The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 31, 1915, Image 1

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Neb Stat Historical Soc
NO. i9.
Young Man About 20 Years of Age
and an Entire Stranger Meets
Tragic Death at Oreapolis.
From Friday Daily.
Yesterday afternoon when No. 77,
the fast west-bound through freight
over the Burlington, was speeding
along the Platte bottom near Orea
polis, an unknown man, evidently a
tramp, attempted to board the train
and in a few minutes his lifeless form
was all that was left to tell the story
As far as could be learned from an
other traveler who was walking along
the track at the same time, the un
fortunate man had made two attempts
to board the train, and the first time
was unable to get a foothold on the
train, but on his second attempt was
able to get a hold of the grab irons
on a box car and hung there for a
few seconds and then seemed to slip
and in doing so a part of his cloth
ing caught and he was dragged along
for about a hundred yards and his
body suffered very severe injuries.
His head was mashed in by striking
on the "derail," and for the entire 100
yards his brains were smeared over
the rail, while his clothing was en
tirely stripped from his body and
scattered in the wake of the train.
As soon as word was received here
by the sheriff Coroner Brendel was
notified of the death and came up
from Murray and a jury composed of
George Sayles, James Burrie, Carl
Kunsmann,, Hans Seivers, G. L. Far
ley and C. E. Martin were impanneled
to look into the cause of the death
and -were taken out to Oreapolis,
where the body was kept pending the
arrival of the jury. A greater part
of the clothing had been stripped
from the body by being dragged over
the rails and switches near the tower.
As far as can be learned from the
evidence of those near the scene of
the tragedy the man had evidently
had his clothing caught on a bolt
protruding from the car, which caught
him as he slipped and he was drawn
under the fast-moving train and drag
ged along the rails and switches and
literally pounded to death, as his body
was in bad shape when it was finally
thrown from the train by the force of
the momentum of the train, and was
picked up. The left hip, as well as
the man's back was broken, while the
right arm had been broken in two
places below the elbow. The entire
Lack of the head was torn off and the
whole body scratched and torn quite
badly. There was no marks of
identification to be found on the man,
as the only thing in any of his pock
ets was a tiny lock of what seemed
a child's hair, which was found in
the coat. The unfortunate man was a
clean-cut young man and apparently
not much over 20 years of age. He
was dark complexioned and clean
f haven and had apparently been care
ful of his person, as his clothing was
clean, with the exception of that
which had been soiled under the mov
ing train.
The other man who had been near
the track at the time of the accident,
stated that he did not know anything
of the man killed, as he had just met
him a few hours before the accident
and had not even learned his name.
The identification of the man will be
impossible and probably there will al
ways be a mystery in some household
over a missing son or brother whose
fate will never be learned.
The body was brought to this city
last evening and taken to the under
taking jooms of Straight & Streight,
w;here it was prepared for burial.
The verdict of the jury was that
the man met death while attempting
to board a moving freight train.
Presents Journal Force "With Bouquet.
- From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. Thomas Wiles present the
Journal force with a beautiful bouquet
of garden roses and peonies this
morning. Please accept our thanks,
Mrs. Wiles. They are sure beauties
and make the office much more cheer
ful this gloomy day.
Forest Rose Flour. Every sack
guaranteed. Try a sack today.
From Friday's Dally.
The heavy rains that have prevail
ed throughout the west for the past
week have served to aid greatly to the
volume of water pouring into the
streams and creeks, and as a result
they are all on the rampage. The
Missouri river at this place has show
ed a rise of several feet, while the
Platte is now almost as high as at
any time this season. The creeks
throughout the county are up bank-
full, and in many cases have overflow
ed onto the lowlands. In Mills coun
ty, Iowa, the Nishna river is up to
flood stage and has overflowed the
banks at several points. Four Mile
creek, west of this city, has the ap
pearance of a small river, as the flood
waters are pouring into it from the
surrounding hills. While a little rain
was badly needed here, it sure is get
ting tirsome with the almost con
tinuous downpour of. the past few
From Friday's Dailf.
l esterday afternoon tha last sad
rites over all that was mortal of Ed
ward Rynott were held at the late
home in the west part of the city and
a large number of old friends gather
ed to share with the sorrowing rela
tives their grief at the taking away of
the well loved husband, son and broth
er of those stricken ones gathered
around the bier. The services were
held at 5 o'clock, having been delayed
until a sister, Mrs. Margaret Spang-
ler, of Ellsworth, Neb., could reach
this city, but the delay in the train
necessitated the holding of the serv
ices at this hour. Rev. J. II. Steger,
pastor of St. Paul's German Evangeli
cal church, had charge of the services
and spoke feelingly of the passing of
the departed from his family circle
and his words of comfort and cheer
served to soften the pain of the part
ing which had bowed with grief the
members of the family and held out
to them the promise of a future full
of hope and joy, where death should
come no more to chill the heart and
break the golden circle of the ones
they loved. During the services Miss
Emma Falter sang very sweetly that
dear old hymn, "Jesus Lover of My
Soul," while the choir of St. Paul's
church gave a number in German. At
the close of the services the cortage
was held at the home until the arrival
of the sister from the west in order
that she might take a last farewell
of the beloved brother, and it was al
most 7:30 before the body was borne
to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was
laid to rest. The pall-bears were se
lected from old friends of the de
ceased, being: H. E. Goos, H. G. Soen
nichsen, Roy Burdick, Elmer Taylor,
Frank Kauble and Anton Kanka. The
wealth of floral remembrances at the
grave silently expressed the deep feel
ing of regret at the calling away of
one who was just in the sunshine of
his life when stricken down by death.
Yesterday afternoon a complaint
was filed before the county board of
insanity against John Teyo of Louis
ville, charging him with being a dipso
manic and a fit subject to be sent to
the state hospital. Sheriff Quinton
returned last night from Louisville
and brought the man in, who will be
kept here awaiting the hearing, which
will probably be held Tuesday, as the
witnesses in the case were .unable to
reach this city today, and Monday
being a holiday, the case will be put
over. From all reports the man has
been creating a great deal of trouble
at his home and in the town in gen
eral and an appeal to the state was
made necessary to look after him.
Paints and Oils, Gering & Co.
By Mistake of Clerk One School Dis
tritt lias a Surplus Fund of
$1,600 in Treasury.
From Friday's TaiJv.
State Sujerintendent Thomas has
advised the board of education in a
school district of Cass county, near
Nehawka, that a considerable cash
surplus now in the district's treasury
may be refunded to the taxpayers or,
in lieu thereof, the district may omit
to levy any school tax for a year or
two until this money is used up.
The school district's surplus is the
lesult of an error made by the county
clerk in making up the annual tax
levy for 1914. The school board cer
tified to the clerk that it would not
need to make any school levy that
year, as it had enough funds on hand
to pay for the next year of school.
The clerk thought this recommenda
tion contained a mistake in spelling,
and he proceeded to place a levy of
nine" mills where the board had ask
ed for "none."
In writing to F. M. Massie, a mem
ber of the district board, Superintend
ent Thomas says:
"I note that it has required $(i08.C7
on an average during the five last
years to operate your school, and
that you now find yourselves with the
unprecedented condition of having
about $1,G00 on hand and sufficient
funds to run your school for two
"Question: Can your district re
fund to the taxpayers the excess
funds after retaining sufficient
amount - to provide, for one ., year's
"Your case is so unusual that it
seems hardly necessary to warn dis
tricts against an accumulation of ex
cess funds. To allow such would
deprive the taxpayers of the use of
funds which rightfully belong to them.
The function of public taxation is to
provide means for the proper support
of government, and when by surplus
taxation funds cannot legitimately be
consumed, taxation ceases to be a
virtue and becomes a burden against
which burdened citizens have a right
to rebel." Lincoln Star.
From Saturday's Daily.
The membership committee of the
Commercial club that has ueen busy
for the past few days in what time
they could give to the work, in secur-
ng new member for the Commercial
club, have been meeting with much
uccess in their efforts and the en
couragement given them shows the in
creasing interest that is being felt
throughout the city in the work of en-
isting in the ranks of those striving
for the advancement of the interests
of the city. The old theory that only
he men engaged in business on Main
street were suitable for membership
has been tossed overboard and the
lub is taking its true position as a
body representative of every business,
trade and profession and where every
man interested in the futhering of
things best for Plattsmouth. It is the
time now to make the resolution to
oin the club and assist in the good
work of keeping the town to the front,
and the opportunity is open to all
residents of the city, no matter where
they live or in what vocation they
may be engaged. As long as you live
in Plattsmouth you should have its
best interests at heart, and the best
place to express your views of what
should be done to help along a better
city will be found in the monthly
gatherings of the club in the common
forum of what may be termed the
town meeting." Get the "bug" to
working and join the Commercial club
to boost the work of getting together
for Plattsmouth, first, last and all the
time. , - -
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday was one of the most
pleasant occasions that has been en
joyed for a great many months by
the members of Nebraska Chapter
No. 3, P. A. M., and ' several new
members were given the Royal Arch
degree, T. Arthur Wiles of Weeping
Water, Gilbert W. Cheney of Union
Luke L. Wiles, A. L. Tidd, this city,
being those instructed in the mys
teries of this degree of the great Ma
sonic fraterniay. The work of confer
ring the degree was commenced in the
afternoon, and after a recess of sev
eral hours, at 7 o'clock the members
of the order were seated at the ban
quet board to enjoy the sumptuous re
past prepared for them by Fred Wag
ner, the restauranteur, and this pleas
ant event was enjoyed to the utmost
by the very large attendance of the
membership present. This chapter is
one of the most active of the Ma
sonic bodies and has secured a splen
did membership.
From Friday's Dafly.
i esterday afternoon at his home in
Havelock, William Messersmith, a
former resident of this city, passed
away, after an illness covering a
period of several months from a
severe attack of kidney trouble. Mr.
Messersmith was born in Plattsmouth
some thirty-four years ago, being a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Messersmith,
and after a residence of several years
here removed to Havelock, - where he
entered the employ of the Burlington
in the boiler shop in that city and has
since made his home there. He was
married in that city several years
ago, and the wife and two small chil
dren survive him, as well as the moth
er and one, brother and two sisters.
During the years that Mr. Messer1
smith made his home here he made
many warm friends, who learn of his
death with the. greatest of regret, and
the bereaved relatives will receive the
sympathy of their old friends here in
the loss that has visited them in the
loss of a loving husband, father, son
and brother. The father, Joel Messer
smith, passed away in Havelock four
years ago, and the body of the son
will be laid by his side in Wyuka
cemetery in Lincoln, the funeral being
held either tomorrow or Sunday. The
deceased was a nephew of W. D. Mes
persmith, Mrs. Homer McKay and
Mrs. William McCauleyvof this city.
From Saturday's Dally.
Almost proverbial in certain sec
tions of the new state, and especially
in Oklahoma City, the social and
amusement center of this section, has
the names of Russell and Gross be
come, and this in a city where
amusement lovers are afforded the
very best in the line. These clever
comedians will be seen here Monday
night at the Air Dome, when they will
be supported by a great cast, and
local theater-goers will have the op
portunity of seeing one of the strong
est attractions of the year.
Besides Russell and Gross, a num
ber of clever vaudeville acts will
serve to make the evening a continual
delight for those attending. A feat
ure of the show is its big beauty
chorus, which has won favor because
of its finished work and beautiful
Suffice it to say that a rare treat is
in store for the patrons; Managers
Shlaes & Peterson are to be com
plimented on securing this company.
Farmers who ship cream direct may
leave their cream 'at our store. We
will deliver your cream to the depot
and return your empty cans, without
extra charge. ,
The Wilshimer Brothers of Texas Wil
Do Much Improving on Their
Property in Plattsmouth.
Fmm Snluroav'K DaPv.
For the past six weeks F. M
Wilshimer of Stratford, Texas, has
been in the city looking after his busi
ness interests, which are quite ex
tensive, and he seems well pleased
with the future prospects of this city,
and is in connection with his brother
to start a number of improvements
on their property interests in this
city. The Messrs. Wilshimer are con
tractors and builders and are the
owners of the residence property for
merly occupied by August Roesler
nd family, which was damaged by
fire some time ago. This house has
een fitted up new since the fire and
placed in a thoroughly modern con
dition by these gentlemen, and may
now be considered one of the most
desirable pieces of rental property in
the city, as the Wilshimer brothers
have spared no expenses in fitting up
the building in a thoroughly up-to-
date manner.
In addition to this property these
gentlemen also own several others
lots in the city, having purchased the
old Polk residence on High School
lill. two lots on Main street between
Eleventh and Twelfth streets, as well
as two lots north of the High school
adjoining the Mann property, and it
s the intention of these gentlemen to
build suitable houses on their prop
erty in the fall if possible. The lots
on Main street will require consider
able filling and the city, as well' as
the "citizens, should lend whatever
assistance possible to Messrs.
WTilshimer in their plans to improve
their proper, as well as the looks
of that section of the city, as these
lots have for years been an eyesore,
and the proposed plans certainly
would add much to their improvement.
Mr. Wilshimer expects to return to
Texas in a short time, but expects to
return in the fall and commence work
on the building of a number of resi
dences on his lots. Let the good work
go on.
From Friday'" Daily.
The ladies Aid society of St
aul's church Ijeld a delightful social
meeting at the pleasant home of Mrs.
John Albert on West Pearl street yes
terday afternoon. This meeting was
not so largely attended as the social
meetings of this splendid organization
usually are, many being kept at home
on account of the disagreeable weath
er. arious amusements, interspersed
with social conversation, were indulg
ed in and assisted in making this
social meeting a most enjoyable one.
Delicious refreshments were served
at an appropriate time. There were
some twenty-eight ladies in attend
ance, who, on their departure, extend
ed their warmest thanks to the hos
tess for her kind hospitality and ex
cellent afternoon's entertainment af
forded them.
From Friday's Dally.
i esterday afternoon No. I, the last
Denver-Chicago train over the Bur
lington, due . here at 4:30 p. m., was
delayed some two hours and a half by
the heavy rains and high water in
the western part of the state and did
not arrive here until 7:30. The Mis
souri Pacific has also suffered a great
deal of delay to their train service
from the rains and high water, and all
trains from the south have been tardy
for the past few days.
The next time you are in need of
flour, try a sack of Forest Rose. Sold
by all dealers.
Fun in plentiful measure, an even
ing embellished by the presence of
beautiful -and attractive young ladies
adepts in dnee and song work, and
many special scenic and electrical ef
fects is the explanation of what the
local theater goers can expect at the
performance of the Matinee Girl
Musical Comedy company, which
plays at the Air Dome Monday night
This is the comedy success of the sea
son and the company is the largest
organization of its kind that is routed
this way, playing one of the latest
New York pieces, with a strong cast.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last evening a very enjoyable
gathering was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hallstrom, when
their daughter, Miss Alpha, enter
tained a number of her young school
friends in a most delightful manner
that was thoroughly enjoyed by all
those fortunate enough to be present.
The evening was spent in playing
games of all kinds, which served to
pass the time most pleasantly for sev
eral hours, and the young people were
delighted with the hospitality afforded
them by their clever hostess. At a
suitable hour a very dainty and
tempting luncheon was served by Miss
Hallstrom, assisted by Miss Ruth
Roman, that came as a most pleasant
feature of the occasion and one that
was thoroughly enjoyed, and at a late
hour the jolly party departed home
ward, feeling' that the occasion had
been one of the rarest of pleasure.
A very pleasing dinner party was
given last evening oy miss Marie
Donnelly in honor of Miss Catherine
ovey and Mr. John W. Falter, whose
marriage is to occur in the near fut
ure, and as guests of the occasion the
members of the bridal party were
present. The dinner was served at 7
o'clock and the dining room of the
pleasant Donnelly home was made
most beautiful with tasty decorations
in the color scheme of yellow and
white, which was carried out in the
appointments of the table, where the
delightful six-course dinner was
served. A large basket of Mrs.
Ward roses formed the centerpiece of
the decorative scheme of the table and
the basket was adorned with a large
bow of yellow, making a most at
tractve feature of the pleasant oc
casion. Four large yellows candles
added a softening shade to the
beauties of the occasion, while at each
place were dainty place cards rep
resenting the different parts the
guests were to have in the wedding
party. The guests were received by
Mrs. J. H. Donnelly, assisted by Mrs.
,ae F. Patterson, while the dainty
dinner was served most charmingly
by Mrs. Earl R. Travis and Miss
Gretchen Dornelly. After the enjoy
ment of the dinner the guests spent
several hours very pleasantly in dan
cing and music, which added much to
the pleasure of the jolly party. Those
in attendance were: Misses Edith
Dovey, Emma Falter, Catherine
Dovey, Madeline Minor, Marie Don
nelly, Messrs. Edwin Fricke, Charles
Dovey, Byron Arries, John Falter,
Don Arries and Mr. and Mrs. George
H. Falter.
"Billy" Sunday, the Man, and His
Message at the Journal office for
$1.00. This work contains the heart
of Mr. Sunday's gospel message. Come
in and get yours while they last, as
we only have a few.
For Sale.
Good Durham Shorthorn bull, 2
years old. Inquire of J. J. Lohnes,
Mynard, Neb. 4-29-4wks-w
From Saturday' Daily. ,
Yesterday afternoon while in Oma
ha A. S. Will had a rather startling
experience with the light-nngereti
gentry of that city, which resulted in
the loss of his pocketbook containing
something like $5 in money and a
number of valuable papers. Mr. Will
was getting on a street car at the
corner of Sixteen and Farnam streets
to go to the depot to catch No. 2 for
home, and there being quite a crowd
boarding the car, he experienced con
siderable difficulty in getting on and
was pushed and shoved a great deal
by two men, one preceding and one
following immediately behind him as
they stepped on the car. These two
men rode for about a block and then
got off the car, and it was only a few
minutes later that Mr. Will dis
covered the loss of his pocketbook,
which was doubtless secured by the
two men. The amount of money was
not great but a numbers of papers of
value to the owner were in the pocket-
book and it would be greatly ap
preciated if it were recovered.
From Saturdays Daily.
The residents from this city and
vicinity who are in various hospitals
in Omaha recovering from operations,
are all reported as doing nicely and
are on the highway to recovery, whie-
has given their families and friends
a great deal of pleasure.
Mrs. C. A. Rawls was able yester
day to sit up for a few minutes for
the first time since her operation and
every indication points to her speedy
recovery and restoration to health.
Mrs. George A. Moisinger, who is
at St. Joseph's hosi-it::! iecoveii'1
rom an operation for a lun;or, is no.
feeling much improved lod the re
ports from her beeVidj are most
favorable and pleasing.
The condition of Mrs. Fied KaflVn-
berger. who i3 also at St. Joseph s
hospital, is given as sle wing all
favorable signs and lif r family and
friend are much p!?a?cl over thi",
although it is only a few cays since
the operation and really hard to de
termine the outcome.
From Saturday's Dally.
Mrs. Permelia "urandma W uliams
passed away Wednesday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. L. F. Langhorst,
in this city, at the hour of 12:30 n. m.
Death was due primarily to old age.
Funeral services will be held at 2
'clock this (Friday) afternoon from
the M. E. church, conducted by Rev.
Davis of Cowles, Neb., former pastor
here. Interment will be made i;i the
Elmwood cemetery.
An extended obituary of this splen
did old lady and early Cass county
ettler will be published next week.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning a brand new flag was
received by the custodian of the court
house that will replace the worn and
battered emblem that for the past two
years has fluttered its ragged frag
ments from the flag staff on the court
house on holidays and festal oc
casions. Thi3 new flag has long been
needed and certainly will display the
proper spirit of patriotism by the
county board, who have ordered it.
It will be given a baptism on Monday,
when it will be hauled up for the first
time and allowed to float to the