The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MOTiBAT. MAY 10 1913.
page s.
I' ' 1 '. L J 1. M - ... -
Are "Doctrines of Demons"
Eatan'a Successful Method Why God
Permits Darkness For Light Faith
and Love Tested Responsibility of
Preachers God Slandered Every
body's Duty Truth Soon Trium
phant "They Shall Be Ashamed-"
Pittsburgh. Pa.,
May 11. Pastor
Russell gave two
addresses here to
day. We reirt the
one from 1 Tim
othy 4:1. 2. It is
a severe arraign
ment of education,
and esj eciu i !y of
ministers, notwith
standing its mod
erate language.
The Pastor said:
We are gradual
ly awakening to the fait that the
world does not love t.iod. hut merely
fears llini; and t hat few of the
churches recognize Hiiu as t he gra
cious Heaenly Father. Although the
Uible has told us reeatedly th.-it God
Is Ive. that His mercy endureth tothe
limit, and that from Him comes every
good and perfect gift, nevertheless the
doctrines of demons instilled into our
minds from childhood have hindered
us from appreciating- these statements.
Buck iu the Second Century, when
Uibles were printed by ien and very
expensive, and wLen few had the edu
cation to read them. Satan laid the
foundation for gross errors. The cler
gy began to claim Aj,Ksto!ie Succession
for the I'ishops. who assumed the title
of Apostolic Bishops. This meant that
they were successors to the AjKJstles,
and consequently that their teachings
were of equal authority. Gradually
the deception fastened itself; nobody
was allowed to preach except those au
thorized, or ordained, by tboe claiming
to be inspired successors of the Apos
tles. The result was the separation of
the Church as the clergy the public be
in,? called the Children of the Church,
or sometimes referred to as the laity.
A little later the Apostolic Bishops,
with Emperor Constantine. started
( reed-ma king. Thereafter creeds t(Kk
the place of Bible study; for the Em
Ieror decided that the Nicene Creed
would le the standard of Orthodoxy,
and that any one differing from its
teachings would be a heretic and sub
ject to jersecution. Any Bible study
thenceforth meant liability to lie count
ed a heretic and suffer accordingly.
Thus Bible studv was crowded out.
and any reference to the Bible was
considered a slight to these Bishops and
the creeds w hich they had made.
How long did this last, you lick? We
answer, twelve hundred years; then
the authority of tLe Bishops as A'kw
tles iK-gan to be qu-.-stioned. The Bible
bean to be sought and studied, but all
who did this were esteemed heretics,
or in danger of becoming suchi by get
ting out of touch with the creeds. How
much error could le brought into the
Church in twelve hundred years! Is
it any wonder that now we find that
our creeds are more than h: If error,
and that the doctrines of devils which
were worked into them as leaven have
corrupted them entirely and made them
injurious to spiritual health?
I remind you that this was the very
prophecy which Jesus made that leav
en, corruption, would be hidden in
the family portion. (Matthew 16:6. 11,
31!; Luke 13:11.) Again, Jesus pictures
the matter in Revelation 17:4, II, where
a woman is shown. Laving In her hand
a Golden Cup filled with her own false
d'K-triues. with which she makes drunk
all the inhabitants of the earth. The
whole world has been stupid.'y drunk
for centuries and now is awakening
some dazed, some angry, some hysteri
cal, etc. But. thank God! we are get
ting awake; and thnt with our waking
we perceive that the glorious Morning
of the Millennium Is near t hand.
There, as promised. Messiah will as
tume His great power and legin nis
fceign. and will roll away the igno
rance and superstition from the world
and let In tho true liht of the knowl
edge of God s glory.-Isaiah 0:2. 3;
Ilabakkuk 2:14.
Organized Opposition to the Bible.
I am not blaming our forefathers
Catholics or Protestants. D:ubtlesR.
there were bad men amongst them,
but I believe there were also good men
and sincere. 1 am blaming the great
Adversary. Satan, mid his demons, the
fallen angels, as the Apostle dies. We
have been debauched by these "doc
trines of demons." ns the Ajostle Iu
our test declares prophetically.
It was alout the year 1500 A. 1. that
the ieople began to desire the New
Testament and to doubt the inspiration
of the Apostolic Bishops. About that
time Prof. Tyndale translated the New
Testament into the English language,
but could not pet it printed In Great
Britain, because of the power of the
Bishops Protestant Bishops, mark yon,
afraid that the Word of God in the
hands of the people would discount
their authority. Tyndale persevered,
had his New Testament printed in
Germany, and then imported it to Lon
don. Although few of the people could
read, they Iegan to buy the book
?rn. raft toe rrvr trrrrnra ones
might read to tht-ia. The Apostoll
Bishops feared that thi would a.ea
the los3 of their prestige: for the peo
pie would think for themselves. Th
Eisbops bought up the eruire edition
and burned the books pubit ly in front
of St. Paul's Cathedral, Iondon.
Surely. Jesus forewarned us of these
would-l Apostles! (Revelation 2:2
He appointed only twelve, and reeog
nized St. Paul as the successor to Ju
das. These Twelve were to be Hi
special mouthpieces and were the
rrown of twelTe stars of the Church
and its twelve foundation stones.
(Revelation 12:1; 21 :14. Referring to
the illegal Apostolic Bishops. Jesus said
"Thou hast tried them which say they
are Apostles and are not. and hast found
them liars." Rev. 2:2: 2 Cor. 11:13.
Burning the New Testament made
tLe matter worse. The people wanted
to know why they should not le per
mitted to read the words of Jesus and
the original Twelve. The pseudo-aiKis
ties got busy and produced what they
styled the Bishops Bible, and gave -it
to the peopie. But with the Bible they
gave threats that if the people in any
way. through reading that Bible, would
get out of harmony with the creeds,
they would go to eternal torture. Poor
Ieople, brow-beaten and hindered by
the very ohes who professed to be
their leaders by Divine appointment
Poor bishops, deceived by the "doc
trines of demons" into taking this ter
rible position!
j:oman cat none also saw the op
portuniry for giving the Bible to the
people and thus affecting, as the Prot
estants did. to be progressive friepds
of the Bible. They got out the Iouay
edition. Each party warned the peo
pie that tne others translation was
especially wrong, although, as a mat
ter of fact, there is little difference
and the attempt was to binder the
leople from studying the Bible.
The same spirit is manifested every
where yeL Whoever will agree with
the creeds. Catholic and Protestant, is
tolerated by his own class. Whoever
presents the Bible without sectarian
bias, and shows its simplicity and puri
ty, its Divine Message of love and
mercy, that person is branded a heretic
and dangerous; and any vilification
heaped upon him is reckoned as serv
ice to God. however false. It is not
surprising that we have been centuries
in getting out of the darkness of the
past; but it is surprising to what ex
tent we have teen hoodwinked by the
What Are Doctrines of Demons?
From first to last, the "doctrines of
demons" are various falsehoods de
signed to misrepresent God's character
and dealings, and thus to hinder the
light of God's Message from taking
effect in human hearts. But, you say.
could not God have hindered Satan
from thus practising deceptions and
slandering His character? Surely He
could, as lie declares He will soon do.
But reieatedly the Ixrd indicates that
it has leen His purpose not to use
force in the gathering of the Church.
As SL Peter declares, "God hath giv
en unto us exceeding great and pre
cious promises, that by these we might
become partakers of the Divine na
ture." (2 Peter 1:4.) We are God s
workmanship: but He is working mere
ly through His promises and seeking
a class who will respond to His Mes
sage and promises. By and by.
through Messiah's Kingdom, force will
le used for the instruction of others;
but those now being selected from the
world are to lc taken out without
hands without human power, without
any jiower except that of the Truth.
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth,
Thy Word is Truth." (John 17.17.)
To whatever extent God's Word is re
ceived into a good and honest heart, it
does a work of transformation "trans
formed by the renewing of your mind,"
through the Holy Spirit. Rom. 12:2.
Satan, personally and through his de
mon hosts of fallen angels, seeks to
misrepresent God's Message, God's
character. St. Paul tells us this, say
ing. "The god of this world hath blind
cd the minds of those who lelieve
not, lest the light of the glorious Gos
pel of Christ, who is the Image of
God. should shine unto them." (2 Co
rinthians 4:4.) if the light of God's
goodness shine into auy heart, it will
he by the Truth shining in. which will
lave the effect of scattering the error
and sin and of drawing that person
nearer to God. So 1 am hoping today
that more light of Divine Truth
will shine into all our hearts, that we
may be drawn nearer to our God and
separated more and more from sin and
everything opposed to God.
What is to crush this slander against
the Almighty, which Satan has ma nil
factured? He got us to believe that
lefore God created man He made a
great place called Hell. Sheol. Hades,
supplied It with fire-proof devils and
with fuel to last for all eternity, and
then made man, knowing that nearly
everylxniy would go to that awful
place, only one in ten thousand Iteing
saintly enough to escape it. Addition
ally, we were taught that we would
be rendered Indestructible, in ordc!
that our torments might last eternally
I refuse to leliere thnt any human
mind could ever make up such doc
trines. I think too highly of my fel
low creatures. I accredit those doc
trines, as the Apostle does In our text
fo demons; and as he explains, their
object was to separate us from God
and from the Bible. God's Word.
When Satan's Work Began.
Satan has leeii working his plan of
opposition to God for more than six
thousand years. He began by telling
Mother Eve that her sin would not
bring the punishment of death, as God
had said: and he has kept tip that
tatement until today. He has now
.onvlnced the whole world that when
This is the fundamental doctrine of
the demons. Think how many false
doctrines that have troubled us are
based upon the thought that the deed
are alive! And remember what the
Bible says; namely. "The dead know-
not anything' (Eccleslastes 9:5); "The
wages of sin is death" not eternal tor
ment anywhere (Romans 6:22); and,
"The soul that sinneth. it shall die"
(Ezekiel 1S:4, 20). If we had believed
the Bible, we would have been spared
the nonsense, the fear, the torture, the
delusions, which have troubled us.
But we neglected God's Word and took
the word of Satan, the SerpenL
These doctrines of demons include
Purgatory and masses to get out of
Purgatory.. They include the work of
spirit mediums; for as bishops and
priests are deceived, so are mediums.
They verily think that, they are com
municating with dead humans; where
as the Bible makes clear that they are
being deceived by the fallen angels,
the demons, who know all about our
dead friends, and through these me
diums try to impress upon us that our
friends are aiive. thus giving the only
confirmation there is to Satan's lie that
the dead are alive. Poor creatures
who come under the influence of evil
spirits tell us distinctly that the spirits
who once claimed to be their dead
friends declare plainly, after getting
control of these unfortunates, that they
are demons, and then proceed to terrify
their victims by felling that they will
soon have them iu eternal torture.
Why Would Demons So Teach?
At first thought it would appear as
though Satan would not favor any
thing telling about future trouble; and
thus many are deceived into thinking
that whatever tells of the goodness
and love of God must be a deception
of the Devil. Let us notice carefully
the line of the Adversary's attack. He
skillfully uses preachers, evangelists
and the profane all to tell about Hell
and devils, and the creeds to tell that
all that is God's Plan. Thus effectual
ly he puts a barrier between God and
the teople. and drives them from God
and from the Bible.
Have not these "doctrines of devils'
led thinking people away from God
and religion into social flurries and
nonsense? Have not some men been
led to plunje into business, others iuto
novel reading, theater-going, drinking,
carousing, gaming anything to keep
their minds off the most important
things, the things of God, the things
which the Bible teaches? Surely it is
so! And yet there are tnousauus or
ministers who are preaching Hell-fire
torment, but who do not believe a word
of what they say, and who think they
are doing it to keen people from going
into sin. Do they think that they are
wiser than God? Do they expect to
hear the Master's "Well done, good
and faithful servant," for having slan
dered God's name. His character and
Message, for having deceived the peo
ple, when He plainly told them that
the Truth alone will sanctify?
I sympathize with the preachers;
they are in a terrible place, as the
Apostle describes in our text, "Speak
ing lies iu hypocrisy; having their con
science seared with a hot iron. Only
a badly seared conscience couiu ap
prove of the slandering of Almighty
God and the representing of Him as
being worse than the worst of all hu
man beings worse than the worst of
devils we could possibly imagine. It
would be a Irard matter for these gen
tlemen, so Jong looked up to as stand
a rd bearers for God and the Truth, to
come humbly down from their pedes
tals and tell the ieople plainly. We
have been deceiving you all. or at least
have been keeping you in Ignorance of
the Truth, for the sake of the salaries
we received. A few, we may surely
expect, will do this. They are coming
nearer and nearer to the point every
minute. But they will be few. The
majority will brazen the matter out.
adding falsehood to hypocrisy. How
sad! And every dav that thev delay
to step out on the side of Truth will
make their case the worse. The peo
ple are becoming enlightened, and are
ahead of the preachers in knowledge of
God and honesty of thought and word.
Quite recently I beard from a young
man. who went to his pastor, saying.
Do you really believe in Hell fire as
the punishment for sin?" The answer
was, "Yes, certainly, of course we all
do." Then the young man told what
he had leen thinking; and as he was
eaving the minister's study, the latter
put his hand on the young man's shoul
der, saying, "George. 1 do not believe
A eternal torment, but you know we
must preach it. Otherwise, we would
le out with our denominations and
creeds, out of everything; and perhaps
the ieople would le the w orse off."
What a shameful position! Surely
God has given preachers much advan
tage over the common people in edu
cation and time for study: and surely
He will not hold him guiltless thai
taketh Ills name in vain that slanders
Him. that misrepresents Him. and that
Iocs so in the Name of God. religion
and the Bible! I am speaking plainly,
but not unkindly. My heart grieves
for the ministers: for the judgments
of the Iord surely will come upon
hem for their course. Our forefathers
had the excuse of ignorance, misunder-
tanding, poor translations, and severe
ondages of suerstition. But no ex-
use can le offered now by any honest
onl for misrepresenting God and de
riving the people of God and the
world, and to the best of his ability
Joining with Satan In attempting to
hwart the Divine Purpose of select
ing the Household of Faith.
Again 1 offer free on post-card re
quest my pamphlet on HelL It dls-
ensses every text containing the word
Hell, and certain misunderstood para
bles. Address me at Brooklm. X. Y.
rney (TTe tXey are really more
than when they were alive.
Miss Marie Robertson. Attending the
University, and Companion Impris
oned in Room, but Get Ihe Train.
From Friday's Pally.
A Plattsmouth girl. Miss Marie
Robertson, had the experience of be
ing one of the chief figures in an ex
citing class mix-up at Lincoln on
Tuesday, tog-ether with a fellow
student, Miss Alice Miller, of Kear
ney, both being members of the senior
class at the state university. It seems
that Tuesday was the annual "snek"
day of the senior class, and the whole
class had planned to go to Crete to
spend the day. Both Miss Robertson
and Miss Miller are members of the
Delta. Delta. Delta sorority,' and it
was the under class members of the
sorority who came near causing1 the
girls to miss the outing of the seniors.
The freshmen co-eds locked the two
girls in their room to prevent them
leaving the sorority house and joining
the seniors, and from the room the
girls escaped to the roof of the build
ing, from where Miss Robertson
escaped after spending several hours
there in the almost freezing tem
perature prevailing-, and was preparing-
to assist Miss Miller to escape,
when the trick was discovered by the
freshmen and the rescue prevented,
although Miss Robertson succeeded in
making her escape and hastened to
the railroad station, where Chancellor
Avery was informed of the condition
of affairs and ordered the train held
until a rescue party could hasten after
Miss Miller. The girls at the sorority
house refused to answer the bell and
it was necessary to place a ladder
from the porch of the E. G. Evans'
home next door to the sorority house
to the room of Miss Miller and she
made her escape, and borrowing a
change of costume was able to join
the seniors in their outing. The joke
was one greatly enjoyed by the under
class members of the sorority.
Paints and Oils, Gering &. Co.
The Athletics of this city, armed
with their trusty war clubs, yesterday
motored out tc our neighboring town
of Cedar Creek and attempted to take
away the base ball game from the ag
gregation of that city, but in this they
were worsted by a score of 10 to 9,
and returned home well pleased with
the trip, although defeated.
The boys from this city made a
good showing against the Cedar Creek
team, which is a pretty fast organiza
tion, and as good as can be found in
any of the small towns of the county.
For the Athletics Vern Long done the
tossing; and throughout did very good
service and retired a number of the
husky Cedar Creek boys by the strike
out route. One of the stars for the
Plattsmouth bunch was C. Dalton, who
filled the position at the second sack,
as he was in rare form in his batting,
as well as base running, and was able
to secure a home run and added two
scores to the list of the Athletics by
his excellent base running. Frank
Marshall, the star first baseman and
.400 hitter, was out of the game yes
terday, due to an injured arm, and his
place was filled in good shape by Clar
ence Mason. A. Hula was one of the
most successful run producers for the
Athletics, as he was able, through his
hitting to score a number of his team
mates. J. Wolff, the veteran catcher,
was the star for the Cedar Creek ag
gregation, and in his work was ably
assisted by Keil, the mound artist of
the team, who was in the best of form.
C. .Hadraba. the right fielder of the
Plattsmouth team, was the bright star
of the entire game, as he made a very
sensational play when, with three men
on bases, he caught a fly in right field
and by his peg home saved the Ath
letics from being scored on. Those
in the lineup were:
Cedar Creek Wolff, catch; Keil,
pitch; Ralph Meisinger, center field;
Salsburg-, second base; W. Schneider,
shortstop; L. Schneider, left field; P.
Meisinger, third base; R. Meisinger,
first base; Busche, right field.
Athletics Briggs, catch; Long,
pitch; Hula, center field; Dalton, sec
ond base; Grassman, shortstop; Had
raba, left field; Noble, third base; Ma
son, first base; Hasson, right field.
'ainU and Oils, Gering & Co.
Local Mews
From Friday'? Pal! v.
M. Tritsrh, refi acting optician, at
Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat
trday evenings. Examination free.
George Adams returned home last
evening on No. 2 from Western, Ne
braska, where he has been visiting at
the home of his parents in that place.
W. J. Philpot of near Nehawka
came in this morning from his home,
accompanied by his wife and son and
Wilson Gilmore, and will visit here for
a few hours.
Mrs. Joe Wales was among; the pas
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where she will visit for a few hours,
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Dr. 'J. F. Brendel. Ed Tutt and W.
G. Boedeker motored up this morning
from their home at Murray to i.--it
for a few hours with friends and look
after some matters of business.
Mrs. Stef Steffin and children who
have been here visiting at the home
of the parents of Mrs. Steffin. Mr. and
Mrs. William Weber, departed this
morning for their home in South
Jacob Beuchler and daughter, Miss
Emma, were among the passengers
this morning for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day with their
daughter and sister, Mrs. Gregory, at
the hospital.
Mr?. J. E. Wiles and Mrs. Luke L.
Wiles were among those going- to
Omaha this morning on the early
Burlington train, where they will
visit for a few hours with friends,
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Frrrn Saturday's PaP'.
Miss Florence Richardson came in
this afternoon on No. 24 and will
visit over Sunday with her parents at
Philip Horn of the vicinity of Cedar
Creek was a visitor in the city today
for a few hours looking after some
trading with the merchants.
Adam Kafferberger of near Cedar
Creek was in the city for a few hours
today attending to some matters of
business with the merchants.
Mrs. Nellie Agnew came in yester
day on No. 2 from her home in Lin
coln and will visit here for a few
days with relatives in this city.
Mrs. Major A. Hall and daughter.
Miss Elizabeth, were among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
they will spend the day looking after
some matters of business.
Paints and Oils, Gering &. Co.
Will Warga, wife and little daugh
ter were among the passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they will
visit for a few hours, looking after
some matters of business in that city.
Mrs. Mary Allison and daughter,
Mrs. Charles S. Stone, were among
the passengers for Omaha this morn
ing, where they will visit for a few
hours looking after some matters of
Mrs. John Carmack and son, John
Carl, were among those going to
Omaha this afternoon. The Carmack
family are now engaged in moving
from Iowa City, Iowa, to Omaha to
make their home.
Miss Irene Hartwick was among
those going to Omaha on the early
Burlington train this morning:, where
she will visit for a few hours with
friends, as well as looking after some
matters of business.
Thomas Patterson, who has been
here visiting for the past week with
his cousins in this city, departed on
No. f this morning- for his home at
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He has just
returned from California, where he
had been visiting the exposition.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
Eli Eaton and son, D. E. Eaton, and
Willie Eaton, of the vicinity of Union,
motored to this city this morning to
attend to some important business
matters. They gave this office a very
pleasant call. They reported the drive
to this city as being rather a cool one
for this time of the year.
Mrs. E. F. Fox of Waterloo, Iowa,
who was called to this city by the
tragic death of her niece, Baby Stein
haus, last Saturday, and who has been
visiting the past week with her sis
ter, Mrs. E. F. Steinhaus, at Louis
ville, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Haynie, returned home this
Mrs. J. W. Haynie, who has been at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. F.
Steinhaus, at Louisville since the ter
rible automobile accident last Satur
day, returned home yesterday, bring
ing her .daughter and little grand
daughter with her. Mrs. Haynie re
ports Mrs. Steinhaus as getting; along
very satisfactorily. although the
wound on her hand is still quite pain
ful. C. II. Vallery and wife were among
the visitors in this city Saturday for
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is done light.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-class material and workmanship and we etand
back of it.
Come in and See
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street.
Concrete Construction Co.,
a few hours looking after some
Charles Patterson returned this
morning to his home at Arapahoe, af
ter a few days' visit here with rela
tives and friends.
John Jenkins and Cameron Cathey
motored up last evening from their
homes at Murray to visit for a few
hours here with friends.
Roy Younker, wife and babe re
turned home last vening from an
over Sunday visit at the home of Mrs
Younker's parents, near Union.
L. A. .Meisinger and wile were
among the visitors in the city Satur
dav for a few hours looking after
some trading with the merchants.
Frank Ballance returned to Glen
wood this morning on No. 0, after an
over Sunday visit here with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ballance.
II. C. Schmidt, the assessor of Elm-
wood precinct, came in this morning
from his home at Murdock, bringing
in his returns to the county assessor.
F. J. Ilennings drove in this morn
ing from his home in Eight Mile
Grove precinct to take John Vondran,
the painter, out to his home to do
some w'ork.
Mr. and Mrs. li. E. Foster and chil
dren of Union motored to this city
yesterday and spent the day with Mrs.
Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G
Larson, and family.
Paul McBride returned home last
evening to South Omaha, after a
week's visit here with his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Johnson, and
his old friends in this city. .
Mrs. W. A. Swearingen of Omaha
was an over Sunday visitor in this
city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
M. Patterson, returning this morning
to her home in the metropolis.
Miss Alice Erinkman was a pas
senger this morning for Glenwood to
resume her duties there, after an over
Sunday visit in this city with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brinkman.
August Pautsch of near Manley,
the assessor of Center precinct, came
in this morning to make his returns.
While in the city Mr. Tautsch was a
pleasant caller at the Journal office.
F. W. Young of Union came up to
this city this morning on the early
morning train to attend to some im
portant business matters at the court
house. He was a pleasant caller at
this office.
F. R. Gobelman and wife motored
over to Sidney, Iowa, yesterday to
visit for a short time with the par
ents of Mrs. Gobelman. Miss Lovy
Hiatt, a sister of Mrs. Gobelman, ac
companied them home to visit for a
short time with her grandmother,
Mrs. Ivan White, at Rock Bluffs.
Carter Albin was a passenger this
morning for Omaha, where he will se
cure his little son, who has been at
St. Joseph's hospital for the past few
weeks receiving medical treatment.
Mrs. Albin, who has been with her
son at the hospital, will accompany
them home.
Best Thing for a Bilious Attack.
"On account of my confinement in
the printing office I have for years
been a chronic sufferer from indiges
tion and liver trouble. A few weeks
ago I had an attack that was so severe
that I was not able to go to the case
for two days. Failing to get any re
lief from any other treatment, I took
three of Chamberlain's Tablets and
the next day I felt like a new man,"
WTites H. C. Bailey, Editor Carolina
News, Chapin, S. C. Obtainable
Have you seen Dovey's
all silk
Ladies' Hose at f0c?
- - Ncbraska
Many Plattsmouth People Have a
Weak Part and Too Often
It's the Back.
Many people have a weak spot.
Too often it's a bad back.
Twinges follow every sudden twist.
Dull aching keeps up day and night.
Backache is often from weak kid
neys. In such case a kidney medicine is
Dean's Kidney Pills are for weak
l or backache and urinary ills.
Plattsmouth people recommend the
Mrs. F. S. Erinkman, Eleventh and
Pearl streets, Plattsmouth, says:
For several years I was bothered by
my kidneys and my back often pained
intensely. Headaches and dizzy spells
bothered me and my sight became
so badly affected that I couldn't read.
I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at
Gering & Co.'s Drug Store and in a
short time they helped me in every
way. I am never without Doan's Kid
ney Pills on hand."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Brinkman had.
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Strayed or Stolen.
One black mare, 3 years old, white
star in face, and one sorrel horse, 9
years old, with white star in face.
Strayed or stolen from my home. Any
information will be liberally rewarded
by the owner. Telephone Plattsmouth
3311. John True.
A real bargain in 9x12 Wool Fibre
Rugs at only ?9.00.
E. G. Dovey & Son.
HAIL Insurance!
Numerous Hail
Storms Predicted
Grain Selling at
a High Figure
Condition of Crop
Extra Good
Why Not Insure
If your crop is not damaged by
Hail you can afford to pay the insur
ance premium.
If your crop is destroyed by Hail,
how nice to collect from the Insur
ance company.
Hail Insurance.
Tornado Insurance.
Automobile Insurance.
Fire Insurance.
Farms and City Real Estate for Sale.
5 Ptr Cent Farm Loans.
Buick Cars.
Tel. No. 1. Office Telephone Bldg.
Plattsmouth, Neb.