PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY. JOURNAL. MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915. THE COUNTY GO . SSONERS Hill Plattsmouth, Neb., June 15, 1915. Board of equalization met as per notice published in all of the news papers in the County of Cass. Pres ent, Julius A. Pitz, C. E. Heebher, Henry Snoke, County Commissioners; W. R. Bryan, County Assessor, and Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk, re naming in session from day to day until noon Saturday, June 19, 1915. County Clerk reported the total valuation of Cass County, as returned by County Assessor, as follows: Personal $1,433,249.00 Real Estate 5,761,23(5.00 Railroads as return ed by State Auditor for year 1915. . . 1,297,336.00 Car lines 5,893.00 Grand Total $8,497,714.00 The following complaints weie re ceived and disposed of as follows: Joseph Svoboda, lots 7, 8, 9, block 1J. Duke's Addition, $800 assessed No. change. Mrs. A. H. Knee, lots 1 to 7, block 3. Duke's Addition, $460 assessed No change. Mrs. Mattie Hines, lot 3 S V SW'i 1S-12-14. $850 assessed No change. F. F. Buttery, lots 9 to 12, block i, $120 assessed No change. M. E. Manspeaker. part lots 4 and 5, block 7, $2,635.00 assessed No change. Mrs. M. B. Allison, lot 10, part lot 1 1, block 97, $2,950.00 assessed No change. II. D. Sell, lot 17 SW NVV 31-10-12, Avoca, $6,400.00 assessed No change Aug. Tartsch. E1 S-9-10-, block 47, City, $1,500.00 assessed No change. Louisa Gorder, part lot 10, all lots 11, 12, part lot 13, block 31, $1,650.00 assessed No change. Owing to the fact that the Statute provides for the equalizing of real estate in 1912 and every second year thereafter, unless a gross error in as-sesi-ment should be made, in which case the County Board shall hae authority to correct such error. The Board being of an opinion that no gross injustice had .been done in the assessment of parties filing said com plaint, voted unanimously to let old assessments stand. The Cotinty As sessor instructed bv the Board of Equalization to see that all property was justly re-assessed in l!lf. On motion, the Board adjourned to meet on call of the Countil Clerk. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, s County Clerk. Plattsmouth, Neb., June 21, 1915. Board met in regular session. Pres ent, Julius A. Pitz, C. E. Heebner and Henry Snoke, County Commissioners; Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of previous session read and approved, when the following buisness was transacted in regular form: The following resolution was adopt ed by the Board of Commissioners: WHEREAS, The interests of the County demand that $6,000 be trans ferred from the County General Fund to the County Bridge Fund; and, whereas, such transfer will not re duce the County General Fund below the sum of $10,000; now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners. That the sum of $6,000 be transferred from the County Gen eral Fund to the County Bridge Fund. Dated this 21st day of June, A. D. 1915. JULIUS A. PITZ, C. E. HEEBNER, HENRY SNOKE, County Commissioners. Attest: FRANK J. LIBERSHALL, County Clerk. The following claims were allowed on the General fund of the County: Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 1 set casters for ad ding machine 1.00 Sam G. Smithr auto hire to Commissioners 2.00 Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co., flag for court house 14.75 M. E. Manspeaker, bailiff's certificate 20.00 Crozier Brother, mdse, Miss McGinnis 5.00 J. W. Brendel, assessing Avoca precinct, 1915 123.50 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas and electricity to County.. 14.00 Omaha Printing Co., asses sor's supplies- . ... . 33.00 Clements & Co., burial of R. H. Lawton . 42.30 CJ. R. Davis, D. O., treatment to Mrs. Dwyer (refused)... 13.30 Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph Co., rents and tolls.. 35.59 V. E. Cook, due for assessing Greenwood precinct 3.23, PROCEED GS Julius A. Pitz, salary and mileage 32.80 Pentermao Brothers, mdse. for McCullough and Hold erman 7.14 Warga & Sthuldice, mantles to" court ho .se 3 Tom Isner, labor at farm.... 4 J. M. Jirojsek, mdse. to 00 50 Svatek 10.00 The Eagle Beacon, publish no tice of Board of Equaliza tion J. If. McMakon, hauling trash frora-court house August Bach, mdse. to Mrs. L. Denson Remington Typewriter Co., rent of machine to County Judge 1.00 2.50 8.00 3.00 Chas. Duffy, assigned II. Sievers, cleaning combus tion chamber of boiler .... 5.00 Y. A. Tulene, digging grave for unknown man 5.00 E. G. Dovey & Son, mdse. to Monroe, McGee and Greene 11. D. C. Morgan, postal supplies, County Superintendent .... 18.50 State Journal Co., supplies to County 13.75 Nelson Jean & Co., coal to Wittstrut 2.00 Nebraska Hospital for Insane, care and clothing for Philip S. Davis 42. S5 The Cudahy Packing Co., washing powder and soap to County 10.00 C. T. Noell, constable service establishing quarantine on " Jackman, Saylor and Chris tensen families 9.00 L. F. Langhorst, mdse. for Halterman and Mrs. Buck ley 16.38 C. S. Wortman, lease of land for road purposes 5.00 C. D. Quinton, boarding Coun ty prisoners and salary, May, 1915 178.33 Concrete Construction Co., floor in toil t room 48.00 Art Metal Construction Co., files and selving for County offices 995.85 J. H. McMaken, drayage on same 4.15 Peters fe Richards, balance on work at jail 59.95 C. E. Heebner, salary and mileage !.00 D. Jones, professional serv ices Mrs. Foster 9.00 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund of the County: Fred Clark, road work. Road District No. 11 $ 83.10 Walter Byers, load work, Road District No. 27 66 :i John II. Busche, road'worw. Road District No. 2 ...... C. F. Vallery, road work, Road District No. 1 A. A. Wallin;jer, road work. Road District No. 15 (S3 1.30-30.710 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert. Road District No. 16 R. C. Wenzel, road work. Road District No. 16 Jess Long, grading, Road District No. 1 F. W. Beil, road work, Road District No. 27 Baker & Nickels, hardware, Road District No. 10 Tom Smith, road work, Road District No. 10 Tom Smith, cleaning road, Road District No. 12 W. A. Hardnock, road work, Read District No. 16 245.15 23. 62.00 14.56 .20 42.00 18.00 5.80 40.15 7.00 18.90 J. F. .Wehrbein, road Road District No. 1 . Julius A. Pita, road Road District No. 1 R. S. McCleery, road work, work, work, 1.40 5.00 Road District No. 14 John C. Lomeyer, road work, Road Distric t No. 5 34.00 100.00 John C. Lomeyer, road work, Road District No. 5 26.70 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 14 29.00 The following claims were allowed on the Dragging fund of the County: W. A. Hardnock, dragging, District No. 16 $ 14.50 L. J. Walradt, dragging, Dis trict No. 6 D.00 A. A. Wallinger, dragging, District No. 15 11.75 Arthur Troop, dragging, Dis trict No. 1 J. F. Wehrbein, dragging, Dis trict No. 1 C. L. Wiles, dragging, Dis trict No. 1 4.70 11.70 24.00 Henry Hirz, jr., dragging, District No. 1 15.75 The following claim was allowed on the Bridge fund; y . E. J. Richey, bridge lumber. .$111 .50 The following claims were allowed on the Commissioners' Road fund: CASTOR I A Tor Infants tuid Children lbs Kind YouBaTS Alwajs Ooufit Bear th Cignatax of R. S. McCleery, concrete cul vert, Road District No. 14, Commissioners' District No. 3 (H. Snoke) $365.50 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 8, Com missioners' District No. 2 IC. E. H.) 35.00 W". J. Partridge, road work, Road District No. 13, Com missioners' District No. 2 (C. E. H.) 25.00 On motion Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, June 22, 1915. Plattsmouth, Neb.) June 22, 1915 Board met as per adjournment with all members present; but deem ing it necessary to inspect and measure bridge work performed in various localities throughout the county, adjourned for that purpose and decided to meet on Thursday, June 24th. Thursday, June 24, 1915. Beard met as per adjournment with all members present, and pro ceeded with the auditing and allowing of claims against the county as fol lows: Commissioners' Road Fund: Monarch Engineering Co., bal ance on bridge work Salt Creek Precinct, Commis sioners' District No. 3, (H. S.) ....s. $3,4.14 Monarch Engineering Co., concrete culvert, Liberty Precinct, Commissioners' District No. 2 (C. E. II.).. 291.4?) The following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, Liberty Pre cinct 2052.83 Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work. Salt Creek Precinct 456.3 Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, Greenwood Precinct 522. 3S Monarch Engineering Co., bridge repairs, Plattsmouth Precinct . 149.04 Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, Elmwood Pre cinct 820.31 On motion, the Board adjourned to meet Wednesday, July 7, 1915. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, Countv Clerk. CROPS INJURED BY TOO MUCK RAiN DUR ING THE PAST WEEK The following from Weeping Wa ter under date of July 2, give a very clear idea of the condition of the c;ops there and the weather that has been so wet in the past few weeks as to cause considerable annoyance to the farmers in their work. "Weather conditions in this vicinity are causing much trouble and worry for the farmers although as yet there has been no great destruction of ?rops. The worst storm so far was that on Wednesday, when a perfect deluge of rain came, accompanied by a stiff wind. The precipitation in about 45 minutes was 1.45 inches. The heavy downpour and the violent wind flattened the wheat in most of the fields throughout this section and it was feared that a severe loss would be entailed. Last night another rain of .43 inches came and made condi tions considerably worse. The ma jority of farmers, however, believe that unless further damage is done, much of the wheat will raise itself except on real low cr very rich ground. It is thought that most of that which does not raise can be har vested by extra work and the runing of the binder one way of the field. Harvest will be started Monday if weather permits and a heavy yield is expected. Corn in this vicinity is further along than mostp laces in the state, but is getting very weedy, as ther is very little chance to get into the fields as long as the rains con tinue." Don't use harsh physics. The reac tion weakens the bowels, leads to chronic constipation. Get Doan's Regulets. They operate easily. 25c at all stores. Will Put in Stock of Buick Autos. T. H. Pollock has rented the vacant room in the Riley block formerly oc cupied by the postoffice and will at once change the plate glass front and put in a stock of Buick Automobiles and also use the room for his Real Estate and Insurance business. Beauty Mare Than Skin Deep. A beautiful woman always has good digestion. If your digestion is faulty. Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good. Obtainable everywhere. Sell your property by an ad in Tlu Journal. WARSHIPS BATTLE IN BALTIC SEA Copenhagen Report Says Two German Batllestiips Damaged, MINE LAYER AGROUND, RUfJQR Zamosc Captured by Austro-Gerrrans as They Continue Desperate Sweep Forward Recurrence of Heavy Ar. tillery Fire by Germans In France. I-ondon. July 3. Dispatches from Stockholm and Copenhagen give mea ger reports of a naval engagement In the Baltic sea off the east roast of the island of Gothland. Several war ships are said to have been engaged A message lroui Copenhagen states that the German battleship Wittles bach, which was damaged In the ac tion, and a battleship of the K:ier class, with many shots under its water line, have returned to Kiel. Amm er report of the actionstates that the German mine layer Albatros was chased by four Russian cruisers and ran aground to escape capture. Twentyone of the mine layer's crew were killed and twenty-seven wound ed. It is s'ated that a German torpedo boat has arrived on the cjast coast of Gothland, with many wounded. Zamoic Taken by Teutont. The sudden recurrence of heavy ar tillery fire by the Germans at many points in France is a marked feature of the fighting on the western front but in the meantime the AustroGer- man advance in Galicia and in Poland Is unchecked and the Teutons have shown no disposition to diminish the Intensity of their eastern offensive. The Polish fortress of Zamosc ha-j been captured and progress In other sectors of strategic importance in the east is claimed by Berlin. For weeks it has been the same story in this the atcr of war an Austro-German rush, a Russian retreat and the end is no? In sight. A further report regarding the Dar danelles operations claims that the colonial troops have not been checked fn their efforts to advance, but that they have been used merely to keep the Turks on the front too busy to send reserves to that portiou of the line where the Anglo-French troops made an advance of l.cmo yards. Five Ships Sunk by Submarines. Three big British stea,mers, the Tn glemoor. Caucasian and Welbury, the British schooner I C. Tower aud at least one other British bark were sunk bv German submarines in waters around the British Isles, and definite reports reached Ixtndon that the de parture of British vessels from North rnerican ports is being "tipped off" to German I'-boat commanders. PRESIDENT CONSIDERS NOTE Reads Reports From State Department on Sinking of Armenian. Cornish, N. H., July 3. President Wilson spent most of the forenoon in his study at Harlakenden house, work ing on state department matters aud other official business sent here from Washington. The president read carefully reports from the state department on the Ar menian incident, studied communica tions concerning Mexico and eainind renort from Secretary I.ausinir on data laid before the state department by a committee of importers protest ing against alleged British interfer ence with trade between the United States and other neutral countries. This Information will be considered carefully in the preparations of the final draft of the note soon to be sent to Great Britain. President Wilson an son braved the ram throu&h the woods president's summer esl at Harlakenden house that the presi dent expect? to remain here another week, unless pressing business should Intervene. Attorney General Demands Indictment Lincoln, July 3. Attorney General Reed has written a letter to County Attorney Moon of Loup county, declar ing that nothing short of an indict ment of Benjamin Galhraith for the villing of Roy Fox will meet the ends If justice. His communication i In esponse to one from Mr. Moon, who attempted to justify the shooting and de"lared he would not proseeute. At torney General Reed remarks that the grand jury has only to consider the probable cause and Is not called upon to try the accused on the Justification of the act. Kills Four In Quarrel Over Crop. -IpfToraoTi fNlir tn T.ilv- Povntr. a vrmnn- farmpr chnt iml In- Btantly killed four persous of one fam ily near lenna, Mtx, as the result or '(iiani-i over me narvesung or a Tineat crop. The dead are Mrs. Julia' Rf AOfl KAl'Antit vai-wa slf - 1. ai. emi GeorKa Brpc and hir riiiifhtrx. "Mr Rni Uranna.U'rlolit o n1 Mlco Mattie Breece. -Povnter was a tenant on mis. Kreece s farm. British Announce Gains From Turks. London. .Inlv 3 An nfflflaJ eMiIp. Went irivpn nnf 1w lh Ri-itl;h vnvprti mlt unimtinr.a tU ranhiia nf rAtiain trnches in tb Dardanelles operation. Which rnm n!! t i A r.on(nn nr tt,..! part of the Turkish line gained by the IN HONOR OF ROY HUTCHISON OF MIN NEAPOLIS, MINN. At the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cole, four miles south of town, last evening was held a very pleasant social event in honor of Mr. Roy Hutchison of Minneapolis, Minn., a brother of Mrs. Cole's. The house was tastely decorated in flowers and the porch and yard was strung with prettily arranged Japanese lanterns. About 8:30 the guests arrived and proceeded to enjoy themselves. Paper and pencils were passed and each one was asked to answer the questions given them in not more than four letters. The winner of the contest was Miss Rachel Livingston and she received a handsome bouquet of cut flowers. The booby prize was won by Will Cary. Following this the evening was spent in music, very pleasing vocal solos were given by the guest of honor, Mr. Roy Hutchi son, a talented soprano singer. quartet composed of Misses Phene Richardson, Violet Freese, Will Rich ardson and Roy Hutchison, rendered some very pleasing numbers. A smile or frown contest was held, in which each guest was required to sit for two minutes without smiling. This was quite impossible for the majority to do, and forfeits had to be paid, and much merriment was caused in re deeming these forfeits. At a late hour Mrs. Cole, assisted by Mrs. Wii Oliver and Mrs. Will Cary, served very dainty refreshments. Following this instrumental numbers were given by Miss De Ella Venner, Elsie Gapen and Violet Freese. After which the guests departed, all voting Mr. and Mrs. Cole Royal entertainers and pleased at having met such a charm ing personality as Mr. Hutchison. Those who participated in this so cial enjoyment were: Misses Robbin and Phene Richardson, Jennie and Rachel Livingston, De Ella Venner, Beulah Sans, Elsie Gapen, Violet Freese, Messrs. John Livingston, Ernest, Verne and Claude Hutchison, Roy Cole, Joy Weichel, Will Richard son, Elbert Wiles, Guy Wiles, Messrs and Mesdames Will Oliver, Will Carey and the guest of honor, Roy Hutchison. ENTERTAINS IN HONOR CF v. MISS MARGARET OGNEIAN Miss Mildred Todd gave a bridge party this afternoon at the Happy Holly club in honor of her guest, Miss Margaret Donelan, of Plattsmouth, rnd for Miss Alice Coad, who leaves Friday for the east to spend the sum mer: the guests were: Misses Alice Coad, Katherine Krug, Dorothy Smith, H. Walters, Helen Ingerson, Gertrude Porter, Mona Towle, Edith Hamilton, Mable Allen, Pauline En sign of Lincoln, Jacu Allen, Helen Epeneter, Marian Turner of Council Bluffs, Blanche Deuel, Margaret How ard, Jean Hunter of Council Bluffs, Marjorie Howland, Irene Carter, Geraldine Hess of Council Bluffs, Irene Coad, Helen Van Dusen, Mrs. Chester Dudely of Council Bluffs. Omaha Bee. i 'Dr. Cary Gray- f I I a and walked I I fl Jt'l0. I surrounding the I I li3rvJlTi I tate. It was said I T-iap I S maker, we are enabled to sell you these shirts that are worth not less than $1.50 and the greater part of which are $1.75 and $2.00 values, for the popular price of . . . . We don't care what you do with the 75c you save on every one of these bargain shirts. Celebrate the 4lh with it; spend it for whatever gives you the most pleasure. Sec Shirts in Our East Window Manhattan SAirts Who is the hardest man in town to pSease? TyiTE want to meet him. Many men have come in claiming that they are hard to please and ve have sent them out wearing a f wmmm mm mi Ik "0 K ft kmkmi Wk KM 111 h 11 i mirror will prove to you that the style reflects the skill of a great artist. Come in and make a STYLEPLUS true saving. NEW TIES EVERY WEEK C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE OPENING OF THE R. W. KNORR VARIETY STORE LAST NIGHT The opening of the Popular Variety store of R. W. Knorr, on South Sixth street, last evening was a great suc cess in every way and fully 600 per sons called at the store, and the ladies were each presented with a handsome carnation which was a very dainty and much appreciated souvenir of the event. The opening proper was this morning, when at the opening hour a bargain in graniteware dishpans was offered, and inside of six minutes 200 of the dishpans were sold, and so urgent was the crowd of bargain seekers that one lady fainted in the jam at the store. The success of the opening has been very pleasing to Mr. Kncrr and shows that Plattsmouth is a live place to do business in. Paints and Oils. Gering & Co. Never Before Such Shirt Value for Saturday morning, July 3rd, we will place on sale 24 dozen brand-new shirts, including' neckband, soft culf and starched cutF stylet, featuring the popular novelty stripe pat terns, guaranteed no-fade fabrics. By taking ad vantage of an opjiortuue offer from a large shirt broad smile. Don't think you can't wear ready-to-wear clothes. Don't think you want at a-medium price. Let us show you Clothes 4P, "The same price the worJd over.7 You can roam through our selection and pick out any suit you wish, knowing that the price is only $17. You also know that the quality is guaranteed. Your own eyes will tell you that the patterns are distinctive and our THE JURY II! "GALF CASE' AGREES TO DISAGREE The famous calf case, which for two days occupied the attention of Judge Beeson and a jury composed of George Horn and Martin Friedrich, in county court, will be forced to again come to trial, as the jury, after spending all yesterday afternoon in debating the question, were unable to arrive at a verdict and settle the question of whether the calf was the property of James Terryberry or Earl Wiles, the plaintiff and defendant in the case. The value of the calf is only in the neighborhood of $23, but by the time the case is settled the costs will amount to a great deal more. Hives, eczema, itch or salt iheum sets you crazy. Can t bear the touch rf your clothing. Doan's Ointment is fine for skin itching. All druggists sell it,' 50c a box. Wall Paper. Gering & Co. $1.00 a Lit Stetson B Hats ' fuoui oa June 21.