-?T" TIHRSDAY. JUNE is i: lil TBy A. Comedy of Youth Founded by TVlr. Manners on His Great Play of the Same Title Illustrations From Photographs of the Play Copyritfht. 1015, by Dodd. Mud Zj Coxnpcy CHAPTER XXI. Complications. .KENT turned away up nirain to the window seat crying. "Oh. this is unbearable!" lit lit! said unite calmly: "1 it? Your wife i ll over a rain, eh?" He came back to her. "No. 1 place you far above her. far above a!l jot ty su-;'i-iiiis of earplug narrowness. I value you ns a woman of understand inr." "I am." fIie said frankly. From I what you've t jld me of your wife slit must le to." 'Ion't treat me like this:" he plead ed distractedly. "What shall I do." asked Ethel with wide c;en eyes, "a jolorize? That's odd. I've been wtiitin-: lor you to." As lireiit moved up toward the win dows Alaric eame in behind him through the door. "Hello, P.rent." he called out heart ily. "II a re yeV" "Very vv.;i. thank you. Alaric." he Baid. rent rolliur l;i.- surprise. MJootL The dear wife Well too?" "Very." "And the sweet child?" "Yes." "You must brinr 'em along some time. The mater would love to .-ee them, and so would Ltbel. I'thei loves babies, don't you. diar?" Wit'.i t.ut waiting for Ethel to rep'y he liur Tied ou. "And. talking of babies, have you seen Margaret any where ':" Ethel nodded in the direction of the garden. "Out there. "Splendid. The mater wants her We've got t have a family ineerin? about her and at once." Alaric hurried out through the windows into the gar den. ltrent hurried over to Ethi!. "I'm it the hotel. I'll be there un til momir.g. Seud ne u message, will I you? I'll wait up rJl night for one." j lie paused. "Wi:i you?'' j "Perhaps," replied Ethel. j "I'm sorry if anything I've said or , "done L:s hurt you." j She checked him just as Lor mother ; r.ppearod at the Up t f the stairs. At ! the fcame moment r.er.nett. the maid, j came i:s through the door. j Mrs. Chichester greeted Drent cour- j teously: "Dow do you do. Mr. Dr out? Yni i wii: excuse me?" ?ae tunied to te j maid. j "When d'.J you see my niece hi?tV j "Not this !.oi:r. mad-im." j "Teii Jarvh to search tli" tarJei-S. i the stables, to look u and d-.wu the j read." I "Goodby, Mrs. CLicli-.su-r-anJ-Etli- j tl." taid r.retit. Ho loukeJ meating- j ly and sigi.iiicantly at Ethel as he i stot-'d in the doorway. The nest mo- lueiit he was gone. A'arie hurried in lhrou-L the win- j ck.ws from the garden. "Not sign of Margaret ix'wliere." ! Le -.id furiinisly. thrown hmi-H'it Into a chair and fanning himself vigor ously. "TLis cannot go on!" cried Mrs. Chi-cLc.-der. "I thould think not. indeed running tbout all over the place." Mrs. Chichester held up aa open tcl egra m. "Mr. Hawkes telegraphs be will call tomorrow for his hist rep Jtt. What can I tell h:m?" "What will you?" asked Al.iric. "Am I to tell him that very tutor I've engaged for her resigned? Not one stays mure than a week. Can 1 ti '.I him that?" "You could, mater, dear, but would it be wise?" A moment Liter Vcz onvn-d with Mi -hael cradled in tier arms. She Had a rocjisn loou or tnumpn in ner eje 1 1; huffu the trout of her charnitnu te w dress were the marks ot Michael's mudly paws. I 'eg was uNo tireatliina quickly and evidently more than a lit tie excited, "Take that itrunuil out ot the room!' cried Mrs. Chichester indignantly the i moment l'eg nppe.i l'eg turned unci walked straight out into the garden and bean playing with Uichael on the grass. Mrs. Chichester waited lor a few moments, then caljed out to her. "Mar ret!" then more sharply: "Margaret. Come here! lo you be;ir t: e'r" l'eg went on playing with Michael and just answ ered. '"1 hear ye." "Come here at once!"' "Can Michael come in. too?" came from the garden. "Yon come in anl leave that brute outside!" -If Michael can t come lu 1 don't i want to." obstinately insisted l'eg. j 'Do as 1 ted you. Come here! " coin- manded her uunt- j Peg tied Michael to one of the French; windows tnd then went slowly into i the roou ami stood facing her aunt. i "Look at your dress!" sutliicnly criel Zdrs. Cblcaett-r as die cati-ht sicht or tts marts of Michael's phi; fulm.ss. "Michael did that. Jsure they'll cornc1 off." - . P'E G JJ Hartley" Manners " r .:- -" "Let us be henest v.-ith each other, Ethel." said Peg. "Mrs. Chiehoter 1 oked at the flushed face of the young grl, at the mass of curly hair that had been carelullv dres-.'d by Ilviir;e:t lor d.nuer md was lir.w hoveri)C around her eyes uutid.Iy. 1 The old lady straightened it. i "Can yoii L"t keep jour hair out ot j your eyes? Yhi.t do you th:nk wi'.i become of yon?" i "I hope to go to heaven, like all good people." aid 1'eg. j .Mrs. Chichester turned away with a j gesture of despair. ! "What is it?" continued the old lady I "I say what is it?" i "What is what?" ak-d l'eg. ! "Is it that you don't wh?L to improve? I Is it that?" "I'll tell you what I think it is." bt gr.n l'eg helpful y. as if anxious to reach some satisfactory explanation. "I think there's a little divil in rne !y in' there, rn' e'.'try now an' a'jain tie Jar: ovt." "A devi!?" t ried Mis. Chichester, hor rilled. "Yes. cunt," said l'eg demurely. "How dare yej use such a won to me?" "I didn't. 1 u.-ed it about meself. 1 don't know- whether you nave a clivll in ye or not. I think I have." I Mrs. Chichester silenced her with a I gesture: "Tomorrow I am to give Mr. nawke r::y hrt report on you." j l'e lar.hed suddenly and tlien check i ed herself quickly. ! "And why did you do that?" asked I her aunt severe :y. j "I tiad it picture of what ye're goin' j to Tell him." j "Why do you constantly disobey me?" , pursued the old lady. "I suppose it Is the rmnml bin ir me." replied l'eg t hughtf u'.ly. "What?" cried Mrs. Chichester, again taken completely aback. "Oh. I f-ay. you know: That's good", n.i'" A".' 4l'inf laiihert tiffirTl'v joined ju ana hiui-ii'M noartny vntc him. Alaric luriin-diately stoppod. Ethel took absolutely no notice of any one. l'eg sat down beside her aunt and ex plained to her: " V. iien- er i did any thing v. illful or d'furbin' as a child me father always saM it was the "orig inal sin' in me an' that 1 wasu t to be punished for it because 1 couldn't help "Then he used to punish himself for my fuu:t An' when 1 saw it hurt him 1 usen't to do it again for awhile at letist. 1 think that was a grand way to bring up a daughter. I've been won derin since I've been here if an aunt ,.,,ij bring n Liece up the same way And she looked quizzically at Mrs. Chichester. Jarvis came in with a letter on a saivtr. -Well?" asked the old lady. "For Mi-s Chichester, madam." And he handed Ethel the letter. "Ey hand. j Lk.is.s.' j Fthol took the letter quite uncon- I sciou.sly and opened it. j -Who is it IromV" asked Mrs. Cui- j Chester. "Mr. Lireu:," replied Llthel indlfier , ently. "Erent?" cried Alaric "What ou i':"'' l'es he write to you for." "He wants me to do something tor him." And she tore the letter up into the smallest pieces and placed them la a receptacle on the desk, "Cuiue, Alaric." And Mrs. Chicbes- tcr lett the room alter admoi.ishmg Ptu tint an liour woulil be suliicicnt to sit up. "Lit ns bo honest with each other, Ethel," ..s-ald .Peg jsyhen the two -..riK ' .,..s - . . . r ?tj. ; ;. $100 Reward, $109 T; . r--:i-l-r f tliid ini1''' 'U' lx ilcai'i! to I.-arn t!n.t Iljer- I "I l. i-l on.- ilr-a.l-l tliHvaH tuiit m-Umi l..t I n iiLilf t" ur iu ail Ita Hu mill ti.it is ( :i-.nr,-ti. lL.ll n I'liturrh Cure 1. w iM.lv p.tiv.- i-tit'- now Kiivn t. tin- tut-d-i ."! fratf'ri.ii . l iitarrli l-its a ronstliiitunMiI i!i--. ri-ijuirfH a o!.itiuitlin:;l trt- atiu-nt. Ii:ill' C.;t.trrb CU'i- Is t.i k u inOTtially. HcUnK liirtlv 11 ; ,11 t!ii- II' I'M a till nui'uns surfai'fs of H,.. :,it.-m. tu'T. l.r ili'Ktn.yiiig tii- f .lUPilat'u.n t:,i' il:s. Hs... ami' ciii: tin- i.:.t i-nT stri'tiptll huii Jiiii: i:i 1h.- rmi.-l.ltut i m anil ii-.-istiiip ua- tiiri- in i..n its w..rk. Tin- iimririi-l'Ts have murh f-iirh in it rnrativ- vrrs that tur rr.r iinr Iliinie.-'l l-.Ii:ir f'-r utiy raur thai It laiU tn rur.-. S'lfl f"r list vf trstilii.i!,ials. ,,!r-ss P. J. ( I!i:NEY & CO., TuJ'.dj. C. S.'nl l'V id: PruIsts. T.'n.'. ltk Uj.1V a l aiuily Villi i-T ccnstltttloo. were left alone. Peg went rint over to her and looked at her compassion ately. "What do you mean?" said Ethel, with a suddcu contraction ot her breath. "You like Mr. Trent, don't ye?" So the moment had come. The little spy had been watching her. Well, sshe would tight this common little irib in body to the bitter end. Ail 'e au per in her nature surged uppermost as Ethel axis v. erod l'eg. but she kept her voi'-e under control. "Certainly 1 like Mr. 1 5 rent. He is a very old friend of the family!" "He's git a wife?" "He has:" "An' a baby?" "Yes and a baby." Ethel was rot going to betray h'rselt. She would just wait to see what course this crea ture was ot,::n: to take with her. Th'-y were now seated together. Eth el holding h-r little wb;te poodle, tit which l'eg pointed contemptuously. l'eg went on: "Of course I've never seen the wife or the baby tie' a use he never seem" to have them with him when he cuds here. Lmt I've often heard Alaric usfc afther them." "Well?" asked Ethel coldly. "Is it usual for English Husband with babies to kiss other women s hands?" And l'eg looked swiftly at her cousin. Ethel checked an outburst and said quite calmly: "It is a very old and a very respect ed custom." "The divil d uibt it but it's old. I'm r.ot so sure about the respect. W !:' doesn't he kiss me aunt's hand as well?" EtI cl could not control herself much longer. It was becoming unbearable. As stie crossed the room flie said with as little ln-at as pn-v-dbSc: "Y'ou d'jU t understand." Well, but I'm thryin' to." persisted I. g. "That's why 1 watch ye all tin time." Ethel turned. She was now it bay. "You watc h me?" "Aren't ye me model?" "It's couTuupnub I" eric;'. Ethel. "Sure 1 on'.y ;peeted custom' ;aw the 'eld au' re by accident hen 1 came in through there a month ago an once s:::ce when 1 came in Hgain by arcidet'i-.-; f w days aftherward. I couldn't heir, M'.-in- it both times. An', as tur in in' contemptible. I'm not so sure t!: custom doesn't deserve all I the contempt " Eth'-l was now thoroughly nrnued. "I supt-oso it i too mn di to exre"t child ')' the ccm'N'in ;..o;i t : : 1 1 : ( t:t I'Tstiil: the customs ot dtr i r et.t ; ; -. ' "Mt-bl-e it is." rep' led Peg. "P.nt 1 don't K'-e x by the common people slniuel have .-.ll tlie decenc an tue ;.ri-'ii' riK.v m-i.e." "It is im lo-s ; hie fo f; !k to you. I was f.inlislt to have staved here. Von d.'ti t un b-rst..;.'!. Von never could understand" I'e int.-rrutited ; "Why. I never saw ye es-itod bejurt not a bit ot color in yer check" ti l inw i t tvx i i-: Ye I'. ok j" t ;s ye d'.i! wtieti Mi. I'.reii loiloved tbiit " : an' lespecleil cus tom on Xl-r laitd." eri.il Pelt. ibe viun fill's r;. is were ablaze. lb xi i 1 y she letiieii.i.ered the eventful Mere that confronted bet when she first arrived at the Chichester home da-s before: lithe! answered this time excitedly and intli-n.-tntly. "i'i:i- fu" and 'ret vent to h-r juf atuter: 'lie !'" :;o etn'iuli tl-VtT to speiik to tiie again as lorn: as you're in this house. If I h ul try way j ou d leave it this moment. As it is as :i I-" Ilcr vop-e rose almost to a scream Her raite was titdiridhil. What lucre she mi'bt have said was checked by tlie dour opening and .lar vis showiuL! in Jerry. Jerry waike I cheerfnily arid smiling ly Into the room and xxas amazed to find the two ount; l-iilbn z v:wi at each other and apparently In the midst of a con ti n t. All power of speech left him as he Ptood looking in amazement at tbe combatants. (Tfi lie C-.ntir.ued.) COIxLTS n I ora ci rrcct figure ot 1.1-hi' :i- ciun'ort ami " i l wr.irini: tp.i.ililii'.- l." up- our pi opcT model Lure. t.t. - 3. MRS. EMMA PEASE Piatt- mouth, Ncbr. TLATTSMOUTn -SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ISSUES FLAG DAY PROCLAMATION Governor Specifies June 14 8$ Time For Honoring Old Glory. CALLED TO SCHOOLS' NOTICE. Balance In State Treasury Greatei Than In Previous Month Oldest Notary Asks to Continue In Office Governor Will Deliver Address. Eineoln, June 2. June 14 has been designated as Flag da;, bj tl.e govern or o. Nebraska, it being the lxh anui ersary of the birth of the nation's em idem, and that the day may uo lining I;, celebrated Governor Morch'-au l.a iss.ued the following pro ::u.'ua.iiou : "The' observance - biag day is he ir. laore and more re onized as 'hi ears pass. Ii is ot e- p-ial ii:t r to the children and yoirh of our land and alionis an opport ui-i: i to inoir'ss on ;iie minds of all the siguili-ance 01 our banner. 'The stars Pet in tie' field of bint; Let p fresh in the mind lie union oi stales iu the tormation o:' the republic and ito Uiirteen stripes in all the he roism of oar lorefuthers and moth' v. in their efforts to establish the eov cri-'.nent under which we have lb. ed end prospered. "I. therefore, as frovernor of the fUa'c. urge that Monday, the I lib uo o: June, of the prest a: year, be s-i apart as Mag day. aid ask that :1. l'a-.. be displayed from the state can itol ltiildiug. school ileuses and vari om; rare institutions throughout tin .-tumor, wealth and bv citizens at their homes and places of badness; that flatr drills be conducted by the Ei Iioois where convenient, and that a r'-r.cru! display of the !!ag be seen everywhere, that a who'.sniae ata! renuino respect for law and obedbT.'-c to (i-dcr be cultivated in the hearts of our citizenship. "There is no more healthful sign of the perpetuation of tin r- public and i;s institutions than the !aci that 'hi people of this our: try. of all cla. e vkcther r.ntie or foreign born, houoi the tlac and ut their lives and prop erty in jeopardy lor Ps defense." Oldest Notary Asks For Blank. I f". Cole has written the secretary o." state asking for a 1 lank that he iu ' c?savv free hob! l -x si' . 1 ilie ! ' i .vs, : . iii. ui.'.o.-i in order to be connuN.-ioned as a no tary publm. Mr. Cole was fst com riis'sioncd by C-o'cruor Alvin Saund ei in l'H. when the stale was a ter rnoty. and has continued as a notary red lie ever sir,-, o. ha vine be'n cont-ru's.-loned eight time.-?. He desires to continue as long as he is alive and bold the record in the notary public Hi e for loimeviry. Put Up to Railway Commission. The state railway commission Hst- d to '. i ieru e in connection v i'i'.1; t' c h a! ion of business nu n of I..rt ( r-ti-'-et in 1 .1:1 coin for t!;e x- tension of the street car line trom when it turns west on M to i srreer ci'ert down Sixteenth. This has been , ., .. one. of trie great pronn-ms 01 no rt-ci; car service in Lincoln and it v, ;:'. be t:p to the ccuurnission to settle it one wax- or another. State Treasurer's Report. Tie lialar.ee in the state treasury for the month ending May ?,1 is ?-l2.-lP'.L'T greater than at the close of be.-.':iess tlie mordh previous, acco'-d it to the monthly report of iTut" Treasurer Hall, the balance the pro viuus month bcinjr $ 1 .1 ."il .tST.iiS arul t'i" last ?1.Ub':.:,;i7.!i.". The receipts for Max- were ?;'".i.7(,:.l 2 and the pay ments ?d K.r,c-.::.,. Governor Will Deliver Address. Covrnor and Mrs. Morehead left for Peru, where the executive will do liver the commencement day addriss at the Teru normal school. ORGANIZE BY DISTRICTS Good Roads Association Is Forrrec at Tecumseh. Tecurnseh. Neb., dune C. The .lohn sou County Good Koads assotiatioi v.;.s tjr. anized in this city at an cnthu si::s,ic meerins of farmers and hesi ness men. following a lunch at ihe Tc cuntseh Commercial cluh. C. V. I ous las was named as president; P. S Nestor as vice president, atid J. C Moore as secretary-treasurer. Thf f-peakers were Mr. Moore. Frank T.ip hi' i d, and Hon. T. S. Dalby of 15- r.tri'-o. jo-esident of the Nebraska (loo n(;als asso'-iat ion. The comity or ftauizutiou will be by districts. Haftinas Drugsists After Convention Hastings. Neb., .Tune 3. Hastings tir.iggists have organized to make at cfltrt to land th.o 10p; state conven tion of druggists at the state meeting in Omaha next week. Secretary T?lnk of the elianiber of commerce wilt ac company the ib letratcs to Omaha. Servian Is Easy For Stecher. Frcmor.t. Neb.. June :;. Joe SitIi er. the Dodge heavyweight wrestler made quick work of the Servian Tii.ic C-ovedariea. at Pierce. Stecher pinnec the Chicago man to the mat twice ir less than seven minutes. Drinks Gopher Poison. Axtell. Neb.. June ?,. Otto Marel i-althy farmer of near here, commit ted sttiide by driukinr a large quan'i ty of gopher poiaon. The cause is no' known. OSTEOPATHY IS tJOI MASSAGE It gets to be a threadbare explana tion that Osteopathy is not massage, and yet we have to make it over and over, for many people hold to such opinion. Osteopthay is neither a "scientific form of massage" nor any other kind. It is a complete school of medical practice, although not using drugs as a remedial agent, and it might employ massage as an adjunct, just as any other school does when massage happens to be required. But do not confuse this broad science of natural medicine with the limited art of masseur, for they have very little at iiasis to cause confusion between them, except that both are performed with the hands. But, then, the hands are used to do most anything, so that it is not sufi'icient apology for sayirg that "Osteopathy is only massage." Moral: Osteopathy cures many, aids all and injures no one. Consultation Without Charge. I). I. REYNOLDS. Osteopathic I'hysician. Office, (loates Building. Phone 208. Office Hours 10:00 a. m. to l'J:(Mi. 2:00 p. m. to 4:00. Other Hours by Appointment. John A. Hennings and sons, J. E. j and W. C, motored to this city from ! Cedar Creek this morninc to attend to some business matters ami ior a short vi.-it with friends. Mr. W. C. Hennincs was a pleasant caller at this office. FOR SALE Fawn and White Indian Runner duck egtrs, white egg strain, $1.00 per 13, ?r..0() per 100. Inquire of A. O. Ramgc, Route 1, Platts mouth, Neb. 4-5-tf-wkly NOTICE! Farmers who ship cream direct may leave their cream at our store. We will deliver your cream to the depot and return your empty cans, without extra charge. E. G. DOVEY & SON. ;i Tin: nivii! 1 1 "r i 't 1 1 it i !" I t ot t ti- M-:illtK. !ln lie-ituar.'.ian.-l ip of Norman ih 1'iik j sou. Minor. I i:i i-:i: Ti i show (V.t'SK. I Now "11 ti;;s -'Jiiil day of Max. A. I'.. Il'i'la. tl is cans.- catiie on l"i' h.-a-ini; I upon tbe petition of ih .1. Kiibex, '-mo. ban of Norman I '.. lucksou. minor. ',., .- i.'L- t.o- : license to sell the un- ilYld.li OIM--C1- lleenl h of the foMoW- ;:iir lie.scrieed prop.-rty. hem the intet es? of said minor in Mini luoperty. to-xx- i i : p,,.s s. i, it. eip-bt i' and nne i . ,., i.io.k ' i : i rt ;. -s : v itiiii: tbe souih half ..f ioi twelve" i 1 -' ' in bin k fort; - vx o . , ,i f:'r ' I i iiml live i i in block : Tx-nxe (:.:,: l os one 'l' and txv.. i , ' !-,-.. i :: i leer i i a no n . e i .. in i-.scc!, i .T : l'U fine i !' i timi part f lot ten in bbi. k ti ft - scxeu :,7 i : bus : ;: four live i .. i i . , . I I .. l . Ti o oi : i i i - ' i ' ....... ,;,.rth ba t Ot" lO'.S 1 .C I'll in blo-k on ii.- 1 1 I '.' I. ii nil h a lid t xx el x c ' ' ; 1 all ;n the 'it 1 1 1 . 1 ami iundied i s ! en 1 1 " ' 1 in I b 11 k . el i'liitts- twelve ii- I.llill ll'llV-l w. , 1 1 ... X l'U l.ttx - 1 iiioiitb. also ail of bus three 1 :. arid four ill in blmk thittx-s.-ven C'.Ti. ;,i,d an utidi'Pved one-half interest in lots five 1 .". 1 and siN 1 in block t b ii t x -.1 ht ("si 111 V'.uiiii & Hayes addition to the t'lty of 1 M.a ! t sinn: ; h ; ami also bus fifteen 1 1 .". I s-xI-tii 1 1 I and seventeen ilTi. in l.onj's- l";tst Aii d.tion to the villi's- of .Viynard. al'. :n liss I'ountx. Neoraskii. i'or the pia jii'm- of usin-; tbe funds d.-icd theletronl tor the sll'l"t. ed-u.-atlon i'l .l liii'.Iileuanc,. of s.-.ld lliillo;, n;,.! aliepiu-: tnat the s;i!e of said land is necessii ry and tur the lest interest ot sal') iiini'M. And it a I'liee ri nir that an ordei should he entered re.uirinc all persons- interested in said estate to appear and show cause if any. why a license should tod issue to sii id -.uardian to sell the interest of said minor in said ahox c ili'seri heil real state. it is ti 1 1: 1: 1 :'" 'i: i-: ( 11:1 ii:i:i:i timt all persons i n t 1 est ed in said real es tate appear before me at the "l!ii e of the Clerk of tbe lustriet Court Ht 1 'la t istnoii ? h, Nebraska, at nine o'clock a 111, on the Ihiril dav of .Inn-. A. 1 .. ll'l.i. and show cans.-, if anx. w 1 y a license shoubl not issue to said guar dian to seil tin- interest of said minor in the above described real estate for the imriiose set forth in said :100,11a tion. JA.MKS T. HKU1.KV. .tuili:- of the Ihstrict Court. It is ordered thai 11 copy of this or der lc served upon all persons interes ted in said estate hx publication of said order for three successive w-eks prior to said date set for slu'V'in: cause in the I 'hi 1 1 sinout ii Journal. newspaper published semi-week 1 y and of -.eneral ei ten la t ton in the County of Cuts. Nebraska. JAMKS T. BKC.I.KV. .leile 1 listrot Court. W. A. K iKbKTs'i i.. Attorney. N(TICi: TO CKEDITOKS. In County Court. STATE OF XEHRASKA, Cass County, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of John M. Meisinger, Sr., Deceased: Notice is hereby given to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will be had upon claims filed against said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plattsmout h, in said County, on the 2!th day of June, 101 o, and on the 2!)th day of December, lDlo, at 1 o'clock p. m., each day for examination, adjustment and allow ance. All claims must be filed in said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne braska, this 22nd day of May, 1915. (Seal) ALLEN J. EEESON. County Judge. 4IITI II. OK l 4lHIOI A'l IO T iiu: hmihi !i ahii:km' know .m i. mi:n r.v Tiiih-u": ntr:- SKNTS: the w . il. 31. .-'Ihi.es i nil J. . . Petersen. .1 1 , 'hi assueiHte o.M. selves together for tlie purpose of lnrniinc :i!iil I.ei-omiiiL- ji i!'i"irati"!i m Mate of Net task;., loi tli- ui i".-e of 1 1 a ii--act i lis' uitbin tie Mute oi .e-l.iu.sk.-i. mill witiiiri nn oii- "f tie st;i!.s of tlie Cllit'il .-stiit.s ot A Tl i I l ei. . tin- lu.silie.SK be, t-ili:if tel iletol I l.ell i'ii.vt. 'J'iie name of tire i-ot p..i a lion is- sl'iel lie. Till: M I I V I -ST A3I t 'SIOAI i :NT f' i.VI'AX ' r-i . o;nl '1 i:e pri to-i na I otli'.e ;iiel I'll, re ot huHi.',- -liil!t 1m- I'M-ilt-M Pi I lie I'll-.- .,f 1 'la t sl.'OCt '.. 111 tin- 'e"!.f "! Coss. and Slate of Nebiirska. but t!,.- umiiKiliv itin create anu loei'.te nil-ol-iiiliale otll'i-.-- for tin- t ri, li.sii. t Soli "( its l,u.iiou .i'iv il.i-!i- Wit cm 1 !i- lim its of tie stales wfele il is a 11 I b or I .ei I to transai t liusoiess. Tbinb Tbe nature of the lei s , tie.-s to be t ransaeiei! by Mini corpora t net .sbail be to i j i ; r i b ! i a s , b-ase. o ,. seli, oi.-!at. luanage ill'! atoPiei jiieture SlioVV etltel'pl ISC- I ITll luiiltlH till Hi! - eb'iise, leasMic or scilitu; ol iitiv ate! all net ess, i r real estate ami bu i bl i ut'S fot tin- earrviio: on ate! o nei a t ) ti'r smli niei j.i i.se mid itniasi no nts. in ai. state wbere tbe eo;.i i ; ti lias a riKbt to transact busines.-. l'ourtb. '1 lie a ut be- i.d eaj.ital sim I; of U p Oitiiliaiiv si. a!! b. iv.i 'itv t iiousam! ' $ -II. '"Mi i ooiiars i ii.b-ii m li. two l,uml-ei! si.aies of the p;'.i vaiio of oee-bumlreil iinh .bclais ea- !i. ami Sliail be tion-itssessa bo-. Tin- pel sojjs v l.ose names ;ne lli-l'ea fl er si! i.S',1 I be, I an- sba : eooblei s ami tbe ii-imb.-: el shares res o et i e! x owned l- acti I- ...t siii to 1. 1 name. K i ! 1 1 1 . Tii- .Mblwest , m u s.-nu-n t 'mil tia II ' st'.lll C'Ul; Illi-U'-e its IMS'' III fi.on t..e t; si ,i;iv ol Jlariii. A lb. 1 tM.'.. iiii'i contiiuie cluri'if; a I t -1 i 1 ! ten year.-. SiMh. Tl.e I'lisiness afiairs. stork. p!i..erly ami loieerns of 1 be compaiiv snail be ma iiatzeU bv a lloatil ot I elec tors colli iiiM'i! o! not b-.-s tban t" li'il mole tl.un lixi- llietnl'iis. all of wboin sbali respect i elV be S I '"Ii l.obb-rs. Sex I III i.. T! e sti.i kl.oidel.s h l.illl ba X e power, from timi to time, to make pru .!!, tiai b -i.iv.s not ; i.cotis isl en! x 1 1 b tbese articles, or t bt laxxs of toe stale of NebrasUa. Kiul.tii -Tbe first floanl of I'ii-n-tors siiall ci us, st of t xx lie-m o.-rs, aiol snab Infill tbeir oflie.-s umil fto-ir si.c- cessol's ale eiect.-ii all'l '. U I : i ! I e 1 1 III the manner pnn iuol I'.x 1 be nx-laxx s. Nintb. A ma.ioritx- of ail 1'itecti'ls ;hal! constitute a niioruni. Tenth. Tie Ibmtil of Iiirectots may be i nci i-a seil in iii'ii eascii in ni.mbei to not less li.an t x o nor mote tban fixe members hx a vol 1 1 1 t be SI o, Uliolilel's in-li time ami in x - la x. s ii'.a pi - of tbe I'omoanx at siii-ii 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 as tm scribe. I .lc e!lt i:. -The lioillll of I Ureet.il ililXe power to lease, sell. Iran-tee am! convey any of tl.e riiihts. ptixibe.-s. fiiilichisis o - propel t b. buifc.11, u to the Company, for such , .im.-I'I. 1 id i"ii aim. on sucli In nil- and conditions an the lioiiid of lino-tors may d. lernii::. to he fol the host interests i.f the Coll: pan x , sub.iecl. hoxxexer. to tic 1 est 1 let ions ot t'm- statute:- of tlie Male "f Nebrasl.il. illid tfe statutes of anx slat.- xxhele ti l I'om jm 11 v tiiax he aul liufiziil I" tran sact i.-.is t ness The lloarl of iMfectors max fimn lime to tune hmioxx- nn.nex and tiixe noics j( ;id o-.l.e! eiib-!:ces of III.;.-hi e.l -ness therefor, and from time to tunc proviil- for trivitii M-cutitx for sic I. indebtedness if desued and .beno-.l ex pedientb; tie Hoaid to do .so. hut 111 to, ex.-nt sh ili said I'omi'iilix innii in- debl.dnes.s in il lilrlllt I 1. ill' o lit tliilil t wi.-t I: ii il.s "t tl- ancrei-ale hi n cap I il 1 s." k. i.locid.d, I'O.x.-.ol. that tbe poxx ei i o i ; I . - r I . 1 1 ny tie... articles shall not. iiu!' shall iit.x of tb.-m. ! cmi- clsed I X lie- ib.illll of l'llc tols , ev ict. t by il lull' of t XX o-1 I, i I .'.s of the xx lode number of di'e. tois. Txxelfl.c Tbe ofticcis ot said cr ;..ir,ili"ii si. all be a .res , d. 1. 1 . xi.e juesident: and seci it a r..-t teas i: rei . Tin- ollicers ben in nann-d niiix hold a'i. two ot the ot'ic. s herein Cleilted at 1 he same tim.. and 1 1 ii 1 1 h- cbo. u hx t be Ib.iiid of I lin-i nils and shall I "id then office for ii period of n- xeai nr until l hi 17- s c'cssors shall he elected and .) ua 1 i fi-d. Thirteen! a. Tbe Hoard of irei -tors. shall hi elected hx tbe stockholders of the company at their ii'iailar aiiiiuul meetiim, aid the manner ot lioldill the meetinir of t lie stockholders for tbe election of its Hoard i.i lere'tois and t!i- method of ootid u ct in " the liusi Iiess of the r"l '"l al mil si.all he us ,lo videt! he the b'-hix-.s adopt-. I b. the st oi h holi'i i s. Fo'irtc f i !..--T; - : P.... i tv.o-.i:.? -r illde el id ness to whl-l: .-aid i ..; .i.::i I Inn s i ii 1 1 al anx- tune sul.e-i t itseii snail not be more then t xx -o-t i.i ; .! of the it l. -Klefc-iite of it.- cpitii! stock. We. the umlei s tied, hereby liiu'i-i' to take and fax for tne number ot scares ol tne capital stock ot Tbe .Molxxcst Amusement i'"'.i imny which a'e t piw set opposite our nanos t c - ii. ct i x 1 sill . ccl t" il,,- proxismns of I:h-m Al -ti ! of incorporation. i ' Vi'T.xh.s.s V 11 l-;i;i: ii". have bei. uneo s. t on:- hands mis Sth c.ix ot l Yhreary. A. I . IKla. Niime. I tesidet.ce Nc of Shal es U M. Shhi-s. I "la t tsmout h. N-li. .1 C. I'.-t ers"ii i "la I Is mo u t h. Nebr. ..U statu op Nifi ;j:aska. ( il 'XT Y K CASS. ss. i'ii this sth dux ol February. A. I .. I'.il.'i. lietore in- the U tldcis!-, ned. 1 N'o- larx Public, duiy com a: iss e .ned ami u.ilifud for ii:nl residitio; ;tl in siiid countx". p.-rsonahx aiipeated toe iil'iivi' named I;. .V . .-nlaes. and .i C. I -.t . rs. i;. .1 1 ., mrli of whom an- pcisonntlx kt.oxxu to mi to he the i. lentil ill pel sons names arc :ltlcd fo t hi- uimvi' Arti- !ci-s of I mot pora t ion as panics thereti and each for himself a K n oxx ;. . i ( t b nisi luiin-nt and th.- execution ther.-of to be Lis voluntary act and oe-d In witness x hereof 1 ha x e hereunto set nix- i ii. i i i and Notarial seal tin- uax and x.-ar last ulioxc written C. A. KAWI.S. i Seal I No t.i rx Public. My cimniiss ion exiures Aiif.-ust -1'. i : 1 7. if 17. t-::-txv I (HI V I I Ctll in state of Nebraska, Countx ol Cass, ss In the mailer ol the Ifslalc of I'axiil St ct t ler, 1 ice-ased . All persons interested in -said e-tal" are hetebx- notified that or. tbi -Jm! d:. of June. A. I ... Iiu:.. C. Moxh s hied a petition in said Countx Cou:t, pray in-, that his final a ! m : n -s t ra t i i n in count tiled ''-rein be settled and alloxx ed, thai he be .1 ischa t-.nl liotn I i trust as adm i n ist t a I oi . and that th real estate and residue of th- personal pi in.itx lie as-iuned t" tin persons entitled thereto by law. TiiRt a l:i-:i nn' will be b.-nl upon said report and pill ion I ic f o) s:i 1 1 i cou rt i n tie court house at I -hi 1 1 sun "it h. in said countx. on Ihe jsth day of .Inn-. r.H'.. and that if x on fait to appeal before s;inl emu oil said L'Mh dav of .lime, a t pi o'clock A. M., and eoii'esl su id petiuon, ihe couit ma. cnint the prayer of said petition ami make such lumber onh is. alioxx utris and . le-rces. as t o t b is court ma- s-ciii proper, and to the .-ml 'ha! ah matters pel i ii i n : n,; to said estate max he finally fettled and determined. Witness tux" hand and th- seal of the Countx- Court ol said Countx of Cass this :ml dav of .tune. A I 1 ! 1 T. . allkn .1. i:i:i:.-'V'. County Judirc. mitii i: to t in iMTaie-. In I luiiili ( oiirt. n t - of Ne in ;i . ka, C;iss- Co'll'tX. SS. In lb- ni ilii i of tbo e.-tate of John Fi t y.pa 1 1 i k, deceas-d: : Notice in her. bx- --p.-on to th- -redi-tors of said ioeis-d that hesillni-'-wtil be iiiiu tit-'n claims tii-d a:ii:o-' i..'.id e.stiilc. bl for' U.e, Coen'x- Jlllie of Cass Count.. N. I'ska. a t tne Coun ty Court room in I Mat tsmout h. in sa'd count.--, on the ;th day of July, 1 :i 1 and on the 7th iax- .lanuarx. 1 p 1 1;. at pl o eio k A., eiich iIhx- for tii" . aniina- tiui. a din s t iii-ii t and aliownio .. All claims inust he filed jn said County Court on or hefcu.. said hour id hearinjr Witness nix- hand and seal of said County Court, at I Ma 1 1 Mnmi t h N.br.i kii. this 1st I'ax- of .lun", 1 ALLk.N .1 KK.'-sii.V. 'i-o-4xe C'CejJ.fi- .'cd.ye F.cgrular 75c values m Initial Sta tionery at the Journal office lor 50c. PAGE 7. xoTit i: Kr.i i:iii:i Iu Ike lltxirlfi unri In mitl I r 4 tint, Ni-tirnnl.il. Anna Amelia Monroe, v. I'laintill. John Kreilerh k Stull. ,et. al, 1 ief enila lit. Notice is hereby Kixen that uiiler ami t'X' xiitue ot a iltiti-i- of the I' s-triet-'ocrt in Hint for raw i'oui:t. Ne-ea-ka eliteteil iu the boxe elni.le.l cause or: t b- 1-th tiny of Mu'' J .. l'tl", ami an onl.-t etiteieit m raol coir'.' i: the i'-'lol !ax of Max. It'l.".. t i 'nil ; i ipni'il soie referee xx :II on lie 7tb ilax of July. A .. Ifi:.. i.i ill ,,,!.!, ; in., at the south f"Mt r of the eouri house in the City of 1'latls-!,,.-, ., i ,.s.- Count.x, Nebraska, s ; I ;.t ,..,1,.:, (,-. eti'll to tbe I 'Kbest tesp ui-l-t ,. i..hlor for cash tlie I . '. b .xx : t, u hi - -o ihi'll real estate. t"-X'. It 'I'l.e cist ha'f lit'., i of the ti'ilthxxi i ipi.nt-l i.VVx'i.i ami t b east ha'f i I'. '-. i ..! t ... s,.i;;:ixx est iiu.irlei- SVX''4 of t , oi iL'i. Toxx-nshlti txxelxe lUi. ItatiL-e tin ted!, i i:: i : l"t tour i I ' in " . t mn tbi:;-.-si i:o.i. Tv nslup l!.n Je.-o i.-.ii,;.- tl'iT-ieeti ii:'.'. am! ail ' f l"t ,:; ,. ,,i Section six iii. T" n.-l i' ! w.-ix-e ' 1 - '. Ita lice fe !.l' 11 ' ' ,' NIK W s- of tlie n-l:l of Xl il ' "1 t'.e : .V .I i n II ...oi. i. ml ' 1 i t li-it I i rt o, ii ,il lot I Ir.'- . " x -nu ast "I t! . a Ml r i L.' I : : 'I' XX 1 1 '. . XX I , i c 1 1 1 I . - I " ' ' I h " r t 1 l.ii.li:.- . cuixert i m I ti - 1 : ii t 1 y .-cttb of ; x i.i.oxv I'oiiit. all in ' ij-s ' t . Nei.l u... Said .-ale x ii: be b ol open for one lour. a : I '' a It -no - u I !i. t " .s i I ...iv of .1 cm . A. I . ! ' M a : p 'i 1 1 :. ip i-i .. I.. Tl i ! '. A 1 torn lm i "ia ' u' b MI'IH It tl' IVI tMtl'tllt tTMlV. Not.ee is !e r-by tio'ii that the ho stone I'll-- i'otliianx xas on ti In t di. v of Max , i: 1.".. incoi p. .Tilled fot t he l-nrpose of n.a n u I a -t ii i t 1 1: and sep inu cement pit"-s and a 1 1 other '.nient f oil !i. t s of exery hind and the ma-i-hinerx xvh.-reby the same t e iioU.od Hi.d made; also the sal.- ol restricted territories of the n-hts to miiiiii fiictute such prodints ami arlob-s un der the Flllted States Patents oxx in d ,,ol cnttolied bx said co'iipanx, in ill slates of the Pril.d slut.- of Mm i n -a. with its p' 'm :p.i olli. e lit l'llioli. NeblilsUil. 1 lie i Tll"lll'l "I ipitill M' k I'. llll.' ? !'."" 1 UI'X paid up when issue, i ami n "n ,-i - s.-ss - 1 1 . . Saul eorpornTicn i ,-. n. 1 1.-,. .... i r ...I. business on tne I..1H o il "' .!.. " . nd continue until the b'lli -lax oi .xia. I'lin, unless sooner .iis.ou.ii px .p.., tion' of liixx- or hx- eonsciit of sto. k- holders The hilesi anioiini m indebtedness or liability I" which th.' eo: in.) at ion is al anx time to sub- lel-f itself -h:!J tl"t .Mceo ixxo-ino.is f the paid up capital .Mock The iCaits of said corporal ion are to he ondncicd (c- a Ito.nd of Iiiiect.os of .ot bss tiiiin th'.-.- n il' more tban nine -tocl.bobb rs. as vxi 'l be tisod , t he ix-laws. ami the Ibiar.l ol l'il"'i"'H -hall .Pet a I 'resident. o itesi lent. Secretary and TicHsuier, ami a lltiii nil Maiiatter. I .-itel at I toon. Netitiiska. tins Mil day ol ilav, jhi... W. H. llAMvlMi, 1 'resident. tt-.M : .uiiiN McCarthy, s-neturv. is,,', a - 1 0- t XX ks Till: IHiTIIICT nil ItT l" '. l 'l , MtlHC . The F.iitik of ( ass Countx-. I'laiiiun, WiPiani H Si l.uf'T ntnl the tii.ktioxx ii h-:ts ami d.-vis-.s of William Srl.Hf er. il.'ii :ihni; Joseph T 1 1 1 o. k m.u I oti and the unknown heirs and d.xise.s of ,l..si I'll 'J'brockmoi ton. decease. t ; th.- unknown bells ami . Iexu-.es ,,( .A 11 till Ib'th. lie. .eased . I'M Mil III VVeck- hioh: Kuene Wcckbiicn; .los.pii W i ekt.io h. Amies Week bach and Ma thilda I'iistelio, et. ah. I i-f-tida tit s. You and each of yon arc li.-r. ln noti fied that tin- plaintiff has commenced Ml fiction iiL--amst xoit in lb- lustriet Court of Cass Countx. Nebraska, for Ihe purpose of . tmiT its title in sitnplc in and to lots fixe and six I and t.t in block t went x -one li 111 t h Citv of I 'hi 1 1 smout h, Ciiss Countx-, ,S. braskii. except that part oT said lotH occupied by Wiislintrlon Avenue in -aid Cjtx-. And to fotev-r eii.loin you and each of x.ni from i hiliiin. any riL-ht. title, claim i li-n ot inteti-st in and to the aboxe ilesi I ibed teal eMl. iitol to temovc .-.tiiiin clouds fumi plaintiff's title m and to s.iid leal es tate i.t:.'. for eii, ilabie r-li-f And X",i and each of xou lire re.iiii-d to nnswer -aid tutition on or b.unre tb- :'1t .lax of June A I .. 1 1 1 r. . and in failing so to do xour default will didx In entered I herein and .ludirmcnt tiiki-n as prayed for in di. in t i it's pet il i"tr Tllil HANK F CASS Od'NTY. iv A. I- Tlltti. IMaintitT. It's Attorney. 4-w IN Till: IHTM M'T III in ir . t ill Ml . Mtllll ! . .losej.h Skalak and William Wynn, 1'ia in tiffs. vs. Joseph Mcl'teary, et. at.. I o f cndii n t . Notice to Josepli Mri'iriiiy and the unktioxx ti lieils ami d. vis. es of Joseph Mci'riiir.x. deceased- Orati S. Thomp son i.ml Itcb.ccii 1! Tlionii-on, his wife, and li e unknown heirs and dexisees of (irati S Thompson, deceased: the un-knox-ii hens and ibis..es iif l.ucin.ia l:i iliii--. d.-eiiscd : Anna A. Townsetol ami Allied H. Toxx nsend, her husband: Ihe unknown heirs mid devisees of Vnna A. Towns. -nd. deceasid. t h- lin knoxx n lo irs and dexisees of Iblmiiml . l"ticlan. ilecciis.-d; tlraee 1 1. I. ui.ee ami W. Uratit beper, her hushat'd, IPi Sampson, and -Mrs Fli Siitnis.oi. b's wife, first name unknown. John T. it.i. se:,. r, and .1"' 1:11:1 Henrietta. H.-.'se-nci. Ins wife, defendants. You and each of you are l er.hv tieti ticd that the plaintiff- haxe eoiittii.-neeil an action against yon in the bbu 1. I Court of Cass Countx, N'i i'tiiska. for the purpose of ipiietin th-n title 111 ) simple in and to the finlmi ait: lo-M i it.. id real estate to-wit: Fractional lots :. 11. loj. !1. and lb', in the SIP', of tin. S VV of Section 1. Township 1 2, north of Katitte It F.ast of tbe 1,1 h I At., he inji more particularly described hs fol loxxs: 1 '. .111 meiii i n at the sooihiast corner of the SW '.. of the SW", of Section IS. Township 1J. nortli of Kiiti-e It Fast of the -.th P. At., and runiiiii": tb.'iice north of said Mb sc tion line :!; feet to the place of bc L'liiiiini;. thence ruiinin-: nortli 41.; f-.t, thence east t the west line of Sitli SItect in the City of Ma 1 1 smou t h. Cass County. Nebraska. thence follow mi; said west line of Sixth Str.-t ntnl I'.ii-lin-;s Avenue In a southerly directum to ii point in said west line of Hillinus Avenue due Fast to the phe c of l'-;ii-ninsr, theme vx.-st to the tdiice of l,e-uilili'lr-. heuiK and i ml ud 1 11 -. said frac tioiial jots 11. i.'i, '.ui. !'l bud i:,: and also eomm-nc i n 1; at the outj.eHM .01. rier of the SW'., of the SW'i of .Section IS. Township 1 Z. Hunt;- 14 ibist of in '.tii I'. .M., ru ii 11 1 11 u thence north ."!tti fef to the place of h-irl 11 n I Ii U. thence iiiti nin xvi'sl I'll feet, t bene. nortli lilt', l.'-t. thence east l'U f- t, thence south lif.fi feet to the place if becinnitm. b.-irijj known as fractional lot Ui. in the SW), r the SW ',4 of said Section Is, Town-s-hiji 1J not th Kantre 11. Fast of t li fitli I'. M. in 'ass Countx. Nf lira k. and also frH'tinnal lot M.' in the SFv, of the SW!, of Section PS. Towioh.j. 1;. north of Kance 14 Fast of the fcili P. M , in Cass Countx'. Nebraska hriiir. more pa rt nil la rl x- rlescrib-d as fol lows: Ciiiniii'tM ins at the riort lives? corii-r of the SK'i of the SV"i4 of f.md .-e'tioti is. Townshin 1.'. north Itunur II Fast. ruuniriK f hence south I :.' Vt rods to tbe place of be-, i n n i n I, then-. ...ist 1 ' rods, tbepee south 11 fet t.w lot Ifi, thence vxesl HI rods, thni'-c north 11- feet to th1 pin... of l.-Kn-niiiK, IieitiK known as fiu'tional lot sj And to foicver enjoin you and each of von from claimiim any iltrbt, title, claim, lien or Interest In and to the aboxe described real estate, and to t nioxe ccitHin .louds from idaintifTa title in and to SHid real esiat- and for ."Itiilahl- relief. You and each of you are reiulred to ansx-er KHhl petition on or before the 1'lst day of June A. !., Ifil".. 1. rid In failnisT so to do your de fault will he duly entered therein arid judgment taken a prayed for m plaintirt f pt-titlon .lOSFTH SKALAK and WILLIAM WYNN. Br A. L TIDD. flaintl-. Their Attorney. -w