PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY jouknae. MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1915. 'Cbc plattsmoutb journal Published Sam l-W eekly at Plattamouth, Nabr. Entered at the I'obtoflice at Plattsmoutb. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Prloej S1.50 Per Year In Advanoi Be a live one and the city will never be a dead one. :o: When someone plans to help the town, plan to help the plan. :o: Where are you going to celebrate the Fourth? :o: One or the other is broken when a man tries to sell his automobile. :o: I When the Farmer Comes to Town. Do your marrying early but better -:o: THOUGHT FOR TODAY. I- If women ever really take to . tVi. Imr 'ri()iislv. m:iv I'rovi- v.a . . . - " " , . m-lm iliiii'i nrntpft th nvpracfi beini? ? , . J ' ' . l- iii trousers when on the witness stand. Faul Leicester Ford. :o: There is a bumper hay crop in Ne braska, and no mistake. :o: When it comes to crowing, a self made man can beat a rooster. :o: It is easy, to follow the crowd, but it is harder to get to the front. late than not at all. ii ... - . i now uo you greet tne iarmer wnen :o: ne comes to ruattsmoutn : is your j)art ef religion greeting such that he feels that he friends. Or should be. is with us, but not of us? Or is he made to feel that he is in his town, among his people, or with his friends? The making or marring of Platts- moulh depends greatly upon your at titude toward the farmer when he favors us with his visits. He is the nam ii'-wmijj'Um'iJ'H is making Children Cry for Fletcher' s THINK PEACE; TALK PEACE. -:o:- The fate of Leo M. Frank now rests with the governor of Georgia. :o: The hardest pillow that a man ever tried to sleep on is a guilty con re ie nee. :o: Silence is quite often an evidence that a fellow is possessed of a little wisdom. :o: Very often a man thinks he is pop ular with the ladies because they find him useful. :o: Farming is a very poetic occupa tion to people who sit around in the shade and talk about it. : : The smartest young man that we know of is the one who has succeeded in taming his wild oats. :o: Uncle Sam's hat has not fytt been thrown into the ring. We hope he will keep it on his head. :o: The weekly concerts are a go and the first one will take place tomorrow afternoon if it don't rain. :o: Col. George M. Harvey must regret that he has to wait until next month to discuss the Bryan case. :: If Mr. Gnmptrs did not indorse Mr. Walsh he would lay himself open to a charge of base ingratitude. More than 1,500,000 men are dead backbone of the community, and with in tnis war. wnat docs civilization out his aid and encouragement we How soon we become accustomed to I mean to them? would be an unsuccessful business i the horrors of war, especially when J :o: community. The townsman is no bet- another nation surfers. The sinking lfc is njr1 to make - a hatful of Ut than the man from the farm, and of an English merchant ship by a Ger-I money unless there is a headful of the farmer can claim no superiority man submarine no longer draws a brains under the hat. over the townsman. We are all hu- lirst page top head in the average -- man beings, with the same aims and American newspaper. Occasionally Notwithstanding the advance in the purposes in life, and endowed with the when the daily toll is three or four -'ricc of Paint our cleanly citizens use same brands of intelligence. In fact, ships, with one of them belonging to it; on thoir homes, and many women We are brothers of common com I . i - y i a neutral nation, they are grouped fori on ineir laces. munity, the only difference being that :i lead." A year ago the sinking of a :o: the one lives in town, where life is a ... .. . I TV..,'- tU 4U: 1 " . I .. . ...... single shin would have ca ed for L little more divers f ed. wh e the other I .1.1-. .1 i 1 ...L A . 1 1 - I newspaper extras. Now the flood of eoieu wnoii to pronuiiion,urt.athe;. Go(ps e ;lir in the en war stories crowd the single ship dis- Pr,ntctl 11 aP recently of the United fields of the country. Let us remem- I 1 i 1 T T - , 1 I aster to an inside page. Can England -iaiCs snowing i.Ke .uicnigan dry. ber lhat we are brothers, and sisters, stand' the submarine slaughter at the :u: and cousins, and that the welfare of rate it is now beirg carried on in- Many June bridc:i are P'omising to lhe one is vital lo thu success of the definitely? A writer in Public "bey their husband, which means that othcn When we ride out into the Opinion says Great Britain, with its lhey wiU adhcrc to such urdcrs as uru country the farmer extends the hand thousands upon thousands of craft, can lose a couple of merchant ships daily for ten years and still have quite a merchant marine at the end of lhat time, as it is turning out new ships almost as fast as old ones are in accordance with the bride's origin al instructions. :o: it you see some ot your women of fellowship, bids us welcome, and hands us a hearty "come again." It is a delightful characteristic of the man from the farm, for his greeting is sincere and his invitation is from being sent to the bottom. While that P-s-sibility f 11 wa' WM Germany as may be true, each boat sunk, where friends in deep and anxious consulta lion, it is not so likely to be about the the heart Put what of us when the farmer comes to town? Is our welcome on -:o: A woman is this kind of a creature: She will give her husband no rest un til she gets a new hat, and when she gets it she goes bareheaded. :o: Some people seem to disparge Mr. Dryan's work as secretary of state, in spite of the fact that he made several diplomats drink grape juice. :o: Deliberation, thy other name is the man on foot about to cross a down town street. Think twice before you speak anl look four times before you step. You are sure then not to be struck by an automobile. :o: The rumor that Ross Hammond of the Fremont Tribune is to assume editorial management of the Omaha Dee, may be true, but we doubt it. The Kosewaters have made a success of the Dee, and it may prove a bad move for the success of the paper to have fricm step aside for anyone else. :o: 1.3 partisanship dead? The State Journal, which has been intensely paitisan heretofore, is of the opinion that it is. Dut we are not so sure of that. There may still remain a democratic end republican party for many years to come, but the simple nomination from cither party is not by any means going to be an assur rance of election. The common peo ple arc weary of following the poli tical trail of either party. They arc better posted today than they were even ten and twenty years ago, ar.d propose to vote in the future as their consciences dictates. there is loss of life, brings sorrow and anguish to someone. In this connec tion these words of Archbishop Ire land at the Chicago peace jubilee, af ter the close of the Spanish-American war, are recalled: "Killed only one; the glad news rang, the headlines read, the newsboys cried; killed only one; he was my son, what were a thousand to this one, my only son? Reduce to the smallest sacrifice of human life the carnage of the battle field, and someone is dead, someone is bereft." How strongly that was brought home to us in the sinking of the Lusitania, and in one or two other instances. For that reason, as well as many others, think peace and talk peace. In this terrible time it is bet ter than talking and lightly consider ing the consequences of the other side. ' :o: "I am thinking only of my coun try," is a pretty good motto for every citizen. :o : Fox trotting produces insanity, says a doctor of note. Don't ask your girls to do it, boys. :o: A mail order catalogue is the foundation for a lot of air castles built by boys down on the farm. :o: the Scandinavian nations have i.'Ccn getting rid of lhe vagaries of summer fashions. : o : Two weeks only till the Fourth of July. Many towns will celebrate on Saturday, others on Monday, but Plattsmoutb will have no choice in the matter, as she will not celebrate very elaborately this year. :o: As the interstate commerce com mission seems disposed to make un popular rulings, they might also re quire that no trunk should be ship ped on the same tiain on which the owner of it is traveling. "T 1 1 . 1 1'eopie win never agree witn a newspaper as to what is proper news." :o: It is best for the boomer to confine himself to the truth and thus give the knocker no chance to knock. :o: It is indeed embarrassing when Vil la, Carranaa, Obregon, etc., refuse to quail when our government sets the I dove of peace on them. :o: Government experts say insect pests destroy St.00.000,000 worth cf crops yearly, probably not including the kid that steal fruit. The cultivated fruit known under the name of "grape fruit" no longer grows in clusters like huge bunches of grapes, as it did in the uncultivated state. id is lounu sometimes in groups of two or three, but generally il grows singly. The United States i department of agriculture has de cided that the old name has become misleading for this reason and that the fruit shall henceforth be called! "pomelo." :o: Don't worry if a new improvement comes along. When the linotype was first intioduced ii was said printers! Di vim . bt, . -ujnik. , , The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vhiob has lccn in iio ;or over years, uas borne tlio signature ot ana lias ucen mauo under his nor- -y- sonal supervision since its infancy. X JCCSua Allow no oi'O to deceive vouin ifiis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ( Just-as-good " are but i:xeriiuci;ts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against -Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare Roric, Jreps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, JMorphino nor other Aarcotie suhstancc. Its iijxc is its guarantee. It destroys AVornia mid allays I'ev richness. I'or more than tliirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, V'ind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Iiarrhc.a. It regulates the titomaeh. and liowels, assimilates the Food, ivinsr healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The .Mother's Friend. GEHuim: CASTOR I A always 3ears the Signature of Tko lima Ym Have Always Bought Sn Use For Over 30 Years th k "c r ntauh cor ' . frw VOMK CITV the same high plane as his made to feel and realize that our smile is for him, and not for the con tents of his purse? We of the town are proud of the farmers cf this com munity, and of their wives and their daughters. They are men and women of a high order of intelligence, whose integrity is beyond question, am Is he Wo.uM ' thrown out of employment, Mrijr ftfiEUlim Pfl!.! but more printers are employed' today I "Jl LiiiilU UiUs than ever before. When the auto mobile was first brought out people said it would banish the horse, but horses are worth twice as much now as they were a few years ago. Old age, and not improvements, is what CERT POSTPONED ACCOUNT OF RAIN j will get your job. -:o:- TliUTH IX ADVEItTISIXC." of re Probably a larger percentage American minds than ever before devoted with anxious sincerity to ideals of social service are zealously trying somehow to leave the world better for their having lived in it. And, of course, this sincere impulse incites all sorts of followers and tail-ers-on to busy themselves in ways that at least look similar. As a result we have many "re form" movements which too often fail to perform, and various "uplift" or ganizations which do little but lift their promoters into temporary, though sometimes profitable, personal notoriety. Hence it is peculiarly a pleasure to take note of a business re form organization which has notably their. merchant I net-formed. anH of n ln;;n.. nr.lift marine very rapidly since the Europ- movement that is efficiently liftinir the general welfare. ;o: That is the Associated Advertising Yl'l.. I.. - .. - i i . . I I'euj.ies, warn owiy, out clubs of the World, whose eleventh they learn. Nobody now undertakes annuai convention will be held. in Chi to paper a room, bu, turns the job cajro next wcek It was a chicaKO over to a professional. t ,,,.,. , .,. .. ; ,,, has grown and spread until it has at- IIow unbalanced is i.ature; rains for tained national and even international eleven days on end, when in 1U11, dimensions. Under the banner, :inl Jf r..,.l,r 1 4l... I iiip....,L - , " jr iuuiuu inai irum in Advertising, it has con many days in a whole summer. ducted a campaign for clean, honest :o; . advertising that is winning at both "There are little black bugs in my ends of the line, wheat," remarked a farmer to us yes- To advertisers it shows that the old tcrday, "and I don't know whether savinir. "Honosiv ; iW. i.of ,.,.!;,. If d -rf -'- V,JV I mej arc cnincn hugs, doodle bugs or the best way to material success is Fords.' whose thrift, and energy, and per-.-evcrjince is transforming our coun tryside into a hive of industry and wealth. They are builders, one and all. I!ut we fear that we of the town are often forgetful of the great duty that we owe to them for their loyalty and generosity in support of the local business community. We ourselve know of the high regard in which we held the farmers of this community but we doubt if the farmer knows of the warm sentiments which we enter tain toward him. And this is becaus; we think much and say too little. I s hould not be so it should be other wise than thus. Let us of Piatt moutn cultivate a more lriendlv and neighborly spirit; let us open up our hearts that the farmer may look with in, for we are but. one big family and should dwell together in unity ar brotherly love. Let us act as we feel, and give the farmer to understand that he is of us, as well as with us. We need each other, for a prosperous farming community makes a live town, sind the prosperity of the town adds life and enjoyment to the coun tryside. :o: There is only one man better than the man who gets behind and pushes in an effort to improve the city, and that's the man who goes ahead and pushes. :o: It is suspected that the reason the motorists cut out their mufflers is not because it makes them go faster, but because it calls public attention to see how fast they can go. :o: A Philadelphia paper calls for a a practical as well as an ideal rule of coalition cabinet in this country. :o: conduct. To nul.litihprs 5t v-Wi-c President Wilson's indefatigable ac- i'0UnS ""an who seems to dread moral rrnonsihiUv in. hr.; tivity suggests that the country tne office work after office hours, and is always watching the clock, is sel dom asked to become a member of I the firm. :o:- munities for everything in their doesn't need any cabinet at all. papers that they cannot serve the :o:' welfare of their readers by telling the There does not seem to be any great truth on news and editorial pages effort made to cut the weeds along while permitting them to be lied to. the fatreets. Some people won't cut Mr. Bryan has not explained why, cheated and debauched through the ihem, even in their own dooryard. after he signed the rote to Germany advertising columns. Such people should be compelled to ot .viay nc snouw nave been so At bottom this movement reverses remove the weeds emphatically against the second one. the immemorial rule, "Let the buyer iue wuuiu T,e giau to learn. beware." and su!,st.i),iir.s ih, U 7nfiil, ,nri,.,r,r ,,f ih,. frnn,l :o: rule, "Let the seller take care." And ing of the great charter of the liber Strange to say that the fact that a because it combines sound morals and ties to the English people has just man can write Bachelor of Arts after common sense it has enhanced the been observed, and the small boy pro his name does not ma'ie him any bet- business building value of advertising poses to continue the celebration of ter fitted to open the store and sweep and is an uplift movement that lifts. July 4th by a finger or out the office in the morning. Chicae-o Herald. -:o: The old horse is still going strong. The automobile hasn't put him out of business by any means. Even on the city streets one sees horses, edginj along modestly and getting through the traffic as best they may. If any one wants to know whether the horse has lost his kingdom, the best way to hard on the proposition of securing The opening day of the program of summer entertainments under the auspices of the Commercial club and citizens of Plattsmouth was interfer ed with to a great extent by the rain Saturday and made necessary the postponing of the ban! concert and special acts which were to be features of the opening of the amusement pro gram, and the fact was quite a dis appointment to the members of the committee, who have been working find out is to try to buy one. Horses are bringing a better price r.ow than they ever did. Evidently there are vtill a few folks left in this country who like to buggy rile. -:o:- iome pleasing features for the sum mer. The entertainments will be staged each Saturday afternoon and the delay caused by the rain, while very annoying, will afford the com take a safe and sane mittee more time in which to fix for the initial offering of the series ant something good can be looked forwarc to on next Saturday without fail. This project has attracted a great deal of attention and a number of other towns arc getting ready to follow the ex arnole cf Plattsmouth and put on some special attractions on Saturdays for the visitors to their cities. The citizens have responded very gen erously to the appeal of the committee and if the subscriptions are maintain ed will guarantee a line program of entertainment for the residents of the city and their friends from the sur rounding country. CAUSE Many Piattsmnulh People Have Kid ney Trouble and Do Xot Know It. Do you have backache? Are you tired and worn out? Feed dizzy, nervous and depressed? Are the kidney secretions ir regular? Highly colored; contain sediment? Likely your kidneys arc at fault. Weak kidneys give warning of dis tress. Heed the warning; don't delay Use a tested kidney remedy. Read this Plattsmouth testimony. William Gilmour, farmer, four miles south of Plattsmouth, says: One of my family had been suffering mer. iiie entertainments will he 1 intensely irom lameness in tne uacK. No relief could be had until Doan's While the Journal has held all the time that the United States should not he held responsible for the loss of persons traveling on ships carrying contraband goods, it cannot believe otherwise than that Mr. Bryan made the greatest mistake of his life in leaving President Wilson's cabinet at this time, when all the other members of the cabinet held that the presi dent's views on the German situation to be right. Mr. Bryan's action in this matter does not look good to his former friends in his own state of Ne braska. :o: The tremendous earning power of William J. Bryan as a platform lec turer on the chautauqua circuit is not rencrally appreciated by the public. An estimate was made recently by the manager of a lyceum bureau, a man of wide experience who has managed the lecture tours of many public men Based upon Mr. Bryan's present scale of prices he shows that by diligently devoting his attention to the chau tauqua and lyceums ,the former sec retary of state can earn nearly $140, t'CO a year. :o: ' FOIi SALE OB KENT. Our property in Murray for sale or rent. J. L. .loung, Coleridge, Neb. Paints and Oils. Gering & Co. One way to boost Tlattsmouth is for the secret societies to send as delegates to their state lodges men of prominence and those who at least possess sufficient ability to take a prominent part in the deliberations of such bodies. Wc have as large n number of secret societies as any town of the size of Plattsmouth in the tate, and our town gets the least notoriety in this direction. There is no question about the delegates being rood men, but do they possess the ability and snap to put Tlattsmouth more prominently on the map? Other towns put their best men foremost, and why not Plattsmouth? Paints and Oils. Gering & Co. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat urday evenings. Examination free. Kidney Pills were used. They did more to relieve these troubles than anything else that had previously been taken'." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mr. Gilmour recommends. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Paints and Oils. Gearing & Co. PICNIC NEEDS. J When preparing for a picnic or outing, remember that the J J Journal office is the headquar- 'I ters for picnic sets, paper J plates, picnic cups, tablecloths I and lunch cloths. We have the l- individual paper tablecloths J I (13x84 inches, as well as the in- -l- dividual lunch cloths. Come in and see them. Picnic sets at l- l- 10 cents; paper plate, 5 cents a ! l- dozen, and cups, 8 in a package, -I J 10 cents a package. m m a m m 4 Will You lake Homestead Entry in 1915? Ten years' experience has put me in touch with the best homestead lands in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska." Yon now have a choice of An 80-acre Government-irrigated farm near Powell, Vyo., where you will be near good schools, churches, markets, neighbors, will have a good climate and be within driving distance of Yellowstone Park. $2.60 per acre pays initial cost, no further payments for five years. 75 farm ers have located on these lands since January 1st. A 320-acre stock or dairy farm, good soil, free range, free coal and fence posts, a good place to live. $22.00 pays filing fee. Government water rights in the Scotts Bluff country cost $55 00 per acre; initial cost $1.10 per acre, payment of remainder distributed ovr r twenty years, with no interest. If you do not know of the amazing crop yields of this valley, write me. Why pay rent? Why not work for yourself? Write for ray free booklets and about round trip fares applying every day. See these lands .vitb their cropsthis summer. S. D. HOWARD. Immifiralion Agent. 1004 Farnam Stieet, OMAHA, Nebraska tetppf I hi i urn I I B r