PLATTS-UOUTH SE1II-TVEEELT JOURNAC MONDAY. JUNE 21, 1913. PAGE 5. 55 V v J: GUARANTEED 'i WHITE 6CCDS THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE ANDREW 3. PIHIE THIS AFTERNOON In the Spring Time, Summer Time, Party Time and All The Time The Guaranteed White Goods For Women Misses and CHILDREN. Striking Patterns Novel Weaves -BEES! H M m-fmvM B I till PHONES 53 and 54. THE DAYLIGHT STORE. Tho funeral of the late Andrew B. Pitie was helil this afternoon from tho Burlington train No. 21, on which the body was brought f'-om the kit',''; at Atchison, Kansas, and the casket was taken direct from the sta tion t Oak Hill cemetery, where the burial was had in the family lot in that beautiful silent city. There wore ;ui'e a number of the old friends of tho. Birie family pre-rnt to pay their 'a t respects to their od and well loved fii'-n.l. The services were held at the heme in Atchison Sunday even ing at o'clock. before the body was tak n to tin; statioi for shipment her and at the nave the burial serv ie ? of the Epieop;.l i hutch was read by Dr. T. 1. Livingston, lay reader of St. Luke's church and an old friend of .Mr. and Mr.--. Line. Th widow accompanied the body to this f;y to be present when it was laid to its tinal res'. 'iMItSSZ n pi at? rfht On Wednesday, .Tune l:th, at I'latte t'er-.ler, b.. h-:-ii rred the marriage of Mi-s .Maet'delene Sprie.uvl to Lev. Martin I. Mortenson. Tin- was solor-micd by Lev. Sprieirel, fath.M- of the bride, and the ceremony was a witnessed by a number of the relatives and close friends of the eor. tiaetiiifr parties. Miss Atrnes Sprieel a.'-.d Mr.! Mm ten-on, sister and brother of the b: ide and jrroom were ihe attendants at the wedding. The bride is a daughter of Lev. 1'red fpii.-el and was born and :i --v- to womanhood southwest -of this ciy. where her father was for a num ber of years in chnr.e if the Corm'un church. She graduated f rem Midland if.l'i've at Atchison, Kansas, in L i 1. The jrroom is also a jri adnata of ?.I id land cohere, as v.ell as of the We d ci n Theological seminal y located at Atehi.-on. The yovjnjr people will make their homo in Liberty, Illinois, where Lev. Mortenson is t-njrajred in church work. FANS DISAPPOINTED WHEN SHAMROCKS FAIL TO APPEAR The base ball jrame between the Shamrocks of South Omaha and the Led Sox, which was scheduled to oc cur yesterday afternoon at the local lot, was not pulled off, owintr to the fact that the representatives of Oma ha's new addition failed to connect with the 2:41 Missouri Pacific train and thereby disappointed the fans, who had gathered to witness the fray. The Sox were on the grounds ready to go, but no foe appearing they were forced to withdraw to their homes to sjiend the day otherwise than in at tempting to take the contest from the Shamrocks. The failure of the visit ors to appear was very much of a disappointment to the management of the base ball association, as they had been assured that they "would be here. NOTICE! All per:-:o.ns and all boys are hereby notified against the .-hooting of air and rlinf.-hoLs inside the cor porate limits: that upon complaints Loir.g ma-L' of th sk-iot-a r of raid air-rules and slingshots within the! corporate limits of said city, and in I any raaur.e:- injuring animals or prop- erty or persons, will be arretted and j prosecuted under the law. Ly order of Chief of Police. WILLIAM M. LALCLAY, Ctd Chief of Police. REV.W.S.UETEGETTiilS ALONG li! FIRE SHAPE Card f Thanks. We desire to express our heartfelt feeling of gratitude to those who as sisted in the care fo our daughter dating her la-d iJness ami in looking after the t hilui t :i and. a!--o to those who were so sympathetic and kii: I at the time of the death and funeial of our belove 1 daujjhter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheuberout. Letters received from Lev. W. S. Leete .who is at Colo: ado Springs, Colorado, state that he is getting a:.;n'r in line shape and feeling very much improved in health and feels that th climate of Colorado has been f-f immrn-r- b. jieiit to him. lie has visited a number of points of interest in the locality of Colorado Springs, including the famous Woodman sanitarium m ar that city, and has en joyed himself to the utmost, as he has met a i-umbcr f old fiicn Is there who have a.-i.-.t od him in seeing the coun tiy. lie expects to return home .-ho;tly. Plank books of ail kinds at the Journal office. rw - ' v k CT"V 15.? I slLl DM Hi! UK J? ?i a GIVEN AT THE ES?m UT mrm ii wm ri u m ma m.m i j iL: mm i.j i " u w am Saturday Evening, JUKE 26th Good fiiusic, a Good Time arid Good Order fissured! Gents 50c - ADMISSION J Ladies Free Music by Plattsmouth Orchestra WHAT OiiH NESGSIBOnS SAY AE-OUT PLAIT8M0UTH Plattsmr.uth has arranged to make Saturday afternoon during the sum mer, entertainment day. The object of the day is to get town and coun try peopl? closer together and to in ciease business for the towns people. There will be band concerts and out door entertainments, a i est loom for the ladies and Liattsmouth ladies will i.ct j.s ho.--tes.sos and entertainers of their sisters from the country. A fine scheme and it will not only result in establishing belter business relations, but bl.ewi ,e a better feeling of broth el hood and sislei hood.' between town and country citi.ens. Plattsmouth people are the best what is and they understand just how to do the nice things at all times. Lincoln Herald. NOTICE TO MOW WMIIDS! Notice is hereby given that all pi opei ly owners are required by Ordinance to mow the weeds adjoining their property in the 5;treetsand r.l leys of the City of Plattsmouth, be tween the l.'th day of Jure and the 1st day of July. On failure f.o to mow the weeds the City of Plattsmouth, under the direction of the Street Cemrnissionc r, will mow the woods on and after July 1st, and tax the same to the property adjoining the place where the weeds are mown. P.y Order of Street Commissioner. MIKE LUTZ, Street Commissioner. G-15-lwk iimUL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ST. LUKE'S CHURCH On Wednesday evening, June 23, there will be a recital given by Miss Carrie B. Hoyt of Davenport, Iowa, and Mis. Ralph White of Victoria, Texas, at the home of Mrs. Pell Gass on Vine street. The proceeds of the recital will be given for the benefit of St. Luke's church of this city. The admission fee of 2.j cents will be charged and eveiyonej is invited to be present and enjoy this splendid musical treat in a most worthy cause. Come to PlattsmoutSi Saturday aft- rmxja and attend the free Hand Con cert and I'nicycle act. l'ree auction f all farm produce brought in. Con cert starts at 1 :20. IN PLATTSMOUTH A FOKTY YEARS AGO. The first alarm of fire in many months was heard on Friday last. It proved only a shanty on Sixth street. A litle fracas on Main street Mon day night, and the best man paid his fine of 5 on his own information. The silvery notes from Prof. Fowl er's automatic mouth-piece on his cornet rings out clear and distinct on our ears. IN PLATTSMOUTH LOLTY Y II A US AC.O. Joseph lira-key has opened a pic nic gardtn over by the machine shops. We are sorry to learn that the rain Sunday night did some damage to Dr. .Schildknecht's premises again, al though slight, compared with the last storm. A young son of Mr. Newell, the plasterer was kicked by a horse Sun day; fortunately Dr. Schildknecht was handy and the boy was soon fixed al most sis good as new. It is about time that examination of Mike Schnellbacher took place. About matrimony we mean. Come, Mike, Lilly begins to look married all over and your turn is hero. People's meeting. Scene tho street. "Mr. President. I move that the city of Pint t. -mouth be moved ' i no side to make room for Loony's baiber pole." "Second the motion." Carried. Married Mr. P. ilendrickson and Miss Nettie Johnson were married o.i Saturday evening, June L'Oth, by the Lev. Mr. Lurtress. No cards, and the happy pair, or part of the pair, at least, leaves for Deadwood in a few lays. The Herald wishes them much happiness. Now some of you who. have the money start a building association for Plattsmouth. That's what we need, (live the poor men that are here a chance to get a home of their own, newcomers a decent place to live in. and hold out encouragement for me chanics and others to settle here, by providing work for them to do. That's the wav to make a town. Weeping Water notes: Mary Fowler is worse again. Peed Brothers hae come out in a -slOd rig. Mrs. Nelson Sayles has lately re turned from the east. J;m Owen has left town. Mrs. Thorngate is at Tabor, Iowa. Mr. Shank, from Lincoln, has been visiting at Sol. Leardsley's. Mrs. John Chase is very sick. Mary Jinks has returned from Ta bor and will leave for Colorado in a few lays. All of Seymour Reed's family have the ague. Carry Treat's family have the ague. Mr. Woodford's family have the ague. Frank Wolcott's family have been having th? ague. Mr. Ingersoll's fam ily have been having the ague. A great many other families either have or have been having the ague. Will Coatman and Hell Malcolm are married. It is the same old story, the parents objected and the young folks ran away from homo to be spliced. The Congregational church is with out a pastor. The church is somewhat in debt, and they propose to pay the debt before hiring a minister. Your correspondent has made a mathemati cal calculation to ascertain how long at the present rate it will be before the debt will be paid. During the live weeks they have been running without a minister just 25 cents has been raised towards paying the debt. At that rate it will be only just- 114 years, 11 months, 2i days, 7 hours, 111 min utes and 1 second before the debt will be paid and they are ready to hire a pastor. Query: How long can a church live without a pastor? Lucile. Plattsmouth will celebrate Satur day. Free Hand Concert and Uni cycle act. Concert at 1:30. Come in and have a pleasant afternoon. "Billy" Sunday, the Man, and His Message at the Journal office for $1.00. This work contains the heart of Mr. Sunday's gospel message. Come in and get yours while they last, as The marshal made some arrests at the brick yard the other night, and Judge Cass applied .the law, to the plea of guilty. The B. & M. have put two of the handsomest new coaches on lately to be found in the west. They are made and finished in black walnut and very tasty in every detali. Frank Carruth had a little tussle yesterday p. m. with a fellow named Hendricks, who wanted his watch without paying Sl.To charges for re airs. Frank ordered him out of the house after having stood his abuse for some time, and as he did not feel dis posed to go out, a little force was adopted ami after breaking a glass out of tho door, he had to irive in. I'at took him down to the cooler, and ho will have his trial today. Coming home the other night we saw the most beautiful prairie fire between Kouth Pond and Lincoln. Nearly tho whole country had been burned over; near Waverly the line of tire was a mile long and very brilliant. At another place there were thou sands of young trees or shrubs that retained tho lire after the main (lame had swept by, giving the appearance of a vast encampment viewed from a distance. Altogether it lcminded one of old times when the whole stretch of country to tho west used to burn over every year. Wo saw a curious thing the other 'ay in the medical way. John Leady. a well known citizen of this county, was, struck by the limb of a falling Lice twenty-two years ago in his old home in Iowa. It stunned him at tho time, but was not thought serious. Twenty years after the hone had de cayed so as to become soft and spongy and began to pain him ter ribly. About a year ago "he went up to Omaha, and Drs. Tilden and Mercer poifoimed an operation, cutting open the skin of the forehead, and remov ing a piece, or pieces of bone, two and one-half inches long ami half an inch wide. It has now all healed up but a hole about one inch long and a quarter of an inch wide in the center of the i'oiehead, and which still shows clear through the frontal bono. Mr. L. has been over in Iowa for a year, and is now on his way back to South Bend, near which he lives. Some important changes have taken place very recently among the B. & M. R. Ii. officials. Mr. W. B. Irving, late superintendent, retiring to take a position as purchasing agent on the C, B. & (., with headquarters at Chi cago, and Mr. Touzalin assuming the management of the road in his stead. Mr. Irving has held this position for some five years or more, and his ad vancement to a still more important and responsible position gives proof of the ability with which he has filled this one. Mr. Touzalin has been in charge of the land department of the toad for some time, wh'x-h position he has occupied with signal ability and success. The same qualities exercised in the general management of the. road, with the co-operation of Assist ant Superintendent lloldrege, whose merits are so well known as to need no reiteration at our hands, will en sure the continued prosperity and popularity of the B. & M. in Nebraska. NOTICK! Notice is hereby given to all parties that the throwing of weeds, stones and debris in the gutters and water courses of the city is by law made a misdemeanor, and all persons found guilty of so obstructing the concrete gutters and other gutters of tho city will be arrested and prosecuted. By Order of the City Council. MIKE LUTZ, Street Commissioner. f-15-td Office supplies at the Journal office. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Th8 Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Corsets! We carry a good stock of the most up-to-date, best wearing, most comfortable corset on the market, at a price from $1.00 to $loo. We can fill a long felt want. After a long study we have de cided that the IJOVAL WOKCKSTKK Corset fills the bill for more than the average figure. We sell this corset with a full guarantee. Xon-rustable. Ask to see the Kon-Ton No. 22 at :$.oi). This is one of the popular numbers. Zuckweiler & Lots E22 ryftgrraggTiKss Li AVIUM COMING TO PLATTS MOUTH ON MONDAY EVENING The Port Smith Cadet Hand The Largest Boys Band in the Country. Dr. G. R. Davis, Osteopathic Physician 3 Yeirs GralJats of th! Kirksville Schoo General Office Practice 7th and Main St., Plattsmouth, N b. PHONE 484 This band has scored a BIG HIT; wherever they have appeared. These' boys play tho most difhcult classics,' as well as the popular music of the' days. The music-hiving public should! not fail to come and hear these little j boys play. Brinj; tho children, as j this will prove a trre-it incentive to: them. These boys are playing their . way to tho Panama-I'aciiie exposition and will appear at tho Air dome on Monday, June 2S. j.l-l?.!, .. .. -- 1 FAILMS I OR SAL I'. Nebraska. ONI' OF TIIL UK ST FARMS KVKR OFFKRKI) FOR SALK IN MKRRICK COUNTY. f,''0 acres. 8 miles Central City, fine frraded road into town; rot a hiil; lies level; no waste; no better soil in the state; new H-room house; bain built about three years, stalls for 18 horses, la:;;o mow; frranaiy, room for 3.000 bu., another Ki'ai'-'.v, lx-l; silo; two hojr houses; all other neces sary outbuildings; well and mil!; plenty of shade; fine jrrove; 2i acres in pasture; running water; 27i) acres in crop. 20 acres in alfalfa, cuts T tons or better to tho acre during sea son. 100 acres fenced with woven wire, ce lar posts new, fenced in three fields, 80, 00 and 1'0 acres. (Jood school one mile, church two miles, more than $lo0 per acre within the cash, balance rood terms. Tho owner of this farm had 170 acres in corn last year that averajrel better than 00 bushels to tho acre. If interested, come and see this farm and you will ajrree with us that it will sell for moret han SL'O per acre within tho next three years. We advertise noth ing but bargains. ST A ATS REAL ESTATE & IN VESTMENT CO CENTRAL CITY, NEB. r.-L'i-ntd-itw The rwaiuitlyifs "Ennl-sli" tan or Hack $5 and $G ADY in -hair in mi i To Wear Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a lemedy that every family should bo provided with, and especial ly d u rim; the summer months. Think of the pain ami suffering that must be endured when medicine must be sent for or before relief can be obtain ed. The remedy is thoroughly re liable. Ask anyone who has used it. Obtainable everywhere. Regular 75c vaiues in Initial Sta tionery at the Journal office for fiOc. No "breaking in"-you'll have comfort when you put your feet in FLORSHEIM "Natural Shape" oxfords they're cool, because Skeleton Lined. The style and shape you like best can be had in a Florsheim. CALL AND SEE US! Shoe Company i Ti - - t-i. r '- Oo asBsaraogaagssBhjag'fBgSBS' B-ma E III VI iiiuiui. Wlfe ! u yf--:F FRANK I 1 B3B2S3C2E8 Get your house in a lioli (I a y appearance. For house painting we be lieve tliisiniilsimiiner sea son is the best time to do it and we would recom mend that you secure the paint that you require for the job from ih. We say this because we be lieve by patronizing us you will save money. GOB ELM, Hotel Riley Block, Plattsmouth, Neb. g Bears tho Sip Bi4jnatur of CZf TT ?v: r.r ;we only have a few.