PACE 4. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JULY t, 1 0 1 .. XZbc plattsmouth journal Published 6tml-W(kly at Piatt mouth. N b r. Entered at the Postofflce at Platwmouth, Nebiaska, as secoud-clasa mall matter. To a boy all boys are "kids' and all men "guys." :o : , R. A. BATES, Publisher Subtorlptlon Prloei S1.50 Per Year In Advenoe J- THOUGHT FOR TODAY J. J There are so many worthless V men in the world that a man J who behaves himself half of the time is tolerably sure to become v I distinguished. E. W. Howe. OUR PITIFUL WEAKNESS. :o: A wig is the only effective hair re storer. . :o: Have you made up your mind where you will celebrate? :o: Hnertu is anxious to get back into Mexico to raise more h 1. :o: Now buckle down to it, everybody, for harvest days are upon us. :o : Sometimes we think the mu.h ladle .should be our national emblem. -:o:- No man is as good as he ought to be and few are as bad as they seem. :o: The number of questions you cjin't answer will surprise even your egotistical self. :o : Neither are many people fooled by the tactful party who resigned after lie has been fired. .u : Don"t talk hard times. Haven't 3 on new potatoes and peas? What more could you s'.sk for? :o: Jess Willard wants $:0,0U0 to right, but you could get up a debate with almost any college president for $500. :o: Its not merely a long way to Tipperary, but it's a luig way until the hurdy-gurdy men stop playing Tipinrrary. :o : Harvest hands will be at a premium after next week. There will be plenty of work for those who can earn the money. :o: There are some people who seem to feci that the United States must declare war against a few powers in order to keep up with the 1015 fashions. On the other hand, Russia has so much room to roll back on! n .fjf Charity covers a multitude of sins, though most' of them too thinly. . -;o:- - ' Define the "war zone." It's the first three pages in most any news paper. :o:- There are eighteen Waterloos in No one who knows anthing about I United States; one is enough for war will contend that the "embattled Europe farmers" or other plain clothes I :o I . T . ...... patriots amount to much as a fight- -secretary Lansing, just, inuuctc.1 ng force against . season "troops. It into office' hardly be hazed by the was a handful of regulars which other secretaries covered the retreat of the defeated! :o: Union army at Bull Run, and they r'ut there is a cessation of sub- :v, ..f c.,.-.DQ,i,i ; .,: marine torpedoing, whatever the Washington had not the confederates, arguments may be for the most part, been about as :o: . . . . ... I Trrin5rrn-;s?rn of wnnllipr fnrirnst'S green as the leuerais. An interior " force of British once took the capital tireless will not help much. Rc- of this country after a militia de-1 liability is the essential thing. fene so weak it was a joke. Regulars I ": : - u: i did most of the business in whipping e.jw... ci.c, v.... c., ,:., ,. ,l j : be overdone. Some men can see a I .1 1 j. ...l .1 l.. .. given the colonel and his Rough Rid- UOUK"nut "nvn 1S a nww ers. I he power ot military training js greater than the layman who wots not ot war would imagine there is no denying that this nation of a hundred million people, and a mobile fighting force of fifty i thousand would be picking for the It sometimes seems as if what all foreign power which might head in I of us would rather do is to leave our this direction. True, our isolation, automobile prints on the sands of V I despite modern methods of naviga-1 time tion and transportation, is still a I :n powerful defense. Backed by an The new pope has such bad luck adequate navy, such as Britain has, it with interviewers that he will likely might give us a sense of security, and restrict his utterances to official com- time to prepare after the trouble munications hereafter. reaiiy siarieu. uut we naven t an :o: auequatc navy; a third or lourtn- The Indiananolis clerk who started rater, it is at best, and it is very good out to see the world on $20 6f em lunar mere is oi it. nut our coast is bezzled money did not realize what long and our possessions sratteral L whnnntr i.lnit i TIRED OF WAR. :o: Hesitate in scolding about other people, and somebody else will save l- t t iv n mill Ia mi vi it n rm j lilt: UlOagl UCttUlC J'C-1 1U1 1IUU1V.C of it. :: :o :- some men in in is old town are complaining bitterly because their wives are at the club reading papers on femininism when they should be at home spoiling the bread. :o: President Wilson comes nearer be ing a man who would "rather be riyht than be president" than any man that has occupied the executive chair in very many years. He is the president of the United States and his will is the law of the land. :o: Every American ought to be thank ful that 3,000 miles of deep water .separate us from warring Europe. The prospect is for an abundant har vest, with the assurance of plenty for cur suffering people across the water. :o The republiacns are still in posses sion of the best offices in the gift of the national administration in Ne braska. It shows that these positions are held up simply because Mr. Bryan can't agree with Mr. Hitchcock. The democrats of Nebraska are get ting tired of such monkey business. :o: Take time to read the constitution cf the United States on the Fourth. Don't go away by yourself, cither, to do it. Read in the presence of the whole family, and then learn the things it stands for. It is not going to hurt anyone to refd it, and may impress upon you the importance of conforming to the principles there inculcated. - . ' half acioss 1he world. The navy couldn't protect it all, and, com paratively speaking, we have no army. We aren't among those who fool ihemse'ives with the- notion that preparedness means permanent peace, but it does men protection which is important if a storm should gather. This is the richest country of the world, with the possible exception of the British empire, and the most populous of the western countries, except Russia, and its military weak ness is inexcusable, except on the ground that there is to be no more :o :- Some fellow away down east w:i?:ts to start a subscription to have The Hague peace palace removed to Mr. tiryan's farm near Lincoln. :o: Mr. Bryan is coming to Nebraska, so the papers state. Nothing strange about thai. Guess a fellow can go home when he has no other place to go. :o: And still it rains without any great effort. Horace (Jreely was born on a rocky New Hampshire farm. He says that, In his boyhood, the work was one for war for us. And being too proud or oxen, and that, as he did not want to too ritrht to fijrht wouldn't save us be an ox, he learned another trade. from devastation, if some militaristic At that time he couU fin(, nowhere an OOV.'Pr Should SPP n rhrinpo to ctrilrn I vr. r t ' agricultural paper. But he never i."ni;o iui su iivii: cie always i I x 1 . i i : r a. : 1 1 : 1 available, even if they have to be manufactured for the occasion. All Koil IIe oftcn wrote about farming of which should give the pacificists J and encouraged others to take up the cause and food for solemn thought, subject. How delighted he would have War is bad medicine, and we wish been to have had the opportunity now mere would h no more, but war lust i i wur jj.i QpCn t() yOUnpr men in Nebraska and now happens to be the principal oc- cunation of fho mainrltv f h other western states, and improved powers. It is hoping for a good deal them to oeneve mac mey win call a per- :o:- manent halt when the present dif ficulty is ended. -:o:- Having become a member of the bricklayers' union, President Wilson can now decline to lay cornerstones in return for n dinner. :o :- Col. Henry Watterson, editor of the Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal and a veteran of the civil war on the con federate side, uses a lot of editorial space lambasting the Germans for their militarism and the use of aero planes and submarines in war. He is also the big democrat who opposed They say Mexican money is the the nomination of Woodrow Wilson, cheapest thing in that country. If "the schoolmaster," but has changed it's any worse than the darned coun- his mind. Speaking of the great try itself it is worse than cheap. necessity of doing away with the :o: vicious innovations of the present An exchange prints a political European war he believes it is up to editorial entitled, '-Grave Danger in the United States to revise the war Declation." Many people find that Coe. "The time is at hand," he says, out when they fail to read the "when not without hope we may at stenographer's copy before mailing. tempt this. The American chief :o: magistrate seems one chosen of The automobile races in Omaha heaven to achieve it. Elsewise how next Monday are controlled entirely came such a man to be drawn from by outsi le parties, and the thousands the seclusion of learning, religion and of dollars they reap from the state philisophies and elected president of of Nebraska is taken out of the state, the United States? Since the :o: crucifixion of Christ the world has An authority on vital matters faced no such moral crisis. As God states that one-quarter of all the per- raised up Washington to create the sons born die before they are 6, and icpublican and Lincoln to save the ne-half before they are 1G, and only union, may He not have raised up f ne in one hundred lives to the age j Woodrow Wilson to rescue our Chris cf 65. If you are more than SO you ! tianitv.and our civilization from the ihould thank your stars that you are t till on earth. jaws of death wideopen and ready to swallow them?" It is unofficially but semi-officially announced that the Berlin newspaper publishing the socialist appeal for peace, overtures was shut down by the government because the govern ment feared the hostile nations would misinterpret the appeal as indicating that the German people are tired of war. Tired of war! There is a world of commentary in the reasonable supposition that the German government assigned the real reason for its action. It may well be that it was really afraid that Ger many's enemies would construe this appeal as a sign of weakness, and that it believed that by punishing the newspaper it could remove that de lusion from their minds. "Look out upon the world, my son," said Oxenstierna, the Swedish chan cellor, "and see with what little wis dom its nations are governed." In the language of the day, "isn't it the truth!" As if any government could make anybody believe, could make even it self believe, that there is any people engaged in this awful struggle and not heartily tired of it! Nations are made up of fiesh-and-blood human beings; men and women and children, with veins that bleed, i-nd hearts that ache; with affections for family and home and kindred that are rooted in the depths of their souls. There are sons and mothers. There are husbands and wives. There are brothers and sisters. There are sweethearts. Is there a son on the firing line who isn't "tired of war" when he thinks of the anxious, tor mented mother that bore him and reared him, waiting back home with an anguished heart for the bulletin that shall tell of his death? Is there a husband, anywhere in all the many enormous armies, who isn't "tired of war" because of his love for the wife whom his imagination holds ever be fore him; because of his love for the little children that in his mind's eye, he sees clustered about her knee as together they wait and wait and wait ? And those mothers and wives and sisters and sweethearts and 'ittle children "back home" they comprise a lot more than half of all the people. What government can hope to make them believe, or make p.nyone anywhere believe, they are not "tired of war!" "Tird!" Of course they are tired; tired all of them, in Germany the same as in France, and in France the samea s in Austria, and in Austria he same as in Russia; the same as in the British Isles and in all of the far-flung possessions of the British empire; the same as in Belgium and Servia, where entire peoples are al ready in the death throes. They are all tired, desperately tired, and if there is a heart in any one of them that isn't praying for the war to end it is a most unnatural heart, scarcely human. That doesn't mean they are not prepared to pay, if it must be paid, whe last full measure of devotion to the lands in which their cradles stood When the German socialists, proudly proclaiming that their country is the military victor, urge that the govern ment propose peace, it doesn't mean that they love their country any the less, or that their confidence in its might and in the justice of its cause is any the less invincible. It means simply that they realize the useless ness and folly and fruitlessness of continuing the war until all those en gaged in it are dead. It is because they love their country that they wish it to become a glorious messenger of peace. Paraphrasing the words of President Wilson, they believe it is so right that it can afford to ask that the harvest of death and tears be end ed. And as they believe so do the people of the other countries believe they are patriots, but they are tired of war. The world is tired of it. God in His heaven is wearied of it. Not even the proud and imperious German government, though it had the assist ance of all the other warring govern ments combined, could alter the fact or hide it. As long as hearts are tender and love is true there will be -:o:- weariness of war and prayers for peace, even on the part of those wh deem their cause most holy. World Herald. :o: Are you looking for better times You will be pretty apt to find them with your sleeves rolled up, :o: Weed-cutters should be able to se cure a job in most any part of the city. It has been ready to harves for several days. :o: Having . yelled "Don't rock th boat," the pacificists have settled down to the bottom of it, snugly thinking the Lusitapia will soon be :o: 1'iattsmoutn is holding its own manfully this summer. That's the secret of the citizens pulling together for that which is best for the town. Keep up the good work! :o: Don't fail to be in Plattsmouth Saturday. Two balloon ascensions one in the iorenoon and one in me atternoon. lhe band con cert will occur in the afternoon. :ci : Whan a fellow democrat, or one who thinks he is a democrat, an J thinks that Hon. G. M. Hitchcock will not be in the race for United States senator next year, has an other and bigger think coming. :o: Mr. Bryan did not make his intend ed speech in Chicago. A committee met him at the train and told him the meeting had been called off because they did not want to hear the kind of speech he was to deliver, as it would do no good. ; Sajs the Lincoln Star: Omahi jitney owners propose to fight the ordinance enacted to put them out of business, and under the law ever man is entitled to a show for his wliite alley. One of the acknowledg ed principles of law is that nobody need submit to a prohibitive tax. :o: There is no use to "wax warm Wltf,.rV....?.y:ll . .1 ! .I.,!! r,.lll,).l,i,TliSy..7yy,, mm inn n r mt m nun i mm imm Wn.iwi in n Hi t -i Vii ..''A.J Sir I HH Sit ifT- " 1 1 i m h sa m n rt m sa r. r: t.y-i J w U X t M Nfc- For Infants and Children. ALCOilOL 3 Pit CK.Vr. ling L'ic Sioucris ar.UJcac!sof The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the JLSi Promotes DiestionOitc; ness and Rest.CGitf ainsneiita-Opi-.mi.Mcrphinc nor Miami. Not Nar cqtic. rscriur S.rJ- .if SaJ Apcrfcr.t Remedy for Cansflpa tion , Sour Storuach Diarrhea Vionns .Convulsions .Fever is!r nessaiidLoss of Sleep. racSiraOe 'signature of Izx. Centaur Comcast, NEW YOKK. Signature Jv ft J$ to nJP Use ji For Over t ifemjd life C7'3Jy. Guaranteed uaiSTM Exact Copy of Wrapper Thirty Yean TMC omuun corN, r e w torn citt It is ea.-y to follow the crowd, but t is harder to get to the front. :n : It's hard to tell by the hat this year whether the wearer is a man or woman. ::- over the location of the new library According to law the library board has the authority to select the site and what's the use of trying to take the matter out of their hands? Y should not get in a wrangle over the location. There is no possible chunc of losing the building entirely. :o: There is not a citizen in these United States that will dare dispute that Mr. Bryan is one of the greatest men that ever trod American soil That is not why so many people have fallen out with him. The great trouble with Mr. Bryan is that he wants to rule the roost or will fly the coop. The people will stand for no dictatorship. Three different attempts for street fairs to get in here have failed. No place to set upon is the cause. Vell, the poor people of Plattsmouth don't nppd anv amusement, anyway, and those who principally oppose horn amusements have the money to go away from home to secure suen amusement as thtr desire at the watering places and other points of interest. :o : Andrew Carmical is the managing editor of a newspaper in Okmulgee, Okla. He was alone in his office the other morning when a man entered the door quietly, closed, then locked it. "Are you the editor?" Car mical was asked. "No, but I rep resent him," the newspaper man re plied. "Then I'm going to make you eat last night's issue of your paper,' the visitor said. "All right, but be fore you do you'd better lock the door w. , f 4 pgain. it nas come ojeu, mical replied. The man turned, but the door still was locked. When he faced Carmical again he looked into the muzzle of a revolver. The news paper was not eaten, but the stranger i was arrested. In jail he sai4 that an j rticle in the paper, which stated that j men who beat their wives should in turn be beaten by a jury of twelve men, had been a direct slap at him. j Most town farmers are agri- cultiui-ts. Which means they itie helva farmers. :o: The man who can make a living out f politics is either mighty good or mighty rotten. :o : When you are determined to make p your mir.d be sure you are goii g to use good material. :o : . If Adam was the guy who dis covered oratory ),o wonder he was turned out of the park. :: A taste for watermelon is a purely elementary, uncultivated one it may be, we should say, purely eiimentary. :o: The little bey is preparing for a ::afe and sane Fourth by saving up money to buy firecrackers and other explosives. ' :o:- l!y proclamation Governor More head has designated Sunday, July IS, as "Purity Sunday,"' in compliance with a re;uest of the world's purity federation. To purify vice is lhj idea of the movement, and from all re ports they would not have to go any farther than the state house to spread a little purification of the genuine stamp.' :o: Plattsmouth needs a show lot worse than any city of its size in the state, and we ought to make an effort to provide some lots not so far out from the business section of the city. The router of one of the largest .-hows on the load was here a few days ago, and left in disgust because he could find no suitable grounds. Such amuse ments visit all the towns and the great er majority of the people of Platts- President Wilson has started the i mouth would appreciate a visit from new presidential practice of calling on people he wishes to sec which adequately proves that he does. :i:- It is about time for the govern ment to rif-e in its wrath and issue an other statement to Mexico threaten ing to issue more statements later. :o : You can take your choice of three days to celebrate this year Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Some people no doubt will be greedy enough to cele brate all three of them. . :o: The weed-cutters are csilainly all busy, as we have been on the lookout for one for three days. There must be large acreage of weeds in this town to cut. Tea one ct tnem to come our way, please. Nebraska City is right in it for amusement, iney are enjojing uu: Brundage Carnival company this .. .i .' i i wee;:, wincn mey say is grauu, aiiu then on top of this comes the Hagen- back-Wallace show. . While Platts mouth gets what the boy shot at. a first-class circus at least once each season. :o : At East St. Louis the other day the principal of the high school conceived a brilliant plan. He arranged for a debate on the sibject: "Kcsolved, That Germany was Justified in Sink ing the Lusitania." He even went further and asked a young Russian student, Abe Kadmaa, to fake t he af firmative side of the debate. Abe proved to be a better American than is his tutor. lie refused to participate on the ground that it would violate President Wil.-on's neutrality procla mation. The hoy was expelled from the school, but was upheld by the president of the hoard of educaticn and reinstated. The principal, who ever he may be, should be overlooked when the teachers are re-e!ctd. It seem too absurd to be true that a person in the guise of an educator should choose such a subjet at this time, much less seek to arouse un neutral racial hatred in the heart of a son of a naturalized American citizen. I THE DENTISTS Saccr t BA1LSY A MACH Th larrest and best equipped dental offices In Omaha. Experts la eharg of all work. Lady attendant. ModoraU Prices. Porclain fillings just lik tooth. Instruments carefully sterilixed after using1. I THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA cc tMloneyJill GurerJ FUtuta and All Ractal Dlsaaaas curad .vlh out the knif a. Pirmantnt curaa (uarant. Wrlta far Fraa lllustratad bock on Rectal Dlaeaaaa and testimonials of hundred 3 curad patianta In Mauraaka and Iowa. DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee Bids., Omaha, fieb.