PAGE 6. PLATTSlVrOUTH 5F5II-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers 1 If any of tlie readers if tlie Journal know tf any sot-iul rent or item of iiiiie-t iu tliis vii liiiiy. mid will mail saint to I his otlii'f. it will ai-ix-ur limit-r lliis heatlitr. We want all news-it a.s Lwiok KEYSTONE of PROSPERITY WHEN a person thinks of putting his money into a bank his first thought is to telect one that he feels is ABSOLUTELY SAFE and WEIL MANAGED. This institution has lonj had the HIGHEST STANDING in this regard among: smcJl ?.nd lar-e depositors alike. It is ABLY CONDUCTED and REGULARLY EXAMINED by experts. Its reputation for HIGHEST EFFICIENCY is admired by ALL. If this is the kind of bank you are looking: for we respectfully welcome you. Make YOUR deposits a keystm. of prosperity. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK Entertain for Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hathaway enter tained for Mr. ami Mrs. Jarves Lan caster. Saturday even in sr. June FJ, a wedding party. Thoy had a vr-ry nic-j time. They received many j.-,--ese-nt ?. At a late hour lan-.h served, which consisted of ice vroani an 1 ea'xe. After lunch was sen"'! the wedding cake was cut and pas.-.e i around, an.i then the jolly crowd departed for their homes, saying they had good time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jarves Lancaster, Miss ?day Wolfe. Vera Yardley. Versia AUuu, Alice Gobelman, Ilattie Kyer of Avoca. Mildred Burke, Will Cook, John Becker. Perl Allan, Rich Smith. Peter Gobelman, Green Piggoit, Ezra Albin. John and Walter Hove of Avoca, Mr. and Mrs. John Epping--and family and Mr. and Mis. .1. T. Hathaway. There are a numher of cases of measles west of Murray. A. L. linker and Frank Yallery were Plattsmouth visitors Monday. Val Gobelman, from near Fnion. was visiting with Murray friends on Wednesday. Mrs. II. L. Oldham and daughters Pauline and Fay were Plattsmouth visitors Monday. Dr. Gilmore was called to Platts mouth Wednesday morning on pro fesional business. Mrs. W. W. Hamilton went to I.a Platte Tuesday morning to spend the day with her sister. D. J. Pitman and I. M. Davis were looking after some business matters in the county seat Monday. Fielding Hall, who hase been suf fering with an attack of pneumonia, is reported some better this week. Dr. Gilmore, J. A. Walker and daughter Miss Margie were Piatts: mouth visitors Tuesday of this v. ek. Misses Ruth Hamilton and Isabelle Shrader took supper with Miss Hen rietta Creamer at her farm home Tuesday evening. D. L. Amick departed Monday of this week for Monticello, Arkansas, to make a few days visit with his son Theo. and family. Mrs. Earl Jenkins, of Rosalie, Neb., was visiting with Murray friends and relatives last Mounday, returning to her home on Tuesday. The eleventh grade has been added to the Murray High School, commenc ing with the opening of the schools next fall. This will employ another teacher in our schools, and will make the Murray schools right up to the highest standard of any town the size of Murray in the state. This means that several pupils may remain at home for another term. Chas. and Wm. Troop shipped a car of hogs to the South Omaha market Tuesday evening'. Creamer & Minford shipped a car of hogs to the South Omaha market Tuesday evening. J. W. Philpot shipped a car of cat tle to the South Omaha market last Monday morning. Mrs. Dave Lloyd and Mrs. George Lloyd were visit ng in Plattsmouth a few hours Tuesday. James Lough ridge was looking sif ter some buiness matters in the coun ty seat last Saturday. James Terrj berry was looking af ter some business matters in Murray on Wednesday of this week. John Tutt, of Plattsmouth, was in Murray for a few hours Wednesday of this week, visitintr with his son, E. S. Tutt. W A. N'T ED A bookkeeper, middle aged lady, one that will look fter the general housework on a farm. Apply at this oIT'.ce. Cha. Read is row riding around in a lire new Maxwell car that he ptni ha.-id a few das ago through the i Shrader-Philpot agency of Murray. .Mrs. Kobt. Shrader and daughter Eldorene, of South Omaha, were in Murray last Sunday, visiting at the home of Mrs. Sh fader's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boedeker are rejoicing this wvek over the arrival of a fine baby girl at their home on last Friday. P.oth the mother and little line are doing nicely. V. A. Kennedy, who has been con fined to his home most all the past winter owing to sickness, has been able to be up and around town for the past week. Al's many friends are in deed glad to know that he is gaining his former health. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Massie were Plattsmouth visitors L..-t Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hobscheidt were Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday. Miss Alice Tiny, of Plattsmouth. was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Brtndel. Mrs. Wm. Koyal entertained Mrs. Oldham and daughters. Miss Pauline and Fay at dinner Wednesday. Joe Peters, ('has. Stone and Jess Warga. of Plattsmouth. were in Mur ray a few hours Wednesday after noon. G. E. Young and ('. E. Decider, of Xehauha, motored to Pi ittsmouth Tuesday afternoon to atttn.l to some important business matters. II. Creamer was a South Omaha visitor Thursday Thursday, coming home via Plattsmouth. lie was a very plea.-ant caller at the Journal o:hce. There will be a social given by the K. . K. Oil Saturday evening. June l!ih, at the Lewiston church. Every-! body cordiallv invited to attend. I Mrs. Alvin P.amge and Mrs. A. I.. Baker will entertain the Ladie-? Aid .K-iet" at t!;c Lome ol M rs. iiaker in Murray, on net Wednesday- after noon. Time will be a Children's Day pro gram and exercises at the Presbyter ian c!i.iiT:i next Sunday morning :it eleven o'clock. Everybody invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Art Pear-ley returned home from Omaha Monday, where they wire called to their little sou being operated upon for appendi citis a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Pay Smith, from near Weeping Water, passed through Mur ray la.-t Friday, en route to Platts mouth, where they made a brief visit with Mr. Smith's parents. The Schafer Pros, shipped two cars, forty-one head of mighty fine black cattle to the South Omaha market Wednesday afternoon of this week. They were all native stock, raised on the Schafer farms west of .Murray, and were mighty fine. Adam Schafer went to the market with them. Mrs. A. E. Smith has been number ed with the sick. Mrs. E. 11. Queen is numbered with the sick this week. Will Oliver and wife were shopping in Plattsmouth Tuesday. Mrs. V. A. Kennedy visited in Neb raska City Wednesday. Nicholas Kkiurens and family visit td relatives in Xehawka Sunday. Will Carey and wife were guests of Wyette Hutchison and family Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Wolfe of Lusk, Wyo., is visitintr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ohalfant. Frank Lillie and John Hendricks were business in Platts m uth Wednesday. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend the services at Lewiston Sunday afternoon. June 127. Miss Clara Carlson, of Omaha, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Dr. ai d .Mr-.. P. !'. Premie!. Mr. and .Mrs. Justus I.illie of Platts mouth are the week with Frank Lillie and family. Come to Lewiston Saturday even ing, June Pth. and have a good time and all the ice cream you can eat. Mrs. A. L. Iiaker went to Omaha l'ue-dav of tin's week d a small tumo --heller at which time removed from ANOTHER BURG LARY AT MOB BAY LAST NIGHT Both Elevator Visited and Farmers Elevator Safe Opened and $2.1 abstracted Therefrom. r eyelid. Grandpa Copenhaver. of Virginia. has been in this locality for the past few day.- vi-d'ing among relatives and fi :. i us hi Cass county. Mr. and Mrs. David Hiatt and fam ily, of Sidney. Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Gobelman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maik White Sunday. Henry Shoemaker and Leo Switzer fi "n rear Xiha!-a. passed thrcaitrh t M-.nday ei. route to Plattsl to !.:..k ;iftcr some business Mi tU'o !'! a few hour-;. Miss Etta Nickels writes to friends he:e that the weather in California is ideal and the jrood times continue. Sh;? and Mi.-s Iiertha Nickels are at- ll.Te i . o ' : the exposition and and reTatives there, ind Mrs. Nick Ffic-drit-h Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ferris ar.d visiting and tendine; fiieii-is M . ; fan,:!-.-, I'r.miiy. ar.d Mrs. Peckner, Grandpa Copenhaver, and Mrs. Eliza Copen haver spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. II. Harris, south- In Olden Days there was no such things as poor old sore feet from being crowded into shoes. Be kind to your feet, and your boy'sand girl's feet, by bringing them to this store and fitting them with the Best Sandal to be bought 50c, 90c, $1.25 and SI.50 Eiatt . Tutt, MURRAY NEBRASKA There was a small freight wreck on the M. P. south of Murray on Wed nesday mornim.r of this week, that caused the delay of the nassenjrer trains for a few hours, awaitinjr the clearing of the track. Several cars were derailed, but no one was injured and no serious damage was done. Another very slij-ht auto accident occurred just east of Murrav last Sunday evening, when M. G. Church ill struck the bujrtry of Roy Spanyler, and broke his shatfs. Xo oilier dam ages was dr. ue. The eveninjr was jret unr ouiK and Mv. t'liurchill did not see Mr. Spanjrler. The auto drivers will lie much pleased when the vehicle divers put on head and tail lijrhts, the same as the auto. Air Dome in Murray. Tuesday was the openinjr niirht for the Murray Air Dome, and owintr to the first nijrht and all the machinery beiiiji under a test, the pictures weio not as jrood as tl ey will he. The shov is under the management, of Messrs Wineburjr & Melburn, both ( whom are experienced in this line of work and will jruarantee their show to be as jrood as the best when they jret everything in runninj; order. .Misses Ruth Hamilton and Isabelle Shrader have launched a new enter prise in Murray, and from the pre sent appearance of thinjrs they are poinjr to make some money. They have started a lemonade stand, and will serve you with cool drinks all summer, providing your patronajre is sufficient to justify them in con tinuing the business. They will make it a point to see that you do patronize them too. e i.-l i un a;.'. Mrs. Georw Parks and three child ren, ai.'i iuo;her. Mrs. W. M. Wiley jwtre Platt-m- uth visitors last Sat urday, coming; up to jret jret Mr. Parks who h-.s beer, with Mr. Ham ilton in the remodelinjr of Dr. Hall's residence propriy in that city. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hiatt, who have been vi-itimr at the home of the daughter in Weepi'-.jr Water for the past few weeks, returned home this week. Mrs. Hiatt's health is much bet ter at the present time although she 'lifired several severe sick spells dur ing her stay in Weepinjr Water. H. G. Todd and a number of other farmers in this locality are compiain injr of the Hessian fly doinir no small d.tma're to their wheat crop. Some ol the farmers seem to be of the opin ion that there will be no damajre done at tins time, while others take the opposite side of the question and con tend that a jrreat damajre has already been done to the wheat crop, but has not shown up yet, and others are that the injury is already very noticeable. U e are informed that Jarnes DelesDernier has one piece of wheat that will not be worth the cuttimr. From Wednesday's Dally. Our neijrhborinjr town of Murray, which has in the past been the scene of several burjrlaries, was last nijrht ajrain visited by the nijrht plunderers and the Farmer' elevator office broken into and the safe robbed of somethinjr like $25 in money. As far as could be learned here the party or parties made their entrance by forc injr a window of the elevator and made a successful operation on the tafe, away with the money that had been left there over night by J. W. Edmunds, who had charge of the elevator liurinjr Manajrer Par rows absence for the day. This elevator is located near the tracks and it is thought that the work was prob ably the result of the visit of some men passing through, who made their jre-taway before the robbery was dis covered by Mr. Harrows this morning. After securing entrance to the elevator office the burglars proceeded to ransack things in a very systematic manner and successfully worked the combination on the outer door of the safe and secured entrance, and then proceeded to pry open the cash drawer of the safe and removed the cash, estimated at between $22 and $2-". The fountain pen of Manager Barrows was also taken from his desk, as well as a large monkey-wrench which was in the office, and these articles, as well as the ca.-h is all that has been found missing so far. Valuable papers md a large number of checks in the cash, drawer were left undisturbed by the visitors and they departed, leaving no clue as to whom they were. Th:? elevator of the Jones company, a short distance away, was also enter ed. I tit the amount secured there could not be learned. Entrance there was secured in practically the same man as that of the Farmers' elevator. The closeness of the elevators to the tracks of the Missouri Pacific railway made the work of getting away easy and it is thought that the night in vaders boarded a passing freight train to make their getaway from the scene of their successful haul. THE ALAM i I i 1 Electric Farm Light Plant! Th Al, Klmctrle rarm Light . mm Aim Here's light for your home, farm buildings and yard. Here's power for your electric carpet sweeper, sewing machine, churn and fan; heat for your eleetric iron and toaster. PRICE IS LOW! You'll be surprised when we tell you how low is ihe price of the complete plant. If you have your own engine it is even less. The cost of operation is moderate. The plant is easily in stalled. Ready for operation when taken out of the crate. The Alamo is the ideal farm light plant simplest, safest and best takes up but little space. Since the perfection of the tungsten lamp, which requires only one-third the electricity to produce the same light as the old carbon lamp, large storage batteries are not necessary. Thereby the cost of a light plant is so reduced that it is within the means of the average farmer. The ideal plant for the farm is the Alama Eleetric Farm Light Plant. We were the first to introduce the small light plant into the country homes, and our present improved product is the result of eight years of successful manufacture. The plant is the simplest, safest and best, and it takes up but little space. Every farmer should have one, not only to light his building, but to furnish power for his wife's churning, sewing, etc. The price of the standard plant is $253.00, so you see it is an attractive proposition for the farmer. If you do not already have, an engine of 2 H. P. or more, we can furnish it for you for $40.00 additional. Fishing Party. There was quite a large crowd of Murray people that want down to the mouth of the Weeping Water along the Missouri river Tuesday to spend the day in an outing and fishing trip. We are willing to wager the cash price of the fish that they caught that thev had a good time, but we will permit our readers to seek another source for evidence of the quantity of fish that they caught. Those in the party were: Dr. and Mrs. Brendel, Mr. and Mrs. (.). A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Mr. and Mrs. I. M Davis, Miss Carlson, of Omaha, Mr and Mrs Jeff Prendel, Miss Leona Davis, John Eppings, Mr. and Mrs E. S. Tutt, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pit man. Mr. and Mrs. W G Boedeker and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bar rows and son. The day was a very pleasant otic for all. Let Us Talk to You About the Work of the ALAMO Loooe PuDs, Excluive Agent for Cass County. Murray, Neb. Auto Party Paid Damages. Depart for Their Home. New Safe at the Bank. After the consolidation of the two banks at Louisville. The Bank of Com merce came into the possession of an axtra fine Victor burjrlar proof safe, one of the very Litest and best makes by this old time company. This safe was sold to the Murray State Bank, and was delivered in Murrav nit Wed nesday of this week. With the instal lation of this safe, the .Murray Bank will be one of the best equipped banks in the count v. Tinted Presbyterian Church Notes. The congregational meeting, while dealing with important questions, was marked by fairness in the remarks made. The Women's Missionary meeting at the home of Mrs. Tutt was well at tended, about th'ry-five men'hers be ing present. We are glad to be represented at the State Sunday School convention at Broken Bow. Sell your property by an ad in The Journal. Misses Jennie, Lillie and Clara Brijrhtcritz, who have been visiting at the home of the Hansen Brothers, southwest of Murray, near Nehawka, for the past few weeks, departed for their homes in Arlington, Minnesota, last Saturday. They expect to visit the exposition at San Francisco before reaching home. Thev are cousins of the Hansen Brothers. E. G. Hansen F. A. Hansen and family and Ed Ob ernalte, accompanied them to Piatts mouth last Friday where they took the train for their western trip. Bert Lloyd came nery near meeting with a serious accident last Saturday evening while returning home from Plattsmouth. He was struck by an auto rilled with men from Peru. For tunately the blow was not a very hard one and the injuries slight. The bug gy was somewhat damaged, which the Peru parties paid Mr. Lloyd $10.00 for, and nothing was done in regard to the matter as this about paid the dam ages to the buggy. Plattsmouth will celebrate Satur day. Free Band Concert and Uni cycle act. Concert at 1:30. Come in and hare a pleasant afternoon. For Sale. Time to Pay Up. Owing to the fact that we have dis solved partnership, all our business matters must be settled up as soon as possible, and in order to complete matters we must have our book ac counts settled up just as soon as pos sible If you are indebted to the firm please call and settle same now. Baker & Nickles. An improved new power washing machine and one-half horse power en gine. This machine has never been used and will be sold at a discount. J. W. Holmes, Murray. Will Hold Sale. For Sale. One extra fine milk cow, and two past yearling Galloway steers. In quire of Oldhams, or telephone 166. There will be sold on Monday even ing at 8 o'clock, at the farm of B. F. Wiles, south of this city, a complete threshing outfit, which will be dis posed of to the highest bidder. This outfit is in good shape and well worth purchasing. 6-16-tf-dtv FOR SALE. I wish to dispose of my blacksmith shop, both the building and all tools. This is one of best openings in Cass county for a good man. If you are interested in a good business let me hear from you at once. James Lough ridge, Murray, Neb. The Place to Buy Lumber. There never was a season so favor able for building and making im provemcnts around your farm home as this one has been, and the activity around the Murray lumber yard is an evidence of this fact. More of all grades of lumber is being sold this snrincr than for many seasons. The demand for good goods and the fact that it can always be found at this lumber yard at the right prices are the causes for the increased business Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber business of this locality, not only from ihe fact that it is due him, but be cause he is ready and willing to meet all competition on the numerous grades of lumber. Come to Plattsmouth Saturday aft ernoon and attend the free Band Con cert and Unicycle act. Free auction of all farm produce brought in. Con cert starts at 1:30. Our Aim in Business! If we were to give you a little better goods than any other store? If we were to give you a little better service than any other store? If we were to give you a little better value for your money than any other store? If we were to be a little more appreciative than any other store? If we were to make this store indispensable to your ideas of service and economy? Would in then be a store that you could call your store? These are the points upon which we are striving to build our business. We carry an up-to-date line of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, and we are exerting every effort to merit your confidence, for we want your patronage, and it will be appreciated at all times. Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska.