions of the big wheat
crop in this locality are beginning to
look rather serious. The many rains
of the past few weeks have set it back
a great deal, and now that some
fields are ripening the rains keep it
in such a condition that it is im
possible to harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Schafer, Misses Pauline
Oldham, Gertrude Long, Messers Al
bert Young and George Nickels cele
brated the Fourth at Cedar Creek,
fishing. We have heard none of the
big fish stories as yet, we haven't seen
Albert Young.
Ixok over the new advertisement in
Ibis issue of the Journal for the Mur
ray Hardware and Implement Com
pany. Here you will in the future
find a little hardware talk that may
not only be of interest to you, but will
save you some money at all times,
when you are looking for hardware.
Adam Schafer, who has been suf
fering with a seige of the smallpox
for the past two weeks, is getting
along nicely at this time, but he has
sure been a very sick man. There
was not the slightest question as to
him having the smallpox, and he will
show proof of same for some time to
come. We are pleased to note that
he is getting along so nicely and will
soon be entirely recovered. :
Will Remove Stock.
Within the nest few days the line
of hardware now carried in the Puis &
Gansemer store will be invoiced and
sold to the Murray Hardware and Im
plement Co., and will be moved into
that store. This will give the new
firm an excellent line of hardware,
one of the best and most complete to
be found in a store in a town the size
Murray in the state. It is the inten
tion of the new company to carry a
complete line of hardware in all de
partments, as well as implements, and
they also intend to treat the people
right in the way of prices. The line
will be more varied in the future, and
all thev ask is a chance to supply you
what you need in their line, ana it is
up to them to make good. I
From M'pdnesdav's Dally.
Yesterday morning at the
hospital at Lincoln, John E. Moore
passed away after long years of af
fliction, and the body was brought
here this morning on No. 4 for burial.
The funeral was held this afternoon
from the undertaking rooms of M.
Hild, and the body laid to rest in the
Eikenbary cemetery, south of this
city. Mr. Moore was born in the
state of Iowa on October 27, 1954, and
was brought to this county when a
child of 5 years of age. He was from
infancy afflicted with a mental lack
ing that made it necessary for him
to be cared for by his relatives, and
it was with loving care that they
watched over him during the many
ears of his life. Since the death of
the father of the unfortunate man
some thirty years ago he has been
cared for by his brother, W. F.
Moore, and wife at their home near
Murray, and everything possible for
the care and comfort of the stricken
one was given him by the brother and
his wife until his increasing feeble
ness made it necessary to have him
taken to the hospital last October,
where he has been since that time
and until death came to relieve him.
Although a man of CO years of age,
his mind was that of a child and the
care given to him by his relatives was
all that could possibly have been ask
ed for.
The following is a short biographi
cal sketch of the late John Edgar
Moore, who died at Lincoln July 0,
1113, aged ".0 years, 8 months and 10
days, after years of suffering from
mental trouble. He was born at Dan
ville, Iowa, October 22, 1S51, and
came to Cass county, Nebraska, when
5 years of age, with his parents, J
B. and Mary E. Moore, and made his
heme here since that time until taken
to the hospital in Lincoln last Octo
ber. He leaves two brothers, Charles
R. Moore, of Fruita, Colorado, and
W. F. Moore, of Murray, and one sis
ter, Mrs. W. S. Gray, of Stevenson,
Washington; one brother, S. S. Moore,
died several years ago. The funeral
was held here yesterday ' and the
burial held in the Eikenbary cemetery
south of this city.
United Preshvterian Church News.
The primary class had a visitor last
Sabbath in the person of Jean Elling
ton of Omaha. Jean is vi-iiting her
aunt, Mrs. Royal, and expects to stay
several weeks.
George Thomas of Plattsmouth at
tended the Bovs' Junior class while
visiting his cousin, Orvilli Todd. We
wished that George could stay longer
The Happy Home Circle was enter
tained recently at the home of one of
the members, Violet Keil. The girls
and Mrs. Kennedy enjoyed the day
and thank Violet and her parents for
their kindness.
Last Sabbath evening Mrs. Todd
read Miss Latta's report of the state
Sunday school convention at Broken
Bow. This report, together with Mrs
Todd's remarks, was full of interest.
(Too Late for Last Week)
Alf. Nichels of Murray visited in
Plattsmouth last Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Moore visited her
(laughter, Margaret Moore, at St. Jos
eph's hospital in Omaha last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott left for
Richland, Kansas, Sunday night for a
short visit with Mr. Scott's parents.
Mrs. William Folk and children will
leave Friday for Kansas to visit her
parents until after the Fourth of
A. R. Young arrived Monday morn
ing from Wyoming, where she had
been the last week to look after some
Mrs. Joseph Cook was called to
Omaha last Thursday to meet Mrs. A.
R. Young and children from Valin,
South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Young and
family departed Wednesday morning
for their home in Volin, S. D., after a
short visit with their mother, Mrs.
Eliza Young, and sister, Mrs. Joseph
Cook and family.
Time to Pay Up.
Owint? to the fact that we have dis
solved partnership, all our business
matters must be settled up as soon
as possible, and in order to complete
matters we must have our book ac
counts settled up just as soon as pos
sible If you are indebted to the firm
please call and settle same now.
Baker & JNickles.
F. J. Fitch of Elmwood, who is en
gaged in the well digging business,
rame in this morning to be present in
the district court, where he is in
terested in some litigation.
Murray Hardware and
Implement Company
We have now taken charge of the Baker & Nickels hard
ware stock, that was purchased by us a few days ago, and
we are ready to meet all the old and new friends of the
store in this section of Cass county. We have also bought
the Puis & Gansemer line of hardware, and that will be
moved to our store in the near future. We want you
to call and see us, we want your hardware business, and
we are going to make a desperate effort to get it, and if
good goods at the right price is what you are looking
for we will take our chances upon securing your future
patronage in our line. This combined with the very best
treatment that we know how to deal out to you, will always
be our motto.
John Deere Gang Plows
Will be the next thing on the list for you Mr. Farmer.
Iet us talk to ou when you are ready. We also carry the
John Deere Wagon, the article that is needed on the farm
the year round. Come in and let us talk to you.
Murray Hardware and Implement Company
Fourth With Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beil.
The Fourth of July was well spent
by a few of the neighbors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beil. Music and
games served as a pastime until the
neon hour, when a delicious dinner
was served fit for a king. After din
ner the merry crowd gathered on the
banks of the river, where a few pleas
ant hours were spent. Then all re
turned to the house, whe-e ice c.eim
and cake were served. Supper was
served at o'clock After supper fire
crackers were shot off until dark, and
then a fine display of fireworks, after
which all departed for their homes,
saying that they had had a royal go .'
time for the day. Those present were:
Grandpa and Grandma Beil, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Grauf, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MVN'atc, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Beil, Misses Delia Grauf,
Vergia Campbell, Geneva and Emma
McNatt, Hazel, Freda, Mi mi a and
Goldie Sitzman, Goldie Beil, Manda
Wiley, Messrs. Raymond, Leo and
August Graup and Ew Koprrll.
Threshing Outfit for Sale.
This outfit is worth the money ask
ed for it. I have four outfits and can
not look after them all, so will sell
one of them cheap.
Frank Vallery,
Murray, Neb.
The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring than for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
Paints and Oils. Gering & Co.
Paints and Oils. Gering & Co.
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,
mu m n.
In thr Couiilv ourl of I he County of
4 nM. Nt-briiaUn.
In Pe-Kstate of Krnest IIne'ncr,
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that on July
. 1 !.", Minna lliiebner Med a )et lion
in this Court aliening tlie death te.-tate
of Krnest llncbner, a resilient ami
inhabitant of this County, on Juni lo,
1VK. ami reijuest injr that an instru
ment presented as tlie last will and
testament of said deceased, Iy which
he las devised and heijueathcd all of
his property to his widow, he admitted
to prohate and I:. C. Wenzei e ap
pointed as administrator C. T. A. in
the place of Centre Heifer, jr., nomin
ated as executor thereof.
A hearing will he had on said peti
tion at the office of the County .lud'-re.
Court House, 1 'la 1 1 smoii t h. 'ass Coun
ty. Nebraska, on the '.'nil day of Aug
ust. A. I). 1 1 1 r. , at nine o'clock n. m.,
hefore which hour all objections there
to, if any, must he filed.
I!v the Court.
au.kx .t. m:i-:si .v.
County .JjiI'.
AW A. K )Hi:KTS( N. Attorney.
MiTirj-: or si rr.
Nellie Vi!e- and Hernard f3. "Wiley,
defendants, will take notice thar on
the 14th ilav of .Mine, 1!1.",, William
K. Nickles, plaintiff herein, filed his
Amended petition in the District Couit
of Cass County. Nebraska, against said
defendants, and Alma 1 . Asch et al.,
tbe object and prayer of which are to
set asid" upon the grounds of absenci
of consideration and fraud, a ce-tain
deed purport intf to be made on Man n
Jnd, iyi', bv one Charles Kdward
Wilev to said Nellie Wiley, tind the
quietintr of the title to an nml i
one-sixth of the lands involved in raid
action, in plaintiff against said deed
and all other claims if any of said
Nellie Wilev and Hernard i. Wiley.
You and each of you are reuuirfd to
answer said amended petition on or be
fore the L'nd 1av of August, ltfl'i.
Dated this 17th dav of June. li'l'..
Bv D. O. DWYEU, His Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that an ap
plication has been made to the Gov
ernor and the Advisory Board of Par
dons for a pardon of the sentence of
Isadore Henry Sitzman, who was on
the 5th day of December, 1910, sen
tenced by the District Court within
and for Cass County, to serve a life
sentence in the State Penitentiary
for the crime of murder.
Said application will be heard be
fore the Advisory Board of Pardons
ac the State Penitentiary on the lflth
day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 24th day of June, 1915.
W. F. Fritchman departed this aft
ernoon for Omaha, accompanying his
brother, Carl, back to his home after
a short visit here with relatives.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.