The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 19, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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After 3 p. in. Friday and 2 p. m. Saturday, we will give FREE TWO
REAUTIFUL GOLD FISH and a globe to every purchaser of one of tlje fol
lowing articles:
Rexall Tooth Paste 25c
Rexall Tooth Powder 25c
Rexall Talcum Powder 25c
We have divided the gold fish into two lots Lot So. 1 will be given' away
after :t p. m. Friday, and lot No. 2 will be given away after 2 p. m. Saturday.
Only 2 gold fish to a customer.
So orders will be accepted over the
old fish with cash purchases fish, also a few globes that we will dis-
ose of at a low price.
Al Wallinger is having his country
home fitted up with a water works
system, and will have it modern.
Miss LH'.ie Hoffman departed Wed
nesday morning: fcr I'lainview, Neb.,
near which place she expects to spend
the summer with her brother, John.
Reynolds DelesDemier moved from
the Bickert property the latter part
of last week to the hotel, where Mrs.
DelesDemier will have charge of the
cooking1 department.
John Woods and daughter, Grace,
left on Thursday for Hot Springs and
will make an extended visit there.
They will also visit various points in
Ohio before returning,- home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenow of
i ear Muvaock are rejoicing because
of the ar :val of a line baby boy at
their home on last Saturday. The lit
tle fellow weighed ten pounds.
M. L. Gollaher departed Saturday
for Colorado Springs, Colo., to visit
his wife, who has been there for some
time in the interest of her health. The
many friends of Mrs. Gollaher will be
painted to learn that she has not im
proved very much.
Miss Lottie Lean returned Wednes
day morning to Lir.coln to resume her
studies at the state university after
a few days' enforced absence on ac
count of an affection of her throat.
She was accompanied by her brother,
Roy Lean, who returned on the late
Attorney William DelesDemier re
turned Thursday morning from a visit
to his daughter (more particularly his
new granddaughter) at Manilla, Iowa.
Mr. DelesDemier was in Omaha Tues
day on legal business, when he decided
on a surprise visit to William Penter
man and family in the Iowa town. He
found them well and doing nicely.
The senior class of the Hi?h school
ai.nounce that they have been suc
cessful in securing Chancellor C. A.
I-ulmer of Weslyn university to de
liver the commenceTient address this
year. This is good news to all, as he
is one of the best school men in the
state and has a splendid reputation as
a commencement orator.
Misses Butler and Wright visited
their parents at University Place
over Sunday.
Mike Trietsch of Plattsmcuth was
in town Tuesday shaking hands with
old-time friends.
Mrs. C. F. Rathbun and daughter,
Dora, visited Mrs. J. O. McClain at
Lincoln a few days this week.
Mrs. John Schlater and Mrs. Jacob
Reichart went to Shellrock, Iowa, last
Thursday morning. They will be ac
companied home by their mother, Mrs.
Rannat. who will make an extended
No gold fish from lot So. 2 will be given
awav until after 2 p. m. Saturday.
We will have
Fricke l Co.
Gust Rutenbeck, chief deputy game
w( , den, was in Louisville, Friday in
vestigating the dynamiting of fish
ponds. It is said that he picked up
some evidence that is liable to put
some people in a very bad light ere
Melvin Schleifert had the misfor
tune to badly injure one of his fingers
the other day by getting it caught
in the seeder while sowing oats. The
finger was badly mashed and the nail
was torn off, causing him a great deal
of pain.
The friends of Mrs. Frank Matzke
will regret to learn that she was
taken back to Omaha to the hospital
Friday, as she has not been improving
since her recent operation as well as
could be hoped. She was accompanied
by her husband and her mother, Mrs.
Frank Wheeler.
James Ingrim is here from the Par
mele ranch near Broken Bow. Jim
wears the same old-time smile and
pays his friends the same com
compliments as in the good old days
when he played ball with the oid
Louisville Blues. It always seems
good to see Jim's face, if it is a
homely one.
Nearly all of the oats in this sec
tion are in, the winter wheat is all
rolled, and farmers are now bending
all their energies towards getting
their corn ground ready for planting.
A great deal of home-grown seed
corn will be used this year, most of
the corn last year being of a good
quality and having matured properly.
John Domingo has been very sick
with bowel trouble the last week, but
is decidedly improved as we go to
The story visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Noell Saturday, April
10, and left a fine daughter to glad
den their home.
Rev. W. M. Elledge was called to
Wellington, Kansas, Wednesday to
preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. J.
T . Herrick, one of his former
Mrs. D. E. Jones is suffering from
a broken rib. While cutting kindling
last week a board flew up and struck
her, causing the fracture.
Frank Anderson, proprietor of the
Weeping Water Stone Co., shipped
seven cars of crushed stone Monday.
He is keeping a force of t'crty men
busy at the quarry now.
Mrs. J. W. Swindle went to Omaha
Monday to meet her daughter, Miss
Estelle, who was returning from Le
wellen. Neb., where she has been
teaching school the past year.
George Timblin and son, Ferg, left
Saturday for their new home in the
northwest part of the state. His son,
Joe, left with the car Friday night.
Mrs. Timblin and her daughter will
go later. They are all on the sick
list this week.
News has been received here that
Miss Opal Lewton, who has been
teaching at Shelby, has received a
.?..?.... ....TT
an assortment of larger
position in one of the Lincoln school?
for next year. Miss Lewton will
close her fourth successful year at
Shelby and was wanted for another
Richard Cromwell and bride ar
rived from North Carolina on the aft
ernoon train today (Thursday). The
happy couple were married at Eden
ton, N. C, the bride's home city, on
April 8th, and are on their wedding
tour and a visit at the home of the I
groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
Cromwell, of this city, where the
groom grew to manhood. Richard is
one of the faculty at the agricultural
experiment station at West Raleigh,
N. C.
4 I
Mrs. Ida Applegate returned on
Tuesday from Lincoln, where she had
been visiting her sisters, Mrs. Hale
and Mrs. Baker.
W. B. Banning went to Lincoln Sat
urday morning to participate in a
meeting of Shriners that was held
there that evening.
J. C. Sherwood arrived home from
Coleridge last Saturday, where he had
been making a cisit with his daugh
ter, Mrs. Virgil E. Rose and family.
Mrs. Nancy McNamee departed on
Tuesday morning for Brush, Colorado,
where she will spend some time visit
ing her son, Charley McNamee, and
her daughter. Mrs. A. R. Eikenbary,
and their families.
Lee Faris went to Lincoln on the
Tuesday evening trarin to visit his
wife, who has been in a hospital in
that city the past few weeks. It is
with great pleasure that Mrs. Faris'
many friends learn that her condition
has been improving.
John Thomason of Murray was in
town Tuesday evening, returning
home from Lincoln, where he has
been attending to the building of a
nice new- residence, and he and his
wife will move to that city as soon
as it is completed.
The "finishing touches" on the new
electric light plant have been delayed
a few days on account of some little
apparatus being broken in shipping.
The most reliable "dope" we can
obtain is that the lights will be turn
ed on tonight.
Mrs. Thede Frans and Mrs. Perry
Dukes went on the Monday afternoon
tiain to Omaha to bring home little
Peter Reberoy, who has been in a
hospital for treatment. We are pleas
ed to report that the boy has almost
recovered, and of course his parents
rejoice at the result.
L. Roy Upton and D. Ray Frans
were a pair of disappointed Masons
last Saturday, just because a train
happened to be a few hours behind
schedule time. They had planned to
participate in a Shriner banquet in
Lincoln that evening, and had put on
their "loudest rags" at 2:30 to go on
the afternoon train, but lacked forty
eight and one-half miles of going, for
the train arrived here just when they
ought to have been eating soup in
in Lincoln. Disgusted ? Some.
Local News
From Friday's Dally.
Philip Stoehr of Cedar Creek was
attending to business matters in this
city today.
Attorney W. C. Ramsey of Omaha
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some legal matters.
Mrs. Fred Haffke came in this
morning fiom her home, west of this
city, and was a passenger on the early
Burlington train for Omaha.
Attorney William DelesDemier of
Elmwood came in this afternoon to
spend a few hours here looking after
some legal matters.
Mrs. John Gradoville departed this
morning on No. 15 for Omaha, where
ihe will visit for a few hours looking
fter some matters of business.
Philip and Adam Stoehr of the vi
cinity of Cedar Creek were in the city
tc day looking after some trading with
the merchants for a few hours. "
Cameron Cathey and M. G. Church
ill autoed up this morning from their
home at Murray to spend a few hours
here looking after some business mat
ters. Henry Hirz. jr., wife and little
daughter, Helen, were amonjr those
going to Omaha this morning, where
they will visit for the day with
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster and chil
dren of Union motored up to this city
yesterday afternoon for a short visit
at the home of Mrs. Foster's parents,
Mr. ami Mrs. L. G. Larson.
Mrs. Oscar Larson of Randall,
Kansas, arrived last evening on No.
14 and will enjoy .a short visit here
with her sister, Mrs. C. S. Johnson,
end other relatives and friends.
Joe Lawrence, a young lad who has
been making his home with Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Taylor, south of this city,
departed this morning for Omaha,
where he will have his eyes treated.
C. E. Metzger, W. F. Gillespie, Nel
son Jean and A. S. Will motored to
Omaha this morning, where they will
attend the meeting of the grain deal
ers that is being held in that city.
Mrs. Henry Born and children and
Mrs. Ed Tritsch and daughter were
among those going to Omaha this
morning, where they will visit for the
day and look after some matters of
Mrs. Mary McIIugh of Falls City,
who has been here visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Thorn. Walling and
family, for a few days, departed yes
terday afternoon for her home at the
Richardson county capital.
Mrs. Jacob Domingo and (laughter,
Mrs. S. Ray Smith, and. son. Frank
Domingo, came over last evening from
their home at Weeping Water and
were passengers this morning for
Omaha, where they will visit for the
Dr. C. A. Marshall departed Thurs
day morning for San Monica, Cali
fornia, where he will join his wife in
a visit there at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Everett Eaton and
family. He will be gone some six
Bruce A. Rosencrans returned home
this morning from Council Bluffs,
where he was in attendance last even
ing at the performance of "The
Knights of the Full Moon." an or
ganization of the business men of
that citj
From Friday' Daily.
R. C. Harshman and wife of near
Avoca Fpent a short time here Friday
evening, having driven up in their
Fred and Alvin Ramge drove in this
morning from their farm home to
look after some trading with the mer
chants. P. A. Horn and wife drove in this
morning from their home near Cedar
Ceek to look after some matters of
Miss Ruth Cline came up from
Union this morning to take an ex
amination at the couiitv suoermtend-
ent's office.
W. F. Gillespie of Mynard came up
this afternoon to look after some mat
ters of business, as well as to visit
with his friends.
Miss Beulah Sans of near Murray
was here today for a few hours at
tending the teachers' examination at
the court house.
J. W. Stones of Mynard was at
tending to some business matters in
this city today and was a pleasant'
caller at this office.
Father M. A. Shine departed this
morning for Omaha, where he will
spend a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
C. H. Cobb was among those going
to Omaha this morning, where they
will visit for the day looking after
some matters of business.
C. C. and J. A. Hennings of the vi
cinity of Cedar Creek were here to
day looking after some matters of
business with the merchants.
Adam Kaffenberger was among the
i aimer visitors in the city t'idjy from
the vicinity of Cedar Creek to look af
ter some trading v;th the m. "chants.
Dallas Gibson came in this after
noon from his '.'O'-i . at Missouri Val
ley, Iowa, to her? at the home f
his mother, Mi . II. C. YaiHorr. ami
W. T. Adams and little son departed
this morning for Omaha, where they
will visit for a few hours with friends
and in looking after some matters of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heil, jr., and
daughter, Edna, and son, (jllen. of
Eight Mile Grove motored to this city
yesterday for a short visit with
friends and to attend to business
Lester Barcus and wife, departed
this morning on the early Burlington
tiain for Council Bluffs, Iowa, where
they will visit over Sunday with
friends. (
Louis Kirschenblatt departed this
afternoon for Pagosa Springs, Colo
rado, where he will enter on a home
stead, and expects to make his home
there for the present at least.
F. I'. Schultz and wife were among
the passengers this afternoon for
Omaha, where they will isit for a
few hours and meet Miss Janet
Brantner of Pender, who is coming
here for a short visit.
J. E. McCarroll and daughter?,
Misses Angie and Fannie, and Miss
Vivian Everett, of Union, motored to
this city today, the young ladies com
ing up to take the examination at the
county superintendent's office.
Frt-m Monday's J.aily.
Mrs. William ILggins of Manlcy
came in Saturday and will be the
guest of friends here for a few days.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water came in last evening to be
present this morning at the session of
the district court.
Marshal C. M. Seybert of Louis
ville was a visitor in this city today
for a few hours, looking after some
natters in the district court.
Dean Cummins was an over Sunday
isitor in this city with relatives and
friends, returning home this morning
on the early Burlington train.
Vv". H. Venner of near Mynard was
in the city today for a few hours,
looking after some business matters,
driving in from his farm home.
Peter Meisinger and wife of near
Cedar ("reek came in this morning
from their home to be present at the
fur.eral of Mrs. J. M. Meisinger.
Attorney C. S. Aldric-h of Elm
wond was among the visitors in the
city today, looking after some matters
in the district court for a few hours.
Adam Hild came in this morning
from his home west of Mynard to at
tend the funeral of the late Mrs. J. M.
Meisinger, which was held this morn-
Ed Rumrr.ell came in this morning
from his farm home near this city
and spent the day hsre looking after
some business matters with the mer
chants. Malcolm Pollard cf near Nehawka
came in last evening to attend the
session of the district court, where he
will serve as a member of the jury
Carter Albin of the vicinity of
Union drove up this morning from his
faim home to spend a few hours look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants. J. D. Bramblett of near Union came
up this morning from his home to be
on hand at the opening of district
court, being a member of the jury
Frank Wheeler, a former resident
of this city, but at present residing at
Louisville, came in this morning to
look after some matters in the dis
trict court.
Mrs. S. G. Smith was among those
journeying to Omaha this morning,
where she will visit for the day in
that city and look after some matters
of business.
. C. F. Eeihart of Louisville came in
this morning from his home to be
present at the opening session of the
district court, being a member of the
jury panel.
George Reitter, Louis Hanson and
August Lau came in this morning
from their home1 in the west portion
of the county to attend the naturaliza
tion hearing in the district court.
E. B. Taylor, one of the prominent
residents of Weeping Water, motored
up this morning from his home to
spend a short time here looking after
some matters in the county court.
Miss Janet Brantner came in Sat
urday from her home at Pender, Ne
braska, for a visit here with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Cory, and other relatives and friends.
Simon Clark and wife spent Sunday
at Cedar Creek at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Robert Stivers and
family, returning home this morning,
accompanied by their little grand
daughter. Forest Rose Flour. Every sack
guaranteed. Try a sack today.
Concretes,Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is dune rifUit.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to jmt
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-class material and workmanship and we stand
back of it.
Come in (and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street.
Concrete Construction Co.,
Plattsmouth, -
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Peter Keil, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings w ill
be had upon claims liled against said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the Sth day of May, 1 ;.";",
and on the 9th day of November, 191".
at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour .f
Witness my hand and saal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 7th day of April, 1915.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Archi
bald M. Holmes, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 10th day of May, 1915,
and on the 10th day of November,
l'J15. at 10 o'clock a. m., each day for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of April, 1915.
County Judge.
Liu) oit i.n i;si:
Notice Is hereby piven to all persons
interested anil to Hie public that the
nndersitrned. J. L. Kussell. has niea
his petition anil application in the office
of the citv clerk of the City of Platts
moutli. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, os renuired by law, Fipned
l.v the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, settinir
forth that the npplieunt is a man of
respectable character and standing anu
a resident or the Stale oi .-seurasKa anu
nrnvinir tlmt a license may be issued
to the said J. L. lius.sell for the sale of
niait. sj.iritunu and vinous liquors Tor
the period of one year from the date
of the heannsr or said application in
a buildintc situated on the west half
(w'iji of lot live .). m block thirty
four c:-n, in the Fourth -ward of the
said Citv of Plattsmouth. N'ehrjrska.
.April 8, 1915. .Applicant.
In the Matter of the Application of
Henry II. Wiedeman for Liquor
This is to certify that Henry II
Wiedeman, of the Village of Green
wood, Cass County, Nebraska, filed a
petition in the office of the village
clerk on April 13, 1915, as required
by the statutes of the State of Ne
braska and the ordinances of the Vil
lage of Greenwood, to sell malt,
spirituous and1 vinous liquors for the
coming municipal year, in the build
ing situated on lot No. 277, fronting
on Second street, in said village.
Village Clerk.
April 13, 1915.
S. C. Rhode Island Red.
Eggs for hatching. Farmer prVe,
75c for 15 at home, or $1.00 for 15 by
express. -
Duroc -Jersey swine for sale at all
times. The very best strains.
See me at Mynard or call Platts
mouth 'Phone 2221.
W. B. Porter.
roi ti of c . i:imK.
In the matter of the estate of Jielilali
Sill wab. deceased:
Notice of l-'iiinl -llritieiit.
Notice is hereby (riven to n;l prori
interested that on the :n it
March. A. I '.. 151.".. Charles I '..
as the executor of the last
lestameiit of !elilah Schwab,
tiled his petition in this court
l.iv of
S lin g b,
will n ll'l
dei '! M-i I,
. I h-
er with his linal ;i i-.iii n t . avKint;
the same be approved and allowed, and
that the residue ill his baud be distri
buted to such persons as it re by hi w
entitled thereto, and alleges that the
only heirs and lecatees of said deceas
ed are as follows: .ltd n Schwab,
Sarah M. Mason, Samuel Schwab,
.lames Schwab, Charles '.. S.-hWHb,
anil the heirs of a deceased son. An
drew Schwab, F.lla Schwab. I; is widow,
and Nellie Schwab und Xena Schwab
That a hearinsr will be heard upon
the a I leirat ions of said petition and
upon saiii final account at the ottice of
the c.mnty .Indue, in the Court House,
iit J'lattsmouHi. Cass County. Nebras
ka, on the i'tith. day of April. A J ..
ISIT,. at ten o'clock. A. M .. and if no
objections or exceptions thereto is tile.I
bi said
time the in aver or siml
be (minted.
petition will
I ';i led this"..
I'Htli dav of M.irch, A. .,
i'.v Ihe Court.
ALLKX .1. i:i:i:s
Couiitv .Inline.
:.WI.S AL- T:ni:i:i:TSii., Attorneys.
IN Till: (IIIM V ( III HT OF Till:
OI T of . m:iikka.
In the matter of the estate of ilarvcy
1 . Travis, deceased:
Notice is liereby Kiveti to nil persons
interested in the estate of llnrxey I .
Travis, deceased, that on the JMh day
of March. A. I'., Karl K. Travi.
a dm in 1st ra t or of sii id est a t e nu-il his i -tition
asking for the approval of his '
;il account and ass itrtiment of the residue
of s:iid estate to such persons as are
by law ent it led i t hereto, and alleain-r
that, he had no funils in his hand", or
no property subject to Ihe iiayineiii of
the debts with which to pay t lie claims
allowed atrainst said estate.
You are fureher notified that a henr
insr will be had on saiil petition on the
"titli day of April, A. 1 .. al ten
o'clock A. M., and if no objections or
exceptions thereto be tiled before said
time, the prayer of said petition will
be granted.
liated this Slst day of March, A. 1 ..
1 '. 1 . Itv the Court.
AUKX .1. l'.KKSoN.
Count v .Iud:e.
I1AWI.S & l:OP.KUTS N, Attorneys.
State of Nebraska,
Cass Coiintv.
In the matter of the estate of Agatha
Stull, deceased:
Notice is hereby plven that tli credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministrator of said estate before the
County JuOpe of Cass county, Nebras
ka, at the county court room in the
city or l'lattsmouth. in said countv on
the 2nd dav of April, IPl'i and the T.rd
of September, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m..
each day, for the purpose of present Intr
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed fofthe cred
itors of the said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate from
the 2nd day of March, 1H15.
Witness my hand and the eal of paid
County Court at IMattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this 2-jth dav of Febrnnrv. 1H1."..
County Jhdge.
D. O. DWYER. Attorney.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Gus F. Mohr, has filed
his petition and application with the
village clerk of the village of Avoca,
County of Cass, and State of Ne
braska, as required by law, signed by
the required number of resilient free
holders of the said village, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing
and a resident of the State of Ne
braska, and praying that a license may
be issued to the said Gus F. Mohr for
the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the municipal year ending
May 2, 1916, at his place of business,
situated on the west two-thirds of lot
five (5), in block thirteen (13), in said
village of Avoca, Nebraska.
April 12, 3915.
GUS MOHR, Applicant.
Louis Obenrouch will take notice
that on the 31st day of March, 1915,
M. Archer, a justice of the peace, of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for the
sum of $40.00, in an action pending
before him, wherein Adolph Wesch is
plaintiff, and Louis Obenrouch is de
fendant, and that property of the de
fendant, consisting of one-quarter of
beef, one meat rack, one roll of paper
and one smoke house, has been at
tached under said order. Said cause
was continued to the 17th day of May,
1915, at 9 o'clock a. m.
ADOLPH WESCH, Tlaintiff.
4-wk s-wkl y